人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet知识点练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet知识点练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 42.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-28 15:54:41



必修二U3 The Internet 知识点练习
1.convenient (adj.) 实用的;便利的;方便的conveniently (adv.) 便利地;合宜地
inconvenient (adj.) 不便的;打扰的 convenience (n.) 方便;适宜;便利
2.benefit (n.) 优势;益处;成效;福利费;奖金 (v.) 对(某人)有用;使受益;得益于;得利于
beneficial (adj.) 有利的;有裨益的;有用的
3.inspire (v.) 激励;鼓舞;赋予灵感;使产生(感觉或情感)
inspiration (n. )灵感;启发灵感的人(或事物);
inspired (adj.) 品质优秀的;能力卓越的;受…影响的
inspiring (adj.) 鼓舞人心的;激励的;启发灵感的
4.access (n.) 通道;通路;入径;机会,权利 (v.)访问,存取;到达;进入;使用
accessible (adj.) 可到达的;可接近的;可进入的;可使用的
5.function (n.) 作用;功能;职能 (v.) 起作用;正常工作;运转
functional (adj.) 实用的;(能)起作用的,工作的,运转的
6.rude (adj.) 粗鲁的;无礼的;猛烈的 rudeness (n.) 粗鲁;原始;直率
7.particular (adj.)不寻常的;格外的;特别的; (n.) 细节,详情; 详细资料;
particularly (adv.) 特别;尤其
8.embarrass (v.) 使窘迫,使尴尬;使困惑;使为难;
embarrassed (adj.) 窘迫的,尴尬的,害羞的;拮据的;经济困难的
embarrassing (adj.) 使人害羞的;使显得愚蠢的 embarrassment (n.) 害羞;窘迫;愧疚;难堪;
9.define (v.) 解释;下定义;阐明;明确;界定 definition (n.) 定义
make life more convenient让生活更方便
it is convenient (for sb) to do sth 做某事很方便
1)be inspired by somebody被鼓舞,受启发
2)inspire somebody to do something激励某人做某事
be mean to others对别人刻薄
mean doing 意味着…
mean to do 打算干某事
1)apply for work online在网上申请工作
2)apply to a university 向大学申请
3)apply to the company for a job 向公司求职
have access to the Internet能上网,可以接近/有权使用网络
stream movies and music在线看电影,听音乐
the global village of tomorrow明日地球村
online communities网上群体,网上社区
write a blog post写一篇博客
online safety网络安全
use a search engine使用搜索引擎
Identity card身份证
the words in italics 斜体单词
It depends.看情况而定
look up information查找信息
by the way顺便说一下
the World Wide Web万维网
develop a serious illness 得了一场重病
quit one’s job辞职
out of job失业
get /be stuck at home被困在家里
keep sb company陪伴某人
surf the Internet网上冲浪/上网
one of the greatest benefits of the Internet互联网最大的好处之一
pay for支付
now that既然
together with two friends和两个朋友一起
bridge the digital divide消除数字鸿沟
raise money for children in poor countries为贫困国家的儿童筹集资金
go through tough times经历艰难时期
keep track of the steps记录步数
make a fitness plan制定健康计划
get discounts打折
add money to her bank account给她的银行账号加钱
teach somebody a thing or two教导某人一二
first of all首先,第一
give out your address or phone number
identity theft身份盗窃
an excuse for being rude粗鲁的借口
stir up trouble online在网上制造麻烦
be mean to others对别人刻薄
be directed at particular people针对特定的人
mean comments刻薄的评论
make fun of取笑,戏弄
be familiar with 对,熟悉
social media profile社交媒体资料
gathered one’s courage to do sth
sb could hardly wait to do sth
An inner voice told me that I must\should……
I thought\said to myself that I must\should……
1. Much has been written about the wonders of theWorld wide web.( P28 )
2. We can download software, documents, and images whenever we need them. ( P28 )
3. At age 50, she found herself out of work and stuck at home with only her omputer to keep her company. ( P28 )
4. After a while, she discovered that surfing the internet could help her feel less lonely and bored. ( P28 )
5. She also joined an online group where she could talk about her problems and get support and advice from others. ( P28 )
6. She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet. ( P28 )
7. A 61-year-old woman who was living alone has started a small online company together with two friends. ( P28 )
8. She believes that it is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access to the Internet and knows how to use new technology. ( P28 )
9. Trolls often use several false names so that they can stay on a site. ( P32)
10. However, the more polite you are, the less likely it is you will be attacked. ( P32 )
The door has already been locked.
I have been employed at the job since 2015.
现在完成时的被动语态的结构为have/ has been done
A lot of money has been spent to protect the old temple by now.
These trees have been watered lately.
肯定式:主语+have/ has been done.
否定式:主语+have/ has not been done
一般疑问式:Have/has+主语+ been done---?
特殊疑问式:特殊疑问词+have/has+主语+been done.
Northern China has been swept through by a strong cold wind recently.
The children have not been told the good news yet.
Has the date for the next meeting been decided
How long has the house been built
(2)用于现在完成时的时间状语有: since then, since+从句, so far, by now, up to now, before, recently, lately, already, yet, in the last/past+一段时间等。
The machine has been repaired.(说明动作发生在过去,对现在有影响,“现在修好了”)
The machine is being repaired now.(说明动作正在被进行)
The machine was repaired yesterday.(只说明动作发生在过去)
2.非延续性动词,如 borrow,ish, begin, start,buy ,marry,,open,join等构成的现在完成时的被动语态不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。若要表达相应的意思,则要改换动词或时态,例如:
The project has been started for three months. (F)
The project has been on for three months. (T)
Tom has sold out all the magazines.
变为: All the magazines have been sold out by Tom.
(2)带有双宾语的动词,如give,send, bring,take, teach, show, tell, make, sing, write, read, sell, buy,pay,lend,pass, promise等,变为被动语态时,一般将间接宾语变为被动语态的主语,若将直接宾语变为动语态的主语时,间接宾语前面要用相应的介词。
We have given him the book.
变为: He has been given the book.
变为:The book has been given to him.
After decorating the Amber Room with jewels, the artists have made it more splendid.
变为:After being decorated with jewels, the Amber Room has been made more splendid.
The boss has made his company offer more chances for people to work.
变为: His company has been made to offer more chances for people to work.
(4 ) 动词短语是一个不可分割的整体,在被动语态中要保持完整性,其中的介词或副词不可省略。
It's said that the problem has been looked.
1. (adj.) 实用的;便利的;方便的 (adv.) 便利地;合宜地
(adj.) 不便的;打扰的 (n.) 方便;适宜;便利
2. (n.) 优势;益处;成效; 福利费;奖金 (v.) 对(某人)有用; 使受益;得益于
(adj.) 有利的;有裨益的;有用的
3. (v.) 激励;鼓舞; 赋予灵感;使产生(感觉或情感)
(n. )灵感;启发灵感的人(或事物)
(adj.) 品质优秀的;能力卓越的;受…影响的
(adj.) 鼓舞人心的;激励的;启发灵感的
4. (n.) 通道;通路;入径;机会,权利 (v.)访问,存取;到达;进入;使用
(adj.) 可到达的;可接近的;可进入的;可使用的
5. (n.) 作用;功能;职能 (v.) 起作用;正常工作;运转
(adj.) 实用的;(能)起作用的,工作的,运转的
6. (adj.) 粗鲁的;无礼的;猛烈的 (n.) 粗鲁;原始;直率
7. (adj.)不寻常的;格外的;特别的; (n.) 细节,详情; 详细资料;
(adv.) 特别;尤其
8. (v.) 使窘迫,使尴尬;使困惑;使为难;
(adj.) 窘迫的,尴尬的,害羞的;拮据的;经济困难的
(adj.) 使人害羞的;使显得愚蠢的 (n.) 害羞;窘迫;愧疚;难堪;
9. (v.) 解释;下定义;阐明;明确;界定 (n.) 定义
1. “WeChat is testing a new feature that allows public b (博主) to add paywalls(付费墙) to their posts,” the company said Wednesday.
2. Researchers found that s (流播) an album over the Internet will use 27 times energy than it takes to produce a single CD.
3. When it comes to search e (引擎), we all know Baidu is the top one in China.
4. In the dictionary, "reality"is d (解释)as"the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be”.
5. Everyone has to show their i (身份) card when they buy a train ticket in China.
6. All children should get a (机会) to high-quality education regardless of their race or family income.
7. System files have been u (更新). Please restart your computer.
8. Via such n (网络), libraries share their books with each other through the use of
delivery vehicles.
9.Most r (居民) of the region are farmers, some of whom are unwilling to leave their land.
10.Our society must do this not only for c (慈善), but for the greatness of human progress.
11.We'll have to make some t (艰难的)decisions--there are no easy options.
12.Basketball is a great sport that is not only fun, but also brings children many b (
好处) in different ways.
13.His strength ran out after he covered that long d (距离).
14.Parents should keep their children c (陪伴) as much as possible, because children feel rejected(慢待) if they don't see their parents regularly.
15.C (方便的) as plastic bags are for people, they will cause white pollution.
16.Surely the f (作用)of the law is to protect everyone’s rights.
17.There was no one at the reception desk, so he p (按)a bell for service.
18.If you require anything, dial 06 or push the b (按钮)over there to call us.
19.This alarm clock takes two medium-sized b (电池).
20.Further to our telephone conversation this morning, I would like to c (确认)details of the order which we discussed.
21.Members of our store can enjoy some d (折扣) if they show their membership cards when shopping.
22.Last week, my father opened an a (账户) with Bank of China for me.
23.We are very u (沮丧) to hear that our applications have been turned down.
24.We have brought in security guards to protect the hotel against t (盗窃).
25.I found it astonishing that he should be so r (无礼的)to us. I shall make a complaint to his company.
26.We live in the age of distraction, when we can be disturbed by all kinds of useless and f
We should respect their p (隐私)though they are only children.
We should have a t (目标), so we can make clear plans to achieve it.
Cassie got herself into a(n) e (让人难堪的)situation where none of the publishers would publish her new works.
His hometown has changed beyond recognition, so he can hardly find a f (熟悉的)building.
1.让生活更方便 2.做某事很方便
3.被鼓舞,受启发 4.激励某人做某事
5.对别人刻薄 6.意味着… 7.打算干某事 8. 在网上申请工作
9.向大学申请 10. 向公司求职
11可以接近… 12. 在线看电影,听音乐
13明日地球村 14网上群体,网上社区
15写一篇博客 16网络安全
17使用搜索引擎 18身份证
19斜体单词 20看情况而定
21查找信息 22顺便说一下
23万维网 24得了一场重病
25辞职 26失业
27被困在家里 28陪伴某人
29网上冲浪/上网 30互联网最大的好处之一
31支付 32既然
33和两个朋友一起 34消除数字鸿沟
35为贫困国家的儿童筹集资金 36经历艰难时期
37记录步数 38制定健康计划
39打折 40给她的银行账号加钱
41教导某人一二 42首先,第一 43公布你的地址或电话号码 44身份证
45身份盗窃 46粗鲁的借口
47在网上制造麻烦 48对别人刻薄
49针对特定的人 50刻薄的评论
51取笑,戏弄 52对……熟悉
The Internet has made our lives more convenient and people’s lives have been changed by online communities and social networks.
Jan Tchamani suddenly got a serious _____1____ (ill) and had to give up her job. At age 50, she found ______2____(she) out of work and stuck at home with only her computer to keep her company. Jan did many things on the Internet and she felt less lonely and ____3____(bore). She realized that the Internet had the ability ___4_____(remove) the distance that usually exists between people.
Greatly ____5___(inspire) by the people she met online, she started an IT club ____6____ purpose was to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet. Many people______7___(help) by the club since it was started.
Jan has started taking online classes to learn more about how to use the Internet. She believes that it is ______8____(high) important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access ____9___ the Internet and knows how to use new technology. Her next goal is to start a charity website to raise money for children in poor _____10____(country).
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
I have been asked many times how to stay safe online and avoid bad experiences on the Internet. I’m not _____1____ expert, but I have learned one or two things through many years as a _____2_____(blog). First of all, the golden rule of the Internet is ____3_____ if you see or read something that makes you feel ___4______ (comfortable), leave the site immediately. Don’t post comments or click on anything. Second, protect your privacy. Don’t give out your address or phone number, because someone might use the information _____5___(steal) your identity. Identity theft is a common and serious problem. Third, be polite. Being online is no excuse for being rude, and you don’t want to become a target for a troll or cyberbully. A troll is a person who _____6____ (post) comments or questions in order to stir up trouble online. Trolls often use several false names so that ___7_____ can stay on a site. A cyberbully uses the Internet to be mean to others. Like a troll, a cyberbully will also write something mean but it is usually directed ____8______ particular people. He or she may also post embarrassing photos and information about those people. However, the _______9____( polite) you are, the less likely it is you will ____10.___( attack). If you had any bad experiences online, post them below!
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
bring about ; head to ; a series of ; be divided up into; apart from; open up; check out; mix…with…; seek one’s fortune ; to name but a few; earn a living; be located in;
1. Yesterday morning, there was an endless stream of tourists ____________ Longqingxia to view the ice lanterns.
2.It was not long before they left their village to try their luck and ______________in the south during the gold rush.
3.What did you do to ___________when you were living abroad Part-time jobs
4. The students have put forward ____________ questions at the class meeting.
5. Science and technology has ________________ great changes in our lives.
6. _____________lowering ticket prices, tourist sites have also taken other measures to attract tourists, including increasing operating hours.
7.The leader challenged scientists to do more research,____________ new fields and explore new paths.
8. When ______________ water and sugar, coffee becomes a pleasant, refreshing drink.
9.Geographically, this province __________________________the southern part of the country.
10. Sentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses can ________________________phrases.
1.Northern China___________________ (被横扫)through by a strong cold with recently.
2.You can ask for help _______________________(无论何时你需要帮助).
3.She woke up and ____________________________ (发现自己躺在医院的床上).
4.___________________________(理解我们与周围事物的关系)remains an essential skill for our survival.
5.After living in Australia for many years, Louis finally returned to the country_______________________(他出生的地方).
6. 他赚如此少的钱,以至于养不起家。(so...that)
任何人都不可能知道如何进入这个房间因为没有人知道密码。(It is +adj+to do /how to do)
我们努力工作以便赚取更多的钱。(so that 引导的目的状语从句)
他越说越生气。(the比较级,the+比较级 )
1.Shakespeare’s play Hamlet________(make) into at least ten different films over the past years.
2. It is the first time that he______(praise) by the coach.
3. Zhang Zhongjing_________(honor) as a medical master since the Eastern Han Dynasty.
4.A proposal________(put) forward already at a recent conference that measures be taken to raise people’s awareness of traffic safety.
5.Up to now more than five cities_________(strike) by the typhoon.
_____________________________________________________________________________Jack 还没有被告知(tell)这个事件。
(2)1.bloggers 2.streaming 3.engines 4.defined 5.identity
6.access 7.updated 8.networks 9.residents 10.charity
11.tough 12.benefits 13.distance pany 15.Convenient
16.function 17.pressed 18.button 19.batteries 20.confirm
21.discounts 22.account 23.upset 24.theft 25.rude
26.false 27.privacy 28.target 29.embarrassing 30.familiar
1. make life more convenient 2. it is convenient (for sb) to do sth 3. be inspired by somebody 4. inspire somebody to do something 5. be mean to others 6. mean doing 7. mean to do 8. apply for work online 9 apply to a university 10 apply to the company for a job 11 have access to the Internet 12 stream movies and music 13 the global village of tomorrow 14 online communities 15 write a blog post 16 online safety 17 use a search engine 18 Identity card 19 the words in italics 20 It depends 21 look up information 22 by the way 23 the World Wide Web 24 develop a serious illness 25 quit one’s job 26 out of job 27 get /be stuck at home 28 keep sb company 29 surf the Internet 30 one of the greatest benefits of the Internet 31 pay for 32 now that 33 together with two friends 34 bridge the digital divide 35 raise money for children in poor countries 36 go through tough times 37 keep track of the steps 38 make a fitness plan 39 get discounts 40 add money to her bank account 41 teach somebody a thing or two 42 first of all 43 give out your address or phone number 44identity card 45 identity theft 46 an excuse for being rude 47 stir up trouble online 48 be mean to others 49 be directed at particular people 50 mean comments 51 make fun of 52 be familiar with 53 social media profile
A篇 1.illness 2. herself 3. bored 4.to remove 5. inspired 6. whose 7. have been helped 8. highly 9. to 10. countries
B篇 1. an 2. blogger 3.that 4. uncomfortable 5. to steal 6. posts 7. they 8. at 9. more polite 10. be attacked
1. heading to 2.seek their fortune 3. earn a living 4.a series of 5. brought about 6.Apart from 7. open up 8.mixed with 9. is located in 10.be divided up into
has been swept 2.whenever you need it
found herself in a hospital bed 4.Understanding our relationship to our surroundings
5. where he was born
6.He earned so little money that he couldn’t support his family.
7. The man who is walking in the playground is my old friend.
8.It is impossible for everyone to know how to enter the room because no one knew the password.
We work hard so that we can earn more money.
The more he talked, the angrier he became.
1.Has been made;2, has been praised 3. has been honored 4, has been put 5.have been struck/stricken 6.We wont start the work until all the preparations have been made.
7.Has the date for the next meeting been decided
8.It is the third time so far that such a festival has been held in my hometown.
9.All possible means have been tried, but it seems that they have a long way to go.
10.Jack hasn’t been told about the matter yet.