

名称 河南省安阳市林州市2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-28 21:29:05


第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
For high school students, just thinking about your career probably isn’t enough. You have to actively do some research and plan. Here are some of the best careers for the future and how you can get your foot in the door.
Registered Nurses
To become registered nurses, you’re going to need either an associate degree in nursing, a Bachelor of Science in nursing, or another officially approved diploma(文凭) from a nursing program. If you want to be a practicing physician, you’ll need a medical degree in your chosen field on top of your four-year degree.
Data Analysts
Big data is a growing field with profitable opportunities for college graduates. You are required to have a master’s degree in computer science or another related field. Data science is a traditionally male-dominated industry and only 26 percent are held by women. Thankfully, it is holding out an olive branch to females and there are some terrific programs specially designed for them to break into this dynamic field.
Plumbers (管道工) and Electricians
Not all of the best careers for the future will require a four-year undergraduate degree. There’s a serious demand for skilled positions jobs like plumbers and technicians. Many of these positions require a high school degree and often an associate degree in a related field, but don’t necessarily require graduation from a four-year university.
Cybersecurity (网络安全) Experts
The average salaries for cybersecurity experts can start at $80, 000 for IT Security Consultants and can reach six figures for other positions such as a security director. The best way to start your path in cybersecurity is with a bachelor’s degree in computer science, information technology, engineering, or other related fields.
21. In which job will the gender distribution probably be more balanced
A. Data Analysts. B. Registered Nurses.
C. Cybersecurity Experts. D. Plumbers and Electricians.
22. To be a cybersecurity expert, which is the basic requirement
A. A master’s degree in computer science.
B. A certificate of high school graduation.
C. A bachelor’s degree in information technology.
D. A diploma officially approved from a medical program.
23. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A health lecture. B. A school website.
C. A job advertisement. D. A science magazine.
【答案】21. A 22. C 23. B
推理判断题。根据第三段“Data science is a traditionally male-dominated industry and only 26 percent are held by women. Thankfully, it is holding out an olive branch to females and there are some terrific programs specially designed for them to break into this dynamic field. (数据科学是一个传统上由男性主导的行业,女性仅占26%。值得庆幸的是,该公司向女性抛出了橄榄枝,有一些很棒的项目专门为她们设计,帮助她们进入这个充满活力的领域。)”可知,数据分析师这个行业的男女性别比例会更均衡一些。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第五段“The best way to start your path in cybersecurity is with a bachelor’s degree in computer science, information technology, engineering, or another related field.( 开始你的网络安全之路的最佳方式是获得计算机科学、信息技术、工程或其他相关领域的学士学位。)”可知,从事网络安全员的工作,需要专业是计算机科学、信息技术、工程学或相关领域的本科学历毕业生。C项正确。A、B和D分别意为“计算机科学专业硕士毕业生”、“高中毕业生”和“官方认证的某医疗项目文凭”,均不符合题意。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第一段“For high school students, just thinking about your career probably isn’t enough. You have to actively do some research and plan. Here are some of the best careers for the future and how you can get your foot in the door.(对于高中生来说,仅仅考虑自己的职业生涯可能是不够的。你必须积极地做一些调查和计划。以下是一些未来最好的职业,以及你如何进入这扇门。) ”可知,下文内容是讲给高中生的,目的是让高中生提前进行职业规划。所以推测此篇文本选自学校网站内容。故选B。
We had finally decided to skip our traditional family dinner and make the trip to Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade when Kerry was 5. Like many other families we packed a small backpack with sliced turkey sandwiches and juice boxes. After getting off the train, we were walking up to the entrance when Kerry spotted a homeless woman sitting in the shadows, invisible to all except my curious daughter.
“What’s that ” she asked. Linda and I looked at each other, worried about the need to explain something very different than the happy scene we were about to join. During our first years of parenthood we’d discussed how we would explain such topics as life, death, and love. But homelessness It came so suddenly that we just gave as simple an explanation as we could and continued on to the parade.
The following year, we decided to attend the parade again. So the night before Thanksgiving we went shopping for sliced turkey for sandwiches. “Can we bring some sandwiches for those people ” she inquired. Again, Kerry caught us off guard. “Why ” was my first reaction. But we knew immediately whom she meant. How could we refuse Why would we refuse This was a golden opportunity to honor Kerry’s sense of charity. Six-year-old Kerry was teaching us an important lesson. That night we prepared and packed two-dozen sandwiches into our now overstuffed backpack.
Scanning the shadows after reaching Manhattan again, Kerry spotted a homeless man sitting in the same spot as last year. We stopped and took out the first of the little feasts from the pack. Without a word of instruction, we handed it to Kerry. She walked over to the man slowly, handing the sandwich to him. Neither spoke a word. Then we were off to the parade, stopping along the way to distribute the rest of the sandwiches, except one for each of us.
Somehow, no giant Thanksgiving sit-down feast ever tasted as good as those sandwiches. Over the next decade we did the same things again and again. After all, there’s nothing like sharing a turkey sandwich with new friends.
24. Why did the author and his wife feel worried when asked about homelessness
A. They were not prepared. B. They paid little attention.
C. They were socially disadvantaged. D. They were inconsiderate.
25. How did the author feel when more sandwiches were asked the next year
A. Relieved. B. Excited. C. Annoyed. D. Astonished.
26. What can best describe Kerry according to the text
A. Kind and brave. B. Caring and generous.
C. Ambitious and confident. D. Faithful and creative.
27. What does the author mainly want to tell us about Thanksgiving
A. It’s a word of action. B. It’s an old tradition.
C. It’s a good time of reunion. D. It’s a surprising feast.
【答案】24. A 25. D 26. B 27. A
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“During our first years of parenthood we’d discussed how we would explain such topics as life, death, and love. But homelessness (在我们为人父母的头几年,我们讨论了如何解释生、死和爱等话题。但是无家可归?)”可知,作者和他妻子没有准备好这个问题。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Again, Kerry caught us off guard. “Why ” was my first reaction.(Kerry再次让我们措手不及。“为什么?”这是我的第一反应)”可知,Kerry说要多带些三明治给那些人的时候,我感到很吃惊。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“ “Can we bring some sandwiches for those people ” she inquired.(“我们能给那些人带些三明治吗?”她问道)”可知,Kerry是关心他人的,慷慨大方的。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段“Over the next decade we did the same things again and again. After all, there’s nothing like sharing a turkey sandwich with new friends.(在接下来的十年里,我们一次又一次地做着同样的事情。毕竟,没有什么比和新朋友分享火鸡三明治更好的了)”可知,感恩是一句要付诸行动的话。故选A项。
Zero-emission cars are soaring in popularity but running an electric vehicle is next to impossible in places with limited charging facilities. Stella Terra, the world’s first SUV solar-powered vehicle, could change that. It uses solar panels on its sloping roof to charge its electric battery, meaning it can drive long distances powered entirely by the sun.
“Built by a team of 22 students at Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE), it could help connect remote areas ‘where roads are less developed and electricity is not as reliable’, and assist with emergency aid and deliveries,” says Thieme Bosman, events manager for the team.
Electric SUVs are heavier than standard electric vehicles, and require bigger, heavier batteries to power them. “Where the SUV market currently innovates on the previous models, we really start from scratch and design everything ourselves,” says Bosman. Minimizing the vehicle’s weight was essential, and the team of 22 students focused on making every element extremely efficient.
The team tested the vehicle in Morocco earlier this month, driving more than 1,000 kilometers between the country’s northern coast and the Sahara Desert in the south. “Morocco has a huge variety of landscapes and different surfaces in quite a short distance,” says Bosman, adding that the car was tested on every type of surface that a car like this could encounter.
Bosman noted that the vehicle had proved to be one-third more efficient than expected on the trip, and that its lightweight design made it less likely to get stuck on rough ground, and put less stress on its suspension.
Bosman and his peers hope their concept SUV could be mass produced in the near future. “We aim to also inspire not only everyday people, but also the automotive industry, the Ford and Chryslers of the world, to think again about their designs and to innovate faster than they currently do,” says Bosman. “It’s up to the market now, which has the resources and the power to make this change and the switch to more sustainable vehicles.”
28. What is the purpose of paragraph 1
A. To advertise Stella Terra. B. To introduce the topic.
C. To state the background information. D. To recommend solar panels.
29. What is the key to building Stella Terra
A. Referring to previous models. B. Making the most of each student.
C. Designing a bigger and efficient battery. D. Reducing the weight of the car.
30. How did Stella Terra perform during its test drive in Morocco
A. It ran smoothly on uneven ground. B. It broke down after 1,000 kilometers.
C. It performed poorly on the Sahara Desert. D. It performed better than expected.
31. What does Bosman say about Stella Terra
A. It will be used by emergency services.
B. It consists of more sustainable designs.
C. It benefits places with insufficient electricity.
D. It has been accepted by automotive companies.
【答案】28. B 29. D 30. D 31. B
【导语】本文是说明文。介绍了世界上第一款SUV太阳能汽车Stella Terra。
推理判断题。根据第一段“Zero-emission cars are soaring in popularity but running an electric vehicle is next to impossible in places with limited charging facilities. Stella Terra, the world’s first SUV solar-powered vehicle, could change that. It uses solar panels on its sloping roof to charge its electric battery, meaning it can drive long distances powered entirely by the sun.(零排放汽车越来越受欢迎,但在充电设施有限的地方,驾驶电动汽车几乎是不可能的。世界上第一款SUV太阳能汽车Stella Terra可能会改变这一现状。它在倾斜的屋顶上使用太阳能电池板为电池充电,这意味着它可以完全由太阳能驱动长距离行驶)”可知,本段的目的是推出主题,介绍世界上第一款SUV太阳能汽车Stella Terra。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第三段“Minimizing the vehicle’s weight was essential, and the team of 22 students focused on making every element extremely efficient.(将车辆的重量降到最低是至关重要的,由22名学生组成的团队专注于使每个元素都非常高效)”可知,Stella Terra的关键是减轻汽车的重量。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Bosman noted that the vehicle had proved to be one-third more efficient than expected on the trip, and that its lightweight design made it less likely to get stuck on rough ground, and put less stress on its suspension.(博斯曼指出,事实证明,这辆车的效率比预期的要高三分之一,而且它的轻量化设计使它更不容易在崎岖的地面上卡住,也减轻了悬挂系统的压力)”可知,Stella Terra在摩洛哥的试驾中,它的表现好于预期。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Bosman and his peers hope their concept SUV could be mass produced in the near future. “We aim to also inspire not only everyday people, but also the automotive industry, the Ford and Chryslers of the world, to think again about their designs and to innovate faster than they currently do,” says Bosman. “It’s up to the market now, which has the resources and the power to make this change and the switch to more sustainable vehicles.”(博斯曼和他的同行们希望他们的概念SUV能在不久的将来量产。博斯曼说:“我们的目标不仅是激励普通人,也要激励汽车行业,比如福特和克莱斯勒,让他们重新思考自己的设计,比现在更快地创新。”“现在取决于市场,市场有资源和力量来做出这种改变,转向更可持续的汽车。”)”可知,博斯曼是认为Stella Terra包含了更可持续的设计。故选B项。
When physicist Stephen Hawking died in 2018 at the age of 76, the world mourned (哀悼), after the loss, there remains the enormous legacy of the scientist and the man to consider.
Despite being a renowned expert in cosmology and black holes there is still much to discover about Hawking. In Stephen Hawking: A memoir of friendship and physics, theoretical physicist Leonard Mlodinow offers a close glimpse inside the famous scientist’s life, ranging from his early days at university and diagnosis at age 21 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis to his later status as an international celebrity.
After co-authoring two books with Hawking, Mlodinow isn’t short of stories, particularly from time spent working together on their book The Grand Design. Hawking lived a colourful life often filled with hardship, and the possibility of death was never far away. Far from letting this be a setback, it is what Hawking credits for his achievements. “It helped me focus,” he tells Mlodinow after dinner one night.
Even so, Mlodinow admits that initially he couldn’t help but feel sorry for Hawking, living with a condition that required round-the-clock care and eventually left him unable to speak or voluntarily move anything but his eyes, brows and mouth. However, writes Mlodinow, “overtime all that pity would disappear like one of Stephen’s black holes”, adding that “ it occurred to me that Stephen had proved himself to be an iron man in a fragile man’s facade (外表)”. That view becomes one that readers will also tend to adopt as Mlodinow looks back.
Achievement came in many forms for Hawking, who refused to be restricted in thought or deed. As Mlodinow writes: “Often we limit our chances at success by limiting the goals toward which we strive. Stephen never did that. We can get used to anything, and we can accomplish, if not anything, then at least much more than we give ourselves credit for. To grow close to Stephen was to understand this.”
32. What can we learn about Mlodinow
A. He was one of Hawking’s friends. B. He worked for Hawking for many years.
C. He wrote two books about Hawking’s life. D. He was the strongest competitor for Hawking.
33. How did Mlodinow feel about Hawking’s living condition at first
A. Admiring. B. Sympathetic. C. Envious. D. Puzzled.
34. What can we infer about Hawking from the last paragraph
A. He kept pushing his limits. B. He had extraordinary talent.
C. He was good at educating others. D. He was a man with definite goals.
35. What is the purpose of this text
A. To praise a relationship. B. To introduce a book.
C. To honor a breakthrough. D. To promote a physics theory.
【答案】32. A 33. B 34. A 35. B
细节理解题。根据第二段第二句中的“In Stephen Hawking: A memoir of friendship and physics, theoretical physicist Leonard Mlodinow offers a close glimpse inside the famous scientist’s life(在《斯蒂芬·霍金:友谊与物理的回忆录》一书中,理论物理学家伦纳德·米洛迪诺让我们近距离了解这位著名科学家的生活)”和第三段第一句“After co-authoring two books with Hawking, Mlodinow isn’t short of stories, particularly from time spent working together on their book The Grand Design.(在与霍金合著了两本书之后,米洛迪诺并不缺乏故事,特别是在他们共同撰写《大设计》一书的时候。)”可知,米洛迪诺是霍金的朋友。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第四段第一句“Even so, Mlodinow admits that initially he couldn’t help but feel sorry for Hawking, living with a condition that required round-the-clock care and eventually left him unable to speak or voluntarily move anything but his eyes, brows and mouth.(即便如此,米洛迪诺承认,一开始他还是忍不住为霍金感到难过,因为霍金的病情需要24小时的护理,最终他无法说话,也无法自主移动除了眼睛、眉毛和嘴巴之外的任何东西。)”可知,米洛迪诺一开始对霍金的生活状况很同情。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“Achievement came in many forms for Hawking, who refused to be restricted in thought or deed.(霍金的成就形式多样,他拒绝在思想和行为上受到限制。)”和第二句中的“Often we limit our chances at success by limiting the goals toward which we strive. Stephen never did that.(我们常常因为限制了奋斗的目标而限制了成功的机会。斯蒂芬从来没有这样做过)”可知,从最后一段中可以推断出霍金不断挑战自己的极限。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第二段“Despite being a renowned expert in cosmology and black holes, there is still much to discover about Hawking. In Stephen Hawking: A memoir of friendship and physics, theoretical physicist Leonard Mlodinow offers a close glimpse inside the famous scientist’s life, ranging from his early days at university and diagnosis at age 21 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis to his later status as an international celebrity.(尽管霍金是一位著名的宇宙学和黑洞专家,但关于他还有很多有待发现的地方。在《斯蒂芬·霍金:友谊与物理的回忆录》一书中,理论物理学家伦纳德·米洛迪诺让读者近距离了解这位著名科学家的生活,从他在大学的早期生活,到21岁被诊断出患有肌萎缩性侧索硬化症,再到后来成为国际名人。)”和最后一段第二句“As Mlodinow writes: “Often we limit our chances at success by limiting the goals toward which we strive. Stephen never did that. We can get used to anything, and we can accomplish, if not anything, then at least much more than we give ourselves credit for. To grow close to Stephen was to understand this.”(正如米洛迪诺所写:“我们常常通过限制我们努力的目标来限制我们成功的机会。斯蒂芬从来没有这样做过。我们可以习惯任何事情,我们可以完成,如果不是任何事情,那么至少比我们自己认为的要多得多。和斯蒂芬走得越近,就越能理解这一点。”)”可知,文章的目的是介绍《斯蒂芬·霍金:友谊与物理的回忆录》这本书。故选B。
第二节(共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分12.5分)
As the trees drop their leaves and frosts advance in, we prepare our homes and ourselves for the winter months. ___36___ When the seasons change, we know that we have to change our behavior to keep ourselves safe and warm. Our feelings change like the seasons. Laughing, joyful and positive like summer; sad, angry, and hopeless like winter. ____37____ However, it would not be practical to feel wonderful all the time.
The phrase “emotional wintering” was popularized by Katharine May. She mentions emotional wintering asks us to see our difficult or uncomfortable feelings as winters which we can get ready for and live through. ____38____
Sometimes the emotional winters are caused by an event that makes us feel as though we want to withdraw into ourselves. ____39____ We need to take time to replenish (补充) them while accepting that we are sad. Whatever the cause, emotional wintering encourages us to accept that our emotional seasons are normal and we should manage them as best we can.
____40____ To manage through challenging times, we need to adjust our habits, reassess our expectations of ourselves, and ensure that we sustain ourselves appropriately. This process gives us the space to explore the full range of emotions that make us human, and allows us to safely sit with a feeling, in relative comfort, until it passes.
With the management, we believe we will be well by the time the next summer rolls around.
A. It prepares us for the coming spring.
B. Different emotions come to all of us.
C. Emotional wintering asks us to change.
D. We can grow from challenging experience.
E. Thick socks and cosy blankets are brought out.
F. We expect to always live in our emotional summers.
G. At other times we simply use up our supplies of positivity.
【答案】36. B 37. F 38. D 39. G 40. C
下文“When the seasons change, we know that we have to change our behavior to keep ourselves safe and warm. Our feelings change like the seasons. (当季节变化时,我们知道我们必须改变我们的行为来保持自己的安全和温暖。我们的情感像季节一样变化。)”提到了情感的变化,选项B中Different emotions是关键词与下文呼应,所以B选项“我们每个人都会有不同的情绪。”能引起下文内容,符合语境。故选B项。
上文“Laughing, joyful and positive like summer; sad, angry, and hopeless like winter. (谈笑风生,像夏天一样快乐积极;像冬天一样悲伤、愤怒、绝望。)”提到了夏天和冬天代表的不同情感,下文“However, it would not be practical to feel wonderful all the time. (然而,一直感觉美好是不现实的。)”提到了不可能一直感觉美好,F选项“我们希望永远活在情感的夏天。”与下文构成转折关系,符合语境。故选F项。
上文“She mentions emotional wintering asks us to see our difficult or uncomfortable feelings as winters which we can get ready for and live through. (她提到情感过冬要求我们把困难或不舒服的感觉看作是我们可以做好准备并度过的冬天。)”提到了困难或不舒服的感受,选项D中challenging是关键词与上文的difficult or uncomfortable feelings呼应,所以D选项“我们可以从充满挑战的经历中成长。”能承接上文,符合题意。故选D项。
下文“We need to take time to replenish (补充) them while accepting that we are sad. (我们需要花点时间来补充它们,同时接受我们的悲伤。) ”提到了补给问题,G选项中的supplie是关键词,是下文的them指代的内容。所以G选项“在其他时候,我们只是用完我们的积极供应。”能引起下文,符合语境。故选G项。
下文“To manage through challenging times, we need to adjust our habits, reassess our expectations of ourselves, and ensure that we sustain ourselves appropriately. (为了应对挑战,我们需要调整我们的习惯,重新评估我们对自己的期望,并确保我们适当地维持自己。)”提到了调整、评估等行为,选项C中change是关键词,与下文的adjust呼应,所以C选项“情感过冬要求我们改变”能引起下文,符合题意。故选C项。
In the summer of 2018, I decided to do a solo expedition (独自探险) across Antarctica. To get some ____41____, I did a two-week training course. I learned all the ____42____: how to camp in the snow, how to pull a sled and what clothing to wear. In October, I flew to Antarctica from Punta Arenas. I’d allowed 70 days, which would make it the longest ____43____ one-way expedition across Antarctica
I only took ____44____. I didn’t even take a hairbrush. The first few days were ____45____. The winds were about 60 mph, and my sled weighed 120 kg. Even if the visibility is good, you can’t ____46____ much — it’s a white horizon. I was on the move for 13 to 15 hours a day.
Then, I found the conditions to be much worse. There was more sastrugi (雪脊) and it felt colder. The last 40 hours were really hard. I ____47____ about 14 times every two hours. As a result, I fell behind ____48____. In the end, I ____49____ 922 miles and fell more than 100 miles short of my goal. Towards the end of my trip, a helicopter flew to pick me up. The ____50____ I felt when I saw the dot in the distance was unbelievable.
It took me a while to be ____51____ of what I’d achieved, because I had failed to reach my ____52____ goal, but I’ve learned it’s ____53____to move the goalposts. I don’t agree with the idea of conquering (征服) somewhere. You treat places with ____54____ and hope they’ll allow you ____55____ passage.
A. donation B. experience C. attention D. rescue
A. basics B. risks C. benefits D. aids
A. cooperative B. romantic C. unsupported D. abnormal
A. companions B. necessities C. cashes D. credits
A. pleasant B. calm C. tough D. lucky
A. talk B. hear C. feel D. see
A. fell over B. dropped out C. looked away D. put up
A. fundraising B. supply C. schedule D. homework
A. measured B. designed C. searched D. covered
A. burden B. relief C. pain D. anxiety
A. proud B. skeptical C. shy D. ashamed
A. insignificant B. unbearable C. disturbing D. initial
A. regrettable B. unnecessary C. acceptable D. inappropriate
A. respect B. courage C. carelessness D. coldness
A. narrow B. safe C. limited D. challenging
【答案】41. B 42. A 43. C 44. B 45. C 46. D 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. B 51. A 52. D 53. C 54. A 55. B
考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了获得一些经验,我参加了一个为期两周的培训课程。A. donation捐赠;B. experience经历;C. attention注意力;D. rescue救援。根据后文“I did a two-week training course”可知,参加培训课程是为了获得经验。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我学会了所有的基本知识:如何在雪地里露营,如何拉雪橇以及穿什么衣服。A. basics基础;B. risks风险;C. benefits利益;D. aids帮助。后文“how to camp in the snow, how to pull a sled and what clothing to wear”是作者学到的基本知识。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我安排了70天的时间,这将使它成为穿越南极洲最长的无支持的单程探险A. cooperative合作的;B. romantic浪漫的;C. unsupported无支持的;D. abnormal反常的。呼应上文“do a solo expedition”作者是独自去的,所以无支持。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我只带了必需品。A. companions同伴;B. necessities必需品;C. cashes现金;D. credits信用。根据后文“I didn’t even take a hairbrush.(我甚至都没带梳子)”可知,作者只带了必需品上路。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最初的几天很难熬。A. pleasant令人愉快的;B. calm平静的;C. tough艰难的;D. lucky幸运的。根据后文“The winds were about 60mph, and my sled weighed 120kg.(风速约为每小时60英里,我的雪橇重达120公斤)”可知,一开始很困难,风速约为每小时60英里,雪橇重达120公斤。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:即使能见度很好,你也看不见很多东西——这是一片白色的地平线。A. talk谈话;B. hear听见;C. feel感觉;D. see看见。上文“Even if the visibility is good”提到了能见度,对应的是看到东西,故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我每两个小时摔倒14次。A. fell over摔倒;B. dropped out辍学;C. looked away转移目光;D. put up放置。上文“Then, I found the conditions to be much worse.”提到了情况更糟糕了,结合上文提到风速大,视野差,说明作者经常摔倒,选项中fell over符合语境。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:结果,我落后于计划。A. fundraising资金筹集;B. supply供给量;C. schedule计划;D. homework家庭作业。根据后文“fell more than 100 miles short of my goal”可知,作者落后于计划了。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,我走了922英里,离我的目标还差100多英里。A. measured测量;B. designed设计;C. searched搜索;D. covered覆盖,行走。根据后文“922 miles”表示走了多少距离,应用动词cover。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我看到远处的那个点时,我感到难以置信的宽慰。A. burden负担;B. relief安慰;C. pain痛苦;D. anxiety焦虑。根据后文“I felt when I saw the dot in the distance was unbelievable”可知,作者到达了终点,所以是感到宽慰。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我花了一段时间才为我所取得的成就感到自豪,因为我没有达到我最初的目标,但我知道改变目标是可以接受的。A. proud骄傲的;B. skeptical怀疑的;C. shy害羞的;D. ashamed羞愧的。根据后文“of what I’d achieved”指为取得的成就感到自豪,应用be proud of。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我花了一段时间才为我所取得的成就感到自豪,因为我没有达到我最初的目标,但我知道改变目标是可以接受的。A. insignificant不重要的;B. unbearable难以忍受的;C. disturbing令人不安的;D. initial最初的。根据上文“because I had failed to reach my”以及后文提到了改变目标可以接受,说明作者没能达到最初的目标。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我花了一段时间才为我所取得的成就感到自豪,因为我没有达到我最初的目标,但我知道改变目标是可以接受的。A. regrettable后悔的;B. unnecessary不必要的;C. acceptable可接受的;D. inappropriate不合适的。上文“ It took me a while to be 11 of what I’d achieved, because I had failed to reach my 12 goal, but I’ve learned it’s”中but表示转折,说明虽然没有达到最初目标,但指导改变目标也是可以接受的。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:你以尊重的态度对待每个地方,希望它们能让你安全通行。A. respect尊重;B. courage勇气;C. carelessness粗心;D. coldness寒冷。根据上文“I don’t agree with the idea of conquering somewhere.(我不同意征服某个地方的想法)”可知,作者认为要尊重对待每个地方。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你以尊重的态度对待每个地方,希望它们能让你安全通行。A. narrow狭窄的;B. safe安全的;C. limited有限的;D. challenging挑战性的。根据上文“hope they’ll allow you”指尊重每一个地方,他们才能让你安全通行。故选B。
第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
“The real China that I saw with my own eyes was so different ___56___ what the Western media had been portraying for years,” says Wong, who studied in China. The Chinese government ___57___ (award) her a scholarship in 2013. Wong studied the Chinese language at Central China Normal University in Wuhan for a year, ___58___ then went to Shijiazhuang and completed her Bachelor’s in law at the Hebei University of Economics and Business in 2018.
“China was full of energy,” Wong recalls. She says she ___59___ (impress) by the culture, people and landscapes when she was in China. “I really have wonderful ___60___ (memory) of my visits,” Wong says.
Wong now works as a ___61___ (manage) at Dingjin Real Estate Development Co and oversees Nausori Plaza, ___62___ is one of its largest investments in Fiji.
China’s ambassador to Fiji, Zhou Jian, says Fijians are becoming more interested in ___63___ (learn) about China. ___64___ (recent), many young people and students have traveled to China.
“If you’ve never been to China, you should visit,” Wong says. “It’s the only way you will know what China ___65___ (true) is.”
【答案】56. from
57. awarded
58. and 59. was impressed
60. memories
61. manager
62. which 63. learning
64. Recently
65. truly
考查介词。句意:“我亲眼所见的真实中国与西方媒体多年来所描绘的完全不同,”曾在中国留学的Wong说。此处是固定搭配:be different from意为“与...不同”。故填from。
考查动词。句意:2013年,中国政府向她颁发了奖学金。分析句子结构可知,award作本句谓语,根据时间状语in 2013,用一般过去时。故填awarded。
考查连词。句意:Wong在武汉的华中师范大学学习了一年的汉语,然后去了石家庄,并于2018年在河北经济贸易大学完成了法学学士学位。根据句意,“Wong studied the Chinese language at Central China Normal University in Wuhan for a year”以及“then went to Shijiazhuang and completed her Bachelor’s in law at the Hebei University of Economics and Business in 2018.”是并列关系,用and连接。故填and。
考查动词时态和语态。句意:她说,在中国的时候,中国的文化、人民和风景给她留下了深刻的印象。分析句子结构可知,impress作本句谓语,和主语she之间是被动关系,用被动语态,描述的是已发生的事,用一般过去时。故填was impressed。
考查定语从句。句意:Wong现在是鼎金房地产开发有限公司的经理,负责管理Nausori广场,这是该公司在斐济最大的投资之一。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是Nausori Plaza,在从句中作主语,用which引导。故填which。
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
66. 假定你是李华,你校最近举办了一次运动会。请你为校报写一篇英文报道。内容包括:
The School Sports Meeting
The School Sports Meeting
In order to build up students’ bodies and keep them healthy, a sports meeting was held on the playground in our school last week, which was one of the biggest annual activities.
At the opening ceremony, each class gave a wonderful performance. Students participated in the races of track and field events during the three days. All the games were exciting. The relay race and the basketball matches were so intense that students cheered and applauded excitedly for their teams.
The sports meeting was a success and it not only helped cultivate the sense of students’ teamwork and competition, but also promoted their friendship.
增强:build up→strengthen
保持健康:keep healthy →keep fit
原句:The sports meeting was a success and it not only helped cultivate the sense of students’ teamwork and competition, but also promoted their friendship.
拓展句:The sports meeting was a success, which not only helped cultivate the sense of students’ teamwork and competition, but also promoted their friendship.
【点睛】【高分句型1】In order to build up students’ bodies and keep them healthy, a sports meeting was held on the playground in our school last week, which was one of the biggest annual activities.(运用了不定式作目的状语,which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】The relay race and the basketball matches were so intense that students cheered and applauded excitedly for their teams.(运用了so...that引导的结果状语从句)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Professional explorer Leo Houlding is no stranger to climbing. He’s been doing it since he was 10 years old and has made many expeditions across the globe including to the very top of Mt. Qomolangma, remote Arctic and Antarctic peaks, Yosemite Valley, and jungles of South America.
In 2020, Leo decided to celebrate his 40th birthday by showing his two children, Jackson and Freya, and wife Jessica, what he loves most: climbing cool mountains and exploring new lands. The family would spend four days together climbing the north ridge (山脊) of Piz Badile (巴迪莱峰), part of the picturesque Alps on the border of Switzerland and Italy. Their destination was the top of Piz Badile, with nearly 11,000 feet tall.
The family have previously climbed a few other mountains in Europe but the Piz Badile climb was harder than the ones they climbed. In 2019, Leo and Jessica, together with their kids Freya and Jackson who were only six and two separately at the time, skied down Les Grandes Platiers in Flaine unassisted and unsupported. Leo reported this was one of his family life goals.
However, Freya wasn’t that confident as expected this time. So Jessica decided to encourage her by telling their dad’s story.
Their dad Leo grew up in the Lakes, a mountainous region in North West England, and started rock climbing at the age of 10. By the time Leo was 16 he had become the British Junior Indoor Climbing Champion. When he was only 18, Leo landed in Yosemite Valley with the similarly youthful Patch Hammond and made a landmark ascent (攀登). Leo is brave and never gives up in the face of difficulty.
Paragraph 1:
Freya was moved and inspired by their dad’s story.
Paragraph 2:
It took them three days to get to the top and they’d spend three nights camping there.
Freya was moved and inspired by their dad’s story. She said she would not give up, either. The family set out on a fine day. Freya made the travel completely by herself. Three- year-old Jackson was impressive too because he tried his best to climb all the way. When he was too tired to move, he had to be carried in his mother’s backpack. The lovely kids never cried because of tiredness or their physical pain. Their parents were happy to see their courage and perseverance.
It took them three days to get to the top and they’d spend three nights camping there. When they got to the peak, the two children were really excited. They were amazed at the view, which was beyond description. The nights were spent in the tent. Young Jackson said he enjoyed the part of the climb he was able to accomplish on his own and Freya said that although it was dangerous, she was happy and very proud of herself! The children were praised for their perseverance and unmatched determination.
①能够:be able to/be capable of
③尽最大努力:try one’s best/spare no effort
②无与伦比:unmatched/ incomparable
【点睛】[高分句型1] When he was too tired to move, he had to be carried in his mother’s backpack. (运用了when引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] Young Jackson said he enjoyed the part of the climb he was able to accomplish on his own and Freya said that although it was dangerous, she was happy and very proud of herself!(运用了although引导让步状语)2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末试题
第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
For high school students, just thinking about your career probably isn’t enough. You have to actively do some research and plan. Here are some of the best careers for the future and how you can get your foot in the door.
Registered Nurses
To become registered nurses, you’re going to need either an associate degree in nursing, a Bachelor of Science in nursing, or another officially approved diploma(文凭) from a nursing program. If you want to be a practicing physician, you’ll need a medical degree in your chosen field on top of your four-year degree.
Data Analysts
Big data is a growing field with profitable opportunities for college graduates. You are required to have a master’s degree in computer science or another related field. Data science is a traditionally male-dominated industry and only 26 percent are held by women. Thankfully, it is holding out an olive branch to females and there are some terrific programs specially designed for them to break into this dynamic field.
Plumbers (管道工) and Electricians
Not all of the best careers for the future will require a four-year undergraduate degree. There’s a serious demand for skilled positions jobs like plumbers and technicians. Many of these positions require a high school degree and often an associate degree in a related field but don’t necessarily require graduation from a four-year university.
Cybersecurity (网络安全) Experts
The average salaries for cybersecurity experts can start at $80, 000 for IT Security Consultants and can reach six figures for other positions such as a security director. The best way to start your path in cybersecurity is with a bachelor’s degree in computer science, information technology, engineering, or other related fields.
21. In which job will the gender distribution probably be more balanced
A. Data Analysts. B. Registered Nurses.
C. Cybersecurity Experts. D. Plumbers and Electricians.
22. To be a cybersecurity expert, which is the basic requirement
A. A master’s degree in computer science.
B. A certificate of high school graduation.
C. A bachelor’s degree in information technology.
D. A diploma officially approved from a medical program.
23. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A health lecture. B. A school website.
C. A job advertisement. D. A science magazine.
We had finally decided to skip our traditional family dinner and make the trip to Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade when Kerry was 5. Like many other families we packed a small backpack with sliced turkey sandwiches and juice boxes. After getting off the train, we were walking up to the entrance when Kerry spotted a homeless woman sitting in the shadows, invisible to all except my curious daughter.
“What’s that ” she asked. Linda and I looked at each other, worried about the need to explain something very different than the happy scene we were about to join. During our first years of parenthood we’d discussed how we would explain such topics as life, death, and love. But homelessness It came so suddenly that we just gave as simple an explanation as we could and continued on to the parade.
The following year, we decided to attend the parade again. So the night before Thanksgiving we went shopping for sliced turkey for sandwiches. “Can we bring some sandwiches for those people ” she inquired. Again, Kerry caught us off guard. “Why ” was my first reaction. But we knew immediately whom she meant. How could we refuse Why would we refuse This was a golden opportunity to honor Kerry’s sense of charity. Six-year-old Kerry was teaching us an important lesson. That night we prepared and packed two-dozen sandwiches into our now overstuffed backpack.
Scanning the shadows after reaching Manhattan again, Kerry spotted a homeless man sitting in the same spot as last year. We stopped and took out the first of the little feasts from the pack. Without a word of instruction, we handed it to Kerry. She walked over to the man slowly, handing the sandwich to him. Neither spoke a word. Then we were off to the parade, stopping along the way to distribute the rest of the sandwiches, except one for each of us.
Somehow, no giant Thanksgiving sit-down feast ever tasted as good as those sandwiches. Over the next decade we did the same things again and again. After all, there’s nothing like sharing a turkey sandwich with new friends.
24. Why did the author and his wife feel worried when asked about homelessness
A. They were not prepared. B. They paid little attention.
C. They were socially disadvantaged. D. They were inconsiderate.
25. How did the author feel when more sandwiches were asked the next year
A. Relieved. B. Excited. C. Annoyed. D. Astonished.
26 What can best describe Kerry according to the text
A. Kind and brave. B. Caring and generous.
C. Ambitious and confident. D. Faithful and creative.
27. What does the author mainly want to tell us about Thanksgiving
A. It’s a word of action. B. It’s an old tradition.
C. It’s a good time of reunion. D. It’s a surprising feast.
Zero-emission cars are soaring in popularity but running an electric vehicle is next to impossible in places with limited charging facilities. Stella Terra, the world’s first SUV solar-powered vehicle, could change that. It uses solar panels on its sloping roof to charge its electric battery, meaning it can drive long distances powered entirely by the sun.
“Built by a team of 22 students at Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE), it could help connect remote areas ‘where roads are less developed and electricity is not as reliable’, and assist with emergency aid and deliveries,” says Thieme Bosman, events manager for the team.
Electric SUVs are heavier than standard electric vehicles, and require bigger, heavier batteries to power them. “Where the SUV market currently innovates on the previous models, we really start from scratch and design everything ourselves,” says Bosman. Minimizing the vehicle’s weight was essential, and the team of 22 students focused on making every element extremely efficient.
The team tested the vehicle in Morocco earlier this month, driving more than 1,000 kilometers between the country’s northern coast and the Sahara Desert in the south. “Morocco has a huge variety of landscapes and different surfaces in quite a short distance,” says Bosman, adding that the car was tested on every type of surface that a car like this could encounter.
Bosman noted that the vehicle had proved to be one-third more efficient than expected on the trip, and that its lightweight design made it less likely to get stuck on rough ground, and put less stress on its suspension.
Bosman and his peers hope their concept SUV could be mass produced in the near future. “We aim to also inspire not only everyday people, but also the automotive industry, the Ford and Chryslers of the world, to think again about their designs and to innovate faster than they currently do,” says Bosman. “It’s up to the market now, which has the resources and the power to make this change and the switch to more sustainable vehicles.”
28. What is the purpose of paragraph 1
A. To advertise Stella Terra. B. To introduce the topic.
C. To state the background information. D. To recommend solar panels.
29. What is the key to building Stella Terra
A. Referring to previous models. B. Making the most of each student.
C. Designing a bigger and efficient battery. D. Reducing the weight of the car.
30. How did Stella Terra perform during its test drive in Morocco
A. It ran smoothly on uneven ground. B. It broke down after 1,000 kilometers.
C. It performed poorly on the Sahara Desert. D. It performed better than expected.
31. What does Bosman say about Stella Terra
A. It will be used by emergency services.
B. It consists of more sustainable designs.
C. It benefits places with insufficient electricity.
D. It has been accepted by automotive companies.
When physicist Stephen Hawking died in 2018 at the age of 76, the world mourned (哀悼), after the loss, there remains the enormous legacy of the scientist and the man to consider.
Despite being a renowned expert in cosmology and black holes, there is still much to discover about Hawking. In Stephen Hawking: A memoir of friendship and physics, theoretical physicist Leonard Mlodinow offers a close glimpse inside the famous scientist’s life, ranging from his early days at university and diagnosis at age 21 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis to his later status as an international celebrity.
After co-authoring two books with Hawking, Mlodinow isn’t short of stories, particularly from time spent working together on their book The Grand Design. Hawking lived a colourful life often filled with hardship, and the possibility of death was never far away. Far from letting this be a setback, it is what Hawking credits for his achievements. “It helped me focus,” he tells Mlodinow after dinner one night.
Even so, Mlodinow admits that initially he couldn’t help but feel sorry for Hawking, living with a condition that required round-the-clock care and eventually left him unable to speak or voluntarily move anything but his eyes, brows and mouth. However, writes Mlodinow, “overtime all that pity would disappear like one of Stephen’s black holes”, adding that “ it occurred to me that Stephen had proved himself to be an iron man in a fragile man’s facade (外表)”. That view becomes one that readers will also tend to adopt as Mlodinow looks back.
Achievement came in many forms for Hawking, who refused to be restricted in thought or deed. As Mlodinow writes: “Often we limit our chances at success by limiting the goals toward which we strive. Stephen never did that. We can get used to anything, and we can accomplish, if not anything, then at least much more than we give ourselves credit for. To grow close to Stephen was to understand this.”
32. What can we learn about Mlodinow
A. He was one of Hawking’s friends. B. He worked for Hawking for many years.
C. He wrote two books about Hawking’s life. D. He was the strongest competitor for Hawking.
33. How did Mlodinow feel about Hawking’s living condition at first
A. Admiring. B. Sympathetic. C. Envious. D. Puzzled.
34. What can we infer about Hawking from the last paragraph
A. He kept pushing his limits. B. He had extraordinary talent.
C. He was good at educating others. D. He was a man with definite goals.
35. What is the purpose of this text
A. To praise a relationship. B. To introduce a book.
C To honor a breakthrough. D. To promote a physics theory.
第二节(共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分12.5分)
As the trees drop their leaves and frosts advance in, we prepare our homes and ourselves for the winter months. ___36___ When the seasons change, we know that we have to change our behavior to keep ourselves safe and warm. Our feelings change like the seasons. Laughing, joyful and positive like summer; sad, angry, and hopeless like winter. ____37____ However, it would not be practical to feel wonderful all the time.
The phrase “emotional wintering” was popularized by Katharine May. She mentions emotional wintering asks us to see our difficult or uncomfortable feelings as winters which we can get ready for and live through. ____38____
Sometimes the emotional winters are caused by an event that makes us feel as though we want to withdraw into ourselves. ____39____ We need to take time to replenish (补充) them while accepting that we are sad. Whatever the cause, emotional wintering encourages us to accept that our emotional seasons are normal and we should manage them as best we can.
____40____ To manage through challenging times, we need to adjust our habits, reassess our expectations of ourselves, and ensure that we sustain ourselves appropriately. This process gives us the space to explore the full range of emotions that make us human, and allows us to safely sit with a feeling, in relative comfort, until it passes.
With the management, we believe we will be well by the time the next summer rolls around.
A. It prepares us for the coming spring.
B. Different emotions come to all of us.
C. Emotional wintering asks us to change.
D. We can grow from challenging experience.
E. Thick socks and cosy blankets are brought out.
F. We expect to always live in our emotional summers.
G. At other times we simply use up our supplies of positivity.
In the summer of 2018, I decided to do a solo expedition (独自探险) across Antarctica. To get some ____41____, I did a two-week training course. I learned all the ____42____: how to camp in the snow, how to pull a sled and what clothing to wear. In October, I flew to Antarctica from Punta Arenas. I’d allowed 70 days, which would make it the longest ____43____ one-way expedition across Antarctica
I only took ____44____. I didn’t even take a hairbrush. The first few days were ____45____. The winds were about 60 mph, and my sled weighed 120 kg. Even if the visibility is good, you can’t ____46____ much — it’s a white horizon. I was on the move for 13 to 15 hours a day.
Then, I found the conditions to be much worse. There was more sastrugi (雪脊) and it felt colder. The last 40 hours were really hard. I ____47____ about 14 times every two hours. As a result, I fell behind ____48____. In the end, I ____49____ 922 miles and fell more than 100 miles short of my goal. Towards the end of my trip, a helicopter flew to pick me up. The ____50____ I felt when I saw the dot in the distance was unbelievable.
It took me a while to be ____51____ of what I’d achieved, because I had failed to reach my ____52____ goal, but I’ve learned it’s ____53____to move the goalposts. I don’t agree with the idea of conquering (征服) somewhere. You treat places with ____54____ and hope they’ll allow you ____55____ passage.
A. donation B. experience C. attention D. rescue
A. basics B. risks C. benefits D. aids
A. cooperative B. romantic C. unsupported D. abnormal
A. companions B. necessities C. cashes D. credits
A. pleasant B. calm C. tough D. lucky
A. talk B. hear C. feel D. see
A. fell over B. dropped out C. looked away D. put up
A. fundraising B. supply C. schedule D. homework
A. measured B. designed C. searched D. covered
A. burden B. relief C. pain D. anxiety
A. proud B. skeptical C. shy D. ashamed
A. insignificant B. unbearable C. disturbing D. initial
A. regrettable B. unnecessary C. acceptable D. inappropriate
A. respect B. courage C. carelessness D. coldness
A. narrow B. safe C. limited D. challenging
第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
“The real China that I saw with my own eyes was so different ___56___ what the Western media had been portraying for years,” says Wong, who studied in China. The Chinese government ___57___ (award) her a scholarship in 2013. Wong studied the Chinese language at Central China Normal University in Wuhan for a year, ___58___ then went to Shijiazhuang and completed her Bachelor’s in law at the Hebei University of Economics and Business in 2018.
“China was full of energy,” Wong recalls. She says she ___59___ (impress) by the culture, people and landscapes when she was in China. “I really have wonderful ___60___ (memory) of my visits,” Wong says.
Wong now works as a ___61___ (manage) at Dingjin Real Estate Development Co and oversees Nausori Plaza, ___62___ is one of its largest investments in Fiji.
China’s ambassador to Fiji, Zhou Jian, says Fijians are becoming more interested in ___63___ (learn) about China. ___64___ (recent), many young people and students have traveled to China.
“If you’ve never been to China, you should visit,” Wong says. “It’s the only way you will know what China ___65___ (true) is.”
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
66. 假定你是李华,你校最近举办了一次运动会。请你为校报写一篇英文报道。内容包括:
The School Sports Meeting
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Professional explorer Leo Houlding is no stranger to climbing. He’s been doing it since he was 10 years old and has made many expeditions across the globe including to the very top of Mt. Qomolangma, remote Arctic and Antarctic peaks, Yosemite Valley, and jungles of South America.
In 2020, Leo decided to celebrate his 40th birthday by showing his two children, Jackson and Freya, and wife Jessica, what he loves most: climbing cool mountains and exploring new lands. The family would spend four days together climbing the north ridge (山脊) of Piz Badile (巴迪莱峰), part of the picturesque Alps on the border of Switzerland and Italy. Their destination was the top of Piz Badile, with nearly 11,000 feet tall.
The family have previously climbed a few other mountains in Europe but the Piz Badile climb was harder than the ones they climbed. In 2019, Leo and Jessica, together with their kids Freya and Jackson who were only six and two separately at the time, skied down Les Grandes Platiers in Flaine unassisted and unsupported. Leo reported this was one of his family life goals.
However, Freya wasn’t that confident as expected this time. So Jessica decided to encourage her by telling their dad’s story.
Their dad Leo grew up in the Lakes, a mountainous region in North West England, and started rock climbing at the age of 10. By the time Leo was 16 he had become the British Junior Indoor Climbing Champion. When he was only 18, Leo landed in Yosemite Valley with the similarly youthful Patch Hammond and made a landmark ascent (攀登). Leo is brave and never gives up in the face of difficulty.
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Freya was moved and inspired by their dad’s story.
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It took them three days to get to the top and they’d spend three nights camping there.