Book 3 Module 5 Lao She Teahouse
主备人:沙慧琴 审核人:徐月瑶 复备人:____________
教学内容:Unit2 It describes the changes in Chinese society.
课型:Reading and writing
1、能正确运用本单元的单词 ( http: / / )和短语:act, show, common, twentieth, describe, society, head teacher, college, novel, name, if, magic
课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及阅读课“ ( http: / / )四个阶段”教学模式。本课指导学生通过阅读获取信息,培养学生阅读技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖品.
教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Step OneWarming-up (5’) 1.Lead in(1). Let the studen ( http: / / )ts to see a short play, then answer the following questions.①What’s the name of the short play ( Teahouse.)②Who is the play’s writer (Lao She.) (2).Let students loo ( http: / / )k at some pictures and ask and answer the questions about Lao She.① What do you know about Lao She ②What are his most famous books and plays ③What’s special about Lao She ‘s Teahouse (1). To see a short play and the following questions. ①What’s the name of the short play (Teahouse.)②Who’s the play’s writer (Lao She)(2) Look at the pictures and learn something about Lao She . 通过短片与图片引导学生进入本单元的课文,既 ( http: / / )可以活跃课堂气氛,.也能使学生对老舍先生有进一步的认识,还训练了学生的反应。并在无形中培养学生大胆说英语的习惯。
Step TwoPre-reading(5’) 1. Learn the new wordsShow students some pictures and check the new words. Look at the pictures to say out some new words 引导学生谈论图片,训练学生描述物品物的能力。在描述的同时学习新单词和句型,为学生扫清阅读障碍。
Step ThreeWhile-reading (18’) 1. Scanning (F ( http: / / )ast reading)(1)Ask students to scanthe passage and answer: What does the passage talk about 2. Skimming1. Ask students to ( http: / / ) skim the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs.(Activity 2)2. Let the students check the answers.3. Careful reading.(1)Paragraph 1:①Ask the students t ( http: / / )o read the Paragraph 1 and answer the following questions.1. What is one of Lao She’s most famous plays 2. What does the play show 3. What does the play describe ②Organize some stude ( http: / / )nts to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. (2)Paragraph 2:①Present some sen ( http: / / )tences to the students and ask them to read paragraph 2 and check the sentences.1. Lao She’s mother sent him to a teacher’s school in 1913. ( )2. In 1924, Lao She became a head teacher of a primary school. ( )3. Lao She returned to China in 1929. ( )4. Lao She was named “the People’s Artist. ( )②Organize some stu ( http: / / )dents to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. (3)Paragraph 3 :①Let the students read the Paragraph 3 and fill in the blanks. At Lao She Teahous ( http: / / )e today, customers can ___________ and eat delicious _________. You can enjoy __________, _________ or _________ if you like them. Lao She Teahouse gives _________ to everyone from all over the world.②Organize some students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. Scan the passag ( http: / / )e and answer the question:What does the passage talk about (Talk about s ( http: / / )omething about Lao She , his play Teahouse and Lao She Teahouse.)2. Skimming1. Skim the passage a ( http: / / )nd match the headings with the paragraphs. (Activity 2)2. Check the answers.①Read paragraph 1 and answer the following questions.1. What is one of Lao She’s most famous plays 2. What does the play show 3.What does the play describe ②Some students come to ( http: / / ) the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. ①Read Paragraph 2 and check the sentences.1. Lao She’s mother sent him to a teacher’s school in 1913. ( )2. In 1924, Lao She became a head teacher of a primary school. ( )3. Lao She returned to China in 1929. ( )4. Lao She was named “the People’s Artist. ( )②Some students come to ( http: / / ) the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph . ①Read the Paragraph 3 and fill in the blanks. At Lao She Tea ( http: / / )house today, customers can ___________ and eat delicious _________. You can enjoy __________, _________ or _________ if you like them. Lao She Teahouse gives _________ to everyone from all over the world.②Some students come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. 要求学生快速阅文章,回答问题,帮助学生理 ( http: / / )解课文内容。通过学生快速阅读,培养学生获取主旨的能力。并进一步理解文章的内容, 为进一步学习做好铺垫。让学生带着任务(问题)去阅读课文,去找答案,有助于学生更加准确地获取信息,提高阅读效果和技能。学生通过分层次阅读文章,获取具体信息,把知识点和课文理解在分段学习得以突破。而小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,让学生充分地实践运用语言,并激发学生创造性思维的发展。
Step FourPost-reading(10’) 1. Retell.①Let the students c ( http: / / )omplete the timeline with information about Lao She and retell the passage according to the timeline.(Activity 3)②Ask the students to complete the passage with the word in the box .(Activity 4)③ Call back the answers and ask two students to retell the passage. 2.Writing①Let students tal ( http: / / )k something the play Teahouse and talk something about their favourite play or film in groups. (Activity 5)②Write a short p ( http: / / )assage that your favourite film Harry Potter according to the information. ①Let the students com ( http: / / )plete the timeline with information about Lao She and retell the passage according to the timeline.(Activity 3)②Complete the passage with the word in the box .(Activity 4)③Call back the answers ,then retell the short passage .① To talk somethi ( http: / / )ng about the play Teahouse and their favourite play or film in groups.(Activity 5)② Write a short passage that your favourite film Harry Potter according to the information. 复述课文能使学生加深对课文内容的理解。通过写作,让学生巩固所学,并增强写作能力。适量的口头练习,让学生巩固本课时的语言重点。
Step FiveSummary(1’) 1.Get the students tosum up the language points.T: What have we learned today Ss:….2. Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson. 1. Sum up the language points.2. To choose the best groups. 引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。简短的评价使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。
Step SixHome-work(1’) Write a passage:My favourite film Harry Potter Finish the homework. 课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识,补充其他方面的锻炼。写作是阅读的拓展,让学生最终完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。
板书设计:Unit 2 It describes the changes in Chinese society.
one of… T1 T2 T3
finish doing sth
the People’s Artist
give a warm welcome
一 、单项选择
( ) 1. - What do you think of the film you saw yesterday.
- Oh! It’s one of __________films I’ve ever seen.
A. interesting B. more interesting
C. most interesting D. the most interesting
( ) 2. Lao She ( http: / / )was one of the greatest Chinese writers in _______ century.
A. the twentieth B .twentieth C. the twenty D.twenty
( )3.My cat _______ Mimi.
A .names B. is name C. named D. is named
( )4.The ( http: / / )story ______ us a little girls school life in a poor area.
A. leaves B. teaches C. hopes D. shows
( )5. I finished _______ my homework an hour ago.
A. do B. did C. doing D. to do
English is one of _______ _______ _______ languages in the world.
2. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去购物。
If it ________ ________ , we ________ ________ shopping.
3. 请热烈欢迎我们的英语老师。
Please _______ _______ _______ _______ ______ our English teacher.
4. 明天我们将要返回学校了。
We will _______ _______ our school tomorrow.
5. 这位伟大的作家出生在1989年5月2日。
The great writer _______ ______ ______ May 2nd, 1989.Book 3 Module 5 Lao She Teahouse
主备人:沙慧琴 审核人:徐月瑶 复备人:____________
教学内容:Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.
课型:Listening and speaking
1、能正确运用本单元的词汇及短语:actress, teahouse, offer, end, in the end, no idea
3、能用动词不定式表达自己的意图和计划, 并培养学生对京剧中国传统文化的兴趣和爱好,增强其民族自豪感。
本课指导学生通过听力获取信息,培养学生听 ( http: / / )力技能。课堂上采用多媒体手段辅助教学,在轻松愉快的氛围中,在较真实的语境下,并联系学生生活实际,结合已有的知识和经验,运用所学的语言基础知识自我学习、互相学习,让学生在语言实践中相互启发、生成,体验成功。培养学生的合作精神,发展其思维和想象等能力。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖品。
教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Step OneWarming-up (3’) Lead in1. Enjoy the music the Beijing Opera.Q1: What’s the song about Then show the title. (I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.)2..Free talk: (Activity 1)Ask two students some questions like this :(1)Do you like the Beijing Opera (2) Do you want to see the Beijing Opera in Lao She Teahouse (3) Do you know Lao She Who is he Enjoy the song and answer the question. (The Beijing Opera.)2. Listen and answer the questions.” 先用一首京剧来引出本节课的主题,通过这个环节,既活跃了课堂气氛,还调动了学生的学习兴趣同时让学生在free talk的过程中感受新的语言项目,通过这个环节,提高了学生的认知能力。
Step TwoPre-task(5’) Task1: Check the new words.1. Show some pictures ( http: / / ) and things to get the students to say out the new words.2. Organize the students to read the new words together.3. Check the new words. 1. Look at the pictures and things to say out the new words.2. Read the new words together.3. Give the answers. 引导学生谈论实物及power point上 ( http: / / )的图片,检查学生对词汇的掌握程度,训练学生的表达能力,通过图片、情景学单词,做到词不离句。学完单词后,及时检查课前布置的单词练习题来巩固词汇。
Step ThreeWhile-task (20’) Task2:listening(1). Play the ( http: / / ) tape, ask students to listen and underline the correct words or expressions, then check the answers. (Activity 2)(2)Guide the studen ( http: / / )ts to listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.1. Where did Lingling and Betty go last night A. Beijing B. Lao She C. Lao She Teahouse2.Did Betty understand the opera A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We don’t know.3. How long did they stay in Lao She house A. An hour B. Two hours C. Three hours4.Who is Lao She A. A writer B. An actor C. A player(3).Organize the students to check their answers.Task 3: Reading(1)Ask the studen ( http: / / )ts to read the conversation to check the true sentences, then check the answers. (Activity 3)(2) Organize the students to read the conversation with the video.(3).Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation. (4) Have a compet ( http: / / )ition: Read the conversation in groups and choose the best group.Task 4: Solve the language points(1).Organize students ( http: / / )to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found. (2).Help the students to solve the difficult points.Task5: Retell the dialogue(1)Ask studen ( http: / / )ts to complete the passage with the correct form of the word in the box.(Activity4)(2)Ask the students to retell the dialogue (1). Listen ( http: / / ) to the tape and underline the correct words or expressions, then show the answers (Activity 2). (2).Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.(3)Check the answers.(1) Read the conver ( http: / / )sation to check the true sentences, then check the answers. (Activity 3)(2)Read the conversation with the video.(3) Read the conversation in groups.(4) Read the conversation in groups and choose the best group. (1). Students come ( http: / / )to the blackboard to show out some language points, the other students listen to them carefully and note . (2).Solve the difficult points with the teacher’s help.(1)Students complete the passage.(2) Retell the dialogue . 利用听读,练习的方式加强学生对课文的理解,培养学生细节听力的技巧,能够听取信息,训练和培养学生细节听力技巧。通过看视频听读对话,帮助学生进一步理解课文内容。小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,让学生充分地实践运用语言,并培养团结合作精神。通过让学生上台展示他们所找的语言点,既培养了学生的胆量,又培养了他们自主学习的能力。教师点拨、补充语言点,让学生进一步理解知识点。通过复述对话,加深对课文的掌握,同时也锻炼了口语。
Step FourPost-task(9’) Task 6:Do some speaking(1) Show some inf ( http: / / )ormation that this weekend plan to do. Help the students to talk about them like this:What do you plan to do this weekend Where do you want to go What do your parents offer to you etc.(2). Have the Ss report their plans for this weekend..(3). Ask students to do someExercises and then check. (1). Talk about some ( http: / / )thing my plan for this weekend with the teacher’s help.What do you plan to do this weekend Where do you want to go What do your parents offer to you etc.(2). Report their plans for this weekend.I plan to….I want to….My parents offered to….I hope to …. etc(3)Do the exercises, then check. 通过做报告训练学生说的能力,能使学生加深对课文内容的理解,适量的口头练习,让学生巩固本课时的语言重点。通过笔头练习,进一步巩固所学。
Step FiveSummary(2’) 1. Get the students to sum up the language points.T: What have we learned today Ss: …2. Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson. 1. Sum up the language points.2. To choose the best groups. 引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。简短的评价使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。
Step SixHome-work(1’) Write a short composition My plan for this weekend.Finish the exercises in the workbook of Unit 1. Finish the homework. 课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识,补充其他方面的锻炼。
板书设计 Module5 Lao She Teahouse 小组评价Unit1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.I went to….I wanted/ planned/ to…..It +adj +to+do sth.
( )1. He stayed at home for ________ hour.
A. a B. an C. the D. \
( )2.The old man ( http: / / ) was badly ill and we _____ him _____ hospital right away.
A. take; to B. bring; to C. took; to D. brought ; to
( )3. It is difficult for the boy _______ English well.
A. learn B. learns C. to learn D. learning
( )4. – Don’t forget _______ your homework.
- OK. I’ll do it right now.
A. doing B. do C. to do D. did
( )5. Would you please show me the way _________ the bank
A. in B. for C. with D. tot
Beijing ______ _______ _______ Beijing duck.
2、 我们同意早点动身。
We _______ ________ start early.
_______ ________ will you stay here
I ______ ________ ________ reading books.
He offered ______ _______ some books ______ me.Book 3 Module5 Lao She Teahouse
主备人:沙慧琴 审核人:徐月瑶 复备人:____________
教学内容:Unit3 Language in use
课型:Revision and application
1. 正确运用本模块的词汇及短语
本节课型为Revision and a ( http: / / )pplication,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片、调查表等。
教学步骤 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 活 动 目 的
1. Leading-in(8’) 1.Show some pictures ( http: / / )and ask students to discuss in pairs and make sentences like these:I want to …She offered to ….We planned to ….My mother hopes to….And write some infinitive sentences on the blackboard 1. Discuss in pairs and make sentences like these:I want to ….She offered to ….We planned to ….My mother hopes to…. 复习和巩固所学的知识点。
2. While-task(20’) 1. Get the Ss to sum up the sentences on the blackboard.(动词不定式)2. Let the students do Activity 1, then check the answers.3. Ask the stud ( http: / / )ents to work in pairs, Talk about your weekend plans. ( Activity 7)For example:- I want to see the Beijing Opera.- Why don’t we….4. Let the students to show their conversations. 1. Try to understand and sum up the sentences on the blackboard.2. Do Activity 1: ( http: / / )Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.3. work in pairs, Talk about your weekend plans. (Activity 7)For example:- I want to see the Beijing Opera.Why don’t we….4. Act out the conversations. 复习巩固前面两个单元所掌握的语法和词汇。.
5. Ask the stu ( http: / / )dents to do Activities 2, 3 and 4 individually, then check the answers.6. Listening (1) Let the students ( http: / / ) listen and choose the correct answer, then call back the answers. (Activity 5)(2) Ask the students to listen again and check the true sentences. (Activity6)(3) Check the answers. 7. Reading(1) Read the passage ( http: / / )and choose the correct answer, then call back the answers. (Activity 8)(2) Organize two stude ( http: / / )nts to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in the passage.(3) Read the passage in groups and check reading.(4) Ask student ( http: / / )s to read “Around the world”, and then answer the questions after reading.Q1:When and where did western theatre start Q2: How many people could watch a play at the same time Q3: Are there still any theatres today (5). Check the answers. 5. Do Activities 2,3 and 4,then show the answers.6. Listening(1) Listen and choose the correct answer , then check the answers. (Activity 5)(2) Ask the students to listen again and check the true sentences.(Activity6)(3) Check the answers.7. Reading(1) Read the passage a ( http: / / )nd choose the correct answer, then show the answers. (Activity 8)(2) Come to t ( http: / / )he blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in the passage.(3) Read the passage in groups and check reading.(4) Read “Around the world”, and answer the questions after reading.Q1:When and where did western theatre start Q2: How many people could watch a play at the same time Q3: Are there still any theatres today (5) Show the answers. 通过练习加强掌握本单元的语法和语言点。通过世界文化拓展学生的知识面。
3. Post-task (10’) 1. Ask studen ( http: / / )ts to work in groups of six: Choose a scene from a play and practise it.2. Ask the students to act out the scene in front of the class.3.Let students do some exercises and then check. 1.Work in six:Choose a scene from a play and practise it.2. Act out the scene in front of the class.3. Do some exercises and then check. 通过表演戏剧中的一个场景,培养学生对戏剧的兴趣和热爱。.
4. Summary(1’) Ask the students to say out what to learn. Students conclude the knowledge that they learn. 让学生自己总结本模块的知识点,加深理解。
5.Homework(1’) Finish the workbook of Unit 3.
板书设计 Unit 3 Language in useI want to go to Lao She Teahouse.She offered to take me to the concert.We planned to watch the play. My mother hopes to see her favourite play.
( )1. Let’s _________ for a walk, shall we
- ____________,
A. to go B. going C. go D. gone
( ) 2. The boss made the workers ________ the job on time.
A. finish finished C. finishes D. to finish
( ) 3. It’s necessary for us __________ Mont Yuntai.
A. go climbing B. go to climb C. to go climbing D. goes climbing
( ) 4. - Mary, Wh ( http: / / )at’s that - A card. Linda ______ it _______me yesterday.
A. sent ; for B. sent ; to C. gives ; for D. gives; to
( ) 5. I decide ________ a translator in the future.
A. be B. to be C. being D. am
Most people make ( http: / / )their living(谋生)with their hands, but Bob makes his living with his feet.
Bob’s story began ( http: / / ) in a small city in England. His parents were poor. Seven people lived in a small house. Bob had no place to play but on the street.
Bob’s father o ( http: / / )ften played football. Little Bob wanted to play football, too. So his father made a soft (柔软的)ball for him to kick. It was a sock full of old cloth. He kicked it every day.
At last , Bob le ( http: / / )arned to kick a real football. And after a few years he could play football very well.
( ) 1.People usually make their living ______________.
A. by learning by themselves B. with their feet
C. by playing football D. with their hands
( ) 2. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Bob was born in a small village.
B. Bob’s house was very big.
C. There were eight people in the family.
D. The little boy often played on the street.
( ) 3. Why did the father make a soft ball for his son
A. Because the family all liked football
B. Because Bob also liked to play football.
C. Because they had a lot of old cloth.
D. Because he didn’t want to throw the sock away.
( ) 4. The word “ kick” in the story means ________.
A. 踢 B. 玩 C. 射门 D.弹起
( ) 5. From the story we can see _________________.
A. Bob’s age B. it’s about an American boy
C. Bob’s mother’s ( http: / / )name D. the boy became a good football player at last.