

名称 江西省宜春市宜丰县2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-29 11:32:06


1. What is Paul going to do this summer
A.Go to the beach. B.Attend summer school. C.Earn some money.
2. Why does the woman come to the man
A.To send an apology. B.To make a complaint. C.To seek some advice.
3. What does the man plan to do
A.Get a degree. B.Find a job. C.Leave the company
4. What does the woman mean
A.She would like to come along. B.The weather is quite pleasant.
C.She knows the harbor well.
5.How much should the man pay
A.E130. B.E152. C.E196.
第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)
6. What does Simona think of the rankings
A.Highly reliable. B.A little unfair. C.Very exciting
7.Which city has an efficient transport system
A.San Francisco B.London. C.Tokyo.
听第7 段材料,回答第8至10 题。
8. What are the speakers about to do
A.Have a meeting. B.Take a coffee. C.Write a report
9. How does Phif feel now
A.Frightened. B.Disappointed C.Anxious
10.What should Emily value
A.Effective communication. B.Time consciousness. C.Teamwork.
听第8 段材料,回答第11 至13 题。
11.When is the send-off party
A.On Monday evening. B.On Friday evening. C.On Saturday evening.
12.Where will the party be held
A.At Susan’s place B.At Peter’s place. C.At the man’s place.
13.Why does the man decide to be absent from work
A.To go traveling B.To continue his study. C.To enjoy city life.
听第9 段材料,回答第14 至17 题。
14.What does the man do
A.A host. B.A doctor. C.A guest.
15.What is Alice’s uncommon ability
A.Linking emotions and words. B.Connecting colors with words.
C.Expressing emotions with colors.
16.What do we know about Alice and her brother
A.They can’t recognize colors correctly. B.They are born with the same condition.
C.They feel the same about the same color.
17.How does Alice sound in the end
A.Depressed. B.Optimistic. C.Confused.
听第10 段材料,回答第18 至 2 0 题。
18.Why does the speaker recommend the side streets
A.There are international restaurants. B.There are oldest buildings in the area.
C.There are cheap arts and crafts for sale.
19.What is the requirement for the clothes this year
A.The clothes must be inspired by music and technology.
B.The clothes must be made from locally produced materials.
C.The clothes must be modeled by the designers themselves.
20.What should you do if you want to park for free
A.Park by the roadside. B.Stay for less than an hour. C.Buy something in the shops.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
English is changing faster than ever due to technology and the growing popularity of social media. Do you long to keep up with the times If so, here are some old-fashioned words you should remove from your vocabulary list.
1. Whippersnapper
As an alteration of the term “snippersnapper”, the word first appeared in the 17th century, expressing our ancestors’ annoyance at ill-mannered children. In its more contemporary version, the word relates to a young person who is too confident and does not show enough respect to older people.
2. Tape
Are you born in the 1980s If so, you may still be using the term “tape” when speaking of recording music or TV shows. Today, though digital media has made data storage on magnetic tape a thing of the past, this old linguistic habit still exists.
3. Dungarees
What we know as “jeans” today were once called “dungarees” to refer to trousers made of denim. The term comes from a kind of cheap and rough cloth imported from Dongari Killa, India. When manufacturers began importing the cloth from Genoa in Italy, this kind of trousers got a new name, “jeans”. So don’t be surprised if you catch your grandpa saying “dungarees”.
4. Stewardess
In the earlier age of air travel, female crew members serving airline passengers were called stewardesses. It wasn’t until more men entered the field and the development of women’s rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s that the word fell out of use. “Stewardess” was replaced by a More gender-neutral term, “flight attendant”.
1. Who can be described as a whippersnapper nowadays
A. A narrow-minded kid. B. An ill-mannered elder.
C. A bad-tempered woman. D. A self-centered young man.
2. Which of the following words has become outdated due to the development of technology
A. Whippersnapper. B. Tape C. Dungarees D. Stewardess.
3. Which column does this passage belong to
A. Language B. Technology C. Finance D. Fashion.
【答案】1. D 2. B 3. A
细节理解题。根据Whippersnapper部分的“In its more contemporary version, the word relates to a young person who is too confident and does not show enough respect to older people. (在更现代的版本中,这个词指的是过于自信、对长辈不够尊重的年轻人。)”可知,在如今 whippersnapper 指的是过于自信且不尊重老年人的年轻人。故选D。
细节理解题。根据Tape部分的“Today, though digital media has made data storage on magnetic tape a thing of the past, this old linguistic habit still exists.(今天,虽然数字媒体已经使磁带上的数据存储成为过去,但这种古老的语言习惯仍然存在。)”可知,Tape一词的过时和技术发展变化息息相关。故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“English is changing faster than ever due to technology and the growing popularity of social media. Do you long to keep up with the times If so, here are some old-fashioned words you should remove from your vocabulary list.(由于科技和社交媒体的日益普及,英语的变化比以往任何时候都要快。你渴望跟上时代吗?如果是的话,下面这些过时的词汇你应该从你的词汇表中删除了。)”和全文内容可知,文章从英语语言发展的角度,列举四个因社会发展而过时的单词,并解释这些单词的定义以及过时的原因,属于语言主题。故选A。
The year 2023 marks the 102th anniversary of Noether’s ring theory, a branch of theoretical mathematics that is still fascinating and challenging numerous mathematicians today.
Neother was born in 1882 in Germany, whose father was a math professor, but it must have seemed unlikely to a young Neother that she would follow in his footsteps because women were banned from academia and few took classes at universities. After Neother graduated from a high school for girls, Erlangen University started to let women enroll. She signed up and earned her doctorate in mathematics, which should have been the end of her mathematical journey. Teaching at a university for women was still out of the question. But Neother stuck with mathematics anyway, staying in Erlangen and unofficially guiding doctoral students without pay.
In 1915, she applied for a position at the University of Gottingen. Bill Nicholl, the dean at the university, also a mathematician, was in favor of hiring Neother, although his argument was far from feminist (女权主义). “The female brain is unsuitable for mathematical production,” he wrote, “but Neother stood out as one of the rare exceptions.”
Unfortunately for Neother,the Ministry of Education would not give the university permission to have a woman as their teacher. Neother stayed in Gottingen and taught courses listed under the name of a male faculty teacher. During those years, she kept doing research and made important contributions to theoretical physics and Einstein’s theory of relativity. The university finally granted her lecturer status. Two years later, Neother published revolutionary discoveries in ring theory, which is the study of mathematical objects called rings. Neotherian rings show up all the time in modern mathematics. Mathematicians still use Neother’s map today,not just in ring theory,but in other area such as number theory and algebraic geometry.
4. What do we learn about Neother from paragraph 2
A. She taught at university as a teacher. B. She earned a degree in mathematics.
C. She was taught by her father at home D. She quit her mathematical journey early.
5. What can we infer from Bill Nicholl’s words
A. He was struggling for feminist. B. Females’brains differed from males’.
C. Neother was a giant in mathematics. D. Women mathematicians were superb.
6. What do we know about Noether’s ring theory
A. It is still used by mathematicians today.
B. It opens up a new field in modern physics.
C. It is based on Einstein’s theory of relativity.
D. It lays the foundation for modern mathematics.
7. Which of the following can best describe Noether
A. Gifted and generous. B. Sensitive and determined.
C. Committed and creative. D. Hardworking and honest.
【答案】4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Neother 为数学做出了开拓性的贡献,在那个时代,女性还被排斥在学术界之外,但她坚守数学领域,发表了有关环论的革命性发现,至今数学家们仍在思考和发展她的发现。
细节理解题。根据第二段的“She signed up and earned her doctorate in mathematics (她报名参加并获得了数学博士学位)”可知,Neother获得了数学学位。故选 B。
推理判断题。根据第三段的“ “The female brain is unsuitable for mathematical production,” he wrote, “but Neother stood out as one of the rare exceptions.”(“女性的大脑不适合进行数学运算,”他写道,“但诺瑟尔是为数不多的例外之一。”)”可推知,Neother是天生的数学大师人物。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第四段的“Mathematicians still use Neother’s map today, not just in ring theory, but in other area such as number theory and algebraic geometry.(数学家们今天仍然在使用Neother的地图,不仅在环理论中,而且在其他领域,如数论和代数几何中)”可知,环论在今天依然为数学家所利用。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第四段的“During those years, she kept doing research and made important contributions to theoretical physics and Einstein’s theory of relativity. The university finally granted her lecturer status. Two years later, Neother published revolutionary discoveries in ring theory.(在那些年里,她一直在做研究,对理论物理学和爱因斯坦的相对论做出了重要贡献。大学最终授予她讲师的地位。两年后,Neother发表了关于环理论的革命性发现)”可推知,Neother 是坚定的且有创意的人。故选C。
When you ask people to judge others by their speech, a trend emerges: Listeners dislike disfluency. Slow talkers producing loads of ums and pauses(停顿)are generally perceived as less charming. But science tells us there may be even more to disfluency.
Disfluencies do not occur in arbitrary positions in sentences. Ums typically occur right before more difficult or low-frequency words. Imagine you’re having dinner with a friend at a restaurant,and there’re three items on the table: a knife, a glass, and a wine decanter(醒酒器). Your friend turns to you and says, “Could you hand me the...um...” What would you assume they want Since it’s unlikely that they will hesitate before such common words as knife, and glass, chances are you’ll pick up the decanter and ask, “You mean this ”
This is exactly what we demonstrated through controlled eye-tracking studies in our lab. Apparently, listeners hear the um and predict that an uncommon word is most likely to follow.Such predictions, though, reflect more than just simple association between disfluencies and difficult words; listeners are actively considering from the speaker’s point of view. For example, when hearing a non-native speaker say the same sentence but with a thick foreign accent, listeners don’t show a preference for looking at low-frequency objects. This is probably because listeners assume non-native speakers may have as much trouble coming up with the English word for a common object, like a knife, as for unusual ones and can’t guess their intention.
In another experiment, listeners were presented with an atypical speaker who produced disfluencies before simple words and never before difficult words. Initially, participants displayed the natural predictive strategy: looking at uncommon objects. However, as more time went by, and they gained experience with this atypical distribution of disfluencies, listeners started to demonstrate the contrary predictive behavior: They tended to look at simple objects when hearing the speaker say um.
These findings represent further evidence that the human brain is a prediction machine: We continuously try to predict what will happen next, even though not all disfluencies are created equal.
8. What does the underlined word “arbitrary”mean in paragraph 2
A. Random. B. Strategic. C. Obvious. D. Consistent
9. What does the author say about the non-native speakers
A. They can be understood easily. B. They actively put themselves in others’ shoes
C. Their vocabularies are limited. D. Their disfluencies are a little less predictive.
10. What does the experiment in paragraph 4 show
A. Simple things are difficult in some cases. B. Listeners can adjust predictions accordingly.
C. Distribution of disfluencies is changeable. D. Disfluencies in communication can be avoided.
11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A Pauses Coexist with Prediction. B. Brains Are Powerful Prediction Machines.
C. Active Listeners Simplify Talks. D. Disfluency Says More Than You Think.
【答案】8. A 9. D 10. B 11. D
词义猜测题。根据划线词后的“Ums typically occur right before more difficult or low-frequency words (Ums通常出现在更难或低频的单词之前)”以及下文例子““Could you hand me the...um...” What would you assume they want (“你能把……嗯……递给我吗?”你认为他们想要什么?)”可知,“嗯”(不流畅表达中的一种)一般出现在比较难或不太经常使用的词汇前。由此可推测,不流畅表达在句子中出现的位置不是随意的,而是有规律可循的。故random“随意的,任意的,随机的”可解释划线词意思。故选A。
推理判断题。文章第三段讲到“This is probably because listeners assume non-native speakers may have as much trouble coming up with the English word for a common object, like a knife, as for unusual ones and can’t guess their intention. (这可能是因为听众认为,非母语人士可能很难想出英语单词来表示一个常见的物体,比如一把刀,也很难想出不寻常的物体,而且无法猜测他们的意图。)”可知,作者认为非母语者的不流畅之处很难预测到。故选D。
推理判断题。文章第四段讲到“However, as more time went by, and they gained experience with this atypical distribution of disfluencies, listeners started to demonstrate the contrary predictive behavior: They tended to look at simple objects when hearing the speaker say um.( 然而,随着时间的推移,他们获得了这种非典型的不流畅分布的经验,听众开始表现出相反的预测行为:当听到演讲者说嗯时,他们倾向于看简单的物体。)”可知,第四段中的实验显示的是听众可以相应地调整预测。故选B。
主旨大意题。本文介绍了听者不喜欢不流畅的表达。说话迟缓且话中有大量的“嗯”和停顿的人通常被认为不那么有魅力。但科学研究发现不流畅传达的信息比人们认为的要多。文章第一段“But science tells us there may be even more to disfluency. (但科学告诉我们,不流畅可能还有更多)”以及第二段讲到“These findings represent further evidence that the human brain is a prediction machine: We continuously try to predict what will happen next (这些发现进一步证明了人脑是一台预测机器:我们不断地试图预测接下来会发生什么)”可知,故D项“不流畅传达的信息比人们认为的要多”作标题最佳。故选D。
We are living in a world where technology is never a neutral tool for achieving human ends. Technological innovations reshape people as they use these innovations to control their environment. Artificial intelligence, for example, is altering humanity.
While the term AI arouses anxieties about killer robots or catastrophic levels of unemployment, there are other deeper implications. As AI increasingly shapes the human experience, how does this change what it means to be human Central to the problem is a person’s capacity to make choices, particularly judgments that have moral implications. Aristotle argued that the capacity for making practical judgments depends on regularly making them—on habit and practice. We see the emergence of machines as substitute judges in a variety of everyday contexts as a potential threat to people learning how to effectively exercise judgment themselves.
In the workplace, managers routinely make decisions about who to hire or fire and which loan to approve. These are areas where algorithm (算法) is replacing human judgment, and so people who might have had the chance to develop practical judgment in these areas no longer will.
Recommendation engines, which are increasingly popular in people’s consumption of culture, may serve to restrict choice and minimize luck. By presenting consumers with algorithmically selected choices of what to watch, read, stream and visit next, companies are replacing human taste with machine taste. In one sense, this is helpful. After all, machines can survey a wider range of choices than any individual is likely to have the time or energy to do on their own.
Algorithms could soon—if they don’t already-have a better idea about which show you’d like to watch next and which job candidate you should hire than you do. One day,humans may even find a way for machines to make these decisions without some of the prejudices that humans typically display.
But unpredictability is part of how people understand themselves and part of what people like about themselves. From this aspect, humanity is in the process of losing something significant. As they become more and more predictable, the creatures living in the AI world will become less and less like us.
12. Why does the author cite Aristotle’s words in paragraph 2
A. To present a fact. B. To explain a rule
C. To clarify a concept. D. To illustrate a viewpoint.
13. What may result from increasing application of recommendation engines in our consumption of culture
A. Consumers will actually enjoy better luck.
B. Consumers will have much limited choice.
C. Humans will develop tastes similar to machines’.
D. Humans will find it easier to decide what to enjoy.
14. Why does the author say the creatures living in AI world will become increasingly unlike us
A. They will not be able to understand themselves as we can do today.
B. They will lose what their ancestors were proud of about themselves.
C. They will lose the most significant human element of being intelligent.
D. They will no longer possess the human characteristic of being unpredictable.
15. What can be the best title for the passage
A. AI is reshaping humanity. B. AI is affecting moral judgments.
C. AI is becoming more predictable. D. AI is causing massive unemployment.
【答案】12. D 13. B 14. D 15. A
推理判断题。根据第二段“As AI increasingly shapes the human experience, how does this change what it means to be human Central to the problem is a person’s capacity to make choices, particularly judgments that have moral implications. Aristotle argued that the capacity for making practical judgments depends on regularly making them—on habit and practice. We see the emergence of machines as substitute judges in a variety of everyday contexts as a potential threat to people learning how to effectively exercise judgment themselves.(随着人工智能越来越多地塑造人类体验,这将如何改变人类的意义?问题的核心是一个人做出选择的能力,尤其是具有道德含义的判断。亚里士多德认为,做出实际判断的能力取决于经常做出判断——习惯和实践。我们认为,在各种日常环境中,机器作为替代法官的出现,对学习如何有效地自己进行判断的人们构成了潜在威胁。)”可知,作者在第二段引用亚里士多德的观点是为了说明一个观点——人工智能正在改变人类的意义。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第四段“Recommendation engines, which are increasingly popular in people’s consumption of culture, may serve to restrict choice and minimize luck.(在人们的文化消费中越来越流行的推荐引擎,可能会限制选择和最小化运气。)”可知,在我们的文化消费中,越来越多地使用推荐引擎可能会产生的结果是消费者的选择将非常有限。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“But unpredictability is part of how people understand themselves and part of what people like about themselves. From this aspect, humanity is in the process of losing something significant. As they become more and more predictable, the creatures living in the AI world will become less and less like us.(但不可预测性是人们理解自己的一部分,也是人们喜欢自己的一部分。从这个角度来看,人类正在失去一些重要的东西。随着它们变得越来越可预测,生活在人工智能世界中的生物将变得越来越不像我们。)”可知,作者说生活在人工智能世界的生物会越来越不像我们,是因为它们将不再具有人类不可预测的特征。故选D。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“Artificial intelligence, for example, is altering humanity.(例如,人工智能正在改变人类。)”,第二段“While the term AI arouses anxieties about killer robots or catastrophic levels of unemployment, there are other deeper implications. As AI increasingly shapes the human experience, how does this change what it means to be human (虽然人工智能一词引起了人们对杀手机器人或灾难性失业水平的担忧,但它还有其他更深层次的含义。随着人工智能越来越多地塑造人类的体验,这将如何改变它对人类的意义?)”可知,本文主要讲的是人工智能对人类的影响——重塑人类,因此最好的标题是A选项“AI is reshaping humanity.(人工智能正在重塑人类。)”。故选A。
阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。
Play is so much more than just a way to kill the time. Behind every game and puzzle lies a powerful force shaping a child’s development. ____16____ Dive in, and you’ll discover the science behind it.
When children engage in play, they do more than just have fun. They’re actively constructing their brains. . Neural pathways (神经通络), those complex networks responsible for thought, learning, and emotion, are solidified during these leisure activities. Much like constructing a home requires more than just bricks, it’s about laying a strong foundation. For the maturing brain, play is that vital foundation. ____17____ These connections don’t just serve immediate childlike wonder; they lay the groundwork for future cognitive and emotional adaptability.
Beyond cognitive and emotional development, leisure activities are crucial in securing a child’s physical health and coordination (协调性). Whether it’s running or jumping rope, these actions develop a child’s fine motor skills. Such physical engagements push children to be more aware of their body movements and surroundings. ____18____ Through play, kids develop a symbiotic (共生的) relationship between mind and body.
In the dynamic ecosystem of a child’s growth, leisure activities weave in threads of academic enhancement without the traditional pressures of formal education. ____19____ Beyond the fun, kids are absorbing lessons in logic, pattern recognition, and critical thinking. Similarly, engaging in board games or interactive storytelling sessions introduces them to fundamental math, language, and strategy concepts in a relaxed atmosphere. This stress-free combination of play and learning allows kids to develop academically without realizing they’re on an educational journey.
Play is more than just a leisure activity for kids. It’s an essential tool that helps better brain development, physical health and so much more. ____20____
A. But why, exactly, is play so vital for kids
B. And how, precisely, do you dive in games and puzzles
C. The diversity of play equips the brain with neural connections.
D. Take, for instance, the seemingly simple act of assembling a puzzle.
E. Therefore, kids who play more will deal with the difficulties better in the future.
F. The constant feedback creates a rich environment for enhancing physical capabilities.
G. By understanding it, you can provide your child with the best foundation for a bright future.
【答案】16 A 17. C 18. F 19. D 20. G
根据前文“Play is so much more than just a way to kill the time. Behind every game and puzzle lies a powerful force shaping a child’s development.(玩耍不仅仅是一种消磨时间的方式。在每一个游戏和谜题的背后都有一股强大的力量塑造着孩子的发展)”以及后文“Dive in, and you’ll discover the science behind it.(深入研究,你会发现它背后的科学原理)”可知,空处应是一个过渡句,空前提出有悖于常识的新观点,即游戏不仅仅消磨时间,还对孩子的发展有大作用,所以A项“But why, exactly, is play so vital for kids (但是,究竟为什么玩耍对孩子如此重要呢 )”符合文意,和前文构成转折关系,并引出下文。故选A项。
根据前文“For the maturing brain, play is that vital foundation.(对于成熟的大脑来说,玩耍是至关重要的基础)”以及后文“These connections don’t just serve immediate childlike wonder; they lay the groundwork for future cognitive and emotional adaptability.(这些联系不仅仅是为了满足孩子们的好奇心;它们为未来的认知和情感适应性奠定了基础)”可知,空前讲述对于发育中的大脑来说,玩耍是至关重要的基础,空后讲述这些联系不仅仅是为了满足孩子们的好奇心,也奠定了认知和情感适应性的基础。故设空处应将“游戏,脑发育,联系”结合在一起,所以C项“The diversity of play equips the brain with neural connections.(游戏的多样性为大脑提供了神经连接)”符合文意,承上启下,其中connections和下文为同词复现。故选C项。
根据前文“Beyond cognitive and emotional development, leisure activities are crucial in securing a child’s physical health and coordination (协调性). Whether it’s running or jumping rope, these actions develop a child’s fine motor skills. Such physical engagements push children to be more aware of their body movements and surroundings.(除了认知和情感发展之外,休闲活动对于确保儿童的身体健康和协调能力也至关重要。无论是跑步还是跳绳,这些动作都能培养孩子的精细运动技能。这样的身体活动促使孩子们更加注意自己的身体动作和周围环境)”可知,本段主要讲述了休闲活动对于保障孩子的身体健康和协调能力至关重要,所以F项“The constant feedback creates a rich environment for enhancing physical capabilities.(持续的反馈为增强身体能力创造了丰富的环境)”是对前文情况的总结,说明休闲活动所产生的持续的反馈为增强身体能力创造了丰富的环境。故选F项。
根据前文“In the dynamic ecosystem of a child’s growth, leisure activities weave in threads of academic enhancement without the traditional pressures of formal education.(在儿童成长的动态生态系统中,休闲活动在没有传统正规教育压力的情况下编织着学业提高的线索)”以及后文“Beyond the fun, kids are absorbing lessons in logic, pattern recognition, and critical thinking. Similarly, engaging in board games or interactive storytelling sessions introduces them to fundamental math, language, and strategy concepts in a relaxed atmosphere.(除了乐趣之外,孩子们还在学习逻辑、模式识别和批判性思维。同样地,参与桌游或互动式讲故事会在轻松的氛围中向他们介绍基本的数学、语言和策略概念)”可知,前文提出本段主题,后文是通过举例说明,所以D项“Take, for instance, the seemingly simple act of assembling a puzzle.(以组装拼图这个看似简单的行为为例)”符合文意,举例说明上文提到观点,拼图游戏可以让孩子学习逻辑、模式识别和批判性思维。故选D项。
分析设空,位于尾段段尾,是对本文进行总结,根据前文“Play is more than just a leisure activity for kids. It’s an essential tool that helps better brain development, physical health and so much more.(玩耍对孩子来说不仅仅是一种休闲活动。它是一个重要的工具,有助于更好的大脑发育,身体健康等等)”可知,G项“By understanding it, you can provide your child with the best foundation for a bright future.(通过理解它,你可以为你的孩子提供一个光明的未来最好的基础)”承接上文,且和首段相呼应,对前文做出总结。故选G项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Career hunt hits pavement
When it comes to job hunting, few consider holding a cardboard sign on the pavement a ___21___ option. However, Yan Xinyi, a 21-year-old commerce graduate of University of Toronto, traveled the path less taken and received her ___22___.
After ___23___ herself on the street as an eager candidates for a job in the advertising and marketing industry, she ___24___ a position as a research analysts at Reprise Media, a global online marketing agency, reported The Toronto Star.
Yan had been searching for a job since she graduated early last year. “I have posted hundreds of job applications but wasn’t getting any ___25___,” she told The Star.
By December she ___26___ to make her big play. “I want to make it happen,” She told The Star, “even if I have to do something a little …___27___.”
She held the cardboard and ___28___ resumes on the street. Whoever ___29___ one would get a bag of candy canes as a Christmas gifts. ___30___ HR from Reprise Media reached out to her online and ___31___ an interview.
Joseph McConnellogue, Reprise Media’s managing director, ___32___ Yan being energetic during the interview. He was convinced Yan was the real deal when she ___33___ a PowerPoint presentation about her street-sign job search.
“We were very impressed with her ___34___ and her, ”McConnellogue told The Star. “She took things into her own hands, took a very different ___35___ to finding a job. Sometimes think outside the box and you find the solution.”
A. complicated B. random C. plain D. worthwhile
A. choice B. reward C. solution D. answer
A. selling B. persuading C. refreshing D. practising
A. left B. introduced C. landed D. changed
A. bites B. requests C. forms D. challenges
A. pretended B. hesitated C. continued D. decided
A. unconditional B. unconventional C. unchangeable D. unacceptable
A. reached out B. put up C. made up D. gave out
A. took B. copied C. laid D. created
A. Originally B. Unfortunately C. Apparently D. Eventually
A. evaluated B. arranged C. sponsored D. declined
A. displayed B. motivated C. recalled D. compared
A. prepared for B. worked out C. went through D. turned to
A. loyalty B. initiative C. politeness D. knowledge
A. approach B. attitude C. reaction D. preference
【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. C 34. B 35. A
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是Yan Xinyi在人行道上举一个纸板广告牌找到了一份工作的故事,说明了“有时候跳出思维定势,你就能找到解决办法”这个道理。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:说到找工作,很少有人会认为在人行道上举一个纸板广告牌是一个值得的选择。A. complicated复杂的;B. random随意的;C. plain普通的;D. worthwhile值得的。根据上文“holding a cardboard sign on the pavement”和常识可知,很少有人会认为在人行道上举一个纸板广告牌是一个值得的选择。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,21岁的多伦多大学商科毕业生Yan Xinyi走了一条很少有人走的路,并得到了回报。A. choice选择;B. reward奖励,回报;C. solution解决办法;D. answer回答。根据下文“she___4__ a position as a research analysts at Reprise Media, a global online marketing agency, reported The Toronto Star”可知,Yan Xinyi得到了回报。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:据《多伦多星报》(the Toronto Star)报道,她在街头推销自己,热切地希望获得一份广告和营销行业的工作,后来在全球在线营销机构Reprise Media找到了一份研究分析师的工作。A. selling促销,推销;B. persuading说服;C. refreshing使恢复精神;D. practising练习。根据第一段“holding a cardboard sign on the pavement”和下文的“herself on the street as an eager candidates”可知,她在街头推销自己,也就是宣传自己,空格处用“促销,推销”。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:据《多伦多星报》(the Toronto Star)报道,她在街头推销自己,热切地希望获得一份广告和营销行业的工作,后来在全球在线营销机构Reprise Media找到了一份研究分析师的工作。A. left离开;B. introduced介绍;C. landed获得;D. changed改变。根据下文“a position as a research analysts at Reprise Media, a global online marketing agency”可知,她找到了一份研究分析师的工作,空格处意为“获得”。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她告诉《星报》:“我已经发布了数百份求职申请,但没有收到任何回复。”A. bites简短的信息;B. requests要求;C. forms形式;D. challenges挑战。根据上文“I have posted hundreds of job applications but wasn’t getting any”可知,此处表示她发布了数百份求职申请,但没有收到任何回复,空格处意为“简短的信息”。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:到了12月,她决定大展拳脚。A. pretended假装;B. hesitated犹豫;C. continued继续;D. decided决定。根据下文“I want to make it happen”可知,此处表示“她决定大展拳脚”。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我想让它实现,”她告诉《星报》,“即使我必须做一些有点……非常规的事情。”A. unconditional无条件的;B. unconventional非常规的;C. unchangeable不变的;D. unacceptable不能接受的。根据上文“___3__ herself on the street as an eager candidates for a job in the advertising and marketing industry”可知,她做的是非常规的事情。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:她拿着纸板在街上发简历。A. reached out伸出;B. put up张贴;C. made up编造;D. gave out分发。根据第三段“Yan had been searching for a job since she graduated early last year”可知,她为了找工作应该是分发简历。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:谁拿了一个,谁就会得到一袋拐杖糖作为圣诞礼物。A. took拿走;B. copied复制;C. laid放置;D. created创造。根据下文“one would get a bag of candy canes as a Christmas gifts”可知,谁拿了一个,谁就会得到一袋拐杖糖作为圣诞礼物,空格处意为“拿走”。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:最终Reprise Media的人力资源部门在网上找到了她,并安排了一次面试。A. Originally起初,原来;B. Unfortunately不幸地;C. Apparently显然;D. Eventually最终。根据下文“HR from Reprise Media reached out to her online”可知,空后的内容是最后的结果,因此空格处是“最终”。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终Reprise Media的人力资源部门在网上找到了她,并安排了一次面试。A. evaluated评价;B. arranged安排;C. sponsored倡议;D. declined拒绝。根据下文“HR from Reprise Media reached out to her online”和“an interview”可知,Reprise Media的人力资源部门在网上找到了她,并安排面试。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Reprise Media董事总经理Joseph McConnellogue回忆说,Yan在采访中精力充沛。A. displayed展示;B. motivated激励,激发;C. recalled回忆;D. compared比较。根据下文“Yan being energetic during the interview”可知,空后内容是Joseph McConnellogue回忆起来时说的。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:当看完关于她在街上用标牌找工作的ppt演示后,他确信她是与众不同的。A. prepared for为……准备;B. worked out解决,计算出;C. went through完成;D. turned to求助于。根据上文“He was convinced Yan was the real deal”可知,在看完Yan的ppt演示后他确信她是与众不同的,空格处意为“完成”。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我们对她的主动性和她印象深刻,”McConnellogue告诉《星报》。A. loyalty忠诚;B. initiative主动性;C. politeness礼貌;D. knowledge知识。根据上文主动推销自己以及下文“She took things into her own hands”可知,Yan是很有主动性的人。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她把事情掌握在自己手中,用一种非常不同的方法找工作。A. approach方法;B. attitude态度;C. reaction反应;D. preference偏爱。根据上文“her street-sign job search”可知,她用标牌寻找工作,这是与众不同的方法。故选A。
Frequently ___36___ (feed) by tourists and drivers, a wolf in Hoh Xil, Qinghai province, has recently gained popularity and sparked discussions online due to its downy and round shape.
The wolf, which ___37___ (be) once bony in the wilderness, has now become quite fat and even learned to wag its tail and expose its stomach. ___38___ an attempt to ask for food from the ___39___ (pass) vehicles. Some netizens tease the wolf,saying that it no longer wants to put efforts into hunting, ___40___ others express their concerns that this action may disturb the natural order. Qi Xinzhang from Xining Wildlife Park,stated that random feeding should not be encouraged. He mentioned, “I want to believe in the kindness of the feeders, but kindness needs ___41___ (sense) support.” He further explained that death itself is a natural part of life and a ___42___ (necessary) for other predators’ survival.
Dai Qiang,a researcher at the Chengdu Institute of Biology, said that feeding wild animals might bring risks to the feeders ___43___ (them). Wild animals,especially injured ones,may carry some bacteria. Wolves are predators after all, ___44___ seemingly gentle appearance can’t guarantee they won’t display aggression. Therefore, it’s important ____45____(maintain) a safe distance.
【答案】36. fed
37. was 38. in
39. passing
40. but##while
41. sensible
42. necessity
43. themselves
44. whose 45. to maintain
考查非谓语动词。句意:在青海省可可西里,一只经常被游客和司机喂食的狼最近因其毛茸茸的圆形体型而走红并在网上引发了讨论。空处需填非谓语动词作状语,a wolf和feed为逻辑动宾关系,需填过去分词形式。故填fed。
考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:在荒野中,狼曾经骨瘦如柴,现在却变得很胖,甚至学会了摇尾巴,露出肚子,试图向过往的车辆索要食物。根据“once”可知,此处为一般过去时,主语为which,指代the wolf,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填was。
考查介词。句意同上。in an attempt to为固定搭配,意为“试图”。故填in。
考查非谓语动词。句意:因此,保持安全距离很重要。It is adj.+to do…为固定句型,it为形式主语,空处需填动词不定式作主语。故填to maintain。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假如你是学生会主席李华,请你围绕“保护环境,低碳生活”为主题,写一封英语倡议书,旨在号召大家积极采取行动,践行低碳生活。内容包括:
1. 保护环境的重要性;
2. 如何低碳生活;
3. 发出倡议。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear fellow students,
With the development of modern industry, the environment is becoming increasingly worse. It’s high time that we should take measures, or we would have nowhere to live. We students can protect our environment by living a low-carbon life.
Firstly, do turn off lights and other switches when not using them to save electricity. What’s more, if we go out, we should walk, ride or take public transport instead of driving. Finally, reusing paper and bottles in our daily life is also highly recommended.
Let’s make joint efforts to create a green and harmonious environment. I strongly believe that a better world owes to the commitment and dedication of everyone.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生围绕“保护环境,低碳生活”的主题用英文写一封倡议书,号召大家积极采取行动,践行低碳生活。内容包括:1. 保护环境的重要性;2. 如何低碳生活;3. 发出倡议。
此外:what’s more→besides/in addition/additionally/furthermore/moreover
原句:I strongly believe that a better world owes to the commitment and dedication of everyone.
拓展句:I hold the firm belief that everyone’s commitment and dedication contribute to making a better world.
【点睛】【高分句型1】It’s high time that we should take measures, or we would have nowhere to live. (运用了虚拟语气的句型)
【高分句型2】What’s more, if we go out, we should walk, ride or take public transport instead of driving. (运用了if引导的条件状语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The Day Mother Cried
Coming home from school that dark winter’s day so long ago, I was filled with anticipation. I had a new issue of my favorite sports magazine under my arm. Dad was at work, my sister was away, and Mother wouldn’t be home from her new job for an hour.
I was shocked into stillness by what I saw . Mother pulled into a tight ball with her face in her hands. She was crying. I had never seen her cry.
I approached cautiously and touched her shoulder. “Mother ” I said. “What’s happened ”
She took a long breath and managed a weak smile. “It’s nothing, really. I’m going to lose this new job. I can’t type fast enough.”
“But you’ve only been there three for days,” I said. “You’ll catch on.” I was repeating a line she had spoken to me a hundred times when I was having trouble learning or doing something important to me. She sobbed in silence .
I felt helpless and out of place. At the age of 16 I still assumed Mother could do anything. To provide enough income for my college two years later, Mother was crazy for ways to save money.
A few months ago, Mother arrived home with an old typewriter. It skipped between certain letters. “That’s all we can afford,” Mother said. “It’s good enough to learn on.” And from that day on, immediately after dinner, Mother would disappear into her sewing room to practice. The slow tap, tap, tap went on some nights until midnight. On Monday, she got a job as a typewriter at a radio station. I was not the least bit surprised but she was excited. But on Tuesday Mother looked drawn. I didn’t care honestly.
My shock and embarrassment at finding Mother in tears on Wednesday showed how little I understood the pressures on her. Sitting beside her on the couch, I began very slowly to understand.
“I guess we all have to fail sometimes,” Mother said quietly. I could sense her pain. I reached out and put my arms around her.
A week later Mother took a job selling dry goods at half the salary the radio station had offered. “It’s a job I can do,” she said simply.
But the evening practice routine on the old green typewriter continued.
The old green typewriter sits in my office now, unrepaired.
But the evening practice routine on the old green typewriter continued. Every time I passed her door at night and heard her tapping away, I knew there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type. When I left for college two years later, Mother had an office job with better pay and more responsibility. I have to believe that in some strange way she learned as much from her moment of defeat as I did, because after graduation, when I became a newspaper reporter, she had already been a journalist with our hometown paper.
The old green typewriter sits in my office now, unrepaired. It is a souvenir. When I’m having trouble with a story and think about giving up or when I start to feel sorry for myself, I roll a piece of paper into that old machine and type, word by painful word, just the way mother did. What I remember then is not her failure, but her courage, the courage to go ahead. It’s the best souvenir anyone ever gave me.
①放弃:give up/quit
②前往:leave for/set off for
③记得:remember/keep in mind
【点睛】[高分句型1] When I left for college two years later, Mother had an office job with better pay and more responsibility.(运用了when引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] What I remember then is not her failure, but her courage, the courage to go ahead.(运用了what引导主语从句)
听力部分:1-5CBAAC 6-10 BCACB 11-15 CBAAB 16-20 BBCAC江西省宜春市宜丰县宜丰中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期末
1. What is Paul going to do this summer
A.Go to the beach. B.Attend summer school. C.Earn some money.
2. Why does the woman come to the man
A.To send an apology. B.To make a complaint. C.To seek some advice.
3 What does the man plan to do
A.Get a degree. B.Find a job. C.Leave the company
4. What does the woman mean
A.She would like to come along. B.The weather is quite pleasant.
C.She knows the harbor well.
5.How much should the man pay
A.E130. B.E152. C.E196.
第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)
6. What does Simona think of the rankings
A.Highly reliable. B.A little unfair. C.Very exciting
7.Which city has an efficient transport system
A.San Francisco B.London. C.Tokyo.
听第7 段材料,回答第8至10 题。
8. What are the speakers about to do
A.Have a meeting. B.Take a coffee. C.Write a report
9. How does Phif feel now
A.Frightened. B.Disappointed C.Anxious
10.What should Emily value
A.Effective communication. B.Time consciousness. C.Teamwork.
听第8 段材料,回答第11 至13 题。
11.When is the send-off party
A.On Monday evening. B.On Friday evening. C.On Saturday evening.
12.Where will the party be held
A.At Susan’s place B.At Peter’s place. C.At the man’s place.
13.Why does the man decide to be absent from work
A.To go traveling B.To continue his study. C.To enjoy city life.
听第9 段材料,回答第14 至17 题。
14.What does the man do
A.A host. B.A doctor. C.A guest.
15.What is Alice’s uncommon ability
A.Linking emotions and words. B.Connecting colors with words.
C.Expressing emotions with colors.
16.What do we know about Alice and her brother
A.They can’t recognize colors correctly. B.They are born with the same condition.
C.They feel the same about the same color.
17.How does Alice sound in the end
A.Depressed. B.Optimistic. C.Confused.
听第10 段材料,回答第18 至 2 0 题。
18.Why does the speaker recommend the side streets
A.There are international restaurants. B.There are oldest buildings in the area.
C.There are cheap arts and crafts for sale.
19.What is the requirement for the clothes this year
A.The clothes must be inspired by music and technology.
BThe clothes must be made from locally produced materials.
C.The clothes must be modeled by the designers themselves.
20.What should you do if you want to park for free
A.Park by the roadside. B.Stay for less than an hour. C.Buy something in the shops.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
English is changing faster than ever due to technology and the growing popularity of social media. Do you long to keep up with the times If so, here are some old-fashioned words you should remove from your vocabulary list.
1. Whippersnapper
As an alteration of the term “snippersnapper”, the word first appeared in the 17th century, expressing our ancestors’ annoyance at ill-mannered children. In its more contemporary version, the word relates to a young person who is too confident and does not show enough respect to older people.
2. Tape
Are you born in the 1980s If so, you may still be using the term “tape” when speaking of recording music or TV shows. Today, though digital media has made data storage on magnetic tape a thing of the past, this old linguistic habit still exists.
3. Dungarees
What we know as “jeans” today were once called “dungarees” to refer to trousers made of denim. The term comes from a kind of cheap and rough cloth imported from Dongari Killa, India. When manufacturers began importing the cloth from Genoa in Italy, this kind of trousers got a new name, “jeans”. So don’t be surprised if you catch your grandpa saying “dungarees”.
4. Stewardess
In the earlier age of air travel, female crew members serving airline passengers were called stewardesses. It wasn’t until more men entered the field and the development of women’s rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s that the word fell out of use. “Stewardess” was replaced by a More gender-neutral term, “flight attendant”.
1. Who can be described as a whippersnapper nowadays
A. A narrow-minded kid. B. An ill-mannered elder.
C. A bad-tempered woman. D. A self-centered young man.
2. Which of the following words has become outdated due to the development of technology
A. Whippersnapper. B. Tape C. Dungarees D. Stewardess.
3. Which column does this passage belong to
A. Language B. Technology C. Finance D. Fashion.
The year 2023 marks the 102th anniversary of Noether’s ring theory, a branch of theoretical mathematics that is still fascinating and challenging numerous mathematicians today.
Neother was born in 1882 in Germany, whose father was a math professor, but it must have seemed unlikely to a young Neother that she would follow in his footsteps because women were banned from academia and few took classes at universities. After Neother graduated from a high school for girls, Erlangen University started to let women enroll. She signed up and earned her doctorate in mathematics, which should have been the end of her mathematical journey. Teaching at a university for women was still out of the question. But Neother stuck with mathematics anyway, staying in Erlangen and unofficially guiding doctoral students without pay.
In 1915, she applied for a position at the University of Gottingen. Bill Nicholl, the dean at the university, also a mathematician, was in favor of hiring Neother, although his argument was far from feminist (女权主义). “The female brain is unsuitable for mathematical production,” he wrote, “but Neother stood out as one of the rare exceptions.”
Unfortunately for Neother,the Ministry of Education would not give the university permission to have a woman as their teacher. Neother stayed in Gottingen and taught courses listed under the name of a male faculty teacher. During those years, she kept doing research and made important contributions to theoretical physics and Einstein’s theory of relativity. The university finally granted her lecturer status. Two years later, Neother published revolutionary discoveries in ring theory, which is the study of mathematical objects called rings. Neotherian rings show up all the time in modern mathematics. Mathematicians still use Neother’s map today,not just in ring theory,but in other area such as number theory and algebraic geometry.
4. What do we learn about Neother from paragraph 2
A. She taught at university as a teacher. B. She earned a degree in mathematics.
C. She was taught by her father at home D. She quit her mathematical journey early.
5. What can we infer from Bill Nicholl’s words
A. He was struggling for feminist. B. Females’brains differed from males’.
C. Neother was a giant in mathematics. D. Women mathematicians were superb.
6. What do we know about Noether’s ring theory
A. It is still used by mathematicians today.
B It opens up a new field in modern physics.
C. It is based on Einstein’s theory of relativity.
D. It lays the foundation for modern mathematics.
7. Which of the following can best describe Noether
A. Gifted and generous. B. Sensitive and determined.
C. Committed and creative. D. Hardworking and honest.
When you ask people to judge others by their speech, a trend emerges: Listeners dislike disfluency. Slow talkers producing loads of ums and pauses(停顿)are generally perceived as less charming. But science tells us there may be even more to disfluency.
Disfluencies do not occur in arbitrary positions in sentences. Ums typically occur right before more difficult or low-frequency words. Imagine you’re having dinner with a friend at a restaurant,and there’re three items on the table: a knife, a glass, and a wine decanter(醒酒器). Your friend turns to you and says, “Could you hand me the...um...” What would you assume they want Since it’s unlikely that they will hesitate before such common words as knife, and glass, chances are you’ll pick up the decanter and ask, “You mean this ”
This is exactly what we demonstrated through controlled eye-tracking studies in our lab. Apparently, listeners hear the um and predict that an uncommon word is most likely to follow.Such predictions, though, reflect more than just simple association between disfluencies and difficult words; listeners are actively considering from the speaker’s point of view. For example, when hearing a non-native speaker say the same sentence but with a thick foreign accent, listeners don’t show a preference for looking at low-frequency objects. This is probably because listeners assume non-native speakers may have as much trouble coming up with the English word for a common object, like a knife, as for unusual ones and can’t guess their intention.
In another experiment, listeners were presented with an atypical speaker who produced disfluencies before simple words and never before difficult words. Initially, participants displayed the natural predictive strategy: looking at uncommon objects. However, as more time went by, and they gained experience with this atypical distribution of disfluencies, listeners started to demonstrate the contrary predictive behavior: They tended to look at simple objects when hearing the speaker say um.
These findings represent further evidence that the human brain is a prediction machine: We continuously try to predict what will happen next, even though not all disfluencies are created equal.
8. What does the underlined word “arbitrary”mean in paragraph 2
A. Random. B. Strategic. C. Obvious. D. Consistent
9. What does the author say about the non-native speakers
A. They can be understood easily. B. They actively put themselves in others’ shoes
C. Their vocabularies are limited. D. Their disfluencies are a little less predictive.
10. What does the experiment in paragraph 4 show
A. Simple things are difficult in some cases. B. Listeners can adjust predictions accordingly.
C. Distribution of disfluencies is changeable. D. Disfluencies in communication can be avoided.
11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A. Pauses Coexist with Prediction. B. Brains Are Powerful Prediction Machines.
C. Active Listeners Simplify Talks. D. Disfluency Says More Than You Think.
We are living in a world where technology is never a neutral tool for achieving human ends. Technological innovations reshape people as they use these innovations to control their environment. Artificial intelligence, for example, is altering humanity.
While the term AI arouses anxieties about killer robots or catastrophic levels of unemployment, there are other deeper implications. As AI increasingly shapes the human experience, how does this change what it means to be human Central to the problem is a person’s capacity to make choices, particularly judgments that have moral implications. Aristotle argued that the capacity for making practical judgments depends on regularly making them—on habit and practice. We see the emergence of machines as substitute judges in a variety of everyday contexts as a potential threat to people learning how to effectively exercise judgment themselves.
In the workplace, managers routinely make decisions about who to hire or fire and which loan to approve. These are areas where algorithm (算法) is replacing human judgment, and so people who might have had the chance to develop practical judgment in these areas no longer will.
Recommendation engines, which are increasingly popular in people’s consumption of culture, may serve to restrict choice and minimize luck. By presenting consumers with algorithmically selected choices of what to watch, read, stream and visit next, companies are replacing human taste with machine taste. In one sense, this is helpful. After all, machines can survey a wider range of choices than any individual is likely to have the time or energy to do on their own.
Algorithms could soon—if they don’t already-have a better idea about which show you’d like to watch next and which job candidate you should hire than you do. One day,humans may even find a way for machines to make these decisions without some of the prejudices that humans typically display.
But unpredictability is part of how people understand themselves and part of what people like about themselves. From this aspect, humanity is in the process of losing something significant. As they become more and more predictable, the creatures living in the AI world will become less and less like us.
12. Why does the author cite Aristotle’s words in paragraph 2
A. To present a fact. B. To explain a rule
C. To clarify a concept. D. To illustrate a viewpoint.
13. What may result from increasing application of recommendation engines in our consumption of culture
A. Consumers will actually enjoy better luck.
B. Consumers will have much limited choice.
C. Humans will develop tastes similar to machines’.
D. Humans will find it easier to decide what to enjoy.
14. Why does the author say the creatures living in AI world will become increasingly unlike us
A. They will not be able to understand themselves as we can do today.
B. They will lose what their ancestors were proud of about themselves.
C. They will lose the most significant human element of being intelligent.
D. They will no longer possess the human characteristic of being unpredictable.
15. What can be the best title for the passage
A. AI is reshaping humanity. B. AI is affecting moral judgments.
C. AI is becoming more predictable. D. AI is causing massive unemployment.
阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。
Play is so much more than just a way to kill the time. Behind every game and puzzle lies a powerful force shaping a child’s development. ____16____ Dive in, and you’ll discover the science behind it.
When children engage in play, they do more than just have fun. They’re actively constructing their brains. . Neural pathways (神经通络), those complex networks responsible for thought, learning, and emotion, are solidified during these leisure activities. Much like constructing a home requires more than just bricks, it’s about laying a strong foundation. For the maturing brain, play is that vital foundation. ____17____ These connections don’t just serve immediate childlike wonder; they lay the groundwork for future cognitive and emotional adaptability.
Beyond cognitive and emotional development, leisure activities are crucial in securing a child’s physical health and coordination (协调性). Whether it’s running or jumping rope, these actions develop a child’s fine motor skills. Such physical engagements push children to be more aware of their body movements and surroundings. ____18____ Through play, kids develop a symbiotic (共生的) relationship between mind and body.
In the dynamic ecosystem of a child’s growth, leisure activities weave in threads of academic enhancement without the traditional pressures of formal education. ____19____ Beyond the fun, kids are absorbing lessons in logic, pattern recognition, and critical thinking. Similarly, engaging in board games or interactive storytelling sessions introduces them to fundamental math, language, and strategy concepts in a relaxed atmosphere. This stress-free combination of play and learning allows kids to develop academically without realizing they’re on an educational journey.
Play is more than just a leisure activity for kids. It’s an essential tool that helps better brain development, physical health and so much more. ____20____
A. But why, exactly, is play so vital for kids
B. And how, precisely, do you dive in games and puzzles
C. The diversity of play equips the brain with neural connections.
D. Take, for instance, the seemingly simple act of assembling a puzzle.
E. Therefore, kids who play more will deal with the difficulties better in the future.
F. The constant feedback creates a rich environment for enhancing physical capabilities.
G. By understanding it, you can provide your child with the best foundation for a bright future.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Career hunt hits pavement
When it comes to job hunting, few consider holding a cardboard sign on the pavement a ___21___ option. However, Yan Xinyi, a 21-year-old commerce graduate of University of Toronto, traveled the path less taken and received her ___22___.
After ___23___ herself on the street as an eager candidates for a job in the advertising and marketing industry, she ___24___ a position as a research analysts at Reprise Media, a global online marketing agency, reported The Toronto Star.
Yan had been searching for a job since she graduated early last year. “I have posted hundreds of job applications but wasn’t getting any ___25___” she told The Star.
By December she ___26___ to make her big play. “I want to make it happen,” She told The Star, “even if I have to do something a little …___27___.”
She held the cardboard and ___28___ resumes on the street. Whoever ___29___ one would get a bag of candy canes as a Christmas gifts. ___30___ HR from Reprise Media reached out to her online and ___31___ an interview.
Joseph McConnellogue, Reprise Media’s managing director, ___32___ Yan being energetic during the interview. He was convinced Yan was the real deal when she ___33___ a PowerPoint presentation about her street-sign job search.
“We were very impressed with her ___34___ and her, ”McConnellogue told The Star. “She took things into her own hands, took a very different ___35___ to finding a job. Sometimes think outside the box and you find the solution.”
A. complicated B. random C. plain D. worthwhile
A. choice B. reward C. solution D. answer
A. selling B. persuading C. refreshing D. practising
A. left B. introduced C. landed D. changed
A. bites B. requests C. forms D. challenges
A. pretended B. hesitated C. continued D. decided
A. unconditional B. unconventional C. unchangeable D. unacceptable
A. reached out B. put up C. made up D. gave out
A. took B. copied C. laid D. created
A. Originally B. Unfortunately C. Apparently D. Eventually
A. evaluated B. arranged C. sponsored D. declined
A. displayed B. motivated C. recalled D. compared
A. prepared for B. worked out C. went through D. turned to
A. loyalty B. initiative C. politeness D. knowledge
A. approach B. attitude C. reaction D. preference
Frequently ___36___ (feed) by tourists and drivers, a wolf in Hoh Xil, Qinghai province, has recently gained popularity and sparked discussions online due to its downy and round shape.
The wolf, which ___37___ (be) once bony in the wilderness, has now become quite fat and even learned to wag its tail and expose its stomach. ___38___ an attempt to ask for food from the ___39___ (pass) vehicles. Some netizens tease the wolf,saying that it no longer wants to put efforts into hunting, ___40___ others express their concerns that this action may disturb the natural order. Qi Xinzhang from Xining Wildlife Park,stated that random feeding should not be encouraged. He mentioned, “I want to believe in the kindness of the feeders, but kindness needs ___41___ (sense) support.” He further explained that death itself is a natural part of life and a ___42___ (necessary) for other predators’ survival.
Dai Qiang,a researcher at the Chengdu Institute of Biology, said that feeding wild animals might bring risks to the feeders ___43___ (them). Wild animals,especially injured ones,may carry some bacteria. Wolves are predators after all, ___44___ seemingly gentle appearance can’t guarantee they won’t display aggression. Therefore, it’s important ____45____(maintain) a safe distance.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假如你是学生会主席李华,请你围绕“保护环境,低碳生活”为主题,写一封英语倡议书,旨在号召大家积极采取行动,践行低碳生活。内容包括:
1. 保护环境的重要性;
2. 如何低碳生活;
3. 发出倡议。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The Day Mother Cried
Coming home from school that dark winter’s day so long ago, I was filled with anticipation. I had a new issue of my favorite sports magazine under my arm. Dad was at work, my sister was away, and Mother wouldn’t be home from her new job for an hour.
I was shocked into stillness by what I saw . Mother pulled into a tight ball with her face in her hands. She was crying. I had never seen her cry.
I approached cautiously and touched her shoulder. “Mother ” I said. “What’s happened ”
She took a long breath and managed a weak smile. “It’s nothing, really. I’m going to lose this new job. I can’t type fast enough.”
“But you’ve only been there three for days,” I said. “You’ll catch on.” I was repeating a line she had spoken to me a hundred times when I was having trouble learning or doing something important to me. She sobbed in silence .
I felt helpless and out of place. At the age of 16 I still assumed Mother could do anything. To provide enough income for my college two years later, Mother was crazy for ways to save money.
A few months ago, Mother arrived home with an old typewriter. It skipped between certain letters. “That’s all we can afford,” Mother said. “It’s good enough to learn on.” And from that day on, immediately after dinner, Mother would disappear into her sewing room to practice. The slow tap, tap, tap went on some nights until midnight. On Monday, she got a job as a typewriter at a radio station. I was not the least bit surprised but she was excited. But on Tuesday Mother looked drawn. I didn’t care honestly.
My shock and embarrassment at finding Mother in tears on Wednesday showed how little I understood the pressures on her. Sitting beside her on the couch, I began very slowly to understand.
“I guess we all have to fail sometimes,” Mother said quietly. I could sense her pain. I reached out and put my arms around her.
A week later Mother took a job selling dry goods at half the salary the radio station had offered. “It’s a job I can do,” she said simply.
But the evening practice routine on the old green typewriter continued.
The old green typewriter sits in my office now, unrepaired.
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