

名称 上海市宝山区2023-2024学年高三上学期期末教学质量监测试卷英语试卷(原卷版+解析版)
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文件大小 305.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-29 11:59:01


II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
When people need to make important decisions, one of their first steps is usually to collect information about the issue at hand. And the more crucial the decision is, the more information people or businesses and organizations usually want. ____21____ computers are capable of collecting and analyzing far more information than human beings, it makes sense that organizations would use them for this purpose. This use and analysis of large amounts of information is known as big data.
To decide if data sets count as big data, they are evaluated using three standards, ____22____ (know) as “the three Vs.” The first is volume: Big data involves large amounts of data, most of ____23____ comes without structure or organization. The second is velocity meaning speed: Big data is received quickly because it often reaches the programs that use it directly from the internet. Many of these programs ____24____ (design) to adapt to changes in the data quickly as well. Finally, big data offers ____25____ (great) variety than traditional data, including more unstructured data. Because of the three Vs, human analysts can only work with big data with the help of computer programs designed to manage it.
Businesses can use big data to help understand their customers, either as a group or individually. For example, some ____26____ (stream) websites rely on big data to suggest music or television offerings tailored to the user’s interests. Big data can also help companies decide how much inventory (库存) they need so that they don’t waste money producing and storing products that customers ____27____ not buy.
In healthcare, programmers ____28____ (develop) tools to help doctors and patients to make medical decisions using big data. This can process information about specific patients from at-home medical devices such as heart-rate monitors.
Governments can use big data ____29____ (plan) efficient public transportation systems and identify roads that need maintenance. When used for this purpose, big data is not controversial. But some oppose other uses of big data by governments _____30_____ they might impact on citizens’ privacy in an attempt to control behavior.
Big data can be a useful tool for many types of organizations that seek to use it to make better decisions to benefit people.
Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. invaluable B. roughly C. satisfying D. distraction E. simply F. advantage G. reasonable H. performed I. schedule J. planned K. excellence
People tend to think that productivity involves doing several things at once, but according to Cal Newport, the secret to success is the opposite of multitasking. Newport is the author of Deep Work, a book that describes the benefits of focusing on one thing and doing it with ___31___.
Newport defines deep work as “the ability to focus without ___32___ on a cognitively (认知地) demanding task.” It’s the opposite of shallow work, which is made up of simple tasks that are usually ___33___ while distracted.
According to Newport, deep work is a(n) ___34___ skill in today’s economy. It allows you to learn difficult things quickly and produce at a high level. Most people are distracted when they work, so you learn to work without distraction, that gives you ___35___. Deep work enables you to produce to the best of your ability and acquire new skills quickly. Developing excellence in one’s craft can be a deeply ___36___ try. But deep work itself is also a skill, which means the more time you spend at it, the easier it gets. Moreover, if you only work at a shallow level, your ability to do deep work decreases.
So how do you conduct deep work into your work life or your studies It’s essentially important to ___37___ deep work into your day. Otherwise, it’s easy to let your time fill up with shallow work. Newport recommends doing deep work as your first task of the day. That way you get it done before distractions build up. Shallow work does need to get done, but if you save it for later in the day, you can get your deep work done, too.
Scheduling deep work sessions for the same time every day can turn them into a habit. This makes it easier to spend time on them.
Because deep work is by definition cognitively demanding, you won’t be able to do it all day. Beginners can usually only focus on deep work for ___38___ an hour, and even experts have trouble going more than four hours. So set ___39___ goals for yourself. If you really focus, you’ll be surprised at how much you accomplish in a few hours.
By focusing on ____40____ sessions of deep work, you can get more done in less time and feel more satisfied.
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Ideally childhood is a time of growth and learning, preparing for adulthood and also having fun. But for many children around the world, this time is cut short when they are forced to work, sometimes in dangerous conditions. ___41___, the United Nations (U.N.), some national governments and other organizations ___42___ June 12 as the annual World Day Against Child Labor.
As of 2020, around 160 million children worked as child laborers, which means that one child in 10 was a child laborer. ___43___, child labor has decreased over the past 20 years, but in recent years, this progress has stopped. Child labor is ___44___ from ordinary housework, helping with a family business or (for older children) working to earn pocket money when not in school. Work done by children is ___45___ as child labor when it harms the child physically, mentally, socially or ___46___, or when it prevents the child’s education.
About 79 million children are engaged in hazardous child labor. Sometimes this means the work itself is dangerous because of heavy machinery or exposure to ___47___. Hazardous child labor can also involve harsh conditions, long hours, or ___48___ to various kinds of abuse.
The primary goal of the World Day Against Child Labor is raising ___49___ of the issue and encouraging individuals, organizations and governments to bating (打击) child labor is a complex task. It involves social workers who identify child laborers and take action to provide these children and their families with other ____51____. But it also involves change in communities as a whole, ____52____ the social regulations that can lead adults to make their children work.
Child labor and poverty often go hand in hand as parents feel removing their children from school is necessary to earn money for their survival. So, measures meant to fight ____53____ are also tied to preventing child labor. Ensuring that children have quality educational opportunities is also important. If more opportunities were ____54____, more parents might give up the immediate benefit of a child’s paycheck to give that child an education.
Child labor is harmful to children and to communities, since it prevents children from growing into healthy, educated citizens who could make a(n) ____55____ in society. By highlighting the problem and offering a variety of solutions, the World Day Against Child Labor can make the situation a bit better.
41. A. In addition B. As a result C. Above all D. After all
42. A. recognize B. discover C. choose D. consider
43. A. Nevertheless B. Therefore C. Overall D. Moreover
44. A. distinguished B. transferred C. ranged D. evolved
45. A. evaluated B. classified C. combined D. separated
46. A. sincerely B. negatively C. positively D. morally
47. A. chemicals B. lights C. wastes D. gases
48. A. harm B. pollution C. exposure D. danger
49. A. value B. awareness C. status D. significance
50. A. take place B. take care C. take over D. take action
51. A. options B. questions C. elements D. examples
52. A. promoting B. urging C. challenging D. adjusting
53. A. disease B. disaster C. survival D. poverty
54. A. available B. sustainable C. accessible D. advisable
55. A. choice B. difference C. effort D. decision
Section B
Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
During the Second World War, Dr. William Walsh served on a U.S. Navy ship in the South Pacific. While serving there, Walsh observed the poor health conditions in which the people of the South Pacific lived.
After the war ended in 1945, Walsh founded an organization called Project Hope. Its goal was to bring health education and care to people in poor countries around the world. In 1958, Walsh convinced U.S. President Eisenhower to allow Project Hope to rent a U.S. Navy hospital ship for just one dollar a year. Many companies and ordinary people donated money to Project Hope. The organization used the funds to turn the navy ship into a civilian hospital ship called the SS Hope.
During the next 14 years, the SS Hope traveled to every region of the world. Wherever it went, it provided health care for needy people and helped poor countries establish their own health care systems. In 1974, the SS Hope was retired from service, and Project Hope began to provide health care on land instead.
The story of the SS Hope inspired Don and Deyon Stephens to buy a passenger ship in 1978 and transform it into another hospital ship. Since then, their organization, called Mercy Ships, has sent ships equipped with medical supplies and hospital beds around the world. Doctors volunteer to travel on these vessels or ships and perform free surgeries on people who need them. They can correct people’s vision, straighten bent limbs, remove facial tumors (肿块) and more. Mercy Ships also provides medical equipment for local health clinics and builds medical facilities. In addition, it teaches local people how to farm their land more effectively and more sustainably.
56. What happened to the SS Hope in 1974
A. It sank unexpectedly.
B. It was fully repaired.
C. It launched new services.
D. It ceased operations.
57. Who gave Walsh permission to use a ship for one dollar
A. An entertainer in America.
B. Two American accountants.
C. An America’s top politician.
D. Smart American investors.
58. What does the article indicate about surgeries on Mercy Ships’ vessels
A. They put physicians and nurses at risk.
B. They’re done at no charge to patients.
C. They mainly benefit wealthy individuals.
D. They’ve resulted in serious infections.
59. According to this article, what do local people learn to do with the aid of Mercy Ships
A. Make a good living from tourism.
B. Grow crops with greater success.
C. Manufacture popular electronics.
D. Establish education institutions.
From: Bridget Pecolini
To: Anson Wong
Re: Questions about online math contest
Date: June 18, 2023
Dear Mr.Wong,
Thank you for your email. We’re so glad your children are signed up to participate in our math contest. I hope it will be a rewarding and enriching experience for them.
You can access the training session and practice tests by logging into our website at www.. Once you’re signed in, you will see several tabs on the left-hand side.
One of them will say “Enrolled.” If you click on the drop-down menu there, you’ll find the names of the children you registered. If you click on each name, you’ll be given the option of joining a training session or doing practice tests.
I hope that answers your question!
Please let me know if you need any further help.
Bridget Pecolini
60. What can Gary do at the beginning of August
A. He can take a class to learn how to succeed.
B. He can do the contests from two years ago.
C. He can contact the contest organizers.
D. He can try the most recent practice contest.
61. Why did Bridget contact Anson
A. She was checking in on him.
B. She was responding to his email.
C. She was looking for information.
D. She was asking him to pay.
62. When does the official contest take place
A. It takes place on June 18. B. It takes place on August 7.
C. It takes place on August 12. D. It takes place on August 14.
You constantly find yourself apologizing to a friend when you’ve done nothing wrong. You feel you must obey someone’s demands, or they will be upset with you or even harm you or themselves. An unclear or specific threat is made that causes you to fear that someone will reveal a secret or weakness, so you do what that person wants. Or perhaps a relative is trying to make you feel obliged to do something by saying, “That’s what friends or family do for each other.” They arouse feelings of guilt in you for not meeting their needs.
If you have had experience with any of these cases, then you are the victim of emotional blackmail (勒索). This style of handle controls you through your emotions. Fear, obligation and guilt - FOG - are used by an emotional blackmailer to get what they want from people.
Anyone - a friend, colleague, parent, partner or other family members - could be that person. Their demands are intended to control their victim’s behavior in unhealthy methods. Intentional or unintentional, if your needs are always brushed aside in favor of the other person’s, things need to change.
Dr. Susan Forward identifies six stages in emotional blackmail. Implied or obvious demands come first. “I don’t think you should do things with that person. They’re not good for you.” After this kind of statement, the ball is in the victim’s court, so stage two is resistance. The victim often avoids the blackmailer or suggests alternatives instead of saying no. Stage three is persistent pressure by the blackmailer: “If we were really friends, you’d do it.” Stage four involves threats: “If you don’t do this...then I will ...” The victim doesn’t want the blackmailer to make good on their threats, so obedience, which is stage five, often leaves the victim feeling guilty or resentful. In stage six the blackmailer backs off until the next demand.
What can you do First, recognize if you are being pressured, threatened or controlled. Stay calm, and stop so you can consider other possibilities. Identify your triggers; don’t be pressured into an immediate response. Offer a compromise (妥协). Tell the blackmailer how you feel, and give them a chance to acknowledge their behavior and change. If they won’t, walk away from the relationship. Under no circumstances should you let your fears be used against you.
63. According to the passage, emotional blackmail means ______.
A. a kind of emotion that can be mailed to others online
B. a kind of action to influence others by means of emotion
C. a colour that can greatly influence others’ emotion
D. a situation where emotion can be stored and given out freely
64. What is the purpose of using Dr. Susan Forward’s six stages in emotional blackmail
A. To illustrate the process of emotional blackmail.
B. To explain the origin of emotional blackmail.
C. To prove the existence of emotional blackmail.
D. To demonstrate the theory of emotional blackmail.
65. The word resentful in the last paragraph but one most probably means ______.
A. amazed B. frightened C. indifferent D. angry
66. We can conclude from the passage that ______.
A. wherever you are, it is impossible to avoid emotional blackmail in life
B. whenever you’re emotionally blackmailed, just let it be with no response
C. it’s an advisable way to give a proper response when emotionally blackmailed
D. it’s a correct response to sincerely negotiate with emotional blackmailer then
Section C
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
Have you ever wondered what you would look like as a cartoon character or a marvel superhero With the power of artificial intelligence (AI) text-to-image generators, you can create images just like that - without any art skills. ___67___
How does it work
AI text-to-image generators are trained through a process called machine learning. In this process, the generator’s “brain” is fed massive numbers of images and learns to distinguish what they are. But the generator doesn’t just learn to tell the difference between a banana and a balloon.
___68___ These pixel-level details are then stored in a mathematical space. When someone gives the generator a text passage such as “Doraemon riding a white horse,” the program uses algorithms (算法) to “think.” Moments later, the program will create an entirely unique image that you requested.
Some artists worry that they are being replaced by this technology. But other artists like to cooperate with the generator, using its power for ideas and inspiration.
This powerful tool is now available to anyone through generators like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E. You can use them to create all kinds of imaginative images. ___69___
The dark side
Generators like Stable Diffusion are trained using images that are gathered from all over the internet. But the training process doesn’t exclude (排除) images that are violent or inappropriate, so the generators “learn” those as well. The DALL-E program comes with built-in filters that prevent it from generating perverse (变态的) images. But Stable Diffusion is an open-source technology, meaning that people can modify its code and remove the content filters. Despite this, Stable Diffusion’s founder Emad Mostaque remains optimistic about how people will use his generator. He says, “The bad stuff that people create ... will be a very, very small percentage of the total use.”
For better or for worse, ___70___ But don’t generate anything you’d be ashamed to show your mother!
A. But this technology can be dangerous as well.
B. You just need to have some experience with technology as well as a proper computer.
C. Therefore, AI technology will be used more and more wildly in the future.
D. AI text-to-image generators will become as common and easy to use as Google image search.
E. Rather, it will categorize every possible detail.
F. Meanwhile, the generator can help people to recognize various information accurately.
IV. Summary Writing
71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Do you have a favorite podcast That can be a difficult question to answer for some as there are so many options. That is because the world is full of interesting topics and thoughts about them. If you feel you have something engaging and valuable to share, start a podcast.
A podcast is a series of audio episodes that cover a particular subject. The first step to creating a podcast is to find your topic. It’s believed that the best topics are ones that you know a lot about and love.
Another important step is to make sure you have the right equipment. While podcast equipment can be complex and expensive, it doesn’t have to be. For your first podcast, you can simply rely on your phone and computer. You can record all of your audio on your phone. Then with your computer — and the right software — you can mix the audio. This is the process of putting your audio together into one perfect-sounding file.
After you have your topic and equipment, you’ll want to choose your format. Your podcast could be one person speaking, two people talking, or many people offering their opinions. Your podcast could also include more than one of these options.
Once you’ve decided, you can start drafting your episodes. However, whatever format or formats you choose, maintain the same structure for each episode. The next step is to find a quiet place and do your recording.
When you’ve completed your recording and audio mixing, you’ll need to find a platform for your podcast. Luckily there are plenty of free and paid platform options on which to upload your podcast. Before uploading, make sure you have an interesting title and good tags for your show. Be sure to post about your show on social media. Get your podcast listed in a podcast directory, too. You want to get the word out about your podcast to grow your audience. Your podcast just might become someone’s new favorite.
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the word given in the brackets.
72. 坦白说,你昨天在会上表达的观点还是有争议的。(controversial)(汉译英)
73. 不管他怎么辩解,也无法说服在场的人认同他是无辜的。(persuade) (汉译英)
74. 在填写高考志愿时,如果你的意见和父母的意见相左时,你会怎样妥善处理?(agree) (汉译英)
75. 现在,上海很多小区都开了便民食堂,这无疑给居民带来了很大的便利,特别是孤寡老人和工作繁忙顾不上做饭的人。(which) (汉译英)
VI. Guided Writing
76. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
When people need to make important decisions, one of their first steps is usually to collect information about the issue at hand. And the more crucial the decision is, the more information people or businesses and organizations usually want. ____21____ computers are capable of collecting and analyzing far more information than human beings, it makes sense that organizations would use them for this purpose. This use and analysis of large amounts of information is known as big data.
To decide if data sets count as big data, they are evaluated using three standards, ____22____ (know) as “the three Vs.” The first is volume: Big data involves large amounts of data, most of ____23____ comes without structure or organization. The second is velocity meaning speed: Big data is received quickly because it often reaches the programs that use it directly from the internet. Many of these programs ____24____ (design) to adapt to changes in the data quickly as well. Finally, big data offers ____25____ (great) variety than traditional data, including more unstructured data. Because of the three Vs, human analysts can only work with big data with the help of computer programs designed to manage it.
Businesses can use big data to help understand their customers, either as a group or individually. For example, some ____26____ (stream) websites rely on big data to suggest music or television offerings tailored to the user’s interests. Big data can also help companies decide how much inventory (库存) they need so that they don’t waste money producing and storing products that customers ____27____ not buy.
In healthcare, programmers ____28____ (develop) tools to help doctors and patients to make medical decisions using big data. This can process information about specific patients from at-home medical devices such as heart-rate monitors.
Governments can use big data ____29____ (plan) efficient public transportation systems and identify roads that need maintenance. When used for this purpose, big data is not controversial. But some oppose other uses of big data by governments _____30_____ they might impact on citizens’ privacy in an attempt to control behavior.
Big data can be a useful tool for many types of organizations that seek to use it to make better decisions to benefit people.
【答案】21. Since
22. known 23. which
24. are designed
25. greater
26. streaming
27. will 28. are developing
29. to plan
30. for fear that
考查状语从句。句意:由于计算机能够收集和分析比人类多得多的信息,因此组织将它们用于这一目的是有道理的。分析句子可知,“computers are capable of collecting and analyzing far more information than human beings(计算机能够收集和分析比人类多得多的信息)”是原因,因此需用since引导原因状语从句,位于句首,首字母需大写。故填Since。
考查非谓语动词。句意:为了确定数据集是否算作大数据,它们使用三个标准进行评估,称为“三V”。空处需填非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰名词three standards,know和three standards为逻辑动宾关系,需用过去分词形式。故填known。
考查动词时态语态。句意:这些程序中的许多都是为了快速适应数据的变化而设计的。空处作谓语,Many of these programs和design为被动关系,需用被动语态,陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时,主语为复数名词,be动词用are。故填are designed。
考查动词时态。句意:在医疗保健领域,程序员正在开发工具,帮助医生和患者利用大数据做出医疗决策。此处表示最近一段时间正在进行的动作,使用现在进行时,主语为programmers,be动词用are。故填are developing。
考查非谓语动词。句意:政府可以利用大数据来规划高效的公共交通系统,并确定需要维护的道路。use sth. to do sth.为固定搭配,表示“使用某物做某事”,空处需填动词不定式作宾语补足语。故填to plan。
考查状语从句。句意:但一些人反对政府将大数据用于其他用途,因为他们担心政府可能会为了控制行为而影响公民的隐私。空处引导目的状语从句,表示“生怕,唯恐”,需用for fear that。故填for fear that。
Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. invaluable B. roughly C. satisfying D. distraction E. simply F. advantage G. reasonable H. performed I. schedule J. planned K. excellence
People tend to think that productivity involves doing several things at once, but according to Cal Newport, the secret to success is the opposite of multitasking. Newport is the author of Deep Work, a book that describes the benefits of focusing on one thing and doing it with ___31___.
Newport defines deep work as “the ability to focus without ___32___ on a cognitively (认知地) demanding task.” It’s the opposite of shallow work, which is made up of simple tasks that are usually ___33___ while distracted.
According to Newport, deep work is a(n) ___34___ skill in today’s economy. It allows you to learn difficult things quickly and produce at a high level. Most people are distracted when they work, so you learn to work without distraction, that gives you ___35___. Deep work enables you to produce to the best of your ability and acquire new skills quickly. Developing excellence in one’s craft can be a deeply ___36___ try. But deep work itself is also a skill, which means the more time you spend at it, the easier it gets. Moreover, if you only work at a shallow level, your ability to do deep work decreases.
So how do you conduct deep work into your work life or your studies It’s essentially important to ___37___ deep work into your day. Otherwise, it’s easy to let your time fill up with shallow work. Newport recommends doing deep work as your first task of the day. That way you get it done before distractions build up. Shallow work does need to get done, but if you save it for later in the day, you can get your deep work done, too.
Scheduling deep work sessions for the same time every day can turn them into a habit. This makes it easier to spend time on them.
Because deep work is by definition cognitively demanding, you won’t be able to do it all day. Beginners can usually only focus on deep work for ___38___ an hour, and even experts have trouble going more than four hours. So set ___39___ goals for yourself. If you really focus, you’ll be surprised at how much you accomplish in a few hours.
By focusing on ____40____ sessions of deep work, you can get more done in less time and feel more satisfied.
【答案】31. K 32. D
33. H 34. A
35. F 36. C
37. I 38. B
39. G 40. J
考查名词。句意:Newport是《深度工作》一书的作者,这本书描述了专注于一件事并出色地完成它的好处。分析句子可知,空处作with的宾语,结合“the benefits of focusing on one thing”和下文提到的“Developing excellence”可推知,名词excellence“卓越,出色”符合题意,表示专注于一件事并出色地完成它。故选K。
考查名词。句意:Newport将深度工作定义为“专注于一项认知要求很高的任务而不分散注意力的能力”。分析句子可知,空处作without的宾语,结合“the ability to focus”和“while distracted”可推知,名词distraction“分心,分散注意力”符合题意,表示专注而不分散注意力。故选D。
考查动词。句意:它与浅薄的工作相反,浅薄的工作是由简单的任务组成的,这些任务通常是在分心的情况下完成的。分析句子可知,空处和are构成句子的谓语,结合“simple tasks”和“while distracted”可推知,动词的过去分词形式performed“执行,做”符合题意,构成被动语态,表示在分心的情况下完成这些任务。故选H。
考查形容词。句意:Newport认为,在当今的经济环境下,深度工作是一项宝贵的技能。分析句子可知,空处修饰skill,结合“It allows you to learn difficult things quickly and produce at a high level.”可推知,形容词invaluable“宝贵的”符合题意,表示这是一项宝贵的技能。故选A。
考查名词。句意:大多数人在工作时都会分心,所以你要学会不受干扰地工作,这会给你带来优势。分析句子可知,空处作gives的直接宾语,结合“Most people are distracted when they work, so you learn to work without distraction”可推知,名词advantage“优势”符合题意,表示不受干扰地工作会带来优势。故选F。
考查形容词。句意:在一个人的职业中发展卓越可能是一个非常令人满意的尝试。分析句子可知,空处修饰try,结合“Developing excellence in one’s craft”可推知,形容词satisfying“令人满意的”符合题意,表示这样的做法是令人满意的尝试。故选C。
考查动词。句意:在一天中安排深度工作是非常重要的。分析句子可知,空处需用动词原形构成固定句型“it is+形容词+to do sth.”,结合“deep work into your day”可推知,动词原形schedule“安排”符合题意,表示把深度工作安排进一天中。故选I。
考查副词。句意:初学者通常只能专注于深度工作大约一个小时,即使是专家也很难超过四个小时。分析句子可知,空处修饰an hour,结合“and even experts have trouble going more than four hours”可知,此处描述专注于深度工作的时间长度,副词roughly“大概,大约”符合题意,表示初学者只能专注大约一个小时。故选B。
考查形容词。句意:所以为自己设定合理的目标。分析句子可知,空处修饰goals,结合“Because deep work is by definition cognitively demanding, you won’t be able to do it all day.”可推知,形容词reasonable“合理的”符合题意,表示需要设定合理的目标。故选G。
考查形容词。句意:通过专注于有计划的深度工作,你可以在更短的时间内完成更多的工作,并感到更满意。分析句子可知,空处修饰sessions,结合“you can get more done in less time and feel more satisfied”可推知,形容词planned“有计划的”符合题意,表示专注于有计划的深度工作。故选J。
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Ideally, childhood is a time of growth and learning, preparing for adulthood and also having fun. But for many children around the world, this time is cut short when they are forced to work, sometimes in dangerous conditions. ___41___, the United Nations (U.N.), some national governments and other organizations ___42___ June 12 as the annual World Day Against Child Labor.
As of 2020, around 160 million children worked as child laborers, which means that one child in 10 was a child laborer. ___43___, child labor has decreased over the past 20 years, but in recent years, this progress has stopped. Child labor is ___44___ from ordinary housework, helping with a family business or (for older children) working to earn pocket money when not in school. Work done by children is ___45___ as child labor when it harms the child physically, mentally, socially or ___46___, or when it prevents the child’s education.
About 79 million children are engaged in hazardous child labor. Sometimes this means the work itself is dangerous because of heavy machinery or exposure to ___47___. Hazardous child labor can also involve harsh conditions, long hours, or ___48___ to various kinds of abuse.
The primary goal of the World Day Against Child Labor is raising ___49___ of the issue and encouraging individuals, organizations and governments to bating (打击) child labor is a complex task. It involves social workers who identify child laborers and take action to provide these children and their families with other ____51____. But it also involves change in communities as a whole, ____52____ the social regulations that can lead adults to make their children work.
Child labor and poverty often go hand in hand as parents feel removing their children from school is necessary to earn money for their survival. So, measures meant to fight ____53____ are also tied to preventing child labor. Ensuring that children have quality educational opportunities is also important. If more opportunities were ____54____, more parents might give up the immediate benefit of a child’s paycheck to give that child an education.
Child labor is harmful to children and to communities, since it prevents children from growing into healthy, educated citizens who could make a(n) ____55____ in society. By highlighting the problem and offering a variety of solutions, the World Day Against Child Labor can make the situation a bit better.
41. A. In addition B. As a result C. Above all D. After all
42. A. recognize B. discover C. choose D. consider
43. A. Nevertheless B. Therefore C. Overall D. Moreover
44. A. distinguished B. transferred C. ranged D. evolved
45. A. evaluated B. classified C. combined D. separated
46. A. sincerely B. negatively C. positively D. morally
47. A. chemicals B. lights C. wastes D. gases
48. A. harm B. pollution C. exposure D. danger
49. A. value B. awareness C. status D. significance
50. A. take place B. take care C. take over D. take action
51. A. options B. questions C. elements D. examples
52. A. promoting B. urging C. challenging D. adjusting
53. A. disease B. disaster C. survival D. poverty
54. A. available B. sustainable C. accessible D. advisable
55. A. choice B. difference C. effort D. decision
【答案】41. B 42. A 43. C 44. A 45. B 46. D 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. D 51. A 52. C 53. D 54. A 55. B
考查介词短语辨析。句意:因此,联合国、一些国家政府和其他组织将每年的6月12日定为世界无童工日。A. In addition此外;B. As a result结果,因此;C. Above all重要的是;D. After all毕竟。根据上文“But for many children around the world, this time is cut short when they are forced to work, sometimes in dangerous conditions.”提到儿童被迫工作,由此可知,此处应表示因此,联合国、一些国家政府和其他组织将每年的6月12日定为世界无童工日。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,联合国、一些国家政府和其他组织将每年的6月12日定为世界无童工日。A. recognize认定;B. discover发现;C. choose选择;D. consider考虑。根据句意以及该句中的“June 12 as the annual World Day Against Child Labor.”由此可知,此处应表示联合国、一些国家政府和其他组织将每年的6月12日定为世界无童工日。故选A项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:总体而言,童工在过去20年中有所减少,但近年来,这一进展已经停止。A. Nevertheless然而;B. Therefore因此;C. Overall总体而言;D. Moreover此外。根据下文“child labor has decreased over the past 20 years, but in recent years, this progress has stopped.”可知,此处应表示总体而言,童工在过去20年中有所减少。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:童工不同于一般的家务劳动,帮助做家庭生意,或者(对大一点的孩子来说)在不上学的时候打工挣零花钱。A. distinguished不同的;B. transferred转移的;C. ranged变化(动词);D. evolved进化的。根据下文“ordinary housework, helping with a family business or (for older children) working to earn pocket money when not in school.”可知,此处应表示童工不同于一般认为的这些情况。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:儿童从事的工作如果在身体、精神、社会或道德上对儿童造成伤害,或者妨碍儿童接受教育,就被归类为童工。A. evaluated评价;B. classified归类;C. combined联合;D. separated分离。根据下文“as child labor when it harms the child physically, mentally, socially or ___6___, or when it prevents the child’s education.”提到的具体童工从事的工作,由此可知,此处应表示儿童从事的工作有列举的这些情况时,那么就被归类为童工。故选B项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:儿童从事的工作如果在身体、精神、社会或道德上对儿童造成伤害,或者妨碍儿童接受教育,就被归类为童工。A. sincerely真诚地;B. negatively负面地;C. positively积极地;D. morally道德上的。根据上文“when it harms the child physically, mentally, socially”由此可知,此处应表示如果在身体、精神、社会或道德上对儿童造成伤害,或者妨碍儿童接受教育,就被归类为童工。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于重型机械或接触化学物质,有时这意味着工作本身是危险的。A. chemicals化学物质;B. lights灯;C. wastes垃圾;D. gases气体。根据上文“Sometimes this means the work itself is dangerous”提到工作本身是危险的,以及结合各个选项意思可知,此处应表示接触化学物质可能带来的危险。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:危险的童工还包括恶劣的条件、长时间工作或遭受各种虐待。A. harm伤害;B. pollution污染;C. exposure接触;D. danger危险。根据句意以及下文“to various kinds of abuse.”可推知,此处应表示危险的童工还包括恶劣的条件、长时间工作或遭受各种虐待。exposure to“受到”。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:世界无童工日的主要目标是提高人们对这一问题的认识,并鼓励个人、组织和政府采取行动。A. value价值;B. awareness意识;C. status状态,地位;D. significance意义。根据句意以及上文“raising”和下文“of the issue”可知,此处应表示提高人们对这一问题的认识。raise awareness of“提高对……的认识”。故选B项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:世界无童工日的主要目标是提高人们对这一问题的认识,并鼓励个人、组织和政府采取行动。A. take place发生;B. take care关心;C. take over接管;D. take action采取行动。根据上文提到的提高人们对这一问题的认识,以及下文“and encouraging individuals, organizations and governments”可知,此处应表示鼓励个人、组织和政府采取行动。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:它涉及社会工作者,他们识别童工并采取行动为这些儿童及其家庭提供其他选择。A. options选择;B. questions问题;C. elements元素;D. examples例子。根据句意以及上文“take action to provide these children and their families with”可知,此处应表示采取行动为这些儿童及其家庭提供其他选择,而不是让孩子作为童工谋生或帮助养家。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但它也涉及到整个社区的变化,挑战可能导致成年人让孩子工作的社会法规。A. promoting促进;B. urging督促;C. challenging挑战;D. adjusting调整。根据下文“the social regulations that can lead adults to make their children work.”可知,此处应表示挑战可能导致成年人让孩子工作的社会法规。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,旨在消除贫困的措施也与防止童工有关。A. disease疾病;B. disaster灾难;C. survival幸存;D. poverty贫困。根据上文“Child labor and poverty often go hand in hand”提到童工和贫困常常相伴而行,由此可知此处应表示消除贫困的措施也与防止童工有关。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果有更多的机会,更多的父母可能会放弃孩子工资的直接收益,让孩子接受教育。A. available可获得的;B. sustainable可持续的;C. accessible可进入的;D. advisable明智的。根据下文“more parents might give up the immediate benefit of a child’s paycheck to give that child an education.”可知,此处应表示如果有更多的机会,父母可能让孩子们接受教育。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:童工对儿童和社区有害,因为它使儿童无法成长为健康、受过教育的公民,无法在社会上发挥重要作用。A. choice选择;B. difference区别;C. effort努力;D. decision决定。根据上文“since it prevents children from growing into healthy, educated citizens”它使儿童无法成长为健康、受过教育的公民可知,此处应表示这种情况儿童无法在社会上发挥重要作用。make a(n) difference“发挥作用,有影响”。故选B项。
Section B
Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
During the Second World War, Dr. William Walsh served on a U.S. Navy ship in the South Pacific. While serving there, Walsh observed the poor health conditions in which the people of the South Pacific lived.
After the war ended in 1945, Walsh founded an organization called Project Hope. Its goal was to bring health education and care to people in poor countries around the world. In 1958, Walsh convinced U.S. President Eisenhower to allow Project Hope to rent a U.S. Navy hospital ship for just one dollar a year. Many companies and ordinary people donated money to Project Hope. The organization used the funds to turn the navy ship into a civilian hospital ship called the SS Hope.
During the next 14 years, the SS Hope traveled to every region of the world. Wherever it went, it provided health care for needy people and helped poor countries establish their own health care systems. In 1974, the SS Hope was retired from service, and Project Hope began to provide health care on land instead.
The story of the SS Hope inspired Don and Deyon Stephens to buy a passenger ship in 1978 and transform it into another hospital ship. Since then, their organization, called Mercy Ships, has sent ships equipped with medical supplies and hospital beds around the world. Doctors volunteer to travel on these vessels or ships and perform free surgeries on people who need them. They can correct people’s vision, straighten bent limbs, remove facial tumors (肿块) and more. Mercy Ships also provides medical equipment for local health clinics and builds medical facilities. In addition, it teaches local people how to farm their land more effectively and more sustainably.
56. What happened to the SS Hope in 1974
A It sank unexpectedly.
B. It was fully repaired.
C. It launched new services.
D. It ceased operations.
57. Who gave Walsh permission to use a ship for one dollar
A. An entertainer in America.
B. Two American accountants.
C. An America’s top politician.
D. Smart American investors.
58. What does the article indicate about surgeries on Mercy Ships’ vessels
A. They put physicians and nurses at risk.
B. They’re done at no charge to patients.
C. They mainly benefit wealthy individuals.
D. They’ve resulted in serious infections.
59. According to this article, what do local people learn to do with the aid of Mercy Ships
A. Make a good living from tourism.
B. Grow crops with greater success.
C. Manufacture popular electronics.
D. Establish education institutions.
【答案】56. D 57. C 58. B 59. B
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了William Walsh成立了医疗船,为有需要的人提供医疗保健,并帮助贫穷国家建立自己的医疗保健系统,这启发了Don Stephen和Deyon Stephen也成立医疗船,他们除了提供医疗慈善之外,还教当地人如何更有效和更可持续地耕种他们的土地。
细节理解题。根据第三段中的“In 1974, the SS Hope was retired from service, and Project Hope began to provide health care on land instead.(1974年,SS Hope号退役,希望工程开始在陆地上提供医疗服务。)”可知,1974年SS Hope号退役了,它停止了运行。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第二段中的“In 1958, Walsh convinced U.S. President Eisenhower to allow Project Hope to rent a U.S. Navy hospital ship for just one dollar a year.(1958年,Walsh说服美国总统Eisenhower允许希望工程以每年仅1美元的价格租用一艘美国海军医疗船。)”可知,美国总统允许Walsh以1美元的价格租用一艘美国海军医疗船,美国总统是美国最高政治家。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Doctors volunteer to travel on these vessels or ships and perform free surgeries on people who need them.(医生自愿乘坐这些船只,为需要的人进行免费手术。)”可知,医生在这艘船上免费为需要的人进行手术,由此可推出,这些手术不会对病人收费。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“In addition, it teaches local people how to farm their land more effectively and more sustainably.(此外,它还教当地人如何更有效、更可持续地耕种土地。)”可知,Mercy Ships教当地人学习有效、可持续地耕种土地,由此可推测出,当地人会更成功地种植作物。故选B。
From: Bridget Pecolini
To: Anson Wong
Re: Questions about online math contest
Date: June 18, 2023
Dear Mr.Wong,
Thank you for your email. We’re so glad your children are signed up to participate in our math contest. I hope it will be a rewarding and enriching experience for them.
You can access the training session and practice tests by logging into our website at www.. Once you’re signed in, you will see several tabs on the left-hand side.
One of them will say “Enrolled.” If you click on the drop-down menu there, you’ll find the names of the children you registered. If you click on each name, you’ll be given the option of joining a training session or doing practice tests.
I hope that answers your question!
Please let me know if you need any further help.
Bridget Pecolini
60. What can Gary do at the beginning of August
A. He can take a class to learn how to succeed.
B. He can do the contests from two years ago.
C. He can contact the contest organizers.
D. He can try the most recent practice contest.
61. Why did Bridget contact Anson
A. She was checking in on him.
B. She was responding to his email.
C. She was looking for information.
D. She was asking him to pay.
62. When does the official contest take place
A. It takes place on June 18. B. It takes place on August 7.
C. It takes place on August 12. D. It takes place on August 14.
【答案】60. D 61. B 62. D
【导语】本文是一篇应用文。Bridget Pecolini针对Anson Wong关于在线数学竞赛的问题给予回信解答,并给出了关于Gary Wong的学生信息。
细节理解题。根据表格右列“2018-2022 Practice tests/contests”可知,2018年到2022年的练习测试并没有时间限制,所以Gary可以在8月初尝试最近的练习测试。故选D。
细节理解题。根据信中的“Re: Questions about online math contest(回复:关于在线数学竞赛的问题)”和“Thank you for your email.(感谢您的电子邮件。)”可知,Bridget给Anson回信是为了回复他的邮件。故选B。
细节理解题。根据表格左列的“Access to the contest(available August 14 11 am)”可知,在8月14日上午11点进入正式竞赛。故选D。
You constantly find yourself apologizing to a friend when you’ve done nothing wrong. You feel you must obey someone’s demands, or they will be upset with you or even harm you or themselves. An unclear or specific threat is made that causes you to fear that someone will reveal a secret or weakness, so you do what that person wants. Or perhaps a relative is trying to make you feel obliged to do something by saying, “That’s what friends or family do for each other.” They arouse feelings of guilt in you for not meeting their needs.
If you have had experience with any of these cases, then you are the victim of emotional blackmail (勒索). This style of handle controls you through your emotions. Fear, obligation and guilt - FOG - are used by an emotional blackmailer to get what they want from people.
Anyone - a friend, colleague, parent, partner or other family members - could be that person. Their demands are intended to control their victim’s behavior in unhealthy methods. Intentional or unintentional, if your needs are always brushed aside in favor of the other person’s, things need to change.
Dr. Susan Forward identifies six stages in emotional blackmail. Implied or obvious demands come first. “I don’t think you should do things with that person. They’re not good for you.” After this kind of statement, the ball is in the victim’s court, so stage two is resistance. The victim often avoids the blackmailer or suggests alternatives instead of saying no. Stage three is persistent pressure by the blackmailer: “If we were really friends, you’d do it.” Stage four involves threats: “If you don’t do this...then I will ...” The victim doesn’t want the blackmailer to make good on their threats, so obedience, which is stage five, often leaves the victim feeling guilty or resentful. In stage six the blackmailer backs off until the next demand.
What can you do First, recognize if you are being pressured, threatened or controlled. Stay calm, and stop so you can consider other possibilities. Identify your triggers; don’t be pressured into an immediate response. Offer a compromise (妥协). Tell the blackmailer how you feel, and give them a chance to acknowledge their behavior and change. If they won’t, walk away from the relationship. Under no circumstances should you let your fears be used against you.
63. According to the passage, emotional blackmail means ______.
A. a kind of emotion that can be mailed to others online
B. a kind of action to influence others by means of emotion
C. a colour that can greatly influence others’ emotion
D. a situation where emotion can be stored and given out freely
64. What is the purpose of using Dr. Susan Forward’s six stages in emotional blackmail
A. To illustrate the process of emotional blackmail.
B. To explain the origin of emotional blackmail.
C. To prove the existence of emotional blackmail.
D. To demonstrate the theory of emotional blackmail.
65. The word resentful in the last paragraph but one most probably means ______.
A. amazed B. frightened C. indifferent D. angry
66. We can conclude from the passage that ______.
A. wherever you are, it is impossible to avoid emotional blackmail in life
B. whenever you’re emotionally blackmailed, just let it be with no response
C. it’s an advisable way to give a proper response when emotionally blackmailed
D. it’s a correct response to sincerely negotiate with emotional blackmailer then
【答案】63. B 64. A 65. D 66. C
细节理解题。根据第二段中“If you have had experience with any of these cases, then you are the victim of emotional blackmail (勒索). This style of handle controls you through your emotions.(如果你有过这些经历,那么你就是情感勒索的受害者。这种类型的方法通过你的情绪来控制你)”可知,情感勒索是一种通过情感来影响他人的行为,故选B。
推理判断题。根据第四段内容,结合首句“Dr. Susan Forward identifies six stages in emotional blackmail.(Susan Forward博士将情感勒索分为六个阶段)”可知,文章使用Susan博士的六个阶段是为了说明情感勒索的过程,故选A。
词句猜测题。根据划线词前“The victim doesn’t want the blackmailer to make good on their threats, so obedience(受害者不希望勒索者兑现他们的威胁,所以服从)”以及“guilty(内疚的)”可知,受害者服从勒索者的威胁,这通常会让受害者感到内疚或者愤怒,resentful意为“愤怒的”,故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Offer a compromise (妥协). Tell the blackmailer how you feel, and give them a chance to acknowledge their behavior and change. If they won’t, walk away from the relationship. Under no circumstances should you let your fears be used against you.(提供一个妥协方案。告诉勒索者你的感受,给他们一个机会承认自己的行为并做出改变。如果他们不愿意,那就离开这段关系。在任何情况下,你都不应该让你的恐惧被用来对付你)”可知,当遭受情感勒索时,作出适当的回应是明智的做法,故选C。
Section C
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
Have you ever wondered what you would look like as a cartoon character or a marvel superhero With the power of artificial intelligence (AI) text-to-image generators, you can create images just like that - without any art skills. ___67___
How does it work
AI text-to-image generators are trained through a process called machine learning. In this process, the generator’s “brain” is fed massive numbers of images and learns to distinguish what they are. But the generator doesn’t just learn to tell the difference between a banana and a balloon.
___68___ These pixel-level details are then stored in a mathematical space. When someone gives the generator a text passage such as “Doraemon riding a white horse,” the program uses algorithms (算法) to “think.” Moments later, the program will create an entirely unique image that you requested.
Some artists worry that they are being replaced by this technology. But other artists like to cooperate with the generator, using its power for ideas and inspiration.
This powerful tool is now available to anyone through generators like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E. You can use them to create all kinds of imaginative images. ___69___
The dark side
Generators like Stable Diffusion are trained using images that are gathered from all over the internet. But the training process doesn’t exclude (排除) images that are violent or inappropriate, so the generators “learn” those as well. The DALL-E program comes with built-in filters that prevent it from generating perverse (变态的) images. But Stable Diffusion is an open-source technology, meaning that people can modify its code and remove the content filters. Despite this, Stable Diffusion’s founder Emad Mostaque remains optimistic about how people will use his generator. He says, “The bad stuff that people create ... will be a very, very small percentage of the total use.”
For better or for worse, ___70___ But don’t generate anything you’d be ashamed to show your mother!
A. But this technology can be dangerous as well.
B. You just need to have some experience with technology as well as a proper computer.
C. Therefore, AI technology will be used more and more wildly in the future.
D. AI text-to-image generators will become as common and easy to use as Google image search.
E. Rather, it will categorize every possible detail.
F. Meanwhile, the generator can help people to recognize various information accurately.
【答案】67. B 68. E 69. A 70. D
根据前文“Have you ever wondered what you would look like as a cartoon character or a marvel superhero With the power of artificial intelligence (AI) text-to-image generators, you can create images just like that - without any art skills.(你有没有想过自己变成卡通人物或漫威超级英雄会是什么样子?借助人工智能(AI)文本到图像生成器的力量,您可以创建这样的图像-无需任何美术技能)”可知,B项“You just need to have some experience with technology as well as a proper computer.(你只需要有一些技术经验和一台合适的电脑)”承接上文,表明不需要美术技能,只需要一些技术经验和一台合适的电脑,符合文意。故选B项。
根据前文“AI text-to-image generators are trained through a process called machine learning. In this process, the generator’s “brain” is fed massive numbers of images and learns to distinguish what they are. But the generator doesn’t just learn to tell the difference between a banana and a balloon.(人工智能文本到图像生成器通过一种称为机器学习的过程进行训练。在这个过程中,生成器的“大脑”被输入大量的图像,并学会区分它们是什么。但生成器不仅学会区分一个香蕉和一个气球)”可知,接下来,应该讲述人工智能更加精细的能力,根据后文“These pixel-level details are then stored in a mathematical space.(然后将这些像素级的细节存储在数学空间中)”可知,E项“Rather, it will categorize every possible detail.(相反,它将对每一个可能的细节进行分类)”符合文意,承接上文,引出下文内容。故选E项。
根据前文“This powerful tool is now available to anyone through generators like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E. You can use them to create all kinds of imaginative images.(这个强大的工具现在可以通过像稳定扩散和DALL-E这样的生成器提供给任何人。你可以用它们来创造各种富有想象力的图像)”可知,此处是对前文的总结,以及后文“The dark side(黑暗的一面)”可知,后文开始讲述这项技术不好的一面,所以A项“But this technology can be dangerous as well.(但这项技术也可能是危险的)”和前文构成转折,并引出下文,符合文意。故选A项。
根据前文“For better or for worse(不管是好是坏)”可知,此处是在对前文做总结,所以D项“AI text-to-image generators will become as common and easy to use as Google image search.(人工智能文本到图像生成器将变得像谷歌图像搜索一样普遍和容易使用)”符合文意,是作者对前文的总结,认为它会像谷歌图像搜索一样普遍。故选D项。
IV. Summary Writing
71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Do you have a favorite podcast That can be a difficult question to answer for some as there are so many options. That is because the world is full of interesting topics and thoughts about them. If you feel you have something engaging and valuable to share, start a podcast.
A podcast is a series of audio episodes that cover a particular subject. The first step to creating a podcast is to find your topic. It’s believed that the best topics are ones that you know a lot about and love.
Another important step is to make sure you have the right equipment. While podcast equipment can be complex and expensive, it doesn’t have to be. For your first podcast, you can simply rely on your phone and computer. You can record all of your audio on your phone. Then with your computer — and the right software — you can mix the audio. This is the process of putting your audio together into one perfect-sounding file.
After you have your topic and equipment, you’ll want to choose your format. Your podcast could be one person speaking, two people talking, or many people offering their opinions. Your podcast could also include more than one of these options.
Once you’ve decided, you can start drafting your episodes. However, whatever format or formats you choose, maintain the same structure for each episode. The next step is to find a quiet place and do your recording.
When you’ve completed your recording and audio mixing, you’ll need to find a platform for your podcast. Luckily there are plenty of free and paid platform options on which to upload your podcast. Before uploading, make sure you have an interesting title and good tags for your show. Be sure to post about your show on social media. Get your podcast listed in a podcast directory, too. You want to get the word out about your podcast to grow your audience. Your podcast just might become someone’s new favorite.
【答案】It’s about how to start a podcast. First, find a topic you’re familiar with and fond of. Then, get an appropriate equipment and a computer with a right software for processing. Third, choose a format, single, double or more people involved. Fourth, draft your document and record it. Finally, find a platform to release. (54 words)
【详解】1 要点摘录
①If you feel you have something engaging and valuable to share, start a podcast.
②A podcast is a series of audio episodes that cover a particular subject. The first step to creating a podcast is to find your topic.
③Another important step is to make sure you have the right equipment.
④After you have your topic and equipment, you’ll want to choose your format. Your podcast could be one person speaking, two people talking, or many people offering their opinions.
⑤Once you’ve decided, you can start drafting your episodes.
⑥The next step is to find a quiet place and do your recording.
⑦When you’ve completed your recording and audio mixing, you’ll need to find a platform for your podcast.
Find a topic that you are familiar with and enjoy.
Find the right equipment and a computer with the right software to do the processing.
Choose a format that involves single, double or multiple participants.
Draft your documents and write them down.
【点睛】[高分句型1] It’s about how to start a podcast. (运用一个“疑问词+不定式”结构介绍本文的主题。)
[高分句型2] First, find a topic you’re familiar with and fond of. (运用了省略关系代词的定语从句将第二段内容进行重组)
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the word given in the brackets.
72. 坦白说,你昨天在会上表达的观点还是有争议的。(controversial)(汉译英)
【答案】Frankly speaking, what you said at the meeting yesterday is still controversial.
【详解】考查主语从句、固定短语和时态。“坦白说”作状语,用固定短语frankly speaking,位于句首,首字母大写。主语“你昨天在会上表达的观点”用主语从句,根据“昨天”可知从句用一般过去时,故用what you said at the meeting yesterday,其中what引导主语从句,且在从句中作said的宾语。“还是有争议的”理解为“目前还是有争议的”故主句用一般现在时,故用is still controversial表示。故翻译为:Frankly speaking, what you said at the meeting yesterday is still controversial.
73. 不管他怎么辩解,也无法说服在场的人认同他是无辜的。(persuade) (汉译英)
【答案】However he tried to find an excuse for himself, he couldn’t persuade the people present to believe that he was innocent.
【详解】考查状语从句,宾语从句和动词。分析所给中文句子,“不管他怎么辩解”应该用however引导的让步状语从句,主语是“他”,译为“he”,“辩解”作谓语,可翻译为“try to find an excuse for himself”描述的是已发生的事,用一般过去时,“也无法说服在场的人认同他是无辜的”作主句,主语是“他”,译为“he”,“无法说服”作谓语,根据题干要去用persuade,译为“couldn’t persuade”,“在场的人”作宾语,译为“the people present”,“认同”为不定式作宾语补足语,译为“to believe”,“他是无辜的”为that引导的宾语从句,译为“he was innocent”。故译为:However he tried to find an excuse for himself, he couldn’t persuade the people present to believe that he was innocent.
74. 在填写高考志愿时,如果你的意见和父母的意见相左时,你会怎样妥善处理?(agree) (汉译英)
【答案】While filling in the college entrance examination application, if your idea doesn’t agree on your parents’, how would you like to solve it properly
【详解】考查状语从句中的省略、状语从句和动词。表示“在填写高考志愿时”应为时间状语从句,引导词为while,表示“填写高考志愿”应为fill in the college entrance examination application,结合句意,该句描述的是动作在进行,从句主语和主句主语一致,且含有be动词,所以从句可以省去“主语+be动词”,应译为while filling in the college entrance examination application,位于句首时,while的首字母需大写;表示“如果你的意见和父母的意见相左时”应为if引导的条件状语从句,表示“你的意见”应为your idea,表示“你的父母的意见”可以使用所有格形式your parents’,表示“相左”也就是“不一致”应为agree on的否定形式,结合句意可知,条件状语从句描述的是客观事实,所以此处使用一般现在时,主语your idea为第三人称单数,所以表示“不一致”应为doesn’t agree on,所以条件状语从句译为if your idea doesn’t agree on your parents’;表示“你会怎样妥善处理”应为特殊疑问句,表示“怎样”应为how,表示“妥善处理”应为solve it properly,表示“你会……”应为you would like to do sth.,在疑问句中,将would提至主语之前,所以主句应译为how would you like to solve it properly。故翻译为While filling in the college entrance examination application, if your idea doesn’t agree on your parents’, how would you like to solve it properly
75. 现在,上海很多小区都开了便民食堂,这无疑给居民带来了很大的便利,特别是孤寡老人和工作繁忙顾不上做饭的人。(which) (汉译英)
【答案】At present, many communities have opened convenience dining rooms in Shanghai, which, out of question, bring great convenience to the residents, especially for the lonely elderly and those who are too busy to cook.
【详解】考查定语从句、名词短语、介词短语、动词短语和固定句型。时间状语“现在”可用固定短语at present,主语“很多小区”可用名词短语many communities,为复数,“开便民食堂”可用动词短语open convenience dining rooms,“上海”可理解为地点状语,用介词短语in Shanghai表示,且此处描述过去发生的行为对现在造成的影响,时态宜用现在完成时,open应变为have opened。“这无疑给居民带来了很大的便利,特别是孤寡老人和工作繁忙顾不上做饭的人”可理解为是对“便民食堂”的补充说明,可将convenience dining rooms作为先行词,指物,可用which引导非限制性定语从句,先行词在从句中作主语,为复数,“无疑”可用介词短语out of question,用于强调,“给……带来很大的便利”可用动词短语bring great convenience to,“居民”可用名词短语the residents,“特别是”可用固定表达especially for,“孤寡老人”可用名词短语the lonely elderly,“和”可用并列连词and;“工作繁忙顾不上做饭的人”可用who引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词those,表示“……的人”,those在从句中作主语,“工作繁忙无法做某事”可用固定句型be too busy to do sth.,“做饭”可用动词cook;且整个定语从句描述的是当前的情况,时态宜用一般现在时,bring应保持原形,be动词应用are。故译为:At present, many communities have opened convenience dining rooms in Shanghai, which, out of question, bring great convenience to the residents, especially for the lonely elderly and those who are too busy to cook.
VI. Guided Writing
76. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
Dear Mr. Li,
I am writing to express my preference for the presentation style of using short notes while doing the weekly classroom duty report. The reason for this is threefold.
Firstly, this method allows me to convey the important points clearly and succinctly. It helps me to focus on the essential information and deliver it to the class effectively. Secondly, it reduces the possibility of making mistakes or forgetting important details while presenting. Thirdly, short notes make me more confident and less nervous, as I can refer to them and maintain eye contact with the audience.
In contrast, I feel that reading from a prepared manuscript or memorizing the whole report can be stressful and may lead to stumbles or errors. Moreover, it may be difficult to maintain a natural flow of language.
In conclusion, I believe that using short notes is an effective and efficient way to present my weekly duty report. I hope you will consider my preference for the upcoming weeks.
Li Hua
【详解】1. 词汇积累
首先:firstly→first of all
集中注意:focus on→concentrate on
2. 句式拓展
原句:Firstly, this method allows me to convey the important points clearly and succinctly. It helps me to focus on the essential information and deliver it to the class effectively.
拓展句:Firstly, this method allows me to convey the important points clearly and succinctly, which helps me to focus on the essential information and deliver it to the class effectively.
【点睛】[高分句型1]Thirdly, short notes make me more confident and less nervous, as I can refer to them and maintain eye contact with the audience.(运用了as引导的原因状语从句)
[高分句型2] In conclusion, I believe that using short notes is an effective and efficient way to present my weekly duty report.(运用了that引导的宾语从句以及动名词作主语)