人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection词汇解析讲义-


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection词汇解析讲义-
格式 docx
文件大小 31.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-29 12:45:22



Unit 3词汇笔记
1 graph n.图;图表;曲线图
2 emission n.排放物;散发物;排放
3 melt vi.(使)融化;熔化;软化
melt the snow融化积雪
melt the chocolate/butter融化巧克力/黄油
melt your heart融化你的心
melt away(人群)渐渐散去;逐渐消失
melt into逐渐变成······;逐渐融入······
melting eyes能打动人的眼睛
half-melted ice 半融化的冰
4 starve vi. &vt.(使)挨饿;饿死
starve to death饿死
starve for 渴望获得,迫切需要
starve(vi)for=be starving (adj) for
starve oneself使自己节食
starving children饿极了的孩子
die of/from starvation 饿死
close to starvation 即将饿死
suffer from starvation 遭受饥饿
5 seal n.海豹
6 ecology n.生态;生态学
7 release vt.&n.排放;释放;发布
release sb.from从······释放某人;免除某人······
a good way of releasing stress释放压力的好方法
release a new book 发行一本新书
the release of sth. into...某物向······的排放
the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere 二氧化碳向大气层的排放
8 methane n.甲烷;沼气
9 carbon n.碳
10 dioxide n.二氧化物
11 carbon dioxide二氧化碳
12 habitable adj.适合居住的
habitable zones宜居区
habitable areas 居住面积;居住空间
habitable space居住空间
monkeys in natural habitat自然栖息地的猴子
the protection of wildlife habitat野生生物生活环境的保护
habitat conservation 栖息地保护
13 sustain vt.维持;遺受;承受住
sustain the children's interest保持孩子们的兴趣
sustain a colorful lifestyle保持丰富多彩的生活方式
the sustainable success 可持续的成功
develop sustainable products发展可持续的产品
sustainable development 可持续发展
a period of sustained economic growth 经济持续增长的时期
14 sustainable
15 fossil n.化石
16 fuel n.燃料;刺激性言行
17 fossil fuel化石燃料(如煤或石油)
18 comprehensive
a comprehensive survey/study全面的调查/研究
comprehensive quality 综合素质
beyond (one's) comprehension令人费解
=impossible(for sb.) to understand
listening/reading comprehension听力/阅读理解
have no comprehension of...不明白·······
19 worldwide
a worldwide influence世界性的影响
attract worldwide attention引起全世界的关注
win a worldwide reputation 誉满全球
an increase in worldwide sales全球销售额的增长
global adj.全球的
international adj.国际的
universal adj.全世界的
20 trend n.趋势;趋向;动向
economic/social/political trends经济/社会/政治趋势
a growing trend towards...有朝向······增加的趋势
current trends in language teaching当前语言教学的趋势
a downward/an upward trend in sales销售额下滑/上升的趋势
set a new trend 开一个新风气
21 frequently adv.频繁地;经常
frequently asked questions常见的问题
frequently join in class discussions经常参加课堂讨论
a frequent visitor to our house我们家的常客
frequent changes 顺繁的变动
frequent use 经常使用
the frequency of........的发生率
22 broadcast
vt. & vi.l broadcast, broadcast/broadcasted )
a live broadcast(n.)现场直播
a news broadcast(n.)一档新闻节目
23 policy n.政策;方针;原则
adopt a policy 采取一种政策
foreign/domestic policy外交/国内政策
例Honesty is the best policy.诚实为上策。
24 footprint
n.足迹; (某物所占的)空间量;面积
25 restrict vt.限制;限定;束缚
26 restriction
27 seize vt.抓住;夺取;控制
seize an opportunity 抓住机会
seize power 夺取政权
seize sb.by the arm抓住某人的胳膊
be seized by curiosity 好奇心顿起
be seized by panic 突然惊慌失措
28 basin n.流域;盆地;盆
29 penguin n.企鹅
30 reform v吃& vt.改革; (使)改正;改造
31 undergo v.( underwent, undergone )
undergo surgery 进行外科手术
undergo a complete transformation蜕变
undergo tests/repairs经受考验/接受检修
32 implement v.使生效;贯彻;执行
implement measures 实施措施
implement changes/policies/reforms实施变革/政策/改革
the implementation of the new system 新体系的实施
33 harmonious adj和谐的
a harmonious society/community一个和谐社会/社区
a harmonious combination of colors协调的色彩搭配
work very harmoniously together合作得十分融洽
social/racial harmony社会/种族融洽
live/work in harmony和睦地生活工作
in harmony with 与······协调
34 moderate adj.适度的;中等的;温和的
moderate views/policies温和的见解/政策
students of moderate ability能力一般的学生
cook over a moderate heat用文火烹调
a moderate drinker 不过多饮酒的人
moderate wage demands合理的工资要求
a moderate amount of 适量的·····
35 submit L&vi.提交;呈递;屈服
submit sth.to sb.向某人提交/呈递某物
submit an application/a complaint呈递申请书/提交控诉书
submit oneself to...顺从于/屈服于······
submit to threats 向威胁低头
a gesture of submission 投降的手势
the deadline for submission提交的最后期限
36 annual adj每年的; - -年的
an annual event一年一度的大事
an annual budget年度预算
an annual subscription 年度订阅费;一年期订阅
subscribe annually 每年订购
gather annually一年一度地聚会
be held annually 每年举行一次
37 tropical adj.热带的;来自热带的
38 chaos n.混乱;杂乱;紊乱
in chaos处于混乱状态
economic/political chaos经济/政治混乱
cause total chaos导致一片混乱
chaos theory 混沌理论
39 on behalf of代表(代替)某人
on behalf of=on sb.'s behalf代表lf of = on sb.'s某人,常在句中作状语。
on behalf of my colleagues代表我的同事
on behalf of the department 代表部门
on one's own behalf代表某人自己
40 nuclear
41 sensitive
a sensitive and intelligent young man一个善解人意、聪明的年轻人
a sensitive issue/topic 敏感的话题
a highly sensitive electronic camera高度灵敏的电子摄像机
be sensitive to 对·····.敏感/过敏/体贴
be sensitive to criticism 对批评敏感
be sensitive to seafood 对海鲜过敏
be sensitive to other people's feelings体谅他人的感情
·be sensitive about 对····.·神经过敏
be sensitive about her weight很忌讳谈她的体重
sensible adj.明智的;合理的
sensible advice 合理的建议
42 jungle n.(热带)丛林;密林
43 smog n.烟雾(烟与雾混合的空气污染物)
44 originate vi. &vt.起源;发源;创立
originate from源自·····.
originate from a variety of sources来源广泛
originate somewhere 源自某处
in origin 起源于
by origin 原籍为····..
the origin of life on earth地球上生命的起源
the original meaning of the word这个单词的本义
an original idea独到的见解
a highly original design非常独特的设计
45 volume n.量;体积; (成套书籍中的) -卷
46 garbage n.垃圾;废物
47 enterprise n.公司;企业;事业
48 restore vt.恢复;使复原;修复
restore one's sight恢复某人的视力
restore the documents恢复文件
restore our faith 恢复我们的信心
restore sth. to sth.使某物恢复到某种状态
49 conservation
wildlife/forest conservation野生生物/森林保护
conservation area(动植物)保护区
biodiversity conservation保护生物多样性
conservation standards保护标准
conservation fund 保护基金
conserve energy 节约能源
new laws to conserve wildlife in the
the conservative views保守观念
at a conservative estimate按照保守的估计
50 dozen n.(-)打;十二个
51 dozens of许多;很多
two dozen eggs两打鸡蛋
several dozen people几十个人
space for a half-dozen tables可摆六张桌子的空间
①接不可数名词:a large amount of,much,a great deal of,a little等。
②接可数名词复数:many, dozens of,scores of,a great/good many,a number of,a few等。
③既可接可数名词复数又可接不可数名词:a large quantity of,plenty of,a lot of,lots of,some等。
52 regulation n.章程;规章制度
too many rules and regulations过多的规章制度
fire/safety/building regulations防火条例/安全规章/建筑法规
under the new regulations 根据新的规定
regulate the flow of water 调节水流
be regulated by law受法律的制约
regulatory authorities 监管部门
53 disposal n.去掉;清除;处理
garbage disposal 垃圾处理
the disposal of nuclear waste核废料的处理
dispose of处理;消除;击败;解决
the difficulties of disposing of nuclear waste处理核废料的困难
dispose of the waste 处理废物
dispose of problems解决难题
54 inspection n. 检查;查看;视察
regular inspections定期检查
be available for inspection 可供查看
inspect the damage 查看损坏情况
inspect the scene 检查现场
inspect the army检阅部队
inspect the work 检查工作
a school/health/safety inspector学校/卫生/安全检查员
55 fine vt. .对....处以罚款
fine sb.some money 罚某人一些钱
fine him for breaking the traffic rules因为违反交通规则而罚他钱
get fined heavily遭到重罚
fine n.罚金,罚款
pay a fine支付罚金
a heavy fine 巨额罚金
56 campaign n.运动;战役
vi. & vr.参加运动;领导运动
campaign n
a national/nationwide campaign全国性的运动
a carefully organized campaign精心策划的运动
launch a campaign发起一场运动
run/conduct/carry out a campaign开展运动
campaign v
campaign for支持···的运动
campaign against 反对···的运动
57 waterway n.水道;航道
58 tolerate vt.忍受;包容;容许
tolerate 常用于否定句或疑问句,与can,could等情态动词连用,表示“不能忍受,不能容忍”。近义词(短语)有 stand,bear,put up with等。
·can't tolerate sb./sth不能忍受某人/某物
can't tolerate the air pollution不能忍受空气污染
·can't stand(sb.)doing sth.不能忍受(某人)做某事
can't stand being called a liar不能忍受被称为撒谎者
59 agenda n.议程表;议事日程
an item on the agenda议程上的一个项目
be removed from the agenda从议事日程上取消
be high on the agenda/at the top of
the agenda当务之急
60 Norway 挪威(北欧国家)
61 Svalbard 斯瓦尔巴群岛(挪威)
62 Hurricane Katrina
along with与...一起
along with 意为“与······一起”,连接主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式要和along with 前面的主语保持一致。
Peter,along with his parents,were invited to the party.(x)
Peter,along with his parents,was invited to the party.(V)
有类似用法的词还有with,together with,as well as,except,rather than,including,in addition to等。
be shocked to see/hear...震惊地看到/听到······
be shocked that...对······感到震惊
辨shocking adj.令人震惊的
shocked adj.感到震惊的
be shocked by对...感到震惊
a piece of shocking news一条令人震惊的消息
a shocked look/expression 震惊的表情
shock vt.使震惊;使气愤
It shocks sb. to do sth.做某事让某人感到震惊。
It shocks sb. that.....·让某人感到震惊。
shock n.震惊;震动;打击;休克
in shock处在震惊中
with a great shock大为震惊
electric shock触电;电休克
culture shock 文化冲击
have an impact on对...有影响
make an impact on 对·····有影响
have/make no impact on对····.·没有影响
have an effect/influence on对······有影响
have no effect/influence on对···.·没有影响
make a difference(to)(对·····.)有影响
make no difference(to)(对···...)没有影响
refer to查阅;参考;提到
refer to his experiences谈到他的经历
refer to a dictionary 查词典
give the speech without referring to notes脱稿发表演讲
refer the matter to the editor把问题提交给编辑
refer to...as...把······称为······
in/with reference to 关于;根据·····而论
be trapped in陷入;被困于
be/get/become trapped in a traffic jam遇到交通堵塞
be caught in/by陷入;卷人
be/get stuck in 被困在······
be caught in a shower 遇到阵雨
get stuck in a bad situation被困于窘境
常用过去分词短语trapped in,stuck in,caught in作状语或定语。
take action to do sth采取行动做某事
take measures to do sth.
=take steps to do sth.采取措施做某事
restrict one's freedom限制某人的自由
restrict oneself/sb. to (doing) sth.限制自己/某人(做)某事
be restricted to members only仅对会员开放
import/speed restrictions进口/速度限制
take responsibility for对...负责(=have responsibility for)
take responsibility for what you said对你说的话负责
take full responsibility for the damage对损失承担全部责任
have the responsibility to protect the earth 承担保护地球的责任
It is one's responsibility to do sth.做某事是某人的职责。
responsible adj.
be responsible for sb./sth.
be responsible for doing sth.
Who's responsible for the mess 是谁弄得这么乱?
Carelessness is responsible for his failure.粗心是他失败的原因。
④(向主管或上级)负责,承担责任be responsible to sb.向某人负责析
force sb to do sth强迫某人做某事(=force sb into doing sth)
这是“动词+sb.to dosth.”结构的短语,动词不定式作宾语补足语。
advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事
remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事
encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事
persuade sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事
allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事
forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事
enable sb.to do sth.使某人能做某事
in search of寻找
a/the search for 寻找,搜寻
search for/search...for...
search for his name on the list在名单上寻找他的名字
search all the drawers for my purse翻遍所有抽屉找我的钱包
in danger of有······的危险
in need of需要
in possession of 占有,持有,拥有
in charge of负责;主管
in favour of支持;赞成
in memory of 为了纪念
in honour of 向·······表示敬意
link A to/with B把A与B连接/联系起来
link A and B(together)把A与B连接/联系起来
link up(with...)(与······)结合,连接
a direct link between...and...······和······之间的直接联系
·join A to B
·connect A with/to B
·relate A to B
aim to do sth.目的是做某事
=aim at doing sth.=aim at doing sth.
=be aimed at doing= be aimed at doing sth.目的是做某事,旨在做某事
be aimed at sb.针对某人
with the aim of 以······为目的
achieve one's aim 达到某人的目标
take aim at 瞄准······
result in结果,导致
bring about; contribute to;lead to;
cause;give rise to
result in a lack of concentration导致注意力不集中
bring about effects 产生效果
lead to a shortage 导致不足
cause trouble 造成麻烦
give rise to misunderstanding引起误会,导致误解
result from由······引起;由于
result from carelessness 由于粗心
die out灭绝(风俗等)消失
in danger of dying out濒临灭绝的危险
die away(声音、光线、风等)逐渐减弱
The wind died away at dusk.黄昏时风逐渐减弱了。
·die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐平息(有递减的过程)
The noise has died down.喧闹声逐渐消失了。
·die off相继死去(有递减的次序)
Many trees are dying off for lack of water.许多树因缺水而相继枯死。
take notes做笔记
take notes of relevant information把相关的信息记下来
take notes of what the speaker says记下发言人说的话
take notes of表示“记下.··..”,而
take note of 则表示“留心,注意”,
相当于take notice of
compare notes with sb.与某人交换意见
refer to your notes参考你的笔记
be harmful to sth对...有害
be harmful to sth.=do/cause harm to sth.对某物有害
be harmless to 对······无害
do more harm than good 弊大于利
mean no harm/not mean any harm无意伤害,没有恶意
There's no harm in doing sth./It does no harm to do sth.做某事没有害处。
do sb.good=do good to sb.对某人有好处
do sb.wrong=do wrong to sb冤枉某人
contribute to为..做出贡献
make a contribution/contributions to为······作出贡献;向·····捐款
contribute money to the flood-stricken area向洪水灾区捐款
contribute time to the activity把时间花在活动上
lead to,result in,bring about,cause,give rise to
on board在船(火车、飞机)上
on board the plane/ship/train在飞机上/船上/火车上
go/get on board the plane/ship/train上飞机/船/火车
board a plane 登上飞机
board at Gate 7在7号登机口登机
a boarding school寄宿学校
a boarding card/pass登机牌
end up 最终,结果,结束
end up with以····结束(后接表示具体事物的名词)
反义短话:begin start with
end up with a triumph以胜利告终
end up in 以····结束
end up in the river最后落入河中
end up as最终成为··...
end up as the warmest year on record最终成为有记录以来最温暖的一年
end up doing sth.以做某事而告终
end up giving up his dream最终放弃他的梦想
in addition另外,此外=additionally
in addition 可用于句首、句中或句末,用于句首或句中时,通常用逗号与句子的其他部分隔开。
in addition 与 in addition to
·in addition“另外,此外”,单独作状语;
·in addition to“除······之外(还)”,是介词短语,后面要接名词、代词
或动名词,相当于介词 besides和介词短语 as well as,apart from。
apart from/except(for)除了···.(不包括)
apart from/besides/in addition to除了···之外(还)(包括)
as a result结果(表示结果,单独用作状语,其后不接宾语)
as a result of由于(作原因状语,后接名词或代词)
due to,owing to,because of,as a consequence of,in consequence of,thanks to,n account of
struggle with/against..同··搏斗
struggle with/against illness与疾病作斗争
struggle with/against natural disasters 对抗自然灾害
struggle to do sth.努力做某事
struggle to learn foreign languages努力学习外语
struggle for sth.努力争取某物
struggle for rights/justice/equality/
struggle to one's feet挣扎着站起来
now that 相当于 since,引导原因状语从句。
在口语中 that 可省略,now仍表示“既然”。
Now (that) it is raining,let's stay in the cabin for a break. 既然下雨了,让我们在小屋里休息一下吧。
now that,since,because,as引导原因状语从句时,主句前不能再加 so.既然你已准备好了,那我们现在就出发吧。
Now that you are ready,so we set off now.(x)
Now that you are ready,we set off now.(V)