人教版(2019)必修 第三册期末复习之句子翻译整合练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册期末复习之句子翻译整合练习(含答案)
格式 doc
文件大小 47.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-29 20:52:51



I'm going to to explore the history of the castle.
With Christmas approaching, we bought a Christmas tree .
3.尽管他已经做了一些事情来培养早晨朗读的习惯,但他的发音仍然是个严重的问题。(in spite of + what 从句)
to develop the habit of reading aloud in the morning, his pronunciation remains a serious problem.
This is a very interesting book. I'll buy it, .
5.人们普遍认为,传统节日的特殊之处和生命力在于其文化元素。(There be 句型,belief)
what makes traditional festivals special and keeps them alive is their cultural elements.
6.今年春节期间,各种购票渠道使得买火车票不再困难。(make it+adj.+to do...)
Various ticket buying channels train tickets during the Chinese Spring Festival this year.
So far, more than 3,000 books have been included, ______________ economics and management, with new titles added every day.
What makes the school proud is that universities.
I had to attend an important meeting in Shanghai the next day.
After the hurricane, the disaster area, ranging from businessmen to workers.
Many families visited Yingxiu earthquake site _____________ ______________
in the Wenchuan earthquake.
They don't know in industry and commerce.
,they preferred to go there on foot.
14.领头的男子挥舞着右臂,好像在示意我们停下来。(as if;省略;名词signal)
The man in the lead swung his right arm .
15.儿童万维网将只包含适合13岁以下儿童的精选网站。(select; proper)
The World Wide Web for Kids will only contain under 13.
garbage sorting beneficial to the protection of environment,
to saving natural resources.
17.地震后,他很幸运地回归了正常的生活。(...enough to...)
After the earthquake, normal.
Most of the young people in the country
19.即使有困难,他们依然会坚持做志愿工作。(carry on)
Even if there is difficulty, they will still .
20.人类已经在太空探索和医学方面取得了重大进展。(make progress)
Human beings in space exploration and medicine.
21.一名足球运动员被指控受购,为了让对方球队获胜而故意不进球。(so as to)
A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals
22.我们回到公园,希望能找到她的钱包。(in the hope of)
We returned to the park her wallet.
people living in the small village began to suspect that the earthquake was coming.
Social practice is a better understanding of how society operates.
the number of the students in senior school is increasing.
No matter whether the photos are real or not, the ones who are to blame.
Record a CD. If you have a computer and a microphone, all
The younger generation are raised in a more open environment, which has in tune with their values in life.
, she was encouraged to apply for the programme of vocal music.
written by Hugo Award winner Liu Cixin, The Wandering Earth was the biggest winner in the holiday film market.
The number of foreigners learning Chinese has been growing in recent years,_
the world.
32.老实说,很多年轻人非常重视改善生活质量。(honest, attach)
, a lot of young people the quality of life.
The family had to to pay the hospital bill that amounted to a third of their annual income.
When I woke up, I by doctors and nurses.
35.虽然你看起来很酷,但你不应该穿着这么随意的衣服去参加正式的聚会。(ought to)
Although looking cool, you in such casual clothes.
when he got into the office building.
I can't have you speaking to your mother
38.建议老年人晚上不要喝浓茶,以免睡不着。(in case, fail)
The elderly are advised not to have strong tea in the evening,
1. take advantage of this tour/trip
2. decorated with colourful lights
3. In spite of what has been done/he has done
4. no matter how much it may cost
5. There is a common belief that
6. make it no longer difficult to get/buy
7.ranging from parenting ; to
8.more than 90% of the students have been admitted to/into
9. It never occurred to me that
10. thousands of volunteers headed to/for
11.in memory of those whose lives were claimed
12. how difficult to earn a living
13. Rather than take a bus to go downtown
14. as if making a signal for us to stop
15. selected websites proper for kids
16. Not only is; but also it will make a difference
17. he was fortunate enough to return
18. have a desire for knowledge
19. carry on doing voluntary work
20. have made great progress
21. so as to let the other team win
22. in the hope of finding
23. With many strange phenomena happening
24. an opportunity for students; to gain/have
25. As is mentioned above
26. have the photos uploaded onto the Internet
27. you need is your talent
28. enabled them to develop
29. Born with a beautiful singing voice
30. Adapted from the short story
31.indicating that/which indicates China has a greater impact on
32. To be honest; attach great importance to improving
33. take out a loan
34. found myself lying in bed and surrounded
35. ought not to attend a formal party
36. As a matter of fact; he was spotted by accident
37. in a rude manner
38. in case they fail to fall asleep
39.It’s announced that new speed restrictions would be introduced.
40.It is important that we (should) have a good command of English.
41Absorbed in reading a novel, he didn’t notice the teacher coming in.
42 It’s my honour to give you a warm welcome on behalf of our school.
43.It is typical of him to keep others waiting.
44.I would be grateful if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.
=I would appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.
45Faced with difficulties, they never give up but try their best to find a way out.
46.Weather permitting, we’ll go on a spring outing this weekend.
47Judging from your last letter, you didn’t accept my apology.
48.I returned home only to be told that I should look before I leap.
49.I should have handed in my homework yesterday,but unfortunately I forgot about it totally.
50.It’s bad manners to make fun of the disabled people.