人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions词汇英汉互译和教材词块金句背诵任务单(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions词汇英汉互译和教材词块金句背诵任务单(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 38.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-28 12:38:54



选择性必修四 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions
iconic /a k n k/ adj. ____________
foundation /fa n de n/ n. ____________
political /p l t kl/ adj. ____________
didgeridoo / d d ri du / n. ____________
located /l ke t d/ adj. ____________
equator / kwe t (r)/ n. ____________
koala /k ɑ l / n. ____________
barbecue / bɑ b kju / n. (abbr.BBQ) ________
bakery / be k ri/ n. ____________
joint /d nt/ n. ____________adj. __________
butcher / b t (r)/ n. ____________
premier / premi (r); NAmE pr 'm r/ adj. ____________ n. ____________
herb /h b/ n. ____________
dim sim / d m 's m/ ____________
hollow / h l / adj. ____________
vibrate /va 'bre t/ vt. & vi. ____________
horn /h n/ n. ____________
pitch /p t / n. ____________
straightforward/ stre t f w d/ adj. _________
slogan / sl ɡ n/ n. ____________
minister / m n st (r)/ n. ____________
prime minister ____________
frog /fr ɡ/ n. ____________
arrow / r / n. ____________
entitle / n ta tl/ vt. ____________
getaway / ɡet we / n. ____________
dive /da v/ vi. & n. ( dived/dove, dived ) ______
kayaking / ka k / n. ____________
peak season____________
freedom / fri d m/ n. ____________
domain /d me n; d me n/ n. ____________
sponsor / sp ns (r); NAmE 'spɑ ns r/ vt. ___________ n. ____________
liberty / l b ti/ n. ____________
golf /ɡ lf/ n. ____________
strait /stre t/ n. ____________
sample / sɑ mpl/ n. ____________
monument / m njum nt/ n. ____________
kiwi / ki wi / n. ____________
geyser / ɡi z (r); ɡa z r/ n. ____________
sulphuric /s l'fj r k/ pool ____________
manuka /m 'nu:k / honey ____________
bungee / b nd i/ jumping ____________
a flock /fl k/ of ____________
geothermal / d i θ ml/ park ____________
distribution / d str bju n/ n. ____________
pouch /pa t / n. ____________
temporary / tempr ri/ adj. ____________
phase /fe z/ n. ____________
trunk /tr k/ n. ____________
licensed /la snst/ adj. ____________
license / la sns/ vt. ____________n. ( = licence ) ____________
session / se n/ n. ____________
frequency / fri kw nsi/ n. ____________
violent / va l nt/ adj. ____________
violence / va l ns/ n. ____________
nest /nest/ n. ____________
mammal / m ml/ n. ____________
biology /ba l d i/ n. ____________
hatch /h t / vi. ____________vt. _________
capacity /k p s ti/ n. ____________
a handful of____________
fence /fens/ n. ____________
prison /'pr zn/ n. ____________
grand /ɡr nd/ adj. ____________
____________ /a k n k/ adj.符号的;图标的
____________ /fa n de n/ n.创建;基础;地基
____________/p l t kl/ adj.政治的
____________ / d d ri du / n.迪吉里杜管
____________ /l ke t d/ adj.位于
____________ / kwe t (r)/ n.赤道
____________ /k ɑ l / n.考拉;树袋熊
____________ / bɑ b kju / n. (abbr. BBQ) 户外烧烤;烤架
____________ / be k ri/ n.面包(糕饼)店;面包厂
____________/d nt/ n.公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所);关节adj.联合的;共同的
____________ / b t (r)/ n.肉贩;屠夫;刽子手
____________/ premi (r); NAmE pr 'm r/ adj.最著名的;第一的;首要的n.总理;首相
____________ /h b/ n.药草;香草;草本
____________/ d m 's m/ (特指澳大利亚的)点心
____________ / h l / adj.中空的;空心的
____________/va 'bre t/ vt. & vi. (使)振动
____________ /h n/ n. (乐器)号
____________/p t / n.音高
____________/ stre t f w d/ adj.坦率的;简单的
____________ / sl ɡ n/ n.标语;口号
____________ / m n st (r)/ n.部长;大臣;外交使节
____________ /fr ɡ/ n.蛙;青蛙
____________ / r / n.箭;箭头
____________/ n ta tl/ vt.给……命名(或题名);使享有权利
____________ / ɡet we / n.适合度假的地方
____________/da v/ vi. & n. ( dived/dove, dived ) 潜水;跳水;俯冲
____________ / ka k / n.划皮艇
____________/ fri d m/ n.自由;不受……影响的状态
____________ /d me n; d me n/ n.领域;领土;范围
____________ / sp ns (r); NAmE 'spɑ ns r/ vt.倡议;赞助;主办n. (法案等的)倡议者;赞助者
____________ / l b ti/ n.自由
____________ /ɡ lf/ n.高尔夫球运动
____________ /stre t/ n.海峡
____________/ sɑ mpl/ n.样本;样品
____________ / m njum nt/ n.纪念碑(或馆、堂、像等);历史遗迹
____________ / ki wi / n.几维(新西兰鸟)
____________/ ɡi z (r); ɡa z r/ n.间歇泉
____________ /s l'fj r k/ pool 硫黄池
____________/m 'nu:k / honey 麦卢卡蜂蜜
____________ / b nd i/ jumping 蹦极跳
____________/fl k/____________—群(羊或鸟)
____________ / d i θ ml/ park 地热公园
____________ / d str bju n/ n.分布;分配;分发
____________ /pa t / n.育儿袋;小袋子;荷包
____________ / tempr ri/ adj.暂时的;短暂的
____________ /fe z/ n.阶段;时期
____________ /tr k/ n.树干
____________ /la snst/ adj.得到正式许可的
____________ / la sns/ vt.批准;许可n. ( = licence )许可证;执照
____________ / se n/ n.—场;一段时间;会议
____________ / fri kw nsi/ n.发生率;重复率;(声波或电磁波振动的)频率
____________/ va l nt/ adj.暴力的;猛烈的
____________ / va l ns/ n.暴力;暴行
____________/nest/ n.巢穴;鸟窝;秘密窝点
____________/ m ml/ n.哺乳动物
____________ /ba l d i/ n.生理;生物学
____________ /h t / vi.孵出;破壳vt.使孵出;策划;(尤指)密谋
____________ /k p s ti/ n.能力;容量
____________ /fens/ n.栅栏;围栏
____________ /'pr zn/ n.监狱;监禁
____________ /ɡr nd/ adj.大;宏大的
1.__________ n.图标;图符;崇拜对象;偶像→iconic adj.符号的;图标的
2.__________ vt.创办;成立;建立→foundation n.创建;基础;地基
3.__________ n.政治→political adj.政治的→__________ n.政客;政治家;从政者;
4. __________vt.& vi. 烤;烘焙→_________ n.面包师;糕点师→bakery n.面包(糕饼)店;面包厂
5.__________ vt.& vi.连接;联结→joint n.公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所);关节 adj. 联合的;共同的
6.__________vt.找出……的位置;把……设置(在);使……坐落(于)→located adj.位于
7.dive vi.&n.潜水;跳水;俯冲→__________n.潜水者;跳水运动员
8.vibrate vt.&vi.(使)振动→__________ n.振动
9.liberty n.自由→__________ vt.解放;释放→__________ n.释放,解放
10.__________ v.分配;散发;分布→distribution n.分布;分配;分发
11.frequent adj.频繁的;时常发生的;惯常的→__________ n.发生率;重复率;(声波或电磁波振动的)频率
12.license vt.批准;许可 n.(=licence)许可证;执照→__________ adj.得到正式许可的
13.biology n.生理;生物学→__________ n.生物学家→__________ adj.生物的
14.violent adj.暴力的;猛烈的→__________ n.暴力;暴行
15.fence n.栅栏;围栏 v.围住,隔开;参加击剑运动→__________ n.击剑运动员
16.prison n.监狱;监禁 →__________ n.囚犯,犯人→_________vt.监禁;关押
1.icon 2.found 3.politics 4.bake;baker 5.join 6.locate 7.diver 8.vibration 9.liberate;liberation 10.distribute 11.frequency 12.licensed 13.biologist;biological 14.violence
15.fencer 16.prisoner;imprison
iconic attractions / animals / sites 标志性风物/动物/景点
make/leave an impression on★ 给…留下印象
a blog entry 博客文章
political divisions 政治区划
the school holidays★ 学校假期
keep blogs 写博客
do / carry out / conduct research★ 进行研究
refer to ... as 称……为……
major in (在大学)主修
social studies 社会研究
an open-air barbecue 露天烧烤
yummy meals 美味佳肴
a fast-food joint 快餐(连锁)店
on the other hand 另一方面
along with ★ 与……一起
be native to …土著的;…土生土长的/当地的
an Aboriginal word 土著单词
the vast land 辽阔的土地
be in contact / touch with 与……有联系
a musical instrument 乐器
make a sound★ 发出声音
for a while 一段时间
a mix of ……的融合;……的混合(体)
make up★ 构成;组成;编造
play a part (in) (在……中)起作用
personally (speaking) 就个人而言
have a straightforward and free-and-easy attitude towards life对待生活有一个简单直率、随性洒脱的态度
feel at home 舒服自在;不拘束
the tourism slogan 旅游口号
make a joint effort to do sth 共同努力做某事
meet a deadline 赶上截止日期
tourist spots / sites / sights 旅游景点
recognise an accent 识别口音
a minority of 少数……
ethnic minority (groups)★ 少数民族
be entitled to (do) sth 使享有(做)某事的权利/资格
special funds 专项资金
cultural heritage 文化遗产
a premier holiday destination 首选的度假胜地
consist of / be made up / composed / comprised of ★ 由…组成(构成)
a great getaway 极好的假日休闲地
a variety of ★ 各种各样的……
suit / satisfy / appeal to sb's tastes 适合某人的喜好
peak season 高峰季节
wrestle with sb 与某人扭打
natural domain 自然领地
bring in 吸引;引入;推行;引进(新的法律)
hundreds of thousands of 数十万
involve doing sth 需要做某事;包含做某事
be considered (to be / as) sth★ 被认为是某物
expose ... to 使……暴露于/显露于/接触……
tourist attractions/destinations/draws 旅游胜地
quite a few 相当多;不少
a famous / historic landmark 著名的/历史地标
be against / for sth★ 反对/支持某事
gain approval 获得批准/通过
take down★ 拆除;取下;记下
prove to be sth★ 证明是……
a communications tower 通讯塔
not to mention sth 更不用说某物了
an advertisement board 广告牌
a flock of 一群(羊或鸟)
sum up★ 总结;概括
all in all / in short / in summary / to sum up / in brief / in a word / in conclusion / in closing★总而言之;简单地说
a cultural / an economic / a music centre 文化/经济/音乐中心
a diverse region 多元化地区
be home to 是……的发源地/产地/栖息地
a symbol of★ ……的象征
(be) unique to ★ ……独具的;……特有的
have a wide distribution throughout the country 广泛分布于全国
survive in a difficult environment 生存于恶劣的环境中
walk backwards 倒着走
move forwards 向前移动;勇往直前
at birth★ 出生时
an encounter with 与……的邂逅
sth is against the law★ 某事违法
interaction with 与……互动
cause stress 引起压力
make laws 制定法律
in the interest(s) of sth 为了某物;为帮助(或取得)某物
pick up 拿起;拾起;(车辆等)中途搭(人)
in a good state 状态良好
a limited frequency of occasions 有限的次数
come across★ 偶然遇到;碰见
make a noise 制造噪音
lay eggs 产卵
a primitive mammal 原始的哺乳动物
a unique biology 罕见的生物特性
a duck’s bill 鸭嘴
cover sth in / with sth★ 用……覆盖……
the sense of sight / smell 视觉/嗅觉
have a capacity to do sth 有做某事的能力
an electrical sensor 电传感器
a handful of 少数人(或物);一把(的量)
give birth (to)★ 产(崽);生孩子
a rhetorical device 修辞手法
interact with arouse sb’s interest★ 与……互动 引起某人的兴趣
a prison sentence ★ 监禁判决;判处监禁
stormy waves 风浪
cause / do damage ★ 造成损害
the Silk Road 丝绸之路
surrounding areas 周边地区
in comparison (to / with sth) (与某事物)相比
date back to / from ★ 追溯到;始于;自…至今
scenic views 风景名胜
apart from / aside from / in addition to / as well as★ 除……以外(还)
be worth doing sth★ 值得做某事
a remarkable example of ……的典范
in use★ 在使用中
irrigation engineer 水利家;水利工程师
investigate the problem thoroughly 彻底调查这个问题
a portion of 一部分….
a productive agricultural region 多产的农业区
an unusual construction 非比寻常的建筑
control the water flow 控制水流
recognise sth as sth 承认/认可……为……
irrigate farm 灌溉农田/场
film screenings 电影/影片放映
a billy can 铁皮罐
1. Whatever makes an impression on the heart seems lovely in the eye. - Saadi (P13)任何给心灵留下深刻印象的东西,在人们眼里似乎都是可爱的。一一萨迪
2.To survive in this vast land on the ocean, the Aborigines had to be in close contact with nature. (P14) 为了在 [阔的土地上生存,澳大利亚土著人就得和大自然保持密切的联系。
3. They have a straightforward and free-and-easy attitude towards life, and their friendliness and warmth made me feel at home wherever I went. (P15)他们对待生活的态度简单直率、随性洒脱,他们的友善和热情让我无论走到哪里都感觉自在。
4. The partners agreed to make a joint effort to meet the project deadlines. (P16)合作伙伴们同意共同努力,在截止日期前完成项目。
5. Ethnic minority groups in China are often entitled to special funds from the government to help protect their cultural heritage.(P16)中国的少数民族通常有权获得政府的专项资金,以帮助保护他们的文化遗产。
6. Thailand is a premier holiday destination, attracting tourists from all over the world. (P16)泰国是一个首选的度假胜地,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。
7. Influenced by Chinese culture, many capital cities now have Chinatowns which are in themselves popular tourist attractions. (P17)受中国文化的影响,许多首都城市现在都有唐人街,这些唐人街本身就是热门的旅游景点。
8.Kangaroo has a wide distribution throughout the country.(P19改)袋鼠广泛分布于全国各地。
9. The noise they make could wake the dead, (P20)它们发出的声音可以吵醒死人。
10. There are only a small handful of animals in the world that can do that! (P21)世界上只有很少的动物可以那样做!
11. The iconic Beijing National Stadium, also known as the“Bird’s Nest”, has a capacity of 80,000.(P22)标志性的北京国家体育场,也被称为“鸟巢”,可容纳8万人。
12. Herbs are an essential component of traditional Chinese medicine.(P22)中草药是中药的重要组成部分。
13.The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, Turkey, has a long history dating back to 1455. (P22)土耳其伊斯坦布尔的大巴扎集市历史悠久,可以追溯到1455年。
14. Dujiangyan is a remarkable example of ancient engineering skill and is still in use today. (P23)都江堰是古代工程技术的典范,至今仍在使用。
15. Recognised as a UNESCO heritage site, Dujiangyan has irrigated farms while preventing floods for over 2,000 years.(P23)都江堰被联合国教科文组织认定为世界遗产,2,000多年来,都江堰既能灌溉农田,又能防范洪水。