黑龙江省方正县高楞高级中学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)


名称 黑龙江省方正县高楞高级中学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)
格式 docx
文件大小 34.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-27 19:53:15



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What will the speakers probably do next
A.Tour Boston. B.Visit Caroline. C.Watch the news.
2.What is Jim’s suggestion about
A.Raising money. B.Hiring a lawyer. C.Calling a meeting.
3.What is the woman going to do this weekend
A.Finish a report. B.Look after Bob. C.Climb a mountain.
4.What does the man suggest the woman do
A.Find a full-time job. B.Study another subject. C.Go to evening classes.
5.What is the man now
A.An online shop owner. B.A construction worker. C.A computer engineer.
6.What does Miyako want to do
A.Make a call. B.Send a card. C.Hold a party.
7.What is the man doing
A.Making an apology. B.Giving an explanation. C.Sharing an experience.
8.Where will Maria go the day after tomorrow
A.The London Zoo. B.The British Museum. C.The Tower of London.
9.How many days will Maria stay in Oxford
A.One. B.Two. C.Three.
10.Why will Maria go to Edinburgh
A.To do a study. B.To meet a friend. C.To see her sister.
11.What does the woman dislike
A.Fish. B.Vegetables. C.Fried chicken.
12.What does the man find it hard to do
A.Make cakes and pies. B.Stop drinking coffee. C.Eat a lot of tomatoes.
13.What are the speakers talking about
A.Doctor’s advice to the man. B.What to eat for a good meal. C.The man’s favourite dishes.
14.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Old classmates. B.Neighbours. C.Fellow workers.
15.Where are the speakers
A.At a hotel. B.At Betty’s home. C.At the railway station.
16.What is Jack doing
A.Working at a restaurant. B.Cooking in the kitchen. C.Buying food for dinner.
17.What will Marc probably do
A.See a film. B.Go shopping. C.Visit an old town.
18.What does the speaker say about Castle Howard
A.It took its name from a film. B.It has been home to a family. C.It was once used for defence.
19.What is special about the Walled Gardens
A.It’s open every day of the year.
B.It’s the largest garden in England.
C.It’s planted with many kinds of roses.
20.Who is probably the speaker
A.A tour guide. B.A gardener. C.A news reporter.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Do you want to see majestic lions roaring, rare rhinos running and colorful birds flying You’ll find this incredible display of nature in the Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley.
First stop
Fly into Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. This great city is known for its fashion markets and beautiful art. And be sure to pick up some rich Kenyan coffee while you’re there! Then head for the countryside.
Plan your trip
The largest of the three lakes in the system, Lake Nakuru, is less than 175 kilometers from Nairobi. But Lakes Bogoria and Elementaita are equally worth a visit. You can stay at one of several choices of luxurious cabins in the valley. And if you sign up for a trip, be sure to put flamingos, the white and pink birds, at the top of your list.
The Kenya Lake System is shallow and alkaline (碱性的). That means it supports vegetation such as green algae, a food source for many waterfowl. Hundreds of species of birds flourish here, using this area as a major breeding and nesting ground. Water buffalo, leopards, monkeys and the endangered Rothschild giraffe also make this area their home.
Other sights
Wildlife isn’t the only natural wonder in the Great Rift Valley. The valley marks a place where the earth is divided far below the surface. This rock separation below ground leads to noticeable feature s above ground. Walking around Lake Bogoria especially, you will see steam rising from hot springs.
Other activities include golfing, horseback riding and hiking. The fun doesn’t stop when the sun goes down, either. The river valley is far from city lights, so many visitors gaze at the stars shining above.
If you are ready for a wildlife experience, don’t hesitate!
21.Where can you buy fashionable gifts in Kenya
A.Nairobi. B.Lake Nakuru. C.Lake Bogoria. D.Lake Elementaita.
22.Which should be the first choice on your travelling list
A.Playing golf. B.Gazing at shining stars.
C.Visiting hot springs. D.Seeing flamingos.
23.In which section of a newspaper would you probably read the next
A.Health. B.Travel. C.Science. D.Busniess.
Many schools across the US hold graduation ceremonies this time of year. In some schools, even 5 and 6-year-olds observe their graduation from kindergarten. And so can older people, much older. Meet 70-year-old Jerry Reid, who just graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. He earned a bachelor’s degree.
Mr. Reid might not look like the average college student; his hair is definitely grayer. But still Jerry Reid’s age is easy to forget, other UVA students know him as one of their own. Mr. Reid sat into the “Hoo Crew,” a group that cheers loudly for the school at sports events. He also joined a men’s group on campus. He sang drinking songs along with many other students. Mr. Reid’s school friends say they can talk to him just about anything.
About a half century ago, in his 20s, Mr. Reid was not in school. Instead, he was racing cars and chasing girls. But he says his friend Bill invited him to UVA parties. “Bill told me what a terrible life I had unless I came up here and went to school with him,” said Reid.
That was in 1963. Jerry Reid says it took him 48 years to take that advice. In 2011, he entered college. UVA Professor Luke Wright says Mr. Reid influences students. He opened the minds of the young adults. The teacher says Mr. Reid showed them that life does not end at 40. Instead, the 70-year-old college graduate believes that getting older can be the beginning of a dream.
“Remember that path that you left waits for you. It’s there. It’s yours. All you must do is to get out of your own way and get back to it. And, that’s exactly what I did,” said Reid. Mr. Reid says that he and his wife Susan now would take some time off to enjoy his college degree. Then, he’ll return to UVA to begin studying for his graduate degree.
24.What do you know about Mr. Reid from the passage
A.He was laughed at by other students. B.He was interested in racing cars in his youth.
C.He got his graduate degree at the age of 80. D.He transformed the views of young people completely.
25.From what he did in the university, we can infer that Mr. Reid was ______.
A.considerate B.independent C.intelligent D.energetic
26.What does the fourth paragraph mainly discuss
A.How Mr. Reid realizes his dream. B.When Mr. Reid entered college.
C.What teachers think of Mr. Reid. D.Why the students likes Mr. Reid.
27.What lesson can we learn from the story of Jerry Reid
A.It is never too late to learn. B.Two heads are better than one.
C.Actions speak louder than words. D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
The city of Venice, Italy, has finally made a long-awaited decision. Starting on August 1, 2021, cruise ships (游轮) will no longer be allowed to enter the city’s waters.
Contrary to popular opinion, these cruise ship visitors contribute relatively little to the local tourism economy. The New York Times reported cruise ship passengers add up to 73% of visitors, but contribute a mere 18% of tourism dollars. The percentage is inverted for people who spend at least one night at a hotel; they represent 14% of visitors, but 48% of the business.
Many people are overjoyed by the news, especially environmental activists. Firstly, the cruise ships would disturb the waterways and erode (侵蚀) the foundations of already weak buildings. A 2019 study published in Nature found the waves created by large ships could “redistribute industrial pollutants already present in the waters.” Others have said these same waves made huge holes in the underwater bottoms of buildings, making them unstable. Furthermore, when canals are deepened in order to allow larger boats, it destroys coastal habitats and makes floods worse. This is part of the reason why, in recent years, Venice has experienced terrible flooding that completely flooded St. Mark’s Square and other landmarks.
The announcement came as a surprise as many did not expect the regional government to act so quickly. In April a similar ban was issued, but it depended on finding an alternative port for the ships—a requirement that local people complained could take years to achieve. The announcement made last week, however, did away with that condition, allowing the city to move forward quickly with the ban.
28.What does the underlined word “inverted” mean in Paragraph 2
A.Increased slightly. B.Looked down upon.
C.Adjusted accordingly. D.Turned upside down.
29.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about
A.Reasons for Venice’s terrible floods. B.Dangers cruise ships brought about.
C.Reaction to the long-awaited decision. D.Damage waves did to buildings.
30.What is Venetians’ attitude toward the April ban
A.Indifferent. B.Hopeful. C.Doubtful. D.Objective.
31.What is the best title for the text
A.Venice Says “ No” to Cruise Ships. B.The Long-awaited Decision to be Made.
C.Cruise Ships Erodes Ancient Venice. D.Venice Tries to Protect Its Waterway.
Libraries are romantic places. The romance is that of reading, and the wealth of human imagining and learning that is contained in them. Access to the knowledge and literary art (poetry, fiction, drama) in a library is precious—and particularly valuable to young minds and people of any age with an interest in education.
It would be hard to find anyone who actively disapproves of libraries. But when it comes to reality, Britain’s libraries are on less solid ground. The number of books borrowed in the year ending in March, 2021 was 72.9 m, down 56% on the previous year. Physical visits also collapsed, from 214.6 m to 59.7 m.
Of course, this is the behaviour that one would expect during a pandemic. Many libraries were closed during this period, while people were discouraged from unnecessary mixing. Book sales climbed to their highest in a decade in 2021, which suggests that some former users of libraries may have bought books instead.
Private libraries at home, whether large collections or single bookshelves, appear to be developing well. But the hope must be that visits and loans at public libraries will soon return to their former level too. Like any other service, libraries need users. And while booksellers might in one sense be regarded as competitors, in fact the vast majority of those involved in the trade, from publishers to poets, are library lovers.
This has something to do with the romantic idea of the reader as explorer, with every book a door to a new store of feeling or understanding. But it also involves the recognition that if books are to form part of our life, there must be space in public for them. Books can be treasured possessions, but there is also something special about a copy that arrives in your hands having passed through those of others—and that will go on being passed between strangers who share your curiosity.
32.What has happened to British libraries
A.They have been in a bad state. B.They have become romantic places.
C.They have got great appeal for artists. D.They have suffered great loss of users.
33.What has led to the home library boom (兴起) in Britain
A.People avoid close contact in public. B.Many libraries have been pulled down.
C.People have access to affordable books. D.More people disapprove of public libraries.
34.What does the author try to convey in the last paragraph
A.Books are personal belongings. B.Libraries are a paradise for adventurers.
C.Books should be attached importance to. D.Libraries contribute to human connection.
35.What can we know from the text
A.Libraries will fade out of stage. B.Libraries will hold a promising future.
C.Booksellers benefit from libraries’ collapse. D.The pandemic has boosted British book sales.
If I could offer you a magic drug that would make you happier, healthier, more optimistic and more productive, and cost nothing and will require very little effort, would you be interested Of course you would! Science tells us that an “attitude of gratitude (感激)” is a good health choice. 36 And gratitude requires little time and no money. But why can gratitude improve our productivity and results
37 We learn the importance of saying “thank you” as little children. This childhood lesson is extremely of great use. 38 How do you feel about them Does their appreciation positively impact your relation with them Of course it does! So be grateful for people, their contributions and their actions and make sure you let them know how you feel.
Gratitude improves problem solving skills. 39 However, when we think about what we are grateful for, we open our minds up to new possibilities and connections. We also enter a problem solving situation with a perspective of opportunity rather than challenge or issue.
Gratitude helps us learn. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. 40 Being grateful for our situation, even if we don’t like everything about it, allows us to be thankful for opportunity to learn something new.
So, the more aware and grateful we are of what we have and our capabilities, the more capable and elective we become in living.
A.Gratitude improves attitudes.
B.Gratitude improves relationships.
C.Behind every problem lies an opportunity.
D.Being more grateful often makes us happier and more optimistic.
E.Think about those people that you know who are most appreciative of you.
F.Too often we look at problem solving with a very bored or exhausted view.
G.Grateful people experience fewer aches and pains and report feeling healthier than other people.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Tongai has worked as a waiter at a restaurant for the past eight years. He was working 41 one afternoon on a beautiful day with clear blue skies and 42 seas. Tourists who had finished their lunch at the restaurant were walking along the water’s edge, taking in the 43 ocean and mountain views, when 44 a “wall of water” rose up and carried lots of people out to sea. When seeing that, Tongai immediately ran outside, undressed himself, and 45 into the water.
Towering waves were breaking on the shore, making it 46 for the shocked victims to get back. Tongai used his belt to pull people from the water, shouting for help as he worked.
Two of the people Tongai 47 were Clair and her 8-year-old daughter, Arya. As they walked, a huge wave 48 them into the harbour. Clair cried for help, and Tongai and another tourist who’d jumped in to 49 were in the water next to her. Tongai caught Arya and pushed her onto the rock y shore. Clair scrambled (爬) up behind them, 50 .
“I recently went to the restaurant to thank him,” Clair said. “My daughter 51 him immediately, and we hugged each other. We are so 52 to Tongai and the tourist who risked their lives to save ours.”
Thanks to Tongai and other helpers, no one 53 their lives that day! Tongai is now regarded as a 54 and praised for his 55 rescues.
41.A.as usual B.on purpose C.by chance D.at once
42.A.stormy B.shallow C.distant D.calm
43.A.boring B.fascinating C.passing D.amusing
44.A.suddenly B.naturally C.certainly D.gradually
45.A.looked B.sank C.jumped D.fell
46.A.dangerous B.necessary C.possible D.difficult
47.A.attracted B.approached C.rescued D.prevented
48.A.returned B.knocked C.followed D.led
49.A.warm B.serve C.check D.help
50.A.disappointed B.exhausted C.ashamed D.excited
51.A.interviewed B.joined C.recognized D.congratulated
52.A.generous B.sensitive C.grateful D.disturbing
53.A.lost B.risked C.changed D.improved
54.A.star B.soldier C.winner D.hero
55.A.regular B.timely C.medical D.financial
The horse-head bronze statue lost from Yuanmingyuan in 1860 56 (return) to the site of the former royal resort last Tuesday.
The statue was one of 12 Chinese zodiac animals (生肖). But they 57 (rob) by the invading English and French forces in 1860. Yuanmingyu an was also destroyed at that time.
The horse-head statue is so far the first animal-head statue 58 (come) back to Yuanmingyuan, 59 was donated by the late Macau businessman Stanley Ho to the country last year, and the National Cultural Heritage Administration recently handed it over 60 the administration of Yuanmingyuan ruins.
The statue will be 61 (regular) displayed in the Zhengjue Temple area. The temple is one of a few 62 (site) that generally remain complete to date. More than 10 million yuan ($1.52million) was spent by the Haidian district government to improve facilities to ensure its 63 (safe).
Seven of the 12 statues 64 (include) the horse have return ed to China and the rest six are now housed in 65 National Museum of China.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Once upon a time, two brothers, who lived on adjoining (毗邻的) farms, fell into conflict. It was the first serious fight in 10 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labour and goods as needed without a hitch.
Then the long cooperation fell apart. It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference, and finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.
Very early one morning there was a knock on the older brother’s door. He opened it to find a man with a carpenter’s toolbox. “I’m looking for a few days’ work,” he said. “Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there. Could I help you ”
“Well as it happens there is.” said the older brother.
“I do have a job for you. Look across the stream at that farm. That’s my neighbour. In fact, it’s my younger brother. Once there was a meadow (草地) between us and last week he took his bulldozer (推土机) and plowed a stream between us. Well, he may have done this to hurt me, but I’ll go one better than that. See that pile of wood by the barn I want you to build me a fence. a2 -metre-high fence, so I won’t need to see him or his place anymore.”
The carpenter said, “I think I understand the situation. Show me the nails and the post-hole digger and I’ll be able to do a job that pleases you.”
The older brother helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day.
The neighbour, his younger brother, was coming across the bridge merrily with his hand outstretching to the older brother. ___________________________________________________________________________________
(Text 1)
M: You look happy, Alice. Any good news
W: Caroline has come back from Boston.
M: Really Shall we go and see her right now
W: That’s why I’m here for.
(Text 2)
W: What did Jim suggest at the meeting
M: He thought the company should have a full-time lawyer.
W: I doubt we have the money for that.
(Text 3)
M: If you’re going mountain climbing this weekend, be prepared for some difficult conditions. The weather report says it will be windy.
W: I know, Dad. Bob and I will be very careful. We won’t do anything dangerous.
(Text 4)
W: I would like to study fashion design, but I can’t afford it right now.
M: I suppose you’re talking about a full-time course, but you can take evening classes after work.
W: Good idea.
(Text 5)
W: I heard that you used to be in a construction business.
M: Yes. I spent 33 years on the job. I’ve been running an online clothes shop since last year.
W: Wow! Sounds like you’ll never stop working.
(Text 6)
W: Oh no! I don’t have Amanda’s phone number.
M: What’s wrong, Miyako
W: Amanda said we should get together again and that I should call her. But I don’t have her phone number.
M: I see. Well, don’t worry about it. For Americans, that’s usually a friendly way to say goodbye . It’s like when Americans say “Hello, how are you ”, but they don’t want you to tell them how you are. It’s just a friendly greeting.
W: So saying “Let’s get together sometime!” is similar to that
M: Yeah, that’s right.
(Text 7)
M: Maria, what do you want to see in London tomorrow
W: I’d like to go to the zoo tomorrow morning. And then, I’ll go to the British Museum in the afternoon.
M: Well, you know, there’s a lot to see in the museum.
W: Oh, yes, indeed. After that, I’d like to go to the Tower of London.
M: But I don’t think you have enough time. Probably you can go there the day after tomorrow.
W: OK, Ben. I just wanted to make the most of my stay in Britain. I’ll stay in London for three days. And I’ll go to Oxford to see a friend. That will take me two days. I’ll also go to Manchester and stay there for one day. That’s what I planned.
M: Your sister is studying in Edinburgh, right
W: Yes. That’s why I’ll stay there most of my days.
(Text 8)
M: The doctor just told me I have to be careful about things I eat.
W: Like what
M: Well, for example, he told me to eat fish. No more hamburgers or fried chicken.
W: Yuck! I hardly eat fish. I don’t like it at all.
M: I don’t, either. He wants me to eat a lot of vegetables, too, especially green ones. But that’s okay. I like them.
W: Oh, vegetables. I often have carrots and tomatoes. They’re my favorite.
M: He also told me not to drink any coffee. That’s difficult. I love my coffee in the morning.
W: I know what you mean. I do, too. But I drink too much, six or eight cups a day. Coffee with cake or pie after a good meal is...
M: Cake or pie The doctor said no to them, too.
W: I almost always have them in my house. You know, I don’t think I’d like your doctor very much.
(Text 9)
W: Marc, come on in.
M: Hi, Betty. Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you
W: Fine. It has been ten years since we graduated. And you haven’t changed much. Did you have any trouble getting here
M: No trouble at all. After checking in at the hotel by the train station, I followed the directions you texted me over the mobile phone.
W: I’m glad you came over to see me and Jack.
M: I miss both of you very much. How’s Jack Where is he
W: He’s out shopping for our dinner tonight and will be back in a minute.
M: Thank you for having me here at your home.
W: What do you feel like doing while you’re here
M: Well, I’d like to look at the historic buildings.
W: No problem. We can show you around the old town. You know, Benjamin Franklin and the Liberty Bell, and some very good museums.
M: That’s great.
W: By the way, the International House is running a really fine film program. Would you like to see it
M: Well, I am just here for two days. I’m afraid I don’t have time for films.
(Text 10)
Hi, everyone. As we are waiting here, let me introduce Castle Howard to you. Castle Howard has become a popular tourist attraction in recent years. Though its name contains the word “castle”, it is not a true castle, because it was never used for defence. Castle Howard is actually an English country house. It has been home to the Howard family for more than 300 years. Over the years, a number of films have been shot there. When you visit it tomorrow, you’ll see many things. Perhaps there’s too much to see, but make sure you don’t miss these two things. First, the Walled Gardens. It is a group of three gardens. You can find 2,000 different types of roses there, almost all types of roses in England. The Walled Gardens is open every day of the year, except Christmas. Second, the Woodland Garden. It is known for flowering plants, fruit trees and pathways through a wooded setting. In a word, Castle Howard is really beautiful. You could spend a whole day enjoying its beauty tomorrow.
1~5 BBCCA 6~10 ABCBC 11~15 ABAAB 16 ~20 CCBCA
21~25 ADBBD 26~30 CADBC 31 ~35 ADADB 36~40 DBEFC
41~45 ADBAC 46~50 DCBDB 51 ~55 CCADB
56.returned 57.were robbed 58.to come 59.which 60.to 61.regularly
62.sites 63.safety 64.including 65.the
One possible version:
Last Friday the final volleyball game of our grade was held between our class and Class 4 in the gym.
The atmosphere was electric and intense. Though falling behind in the beginning, our team didn’t lose heart. We kept cheering them on and little by little they caught up. At the last minute, our captain spiked the game-winning shot and we won the championship! We were wild with joy and pride!
The game benefited us greatly. Not only did it enrich our school life but it also relieved our pressure. Furthermore, the friendship and unity among the classmates were dramatically strengthened through the game.
One possible version:
The older brother helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day. The carpenter worked hard all that day measuring, sawing, digging and nailing. About sunset when the older brother returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. The older brother’s eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped. There was no fence there at all; instead there was a bridge... a bridge stretching from one side of the creek to the other.
The neighbour, his younger brother, was coming across the bridge merrily with his hand outstretching to the older brother. “You are quite a fellow to build this bridge after all I’ve said and done,” he said. The two brothers then met in the middle of the bridge, taking each other’s hand and embraced. Their conflict was finally at an end. They then turned to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox on his shoulder. “No, wait. Please stay a few days. I’ve a lot of other projects for you,” said the older brother. “I’d love to stay on,” the carpenter said, “but, I have many more bridges to build.”