人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists词汇图文讲解讲义


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists词汇图文讲解讲义
格式 docx
文件大小 4.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-01 11:38:02



选必 2 unit 1 词汇
cholera n. 霍乱
Cholera spread like wildfire through the camps.
The man has been infected with cholera.
The cholera outbreak has been contained(控制).
【choler】n. 胆汁,愤怒
diarrhoea n. 腹泻
【构词】Dia-" "通过、通过…" +"-rrhoea" "流动" 或 "流出"
He couldn't go to work because he was suffering from diarrhoea.
dehydration n.脱水
【构词】de- 去掉 + -hydr- 水 + -ation 名词词尾
After a day in the sun without water, she experienced dehydration.
【v.】使脱水, 使干燥_____________________
The heat dehydrated the soil, making it difficult for plants to grow.
infection n. 感染
【构词】in- 入 , 向内 + -fect- 做 , 作 + -ion 名词词尾
She had to take antibiotics(抗生素) to treat her ear infection.
The wound wasn't properly cleaned, leading to an infection.
v. 感染__________________
She infected the whole class with her influenza.
germ n. 微生物
Washing your hands frequently helps to prevent the spread of germs.
Germs can be found on surfaces like doorknobs(门拉手) and countertops(工作台).
proof n. 证据
The fingerprint was used as proof of his presence at the crime scene.
Do you have any proof that the document was delivered(交付)
【v. 】证明________________
Life VS live
belief VS believe
pump n. 泵
She used a pump to inflate(使充气) the bicycle tires.
v. 用抽水机抽
The heart pumps blood throughout the body.
household n. 一家人,家庭
He spends an hour each day doing household chores like washing dishes and vacuuming(吸尘).
handle n. 把手,应对能力
He grabbed the handle of the suitcase.
She has a good handle on managing difficult situations.
v. 解决,处理
She can handle multiple tasks at once.
He knows how to handle this machinery.
intervention n. 介入,出面,干涉
【构词】 inter- 中间 , 之间 , 相互 + -vent- 来 + -ion 名词
The government is considering military intervention in the conflict-torn region(冲突地带).
Medical interventions are often necessary for treating severe health conditions.
link n.联系,链接
https://cn./images/search q=link&qs=n&form=QBIR&sp=-1&lq=0&pq=link%20&sc=10-5&cvid=A602842DADA24B60AE89296A26F41BF7&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&first=1
Can you send me the link to that article
There's a direct link between diet and health.
v. 把……连接起来
The road links all the new towns.
The article links climate change to rising sea levels.
decrease n./v. 减少
【构词】de- 减少 + creas (= -cret- )生长 + -e 动词词尾
【同根词】create v._______________
Crime rates in the city have been on the decrease for the past few years.
The company's profits decreased by 20% last quarter.
【反义】增加v. ___________
statistic n. 统计数值 adj.统计的
The statistic showed a significant increase in unemployment.
epidemiology n. 流行病学
【结构】epi- 在…之间 + -dem- 人民 + -io- + -logy 名词词尾
Epidemiology plays an important role in understanding and controlling public health threats.
n. __________________ epidemic
microscope n. 显微镜
【结构】 -micro- 微 , 小 + -scop- 观察 , 镜 + -e
【同根】n. 望远镜 ______________________
thinking n. 思维,见解
Clear thinking is essential for problem-solving.
Positive thinking can significantly impact one's mental well-being.
Thinking 它通常指的是思考、推理或认知过程。
His thinking on the subject has evolved.
Thought 它指的是思想、观念或思考的结果。
Deep thoughts often lead to great ideas.
protein n. 蛋白质
Chicken, fish, and beans are rich in protein.
A balanced diet should include adequate amounts of protein for overall health.
cell n. 细胞,单间牢房
The human body is composed of trillions of cells.
virus n. 病毒
The common cold is caused by a virus.
The virus spread rapidly through the population.
finding n. 发现,调查结果
Her finding suggested a possible solution to the problem.
The detective shared the latest findings of the investigation with the team.
vaccine n. 疫苗
【smallpox】________ 【cowpox】_________
framework n. 框架,结构
The legal framework provides guidelines for business conduct.
shadow n. 影子,阴影
【同根词】shade n.树荫
The tree cast a shadow over the garden.
The dark clouds brought a sense of shadow over the landscape(风景).
rainbow n.彩虹
concrete n. 混凝土
【构词】con-, 强调。 -cre, 生长,创造
The builders used concrete to lay the foundation of the house.
plasma n.血浆,乳清
aerospace n. 航空航天工业
【构词】 -aer- 空气 + -o- + space 空间
【同根词】aeroplane 飞机
He attended an aerospace conference(会议) to learn about the latest innovations.
aviation n. 航空制造业,航空
【构词】-avi- 鸟 + -ation 名词词尾
He works for a company that specializes in aviation technology.
jet n. 喷气式飞机 v.喷射
assistant n. 助手
The teacher's assistant helped grade papers and prepare lesson plans.
She hired an assistant to help manage her workload.
missile n. 导弹
The military decided to launch missiles as a strategic response.
leadership n. 领导,领导才能
【构词】-miss- (同-mit-)送 , 派 + -ile 名词词尾
【emit】v.排放 【emission】n. 排放
Her strong leadership guided the team through challenging times.
Effective leadership requires good communication and decision-making skills.
concept n. 概念,观念
【构词】con- 共同 + -cept- 拿,抓(同cap)
The new product was based on the concept of sustainability(可持续性).
astronomer n. 天文学家
【构词】-astr- 星 + -o- 中缀 + -nom- 学科 + -y 名词词尾
【disaster】n. _____________
The astronomer discovered a new comet(彗星) using advanced telescopes.
n.天文学 astronomy
fault n.错误
She always finds fault with my work, no matter how hard I try.
shift n.转换,轮班
The day shift at the factory starts at 7 AM.
The company decided to shift its focus towards sustainability.
subscribe v.订购
【构词】sub- 下 + -scrib- 写 + -e 动词词尾
【describe】v. __________
I subscribe to several magazines for updates on current affairs.
n. 订阅____________________
suspect v.怀疑 n.嫌疑人
Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime.
respect ______________
Inspect ______________
blame v. 责备,把.......归咎于 n. 责备
She always tries to blame others for her mistakes.
She is to blame for the misunderstanding due to her lack of communication.
transform v. 改变,使改变形态
n. 变形______________________
【构词】trans- 转变 , 转换 + -form- 形
He used his experiences to transform his life for the better.
cast v. 投射,投掷
The sun cast long shadows on the ground.
n. 全体演员;模子
The movie's cast included several well-known actors.
pour v. 倾倒
defend v. 防守,保卫,辩解
【构词】de-, 向下,离开。 -fend, 击,
【offend】of-, 向前,朝向, -fend, 攻击
It's important to defend your beliefs in the face of opposition.
trace v. 追踪,追溯
【词根】- tract- 拉
【tractor】n. ______________
n. 痕迹,踪迹
The origins of this tradition can be traced back to ancient times.
We traced back our family history to the 18th century.
Trace 强调对事物起源、来源、历史或发展过程的追溯
Track 主要指追踪、监视、记录某事物的过程或发展,通常更侧重于连续性和实时性
severe adj. 严重的
The storm caused severe damage to the coastal town, leaving many homes destroyed.
frustrated adj. 泄气的
Despite his efforts, he was frustrated by the lack of progress in the project.
contradictory adj. 相互矛盾的
【构词】contra- 相反 + -dict- 说 , 讲 + -ory 形容词词尾
【contrast】n. 对立
Her actions and words were contradictory, causing doubt about her true intentions.
multiple adj. 数量多的
【构词】-multi- 多重的 + -ple …倍的
【multimedia】n. ________
multiple choice _________________
raw adj. 生的
The chef served a delicious salad with fresh, raw vegetables.
pure adj.纯净的
pure water
pure heart
substantial adj. 大量的
【构词】sub- 下 , 低 + -st- 站立 , 放置 + -ant 形容词词尾 + -ial 形容词词尾
The scientist presented substantial evidence supporting the theory of climate change.
initial adj. 最初的,开始的
During the initial phase of the project, we gathered all necessary resources.
solid adj. 可靠的,固体的
Despite the challenges, their friendship remained solid and unwavering.
-id 后缀“.......的” liquid 液体的
vivid adj. 生动的
patriotic adj. 爱国的
【构词】 -patr- 父 , 祖国 + iot + -ic 形容词词尾
Patriotic education ______________________
mechanical adj. 机械的
【构词】-mechan- 机器 , 机械 + -ical 形容词词尾
n. 机械师 machinist
n. 机器 ____________
outstanding adj. 杰出的,突出的
gifted adj. 有天赋的
abstract adj. 抽象的
She struggled to grasp the abstract theories presented in the physics lecture.
n. 摘要
steady adj. 稳定的
The doctor noticed a steady improvement in the patient's condition after the new treatment.
brilliant adj. 聪颖的,绝妙的
【来源】来自 beryl, 绿宝石。拼写受 bright 影响
The stars looked especially brilliant against the dark night sky.
She is not only smart but brilliant.
besides adv. 此外