人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 3 Sea exploration 词汇英汉互译和教材词块金句背诵任务单(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 3 Sea exploration 词汇英汉互译和教材词块金句背诵任务单(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 34.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-28 12:50:21



选择性必修四 Unit 3 Sea exploration
tale / te l / n. ____________
merchant / m t nt/n. ____________adj. ____________
set sail____________
extend/ k'stend/ vt. ____________
negotiate/n ɡ ie t/vt. ____________vi. ____________
fleet /fli t/ n. ____________
behold/ b h ld/ vt. ( beheld, beheld ) ____________
league/li:ɡ/ n. ____________
in a league of one’s own ____________
royal / r l/ adj. ____________
spice /spa s/ n. ____________
withdraw/ w dr / vi.&vt. ( withdrew, withdrawn ) ____________
withdraw from ____________
channel/ t nl /n. ____________
maritime/ m r ta m/ adj. ____________
bond/ b nd / n. ____________vt.&vi. ____________
in hand____________
politics/ p l t ks / n. ____________
profession/ pr fe n / n. ____________
tournament/ t n m nt/ n. ____________
mixture/ m kst (r) / n. ____________
laptop/ l pt p/ n. ____________
coverage/ k v r d / n. ____________
press conference____________
applaud/ pl d / vt.&vi. ____________vt. ____________
tax/ t ks/ vt. ____________n. ____________
manned/ m nd / adj. ____________
submersible/ s b m s bl / n. ____________
underwater / nd w t (r)/ adv. ____________adj. ____________
coral/ k r l / n. ____________
migration / ma ɡre n / n. ____________
directory/ d rekt ri /n. ____________
meanwhile/ mi nwa l / adv. ____________
exploit/ k spl t/ vt. ____________
gallon/ ɡ l n / n. ____________
murder/ m d (r)/ vt. ____________n. ____________
mercy/ m si /n. ____________
possession / p ze n / n. [usually pl.] ____________
opponent/ p n nt / n. ____________
log/ l ɡ;NAmE l ɡ/ vt. ____________n. ____________
marine/ m ri n / adj. ____________
arrest/ rest /n. ____________vt. ____________
____________ / te l / n.故事;叙述
____________/ m t nt/n.商人;批发商 adj.海上货运的
____________/ k'stend/ vt.扩展;使伸长;延长
____________/n ɡ ie t/vt.商定;达成(协议) vi.谈判;磋商;协商
____________ /fli t/ n.舰队;机群;车队
____________/ b h ld/ vt. ( beheld, beheld )看;看见
____________/li:ɡ/ n.等级;水平;联合会;联赛
____________/ r l/ adj.皇家的;王室的;高贵的
____________/spa s/ n.(调味)香料
____________/ w dr / vi.&vt. ( withdrew, withdrawn ) (使)撤回;撤离
____________/ t nl /n. 航道;海峡;频道
____________/ m r ta m/ adj. 海的;海运的;海事的
____________/ b nd / n.纽带;关系 vt.&vi. 增强信任关系;使牢固结合
____________/ p l t ks / n. 政治;政治观点
____________/ pr fe n / n. 职业;行业
____________/ t n m nt/ n. 锦标赛;联赛
____________/ m kst (r) / n.混合;结合体;混合物
____________/ l pt p/ n.笔记本电脑;便携式电脑
____________/ k v r d / n. 新闻报道;覆盖范围
____________/ pl d / vt.&vi. 鼓掌 vt.称赞;赞赏
____________/ t ks/ vt.对……征税;使纳税n.税;税款
____________/ m nd / adj.有人控制的;需人操纵的
____________/ s b m s bl / n.潜水器;可潜船
____________ / nd w t (r)/ adv.在水下adj.水下的
____________/ k r l / n. 珊瑚
____________ / ma ɡre n / n.迁移;迁徙;移居
____________/ d rekt ri /n.名录;电话号码簿;(计算机文件或程序的)目录
____________/ mi nwa l / adv.与此同时;(比较两方面)对比之下
____________/ k spl t/ vt. 开发;利用;剥削
____________/ ɡ l n / n.加仑(容积单位,1英制加仑约等于4.5升)
____________/ m d (r)/ vt.谋杀;凶杀;毁坏 n.谋杀;凶杀
____________/ m si /n.仁慈;宽恕;恩惠
____________/ p ze n / n. [usually pl.]个人财产; 拥有;控制
____________/ p n nt / n.反对者;对手;竞争者
____________/ l ɡ;NAmE l ɡ/ vt. 把……载入正式记录;记录 n.正式记录;日志;原木
____________/ m ri n / adj.海的;海产的;海生的
____________/ rest /n.逮捕;拘留;中止 vt.逮捕;拘留;阻止
1.extend vt.扩展;使伸长;延长→____________n.延伸→____________ adj.伸出的,伸展的;延长的;持续的→____________ adj.广泛的,大量的
2.negotiate vt.商定;达成(协议) vi.谈判;磋商;协商→____________ n.协商,谈判→____________ n.谈判者,谈判代表
3.royal adj.皇家的;王室的;高贵的→____________ n.王室成员
4.withdraw vi.& vt.(使)撤回;撤离→____________ n.收回;取回;撤回;撤退;撤走
5.profession n.职业→____________ adj.职业的,专业的;娴熟的,训练有素的 n.专业人员,专门人员,专家
6. ____________v.混合 n.混合,结合→mixture n.混合物
7.cover v.覆盖,包括,涉及;够支付;报道→____________ n. 新闻报道;覆盖范围
8.applaud vt.&vi. 鼓掌 vt.称赞;赞赏→____________ n.掌声,鼓掌,喝彩
9.exploit vt. 开发;利用;剥削→____________ n.剥削,开发,开采,榨取
10.mercy n.怜悯→____________ adj.仁慈的→____________ adj.无情的,残忍的
11.____________vt.拥有→ possession n.财产
1.extension;extended;extensive 2.negotiation;negotiator 3.royalty 4.withdrawal 5.professional 6.mix 7.coverage 8.applause 9.exploitation 10.merciful;merciless 11.possess
a sea voyage 海上航行
reach out across the sea 跨越海洋
form the foundation of 形成……的基础
a passion for 对……的热爱
search / hunt / look for 寻找……
a sea / trading route 海上航线/贸易路线
set sail 起航;开航
find one's way to 通往……
negotiate trade deals 洽谈贸易协议
lead to more awareness of 增进对……的认识
a sight to behold 壮观的景象
in a league of one's own 独领风骚
under the command of sb .在……的指挥下
royal families 王族;皇室
a gesture of friendship 友好的表示
in return (for sth)★ 作为(……的)回报;作为(……的)交换
withdraw from 退出;撤回
the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road 21世纪海上丝绸之路
the Belt and Road Initiative “一带一路”倡议
strengthen the bonds / ties between ... and ... 加强……与……之间的联系
for the benefit of★ 为了……的利益
cultural exchange 文化交流
from a(n) ... point of view 从……角度看
There is an urgent need to do sth. 迫切需要做某事。
climate change 气候变化
in hand 在手头;可供使用
the desire to do sth★ 做某事的渴望
enhance relationships 增进关系
reach / make / come to an agreement ★ 达成协议
take part in / participate in / be / get involved in★ 参与;参加
a folk tale 民间故事
an ancient legend 古老传说
devote ... to doing sth★ 致力于做某事;献身于做某事
set off★ 出发;引发;触响(警报)
a mixture of ... and ... ……与……的混合;……与……兼有
get by★ 勉强应付;设法过活
widespread media coverage 媒体的广泛报道
a press conference 记者招待会;新闻发布会
make one's dream come true 使梦想成真
go for 努力获取;为……去;选择
the peacekeeping force 维和部队
aim to do sth★ 旨在/力求做到某事
maintain peace 维护和平
armed conflicts★ 武装冲突
a manned submersible 载人潜水器;载人潜水艇
it remains to be seen ★ 有待证实;尚不确定
the fast-moving water 快速流动的水
except for ★ 除了……外;除去;只是
carry out / conduct / do research on 对…开展研究
at close / short / point-blank range 近距离地
leap out of the water 跃出水面
a series of★ 一系列的;一连串的
tell ... apart ★ 区分/辨别..
track sb's movements 追踪某人的行踪/活动
create a database 创建数据库/资料库
make it★ (尤指在困难情况下)准时到达;赶上;做 到;成功;渡过难关
cause / create a problem ★ 造成问题
plastic pollution 塑料污染
tap water 自来水
fossil fuels 化石燃料(如煤或石油)
a negative cycle 不良循环
without mercy 无情地
be home to 是……的家园
a scientific research ship / vessel 科学考察船
address / tackle / deal with an issue / a problem气 处理/解决问题
take action★ 采取行动
improve sb's understanding of 提升对……的了解
vast / large amounts of 大量的……
economic needs 经济需求
oil spills 石油泄漏
fish stocks 鱼类资源
cause / do damage to 对……造成损害
make / raise a point 提出观点
connect ... to / with / and ... 把……与……联系起来
update sb's fitness log 更新某人的健身日志
a telephone directory 电话号码簿
(be) responsible for ★ 对……负责
human beings 人类
the stormy / wild sea 波涛汹涌的大海
a heavy / huge wave 巨浪
World Oceans Day 世界海洋日[每年的6月8日]
take place★ 举行;发生
a variety of ★ 各种各样的
hold an event 举办活动
advance ocean conservation 推动海洋保护
wonders of the sea 海洋奇观
a coral reef 珊瑚礁
deep-sea exploration 深海探索
social media 社交媒体
beach / river cleanup activity 海滩/河岸清理活动
conduct / perform / carry out a task 执行任务
a wide range of★ 各种各样的……
take the lead 带头;领先
a world-class platform 世界一流的平台
regard ... as 认为……是……;把……视作……
The IOCAS (Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)中国科学院海洋研究所
put / bring sth into operation 使某物开始工作
1. They (oceans) provide a breeding ground for life, connect the world and promote development. - Xi Jinping(P25)海洋孕育了生命、联通了世界、促进了发展。一习近平
2. Trade and curiosity have often formed the foundation of mankind’s greatest achievements.(P26)贸易和好奇心通常构成人类最伟大成就的基础。
3. Merchants from China and many other places met to negotiate trade deals, which also led to more awareness of each other's cultures.(P26改)来自中国和许多其他地方的商人汇聚在一起,洽谈贸易协议,这也增进了对彼此文化的了解。4. These fleets were a sight to behold and were in a league of their own at that time. (P26)这些船队在当时蔚为壮观,独领风骚。
5. The ancient sea routes travelled by Zheng He are being revisited with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which is part of the Belt and Road Initiative. (P26)随着作为“一带一路”倡议组成部分的“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的提出,郑和航行过的古代航道而今再度受到关注。
6. The aim of the Belt and Road Initiative is to encourage cooperation and trade across the historic Silk Road areas, and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world. (P27改)“一带一路”倡议旨在鼓励横跨历史悠久的丝绸之路地区的合作与贸易,同时加强中国与世界其他地区之间的联系。
7. It will help to greatly develop the whole area for the benefit of future trade and cultural exchange.(P27 改)它将大大促进整个地区的发展,有利于未来的贸易和文化交流。
8. From a scientific point of view, there is an urgent need to study the Arctic in order to understand climate change and its effects. (P27)从科学角度看,迫切需要对北极进行研究以了解气候变化及其影响。
9. With the latest technology in hand, the need to trade and the desire to enhance relationships will drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future.(P27改)由于拥有了最新技术,在贸易需求和增进关系愿望的驱动下,中国将跨海越洋,迈向未来。
10.He devoted his life and profession to helping people without expecting anything in return.(P28改)他把自己的一生和职业致力于帮助别人,而不求任何回报。
11. With lots of food and drink in hand, they set off for their picnic.(P28)带着许多食物和饮料,他们出发去野餐了。
12.The UN peacekeeping force aims to maintain peace and prevent armed conflicts. (P29)联合国维和部队的目标是维护和平,防止武装冲突。
13. Sea exploration has caused many problems and will continue to cause more. (P32)海洋勘探已经造成了许多问题,并将继续引发更多问题。
14. The sea is home to life, not human beings' possessions. (P32)海洋是生命的家园,而不是人类的私产。
15. We need to understand what is happening to our planet so that we can take action. (P32)我们需要了解我们的星球正在发生着什么,这样我们才能采取行动。