Unit 2 . My favourite season Part A Let’s talk & Let’s learn 课件+单元整体设计+素材(共32张PPT)


名称 Unit 2 . My favourite season Part A Let’s talk & Let’s learn 课件+单元整体设计+素材(共32张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 127.7MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-27 16:55:54


PEP五下Unit2 My favourite season单元整体设计
第一部分 单元教学设计总思路
(一) 单元主题意义分析 项目 内容
主题意义 ◎交往 √ ◎感情 ◎态度
育人价值 用所学语言描述四季,介绍自己喜欢的季节,学会欣赏四季之美,感受不同季节不同的景象,树立热爱生活,保护自然环境的意识。
(二) 教材分析 本单元内容围绕I love seasons这一主题展开,涉及五个语篇,包括两组对话、一篇语音课、一篇配图短文和一篇配图故事。 语篇一是日常生活对话,围绕Mr Jones布置学生们画四季图画,并讨论最喜欢的季节展开,引导学生了解四季的不同特征,学会欣赏四季之美,最后再画出心目中最美的四季。 语篇二是日常生活对话,是Part B talk和learn的融合课,talk通过Amy和Miss White谈论各自最喜欢的季节及原因展开。Amy最喜欢秋天,因为天气好、色彩很美丽。Miss White最喜欢夏天,因为喜欢暑假。Learn部分是围绕不同季节喜欢的活动展开。 语篇三是一节语音课,归纳、总结br和gr在单词中的发音规则,由于本课时的情景性不强,基于单元大任务和教材内容,创编一首韵律诗,结合四季和含有br、gr发音的单词,引导学生学习本课时的知识,达成本课时的教学目标。 语篇四是配图小短文。在四幅图片的帮助下描述了四个季节的特点,以及机器人Robin表达对四季的喜好之情。 语篇五是配图故事,描述的是Zoom和Zip一起陪伴来自澳大利亚Koala过圣诞节的故事.在此过程中发现与体验中澳季节差异。
本 在心理特征上,五年级的学生活泼好动、对新话题充满兴趣,喜欢表现自我勇于挑战;在知识上,五年级的学生已有了四年的英语学习基础,已经具备一定的英语学习能力,较好的听、说、读、写英语的习惯已基本养成。他们生性活泼好动,好奇心强,模仿力强,对新事物有着强烈的好奇心,探索知识的欲望很强烈。同时,五年级学生即将步入六年级,制作合理的成长规划有助于培养学生正确人生观价值观的形成。而且,他们已有较强的个人荣誉感,他们渴望得到老师和同伴的认可。本单元主题是带领Oliver认识老师和同学该主题属于“人与自我”和“人与社会”范畴,涉及“学校生活与个人感受”和“同伴交往,相互尊重,友好互助”。
围绕单元主题,深挖各课时话题,在单元大任务 “I love seasons”的统领下,划分成三个活动:认识四季,欣赏四季之美,热爱四季。整合教学内容和资源,明确单元总目标和课时分目标,设计问题解决的任务清单(任务1:认识四季,画出自己最喜欢的季节。任务2:讲述喜欢季节的原因及活动。任务3:朗诵有关季节的歌曲。任务4:制作四季明信片。任务5:阅读故事,了解全球气候差异。)并以任务解决所需要的时间划分课时内容。在课时教学中创设真实的情境,重视学生的真实经验和体验,充分发挥学生的主体性,开展任务前、任务中、任务后一系列具有整合性、关联性、实践性的学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新学习活动,进而让学生在真实情境中解决生活问题,了解四季,询问、介绍并回答喜欢某个季节,学会欣赏四季,提升审美能力,热爱大自然。
在本单元学习结束时,学生能够: 认识四季,画出自己最喜欢的季节。 能够听、说、认读句型:Which season do you like best Winter. I like snow. It’s pretty.词汇:Which season do you like best Winter. I like snow. It’s pretty. 能够用正确的语音、语调、意群朗读对话,并运用到实际情景中,去询问并回答对季节的喜好。 能掌握听力技能,能通过图片和教师的帮助下理解语篇,获取关键信息,对四季的不同特征有个大概的认识。 能在实际的情景中运用所学句型和词汇去调查小组成员最喜欢的季节。 认识四季,学会欣赏四季之美,感受不同季节不同的景象。 讲述喜欢季节的原因 能在语境中理解生词vacation, because, good job的意思,并能正确发音,在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意和正确朗读。 学生的听力和口语表达能力得到提升,能在情景中语用句型:Why Because I ...询问并回答喜欢某个季节的原因。 学生的合作和竞争能力进一步提高。 能够感受四季不同风景的美好,学会更加热爱生活。 讲述喜欢季节的活动。 学生能够读懂创编语篇,完成填空,并能听、说、认读四个有关描述季节活动的词组:go on a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman。 能够描述、询问和活动不同季节喜欢的活动,并能转述语篇人物喜欢的季节活动。 能够合理安排不同季节的活动,热爱大自然,热爱生活。 制作四季明信片。 能够在图片的帮助下读懂语篇,并完成相应练习题,理解句子:Robin likes them all. The leaves fall and fall and fall. I love fall. Wow, I want to paint a picture,too. 能够在具体语境中正确运用核心句型对自己喜欢的季节及原因进行讨论。 引导学生通过朗读、观察,培养学生按意群阅读的意识,提高学生的阅读能力。培养学生归纳整理能力,锻炼学生的英语思维。 学生能够热爱四季,树立保护自然环境的意识。 朗诵有关季节的歌曲。 理解字母组合br和gr在单词中的发音规则,掌握br和gr的音与形的对应关系。 能够读出符合br、gr的发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼出符合br、gr发音规则的单词。在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范。 学会欣赏四季之美,抒发对大自然美好景象的喜爱之情。 能读懂自创有关四季的诗歌、绘本小故事。 阅读故事,了解全球气候差异。 学生能够在图片的帮助下理解故事内容,复习与巩固有关四季的单词和句型,并能在教师的帮助下朗读并表演故事。 完成Let’s wrap it up板块的语法知识点,编写拓展故事。 了解中国和澳大利亚分别属于北半球和南半球,南北的季节和气候差异很大。 学生能积极与他人合作,共同完成任务。
第二部分 分课时教学设计
【第 1课时】
教师 授课内容 Part A Let’s talk&learn
课时文本分析 [What]主题意义和主要内容 本课时的主题话题认识四季,画出你最喜欢的季节。本课时是单元大任务驱动下的活动一:认识四季,单元话题结合主教材Mr Jones在课堂上和学生们讨论最喜欢的季节来呈现单词和句型的语义和语用,了解四季的不同特征,学会欣赏四季之美,最后再画出心目中最美的四季。本课时首先复习相关天气的词汇,完成Let’s try的练习,再由旧话题引出新课题,展开学习核心句型:What’s your favourite season 等。 [How]文本结构和语言修辞 学生能听、说、认读和表演本课时的词汇的语篇,能在实际的情景中运用句型去询问并回答对季节的喜好,了解四季不同的景色特征,学会欣赏四季之美。
教学重点 能够听、说、认读句型:Which season do you like best Winter. I like snow. It’s pretty.词汇:Which season do you like best Winter. I like snow. It’s pretty.
教学难点 1能在实际的情景中运用所学句型和词汇去询问和回答最喜欢的四季。
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Pre- task Greeting Greeting to the teacher
Enjoy a song( about the weather) Q: What’s the song about About weather About season 引出课题: Unit 1 A Let’s try. Enjoy the song, and sing with the song. S: It’s about weather 复习上节课的知识,同时吸引学生的注意力,从而顺利进入课题。
Let’s try 教师出示Let’s try部分的图片,看图介绍: T: Mike and Chen Jie are talking about the weather, too. What is the weather like today Listen and write. 教师先带领学生读课文中的三个词组,然后播放听力。 教师出示听力原文,标红后两句,并提问: T: What else are they talking about About weather B. About season 教师教学新词和句子:season; What’s your favourite season Which season do you like best 随后教师出示单元大任务。 Students listen and write: It’s windy and cold. S1: B. About season Students learn the new word: season, and the sentence: What’s your favourite season Which season do you like best 复习旧知,为下文学新知识做铺垫
While-task 教学新词: autumn; I like autumn. It’s beautiful. 教师出示A Learn部分的主情景图,引导学生进行观察。 T: Who are they T: What are they talking about S1: They are Mr Johns and the students. S2: They are talking about season. 在学习单词之前,先让学生熟悉这五位同学
Listen and choose Q1: Which season does Oliver like best Autumn Summer 教师播放A Learn部分的听力。然后核对答案,教学新词:summer. I can go swimming every day! T: How about John Q2:Which season does John like best Autumn Winter 教师播放听力,然后核对答案,教学新词: winter, I can play in the snow。 教师出示表格: S1: B. Summer S2: B. Winter Students learn the new word : summer, winter. 通过回答问题引出本节课的重点单词,学生对这种方式更感兴趣,同时也增加了学生的视觉、听觉的语言输入,为后面输出打下基础。
Watch and choose T: How about Wu binbin. Q:Which season does he like best Winter Spring 教师播放视频,随后核对答案,教学新词: spring. It’s pretty. 板书单词,注意示范单词发音,sp的爆破音要示范到位,可结合单词sports进行语音归类。 Students watch the video and choose B. Spring. 加深对对话的理解,本活动通过听读,加深学生的记忆
Post-task Listen and follow Enjoy the song, and sing with the song. S: It’s about weather 训练学生的听力和图文匹配能力,提高学生对新词的理解能力,同时也是检验学生的学习方式。
①Read and match(简单的图文配对) ②Read and match(书本上的季节描述) Students listen and write: It’s windy and cold. S1: B. About season Students learn the new word: season, and the sentence: What’s your favourite season Which season do you like best
教师播放音乐: The Four Season T: Do you like the music, children T: The song is about The Four Season. Which season do you like best 教师做情感教育:Season are beautiful. Season in our hometown is beautiful, too. S1: They are Mr Johns and the students. S2: They are talking about season. 通过对话练习的方式,既可以巩固知识点,又可以发散学生的思维
8.Homework (1)认真朗读并背诵单词及句子。 分层作业,自主拓展,有利于学生的语言表达和写作能力的发展。
Unit 2 .
My favourite season
Let’s talk & Let’s learn
Sing a song
What’s the song about
Let’s think
How many seasons in one year
What are they
Spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Free talk
What’s the weather like in these four seasons
It’s rainy.
It’s sunny.
It’s windy.
It’s snowy.
Free talk
Mike and Chen Jie are talking about the weather.
What’s the weather like today
It’s ________ _________ _________.
rainy and cold
windy and cold
sunny and warm
Let’s try
What’s Chen Jie’s favourite season
rainy and cold
windy and cold
sunny and warm
A. autumn B. winter
Let’s try
My favourite season is autumn.
Let’s learn
What’s the weather
like in autumn
What colour is it
What can you wear in autumn
It’s orange/golden...
It’s cool/windy...
I can wear shirt/jacket ...
Enjoy and think
The children are having an art class.
What will they draw
They will draw ___________.
four seasons
Listen and fill
Do you like the music, children
Yes. It’s very beautiful. What is it
The Four Seasons. Today we’ll draw the seasons.
Listen and fill
Which season does Mike like best
Which season does Wu Binbin like best
Watch and answer
Watch and answer
Which season does Mike like best
How does Mr Jones ask
Watch and answer
Which season do you like best, Mike
Why Mike like winter best
Because he likes snow.
Winter. I like snow.
I like snow, too.
= What’s your favourite season
Watch and answer
I like winter best. I like snow.
Let’s learn
What’s the weather
like in winter
What colour is winter
What can you wear in winter
It’s white.
It’s cold/snowy...
I can wear coat/socks...
Enjoy and think
Which season does Wu Binbin like best Why
Spring. It’s pretty.
Which season do you like best, Wu Binbin
Spring. It’s pretty.
Yes, it is.
Watch and answer
Let’s learn
I like spring best. It’s pretty.
Enjoy and think
What’s the weather
like in spring
What colour is spring
What can you wear in spring
It’s pink/green...
It’s warm/rainy...
I can wear sweater...
Mr Jones: Do you like the music, children
Mike: Yes. It’s very beautiful. What is it
Mr Jones: The Four Seasons. Today we’ll
draw the seasons. Which season
do you like best, Mike
Mike: Winter. I like snow.
Mr Jones: I like snow, too. Which season do
you like best, Wu Binbin
Wu Binbin: Spring. It’s pretty.
Mr Jones: Yes, it is.
Listen and imitate
Mr Jones: Do you like the music, children
Mike: Yes. It’s very beautiful. What is it
Mr Jones: The Four Seasons. Today we’ll
draw the seasons. Which season
do you like best, Mike
Mike: Winter. I like snow.
Mr Jones: I like snow, too. Which season do
you like best, Wu Binbin
Wu Binbin: Spring. It’s pretty.
Mr Jones: Yes, it is.
Read and fill
Chen Jie
Wu Binbin
Which season does Oliver like best
Read and fill
_________________________, Oliver
Which season do you like best
Which season does Oliver like best

Let’s ask
Let’s learn
_________________________, Oliver
Which season do you like best
Which season does Oliver like best

Why Oliver like Summer best
I can go swimming every day!
Let’s ask
What’s the weather
like in summer
What colour is summer
What can you wear in summer
It’s yellow/red...
It’s hot/sunny...
I can wear dress/shorts...
Let’s learn
Which season do you like best
Summer.I can go swimming every day!
Let’s read
Chen Jie
Wu Binbin
Which season does Oliver like best
Read and fill
Which season do you like best
Spring. It’s pink. I can see many flowers.
Which season do you like best
... It’s ... /I can ...
Do a survey
A. It is green with flowers and songs.
B. It is hot and the days are long.
C. It is golden and farmers are busy.
D. It is white and the year is gone.
Which season is it
Read and match
1.Listen and repeat.(听音跟读。)
2. 用所学句型与同学编一段对话,并表演。