人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection Listening and Speaking听力词汇复习练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection Listening and Speaking听力词汇复习练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 19.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-29 19:03:32



面临威胁 _________________________
非法猎杀 __________________________
3. 被认为有价值 ___________________
和平且安全地生活 _________________
5. 实现人与自然的和谐 _______________
6. 与自然和谐共生 _______________________
7. 没有买卖,就没有杀害 _________________ 8. 贴对联 _______________________
9. 放烟花 _______________________
10. 看春晚 _______________________
11. 吃饺子 _______________________
12. 祭祖 _______________________
13. 除夕夜 _______________________
14. 濒危物种 ___________________________
15. 野生物种 ____________________________
16. 以惊人的速度灭亡 ___________________
17. 栖息地流失 _________________________
18. 环境污染 ____________________________
19. 保护濒危生物 _______________________
20. 取得很大进步 _______________________
21. 全球领袖 _______________________
22. 受到攻击 _______________________
23. 就我而言 _______________________
24. 气候变化 _______________________
25. 花费某人时间做某事 ________________
英译汉 (新——熟词新意)
magnificent ______ 2. marvelous ________ 3. legendary _______ 4. benevolent _______ 5. awe __________ 6. descendant________ 7. hand (新)______ 8. hourglass _______ 9. green (新)________ 10. planet ________ 11. survive ________ 12. infer from _______ 13. conservation _____ 14. escape ________ 15. downside _______ 16. permanently _____ 17. accessible _______
18. acceptable_____ 19. qualification______
favorable ______
reflect ________ 22. devote__________ 23. in spite of________ 24. miss out on_____ 25. proof___________ 26. frightened _______
Studies show that a year after heart surgery, survival rates for heart patients were higher for those with pets in their homes than those without pets.
Research confirms that the findings concerning senior citizens can be applied to restless children and that they are more easy-going when there are animals around, with whose company they tend to calm down more easily.
背诵范文 (邀请投稿的通知)
To promote a more harmonious family atmosphere, a short video competition themed I Love My Family will be organized during the winter holiday.
Students who feel interested and have a passion for short videos are welcome to participate in the event. Your video can focus on a typical day in your family, great changes in your family, family history, or unforgettable family trips, showing great love, special talents or good relationships or other positive values. Your entry (参赛作品) is to be sent to 513513223@ by March 5th. Meanwhile, it is required to run no longer than 10 minutes with English subtitles. Good shooting techniques are also appreciated.
If interested, please scan the QR code and fill in application form. Your participation will surely make a difference.
The School English Club
February 3, 2024
面临威胁 face threat 2. 非法猎杀 illegal hunting 3. 被认为有价值 be considered valuable
和平且安全地生活 live in peace and safety 5. 实现人与自然的和谐 achieve harmony between humans and nature 6. 与自然和谐共生 live in harmony with nature 7. 没有买卖,就没有杀害 No buying, no killing. 8. 贴对联 post couplets 9. 放烟花 set off fireworks/ firecrackers 10. 看春晚 watch the Spring Festival Gala 11. 吃饺子 eat dumplings 12. 祭祖 have ancestor worship 13. 除夕夜 New Year’s Eve 14. 濒危物种 endangered animals 15. 野生物种 wildlife species 16. 以惊人的速度灭亡 die out at an alarming rate 17. 栖息地流失 habitat loss 18. 环境污染environmental pollution 19. 保护濒危生物 protect endangered wildlife 20. 取得很大进步 make a lot of progress 21. 全球领袖 global leader 22. 受到攻击 get attacked 23. 就我而言 as far as I’m concerned 24. 气候变化 climate change 25. 花费某人时间做某事 it takes sb. time to do sth.
英译汉 (新——熟词新意)
magnificent 伟大的 2. marvelous 非凡的 3. legendary 传奇的 4. benevolent 仁慈的 5. awe 敬畏;害怕 6. descendant 子孙后代 7. hand (新) 指针 8. hourglass 沙漏 9. green (新) 稚嫩的/环保的 10. planet 星球 11. survive v. 生存 12. infer from 推断 13. conservation 保护区 14. escape 逃跑 15. downside 消极面 16. permanently 永久地 17. accessible 可获得的;可进入的 18. acceptable 可接受的 19. qualification 资格;合格证 20. favorable 有利的;偏爱的 21. reflect 映射 22. devote 奉献;致力于 23. in spite of 尽管 24. miss out on 错过 25. proof 证明 26. frightened 害怕的;吓人的