第一课时 (学案)
First Period
Read paragraph 3-5 and finish the table.
What can we do to help keep our bones healthy Why are they important How can we get them
Get from milk, vegetables and other food
Keep calcium work well
Do exercise
Second Period
教学活动 设计意图 互动模式&时间
Step 1 T asks Ss what they ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )have learnt last period then finishes a summary together.1. What are bones like 2. Why are bones important 3. How can we keep bones healthy 回顾上节课获取的信息和语言。 CWIW5’
Step 2 T elicits Ss to find out ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) adjectives and their opposites. e.g. hard-soft, inside-outside T asks Ss to find mor ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )e adjectives from the passage and discuss in groups to find right answers. Ss read the p ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )assage to underline adjectives and then to share their answers in groups.Ss match adjectives and opposites, after that Ss work in pairs and use them to make sentences. 归纳形容词及其反义词。充分利用文本,鼓励学生积累更多形容词及其反义词。 CWPWIW7’
Step 3 T chooses two sen ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )tences that Ss get from the passage and asks them to observe the sentences to find out adjectives and opposites by although and but. For example,1. Although they ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )are light, bones are strong enough to support our weight.2. Bones are hard on the outside, but they are soft on the inside.T presents the two sentences with although and but missing.Ss discuss which ones are clearer.T presents the two sentences into different forms. Ss observe and find the differences.T asks Ss to find more ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) sentences contain “although” or “but” from the passage and change them into different forms.T directs Ss ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )to find out that “because” and “so” have similar function to make sentences clearer.T asks Ss to finish exercise B on page 104 and then finish Ex. 5 on page 47. 1. 引导学生关注although和but在句子中所起的转折连词的作用。2. 学生在老师的引导下,自己体会、观察、发现语法现象。3. 通过练习,让学生达到强化、巩固的目地。 CWIW17’
Grammar in use
Step 4 Ss do Ex. 6 individually and then discuss in groups.T checks the answers.Ss list teachers’ a ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )nd students’ unhealthy behaviors and then give them some advice in groups.T asks individual S to report the advice of his / her groups. 1. 引导学生根据自己的实际情况使用本课所学的语法。2. 创设真实情境,使学生能运用状语从句发表个观点,解决实际问题。3. 倡导健康生活方式。 IWPWCW11’
朗读课文。把课上提出的健康建议写在作业本上。Unit 4 Lesson 12 Healthy Bones
本课是北师大版《初中英语》八年级上册教材 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )第4单元的第12课,单元话题为健康习惯。本单元前两课学习内容包括如何看病就医和给他人提出健康建议。本课为本单元的第三课,是一节阅读课,内容是谈论骨骼健康,是前两课话题的延续,为最终进行本单元的综合语言输出奠定初步的语言基础。
本课的教学设计分为两个课时。第一课时 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )侧重对文本内容的理解,首先利用人体骨骼的相关知识激活学生已有知识,做话题和词汇准备。随后通过图片信息和略读文本信息获取文章大意,然后通过细读获取有关骨骼的基本信息以及如何保持骨骼健康的信息,最后结合课文的信息和语言进行基于本课内容的输出性活动。在第一课时,学生还要初步感知形容词及反义词和状语从句的用法。
第二课时在复习课文语言和内容的基础上, ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )引入本课的重点语法内容——状语从句,通过对比和观察例句,归纳、总结出状语从句的语用功能,在语境中进行多层面的练习,最后运用状语从句和相关的形容词来谈论健康的生活习惯。
认读:blood, hold, ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) although ,outside, inside ,waste, even , bone, 理解:nutrient, calcium, vitamin, solid, stair
First Period
1. 通过阅读,获取关于骨骼以及如何保持骨骼健康的信息;
2. 使用获取的信息和语言,介绍人体骨骼以及如何保持骨骼健康;
3. 体会骨骼健康的重要性,增强健康生活的意识。
教学活动 设计意图 互动模式&时间
Step 1 T shows Ss a pictur ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )e of bones and asks them.What’s wrong with it Ss read the questions and discuss the answer.1. How many pieces of bones are there in our body A. 206 B. 2072. Where is the smallest bone in our body A. in our head B. in our ear3. Who has more bones A. a baby B. a twenty-year-old man4. Whose bones stop growing around 25 A. women’s B. men’sT elicits Ss to say something about the bones.Ss share more information about bones.Ss look at the title and predict what the writer will talk about in the passage. 1. 引入话题激活学生已有的关于骨骼方面的知识,学习本课的词汇。2. 引发学生阅读的兴趣。 IWPWCW5’
Step 2 1st readingSs look at the pictures and skim the text, and choose the best title.Ss check answers in pairs, and then check in class. 2nd readingSs read the passage a ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )gain then divide the passage into two parts and summarise the main idea of each part.3rd readingSs read paragr ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )aph 1 and 2 to underline the information about bones and then answer the questions.Ss read paragraph 3 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )-5 and finish the table about how to keep bones healthy. Ss check answers in pairs and then in class. 通过快速浏览图片信息和各段段首,获取文章大意,检测预测结果。通过第二遍读,引导学生关注篇章结构,通过归纳,概括,加深学生从整体上对文章的理解。细读文章1、2段,通过填空获取骨骼的基本信息。细读文章3-5段,通过填写表格,获取如何保持骨骼健康的信息。 IWPWCW20’
Step 4 Ss listen and read the text with the recording. 模仿正确的语音语调,强化语言。
Step 5 Ss work in pairs to ask ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )and answer questions according to the handout.Role play. Ss work in groups. One student asks questions and the other answers as a specialist. 1. 学生进行及时的信息内化。2. 通过有情境的问答练习,帮助学生强化信息。 WIW15’