

名称 北京市部分区2023-2024学年高三上学期期末英语汇编:阅读表达(含解析)
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文件大小 45.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-26 10:19:40



Smartphones have become a big part of people’s lives. When we temporarily can’t find them, it causes a feeling of anxiety or panic. Some psychologists have called it “nomophobia”. Thankfully, I rode through the withdrawal of my smartphone and it was short-lived.
When I got my first smartphone over a decade ago, I loved it. It gave me instant access to my music, a world of information and thousands of photos and videos. But over time, I became increasingly ambivalent about its role in my life. I would repeatedly refresh my email, shop online for stuff I didn’t need and constantly scroll through the latest news. I’d often complain to my husband and to my seven-year-old son, Louis, that I felt trapped by it.
Then, one day last summer, while I was playing with Louis, I was once again distracted by dings and pings. He finally reminded me of my complaints, but rephrased them as a plea: “Mommy, just give it up already!”
I decided to try. Instead of going cold turkey — no cellphone at all — I bought a flip phone. With no touch screen, texting is time-consuming. Once, while trying to catch up on texts with a friend, I finally got frustrated and called her. I realized I hadn’t spoken to her since her big move. It made a difference to hear both the excitement in her voice as she described seeing the northern lights and her sadness in being away from a sick parent.
Nowadays, people may prefer text-based communication over using the phone because they fear that the call will be awkward. But, just as I learned, when we were forced to connect voice to voice, we would find ourselves more bonded to that person.
Wuyou Sui, an expert researching digital health, describes nomophobia as a reliance that’s been placed upon us. “Whenever something is designed to make a choice easier, it’s called a behavioural nudge,” he explains, adding that the more central to our lives the smartphone’s functions are, the more prisoned we become.
Ultimately, though, that sense of dependence is false. As I’ve found, you can do all the things you need to do in other ways. It’s not always convenient, but I know I’m much calmer on a regular basis without my smartphone.
40. What does “nomophobia” refer to
41. Why did the author decide to give up her smartphone
42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
According to the author, we will find it awkward to talk with a friend on the phone.
43. Apart from the ways mentioned in the passage, what can you do to avoid “nomophobia” (In about 40 words)
If you’ve recently taken a flight from a major UK airport, then you may have noticed that more people are protesting air travel expansion and encouraging people to fly less. This is part of a larger environmental movement sweeping across Europe. Known as Flygskam or “flight-shaming”, the movement is encouraging people to stop taking flights as a means of transport and use more environmentally friendly transportation where they can.
The aviation (航空) currently accounts for about 2% of global emissions (排放) and is one of the fastest-growing polluters. Even worse, unlike most other sources of pollution, air travel results in pollutants released high up in the atmosphere.
Earlier this year, the UK government promised to reduce the UK’s emissions to “net zero” by 2050. However, according to projections from some researchers, emissions from the aviation could more than double by then even if planes become substantially more fuel-efficient. So, it’s unclear whether flying will be included in the UK’s target.
It’s hard to say exactly how big the movement is becoming, but Flygskam has become popular in social media. The number of Swedes taking the train for domestic journeys has risen by 8% this year as plane journeys inside the country have fallen. Clearly, Flygskam is having a measurable impact on people’s transport choices. Some people, however, have been critical of the movement because they say that it places blame or feelings of embarrassment onto the passengers when it is really the airlines and industries associated with it who should feel guilty for the impact that they are having on the planet.
40. What is Flygskam
41. How does flying influence the environment
42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Flygskam has attracted social attention and some people have already participated in this campaign, so it is widely accepted.
43. Besides what is mentioned in the passage, what do you think of the movement of Flygskam (In about 40 words)
第一节 (共4小题;第40、41题各2分,第42题3分,第43题5分,共12分)
When I was in my second year in senior high school, I found a 16-dollar-an-hour part-time job at Lakewood Pizza. Like many teens, I longed to earn income as well as add experience for the time to enter the workforce. Just one week after I worked there, David Ross, the manager called me into his office. As the saying goes, “life isn’t always a bed of roses”. My first job ended in failure. His reason was that I showed up late twice and took more breaks than others.
“Oh, I’m a loser.” I thought to myself. I believed that thought was shared by my brothers, neither of whom had ever been fired, and my mother, though she would never express it in those terms.
“I am too sad to do anything.” I complained to my father.
After listening to my words, he laughed. “It’s not funny; I’m a loser.” I said. “No, you’re not. This is a part of growing up. You will be all right, my son,” he said, patting my shoulder. “Trust me. You are good enough.” I looked into my father’s eyes and I could see he really trusted me. And I believed him.
Since then, “Trust me. You are good enough.” are the only words I have repeated to myself. I have worked hard to be a better person and cherished (珍惜) every moment I have got. Finally, I succeeded in entering a good university. After graduation I found my dream job.
40 How much did the author earn at his part-time job
41 Why did the author lose his first job
42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
After knowing the author’s failure, his father complained and laughed at him.
43. What can you learn from the author’s story (In about 40 words)
When advising children and adolescents who are learning to regulate their emotions, experts explain that how they think affects how they feel. After children learn to use some basic techniques to regulate their emotions, a greater sense of internal control arises. Thereafter, people start to notice the power they can feel in their minds by changing their thought patterns.
“I believe that changing our thinking patterns helps engage different parts of the brain,” said Ran D. Anbar, the author of Changing Children’s Lives with Hypnosis: A Journey to the Center, “For instance, we may find ourselves habitually thinking in a particular way that predictably makes us feel poorly, for example angry, anxious, or sad. People can become angry when they feel that they have been treated poorly or have not gotten their way. The anger occurs because the person focuses on the perceived (察觉到的) injustice. When we shift our thinking, we can more easily create new, healthier thought patterns.”
For instance, 14-year-old “Sarah” became angry with her parents for restricting her use of social media. While discussing why her parents did so, Sarah recognized that they were attempting to protect her from some of the ill effects of overusing social media. Sarah let go of her anger. She switched from thinking about her frustration with her parents’ restrictions and instead focused her thoughts on how to solve the dilemma (困境) regarding her overuse of social media. She was able to recognize that her parents were her valuable friends rather than her opponents.
Frequently, people explain to themselves and others that their poor mood is related to unfortunate circumstances. While holding such a belief, people sometimes take comfort in the idea that since they cannot change their circumstances, there should be no expectation that they take charge of improving their feelings.
However, as demonstrated in this post, our emotional response to unfortunate circumstances can be brought under our control and improved through a change in our thinking patterns. Sometimes, that change can even help us figure out new ways to act that also will improve our situation.
40. What happens after children regulate their emotion
41. Why does the author mention the example of Sarah in the 3rd paragraph
42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
People always believe their poor mood is due to unfortunate circumstances so they will try to change their situation in order to have a good mood.
43. Besides changing thinking patterns, do you have other way(s) to control your emotions (In about 40 words)
There’s a difference between being nice and being kind. Being nice involves being polite and pleasing to others. If you’re people pleasing, you’re placing an expectation on the person you’re being nice to that they respond to you in a certain way. Being kind is less self-serving. On the one hand, kindness involves being generous without expecting anything in return. The other half is the purpose behind the action. A kind person is acting out of sympathy and genuine concern for another.
The difference is intentionality, said Dr. Catherine Franssen, an associate professor of psychology at Longwood University in Virginia, noting that a kind person tries to really understand what someone else is going through.
Practicing kindness rather than niceness allows people to develop deeper genuine connections with others, said Franssen. The more you do it, the easier it will get to relate to others and build more meaningful relationships in all aspects of life.
The warm feeling you get from performing an act of kindness is your brain releasing a ton of feel-good chemicals. Franssen said being kind boosts production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter (神经传递素) involved in mood, including happiness. Kindness also releases dopamine, a brain chemical in charge of reward and pleasure. It’s the reason why doing one act of kindness feels so good that you want to do another.
Being kind gives the same health benefits, regardless of how big or small the gesture. Acts of kindness might feel strange and out-of-character at first. However, this feeling goes away the more you keep practicing. Soon enough, it becomes so familiar you’ll notice the benefits on yourself and others.
40. What does being kind involve
41 Why do you get warm feeling when showing kindness
42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
> The more you practice niceness, the easier you will connect with others and establish more meaningful relationships in all aspects of life.
43. In your daily life, what can you do to show kindness (In about 40 words)
【答案】40. It refers to a feeling of anxiety or panic that we have when we temporarily can’t find our smartphones.
41. Because she felt trapped by her smartphone and her son asked her to give it up.
42. According to the author, we will find it awkward to talk with a friend on the phone.
According to the author, we will find ourselves more bonded to the friend when talking with him/her on the phone.
43. To avoid nomophobia, one can consider taking regular breaks from technology and engaging in offline activities. Besides, you can turn off your phone or leave it at home when you don’t need it, and focusing on the people and things around you.
考查细节理解。根据第一段“When we temporarily can’t find them, it causes a feeling of anxiety or panic. Some psychologists have called it “nomophobia”.(当我们暂时找不到它们时,就会产生焦虑或恐慌的感觉。一些心理学家称之为“无手机恐惧症”)”可知,“无手机恐惧症”指的是我们暂时找不到智能手机时产生的焦虑或恐慌感。故答案为It refers to a feeling of anxiety or panic that we have when we temporarily can’t find our smartphones.
考查细节理解。根据第二段“I’d often complain to my husband and to my seven-year-old son, Louis, that I felt trapped by it. (我经常向我的丈夫和我七岁的儿子路易斯抱怨,我觉得自己被它困住了。)”和第三段“Then, one day last summer, while I was playing with Louis, I was once again distracted by dings and pings. He finally reminded me of my complaints, but rephrased them as a plea: “Mommy, just give it up already!”(然后,去年夏天的一天,当我和路易斯一起玩的时候,我又一次被叮叮当当的声音分散了注意力。他终于提醒了我我的抱怨,但他用恳求的语气说:“妈妈,快放弃吧!”)”可知,作者决定放弃她的智能手机是因为她觉得自己被智能手机困住了,儿子让她放弃。故答案为Because she felt trapped by her smartphone and her son asked her to give it up.
考查细节理解。根据倒数第三段“But, just as I learned, when we were forced to connect voice to voice, we would find ourselves more bonded to that person.(但是,正如我所学到的,当我们被迫通过声音与声音进行交流时,我们会发现自己与那个人的联系更加紧密)”可知,错误的部分是“we will find it awkward”,根据作者的说法,当我们和朋友打电话时,我们会发现自己和他/她更亲近。故答案为 According to the author, we will find it awkward to talk with a friend on the phone. According to the author, we will find ourselves more bonded to the friend when talking with him/her on the phone.
考查开放答题。根据“除了文中提到的方法,你能做些什么来避免‘无手机恐惧症’?”可知,为了避免“无手机恐惧症”,人们可以考虑定期远离科技产品,参加线下活动。此外,当你不需要手机的时候,你可以关掉手机或把它放在家里,把注意力集中在你周围的人和事上。故答案为To avoid nomophobia, one can consider taking regular breaks from technology and engaging in offline activities. Besides, you can turn off your phone or leave it at home when you don’t need it, and focusing on the people and things around you.
【答案】40. It is a movement that encourages people to stop taking flights as a means of transport and use more environmentally friendly transportation where they can.
41. It currently accounts for about 2% of the global emissions and is one of the fastest-growing polluters. Even worse, air travel results in pollutants released high up in the atmosphere.
42. Flygskam has attracted social atention and some people have already participated in this campaign, so it is widely accepted.
According to the passage, it is true that Flygskam has become popular, but some people are still critical of the movement, so it is not widely accepted.
43. I think the movement may not be feasible for those individuals who have no viable alternatives to air travel. Not everyone has access to efficient and affordable alternative modes of transportation, especially for long-distance or international trips. (言之有理即可)
细节理解题。根据第一段中“Known as Flygskam or “flight-shaming”, the movement is encouraging people to stop taking flights as a means of transport and use more environmentally friendly transportation where they can. (这项运动被称为Flygskam或“飞行羞耻”,它鼓励人们停止将飞机作为交通工具,尽可能地使用更环保的交通工具)”可知,Flygskam是一项鼓励人们停止将飞机作为交通工具,尽可能地使用更环保的交通工具的运动。故答案为:It is a movement that encourages people to stop taking flights as a means of transport and use more environmentally friendly transportation where they can.
细节理解题。根据第二段“The aviation (航空) currently accounts for about 2% of global emissions (排放) and is one of the fastest-growing polluters. Even worse, unlike most other sources of pollution, air travel results in pollutants released high up in the atmosphere. (航空业目前约占全球排放量的2%,是增长最快的污染源之一。更糟糕的是,与大多数其他污染源不同,航空旅行导致污染物被释放到大气层的高处)”可知,飞行对于环境的影响在于它目前占全球排放量的2%左右,是增长最快的污染源之一。更糟糕的是,航空旅行导致污染物被释放到大气层的高处。故答案为:It currently accounts for about 2% of the global emissions and is one of the fastest-growing polluters. Even worse, air travel results in pollutants released high up in the atmosphere.
细节理解题。根据最后一段中“It’s hard to say exactly how big the movement is becoming, but Flygskam has become popular in social media. The number of Swedes taking the train for domestic journeys has risen by 8% this year as plane journeys inside the country have fallen. (很难说这场运动到底有多大,但Flygskam已经在社交媒体上很流行。今年乘坐火车进行国内旅行的瑞典人增加了8%,而国内飞机旅行的人数则有所下降)”和“Some people, however, have been critical of the movement (然而,一些人对这一运动持批评态度)”可知,Flygskam确实很流行,有些人已经参与其中,但有些人仍然对这项运动持批评态度,所以它没有被广泛接受。故答案为:Flygskam has attracted social atention and some people have already participated in this campaign, so it is widely accepted. According to the passage, it is true that Flygskam has become popular, but some people are still critical of the movement, so it is not widely accepted.
开放性试题。本题的答案不唯一,结合实际情况言之有理即可。例如,对于那些没有可行的替代航空旅行的人来说,这项运动可能不可行。不是每个人都能使用高效且负担得起的替代性交通方式,特别是长途或国际旅行。故答案可为:I think the movement may not be feasible for those individuals who have no viable alternatives to air travel. Not everyone has access to efficient and affordable alternative modes of transportation, especially for long-distance or international trips.
【答案】40. 16 dollars an hour.
41. Because he showed up late twice and took more breaks than others.
42. After knowing the author’s failure, his father complained and laughed at him.
或After knowing the author’s failure, his father complained and laughed at him.
理由:After knowing the author’s failure, his father encouraged (comforted/believed in, etc.) him.
43. No matter what setbacks you encounter don’t be discouraged. Believe that you are good enough and work hard to become a better person.
考查细节理解。根据第一段中“When I was in my second year in senior high school, I found a 16-dollar-an-hour part-time job at Lakewood Pizza.(当我读高二时,我在Lakewood Pizza找到了一份每小时16美元的兼职工作。)”可知,作者的兼职每小时16美元,故填16 dollars an hour.
考查细节理解。根据第一段中“My first job ended in failure. His reason was that I showed up late twice and took more breaks than others.(我的第一份工作以失败告终。他的理由是我迟到两次并且休息时间比其他人多。)”可知,作者失了第一份工作是因为他迟到两次并且休息时间比其他人多,故填Because he showed up late twice and took more breaks than others.
考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中““No, you’re not. This is a part of growing up. You will be all right, my son,” he said, patting my shoulder. “Trust me. You are good enough.” I looked into my father’s eyes and I could see he really trusted me. (“不你不是。这是成长的一部分。你会没事的,我的儿子,”他拍着我的肩膀说道。“相信我。你已经够好。”我看着父亲的眼睛,我可以看出他真的信任我。)”可知,作者的父亲在知道作者丢了工作后,并没有抱怨和嘲笑他,而是鼓励他,安慰他,信任他,由此可知,句子“After knowing the author’s failure, his father complained and laughed at him.”中his father complained and laughed at him./complained and laughed at是错误的,理由是在得知儿子丢了工作后,父亲鼓励他,安慰他,信任他,故填After knowing the author’s failure, his father complained and laughed at him.或After knowing the author’s failure, his father complained and laughed at him.理由:After knowing the author’s failure, his father encouraged (comforted/believed in, etc.) him.
开放试题,言之有理即可。通读全文可知,作者第一份兼职被辞退了,作者很伤心,认为自己是一个失败者,但是父亲却鼓励作者,信任作者,安慰作者,告诉他“你足够好”,在父亲的鼓励下,作者相信自己足够好,于是努力成为一个更好的人,最终作者在毕业后找到了自己梦想的工作。从作者的故事中,我们可以得知,无论受到什么挫折,都不要气馁,要相信自己足够好,努力成为一个更好的人。故填No matter what setbacks you encounter, don’t be discouraged. Believe that you are good enough and work hard to become a better person.
【答案】40. A greater sense of internal control arises.
41. To show when we shift our thinking, we can more easily create new, healthier thought patterns.
The author mentions the example of Sara to show when we shift our thinking we can more easily create new, healthier thought patterns.
42. People always believe their poor mood is due to unfortunate circumstances, so they will try to change their situation in order to have a good mood.
According to the passage, people sometimes take comfort in the idea that since they cannot change their circumstances, there should be no expectation that they take charge of improving their feelings.
43. Engaging in exercising is another good way to control my emotion. It can release natural good chemicals in brain, which can help me relieve tension and reduce feelings of sadness. Additionally, Exercising serve as a distraction from negative thoughts and emotions, allowing me to temporarily escape and find relief.(请根据学生答题情况酌情给分)
考查细节理解。根据第一段的“After children learn to use some basic techniques to regulate their emotions, a greater sense of internal control arises. (在孩子们学会使用一些基本的技巧来调节他们的情绪之后,一种更大的内在控制感就会产生。)”可知,孩子们调节情绪后一种更大的内在控制感就会产生,故填A greater sense of internal control arises.
考查推理判断。根据第三段的“For instance, 14-year-old “Sarah” became angry with her parents for restricting her use of social media. While discussing why her parents did so, Sarah recognized that they were attempting to protect her from some of the ill effects of overusing social media. Sarah let go of her anger. She switched from thinking about her frustration with her parents’ restrictions and instead focused her thoughts on how to solve the dilemma regarding her overuse of social media. She was able to recognize that her parents were her valuable friends rather than her opponents.(例如,14岁的“莎拉”对父母限制她使用社交媒体感到愤怒。在讨论父母这样做的原因时,萨拉意识到他们是在试图保护她免受过度使用社交媒体的一些不良影响。萨拉不生气了。她不再去想父母的限制给她带来的挫败感,而是把注意力集中在如何解决自己过度使用社交媒体的困境上。她能够认识到她的父母是她宝贵的朋友,而不是她的对手。)”可知,莎拉通过改变自己思考问题的方式和角度使自己消除了消极情绪,因此作者在第三段中提到了Sarah的例子是为了表明当我们改变思维时,我们可以更容易地创造新的、更健康的思维模式。故填To show when we shift our thinking, we can more easily create new, healthier thought patterns.
考查细节理解。根据第四段的“Frequently, people explain to themselves and others that their poor mood is related to unfortunate circumstances. While holding such a belief, people sometimes take comfort in the idea that since they cannot change their circumstances, there should be no expectation that they take charge of improving their feelings.(人们经常向自己和他人解释,他们的坏心情与不幸的环境有关。在持有这种信念的同时,人们有时会从这样的想法中得到安慰:既然他们无法改变自己的环境,就不应该期望他们负责改善自己的感受。)”可知,人们有时会认为既然他们无法改变自己的环境,这样想的话就会得到安慰,因此就不应该期望他们负责改善自己的感受,则所给句子中的“so they will try to change their situation in order to have a good mood (所以他们会试图改变他们的情况,以便有一个好心情)”这个描述是错误的,故填People always believe their poor mood is due to unfortunate circumstances, so they will try to change their situation in order to have a good mood. According to the passage, people sometimes take comfort in the idea that since they cannot change their circumstances, there should be no expectation that they take charge of improving their feelings.
开放试题,言之有理即可。通读全文可知,文章讲述的是情绪调节和思维模式的关系。它强调了人们的思维如何影响情绪,并提出通过改变思维模式可以更好地控制情绪,并找到解决问题的新途径。文章通过一个案例展示了这一点,告诉读者改变思维模式可以帮助我们更好地应对困境,并改善情绪和处境。此外,也可以通过运动的方式来调节情绪,锻炼是控制情绪的另一个好方法。它可以在大脑中释放出天然的好化学物质,帮助我缓解紧张情绪,减少悲伤情绪。此外,锻炼可以分散我对负面想法和情绪的注意力,让我暂时逃离并找到解脱,故填Engaging in exercising is another good way to control my emotion. It can release natural good chemicals in brain, which can help me relieve tension and reduce feelings of sadness. Additionally, Exercising serve as a distraction from negative thoughts and emotions, allowing me to temporarily escape and find relief.
【答案】40. Being kind/Kindness/It involves being generous without expecting anything in return.
41. (Because) When showing kindness, your brain releases a ton of feel-good chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine while showing kindness. The warm feeling you get from performing an act of kindness is your brain releasing a ton of feel-good chemicals.
42. The more you practice niceness, the easier you will connect with others and establish more meaningful relationships in all aspects of life.
(According to the passage, ) the more you practice kindness, the easier you will connect others and build more meaningful relationships in all aspects of life./The more you practice kindness, the easier it will get to relate to others and build more meaningful relationships in all aspects of life.
43. In my daily life, I can show kindness by listening attentively to others, offering help when needed, and being generous with my time and resources. Simple actions like smiling, greeting, and offering a word of encouragement can also convey kindness.
考查细节理解。根据文章第一段“Being kind is less self-serving. On the one hand, kindness involves being generous without expecting anything in return. The other half is the purpose behind the action. A kind person is acting out of sympathy and genuine concern for another.(善良是少自私。一方面,善良包括不期望任何回报的慷慨。另一半是行动背后的目的。善良的人的行为是出于对他人的同情和真诚的关心)”可知,善良的行为包括对他人的真诚关心和同情,不期待任何回报。故答案为Being kind/Kindness/It involves being generous without expecting anything in return.
考查细节理解。根据文章第四段“The warm feeling you get from performing an act of kindness is your brain releasing a ton of feel-good chemicals. Franssen said being kind boosts production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter (神经传递素) involved in mood, including happiness. Kindness also releases dopamine, a brain chemical in charge of reward and pleasure. It’s the reason why doing one act of kindness feels so good that you want to do another.(你从做好事中得到的温暖感觉是你的大脑释放了大量让你感觉良好的化学物质。Franssen说,友善会促进血清素的产生,血清素是一种与情绪有关的神经递质,包括幸福感。善良也会释放多巴胺,这是一种负责奖励和快乐的大脑化学物质。这就是为什么做了一件好事感觉很好,你想做另一件事的原因)”可知,从做好事中得到温暖是因为大脑释放了大量化学物质,这些化学物质会让你感到温暖。故答案为(Because) When showing kindness, your brain releases a ton of feel-good chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine while showing kindness. The warm feeling you get from performing an act of kindness is your brain releasing a ton of feel-good chemicals.
考查细节理解。根据文章第三段“Practicing kindness rather than niceness allows people to develop deeper genuine connections with others, said Franssen. The more you do it, the easier it will get to relate to others and build more meaningful relationships in all aspects of life.( Franssen说,练习善良而不是友善能让人们与他人建立更深层次的真诚联系。你做得越多,就越容易与他人建立联系,并在生活的各个方面建立更有意义的关系)”可知,练习善良练得越多,就越容易与他人建立联系,并在生活的各个方面建立更有意义的关系,而不是练习友善。故答案为The more you practice niceness, the easier you will connect with others and establish more meaningful relationships in all aspects of life.
(According to the passage, ) the more you practice kindness, the easier you will connect others and build more meaningful relationships in all aspects of life./The more you practice kindness, the easier it will get to relate to others and build more meaningful relationships in all aspects of life.
开放题。要求考生谈谈在现实生活中会如何表达善意,考生言之有理即可。故参考答案为In my daily life, I can show kindness by listening attentively to others, offering help when needed, and being generous with my time and resources. Simple actions like smiling, greeting, and offering a word of encouragement can also convey kindness.