人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection 学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection 学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 22.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-25 17:16:39



第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
1.___________ n. 排放物;散发物__________ vt. 发出;射出;散发(光、热);排放
2.________ vi. & vt. (使)挨饿;饿死____________ n. 挨饿;饿死
3.__________n.生态;生态学_________ n 生态学家;生态保护论者_________adj. 生态的;生态学的;4._______________ adj. 适合居住__________ n. (动植物的)生活环境;栖息地habit n. 习惯;习性
5.___________ vt. 维持;遭受;承受住_________adj. 可持续的;合理利用的
6.________________ adj. 全部的;所有的;详尽的________________adv. 完全地;彻底地
7.____________adv. 频繁地;经常_________ n. 发生率;重复率;(声波或电磁波振动的)频率
8._________ n. 政策;方针______ n. 政治;政治观点________ adj. 政治的________ n. 政客;政治家
9.___________ vt. 限制;限定;束缚_________n. 限制规定;约束_________ adj. 限制性的;约束的
10.___________ vt. 使生效;贯彻;执行____________ n. 贯彻;执行;实施
11.__________ adj. 和谐的___________ n. 和谐
12.__________ adj. 适度的;中等的;温和的vi. &vt. 缓和;使适中_________ n. 适度;合理
13.___________ vt. &vi. 提交;呈递;屈服_____________n. 提交;呈递;屈服
14.___________adj. 每年的;一年的 n. 年刊;年鉴_________ adv. 每年地;一年一度地
15.____________vi. & vt. 起源;发源;创立__________ n. 起源;起因;出身_________ adj. 原来的;独创的;原作的n. 原件;原作____________ adv. 原先;最初______________ n. 独创性
16.______________ vt. 恢复;使复原;修复__________ n. 恢复;使复原;修复
17._____________n.保护_____________ vt. 保护;保存;节省;节约_________ adj. 保守的;守旧的
18._____________ n. 章程;规章制度__________ vt. 约束;控制;管理
19._______________ n. 去掉;清除;处理__________vt. 去掉;清楚;处理
20._______________n. 检查;查看;_____________vt. 检查;查看;视察
21._____________ vt. 忍受;包容;容许_____________ n. 忍受;包容;容许;忍耐力______________adj. 忍受的;容忍的;宽容的;
Let me illustrate the point with some very, very simple (图表).
It is clear that the U.S. will meet its (排放) goals.
The government has pledged to clean up industrial (排放物).
The republic is a (融化) pot of different nationalities.
Water ice could (融化) and purified for drinking.
What shocked the scientists was that the (海豹) (挨饿)to death because it couldn’t find enough food.
Diseases often follow on (饿死)because the body is weakened.
Oil pollution could damage the fragile (生态) of the coral reefs.
These statistics are important from an (生态) point of view.
Big trees are incredibly important (生态).
(放开)the dog.It has been chained up for hours.
On the peak,she burst into tears, (释放)all her emotions.
The heat is (释放) back into space at longer wave lengths.
(二氧化碳) and (甲烷) in the atmosphere block
the escape of heat into space.
Without this process,Earth could not (维持)life.
The program aims to create inventive, (维持)food systems through open-source technology.
The house should be (适宜居住的) by the new year.
The electricity industry consumes large amounts of (化石燃料).
The idea was to create a (综合的) road map of the Web.
They were (综合地) beaten in the final.
Your reading speed and (理解) are tested during this exercise.
The story has attracted (世界各地) attention.
Our products are now traded (世界各地).
There is a growing (趋势)towards earlier retirement.
Buses run (频繁地) between the city and the airport.
She's a (频繁的) visitor to the US.
It has a high density of active volcanoes, and a high (频率) of
volcanic eruptions.
I listen to the sports news (广播)on the radio station every day.
The company has adopted a firm (政策) on shoplifting.
The central government has made a series of agricultural (政策)to encourage farmers to work on the land.
His (足迹)were clearly evident in the heavy dust.
The function also has a very low memory (空间量).
I (限制)myself to smoking two cigarettes a day.
Speed (限制)to 30 mph in towns.
The swimming club is open to families in the neighborhood without (限制).
We must (抓住)all opportunities to celebrate development.
It is our responsibility (抓住) every opportunity to educate everyone about global warming.
Only by (抓住)every minute can finish the object on time.
The topography of the river's (流域) has changed significantly since the floods.
Water dripped into a (盆)at the back of the room.
Thousands of (企鹅) have already died from a shortage of krill.
The law needs to (改革).
He has promised to (改革).
The president gave his full support to these (改革).
Only when we find peace in our heart can we build a ______(harmony)world.
Currently car insurance is not optional in the annual______(inspect);all the vehicles are required to register insurance.
The fire burns through_____(dozen)of homes before villagers are able to put it down.
After dealing with the art, they have a common sense of_____(harmony)music.
The exhibition was held_____(annual)to display the latest products in the field of education.
______(conserve)can be hard because it can require people to give up some conveniences.
The boss requested that all applications______(submit)by Monday.
After an inspection,the ______(inspect) must publish a report.
The new manager’s job is to ______(恢复)the company to profitability.
My parents are______(tolerate)of my choice of books on condition that I must make full use of time to study hard.
Last week, the newly-elected president______(inspect)the troops.
Ecotourism is a type of tourism that______(conserve)the environment.
Most people have come to accept the need for______(conserve)of natural resources.
Are you ______(sense)to the dangers of your position
_____(submit)by Tom,the paper was thought highly of by his professor.
1.emission n. 排放物;散发物;排放emit vt. 发出;射出;散发(光、热);排放
2.starve vi. & vt. (使)挨饿;饿死starvation n. 挨饿;饿死
3.ecology n.生态;生态学ecologist n 生态学家;生态保护论者ecological adj. 生态的;生态学的;4.habitable adj. 适合居住的habitat n. (动植物的)生活环境;栖息地habit n. 习惯;习性
5.sustain vt. 维持;遭受;承受住sustainable adj. 可持续的;合理利用的
6.comprehensive adj. 全部的;所有的;详尽的comprehensively adv. 完全地;彻底地
7.frequently adv. 频繁地;经常frequent adj. 频繁的;经常的frequency n. 发生率;重复率;(声波或电磁波振动的)频率
8.policy n. 政策;方针politics n. 政治;政治观点political adj. 政治的politician n. 政客;政治家
9.restrict vt. 限制;限定;束缚restriction n. 限制规定;约束restrictive adj. 限制性的;约束的
10.implement vt. 使生效;贯彻;执行implementation n. 贯彻;执行;实施
11.harmonious adj. 和谐的harmony n. 和谐
12.moderate adj. 适度的;中等的;温和的vi. &vt. 缓和;使适中moderation n. 适度;合理
13.submit vt. &vi. 提交;呈递;屈服submission n. 提交;呈递;屈服
14.annual adj. 每年的;一年的 n. 年刊;年鉴annually adv. 每年地;一年一度地
15.originate vi. & vt. 起源;发源;创立origin n. 起源;起因;出身original adj. 原来的;独创的;原作的n. 原件;原作originally adv. 原先;最初originality n. 独创性
16.restore vt. 恢复;使复原;修复restoration n. 恢复;使复原;修复
17.conservation n.保护conserve vt. 保护;保存;节省;节约conservative adj. 保守的;守旧的
18.regulation n. 章程;规章制度regulate vt. 约束;控制;管理
19.disposal n. 去掉;清除;处理dispose vt. 去掉;清楚;处理
20.inspection n. 检查;查看;视察inspect vt. 检查;查看;视察
21.tolerate vt. 忍受;包容;容许tolerance n. 忍受;包容;容许;忍耐力tolerant adj. 忍受的;容忍的;宽容的;
1-5 graphs emission emissions melting be melted
6-10 seal;starve starvation ecology ecological ecologically
11-15 Release releasing released Carbon dioxide;methane sustain
16-20 sustainable habitable fossil comprehensive comprehensively
21-25 comprehension worldwide worldwide trend frequently
26-30 frequent frequency broadcast policy policies
31-35 footprints footprint restrict is restricted restriction
36-40 seize to seize seizing basin basin
41-45 penguins be reformed reform reforms harmonious
46-50 inspection dozens harmonious annually conservation
51-55.(should)be submitted, inspection restore tolerant inspected
56.conserves 57conservation 58.sensitive 59.Submitted
1.were shocked 2. caused 3. to find 4. which 5. a 6. that 7. frequently 8.causing 9. restricting 10.to seize