

名称 北京市部分区2023-2024学年高三上学期期末英语汇编:七选五(含解析)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-26 10:18:13



The Science of Comfort Food
Certain foods always give us much pleasure. ___35___ However, much of the happiness we get from our favorite foods comes from the memories they bring to us and the people we’re with while we enjoy them.
___36___ That’s why our brains reward us for eating anything at all by releasing a chemical that enhances mood. But as anyone who’s ever eaten apple pie knows, sweets can make us feel especially nice. One study found that people who are especially sensitive to sweetness have stronger brain-reward responses to sugary foods than less sweet-sensitive people do.
Some foods are especially emotionally satisfying for reasons that have little to do with their taste or nutritional content, though. ___37___ And many favorite American comfort foods—chili, say—are not particularly sweet or high in carbohydrates (碳水化合物). Often we love food because we have fond memories associated with it. One dish I cannot live without at a New Year party is my mom’s Snowy Mashed Potatoes, which remind me of holiday joy and past reunions with extended family.
___38___ Sometimes you might feel sad when you eat foods that remind you of loved ones you miss. We may also avoid foods that we associate with bad experiences. I haven’t eaten cottage cheese since I was 8 years old, because it was the last thing I ate before rolling off the bed with a terrible stomachache.
In addition to past memories, the context in which we eat foods matters, too. ___39___ And our gustatory (味觉的) experiences can be heightened by “a sense of community, a sense of warmth and enjoying it together”. I appreciate my mum’s potatoes even more today when I eat them with my husband and two children.
A. Food is essential for our survival.
B. These associations can go the other way, too.
C. We desire comfort foods when we feel lonely.
D. It shapes how much we enjoy them in the moment.
E. Their taste and nutritional content affect how we feel.
F. Our memory for smell can be long-lasting and precise.
G. After all, different cultures have different comfort foods.
When was the last time you looked at something or felt something and said, “Wow” Recent studies found that a lot of people are in emotional distress. So how can you rediscover the joys in your day-to-day life and recapture that sense of childhood wonder Here’s how you can find them.
____35____ Throughout the day, stop what you are doing to listen to music, play with a toy or doodle on a piece of paper. Stretching your brain in different ways and daydreaming can stimulate your imagination.
Get creative. Whether it is playing a musical instrument, sketching, painting, modeling with clay, dancing, or writing in a journal, creative pursuits are a great place to find joy. ____36____
Turn off your phone and enjoy the silence. Technology can be a good thing and provide us with many opportunities, but it can also numb (使迟钝) us to the wows around us and be an ongoing distraction. Turn your phone off for one hour, a whole day or even an entire weekend. You could also try turning off the television, music or radio for a few minutes to give yourself some total silence. ____37____
Listen. Really listen. When was the last time you remembered everything someone said to you ____38____ Having a new-found curiosity and consideration for the other person might lead you to some surprising discoveries and take you outside of yourself.
Get out of your comfort zone. Finding opportunities where you can push yourself out of your comfort zone will also give you a better chance of finding a wow experience. ____39____ Even attempting a 5k when you are not quite ready for a marathon can really help.
A. Take a play break.
B. Change your routine.
C. This doesn’t have to mean a big, life-changing activity.
D. This can help take you back to a childlike state, in a world of wonder.
E. When talking to other people, try to be present with whoever you are with.
F. Take a minute to notice and really pay attention to where you are, what you’re doing and what’s going on around you.
G. What’s more, when you find flow in a creative activity, you might find inspiration for other areas of your life.
根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Reading is an exercise for the mind. It is good for our vocabulary and literacy skills, teaching us math or science concepts and helping us learn history. ____35____ Have you read a story and felt tears well up because of a character’s suffering If so, that is because you have empathy (共情) for the character. Empathy is a magic eye that sees into other people’s hearts and it can be learned through various fictions.
Research shows that human brains react differently to stories and facts. Many more areas of your brain light up when you’re enjoying a story, and your brain thinks you are in the story. ____36____
Empathy helps you to read people’s emotions and work out the best way to respond. This skill, called emotional intelligence (EI), can make it easier to communicate and connect with people. ____37____ One study found that people who read the Harry Potter novels, which tell stories about humans fighting against the evil, were less likely to behave unfairly towards powerless groups including refugees (难民).
_____38_____ After reading The Boy at the Back of the Class, a story about a boy who is a refugee escaping from the war, students in St Michael’s High School were inspired to do a 10-mile walk for the non-profit organization Refugee Action. Their empathy also stimulated them to raise 1,000 for people who were forced to leave their homes because of war.
Reading encourages us to empathise with others, which could potentially lead to several beneficial outcomes. Not only are we more likely to engage in helpful behaviors when we feel empathy for other people, but others are also more likely to help us when they experience empathy. _____39_____
A. Apart from those, reading has another benefit.
B. In a way, all this increases our ability to read well.
C. This theory of EI has been put into practice in schools.
D. This permits people to understand the emotions that others are feeling.
E. This means you experience the characters’ thoughts as if they were real.
F. Research shows that building this intelligence can lead to greater tolerance.
G. For society to develop, communicative and empathetic individuals really matter.
Get Comfortable Giving Honest Feedback
Should you cautiously tell a coworker she’s been mispronouncing a client’s name Or would you tell someone about the piece of vegetable left in his teeth ____35____ Recent research finds that a common cognitive error may help explain why—and that a simple approach could help overcome it.
In five experiments, study participants took part in real-time interactions in which they gave or received feedback. Those who gave feedback estimated how much the other person wanted to hear a well-intentioned criticism; receivers reported their actual desire for constructive critiques.
____36____ The miscalculation was particularly obvious when the feedback was considered rather essential for the result, as well as when those offering the information predicted that doing so would be socially uncomfortable, either for themselves or for the receiver.
The underestimation is likely due to a human tendency to ascribe (归因) different motives and desires to others than we do to ourselves, says Harvard doctoral student Nicole Abi-Esber, who authored the study. People tend to want feedback for themselves, but they underestimate how much others want it, too. ____37____
Skipping offering constructive criticism could have consequences. In one study, the subjects were asked to engage in a public-speaking contest. The feedback-givers, again, underestimated the speakers’ desire for constructive criticism. ____38____ Yet it was the speakers who heard more critical feedback that showed the most improvement.
Is it possible to overcome this and get better at giving feedback when it’s most needed ____39____“Take a second and imagine you are the other person,” Abi-Esber suggests. If you’d want feedback, it’s likely the other person feels the same—and might even be grateful that you took the time to speak up.
A. They chose to give them praises instead.
B. A quick role-exchanging exercise could move the needle.
C. It can also help identify potential problems before they occur.
D. The reason is that they’re not putting themselves in the other person’s shoes.
E. How you ask for feedback may stop you from hearing what you need to hear.
F. Many people hesitate to offer such honest criticism even when the benefits seem obvious.
G. Feedback-givers always underestimated how much others wanted to hear helpful criticism.
Flow is a cognitive (认知的) state where one is completely immersed (沉浸) in an activity — from painting and writing to yoga and surfboarding. ___35___
The process of flow was discovered and coined by the Hungarian-American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. In the 1960s, Csikszentmihalyi studied the creative process and found that, when an artist was in the course of flow, they would insist on their task strictly, regardless of hunger or exhaustion. ___36___
One of Csikszentmihalyi’s key points about flow is that a person needs to push oneself out of their comfort zone to stimulate it. Because it’s a dynamic state, one has to constantly adjust the skill level, challenge, and complexity required for the activity. ___37___ If your skill level goes beyond the activity, boredom will set in, which will break the state of flow.
___38___ One can access flow by thinking of activities like sports, dancing and painting. We can also have a flow state experience with many of our day-to-day tasks and encounters. Watching TV and video gaming, however, are not on that list.
Flow can also be a tool for better emotion regulation (调节). When a person is in a state of flow, there is little need for doubts or anxieties about oneself or the world in general. ___39___ Through the process of flow, a person chooses to focus on a task and gain a sense of autonomy over time, body, and mind.
However, pushing yourself to find the flow state can backfire. In fact, trying too hard or wondering whether you are in this state in itself goes against flow. We lose the balance between tension and skill level if we concentrate too much on the task.
A. Even the uncertainties of life fall away.
B. People may not realize it but anyone can find flow.
C. Ask yourself if a certain task will fulfill a goal of yours.
D. Flow can sometimes be viewed as a forerunner for peak performance.
E He also found that the artist would highlight the process and not the end result.
F. As you practice a skill, your level of mastery will change as will the feeling of flow.
G. It involves intense focus, creative engagement and the loss of awareness of time and self.
【答案】35. E 36. A 37. G 38. B 39. D
根据上文“Certain foods always give us much pleasure. (某些食物总是给我们带来很多快乐。)”可知,这里提到某些食物给我们带来了快乐,接下来可以解释它的原因。选项E“它们的味道和营养成分会影响我们的感受。”和上文意思一致。故选E。
根据下文“That’s why our brains reward us for eating anything at all by releasing a chemical that enhances mood. But as anyone who’s ever eaten apple pie knows, sweets can make us feel especially nice. One study found that people who are especially sensitive to sweetness have stronger brain-reward responses to sugary foods than less sweet-sensitive people do. (这就是为什么我们的大脑会通过释放一种增强情绪的化学物质来奖励我们吃任何东西。但任何吃过苹果派的人都知道,甜食会让我们感觉特别好。一项研究发现,与对甜味不太敏感的人相比,对甜味特别敏感的人对含糖食物的大脑奖励反应更强。)”可知,这一段介绍吃东西对我们的好处。选项A“食物对我们的生存至关重要。”和下文意思一致。故选A。
根据上文“Some foods are especially emotionally satisfying for reasons that have little to do with their taste or nutritional content, though. (然而,有些食物在情感上特别令人满意,原因与它们的味道或营养成分无关。)”可知,这里说明人们对不同的食物有不同的反应。选项G“毕竟,不同的文化有不同的安慰食品。”和上文意思一致。故选G。
根据下文“Sometimes you might feel sad when you eat foods that remind you of loved ones you miss. We may also avoid foods that we associate with bad experiences. I haven’t eaten cottage cheese since I was 8 years old, because it was the last thing I ate before rolling off the bed with a terrible stomachache. (有时,当你吃的食物让你想起你想念的亲人时,你可能会感到难过。我们也可能会避免吃那些与糟糕经历有关的食物。我从8岁起就没有吃过农家奶酪,因为这是我胃疼得从床上滚下来之前最后吃的东西。)”可知,这一段介绍的是有的食物会让人想到糟糕的经历,和上一段正好相反。选项B“这些关联也可以反过来。”和下文意思一致。故选B。
根据上文“In addition to past memories, the context in which we eat foods matters, too. (除了过去的记忆,我们吃食物的环境也很重要。)”可知,这里提到我们吃食物的环境也很重要,接下来要解释重要的原因。选项D“它决定了我们此刻有多喜欢它们。”和上文意思一致。故选D。
【答案】35. A 36. G 37. F 38. E 39. C
空处为小标题。根据后文“Throughout the day, stop what you are doing to listen to music, play with a toy or doodle on a piece of paper. Stretching your brain in different ways and daydreaming can stimulate your imagination.(一整天,停下手头的工作,听听音乐,玩玩玩具或在纸上涂鸦。用不同的方式伸展你的大脑,做白日梦可以激发你的想象力)”可知,本段建议要注意休息;A选项“通过玩乐来休息”符合本段主旨。故选A项。
本段小标题为“变得有创造力”,前文“Whether it is playing a musical instrument, sketching, painting, modeling with clay, dancing, or writing in a journal, creative pursuits are a great place to find joy.(无论是演奏乐器,素描,绘画,用粘土做模型,跳舞,还是写日记,创造性的追求都是找到快乐的好地方)”表明创造力是一种好方法;G选项“更重要的是,当你在创造性活动中发现心流时,你可能会在生活的其他领域找到灵感”同样表明创造力的重要性。故选G项。
前文“Turn your phone off for one hour, a whole day or even an entire weekend. You could also try turning off the television, music or radio for a few minutes to give yourself some total silence.(关掉手机一个小时,一天,甚至整个周末。你也可以试着关掉电视、音乐或收音机几分钟,让自己完全安静下来)”表明要远离电子设备;F选项“花一分钟的时间去注意你在哪里,你在做什么,你周围发生了什么”表明关掉电子设备后,应将注意力集中在自己身上,符合语境。故选F项。
前文“Listen. Really listen. When was the last time you remembered everything someone said to you (聆听。真的聆听。你上一次记得别人对你说的话是什么时候)”表示应与其它人互动,E选项“当和别人交谈时,试着和你在一起的人在一起”告诉我们如何与别人互动。故选E项。
本段小标题为“走出你的舒适区”,后文“Even attempting a 5k when you are not quite ready for a marathon can really help.(即使是在你还没准备好参加马拉松的时候尝试5公里也会有帮助)”表示小的行为也会有帮助;C选项“这并不一定意味着一个重大的,改变生活的活动”引出下文,符合语境。故选C项。
【答案】35 A 36. E 37. F 38. C 39. G
根据上文“Reading is an exercise for the mind. It is good for our vocabulary and literacy skills, teaching us math or science concepts and helping us learn history.(读书是脑力的锻炼。它对我们的词汇和读写能力有好处,教我们数学或科学概念,帮助我们学习历史)”以及后文“Have you read a story and felt tears well up because of a character’s suffering If so, that is because you have empathy (共情) for the character. Empathy is a magic eye that sees into other people’s hearts and it can be learned through various fictions.(你是否读过一个故事,因为一个人物的痛苦而热泪盈眶?如果是这样,那是因为你对这个角色共情。同理心是一只神奇的眼睛,可以看到别人的内心,它可以通过各种小说来学习)”可知,后文提到了阅读可以培养共情能力,结合上文说明了阅读对词汇和读写能力有好处可知本句是过渡句,引出后文阅读的另一个好处。故A选项“除了这些,阅读还有另一个好处”符合语境,故选A。
根据上文“Research shows that human brains react differently to stories and facts. Many more areas of your brain light up when you’re enjoying a story, and your brain thinks you are in the story.(研究表明,人类大脑对故事和事实的反应是不同的。当你在欣赏一个故事时,你的大脑会有更多的区域被激活,你的大脑会认为你就在这个故事中)”可知,上文提到欣赏故事的时候,大脑会认为你就在这个故事中,由此可知,本句是对上文的进一步解释,指出在故事之中可以体会到的情感和想法。故E选项“这意味着你可以体验到角色的想法,就好像他们是真实的一样”符合语境,故选E。
根据上文“Empathy helps you to read people’s emotions and work out the best way to respond. This skill, called emotional intelligence (EI), can make it easier to communicate and connect with people.(同理心可以帮助你读懂别人的情绪,并找出最好的回应方式。这种技能被称为情商(EI),可以让你更容易与人沟通和联系)”以及后文“One study found that people who read the Harry Potter novels, which tell stories about humans fighting against the evil, were less likely to behave unfairly towards powerless groups including refugees (难民).(一项研究发现,读过《哈利波特》系列小说的人不太可能对包括难民在内的弱势群体做出不公平的行为。《哈利波特》讲述了人类与邪恶作斗争的故事)”可知,上文提到了同理心被称为情商,有助于和人沟通和联系,后文用研究发现读过《哈利波特》系列小说的人不太可能对包括难民在内的弱势群体做出不公平的行为进行了论证,故本句指出同理心对人的积极影响。故F选项“研究表明,培养这种智力可以带来更大的容忍度”符合语境,故选F。
根据本段内容“After reading The Boy at the Back of the Class, a story about a boy who is a refugee escaping from the war, students in St Michael’s High School were inspired to do a 10-mile walk for the non-profit organization Refugee Action. Their empathy also stimulated them to raise 1,000 for people who were forced to leave their homes because of war.(在阅读了《教室后面的男孩》后,圣迈克尔高中的学生受到启发,为非营利组织“难民行动”进行了10英里的步行活动。这本书讲述了一个逃离战争的男孩的故事。他们的同情心也促使他们为那些因战争而被迫离开家园的人筹集了1000英镑)”可知,本段主要说明了圣迈克尔高中的学生在阅读了《教室后面的男孩》后,进行了10英里的步行活动,并且为人们筹集善款,可知同情心理论被付诸了实践。故C选项“这种情商理论已经在学校中付诸实践”符合语境,故选C。
根据上文“Reading encourages us to empathise with others, which could potentially lead to several beneficial outcomes. Not only are we more likely to engage in helpful behaviors when we feel empathy for other people, but others are also more likely to help us when they experience empathy.(阅读鼓励我们同情他人,这可能会带来一些有益的结果。当我们对他人感同身受时,我们不仅更有可能做出有益的行为,而且当他人感同身受时,他们也更有可能帮助我们)”可知,上文提到了同理心对个人的影响,本句为本段最后一句,故强调具有同理心的个人对社会发展的影响。故G选项“为了社会的发展,善于沟通和善解人意的个人真的很重要”符合语境,故选G。
【答案】35. F 36. G 37. D 38. A 39. B
根据前文的“Should you cautiously tell a coworker she’s been mispronouncing a client’s name Or would you tell someone about the piece of vegetable left in his teeth (你是否应该谨慎地告诉同事她念错了客户的名字?或者你会告诉别人他牙齿里的那块蔬菜吗?)”和后文的“Recent research finds that a common cognitive error may help explain why—and that a simple approach could help overcome it.(最近的研究发现,一种常见的认知错误可能有助于解释其中的原因,而且有一种简单的方法可以帮助克服它。)”推知,人们在指出别人错误或有不当之处时犹豫不决。F项(很多人在提出这样诚实的批评时犹豫不决,即使这样做的好处似乎很明显。)承接上文,“honest criticism”指的便是前文的两个做法,后文指出了人们提出诚实的批评的原因在于认知的错误,但有办法可以改变它,故选F项。
根据后文的“The miscalculation was particularly obvious when the feedback was considered rather essential for the result, as well as when those offering the information predicted that doing so would be socially uncomfortable, either for themselves or for the receiver.(当反馈被认为对结果至关重要时,以及当提供信息的人预测这样做会让他们自己或接受者感到社交上的不舒服时,这种误判尤其明显。)”可知,G项(给予反馈的人总是低估了别人有多想听到有益的批评。)说明了给予反馈的人的这种低估是一种误判,尤其是考虑到反馈的重要性或者让彼此不舒适时,故选G项。
空处位于段末,应承接上文。根据前文的“The underestimation is likely due to a human tendency to ascribe different motives and desires to others than we do to ourselves, says Harvard doctoral student Nicole Abi-Esber, who authored the study. People tend to want feedback for themselves, but they underestimate how much others want it, too.(这项研究的作者、哈佛大学博士生 Nicole Abi-Esber说,这种低估很可能是由于人类倾向于将不同的动机和欲望归因于他人,而不是我们自己。人们往往希望自己得到反馈,但他们低估了别人对反馈的渴望程度。)”可知,人们没有给出诚实的反馈是因为没有站在别人的角度看待问题。D项(原因是他们没有设身处地地为别人着想。)承接上文,指出了低估别人对反馈的渴望程度的原因所在,即没有站在他人的角度考虑问题,故选D项。
根据前文的“Skipping offering constructive criticism could have consequences. In one study, the subjects were asked to engage in a public-speaking contest. The feedback-givers, again, underestimated the speakers’ desire for constructive criticism.(不提供建设性的批评可能会产生不良后果。在一项研究中,研究对象被要求参加一场公开演讲比赛。反馈者再次低估了演讲者对建设性批评的渴望。)”和后文的“Yet it was the speakers who heard more critical feedback that showed the most improvement.(然而,听到更多批评反馈的演讲者表现出最大的进步。)”推知,空处应与下文呈转折关系,指出反馈者赞扬演讲者,而非提出建设性批评。A项(他们选择表扬他们。)说明了反馈者表扬的做法是低估了演讲者对建设性批评的渴望,使得这些演讲者没能得到有效的指导,从而没能取得更大的进步,因此产生了后文的结果“听到更多批评反馈的演讲者表现出最大的进步”,故选A项。
根据前文的“Is it possible to overcome this and get better at giving feedback when it’s most needed (是否有可能克服这一点,并在最需要的时候更好地提供反馈 )”和后文的““Take a second and imagine you are the other person,” Abi-Esber suggests. If you’d want feedback, it’s likely the other person feels the same—and might even be grateful that you took the time to speak up.(Abi-Esber 建议,“花点时间,把你想象成另一个人”。如果你想要得到反馈,对方很可能也有同样的感觉,甚至可能会感激你花时间说出来。)”可知,如果把自己想象成另一个人会有助于提出诚实的反馈。B项(一个快速的角色互换练习可以改变现状。)承接上文,提出了给予诚实有效的批评的具体建议,下文具体解释了角色互换练习的心理基础,故选B项。
【答案】35. G 36. E 37. F 38. B 39. A
根据上文内容“Flow is a cognitive (认知的) state where one is completely immersed (沉浸) in an activity—from painting and writing to yoga and surfboarding.(心流是一种认知状态,一个人完全沉浸在一种活动中——从绘画、写作到瑜伽和冲浪)”可知,上文主要介绍了心流的概念。选项G“It involves intense focus, creative engagement and the loss of awareness of time and self.(它包括高度集中注意力、创造性投入以及时间和自我意识的丧失)”是上文内容的自然延续,继续介绍了心流的相关内容。故选G。
根据上文内容“In the 1960s, Csikszentmihalyi studied the creative process and found that, when an artist was in the course of flow, they would insist on their task strictly, regardless of hunger or exhaustion.(20世纪60年代,Csikszentmihalyi对创作过程进行了研究,发现当艺术家处于心流状态时,他们会严格地坚持自己的任务,无论饥饿还是疲惫)”可知,上文主要介绍了Csikszentmihalyi的发现,他发现了艺术家处于心流状态时会严格坚持自己的任务。选项E“He also found that the artist would highlight the process and not the end result.(他还发现艺术家会强调过程而不是最终结果)”中的“also”延续上文内容,指的是Csikszentmihalyi还发现艺术家会强调过程,与上文内容一致。故选E。
根据上文“One of Csikszentmihalyi’s key points about flow is that a person needs to push oneself out of their comfort zone to stimulate it. Because it’s a dynamic state, one has to constantly adjust the skill level, challenge, and complexity required for the activity.(Csikszentmihalyi关于心流的关键观点之一是,一个人需要把自己从舒适区推出来刺激它。因为这是一个动态状态,一个人必须不断调整技能水平、挑战和活动所需的复杂性)”可知,心流是一种动态的状态。选项F“As you practice a skill, your level of mastery will change as will the feeling of flow.(当你练习一项技能时,你的熟练程度会随着心流的感觉而改变)”与上文内容一致,指的是练习技能时,技能的熟练程度会随着心流的感觉而变化。故选F。
空处为段首句,为本段主要内容。根据下文“One can access flow by thinking of activities like sports, dancing and painting. We can also have a flow state experience with many of our day-to-day tasks and encounters. Watching TV and video gaming, however, are not on that list.(一个人可以通过思考运动、舞蹈和绘画等活动来进入心流状态。我们也可以在许多日常任务和遭遇中获得心流状态体验。然而,看电视和玩电子游戏却不在其中)”可知,我们每个人都可以通过思考运动、舞蹈和绘画等活动来进入心流状态。选项B“People may not realize it but anyone can find flow.(人们可能没有意识到,但是任何人都可以找到心流)”与下文内容一致,指的是每个人都可以进入心流状态。故选B。
根据空前内容“Flow can also be a tool for better emotion regulation (调节) .When a person is in a state of flow, there is little need for doubts or anxieties about oneself or the world in general.(心流也可以成为更好的情绪调节工具。当一个人处于心流状态时,就很少需要对自己或整个世界产生怀疑或焦虑)”指的是心流状态可以帮助我们调节情绪。当一个人处于心流状态时,就不会对世界产生怀疑或焦虑。选项A“Even the uncertainties of life fall away.(甚至生活中的不确定性也消失了)”延续上文内容,指的仍然是心流状态可以帮助我们调节情绪。故选A