

名称 上海市长宁区2023-2024学年高三上学期期末教学质量监测试卷英语试卷(原卷版+解析版)
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文件大小 162.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-29 11:58:18


Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Even Very Young Children Can Be Depressed
If you doubted it, I would introduce you to Susan, who came to my office and talked constantly about her “bad feeling”. Susan ____21____ (lose) interest in her favorite activities, stopped playing with her friends, and told her parents that she wanted to be dead. She’d spent more time in the school nurse’s office than in her classroom.
Susan was six years old and ____22____ (suffer) from depression. Proper treatment helped Susan recover. Without it, she might still be an unhappy child, alone and in pain.
The risk for depression does tend to increase as we grow older. Depression in young children is rare but real. Rene Spitz, a ____23____ (note) psychological researcher, found that infants who were in an institutional orphanage after World War II refused to eat and eventually died ____24____ they weren’t held by their caretakers. Children have an innate need ____25____ (hold) and comforted. If those needs aren’t met, then even very young children can fail to thrive and may become sick and die.
Approximately 1% of preschoolers experience depression; they often have great difficulty expressing their feelings, because not all of their language skills ____26____ (develop) sufficiently. Instead of expressing their feelings in language, the depressed preschool children are likely to show emotions by exhibiting significantly aggressive, fearful, or crying behavior. ____27____ most preschool children may get angry if they’re hungry, sleepy, afraid ____28____ their parents go away, or fail to get Daddy to buy them the latest toys, these behaviors are often carried to extremes of intensity and frequency in depressed children.
Although a diagnosis of clinical depression is rare in preschool children, there are times when it is appropriate. In most cases, the child who ____29____ (experience) significant frustrations resulting from the death or absence of a parent, has witnessed or been victims of violence, or has had a significant health problem _____30_____ has interrupted normal emotional or physical development. I find preschool children to be more resilient (适应力强的) than older children in dealing with these events, as long as they have a supportive parent and receive timely treatment.
Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. objected B. choices C. inequality D. combination E. paid F. respond G. personality H. fade I. reduce J. inherited K. environmental
What makes us happy
You probably know the type of personality in some people: they seem to be hopeful in almost everything. Are they simply born happy Is it the product of their environment Or does it come from their life decisions
If you are familiar with genetics research, you will have guessed that it is a ____31____ of all three. A 2018 study of 1516 Norwegian twins suggests that around 30% of the differences in people’s life satisfaction is ____32____. Much of this seems to be related to personality traits.
To put this in context, the heritability of IQ is thought to be around 80%, so ____33____ factors clearly play a role in our happiness. These include our physical health, the size and strength of our social network, job opportunities and income. It seems that the absolute value of our salary matters less than whether we feel richer than those around us, which may explain why the level of ____34____ predicts happiness better than GDP.
Interestingly, many important life ____35____ have only a little influence on our happiness. Consider marriage. A 2019 study found that, on average, life satisfaction does rise after the wedding, but the feeling of happiness tends to ____36____ over middle age.
Parenthood is even more complex. For decades, social scientists have found that people with children at home are significantly less happy than those without. More recent research, however, suggests that there are important regional differences.
Analyses show that these differences can be almost completely explained by variations in ____37____ parental leave, flexible working hours, affordable childcare and holiday leave, which together ____38____ the potential for work-family conflict. The effects of these policies may play out across generations. In addition to the legacy of their genes, parents’ own emotional well-being will influence the family vigour, which will, in turn, shape the ____39____ of their children.
Our life satisfaction, then, is shaped by our genes, health, economic prospects, relationships and the culture around us. While many of these things may be beyond your control, there is now good evidence that certain psychological strategies will help you to ____40____ to your circumstances in the happiest way possible.
Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
The Amazon is warming three times faster than the global average
It is perhaps the most ironic symbol of the life on our planet. The Amazon is the world’s largest and most bio-diverse tropical rainforest and a huge trap for carbon dioxide. The harms of ____41____ in this vital resource are old news. But now, the time on the clock is running out. It seems that the world’s biggest rainforest is about to turn into the world’s biggest environmental ____42____. “We are about to collapse,” says Luciana Gati at Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research. “We are in a(n) ____43____, we need action now.”
Gati has spent years ____44____ the Amazon from the air. She believes we are as little as five years from a point of no return, where rainforest begins to turn into dry land. It is also the point at which billions of tons of carbon would be ____45____ into the atmosphere. “It’s a nightmare,” she says.
That nightmare situation is the well-known Amazon ____46____ point, where the ecosystem can no longer cope with the damage of the forest cutting. Like a domino game, one brick falling will ____47____ the whole tower to collapse in a heap.
Warnings that this is approaching have now taken on extreme urgency. The rate of deforestation has increased sharply and is fast approaching the theoretical ____48____. In September, a group of more than 200 experts, including Gatti, released an assessment of the situation. The conclusion: we are on the ____49____ of disaster.
Scientists first began to seriously worry about a potential Amazon tipping point in about 2000, when some studies warned that a combination of climate change and deforestation could cause the rainforest to _____50_____.
A few years later, a team of Brazilian scientists put numbers on it. They _____51_____ that in central, southern and eastern parts of the Amazon, a loss of 40% of the forest cover from pre-industrial levels, or 3°C warming would reduce rainfall so much that the rest of the forest would die of _____52_____ and turn into a dry land in less than a decade.
The scientists have since _____53_____ that prediction, partly due to the global warming that has happened since 2000. The Amazon is already 1.2°C warmer than it was in pre-industrial times and is warming three times faster than the global _____54_____. At that rate of warming, between 20 and 25% deforestation would be enough to dry up the land and destroy the Amazon completely.
“Either way, we would be wise not to exceed 20%”, says a scientist, “for the commonsense reason that there is no point in _____55_____ the precise point of limit by tipping it.”
41. A. fertilization B. elimination C. deforestation D. frustration
42. A. program B. disaster C. protection D. regulation
43. A. evolution B. spotlight C. condition D. emergency
44. A. measuring B. observing C. protecting D. criticizing
45. A. released B. melted C. turned D. supplied
46. A. tipping B. disappointing C. awarding D. tapping
47. A. build B. turn C. cause D. make
48. A. problem B. prediction C. aspect D. limit
49. A. base B. edge C. surface D. track
50. A. dry out B. run down C. pay off D. rise up
51. A. boasted B. insisted C. estimated D. instructed
52. A. thirst B. starvation C. cold D. disease
53. A. digested B. revised C. encouraged D. previewed
54. A. strategy B. climate C. average D. system
55. A. diagnosing B. instructing C. inquiring D. discovering
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
As Dr. Pedro Jose grows older, he keeps setting his goals higher. He believes people in every walk of life need to constantly stretch for new challenges. His daily juggling act is extremely demanding. He’s a doctor, professor, and volunteer medical director of Saint John Clinic for undocumented immigrants. He still pushes on continuing to publicize his agenda in the media and serving on numerous boards and foundations.
In 2002, Jose was named chairman of the board of the Hispanic Heritage Awards Foundation. The awards recognize Hispanics who make important contributions to life in America.
Jose believes the stories of Hispanic accomplishments can inspire all Americans. He adds, most important, the scholarships are offered by the foundation. Only two-thirds of Hispanics graduate from high school. To help others, you must be able to help yourself, and that begins with education.
Jose has received no shortage of honors of his own, including the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship and the Presidential Service Award. In 1994, Time magazine named him one of the nation’s 50 top leaders under the age of 40. And Hispanic magazine named him Hispanic of the Year in 2002. Jose’s autobiography, Waking Up in America, is now being made into a TV movie, starring Andy Garcia.
Jose’s fervent hope is that the movie will help change people’s attitudes about the homeless. He hopes it will show that beyond the hard label are human beings---people who did not choose to be poor. Homeless people have needs and feelings that are no different from anyone else’s. They need help, not judgment.
Most of all, though, Jose hopes that people will begin to realize the power they have to change things. There should never be another man in Bed 9, who died without anyone even knowing his name. There should never be another Giles Woodson, the man who was burned to death on the streets of Miami.
“As a nation, what makes us great is our individuality. But what makes us truly powerful is when we work together,” says Jose. “If people put their minds to it, this kind of suffering can be solved.”
56. How did Jose help the homeless
A. appeal to the public to pay attention to this issue. B. Provided good education for them.
C. Set higher goals to face the coming challenges. D. Conducted medical research on them.
57 Why was Jose named the head of the Hispanic Heritage Awards Foundation
A. His success in the medical field inspired Americans.
B. He contributed a lot to helping people in need.
C. He developed good relationships with Hispanics.
D. He found few Hispanics graduated from high school.
58. That fact that Jose’s autobiography was made into a TV movie indicates that _______________.
A. his foundation provided scholarships for Hispanics
B. he changed his attitude towards the homeless
C. his accomplishments were widely acknowledged
D. he had a significant influence on the homeless
59. What do Jose’s words in the last paragraph imply
A. Be united and we will make the world a better place to live.
B. Governments are responsible for the problem of the homeless.
C. Do bear in mind that the homeless have suffered quite a lot.
D. With rights and power, the homeless can solve their problems.
Take Off with Historic Hiring Growth
A message from Kate Gebo
Welcome aboard!
We are so happy to have you fly with us. I’m sure you’ve thought about United as a way to travel, and with over 95,000 employees and growing, our company is also the center for rewarding careers.
I could not be prouder to lead Human Resources at United during this exciting time for our company, while we’re building the biggest and best airline in the history of aviation. Earlier this year, we announced that we are on track to hire at least 15,000 new employees by the end of this year.
When people think of career opportunities at United, they often think of being a pilot or flight attendant. In reality, our organization has a wide variety of roles in addition to our fantastic pilots and flight attendants, with jobs and functions to keep our airports running and our planes flying.
Whether it’s for operational roles, such as ramp service employees, customer service representatives, and aircraft technicians, or for corporate roles in human resources, digital technology, and social media, we’re hiring across every function of the airline, seeking strong talent that will take us to new heights.
A role at United is not just a job; it’s a career. Many of our employees have taken on new roles in different departments throughout their tenure (聘用期), which we support to develop and invest in our workforce. In the past seven years, more than 1,500 frontline employees were promoted to management roles, and 78 % of our senior leaders were promoted internally.
Beyond the traditional career paths, we’re proud to create new paths to help our talent pipelines fulfill some of the industry’s most critical job functions. Aviate, our pilot career development program, offers aspiring and established pilots a path to the United flight deck. Calibrate is our full-time, paid apprenticeship program for those wanting to go into aircraft maintenance and other technical operational roles. Our newly launched Innovate program helps provide the skills and experiences needed to succeed in a technology career at United.
We’re hiring from coast to coast, at our seven major hubs and across a broad range of positions. If you’re ready to join me and 95,000 of the industry’s best and brightest at United, I encourage you to visit careers. today to see what opportunities await you. Your career is cleared for takeoff.
United with you,
Kate Gebo
Executive Vice President,
Human Resources and Labor Relations
60. What is the main purpose of this passage
A. Guarantee to provide first-class customer service.
B. Promote frontline employees to management roles.
C. Introduce jobs available in some departments of United.
D. Advertise for United to enroll pilots and flight attendants.
61. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A. Visit careers., and you can see positions available.
B. Employees at United can change their jobs with interest.
C. Employees have to keep their positions throughout their tenure.
D. The United is making efforts to be the biggest and best airline.
62. Which is most suitable for those wanting to be technicians
A. The full-time, paid apprenticeship program. B. The traditional United career path.
C. The newly launched Innovate program. D. The new paths for talent pipelines.
When I volunteered as a social worker at a domestic violence shelter in a developing country, I imagined the position for which my university experience had prepared me. I imagined conducting intake interviews and walking around from organization to organization seeking support that the women would need to rebuild their lives. When I arrived, I felt as if I already had months of experience, experience gained in the hypothetical situations I had invented and subsequently resolved single-handedly. I felt thoroughly prepared to tackle the situation I assumed was waiting for me.
I arrived full of zeal. Within moments, my reality made a sharp break from which I had expected. The coordinator explained that the shelter’s need for financial self-sufficiency had become obvious. To address this, the center was planning to open a bakery. I immediately enthused about the project, making many references to the small enterprise case studies I had researched at the university. In response to my impassioned reply, the coordinator declared me in charge of the bakery. At that moment, I was as prepared to bake bread as I was to run for political office. The bigger problem, however, was that I was completely unfamiliar with the for-profit business models necessary to run the bakery. I was out of my depth in a foreign river with only my coordinator’s confidence to keep me afloat.
They say that necessity is the mother of invention. I began finding recipes and using the expertise of friends. With their help making bread, printing leaflets and making contacts, the bakery was soon running successfully. After a short time it became a significant source of income for the house.
In addition to funds, baking bread provided a natural environment to work with and get to know the women of the shelter. Kneading dough (揉面团) side by side, I shared in the friendly atmosphere of the kitchen, treated to stories about their children and the towns and jobs they had to leave behind to ensure their safety. Baking helped me develop strong relationships with the women and advanced my understanding of their situations. It also improved the women’s self-esteem. Their ability to master a new skill gave them confidence in themselves, and the fact that the bakery contributed to the upkeep of the house gave the women a sense of pride and the confidence that they had the capability to support themselves.
Baking gave me the opportunity to work in a capacity I had not at all expected, but one that proved very successful. Learning to bake gave me as much newfound self-confidence as it gave the women, and I found that sometimes quality social work can be as simple as kneading dough.
63. The primary purpose of the passage is to show how the author .
A. was shocked by the reality
B. broadened the scope of her work
C. developed her abilities to run a for-profit enterprise
D. handled a tough situation in a developing country
64. The statement that the author arrived “full of zeal” indicates that she was .
A. anxious and insecure B. confident but uninformed
C. eager and interested D. enthusiastic but incompetent
65. Why was the author initially enthusiastic about the idea of the bakery
A. She considered it from a theoretical point of view.
B. She hoped to get a leadership position in the bakery.
C. She wanted to show her baking skills to her new coordinator.
D. She believed it is a good way to raise women’s self-esteem.
66. What did the last sentence (“Learning ... dough”) indicate
A. The author underestimated her abilities to learn new skills.
B. The author derived benefit from her work by helping others.
C. The author lacked self-confidence as much as the women working with her.
D. The author found performing social work surprisingly easy with no education.
Section C
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
Hello, everyone!
Are you worried about crime I am. We read it every day in the newspapers. A terrible crime has been committed, and the police have arrested someone. He has appeared in court and claimed his innocence but has been found guilty of his crime and he has been sentenced to ten years in prison. ____67____ Innocent citizens like you and me can sleep more safely at night.
But what happens next We all hope the prisoner will benefit from society’s retribution. A spell (一阵子) in prison will reform him and make him a better person. We all hope he’ll reform and become like us. We all hope that when he is eventually released, he will be a good character. ____68____ But, let’s face it. The reality is usually very different. The prisoner may be released on parole (假释) before the end of his sentence. He will try to re-enter society. But then he often becomes a victim himself, unable to find work and is rejected by society. ____69____
So what can we do to make sure the offender doesn’t commit another crime Of course, there are alternatives to prison, such as community service or he can pay a large fine. Alternatively, we could establish a more severe system of punishment.
The answer is far simpler. We need to be tough not on the criminal, but on the cause of the crime. We should spend less of the taxpayer’s money in funding the judges and all the other people who are working for the legal system. ____70____ We in the ConLab Party believe that everybody needs a good chance in life, and this is a good step forward.
Vote for us now!
A. It will not be long before he’s back in prison again.
B. We’re all relieved that the criminal is being punished for his misdeeds.
C. Community service is likely to turn prisoners into better persons.
D. Offenders are tried and sentenced according to the legal system.
E. The threat of another spell in jail will stop him from breaking the law again.
F. Put the money into supporting deprived areas which are the grounds for crime.
IV. Summary Writing
71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
The problem of robocalls has become so bad that we refuse to pick up calls from numbers we don’t know. Nearly half of the calls we receive are scams (欺诈). We’ve realized the severity of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools, apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through. Unfortunately, it’s too little. By the time these “solutions” become widely available, scammers will have moved onto cleverer means. In the near future, it’s not just going to be the number you see on your screen that will be in doubt. Soon you will also question whether the voice you’re hearing is actually real.
That’s because there are many powerful voice manipulation (处理) technologies to be available. A company showed a new voice technology able to produce a convincing human-sounding voice able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection.
These developments are likely to make our current problems with robocalls much worse. The reason that robocalls are a headache has less to do with amount than precision. A decade of data disclosure of personal information has led to a situation where scammers can easily learn your mother’s name, and far more. Armed with this knowledge, they’re able to cheat the targeted people. This means, for example, that a scammer could call you from what looks to be a familiar number and talk to you with a voice sounding exactly like your bank teller’s, misleading you to “confirm” your address and card number. Scammers follow money, so companies will be the worst hit. A lot of business is still done over the phone, and much of it is based on trust and existing relationships. Voice manipulation technologies may weaken that gradually.
We need to deal with the insecure nature of our telecom networks. Phone carriers and consumers need to work together to find ways of determining and communicating what is real. That might mean either developing a uniform way to mark videos and images, showing when and who they were made by or abandoning phone calls altogether and moving towards data-based communications — using apps like WeChat and Alipay, which can be tied to your identity.
V. Translation
Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72. 边喝咖啡边欣赏上海夜景多惬意呀!(How) (汉译英)
73. 这个案例太复杂,一时半会解释不清楚。(too…to…) (汉译英)
74. 中美领导人在旧金山会晤,意义非凡,吸引了世界的关注,推动了中美关系的发展。(importance) (汉译英)
75. 只有坚持理想和信念,并做好失败的准备,一切看起来不可能战胜的困难终将迎刃而解。(Only) (汉译英)
Ⅵ. Guided Writing
76. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Even Very Young Children Can Be Depressed
If you doubted it, I would introduce you to Susan, who came to my office and talked constantly about her “bad feeling”. Susan ____21____ (lose) interest in her favorite activities, stopped playing with her friends, and told her parents that she wanted to be dead. She’d spent more time in the school nurse’s office than in her classroom.
Susan was six years old and ____22____ (suffer) from depression. Proper treatment helped Susan recover. Without it, she might still be an unhappy child, alone and in pain.
The risk for depression does tend to increase as we grow older. Depression in young children is rare but real. Rene Spitz, a ____23____ (note) psychological researcher, found that infants who were in an institutional orphanage after World War II refused to eat and eventually died ____24____ they weren’t held by their caretakers. Children have an innate need ____25____ (hold) and comforted. If those needs aren’t met, then even very young children can fail to thrive and may become sick and die.
Approximately 1% of preschoolers experience depression; they often have great difficulty expressing their feelings, because not all of their language skills ____26____ (develop) sufficiently. Instead of expressing their feelings in language, the depressed preschool children are likely to show emotions by exhibiting significantly aggressive, fearful, or crying behavior. ____27____ most preschool children may get angry if they’re hungry, sleepy, afraid ____28____ their parents go away, or fail to get Daddy to buy them the latest toys, these behaviors are often carried to extremes of intensity and frequency in depressed children.
Although a diagnosis of clinical depression is rare in preschool children, there are times when it is appropriate. In most cases, the child who ____29____ (experience) significant frustrations resulting from the death or absence of a parent, has witnessed or been victims of violence, or has had a significant health problem _____30_____ has interrupted normal emotional or physical development. I find preschool children to be more resilient (适应力强的) than older children in dealing with these events, as long as they have a supportive parent and receive timely treatment.
【答案】21. had lost/lost
22. suffered##was suffering
23. noted 24. if ##when
25. to be held
26. are developed##have been developed
27. While##Although##Though
28. when 29. has experienced
30. that##/which
考查动词时态。句意:苏珊对她喜欢的活动失去了兴趣,不再和她的朋友一起玩,并告诉她的父母她想死。分析句子可知,空格处为句子谓语部分,根据后文的“stopped”以及“and told”可知这是三个连续的动作,应使用一般过去时。或者,此处的动作发生在“stopped”以及“and told”这两个动作之前,应使用过去完成时,故填had lost/lost。
考查动词时态。句意:苏珊六岁,患有抑郁症。分析句子可知,空格处为句子谓语部分,根据前面的“was”可知应使用一般过去时;或者过去的一种状态,强调持续进行,使用过去进行时,故填suffered/was suffering。
考查形容词。句意:Rene Spitz是一名著名的心理学研究者,他发现二战后孤儿院里的婴儿没有得到看护者的照顾时,就会拒绝进食并最终死亡。分析句子可知,空格处为定语修饰名词researcher,应使用noted,故填noted。
考查状语从句连接词。句意同上题。分析句子可知,空格处缺少状语从句连接词,此处可以表示条件,也可以表示时间,因此可以使用连接词if引导条件状语从句或者when引导时间状语从句,故填if /when。
考查非谓语动词。句意:孩子有一种与生俱来拥抱和安慰的需求。分析句子可知,空格处为后置定语修饰名词need,应使用不定式形式,表示的意思是“被拥抱”,应使用不定式的不定式,故填to be held。
考查动词。句意:他们经常很难表达自己的感情,因为他们的语言能力并没有得到充分的发展。分析句子可知,空格处为原因状语从句的谓语部分,根据句意以及前面的have可知,应使用一般现在时,主语skills和动词develop是被动关系,应使用一般现在时被动语态;或者,表示对现在的影响,应使用现在完成时的被动语态,故填are developed/have been developed。
考查动词时态。句意:在大多数情况下,儿童因父母的死亡或缺席而经历重大挫折,目睹或成为暴力的受害者,或有严重的健康问题,从而中断了正常的情绪或身体发展。分析句子可知,空格处为,根据后文的“has witnessed”可知,此处应使用现在完成时,故填has experienced。
Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. objected B. choices C. inequality D. combination E. paid F. respond G. personality H. fade I. reduce J. inherited K. environmental
What makes us happy
You probably know the type of personality in some people: they seem to be hopeful in almost everything. Are they simply born happy Is it the product of their environment Or does it come from their life decisions
If you are familiar with genetics research, you will have guessed that it is a ____31____ of all three. A 2018 study of 1516 Norwegian twins suggests that around 30% of the differences in people’s life satisfaction is ____32____. Much of this seems to be related to personality traits.
To put this in context, the heritability of IQ is thought to be around 80%, so ____33____ factors clearly play a role in our happiness. These include our physical health, the size and strength of our social network, job opportunities and income. It seems that the absolute value of our salary matters less than whether we feel richer than those around us, which may explain why the level of ____34____ predicts happiness better than GDP.
Interestingly, many important life ____35____ have only a little influence on our happiness. Consider marriage. A 2019 study found that, on average, life satisfaction does rise after the wedding, but the feeling of happiness tends to ____36____ over middle age.
Parenthood is even more complex. For decades, social scientists have found that people with children at home are significantly less happy than those without. More recent research, however, suggests that there are important regional differences.
Analyses show that these differences can be almost completely explained by variations in ____37____ parental leave, flexible working hours, affordable childcare and holiday leave, which together ____38____ the potential for work-family conflict. The effects of these policies may play out across generations. In addition to the legacy of their genes, parents’ own emotional well-being will influence the family vigour, which will, in turn, shape the ____39____ of their children.
Our life satisfaction, then, is shaped by our genes, health, economic prospects, relationships and the culture around us. While many of these things may be beyond your control, there is now good evidence that certain psychological strategies will help you to ____40____ to your circumstances in the happiest way possible.
【答案】31. D 32. J
33. K 34. C
35. B 36. H
37. E 38. I
39. G 40. F
考查名词。句意:如果你熟悉遗传学研究,你会猜到这是三者的结合。根据前文“Are they simply born happy Is it the product of their environment Or does it come from their life decisions (他们只是天生幸福吗?是环境的产物吗?还是来自他们的人生决定?)”可知,此处是指这是三者的结合,所以应用名词combination表示“组合”。故选D。
考查过去分词。句意:2018年对1516对挪威双胞胎进行的一项研究表明,人们生活满意度的差异中约有30%是遗传的。根据后文“To put this in context, the heritability of IQ is thought to be around 80%(在此背景下,智商的遗传性被认为在80%左右)”可知,此处是指人们生活满意度的差异中约有30%是遗传的,所以应用过去分词inherited表示“遗传的”。故选J。
考查形容词。句意:在此背景下,智商的遗传率被认为在80%左右,所以环境因素显然在我们的幸福中起着作用。根据后文“These include our physical health, the size and strength of our social network, job opportunities and income.(这些因素包括我们的身体健康、社交网络的规模和强度、工作机会和收入。)”可知,此处是指环境因素。所以应用形容词environmental表示“环境的”。故选K。
考查名词。句意:我们薪水的绝对值似乎不如我们是否觉得自己比周围的人更富有重要,这或许可以解释为什么不平等程度比GDP更能预测幸福。根据“the absolute value of our salary matters less than whether we feel richer than those around us”可知,此处是指不平等程度比GDP更能预测幸福,所以应用名词inequality表示“不平等”。故选C。
考查名词。句意:有趣的是,许多重要的生活选择对我们的幸福只有很小的影响。根据后文“Consider marriage.(看看婚姻。)”可知,此处是指许多重要的生活选择。所以应用名词choices表示“选择”。故选B。
考查形容词。句意:分析表明,这些差异几乎完全可以用带薪育儿假、灵活的工作时间、负担得起的儿童保育和假期等方面的差异来解释,这些因素共同减少了工作与家庭冲突的可能性。根据“parental leave, flexible working hours, affordable childcare and holiday leave”可知,此处是指带薪育儿假,所以应用形容词paid表示“有报酬的,领取薪金的”。故选E。
考查动词。句意:分析表明,这些差异几乎完全可以用带薪育儿假、灵活的工作时间、负担得起的儿童保育和假期等方面的差异来解释,这些因素共同减少了工作与家庭冲突的可能性。根据“paid parental leave, flexible working hours, affordable childcare and holiday leave”可知,此处是指这些因素共同减少了工作与家庭冲突的可能性,所以应用动词reduce表示“减少”。故选I。
考查名词。句意:除了遗传基因外,父母自身的情感健康也会影响家庭活力,而家庭活力反过来又会塑造孩子的个性。根据“parents’ own emotional well-being will influence the family vigour, which will, in turn, shape”可知,此处是指家庭活力反过来又会塑造孩子的个性,所以应用名词personality表示“个性”。故选G。
考查动词。句意:虽然其中许多事情可能是你无法控制的,但现在有充分的证据表明,某些心理策略可以帮助你以尽可能快乐的方式应对你的环境。根据“to your circumstances in the happiest way possible”可知,此处是指以尽可能快乐的方式应对你的环境,所以应用动词respond表示“应对”。故选F。
Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
The Amazon is warming three times faster than the global average
It is perhaps the most ironic symbol of the life on our planet. The Amazon is the world’s largest and most bio-diverse tropical rainforest and a huge trap for carbon dioxide. The harms of ____41____ in this vital resource are old news. But now, the time on the clock is running out. It seems that the world’s biggest rainforest is about to turn into the world’s biggest environmental ____42____. “We are about to collapse,” says Luciana Gati at Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research. “We are in a(n) ____43____, we need action now.”
Gati has spent years ____44____ the Amazon from the air. She believes we are as little as five years from a point of no return, where rainforest begins to turn into dry land. It is also the point at which billions of tons of carbon would be ____45____ into the atmosphere. “It’s a nightmare,” she says.
That nightmare situation is the well-known Amazon ____46____ point, where the ecosystem can no longer cope with the damage of the forest cutting. Like a domino game, one brick falling will ____47____ the whole tower to collapse in a heap.
Warnings that this is approaching have now taken on extreme urgency. The rate of deforestation has increased sharply and is fast approaching the theoretical ____48____. In September, a group of more than 200 experts, including Gatti, released an assessment of the situation. The conclusion: we are on the ____49____ of disaster.
Scientists first began to seriously worry about a potential Amazon tipping point in about 2000, when some studies warned that a combination of climate change and deforestation could cause the rainforest to _____50_____.
A few years later, a team of Brazilian scientists put numbers on it. They _____51_____ that in central, southern and eastern parts of the Amazon, a loss of 40% of the forest cover from pre-industrial levels, or 3°C warming would reduce rainfall so much that the rest of the forest would die of _____52_____ and turn into a dry land in less than a decade.
The scientists have since _____53_____ that prediction, partly due to the global warming that has happened since 2000. The Amazon is already 1.2°C warmer than it was in pre-industrial times and is warming three times faster than the global _____54_____. At that rate of warming, between 20 and 25% deforestation would be enough to dry up the land and destroy the Amazon completely.
“Either way, we would be wise not to exceed 20%”, says a scientist, “for the commonsense reason that there is no point in _____55_____ the precise point of limit by tipping it.”
41. A. fertilization B. elimination C. deforestation D. frustration
42. A. program B. disaster C. protection D. regulation
43. A. evolution B. spotlight C. condition D. emergency
44. A. measuring B. observing C. protecting D. criticizing
45. A. released B. melted C. turned D. supplied
46. A. tipping B. disappointing C. awarding D. tapping
47. A. build B. turn C. cause D. make
48. A. problem B. prediction C. aspect D. limit
49. A. base B. edge C. surface D. track
50. A. dry out B. run down C. pay off D. rise up
51. A. boasted B. insisted C. estimated D. instructed
52. A. thirst B. starvation C. cold D. disease
53. A. digested B. revised C. encouraged D. previewed
54. A. strategy B. climate C. average D. system
55. A. diagnosing B. instructing C. inquiring D. discovering
【答案】41. C 42. B 43. D 44. B 45. A 46. A 47. C 48. D 49. B 50. A 51. C 52. A 53. B 54. C 55. D
考查名词词义辨析。句意:森林砍伐对这一重要资源的危害已经是老生常谈了。A. fertilization施肥;B. elimination消除;C. deforestation森林砍伐;D. frustration挫折。根据上文“The Amazon is the world’s largest and most bio-diverse tropical rainforest”,下文“the ecosystem can no longer cope with the damage of the forest cutting”“The rate of deforestation”和常识可知,作为世界上最大的热带雨林,亚马逊一直面临着森林砍伐的严重问题。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:世界上最大的雨林似乎即将变成世界上最大的环境灾难。A. program计划;B. disaster灾难;C. protection保护;D. regulation规定。根据下文“We are about to collapse”可知,Gati认为雨林即将崩溃,因此是会变成环境灾难。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们处于紧急情况,我们需要立即采取行动。A. evolution进化;B. spotlight聚光灯;C. condition条件;D. emergency紧急情况。根据下文“we need action now”可知,Gati认为需要立即采取行动,因此是处于紧急情况中。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Gati花了数年时间从空中观察亚马逊。A. measuring测量;B. observing观察;C. protecting保护;D. criticizing批评。根据上文“says Luciana Gati at Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research”和下文“the Amazon from the air”可推知,作为空间研究所的工作人员,Gati应该是从空中观察亚马逊雨林的情况。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:同时,数十亿吨的碳将被释放到大气中。A. released释放;B. melted融化;C. turned转变;D. supplied供应。根据上文“rainforest begins to turn into dry land”可知,雨林将变为旱地,因此枯死的植物会释放大量的碳进入大气中。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种噩梦般的情况是众所周知的亚马逊临界点,在那个地步,生态系统再也无法应对森林砍伐造成的破坏。A. tipping倾斜;B. disappointing使失望;C. awarding颁奖;D. tapping轻拍。根据下文“Like a domino game, one brick falling will ____7____ the whole tower to collapse in a heap.”和“a potential Amazon tipping point”可知,下文用多米诺骨牌游戏中的倒塌来描述雨林的毁灭,因此指的是亚马逊的临界点,那时雨林将由一种状态转变成另一种状态,tipping point是固定短语,意为“临界点,雪崩点”。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:就像多米诺骨牌游戏一样,一块砖掉下来会导致整个塔倒塌成一堆。A. build建造;B. turn转变;C. cause导致;D. make制作。根据上文“Like a domino game, one brick falling”下文“the whole tower to collapse in a heap”以及常识可知,多米诺骨牌的倒塌是连锁反应,因此一块砖掉下来会导致整个塔倒塌。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:森林砍伐的速度急剧增加,正在迅速接近理论极限。A. problem问题;B. prediction预测;C. aspect方面;D. limit极限。根据上文“That nightmare situation is the well-known Amazon ____6____ point, where the ecosystem can no longer cope with the damage of the forest cutting.”可知,在噩梦般的情况下,雨林的生态系统再也无法应对森林砍伐造成的破坏,由此推知,此处指森林砍伐的程度接近预测的理论极限。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:结论是:我们正处于灾难的边缘。A. base基础;B. edge边缘;C. surface表面;D. track轨道。根据上文“Warnings that this is approaching have now taken on extreme urgency.”可知,危机即将来临的警告现在变得极其紧迫,因此专家们的结论应该是我们处于灾难的边缘,即灾难将要发生。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:大约在2000年,科学家们第一次开始认真担心亚马逊雨林可能出现的临界点,当时一些研究警告说,气候变化和森林砍伐的结合可能导致雨林干涸。A. dry out干燥;B. run down耗尽;C. pay off奏效;D. rise up上升。根据上文“rainforest begins to turn into dry land”可知,此处指气候变化和森林砍伐的共同作用可能导致雨林干涸。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们估计,在亚马逊中部、南部和东部地区,如果森林覆盖率从工业化前的水平下降40%,或者变暖3°C,降雨量将大幅减少,其余的森林将在不到十年的时间里因缺水而死亡,变成干旱的土地。A. boasted自夸;B. insisted坚持;C. estimated估计;D. instructed指示。根据下文“in central, southern and eastern parts of the Amazon, a loss of 40% of the forest cover from pre-industrial levels, or 3°C warming would reduce rainfall so much that the rest of the forest would die of ____12____ and turn into a dry land in less than a decade”和“that prediction”指代上文可推知,这些应该是科学家们研究后对雨林未来情况的预估。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们估计,在亚马逊中部、南部和东部地区,如果森林覆盖率从工业化前的水平下降40%,或者变暖3°C,降雨量将大幅减少,其余的森林将在不到十年的时间里因缺水而死亡,变成干旱的土地。A. thirst缺水;B. starvation饥饿;C. cold寒冷;D. disease疾病。根据上文“3°C warming would reduce rainfall so much”可知,变暖会导致降雨量大幅减少,因此森林会因缺水而死亡。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:科学家们后来修改了这一预测,部分原因是自2000年以来发生的全球变暖。A. digested消化;B. revised修改;C. encouraged鼓励;D. previewed预览。根据下文“partly due to the global warming that has happened since 2000”可知,全球变暖会加剧雨林生态系统面临的困难,因此科学家们会修改他们的预测。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:亚马逊地区的气温已经比前工业化时代高1.2°C,变暖的速度比全球平均水平快三倍。A. strategy策略;B. climate气候;C. average平均水平;D. system系统。根据标题“The Amazon is warming three times faster than the global average”和上文“The Amazon...is warming three times faster than the global”可推知,此处是比较,把亚马逊地区变暖的速度和全球的平均水平作比较,突出其面临的危机。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一位科学家说:“不管怎样,我们最好不要超过20%,因为常识是通过突破极限来发现精确的极限点是没有意义的。”A. diagnosing诊断;B. instructing指导;C. inquiring询问;D. discovering发现。根据下文“the precise point of limit by tipping it”可推知,此处指通过突破极限,引发灾难,去发现精确的极限点,实际上没有意义。故选D。
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
As Dr. Pedro Jose grows older, he keeps setting his goals higher. He believes people in every walk of life need to constantly stretch for new challenges. His daily juggling act is extremely demanding. He’s a doctor, professor, and volunteer medical director of Saint John Clinic for undocumented immigrants. He still pushes on continuing to publicize his agenda in the media and serving on numerous boards and foundations.
In 2002, Jose was named chairman of the board of the Hispanic Heritage Awards Foundation. The awards recognize Hispanics who make important contributions to life in America.
Jose believes the stories of Hispanic accomplishments can inspire all Americans. He adds, most important, the scholarships are offered by the foundation. Only two-thirds of Hispanics graduate from high school. To help others, you must be able to help yourself, and that begins with education.
Jose has received no shortage of honors of his own, including the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship and the Presidential Service Award. In 1994, Time magazine named him one of the nation’s 50 top leaders under the age of 40. And Hispanic magazine named him Hispanic of the Year in 2002. Jose’s autobiography, Waking Up in America, is now being made into a TV movie, starring Andy Garcia.
Jose’s fervent hope is that the movie will help change people’s attitudes about the homeless. He hopes it will show that beyond the hard label are human beings---people who did not choose to be poor. Homeless people have needs and feelings that are no different from anyone else’s. They need help, not judgment.
Most of all, though, Jose hopes that people will begin to realize the power they have to change things. There should never be another man in Bed 9, who died without anyone even knowing his name. There should never be another Giles Woodson, the man who was burned to death on the streets of Miami.
“As a nation, what makes us great is our individuality. But what makes us truly powerful is when we work together,” says Jose. “If people put their minds to it, this kind of suffering can be solved.”
56. How did Jose help the homeless
A. appeal to the public to pay attention to this issue. B. Provided good education for them.
C. Set higher goals to face the coming challenges. D. Conducted medical research on them.
57. Why was Jose named the head of the Hispanic Heritage Awards Foundation
A. His success in the medical field inspired Americans.
B. He contributed a lot to helping people in need.
C He developed good relationships with Hispanics.
D. He found few Hispanics graduated from high school.
58. That fact that Jose’s autobiography was made into a TV movie indicates that _______________.
A. his foundation provided scholarships for Hispanics
B. he changed his attitude towards the homeless
C. his accomplishments were widely acknowledged
D. he had a significant influence on the homeless
59. What do Jose’s words in the last paragraph imply
A. Be united and we will make the world a better place to live.
B. Governments are responsible for the problem of the homeless.
C. Do bear in mind that the homeless have suffered quite a lot.
D. With rights and power, the homeless can solve their problems.
【答案】56. A 57. B 58. C 59. A
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Pedro Jose博士为了让世界变得更好而做出的努力。他是一名医生、教授、也是圣约翰无证移民诊所的志愿医疗主任,他是对美国生活做出重要贡献的拉美裔人,获得了诸多荣誉。
细节理解题。根据第一段中“He still pushes on continuing to publicize his agenda in the media and serving on numerous boards and foundations. ”(他仍然继续在媒体上宣传他的议程,并在众多董事会和基金会任职。)以及“Jose’s fervent hope is that the movie will help change people’s attitudes about the homeless. ”(Jose热切地希望这部电影能帮助改变人们对无家可归者的态度。)可知,Jose通过做宣传来呼吁人们帮助无家可归者。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“The awards recognize Hispanics who make important contributions to life in America. (该奖项旨在表彰对美国生活做出重要贡献的拉美裔人。)”可知,Jose被任命为拉美裔传统奖基金会的负责人是因为他为帮助有需要的人做了很多贡献。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第四段 “In 1994, Time magazine named him one of the nation’s 50 top leaders under the age of 40. And Hispanic magazine named him Hispanic of the Year in 2002. (1994年,《时代》杂志将他评为美国40岁以下50位最高领导人之一。西班牙杂志在2002年将他评为年度西班牙人。)”可知,他的自传被拍成了电影表明了他的成就得到了人们广泛的认可。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句中的“As a nation, what makes us great is our individuality. But what makes us truly powerful is when we work together (作为一个民族,使我们伟大的是我们的个性。但真正让我们强大的是我们的共同努力)”和第二句“If people put their minds to it, this kind of suffering can be solved. (如果人们用心去做,这种痛苦是可以解决的。)”可知,最后一段中Jose的话暗示了团结起来,我们将使世界成为一个更美好的居住地。故选A项。
Take Off with Historic Hiring Growth
A message from Kate Gebo
Welcome aboard!
We are so happy to have you fly with us. I’m sure you’ve thought about United as a way to travel, and with over 95,000 employees and growing, our company is also the center for rewarding careers.
I could not be prouder to lead Human Resources at United during this exciting time for our company, while we’re building the biggest and best airline in the history of aviation. Earlier this year, we announced that we are on track to hire at least 15,000 new employees by the end of this year.
When people think of career opportunities at United, they often think of being a pilot or flight attendant. In reality, our organization has a wide variety of roles in addition to our fantastic pilots and flight attendants, with jobs and functions to keep our airports running and our planes flying.
Whether it’s for operational roles, such as ramp service employees, customer service representatives, and aircraft technicians, or for corporate roles in human resources, digital technology, and social media, we’re hiring across every function of the airline, seeking strong talent that will take us to new heights.
A role at United is not just a job; it’s a career. Many of our employees have taken on new roles in different departments throughout their tenure (聘用期), which we support to develop and invest in our workforce. In the past seven years, more than 1,500 frontline employees were promoted to management roles, and 78 % of our senior leaders were promoted internally.
Beyond the traditional career paths, we’re proud to create new paths to help our talent pipelines fulfill some of the industry’s most critical job functions. Aviate, our pilot career development program, offers aspiring and established pilots a path to the United flight deck. Calibrate is our full-time, paid apprenticeship program for those wanting to go into aircraft maintenance and other technical operational roles. Our newly launched Innovate program helps provide the skills and experiences needed to succeed in a technology career at United.
We’re hiring from coast to coast, at our seven major hubs and across a broad range of positions. If you’re ready to join me and 95,000 of the industry’s best and brightest at United, I encourage you to visit careers. today to see what opportunities await you. Your career is cleared for takeoff.
United with you,
Kate Gebo
Executive Vice President,
Human Resources and Labor Relations
60. What is the main purpose of this passage
A. Guarantee to provide first-class customer service.
B. Promote frontline employees to management roles.
C. Introduce jobs available in some departments of United.
D. Advertise for United to enroll pilots and flight attendants.
61. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A. Visit careers., and you can see positions available.
B. Employees at United can change their jobs with interest.
C. Employees have to keep their positions throughout their tenure.
D. The United is making efforts to be the biggest and best airline.
62. Which is most suitable for those wanting to be technicians
A. The full-time, paid apprenticeship program. B. The traditional United career path.
C. The newly launched Innovate program. D. The new paths for talent pipelines.
【答案】60. D 61. C 62. A
推理判断题。根据标题“Take Off with Historic Hiring Growth(以历史性的招聘增长起飞)”和第二段“We are so happy to have you fly with us. I’m sure you’ve thought about United as a way to travel, and with over 95,000 employees and growing, our company is also the center for rewarding careers.(我们很高兴你能和我们一起飞行。我相信你认为美联航是一种旅行方式,我们拥有95,000多名员工,而且还在不断增长,我们公司也是有回报的职业发展中心。)”可知,文章的目的是为联合航空公司招聘飞行员和空乘人员做广告。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第六段第二句“Many of our employees have taken on new roles in different departments throughout their tenure (聘用期), which we support to develop and invest in our workforce.(我们的许多员工在任职期间在不同的部门担任了新的角色,我们支持员工队伍的发展和投资。)”可知,员工在任职期间可以在不同的部门担任了新角色,“员工必须在整个任期内保持他们的职位”错误。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第七段第三句“Calibrate is our full-time, paid apprenticeship program for those wanting to go into aircraft maintenance and other technical operational roles.(Calibrate是我们的全职带薪学徒计划,适合那些想要进入飞机维修和其他技术操作角色的人。)”可知,全日制带薪学徒计划最适合那些想成为技术人员的人。故选A。
When I volunteered as a social worker at a domestic violence shelter in a developing country, I imagined the position for which my university experience had prepared me. I imagined conducting intake interviews and walking around from organization to organization seeking support that the women would need to rebuild their lives. When I arrived, I felt as if I already had months of experience, experience gained in the hypothetical situations I had invented and subsequently resolved single-handedly. I felt thoroughly prepared to tackle the situation I assumed was waiting for me.
I arrived full of zeal. Within moments, my reality made a sharp break from which I had expected. The coordinator explained that the shelter’s need for financial self-sufficiency had become obvious. To address this, the center was planning to open a bakery. I immediately enthused about the project, making many references to the small enterprise case studies I had researched at the university. In response to my impassioned reply, the coordinator declared me in charge of the bakery. At that moment, I was as prepared to bake bread as I was to run for political office. The bigger problem, however, was that I was completely unfamiliar with the for-profit business models necessary to run the bakery. I was out of my depth in a foreign river with only my coordinator’s confidence to keep me afloat.
They say that necessity is the mother of invention. I began finding recipes and using the expertise of friends. With their help making bread, printing leaflets and making contacts, the bakery was soon running successfully. After a short time it became a significant source of income for the house.
In addition to funds, baking bread provided a natural environment to work with and get to know the women of the shelter. Kneading dough (揉面团) side by side, I shared in the friendly atmosphere of the kitchen, treated to stories about their children and the towns and jobs they had to leave behind to ensure their safety. Baking helped me develop strong relationships with the women and advanced my understanding of their situations. It also improved the women’s self-esteem. Their ability to master a new skill gave them confidence in themselves, and the fact that the bakery contributed to the upkeep of the house gave the women a sense of pride and the confidence that they had the capability to support themselves.
Baking gave me the opportunity to work in a capacity I had not at all expected, but one that proved very successful. Learning to bake gave me as much newfound self-confidence as it gave the women, and I found that sometimes quality social work can be as simple as kneading dough.
63. The primary purpose of the passage is to show how the author .
A. was shocked by the reality
B. broadened the scope of her work
C. developed her abilities to run a for-profit enterprise
D. handled a tough situation in a developing country
64. The statement that the author arrived “full of zeal” indicates that she was .
A. anxious and insecure B. confident but uninformed
C eager and interested D. enthusiastic but incompetent
65. Why was the author initially enthusiastic about the idea of the bakery
A. She considered it from a theoretical point of view.
B. She hoped to get a leadership position in the bakery.
C. She wanted to show her baking skills to her new coordinator.
D. She believed it is a good way to raise women’s self-esteem.
66. What did the last sentence (“Learning ... dough”) indicate
A. The author underestimated her abilities to learn new skills.
B. The author derived benefit from her work by helping others.
C. The author lacked self-confidence as much as the women working with her.
D. The author found performing social work surprisingly easy with no education.
【答案】63. B 64. C 65. A 66. B
词句猜测题。根据画线词的上文“When I arrived, I felt as if I already had months of experience, experience gained in the hypothetical situations I had invented and subsequently resolved single-handedly. I felt thoroughly prepared to tackle the situation I assumed was waiting for me. (当我到达时,我觉得我已经有了几个月的经验,这些经验是我在假想的情况下获得的,然后我独自解决了。我觉得自己已经做好了充分的准备,可以应对我认为正在等着我的局面)”可知,作者在达到的时候对自己满怀信心,觉得自己有充足的准备可以解决难题。由此推知,此处指她满怀热情地来到这里,full of zeal意思应该是“充满热情且很有兴趣”。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“I immediately enthused about the project, making many references to the small enterprise case studies I had researched at the university. In response to my impassioned reply, the coordinator declared me in charge of the bakery. At that moment, I was as prepared to bake bread as I was to run for political office. (我立刻对这个项目产生了热情,并参考了我在大学里研究过的小企业案例。作为对我热情洋溢的反应的回应,协调员宣布我负责面包店。在那一刻,我准备烤面包,就像我准备竞选政治职位一样)”可知,作者最初热衷于面包店的想法,是因为她从理论的角度考虑了这个项目,觉得自己可以成功。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据全文最后一句“Learning to bake gave me as much newfound self-confidence as it gave the women, and I found that sometimes quality social work can be as simple as kneading dough. (学习烘焙给了我新的自信,就像它给了那些女人一样,我发现有时候高质量的社会工作就像揉面团一样简单)”可知,经营面包店获得成功,真正帮助了那些女人,让作者获得了自信。由此可知,作者通过帮助别人从她的工作中获益。故选B项。
Section C
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
Hello, everyone!
Are you worried about crime I am. We read it every day in the newspapers. A terrible crime has been committed, and the police have arrested someone. He has appeared in court and claimed his innocence but has been found guilty of his crime and he has been sentenced to ten years in prison. ____67____ Innocent citizens like you and me can sleep more safely at night.
But what happens next We all hope the prisoner will benefit from society’s retribution. A spell (一阵子) in prison will reform him and make him a better person. We all hope he’ll reform and become like us. We all hope that when he is eventually released, he will be a good character. ____68____ But, let’s face it. The reality is usually very different. The prisoner may be released on parole (假释) before the end of his sentence. He will try to re-enter society. But then he often becomes a victim himself, unable to find work and is rejected by society. ____69____
So what can we do to make sure the offender doesn’t commit another crime Of course, there are alternatives to prison, such as community service or he can pay a large fine. Alternatively, we could establish a more severe system of punishment.
The answer is far simpler. We need to be tough not on the criminal, but on the cause of the crime. We should spend less of the taxpayer’s money in funding the judges and all the other people who are working for the legal system. ____70____ We in the ConLab Party believe that everybody needs a good chance in life, and this is a good step forward.
Vote for us now!
A. It will not be long before he’s back in prison again.
B. We’re all relieved that the criminal is being punished for his misdeeds.
C. Community service is likely to turn prisoners into better persons.
D. Offenders are tried and sentenced according to the legal system.
E. The threat of another spell in jail will stop him from breaking the law again.
F. Put the money into supporting deprived areas which are the grounds for crime.
【答案】67. B 68. E 69. A 70. F
前文“A terrible crime has been committed, and the police have arrested someone. He has appeared in court and claimed his innocence but has been found guilty of his crime and he has been sentenced to ten years in prison. (发生了一起可怕的罪行,警察逮捕了一个人。他出现在法庭上,声称自己是无辜的,但他被判有罪,并被判处十年监禁)”叙述发生犯罪后罪犯被判入狱,后文“Innocent citizens like you and me can sleep more safely at night. (像你我这样的无辜市民晚上可以睡得更安稳)”描述普通人对此的感受。因此B项“We’re all relieved that the criminal is being punished for his misdeeds. (我们都松了一口气,罪犯因他的罪行而受到惩罚)”符合语境,同样描述普通人的心理感受,承前启后。故选B。
前文“We all hope the prisoner will benefit from society’s retribution. A spell (一阵子) in prison will reform him and make him a better person. We all hope he’ll reform and become like us. We all hope that when he is eventually released, he will be a good character. (我们都希望犯人能从社会的惩罚中获益。在监狱里呆一段时间会改造他,使他成为一个更好的人。我们都希望他会改过自新,变得像我们一样。我们都希望当他最终被释放时,他会是一个好人)”描述人们对被惩罚过的罪犯的美好期待,后文“But, let’s face it. The reality is usually very different. (但是,让我们面对现实吧。现实通常是截然不同的)”说明实际情况并非如人们所期待的那样。因此E项“The threat of another spell in jail will stop him from breaking the law again. (再次入狱的威胁会阻止他再次违法)”符合语境,同样是人们的美好期待,承接前文,和后文形成转折。故选E。
前文“The prisoner may be released on parole (假释) before the end of his sentence. He will try to re-enter society. But then he often becomes a victim himself, unable to find work and is rejected by society. (犯人可以在刑期届满前获得假释。他将努力重返社会。但他自己也常常成为受害者,找不到工作,被社会排斥)”描述犯人获得假释后重返社会的困难。因此A项“It will not be long before he’s back in prison again. (过不了多久他就会再次入狱)”符合语境,指出犯人很有可能会再次犯罪入狱,承接前文。故选A。
前文“We need to be tough not on the criminal, but on the cause of the crime. We should spend less of the taxpayer’s money in funding the judges and all the other people who are working for the legal system. (我们需要的不是对罪犯强硬,而是对犯罪的原因强硬。我们应该少花纳税人的钱给法官和其他为司法系统工作的人)”表示应从犯罪的原因入手,解决犯罪问题。因此F项“Put the money into supporting deprived areas which are the grounds for crime. (把钱投入到支持贫困地区,这些地区是犯罪的温床)”符合语境,提出具体的解决方法,承接前文。故选F。
IV. Summary Writing
71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
The problem of robocalls has become so bad that we refuse to pick up calls from numbers we don’t know. Nearly half of the calls we receive are scams (欺诈). We’ve realized the severity of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools, apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through. Unfortunately, it’s too little. By the time these “solutions” become widely available, scammers will have moved onto cleverer means. In the near future, it’s not just going to be the number you see on your screen that will be in doubt. Soon you will also question whether the voice you’re hearing is actually real.
That’s because there are many powerful voice manipulation (处理) technologies to be available. A company showed a new voice technology able to produce a convincing human-sounding voice able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection.
These developments are likely to make our current problems with robocalls much worse. The reason that robocalls are a headache has less to do with amount than precision. A decade of data disclosure of personal information has led to a situation where scammers can easily learn your mother’s name, and far more. Armed with this knowledge, they’re able to cheat the targeted people. This means, for example, that a scammer could call you from what looks to be a familiar number and talk to you with a voice sounding exactly like your bank teller’s, misleading you to “confirm” your address and card number. Scammers follow money, so companies will be the worst hit. A lot of business is still done over the phone, and much of it is based on trust and existing relationships. Voice manipulation technologies may weaken that gradually.
We need to deal with the insecure nature of our telecom networks. Phone carriers and consumers need to work together to find ways of determining and communicating what is real. That might mean either developing a uniform way to mark videos and images, showing when and who they were made by or abandoning phone calls altogether and moving towards data-based communications — using apps like WeChat and Alipay, which can be tied to your identity.
【答案】Robocall problems become more severe with the development of voice manipulation technologies. The disclosure of personal information enables scammers to cheat individuals and businesses easily, and many people have become victims. Thus, to avoid being cheated, more secure telecom networks are needed to prevent scammers. Stop using phones and use data-based communications tied to identity instead. (56 words)
【详解】1 要点摘录
①That’s because there are many powerful voice manipulation technologies to be available.
②These developments are likely to make our current problems with robocalls much worse.
③A decade of data disclosure of personal information has led to a situation where scammers can easily learn your mother’s name, and far more. Armed with this knowledge, they’re able to cheat the targeted people.
④We need to deal with the insecure nature of our telecom networks.
⑤That might mean either developing a uniform way to mark videos and images, and moving towards data-based communications—using apps like WeChat and Alipay, which can be tied to your identity.
Robocall problems become more severe with the development of voice manipulation technologies.
The disclosure of personal information enables scammers to cheat individuals and businesses easily, and many people have become victims.
To avoid being cheated, more secure telecom networks are needed. Stop using phones and use data-based communications tied to identity instead.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Thus, to avoid being cheated, more secure telecom networks are needed to prevent scammers. (使用了不定式短语作目的状语)
【高分句型2】Stop using phones and use data-based communications tied to identity instead. (使用了动名词using作宾语)
V. Translation
Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72. 边喝咖啡边欣赏上海夜景多惬意呀!(How) (汉译英)
【答案】How pleasant /pleased it is to enjoy/appreciate the night view of Shanghai while drinking coffee.
【详解】考查感叹句和固定句型。陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时;表示“多么”应用how;表示“惬意”应用pleasant/pleased;表示“欣赏”应用enjoy/appreciate;it is +adj.+to do...为固定句型,it为形式主语,动词不定式为真正的主语,enjoy/appreciate位于动词不定式符号to后面,使用动词原形;表示“上海夜景”应用the night view of Shanghai,主句为感叹句,修饰的中心词为形容词,需用How+adj+主语+谓语!这个句型;表示“当……时候”应用while;表示“喝咖啡”应用drink coffee,此处使用现在分词形式作状语。故翻译成:How pleasant /pleased it is to enjoy/appreciate the night view of Shanghai while drinking coffee.
73. 这个案例太复杂,一时半会解释不清楚。(too…to…) (汉译英)
【答案】This case is too complex/complicated to interpret/explain in (such) a short time/in a couple of minutes.
【详解】考查固定句型和形容词。根据句意,该句应使用“too…to…”结构,意为“太……而不能……”,表示“这个案例”应为the case作主语,位于句首,首字母需大写,表示“太复杂”应为too complex或者too complicated作表语,谓语动词应为be,结合句意可知,此处表示客观事实,所以使用一般现在时,be动词为is,表示“一时半会解释不清楚”可转述为“在短时间内不能解释清楚”,表示“解释”应为interpret或者explain,在该句中应使用不定式形式作结果状语,表示“在短时间内”应为in (such) a short time或者是in a couple of minutes。故翻译为This case is too complex/complicated to interpret/explain in (such) a short time/in a couple of minutes。
74. 中美领导人在旧金山会晤,意义非凡,吸引了世界的关注,推动了中美关系的发展。(importance) (汉译英)
【答案】The meeting between Chinese and American presidents/leaders in San Francisco was of significant importance, which attracted the worldwide attention and promoted the Sino-US relation./The meeting between Chinese and American presidents/leaders in San Francisco was of significant importance, attracting the worldwide attention and promoting the Sino-US relation.
【详解】考查名词短语、动词短语、定语从句和非谓语动词。“中美领导人在旧金山会晤”是主语,使用名词短语the meeting between Chinese and American presidents/leaders in San Francisco,为单数,“意义非凡”为系表结构,用be of significant importance,此处是过去发生的事情,时态宜用一般过去式,be动词用was,“吸引了世界的关注,推动了中美关系的发展”可用关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,对前面的句子进行补充说明,which在从句中作主语,“吸引了世界的关注”可用动词短语attracted the worldwide attention,“推动了中美关系的发展”可用动词短语promoted the Sino-US relation,或用现在分词形式作结果状语,动词attract和promote用现在分词形式。故译为:The meeting between Chinese and American presidents/leaders in San Francisco was of significant importance, which attracted the worldwide attention and promoted the Sino-US relation.
75. 只有坚持理想和信念,并做好失败的准备,一切看起来不可能战胜的困难终将迎刃而解。(Only) (汉译英)
【答案】Only by holding our ideals and beliefs, and being prepared for failure can all the problems that seem to be unable to conquer be solved at last.
【详解】考查部分倒装。表示“只有做某事”应用only by doing,only+状语位于句首,句子应用部分倒装。表示“坚持理想和信念”应用hold our ideals and beliefs。表示“做好失败的准备”应用be prepared for failure。表示“能够”应用情态动词can。表示“一切困难”应用all the problems,表示“看起来不可能战胜的”应用定语从句,在定语从句中缺少主语,且先行词为problems,所以应用关系代词that,表示“看起来不可能战胜”应用seem to be unable to conquer。表示“解决”应用动词solve,和主语构成被动关系。表示“最终”应用at last。再结合其它汉语意思,故翻译为Only by holding our ideals and beliefs, and being prepared for failure can all the problems that seem to be unable to conquer be solved at last.
Ⅵ. Guided Writing
76. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
【答案】AI technology is advancing rapidly, and many people believe that manual translation may be replaced by artificial intelligence translation software. We should view this matter objectively.
Firstly, AI translation has both advantages and disadvantages. AI translation is popular and widely used due to its high efficiency, accuracy, and support for multilingual translation. However, the drawbacks of intelligent translation cannot be ignored. For example, it is difficult to understand language and cultural differences, and a lack of understanding of contextual information may lead to inaccurate or unsmooth translation.
On the contrary, manual translation still has irreplaceable advantages. Manual translation is more professional and accurate. Manual translation has a strong human touch. Manual translation can carefully understand cultural differences and language habits, making the translation create a human touch and emotional effect.
Therefore, in the future, we must learn foreign languages well and continue to strengthen our cultivation in language, culture and industry to obtain more opportunities and development opportunities in various industries.
进步:advance →improve
看待:view → treat
缺点:drawbacks → shortcomings
导致:lead to → result in
原句:Manual translation can carefully understand cultural differences and language habits, making the translation create a human touch and emotional effect.
拓展句:Manual translation can carefully understand cultural differences and language habits, which makes the translation create a human touch and emotional effect.
【点睛】【高分句型1】AI technology is advancing rapidly, and many people believe that manual translation may be replaced by artificial intelligence translation software. (使用了that引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】Manual translation can carefully understand cultural differences and language habits, making the translation create a human touch and emotional effect. (使用了现在分词作结果状语)