

名称 四川省泸县重点中学2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-29 15:01:24


第I卷 选择题(100分)
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
Scientific educational toys can develop kid’s reasoning, problem-solving and critical thinking capacity and improve their hand-eye coordination. But the most powerful thing is that the children will associate learning with fun. That means they will grow into adults with a thirst for knowledge and a highly developed set of skills for learning. Here are some of the best:
·Science Kit
You can guarantee two things if you buy your kids one: a lot of fun and a lot of mess. It’s a 20-piece kit that teaches the basics of chemical reactions. It’s recommended for kids aged 6 and above, with adult company. You don’t have to be a scientist, since there is an activity book with instructions for possible experiments.
·Mini Terra Kit
You don’t have to wait for the sun to come out to teach kids about the natural world. This all-inclusive kit is a miniature garden that simulates a natural environment by using a powerful LED light. It includes a terrarium jar, light-up jar lid, Micro USB charger, and all the natural ingredients to get started. It also has a simple instruction booklet that you can work through with your kids.
·Gravity Run
This classic is not just about building a structure and watching the marbles go up and down. The games are designed for kids aged 8+ to develop spatial awareness, planning, and reasoning. With 60 challenges (beginner to expert), this award-winning game can be enjoyed by all the family. The expert levels are actually quite challenging, so be prepared for some failures.
·WeRo Kit
This prize-winning robot toy features over 840 pieces, a WeRo Move Hub, Interactive Moto, and a Distance Sensor. You can build it into 5 completely different robots, meaning endless fun for the kids and even adults. Once they’ve built the character of their choice, they can programme it to perform countless tasks including walking and talking on its own.
21. What is the greatest strength of scientific educational toys
A. Training young scientists. B. Stimulating learning desire
C. Developing hand-eye coordination. D. Building up problem-solving habits.
22. Which toy suits kids who enjoy growing plants
A. Science kit. B. Mini Terra Kit. C. Gravity Run. D. WeRo Kit.
23. What is special about WeRo Kit
A. It has different levels. B. It is the only prize-winner.
C. It requires parental guidance. D. It involves programming skills.
【答案】21. B 22. B 23. D
细节理解题。根据第一段中“But the most powerful thing is that the children will associate learning with fun. That means they will grow into adults with a thirst for knowledge and a highly developed set of skills for learning. (但最重要的是,孩子们会把学习和乐趣联系在一起。这意味着他们长大后会对知识充满渴望,并拥有高度发达的学习技能)”可知,科学教育分析的最大力量是激发学习欲望。故选B。
细节理解题。根据Mini Terra Kit部分中“This all-inclusive kit is a miniature garden that simulates a natural environment by using a powerful LED light.(这个包罗万象的工具包是一个微型花园,通过使用强大的LED灯模拟自然环境)”可知,Mini Terra Kit是一个微型花园,通过使用强大的LED灯模拟自然环境。由此可知,对种植植物感兴趣的孩子可以选择该科学教育玩具。故选B。
细节理解题。根据WeRo Kit部分中“Once they’ve built the character of their choice, they can programme it to perform countless tasks including walking and talking on its own.(一旦他们建立了自己选择的角色,他们就可以给它编程,让它执行无数的任务,包括自己走路和说话)”可知,WeRo Kit可续教育玩具不同的地方在于可以为创建的角色编程,并且让该角色执行任务。故选D。
I’ve been keeping an honesty journal for the past several months. The day I started the journal my 6-year-old daughter asked me if the cat really went to sleep last year, and if that actually meant that I had killed him. I sighed, wondering if I should wait to start this honesty project until she was grown-up. But I braved it and told her that I had made the choice for him to die, because he was suffering and I wanted him to be at peace. She lost interest about halfway through my explanation.
It struck me that the choice to lie or be honest was often a choice between two equally undesirable things. Telling my daughter the truth did not make me happier, but lying wouldn’t have either.
Over all, I found that I struggled more with the small instances of honesty, rather than the big. So, when a client accidentally paid me twice for a project, there was no internal debate. It was $1,000, so obviously, I notified the client. But when the McDonald’s drive-through cashier gave me an extra dollar in change and the line had been so long and my kids were acting crazy in the back seat... it was a different story. Even though I gave the dollar back, I almost didn’t, because an extra dollar was such a small thing and seemed somehow justified.
Even though honesty felt like a struggle, I started to like how it felt. When I was more honest, I tended to feel better about my relationships and myself. I like the saying, “Everybody wants the truth, but nobody wants to be honest.” I didn’t always want to be honest. But I wanted the truth, and this focus on honesty helped me feel that I was doing my part.
The bottom line is that focusing on honesty is a way to actively engage with the world, instead of passively complaining about it. It might even make you feel like you have gold in your brain.
24. How did the author’s daughter react to her explanation
A. She paid little attention to it.
B. She thought it was incredible.
C. She would rather the author lied to her.
D. She was very sad and blamed the author.
25. What lesson did the author learn from the cat event
A. Telling a white lie was not acceptable.
B. Making the choice for the cat was wrong.
C. Lying and being honest were a tricky pair.
D. Telling the truth could make people happy.
26. What does the author want to show by mentioning her McDonald’s experience
A. It’s crazy to choose to be honest.
B. People are likely to have two characters.
C. It’s the small instances that test one’s honesty.
D. People tend to ignore honesty concerning small things.
27. What is the author’s attitude toward honesty
A. It is impossible to expect it. B. It is good to focus on it.
C. It is reasonable to popularize it. D. It is hard to learn from it.
【答案】24. A 25. C 26. D 27. B
【详解】1.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“She lost interest about halfway through my explanation. (我刚解释到大约一半,她就失去了兴趣。)”可知,作者的女儿对作者的解释不关注。故答案是A。
2.推理判断题。根据第二段“It struck me that the choice to lie or be honest was often a choice between two equally undesirable things. Telling my daughter the truth did not make me happier, but lying wouldn’t have either.(我突然意识到,选择说谎还是诚实,往往是在两件同样不受欢迎的事情之间做出选择。告诉女儿真相并没有让我更快乐,但撒谎也不会。)”可推断,从关于猫的事件中,作者意识到诚实和撒谎之间的关系是棘手的。故答案是C。
3.推理判断题。第三段首句“Over all, I found that I struggled more with the small instances of honesty, rather than the big. (总的来说,我发现我更纠结于诚实的小问题,而不是大问题。)”是本段的主题句。之后作者采用了对比的写作手法,将客户重复支付和麦当劳找零的事进行对比,说明主题。因此推断提到她在麦当劳的经历是为了说明人们倾向于忽视对小事的诚实。故答案是D。
4. 推理判断题。在文章最后两段,作者发表了对诚实的看法。根据倒数第二中“Even though honesty felt like a struggle, I started to like how it felt. When I was more honest, I tended to feel better about my relationships and myself. (尽管诚实是一种挣扎,我开始喜欢上这种感觉了。当我变得更诚实时,我往往对我的人际关系和我自己感觉更好。)以及最后一段“It might even make you feel like you have gold in your brain. (它甚至可能让你觉得你的大脑里有金子)”可知,作者认为关注诚实是有好处的。故答案是B。
Fewer than 250 people have feasted their eyes on the Titanic since it was discovered on the seabed of the North Atlantic Oceans in 1985, but a small number of citizen explorers will make the epic two-mile journey to the depths this year.
OceanGate Expeditions announced its second annual expedition to the wreck in the summer of 2022. The Titanic Expedition is conducted as a series of eight-day missions starting in May and ending in June 2022, and each seat costs $250, 000.
Aaron Newman, OceanGate Expedition Mission Specialist during the 2021 trip, said in a statement: “This is one of the most interesting and unique experiences I have ever had. Less than around 200 people have ever been down to the Titanic and seen the wreck in 110 years. Even diving to almost 4000 meters in a submersible (潜水器) is an experience onto itself. That’s what life is about.”
The citizen explorers will begin their adventure by sailing on the expedition ship from St. John’s in Newfoundland, Canada, to the site of the Titanic wreckage, located 370 miles away. The Titan submersible is equipped with the latest camera technologies to capture ultra-high-resolution imagery (超高清影像) that will help determine the wreck’s rate of decay and assess the marine life that dwell on it. An experienced submersible pilot, P. H. Nargeolet said in a statement: “We have a lot of room inside the Titan submersible. We can have five people in the sub and there is a big view port.”
The Titanic, which was called the “unsinkable ship”, went down on April 14, 1912, four days into her first voyage from Southampton, England to New York. The giant ship collided with an iceberg and in the end, 1,517 of the 2,224 passengers and crew aboard died.
According to the National Oceanic and Atomspheric Adminstration, te ship is likely to collapse within the next 40 years.
28. What did Aaron Newman think of the 2021 expedition to the wreck of Titanic
A. It was fantastic. B. It was expensive. C. It was demanding. D. It was worthless.
29. What does the underline word “it” in paragraph 4 refer to
A. The rate of decay. B. The wreck. C. The high-tech camera. D. The Titan submersible.
30. What do we know about the 2022 Titanic expedition
A. Explorers will go to the depth of 370 meters under the sea.
B. Explorers can learn about the marine life on the wreck through a high-resolution telescope.
C. Explorers will have a series of eight-day missions in the fall of 2022.
D. Explorers will share a big view port in the spacious submersible.
31. What’s the purpose of paragraph 5
A. To present a detail. B. To introduce the expedition.
C. To add the background information. D. To attract people to buy the 2022 trip.
【答案】28. A 29. B 30. D 31. C
细节理解题。根据第三段第二行“This is one of the most interesting and unique experiences I have ever had.(这是我有过的最有趣和最独特的经历之一)”可知,亚伦·纽曼认为2021年泰坦尼克号残骸的探险很棒。故选A。
词义猜测题。根据第四段第二句话“The Titan submersible is equipped with the latest camera technologies to capture ultra-high-resolution imager that will help determine the wreck’s rate of decay and assess the marine life that dwell on it.(泰坦潜水器配备了最先进摄像技术来拍摄超高清影像, 这些超高清影像可以帮助判断这个沉船体的腐烂程度和评估居住在它(泰坦尼克号沉船体)上面的海洋生物)”可知,it指的是泰坦尼克号沉船体。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第四段最后两句“We have a lot of room inside the Titan submersible. We can have five people in the sub and there is a big view port.(泰坦潜水器里有很多空间。我们可以在潜艇上坐五个人,还有一个大视角)”可知,探险者将在宽敞的潜水器中共享一个大视角。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第五段“The Titanic, which was called the “unsinkable ship”, went down on April 14, 1912, four days into her first voyage from Southampton, England to New York. The giant ship collided with an iceberg and in the end, 1,517 of the 2,224 passengers and crew aboard died.(1912年4月14日,被称为“不沉之船”的泰坦尼克号在从英国南安普顿到纽约的第一次航行的第四天沉没。这艘巨轮与冰山相撞,最终2224名乘客和船员中有1517人死亡)”可知,第五段是为了给整篇文章提供一个背景知识。故选C。
For years, doctors have given blood to patients who need it to survive. These transfusions usually include giving red blood cells to patients.
Blood transfusions aren’t as simple as taking blood from one person and giving it to someone else. There’re several different blood types that don’t all mix well. If someone gets a transfusion of the wrong kind of blood, their body will reject the blood cells, causing problems. For the first time ever, scientists from the University of Bristol, Britain, are carrying out a new trail: testing red blood cells grown in a laboratory on human volunteers. The scientists have used stem cells (干细胞) from a blood sample to grow billions of brand new red blood cells.
This could be even better than a regular blood transfusion. For one thing, they can be adjusted for people with different blood types. That’ll be extremely helpful for people with rare blood types. Also, a normal transfusion has red blood cells of all different ages, which means only a small part of them are brand new. The red blood cells grown in the lab are brand new, and this means they last longer and that patients will need fewer transfusions.
To test its safety, researchers have given a couple of teaspoons of the blood to two healthy people, both of whom seem to be doing just fine after the transfusions. In all, they’ll be tested on 10 people, and compared to normal transfusions. The new process doesn’t indicate that normal blood transfusions will disappear. Meanwhile, growing red blood cells in a lab is extremely expensive. And a lot of work and testing still need to be done. But if it’s successful, the process could make life much easier for patients who often need transfusions-even those with rare blood types.
32 What is special about the red blood cells in1 the experiment
A. They’re given by those with rare blood types.
B. They’re collected from seriously ill patients.
C. They’re specifically for a single blood type.
D. They’ve never existed in any human bodies.
33. What is the disadvantage of normal blood transfusion
A. Blood reserves are often inadequate.
B. It often takes the patient a lot of time.
C. Most normal blood cells don’t live long.
D. It’s unfit for those with rare blood types.
34. What can be inferred about the new process of red blood cells
A. It will have a long way to go.
B. It’ll replace normal transfusions.
C. It will separate rare blood types.
D. It’ll reduce blood research costs.
35. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. Blood Transfusions Get Easier
B. Rare Blood Types Are Not Rare
C. Rare Blood Cells Need Donating
D. Scientists Test Lab-created Blood
【答案】32. D 33. C 34. A 35. D
细节理解题。根据第二段中的“For the first time ever, scientists from the University of Bristol, Britain, are carrying out a new trail: testing red blood cells grown in a laboratory on human volunteers. The scientists have used stem cells (干细胞) from a blood sample to grow billions of brand new red blood cells.(英国布里斯托大学的科学家有史以来第一次在人类志愿者身上测试实验室中生长的红细胞。 科学家们使用来自血液样本的干细胞来培养数十亿个全新的红细胞)”可知,这些红细胞是在实验室中培养生长的,而不是在人体内。故选D项
细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The red blood cells grown in the lab are brand new, and this means they last longer and that patients will need fewer transfusions.(在实验室中生长的红细胞是全新的,这意味着它们的持续时间更长,患者需要的输血更少)”可知,常规的血细胞寿命不长。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据尾段中的“Meanwhile, growing red blood cells in a lab is extremely expensive. And a lot of work and testing still need to be done.(同时,在实验室中培养红细胞非常昂贵。还有很多工作和测试需要做)”可推知,红细胞的处理过程还有很远的路要走。故选A项。
主旨大意题。根据首段中的“For years, doctors have given blood to patients who need it to survive. These transfusions usually include giving red blood cells to patients.(多年来,医生一直为需要血液生存的患者提供血液。这些输血通常包括给患者提供红细胞)”以及第二段中的“For the first time ever, scientists from the University of Bristol, Britain, are carrying out a new trail: testing red blood cells grown in a laboratory on human volunteers. The scientists have used stem cells(干细胞) from a blood sample to grow billions of brand new red blood cells. (英国布里斯托大学的科学家有史以来第一次在人类志愿者身上测试实验室中生长的红细胞。科学家们使用来自血液样本的干细胞来培养数十亿个全新的红细胞)”可知,本文主要讲述的是科学家在实验室研发的一种红细胞输血方式。由此可知,Scientists Test Lab-created Blood(科学家测试实验室创造的血液)适合作本文最佳标题。故选D项。
Knowing How and When to Say Sorry Can Build Better Friendship
Have you ever argued with a friend and said or done something you regretted ___36___. Knowing how to apologize can help you become friends again and to understand why you fell out in the first place.
Why do we argue
We argue for all kinds of reasons. For example, you might think your football team is fantastic, but your friend disagrees, or you don’t want someone to join in your game. Sometimes, especially if you are angry, things can become out of control, and you’ll say or do something you regret. ___37___. But it’s important to resolve your differences afterwards so bad feelings don’t get worse. This is where an apology can help.
What does saying sorry mean
We all make mistakes, and apologizing is a way of admitting we’ve got something wrong and will try not to do it again. ___38___ . An apology needs to show the other person that you are genuinely sorry, you accept responsibility for your actions, and that you want their forgiveness.
Sometimes another person may pressure you into taking the blame when it has nothing to do with you. If you feel this is happening, try talking about why you argued in the first place and explain how it made you feel. If you still can’t agree, you could ask a parent or teacher to help you resolve the problem.
Does apologizing always work
A genuine apology is a magic word. It may take time for someone to understand and forgive. ___40___. But you can feel good about trying to fix things and promising yourself to do better next time.
A. What if it’s not my fault
B. How should we apologize to others
C. Try it again if you fail to get others’ forgiveness
D. Even after you’ve said sorry, you could still feel bad
E. Arguing and disagreeing with others occasionally is normal
F. It may be hard to say sorry, but if you want to make something better you must try
G. Sometimes it can be hard to put things right, especially when feelings have been hurt
【答案】36. G 37. E 38. F 39. A 40. D
根据前句“Have you ever argued with a friend and said or done something you regretted (你是否曾经和朋友争吵过,说过或做过让你后悔的事情 )”和后句“Knowing how to apologize can help you become friends again and to understand why you fell out in the first place.(懂得道歉可以帮助你们重新成为朋友,也能让你们明白当初为什么会闹翻。)”可知,此处为承上启下句,与朋友吵过架之后,感情肯定受到伤害。选择项G“Sometimes it can be hard to put things right, especially when feelings have been hurt(有时候很难把事情摆正,尤其是当感情受到伤害的时候)”符合上下文语境。故选G。
根据后句“But it’s important to resolve your differences afterwards so bad feelings don’t get worse. (但重要的是事后解决你们的分歧,这样糟糕的感觉就不会变得更糟。)”可知,前后为转折关系,偶尔争吵是正常的,但要及时解决分歧。选择项E“Arguing and disagreeing with others occasionally is normal (偶尔与他人争吵或有分歧是正常的)”符合上下文语境。故选E。
根据后句“An apology needs to show the other person that you are genuinely sorry, you accept responsibility for your actions, and that you want their forgiveness. (道歉需要向对方表明你真的很抱歉,你愿意为自己的行为承担责任,你希望他们原谅你。)”可知,道歉很难,但有利于解决问题。选择项F“It may be hard to say sorry, but if you want to make something better you must try (说对不起可能很难,但如果你想做得更好,你必须尝试)”符合上下文语境。故选F。
这里为本段小标题。根据下文“Sometimes another person may pressure you into taking the blame when it has nothing to do with you. If you feel this is happening, try talking about why you argued in the first place and explain how it made you feel. If you still can’t agree, you could ask a parent or leacher to help you resolve the problem. (有时,另一个人可能会迫使你承担责任,但这与你无关。如果你觉得这种情况正在发生,试着谈谈你们当初为什么争吵,并解释它让你有什么感觉。如果你仍然不能同意,你可以让父母或老师帮你解决问题。)”可知,本段介绍不是自己过错的解决方法。选择项A“What if it’s not my fault (如果不是我的错呢)”符合上下文语境。故选A。
根据前句“It may take time for someone to understand and forgive. (一个人理解和原谅可能需要时间。)”和后句“But you can feel good about trying to fix things and promising yourself to do belter next time. (但是你可以在尝试解决问题并承诺自己下次做得更好的过程中感觉良好。)”可知,此处为承上启下句,感觉很糟的原因是不能获得理解与原谅。选择项D“Even after you’ve said sorry, you could still feel bad (即使你说了对不起,你仍然会感觉很糟糕)”符合上下文语境。故选D。
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
Dad was always full of advice, but one of the biggest lessons he taught me was about having a strong work ethic (职业道德). When my brother and I were growing up, we mowed (修剪) yards during the___41___ to earn pocket change. Dad was our___42___. He sold our service to neighbors and offered a price they could not___43___. My brother and I got $ 10 per yard, I later found out our friends were___44___$20 or more for the same amount of work.
Every time we___45___out to mow the lawn, Dad always stood there watching our work. I used to wonder why he came with us in the___46___heat of Florida.
One day we were cutting our next-door neighbor’s yard, with the high grass like a___47___. To make matters worse, we had a(n)___48___ lawn mower that kept turning off. This particular afternoon, I was finishing up and was___49___and sweaty. I pictured the ice cream I would swallow in a minute to____50____ down. I was just about to cut off the lawn mower when I heard my dad yelling, “You____51____a piece.”I was upset, hoping he would let me go home. I____52____ him and kept walking.
He kept pointing and calling me out____53____. So frustrated, I went back to cut that piece of grass. Several days later, other neighbors____54____the good work we did and we soon____55____ more business. We started out with one client, but by the end of the summer we had five, which was all we were
____56____to handling.
The lesson stayed with me: Be ____57____. If you say you are going to perform a job at a certain time, keep your____58____. Give your customers the kind of service you would like to____59____. It shows how sincere you are and how much ____60____ you take in your work.
41. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter
42. A. instructor B. assistant C. salesman D. administrator
43. A. understand B. accept C. promise D. refuse
44. A. charging B. paying C. raising D. spending
45. A. took B. found C. headed D. turned
46. A. limited B. ordinary C. enjoyable D. breathless
47. A. picture B. garden C. jungle D. blanket
48. A. large B. old C. small D. new
49. A. tired B. lonely C. curious D. nervous
50. A. break B. cool C. drop D. tear
51. A. removed B. missed C. finished D. repaired
52. A. rejected B. greeted C. reminded D. ignored
53. A. quietly B. slowly C. excitedly D. angrily
54. A. took notice of B. looked down upon C. put up with D. broke away from
55. A. acquired B. promoted C. advertised D. approved
56. A. addicted B. opposed C. devoted D. accustomed
57. A. intelligent B. professional C. organized D. creative
58. A. word B. attention C. secret D. energy
59. A. handle B. operate C. perform D. receive
60. A. reward B. courage C. pride D. honesty
【答案】41. B 42. C 43. D 44. A 45. C 46. D 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. B 51. B 52. D 53. D 54. A 55. A 56. C 57. B 58. A 59. D 60. A
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我和兄弟成长过程中,我们在夏季会修剪庭院来挣一些零花钱。A. spring春天;B. summer夏天;C. autumn秋天;D. winter冬天。根据前文“we mowed (修剪) yards”及后文“We started out with one client, but by the end of the summer we had five ”可知,此处指在夏季会修剪庭院去挣一些零花钱。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:父亲是我们的推销员。A. constructor教练;B. assistant助手;C. salesman推销员;D. adminstrator行政官。根据后文“He sold our service to neighbors”可知,父亲是我们的推销员。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:父亲向邻居售卖我们的服务,给了他们一个无法拒绝的价格。A. understand理解;B. accept接受;C. promise承诺;D. refuse拒绝。根据后文“My brother and I got $ 10 per yard, I later found out our friends were  4  $20 or more for the same amount of work.”可知,我们的修剪服务价格低廉,邻居无法拒绝。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们兄弟俩修剪一个庭院获得10美元,我之后了解到同样的工作量我的朋友们要价20美元甚至更多。A. charging索价;B.paying支付;C. raising筹集;D. spending花费。根据后文“$20 or more for the same amount of work”可知,朋友在提供修剪服务时要价比我们要高。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:每次我们外出修剪草坪,父亲总是站在那里看着我们工作。A. took拿;B. found发现;C. headed向某一方向前进;D. turned转向。根据后文“Dad always stood there watching our work”可知,当我们外出去邻居家修剪草坪的时候,父亲会看着我们。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我常常想在佛罗里达这样热的令人窒息的天气为什么他要和我们一起来。A. limited有限的;B. ordinary普通的;C. enjoyable令人愉悦的;D. breathless令人窒息的。根据空后“heat of Florida”及语境可知,此处指热的令人窒息的天气。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:一天,我们正在修剪隔壁邻居家的庭院,院子里高高的草丛就像丛林一样。A. picture图片;B. garden花园;C.jungle丛林;D. blanket毯子。根据空前“the high grass”可知,庭院荒草很高,就像丛林里一样。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:使情况更糟糕的是,我们有一台陈旧的除草机,一直熄火。A. large巨大的;B. old陈旧的;C. small小的;D. new崭新的。根据后文“that kept turning off”可知,机器一直熄火,说明这是一台陈旧的除草机。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在那个特别的下午,我汗流浃背,疲惫不堪的完成工作。A. tired累的;B. lonely孤独的;C. curious好奇的;D. nervous紧张的。根据后文“and sweaty”及前文叙述的天气炎热及机器故障可知,我疲惫不堪。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想象着一会儿吞下冰激凌凉爽的情景。A. break打破;B. cool冷却;C. drop降低;D. tear撕裂。根据上文“I pictured the ice cream I would swallow in a minute”可知,我通过想象美味的冰激凌来使自己凉快一点。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我即将要关掉除草机的时候听见父亲大喊“你漏掉了一块草地”。A. removed移除;B. missed错过;C.finished完成;D. repaired修理。根据下文“So frustrated, I went back to cut that piece of grass.”可知,我漏掉了一块草地。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我无视了他的提醒,继续向前走。A. rejected拒绝;B. greeted打招呼;C.reminded提醒;D. ignored忽视。根据后文“kept walking”可知,我无视了他的提醒,没有继续除草。故选D项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:他不停地指着我,生气地喊我回去。A. quietly安静地;B. slowly缓慢地;C. excitedly激动地;D. angrily生气地。根据上文“I ___12___ him and kept walking.”可知,我并没有听取父亲的话,这使父亲很生气。故选D项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:几天后,其他邻居注意到我们的工作质量好,很快我们获得了更多的生意。A.took notcie of注意到;B.looked down upon看不起;C.put up with容忍;D. broke away from脱离。根据前文“I went back to cut that piece of grass.”可知,我最后还是把剩下的工作完成了,所以邻居会们注意到了我们的除草质量。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:几天后,其他邻居注意到我们的工作质量好,很快我们获得了更多的工作。A. acquired获得;B.promoted促进;C. advertised登广告;D. approved赞成。根据前文“other neighbors ___14___the good work we did”可知,邻居们看到我们除草认真负责,所以会有更多人找我们。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一开始我们只有一个客户,但夏末的时候已经有5个了,这就是我们要致力于处理的所有的事。A. addicted使上瘾;B.opposed反抗;C.devoted致力于;D. accustomed习惯于。根据前文“We started out with one client, but by the end of the summer we had five”可知,随着客户的增加,要处理的事情也多了。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我一直记得这件事教会我的经验教训:专业一点。A. intelligent有智慧的;B. professional专业的;C.organized有组织的;D. creative有创造性的。根据后文“If you say you are going to perform a job at a certain time, keep your___18___”可知,从事一件工作的时候,要言而有信,要专业一点。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你说要在特定的时间内完成一项工作,那就要信守承诺。A. word承诺;B. attention注意力;C. secret秘密;D. energy精力。根据前文“I went back to cut that piece of grass”可知,我在父亲的要求下信守承诺的完成了除草工作,之后获得了邻居们的认可。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:你想得到什么的服务,就提供客户同样的服务。A. handle处理;B. operate操作;C. preform表现;D. receive得到。根据前文“Be ___17___. If you say you are going to perform a job at a certain time, keep your___18___. ”可知,我学到的经验教训是你想得到什么的服务,就提供客户同样的服务。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这表明你有多么诚恳以及能从工作当中获得多少报酬。A. reward报酬;B.courage勇气;C. pride自豪;D.honesty诚实。根据前文“ Give your customers the kind of service you would like to___19___.”可知,以对待自己工作的态度对待客户的工作可以表明自己的诚恳态度,也关系到自己获得的回报。故选A项。
第II卷 非选择题(50分)
Pay-for-knowledge platforms and apps, including Weibo, Fenda and Zhihu Live, ___61___ allow people to pay money to have their questions answered by professionals or see online answers provided to others, ___62___(be) becoming popular in China now.
Wang Sicong, the son of Chinese billionaire Wang Jianlin, was reported___63___(receive) 80, 000 yuan for offering a four Chinese character answer on a pay-for-knowledge platform.
The price for that question was___64___(origin) 5,000 yuan. However, Wang’s answer attracted more than 180, 000 Internet users, keen to see the response, who each pay l yuan. The income would ___65___(share) between the platform, Wang and the question raiser, according to___66___(regulation) set by the platform___67___(involve).
Questions about finance and economics as well as health attract the most people and offer a new way for celebrities (名人) to translate___68___ (they) fame into cash.
Prices for celebrity answers also increased with more people___69___(ask) questions online. Yang Lu, the co-founder of Fenda, said the price depended___70___supply and demand. Online celebrities received so many questions that they couldn’t answer them one by one, so the price increased.
In addition, people asking questions could have a share in the income if the question attracted a lot of netizen to hear the answer. The model stimulated (刺激) people to ask more questions.
【答案】61. which
62. are 63. to have received
64. originally
65. be shared
66. regulations
67. involved
68. their 69. asking
70. on##upon
考查定语从句关系词。句意:包括微博、分答和知乎Live在内的知识付费平台和应用程序,允许人们花钱让专业人士回答他们的问题,或者看到别人提供的在线答案,现在在中国正变得流行起来。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,应该用关系代词引导,先行词是前面Pay-for-knowledge platforms and apps, including Weibo, Fenda and Zhihu Live,指物,应用which引导。故填which。
考查时态和主谓一致。句意:包括微博、分答和知乎Live在内的知识付费平台和应用程序,允许人们花钱让专业人士回答他们的问题,或者看到别人提供的在线答案,现在在中国正变得流行起来。分析句子结构可知,“_______allow people to pay money to have their questions answered by professionals or see online answers provided to others”是which引导的非限制性定语从句,主语是Pay-for-knowledge platforms and apps为复数,所以用are和becoming构成现在进行时。故填are。
考查非谓语动词和时态。句意:据报道,中国亿万富翁王健林的儿子王思聪在知识付费平台上提供了一个四个汉字的答案,获得了8万元人民币。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词was reported,所以receive应该用非谓语形式,此处是固定搭配:be reported to do表示“据说/传闻……”,又因为receive发生在was reported之前,所以用动词不定式的完成式。故填to have received。
考查动词语态。句意:根据相关平台制定的规定,这笔收入将由平台、王思聪和提问者分享。分析句子结构可知,本句缺少谓语动词,所以share做谓语,主语是The income,两者间是被动关系,用被动语态,空前是情态动词would,be动词应用原形。故填be shared。
考查非谓语动词。句意:随着越来越多的人在网上提问,名人答案的价格也有所上涨。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词increased,所以ask用非谓语动词形式,在with的复合结构中,名词more people和ask是主动关系,所以用现在分词asking作宾语补足语。故填asking。
考查介词。句意:分答的联合创始人杨路表示,价格取决于供求关系。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定短语:depend on/upon意为“取决于”。故填on/upon。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
71. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每 句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
It has been deep spring now, but the weather is still comfortably. Three of my friend and I went to East Lake the last Sunday. We meet each other at 8:00 am but then we went there by bike. It took us forty minutes get there. We went boating first after we got there. It was really interesting. And then we had a picnic. We prepared some meat, vegetables, corns and another food. We went home at about 4:00 pm and all of them had a great day. I like picnicking outdoors because it makes me feel relaxing. We decide what we will go there again in summer. At that time, we can swim in the lake.
【答案】1. comfortably→comfortable
【详解】1.考查形容词。根据上文is可知此处应用形容词comfortable,作表语。故 comfortably改为comfortable。
2.考查名词的数。句意:上个星期天,我和我的三个朋友去了东湖。friend为可数名词,由three of修饰应用复数形式。故friend改为friends。
3.考查固定短语。句意同上。结合句意表示“上个星期天”可知短语为last Sunday,前面不需要冠词。故去掉the。
6.考查非谓语动词。句意:我们花了40分钟才到那儿。此处为句型“it takes/took sb.+一段时间+to do sth.”,表示“做某事花费某人多少时间”。故get前添加to。
8.考查代词。句意:我们大约在下午4点回家,我们度过了很棒的一天。结合上文“We went home at about 4:00 pm”可知此处指“我们度过了很棒的一天”应用代词us。故them改为us。
9.考查形容词。此处为“make sb. feel+形容词”结构,表示“让某人感觉……”,且此处修饰人应用-ed结尾形容词relaxed,表示“放松的”;relaxing表示“令人放松的”,用于修饰事物。故relaxing改为relaxed。
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
72. 你校正在组织主题为“提高课堂效率”的英语征文比赛,请你写一篇文章参赛,内容包括:
How to Improve the Efficiency in Class
How to Improve the Efficiency in Class
Nowadays, some students are not efficient enough in study. They can't concentrate on study. They can't memorize knowledge well. And some even feel sleepy in class.
Here. I will offer some practical ways, hoping to be helpful to everyone of us. First, whenever you are absent-minded, just remind yourself to be focused. Second, make notes carefully. In this way, you aren't likely to be absent-minded. If you are sleepy, you can stand up for a while with your teacher's permission.
Let's work hard together and make progress in our study.
第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)
efficient; concentrate on; memorize knowledge well; offer; remind yourself; make notes; stand up; with your teacher's permission;
1. Nowadays, some students are not efficient enough in study.
2. They can't memorize knowledge well.
3. Here, I will offer some practical ways, hoping to be helpful to everyone of us.
4. First, whenever you are absent-minded, just remind yourself to be focused.
5. If you are sleepy, you can stand up for a while with your teacher's permission.
1.表文章结构顺序: First, Second,
2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, As well as, not only…but (also), including,
3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n/doing, On the one hand…, On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that…,
4.表因果关系:Because As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result,
【点睛】[高分句型1] Here, I will offer some practical ways, hoping to be helpful to everyone of us.(现在分词作伴随状语)
[高分句型2] First, whenever you are absent-minded, just remind yourself to be focused.(whenever引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型3] If you are sleepy, you can stand up for a while with your teacher's permission. (If引导条件状语从句)泸县五中高2021级高三上期期末考试
第I卷 选择题(100分)
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
Scientific educational toys can develop kid’s reasoning, problem-solving and critical thinking capacity and improve their hand-eye coordination. But the most powerful thing is that the children will associate learning with fun. That means they will grow into adults with a thirst for knowledge and a highly developed set of skills for learning. Here are some of the best:
·Science Kit
You can guarantee two things if you buy your kids one: a lot of fun and a lot of mess. It’s a 20-piece kit that teaches the basics of chemical reactions. It’s recommended for kids aged 6 and above with adult company. You don’t have to be a scientist, since there is an activity book with instructions for possible experiments.
·Mini Terra Kit
You don’t have to wait for the sun to come out to teach kids about the natural world. This all-inclusive kit is a miniature garden that simulates a natural environment by using a powerful LED light. It includes a terrarium jar, light-up jar lid, Micro USB charger, and all the natural ingredients to get started. It also has a simple instruction booklet that you can work through with your kids.
·Gravity Run
This classic is not just about building a structure and watching the marbles go up and down. The games are designed for kids aged 8+ to develop spatial awareness, planning, and reasoning. With 60 challenges (beginner to expert), this award-winning game can be enjoyed by all the family. The expert levels are actually quite challenging, so be prepared for some failures.
·WeRo Kit
This prize-winning robot toy features over 840 pieces, a WeRo Move Hub, Interactive Moto, and a Distance Sensor. You can build it into 5 completely different robots, meaning endless fun for the kids and even adults. Once they’ve built the character of their choice, they can programme it to perform countless tasks including walking and talking on its own.
21. What is the greatest strength of scientific educational toys
A. Training young scientists. B. Stimulating learning desire
C. Developing hand-eye coordination. D. Building up problem-solving habits.
22. Which toy suits kids who enjoy growing plants
A. Science kit. B. Mini Terra Kit. C. Gravity Run. D. WeRo Kit.
23. What is special about WeRo Kit
A. It has different levels. B. It is the only prize-winner.
C. It requires parental guidance. D. It involves programming skills.
I’ve been keeping an honesty journal for the past several months. The day I started the journal, my 6-year-old daughter asked me if the cat really went to sleep last year, and if that actually meant that I had killed him. I sighed, wondering if I should wait to start this honesty project until she was grown-up. But I braved it and told her that I had made the choice for him to die, because he was suffering and I wanted him to be at peace. She lost interest about halfway through my explanation.
It struck me that the choice to lie or be honest was often a choice between two equally undesirable things. Telling my daughter the truth did not make me happier, but lying wouldn’t have either.
Over all, I found that I struggled more with the small instances of honesty, rather than the big. So, when a client accidentally paid me twice for a project, there was no internal debate. It was $1,000, so obviously, I notified the client. But when the McDonald’s drive-through cashier gave me an extra dollar in change and the line had been so long and my kids were acting crazy in the back seat... it was a different story. Even though I gave the dollar back, I almost didn’t, because an extra dollar was such a small thing and seemed somehow justified.
Even though honesty felt like a struggle, I started to like how it felt. When I was more honest, I tended to feel better about my relationships and myself. I like the saying, “Everybody wants the truth, but nobody wants to be honest.” I didn’t always want to be honest. But I wanted the truth, and this focus on honesty helped me feel that I was doing my part.
The bottom line is that focusing on honesty is a way to actively engage with the world, instead of passively complaining about it. It might even make you feel like you have gold in your brain.
24. How did the author’s daughter react to her explanation
A. She paid little attention to it.
B. She thought it was incredible.
C. She would rather the author lied to her.
D. She was very sad and blamed the author.
25. What lesson did the author learn from the cat event
A Telling a white lie was not acceptable.
B. Making the choice for the cat was wrong.
C. Lying and being honest were a tricky pair.
D. Telling the truth could make people happy.
26. What does the author want to show by mentioning her McDonald’s experience
A. It’s crazy to choose to be honest.
B. People are likely to have two characters.
C. It’s the small instances that test one’s honesty.
D. People tend to ignore honesty concerning small things.
27. What is the author’s attitude toward honesty
A. It is impossible to expect it. B. It is good to focus on it.
C. It is reasonable to popularize it. D. It is hard to learn from it.
Fewer than 250 people have feasted their eyes on the Titanic since it was discovered on the seabed of the North Atlantic Oceans in 1985, but a small number of citizen explorers will make the epic two-mile journey to the depths this year.
OceanGate Expeditions announced its second annual expedition to the wreck in the summer of 2022. The Titanic Expedition is conducted as a series of eight-day missions starting in May and ending in June 2022, and each seat costs $250, 000.
Aaron Newman, OceanGate Expedition Mission Specialist during the 2021 trip, said in a statement: “This is one of the most interesting and unique experiences I have ever had. Less than around 200 people have ever been down to the Titanic and seen the wreck in 110 years. Even diving to almost 4000 meters in a submersible (潜水器) is an experience onto itself. That’s what life is about.”
The citizen explorers will begin their adventure by sailing on the expedition ship from St. John’s in Newfoundland, Canada, to the site of the Titanic wreckage, located 370 miles away. The Titan submersible is equipped with the latest camera technologies to capture ultra-high-resolution imagery (超高清影像) that will help determine the wreck’s rate of decay and assess the marine life that dwell on it. An experienced submersible pilot, P. H. Nargeolet said in a statement: “We have a lot of room inside the Titan submersible. We can have five people in the sub and there is a big view port.”
The Titanic, which was called the “unsinkable ship”, went down on April 14, 1912, four days into her first voyage from Southampton, England to New York. The giant ship collided with an iceberg and in the end, 1,517 of the 2,224 passengers and crew aboard died.
According to the National Oceanic and Atomspheric Adminstration, te ship is likely to collapse within the next 40 years.
28. What did Aaron Newman think of the 2021 expedition to the wreck of Titanic
A. It was fantastic. B. It was expensive. C. It was demanding. D. It was worthless.
29. What does the underline word “it” in paragraph 4 refer to
A. The rate of decay. B. The wreck. C. The high-tech camera. D. The Titan submersible.
30. What do we know about the 2022 Titanic expedition
A. Explorers will go to the depth of 370 meters under the sea.
B. Explorers can learn about the marine life on the wreck through a high-resolution telescope.
C. Explorers will have a series of eight-day missions in the fall of 2022.
D. Explorers will share a big view port in the spacious submersible.
31. What’s the purpose of paragraph 5
A. To present a detail. B. To introduce the expedition.
C. To add the background information. D. To attract people to buy the 2022 trip.
For years, doctors have given blood to patients who need it to survive. These transfusions usually include giving red blood cells to patients.
Blood transfusions aren’t as simple as taking blood from one person and giving it to someone else. There’re several different blood types that don’t all mix well. If someone gets a transfusion of the wrong kind of blood, their body will reject the blood cells, causing problems. For the first time ever, scientists from the University of Bristol, Britain, are carrying out a new trail: testing red blood cells grown in a laboratory on human volunteers. The scientists have used stem cells (干细胞) from a blood sample to grow billions of brand new red blood cells.
This could be even better than a regular blood transfusion. For one thing, they can be adjusted for people with different blood types. That’ll be extremely helpful for people with rare blood types. Also, a normal transfusion has red blood cells of all different ages, which means only a small part of them are brand new. The red blood cells grown in the lab are brand new, and this means they last longer and that patients will need fewer transfusions.
To test its safety, researchers have given a couple of teaspoons of the blood to two healthy people, both of whom seem to be doing just fine after the transfusions. In all, they’ll be tested on 10 people, and compared to normal transfusions. The new process doesn’t indicate that normal blood transfusions will disappear. Meanwhile, growing red blood cells in a lab is extremely expensive. And a lot of work and testing still need to be done. But if it’s successful, the process could make life much easier for patients who often need transfusions-even those with rare blood types.
32. What is special about the red blood cells in1 the experiment
A. They’re given by those with rare blood types.
B. They’re collected from seriously ill patients.
C. They’re specifically for a single blood type.
D. They’ve never existed in any human bodies.
33. What is the disadvantage of normal blood transfusion
A. Blood reserves are often inadequate.
B. It often takes the patient a lot of time.
C. Most normal blood cells don’t live long.
D. It’s unfit for those with rare blood types.
34. What can be inferred about the new process of red blood cells
A. It will have a long way to go.
B. It’ll replace normal transfusions.
C. It will separate rare blood types.
D. It’ll reduce blood research costs.
35. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. Blood Transfusions Get Easier
B. Rare Blood Types Are Not Rare
C. Rare Blood Cells Need Donating
D. Scientists Test Lab-created Blood
Knowing How and When to Say Sorry Can Build Better Friendship
Have you ever argued with a friend and said or done something you regretted ___36___. Knowing how to apologize can help you become friends again and to understand why you fell out in the first place.
Why do we argue
We argue for all kinds of reasons. For example, you might think your football team is fantastic, but your friend disagrees, or you don’t want someone to join in your game. Sometimes, especially if you are angry, things can become out of control, and you’ll say or do something you regret. ___37___. But it’s important to resolve your differences afterwards so bad feelings don’t get worse. This is where an apology can help.
What does saying sorry mean
We all make mistakes, and apologizing is a way of admitting we’ve got something wrong and will try not to do it again. ___38___ . An apology needs to show the other person that you are genuinely sorry, you accept responsibility for your actions, and that you want their forgiveness.
Sometimes another person may pressure you into taking the blame when it has nothing to do with you. If you feel this is happening, try talking about why you argued in the first place and explain how it made you feel. If you still can’t agree, you could ask a parent or teacher to help you resolve the problem.
Does apologizing always work
A genuine apology is a magic word. It may take time for someone to understand and forgive. ___40___. But you can feel good about trying to fix things and promising yourself to do better next time.
A. What if it’s not my fault
B. How should we apologize to others
C. Try it again if you fail to get others’ forgiveness
D. Even after you’ve said sorry, you could still feel bad
E. Arguing and disagreeing with others occasionally is normal
F. It may be hard to say sorry, but if you want to make something better you must try
G. Sometimes it can be hard to put things right, especially when feelings have been hurt
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
Dad was always full of advice, but one of the biggest lessons he taught me was about having a strong work ethic (职业道德). When my brother and I were growing up, we mowed (修剪) yards during the___41___ to earn pocket change. Dad was our___42___. He sold our service to neighbors and offered a price they could not___43___. My brother and I got $ 10 per yard, I later found out our friends were___44___$20 or more for the same amount of work.
Every time we___45___out to mow the lawn, Dad always stood there watching our work. I used to wonder why he came with us in the___46___heat of Florida.
One day we were cutting our next-door neighbor’s yard, with the high grass like a___47___. To make matters worse, we had a(n)___48___ lawn mower that kept turning off. This particular afternoon, I was finishing up and was___49___and sweaty. I pictured the ice cream I would swallow in a minute to____50____ down. I was just about to cut off the lawn mower when I heard my dad yelling, “You____51____a piece.”I was upset, hoping he would let me go home. I____52____ him and kept walking.
He kept pointing and calling me out____53____. So frustrated, I went back to cut that piece of grass. Several days later, other neighbors____54____the good work we did and we soon____55____ more business. We started out with one client, but by the end of the summer we had five, which was all we were
____56____to handling.
The lesson stayed with me: Be ____57____. If you say you are going to perform a job at a certain time, keep your____58____. Give your customers the kind of service you would like to____59____. It shows how sincere you are and how much ____60____ you take in your work.
41. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter
42. A. instructor B. assistant C. salesman D. administrator
43. A. understand B. accept C. promise D. refuse
44. A. charging B. paying C. raising D. spending
45. A. took B. found C. headed D. turned
46. A. limited B. ordinary C. enjoyable D. breathless
47. A. picture B. garden C. jungle D. blanket
48. A. large B. old C. small D. new
49. A. tired B. lonely C. curious D. nervous
50. A. break B. cool C. drop D. tear
51. A. removed B. missed C. finished D. repaired
52. A. rejected B. greeted C. reminded D. ignored
53. A. quietly B. slowly C. excitedly D. angrily
54. A. took notice of B. looked down upon C. put up with D. broke away from
55. A. acquired B. promoted C. advertised D. approved
56. A. addicted B. opposed C. devoted D. accustomed
57. A. intelligent B. professional C. organized D. creative
58. A. word B. attention C. secret D. energy
59. A. handle B. operate C. perform D. receive
60. A. reward B. courage C. pride D. honesty
第II卷 非选择题(50分)
Pay-for-knowledge platforms and apps, including Weibo, Fenda and Zhihu Live, ___61___ allow people to pay money to have their questions answered by professionals or see online answers provided to others, ___62___(be) becoming popular in China now.
Wang Sicong, the son of Chinese billionaire Wang Jianlin, was reported___63___(receive) 80, 000 yuan for offering a four Chinese character answer on a pay-for-knowledge platform.
The price for that question was___64___(origin) 5,000 yuan. However, Wang’s answer attracted more than 180, 000 Internet users, keen to see the response, who each pay l yuan. The income would ___65___(share) between the platform, Wang and the question raiser, according to___66___(regulation) set by the platform___67___(involve).
Questions about finance and economics as well as health attract the most people and offer a new way for celebrities (名人) to translate___68___ (they) fame into cash.
Prices for celebrity answers also increased with more people___69___(ask) questions online. Yang Lu, the co-founder of Fenda, said the price depended___70___supply and demand. Online celebrities received so many questions that they couldn’t answer them one by one, so the price increased.
In addition, people asking questions could have a share in the income if the question attracted a lot of netizen to hear the answer. The model stimulated (刺激) people to ask more questions.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
71. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每 句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
It has been deep spring now, but the weather is still comfortably. Three of my friend and I went to East Lake the last Sunday. We meet each other at 8:00 am but then we went there by bike. It took us forty minutes get there. We went boating first after we got there. It was really interesting. And then we had a picnic. We prepared some meat, vegetables, corns and another food. We went home at about 4:00 pm and all of them had a great day. I like picnicking outdoors because it makes me feel relaxing. We decide what we will go there again in summer. At that time, we can swim in the lake.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
72. 你校正在组织主题为“提高课堂效率”的英语征文比赛,请你写一篇文章参赛,内容包括:
How to Improve the Efficiency in Class