

名称 广东省汕尾市2024届高三上学期1月期末考试英语试卷(含解析)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-02 10:09:44



Hosting the Olympics requires large spending. But in many cases, efficiently utilizing (利用) the post-event venues to maximize ongoing economic benefits is one of the major considerations for the host country. Here are four cities that took different approaches to make full use of their structures of the Olympics.
London, Britain
The Olympic Village for the London Summer Games was transformed into 3,000 high-end apartments and has a nearly 95% occupancy rate. The area of London, called East Village, is seeing several retailers moving in and the development of a playground, and outside exercise areas.
Beijing, China
Built for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, the Water Cube is now Asia’s largest waterpark, called Happy Magic Water Cube, equipped with 13 waterslides, a wave pool and a spa. The second floor also has several restaurants, bars and a museum of Olympic history.
New York, America
The Olympic Village in Lake Placid no longer welcomes athletes now, but instead, it houses criminals as the Federal Correctional Institution. It’s not surprising, though, because having a second public purpose for new buildings was the only way to get funding from the government.
Helsinki, Finland
Originally constructed in 1937, the Tennispalatsi, or Tennis Palace was first used as a basketball venue in the 1952 Summer Olympics. Now, however, it has been transformed into a popular tourist destination as a cultural center with an art museum and a movie theatre.
1.Why do organizers try to reuse their Olympic stadiums
A. To boost national pride. B. To earn international reputation.
C. To increase financial returns. D. To reduce environmental impacts.
2.Which city applied its sports venue to housing improvement
A. Beijing. B. London. C. Helsinki. D. New York.
3.How does the present Olympic Village in Lake Placid differ from the others
A. It has been remodeled into a prison. B. It features cultural exhibitions.
C. It is equipped with advanced facilities. D. It allows commercial activities.
About 30 years ago, an acoustic neuroma (听神经瘤) was found inside my body. The removal of the neuroma caused my temporary balance issues and permanent hearing loss in one ear. Apart from this, I was fine.
Unexpectedly, the neuroma came back years later. It had to be removed again. Otherwise it would threaten the rest of my brain. When I awoke from the second operation, I had stroke-like symptoms. The whole right side of my body almost stopped functioning, and still does.
Overnight my whole identity had changed. I used to effortlessly leap up the stairs two at a time, but now it takes fifteen minutes to struggle. Attempts at the recovery of the old me proved to be fruitless. My family role also shifted from a father to a dependent child, and coupled with my communication problems, this led to increased frustration (沮丧) and anger.
There were concerns too about whether I would ever be accepted again in the wider world. Soon after this I just managed to swim in a pool. A ten-year-old boy I didn’t know came up and asked me if I had been on the water slide yet. As politely as possible, I said no, and we struck up a conversation about it. For the first time a stranger was speaking to me as an equal like before. Though insignificant then, it opened doors to a whole new way of being seen, and seeing myself.
To make sure the neuroma did not reappear, I received radiation treatment for two hours regularly, during which I loved listening to music by Tom Waits, an eccentric (古 怪的) singer most people dislike, but I don’t care. For me, life after brain injury is like Waits’ odd works. Out of failure, ugliness, and horror-the most unpromising raw material-a beautiful diamond can be created that shines out even more brightly because of its dark surroundings.
4.What happened to the author after his single-sided deafness
A. He lost the ability to keep balance.
B. His acoustic neuroma regrew.
C. He underwent two operations in a row.
D. His vision was accidentally damaged.
5.What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A. The author’s efforts to rebuild his disabled body.
B. The author’s self-reflection on his cultural identity.
C. The different attitudes of the author’s family to him.
D. The considerable impact of the author’s brain injury.
6.How did the author find his talk with the boy
A. Reasonable. B. Engaging. C. Life-changing. D. In-depth.
7.What lesson did the author learn from Tom Waits’ music
A. Music is the universal language of mankind.
B. Suffering often leads to new self-discovery.
C. Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear.
D. Live for yourself, not for the approval of others.
When we ignore small tasks deliberately, they balloon from tiny checklist items into big annoyances. It could be a quick email or some boring paperwork-something that will only take a few minutes and yet, somehow, for some reasons, you keep on putting it off.
This is procrastination (拖延症). People who procrastinate tend to delay tasks on purpose until the last minute, or past due date, although they’re fully aware of the negative results. Typically, procrastination is caused by the lack of the ability to organize and plan how to divide time between different activities, but emotions can also be a factor, says Fuschia Sirois, a professor at the University of Sheffield.
It’s easy to understand why we procrastinate on big tasks. They can be physically or mentally demanding and require lots of time and energy. However, small tasks can lead to a particularly annoying form of procrastination. This could be something as simple as making a phone call to a stranger. You are so unwilling and afraid that you might mess it up. This makes worry sit in your mind, reduces your ability to solve the problem and then leads to procrastination. “We don’t procrastinate on tiny tasks because they slip our mind; rather, we make a conscious choice to put off something that might arouse doubt, fear or feelings of incompetence, says Sirois.
Another reason is that small tasks often don’t have hard deadlines. So, it’s easier to have an avoidance reaction because, unlike the big tasks, there’s nothing to push us.
So, how to get small things done Sirois suggests we should move our attention from emotions to actions. “Sometimes, things are coloured by our emotions,” he explains. Once you actually begin a task, you might find it less stressful than you thought when you were procrastinating. And since a tiny task won’t take long, rather than scheduling it, just get cracking. Don’t let tiny things become big monsters.
8.What can we know about people who procrastinate
A. They manage to finish on time.
B. They underestimate the consequences.
C. They might put off work unintentionally.
D. They might have time management problems.
9.Why does the author mention “making a phone call” in paragraph 3
A. To make a comparison with big tasks.
B. To show small things can be physically demanding.
C. To provide an example of overcoming procrastination.
D. To prove procrastination can result from negative feelings.
10.What do the underlined words “get cracking” mean in the last paragraph
A. Make a plan. B. Set a deadline.
C. Take immediate action. D. Adopt a positive attitude.
11.Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A. Why Do We Put off Small Things
B. Why Do Small Things Make Us Worried
C. How Does Procrastination Affect Your Life
D. How Do Negative Feelings Become Procrastination
Last month, a part of the Negro River in the Amazon rainforest reduced to a depth of just 12.7 metres, its lowest level in 120 years, due to the lack of rainfall. In Lake Tefé, about 500 kilometres away, more than 150 river dolphins were found dead, not because of the low water levels, but probably because the lake had reached temperatures close to 40℃.
“The Amazon rainforest in northern Brazil is experiencing a tough time and it is the sum of three things,” says Luciana Gatti, a researcher at Brazil’s National Institute. “The first is deforestation, which is turning rainforest into a drier, hotter place,” she says.
“Additionally, El Ninio climate pattern has begun and it makes things worse,” adds Gatti. El Ni o is a phenomenon which occurs every two to seven years. During El Ni o, winds that usually blow from east to west along the equator (赤道) are weakened or even turn the other way round. This leads to the change of rainfall in South America, causing dry air in the north, where the rainforest lies, and damp air in the south. As a result, countries in the south are currently greeted by heavy rains, while the Amazon is experiencing the lowest rainfall levels from July to September in 40 years.
The third factor is the unusual warming of the water in the northern Atlantic Ocean. The warming of these waters causes the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (热带辐合带), a region of intense cloud and rain formation, to shift north. The ITCZ takes the storms with it, away from Brazil, and causes less rainfall than usual.
Although it is hard to predict when the next drought might strike the Amazon, studies show that climate change is messing with the timing of El Ni o. “The tendency is that we have stronger and more frequent crises,” Gatti says. This could be a disaster for the Amazon rainforest, already hit by deforestation and a warming, drying climate.” The forest’s tipping point is coming closer—and it’s coming quick.
12.What phenomenon does the author describe at the beginning of the text
A. The climate change and flood.
B. The extreme drought and heat.
C. The severe pollution and extinction.
D. The wildlife death and deforestation.
13.According to Gatti, why does El Ni o make things worse
A. The east wind brings hot air.
B. The west wind causes heavy rain.
C. The high temperature has decreased damp air.
D. The wind direction has affected the rainfall pattern.
14.What can be inferred about the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone from paragraph 4
A. It produces rainfall in Brazil.
B. It carries clouds to rainforest.
C. Its movement worsens the drought.
D. Its formation raises the water temperature.
15.What is Gatti’s attitude to the future of the Amazon rainforest
A. Concerned. B. Unclear. C. Positive. D. Objective.
16.The appeal of clay (黏土), with its physicality and boundless creative potential, has attracted artists, technicians, and hobbyists for centuries. ①_________This essay will explore how making pottery offers countless benefits for mental health, including stress relief, sensory engagement, acceptance of imperfection, and self-expression.
Engaging with clay is a comforting activity that can reduce stress and anxiety. The focus and concentration required to sculpt clay can quiet the mind and promote relaxation. In addition to its healing benefits, making pottery provides a comforting sensory experience.②_________This process also involves repetitive motions such as throwing, shaping, and coloring, which can provide a sense of control and accomplishment, boosting self-confidence and reducing negative thoughts.
③_________We may spend hours beautifying our pieces, choosing colors that speak to us, and hoping they will look as we envision after firing. Sometimes they do, especially for the fortunate or skilled. But often, we must learn to accept imperfection. As the experienced potter Meg Biddle puts it, "It’s finding that balance between control and unpredictability that gives me joy."
Creating with clay is an overall experience that engages our hands, fine motor skills, and imagination. It is an extension of ourselves, allowing us to shape the clay with raw emotions while making detailed decisions.④_________
In conclusion, pottery offers countless benefits for our well-being, including stress relief, creative expression, and the ability to let go. As we transform clay into a beautifully finished piece of art, we also take a step closer to our own transformation. Pottery is not just an art form.⑤_________
A. Working with clay means taking your time.
B. But pottery is more than just a creative pursuit.
C. It’s also a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
D. Its touching nature allows the body and mind to unwind.
E. Working with clay also teaches us to accept unpredictability.
F. Through pottery, we have our external and internal desires expressed.
G. The benefits of sculpting clay outweigh the long and tiring process involved.
Andy Wang is a Chinese student at Lawrence University with an excellent college application. However, what sets him apart is his 1 as a popular author and founder of a nonprofit organization.
At the age of 18, Wang 2 his first book, High School Encounter — Seattle. The book describes his 3 as an international student, especially how he 4 the new culture difficultly. Writing became his way to reflect on himself and explore his 5 in a foreign country.
Wang’s book came from his blog and 6 received widespread attention. Believing that nothing is more powerful than a learned mind, Wang 7 the charity “Andy Reading Fund” to provide 8 books and resources for rural students in China. All earnings from his book were presented as 9 to the fund. To date, he has successfully 10 over $7,500 and donated to several schools.
In his latest project, Wang is looking to 11 100 student representatives to sponsor 100 students in need, 12 more students to help those less fortunate.
Although he has not yet decided on a major, Wang is 13 to promote his Fund at the University, where he is one of the only 19 Chinese freshmen.
Ken Anselment, the head of Admissions, regards Wang to be a(n) 14 member, highlighting his innovation, and his 15 for others as qualities that go in line with the university’s values.
17.A. schedules B. achievements C. instructions D. proposals
18.A. published B. ordered C. collected D. accepted
19.A. processes B. researches C. struggles D. regrets
20.A. cheered for B. relied on C. brought in D. adjusted to
21.A. attitude B. principle C. identity D. standard
22.A. naturally B. immediately C. generally D. randomly
23.A. established B. reformed C. joined D. recommended
24.A. recreational B. financial C. educational D. technical
25.A. limitations B. introductions C. references D. contributions
26.A. loaned B. raised C. lent D. paid
27.A. involve B. force C. remind D. teach
28.A. demanding B. promising C. encouraging D. hiring
29.A. confused B. surprised C. worried D. excited
30.A. adventurous B. remarkable C. honest D. grateful
31.A. concern B. curiosity C. politeness D. patience
32.During the Tang Dynasty, poet Li Bai wrote a poem about the tough journey to Shu, comparing it to scaling the vast blue sky. The Shu Roads are named①_________the ancient state of Shu. The builders of the expressway②_________ (link) Jigzhi County in Qinghai Province to Barkam County in Sichuan Province know how complex it is to build a road in the region.
Extending for 219 kilometers, the expressway lies at③_________height of over 3,300 metres. This means that the annual average temperature is just 1.4°C, and can drop as low as -36℃. Since the construction began in 2020, this extreme climate④_________ (limit) work to roughly six months a year. The⑤_________ (hard) section was the 5.5-km Shenzuo tunnel, running through weak and jointed rock masses and⑥_________ (exceptional) complicated land conditions. Ma Kelin, the only female project manager, has learned a tough lesson since she joined the project. It took her over a month⑦_________ (recover) from vomiting and breathlessness.
The expressway, with an⑧_________ (invest) of 30.2 billion yuan, will open to traffic by the end of next year. Many of those⑨_________live along its length are waiting, expecting it to contribute to economic development. The local authority plans an area of 12 square kilometers for potential⑩_________ (tourist) attracted by the new road.
33.假定你是李华,你参加的选修课近期将组织一次校外实地考察,现就“A Field Trip to the City Museum or the Nature Park”在同学们中征求意见,请你给负责该课程的外教Brian写一封邮件,内容包括:
1. 你的意向和理由;
2. 对活动的期待。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
3. 可以适当增添细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Brian,
Best regards,
Li Hua
34.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Josie and I wanted a dog more than anything else on the earth. We wished for one every time we threw coins in a fountain or watched the evening star drop behind the trees. However, our mother believed that we were still too thoughtless to take on the task of raising a pet. She had witnessed our forgetfulness on household chores and getting into small conflicts. In her eyes, these were signs that we lacked the necessary responsibility.
One summer night, as we sat together on the roof, Josie saw something. She pointed down toward a dark shadow, “What’s that ”
For one astonishing second, Josie and I stared at each other. Then we rushed down onto the doorway. There in our yard stood a black dog. Josie made a little kissing noise and held out her hand. The dog came to us slowly, taking a few steps forward, then a step back, not sure whether to trust us. She was so skinny that I could just feel every bone, and her coat was messy.
“We’re going to have a dog!” My inside was full of excitement, just like before Christmas or our birthday.
“What’s a good name ” said Josie.
The perfect name wrote itself in my mind, “Shadow!”
The next day, we piled together all the pocket money we had to buy all kinds of dog foods and hid it in various places because we were afraid Mom wouldn’t approve that if she knew we were feeding a homeless dog.
That night, after our parents were asleep, we silently slipped downstairs to feed Shadow. We carefully poured the dog food into the bowl, trying to make as little noise as possible. Shadow, who had been waiting eagerly by our side, wagged (摇晃) her tail. As we placed the bowl on the floor, a creaking (吱吱的) sound filled the house. Suddenly, the kitchen light was switched on, illuminating the room and revealing our shocked faces.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按所给格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
It was our mother, standing there surprisingly.
Mom decided to give us a chance to prove we could be responsible owners.
1.答案: C
解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段“But in many cases, efficiently utilizing (利用) the post-event venues to maximize ongoing economic benefits is one of the major considerations for the host country.(但在许多情况下,有效利用赛后场馆,使持续的经济效益最大化,是主办国的主要考虑因素之一。)”可知,组织者试图重新利用他们的奥运场馆来增加经济回报。故选C。
2.答案: B
解析:细节理解题。根据London, Britain部分的“The Olympic Village for the London Summer Games was transformed into 3, 000 high-end apartments and has a nearly 95% occupancy rate.(伦敦夏季奥运会奥运村被改造成3000套高端公寓,入住率接近95%。)”可知,伦敦将其体育场馆用于住房改善。故选B。
3.答案: A
解析:细节理解题。根据New York, America部分的“The Olympic Village in Lake Placid no longer welcomes athletes now, but instead, it houses criminals as the Federal Correctional Institution.(位于普莱西德湖的奥运村现在不再欢迎运动员,而是作为联邦惩教所关押着罪犯。)”可知,现在位于普莱西德湖的奥运村与其他奥运村的不同之处在于它被改造成了一座监狱。故选A。
4.答案: B
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“The removal of the neuroma caused my temporary balance issues and permanent hearing loss in one ear.(神经瘤的切除导致了我暂时的平衡问题和一只耳朵的永久性听力损失。)”和第二段中“Unexpectedly, the neuroma came back years later.(没想到几年后神经瘤又复发了。)”可知,作者单侧耳聋后,他的听神经瘤又长出来了。故选B。
5.答案: D
解析:主旨大意题。根据第三段“Overnight my whole identity had changed. I used to effortlessly leap up the stairs two at a time, but now it takes fifteen minutes to struggle. Attempts at the recovery of the old me proved to be fruitless. My family role also shifted from a father to a dependent child, and coupled with my communication problems, this led to increased frustration (沮丧) and anger.(一夜之间,我的整个身份都变了。以前我可以毫不费力地一次跳两层楼梯,但现在需要十五分钟才能挣扎。恢复旧我的尝试被证明是徒劳的。我的家庭角色也从父亲转变为受抚养的孩子,再加上我的沟通问题,这导致我的沮丧和愤怒增加。)”可知,第三段主要讲了作者的脑损伤对他影响很大。故选D。
6.答案: C
解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“For the first time a stranger was speaking to me as an equal like before. Though insignificant then, it opened doors to a whole new way of being seen, and seeing myself.(第一次有一个陌生人像以前一样平等地和我说话。虽然当时微不足道,但它为人们以全新的方式被看待和看待自己打开了大门。)”可推知,作者认为与男孩的谈话改变了他的生活,让他以全新的方式看待自己,故选C。
7.答案: B
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中“For me, life after brain injury is like Waits’odd works. Out of failure, ugliness, and horror-the most unpromising raw material-a beautiful diamond can be created that shines out even more brightly because of its dark surroundings.(对我来说,脑损伤后的生活就像Waits的奇葩作品。从失败、丑陋和恐怖这些最没有希望的原材料中,可以创造出一颗美丽的钻石,它在黑暗的环境中更加闪耀)”可知,作者认为Waits的音乐作品让他懂得,失败、丑陋和恐怖这些最没有希望的原材料可以创造出一颗美丽的钻石,它在黑暗的环境中更加闪耀,这说明作者意识到自己经历的疾病苦难,会让他更加闪耀,由此可推知,作者从Tom Waits的音乐中学到的教训是:苦难常常会带来新的自我发现,故选B。
8.答案: D
解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中“People who procrastinate tend to delay tasks on purpose until the last minute, or past due date, although they’re fully aware of the negative results. Typically, procrastination is caused by the lack of the ability to organize and plan how to divide time between different activities, but emotions can also be a factor, says Fuschia Sirois, a professor at the University of Sheffield.(拖延的人倾向于故意将任务推迟到最后一刻或过期日期,尽管他们完全意识到负面结果。谢菲尔德大学教授Fuschia Sirois表示,通常情况下,拖延症是由于缺乏组织和计划如何在不同活动之间分配时间的能力造成的,但情绪也可能是一个因素。)”可知,拖延的人故意将任务推迟到最后一刻或过期日期,他们缺乏组织和计划如何在不同活动之间分配时间的能力,由此可知,拖延的人可能存在时间管理问题。故选D。
9.答案: D
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中“However, small tasks can lead to a particularly annoying form of procrastination. This could be something as simple as making a phone call to a stranger. You are so unwilling and afraid that you might mess it up. This makes worry sit in your mind, reduces your ability to solve the problem and then leads to procrastination. (然而,小任务会导致一种特别恼人的拖延症。这可能就像给陌生人打电话一样简单。你是如此不愿意,也害怕你会把事情搞砸。这会让你心中充满忧虑,降低你解决问题的能力,进而导致拖延。)”可知,像给陌生人打电话这种小事,会让你心中充满忧虑,这是你的消极情绪,这进而降低你解决问题的能力,导致拖延。由此可推知,作者在第三段提到“打电话”这种小事是为了证明拖延可能是由消极情绪引起的。故选D。
10.答案: C
解析:词句猜测题。根据划线短语上文“So, how to get small things done Sirois suggests we should move our attention from emotions to actions.(那么,如何把小事做好呢?Sirois建议我们应该将注意力从情绪转移到行动上)”和划线短语所在句子“And since a tiny task won’t take long, rather than scheduling it, just get cracking(由于一个小任务不会花很长时间,所以与其安排它,不如get cracking)”可知,做好小事需要将注意力转移到行动上,由此可推知,小任务不会花很长时间,所以我们要立即采取行动解决它,划线短语意为“立即采取行动。”与C项“Take immediate action.(立即采取行动)”意思一样,故选C。
11.答案: A
12.答案: B
解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“Last month, a part of the Negro River in the Amazon rainforest reduced to a depth of just 12.7 metres, its lowest level in 120 years, due to the lack of rainfall. In Lake Tefé, about 500 kilometres away, more than 150 river dolphins were found dead, not because of the low water levels, but probably because the lake had reached temperatures close to 40 C.(上个月,由于降雨不足,亚马逊雨林内格罗河的部分水深降至仅12.7米,为120年来的最低水位。在大约500公里外的特菲湖(Lake Tefé),有超过150只河豚被发现死亡,这并不是因为水位低,而是因为湖水温度达到了接近40摄氏度)”可知,降雨不足,内格罗河的部分水深降至仅12.7米,且湖水温度达到了接近40摄氏度,结合第二段中“The first is deforestation, which is turning rainforest into a drier, hotter place(首先是森林砍伐,这使得雨林变得更加干燥、炎热)”可推知,作者在文章的开头描述了极度干旱和炎热的天气。故选B。
13.答案: D
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中““Additionally, El Ninio climate pattern has begun and it makes things worse,” adds Gatti. El Ni o is a phenomenon which occurs every two to seven years. During El Ni o, winds that usually blow from east to west along the equator (赤道) are weakened or even turn the other way round. This leads to the change of rainfall in South America, causing dry air in the north, where the rainforest lies, and damp air in the south.(“此外,厄尔尼诺气候模式已经开始,这让事情变得更糟,”加蒂补充道。厄尔尼诺现象每两到七年就会发生一次。厄尔尼诺现象期间,通常沿赤道自东向西吹的风会减弱,甚至逆转。这导致南美洲降雨量的变化,导致热带雨林所在的北部空气干燥,而南部空气潮湿)”可知,Gatti认为,厄尔尼诺现象会让事情变得更糟,这是因为风向影响了降雨模式。故选D。
14.答案: C
解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中“The warming of these waters causes the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (热带辐合带), a region of intense cloud and rain formation, to shift north. The ITCZ takes the storms with it, away from Brazil, and causes less rainfall than usual.(这些水域变暖导致热带辐合带(一个云雨密集的区域)向北移动。ITCZ将风暴带离巴西,导致降雨量比平常少)”可知,热带辐合带将风暴带离巴西,导致降雨量比平常少,进而导致极度干旱和炎热。由此推知,热带辐合带的移动加剧了干旱。故选C。
15.答案: A
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中““The tendency is that we have stronger and more frequent crises,” Gatti says. This could be a disaster for the Amazon rainforest, already hit by deforestation and a warming, drying climate.” (加蒂表示:“趋势是我们面临的危机更加严重、更加频繁。对于已经受到森林砍伐和气候变暖、干燥影响的亚马逊雨林来说,这可能是一场灾难。”)”可推知,Gatti对亚马逊雨林的未来很担心。故选A。
解析:①根据上文“The appeal of clay (黏土), with its physicality and boundless creative potential, has attracted artists, technicians, and hobbyists for centuries.(几个世纪以来,粘土的吸引力以其物理性质和无限的创造潜力吸引了艺术家、技术人员和爱好者。)”和下文“This essay will explore how making pottery offers countless benefits for mental health, including stress relief, sensory engagement, acceptance of imperfection, and self-expression.(这篇文章将探讨制作陶器如何为心理健康提供无数的好处,包括缓解压力,感官参与,接受不完美和自我表达。)”可知,空处和上文形成转折关系,说明陶器给人们带来的好处不局限于是一种创造性的追求。B项:But pottery is more than just a creative pursuit.(但是陶器不仅仅是一种创造性的追求。)符合语境。故选B。
②根据上文“Engaging with clay is a comforting activity that can reduce stress and anxiety. The focus and concentration required to sculpt clay can quiet the mind and promote relaxation. In addition to its healing benefits, making pottery provides a comforting sensory experience.(玩黏土是一种令人舒适的活动,可以减少压力和焦虑。雕刻黏土所需的专注和集中可以使心灵平静,促进放松。除了它的治疗效果,制作陶器提供了一种舒适的感官体验。)”可知,玩黏土可以让人身心放松。D项中的“allows the body and mind to unwind”与上文中的“quiet the mind and promote relaxation”对应。D项:Its touching nature allows the body and mind to unwind.(它动人的性质使身心得到放松。)符合语境。故选D。
③空处为段落主旨句。根据下文“But often, we must learn to accept imperfection. As the experienced potter Meg Biddle puts it, “It’s finding that balance between control and unpredictability that gives me joy.”(但通常,我们必须学会接受不完美。正如经验丰富的陶艺家梅格·比德尔(Meg Biddle)所说,“在控制和不可预测性之间找到平衡让我感到快乐。”)”可知,本段主要强调不可预测性。E项中的“unpredictability”是关键词。E项:Working with clay also teaches us to accept unpredictability.(与黏土打交道也教会我们接受不可预测性。)符合语境。故选E。
④根据上文“It is an extension of ourselves, allowing us to shape the clay with raw emotions while making detailed decisions.(它是我们自身的延伸,允许我们在做出详细决定的同时,用原始的情感塑造黏土。)”可知,陶器可以帮助我们表达外在和内在的欲望。F项:Through pottery, we have our external and internal desires expressed.(通过陶器,我们表达了外在和内在的欲望。)符合语境。故选F。
⑤根据上文“Pottery is not just an art form.(陶器不仅仅是一种艺术形式。)”可知,空处承接上文,说明陶器也是自我发现和个人成长的旅程。C项中的“also”和上文中的“not just”对应。C项:It’s also a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.(这也是一次自我发现和个人成长的旅程。)符合语境。故选C。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,让他与众不同的是他作为受欢迎的作家和非营利组织创始人的成就。A. schedules计划;B. achievements成就;C. instructions说明;D. proposals建议。由上文“what sets him apart”和下文提到的“At the age of 18, Wang_______his first book, High School Encounter-Seattle. ”,“Believing that nothing is more powerful than a learned mind, Wang________the charity “Andy Reading Fund” to provide________books and resources for rural students in China.”王写了一本书,且他成立了慈善机构“安迪读书基金”,为中国农村学生提供教育书籍和资源可知,这些都是他取得的成就,所以此处让他与众不同的是他作为受欢迎的作家和非营利组织创始人的这些成就,故选B。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:18岁时,王出版了他的第一本书《高中邂逅—西雅图》。A. published公布;B. ordered命令;C. collected收集;D. accepted接受。由下文“his first book, High School Encounter-Seattle.”和“Wang’s book”可知,他出版了第一本书,故选A。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这本书描述了他作为一名国际学生的挣扎,特别是他如何艰难地适应新文化。A. processes过程;B. researches研究;C. struggles奋斗,挣扎;D. regrets后悔。由下文“difficultly”可知,他作为一名国际学生遇到了很多困难,即作为一名国际学生他苦苦挣扎,故选C。
解析:考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:这本书描述了他作为一名国际学生的挣扎,特别是他如何艰难地适应新文化。A. cheered for为……加油;B. relied on依靠;C. brought in引进;D. adjusted to适应。由下文“the new culture”可知,作为一名国际学生,应该要适应新文化,故选D。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:写作成为他在异国他乡反思自我、探索自我身份的方式。A. attitude态度;B. principle原则;C. identity身份;D. standard标准。由上文“Writing became his way to reflect on himself and explore his”和下文“in a foreign country”可知,在异国他乡,他反思自我、探索自我的身份,故选C。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:王的书发布在他的博客上,立即受到广泛关注。A. naturally自然地;B. immediately立即,马上;C. generally大概;D. randomly随机地。由下文“received widespread attention.”可知,王的书发表在博客上,立即受到了广泛关注,故选B。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:王相信没有什么比博学的头脑力量更强大,因此他成立了慈善机构“安迪读书基金”,为中国农村学生提供教育书籍和资源。A. established建立,成立;B. reformed改革;C. joined加入;D. recommended推荐。由下文“the charity “Andy Reading Fund””和第一段提到的“founder of a nonprofit organization.”他是非营利组织的创始人可知,他成立了慈善机构“安迪读书基金”这一非营利组织,故选A。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:王相信没有什么比博学的头脑力量更强大,因此他成立了慈善机构“安迪读书基金”,为中国农村学生提供教育书籍和资源。A. recreational娱乐的;B. financial金融的;C. educational教育的;D. technical技术的。由上文“Believing that nothing is more powerful than a learned mind,”可知,王相信没有什么比博学的头脑力量更强大,由此可知,他应该是为中国农村学生提供教育书籍和资源,故选C。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的书所赚取的所有收入都作为对该基金的捐款。A. limitations限制;B. introductions介绍;C. references参考;D. contributions贡献,捐献。由下文“donated to several schools.”可知,他的书所赚取的所有收入都作为对该基金的捐款,然后捐给学校,故选D。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:迄今为止,他已成功筹集了超过 7500 美元,并向多所学校捐款。A. loaned借出;B. raised提高,筹集;C. lent借出;D. paid支付。由下文“over $7, 500 and donated to several schools.”可知,他筹集钱,并捐给学校,故选B。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在他的最新项目中,王希望让100名学生代表参与其中,资助100名有需要的学生,鼓励更多学生帮助那些不幸的学生。A. involve涉及,参与;B. force强迫;C. remind提醒;D. teach教。由上文“In his latest project”和下文“100 student representatives to sponsor 100 students in need”可知,应该是让100名学生代表参与他的项目,故选A。
解析:考查动词义辨析。句意:在他的最新项目中,王希望让100名学生代表参与其中,资助100名有需要的学生,鼓励更多学生帮助那些不幸的学生。A. demanding要求;B. promising承诺;C. encouraging鼓励;D. hiring雇佣。由下文“more students to help those less fortunate.”和上文提到的王希望让100名学生代表参与他的最新项目中,资助100名有需要的学生,由此可知,他这样做是为了鼓励更多学生帮助那些不幸的学生,故选C。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管尚未决定专业,但王很高兴能在大学宣传他的基金,而且他是学校仅有的19名中国新生之一。A. confused困惑的;B. surprised惊讶的;C. worried担心的;D. excited兴奋的。下文“to promote his Fund at the University, where he is one of the only 19 Chinese freshmen.”提到能在大学宣传他成立的“安迪读书基金”可知,这应该让他很高兴,故选D。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:招生负责人肯·安塞尔门特 (Ken Anselment) 认为王是一位杰出的成员,强调他的创新精神和对他人的关心,这些品质符合大学的价值观。A. adventurous冒险的;B. remarkable显著的,杰出的;C. honest诚实的;D. grateful感恩的。由下文“highlighting his innovation, and his_______for others as qualities that go in line with the university’s values.”和上文提到的王为很多学校捐款可知,他很杰出,故选B。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:招生负责人肯·安塞尔门特 (Ken Anselment) 认为王是一位杰出的成员,强调他的创新精神和对他人的关心,这些品质符合大学的价值观。A. concern关心;B. curiosity好奇;C. politeness礼貌;D. patience耐心。由下文“for others as qualities that go in line with the university’s values.”和上文提到的王关心那些不幸的学生,帮助他们可知,他是关心他人的,故选A。
32.答案:①after②linking③a④has limited⑤hardest⑥exceptionally⑦to recover⑧investment⑨who⑩tourists
解析:①考查介词和固定短语。句意:蜀道是以古代蜀国的名字命名的。分析可知,“be named after…”,固定短语,意为“以……命名”。故填after。
②考查非谓语动词。句意:青海省吉至县至四川省巴尔坎县高速公路的建设者们知道在该地区修建一条公路有多复杂。分析可知,“____2____ (link) Jigzhi County in Qinghai Province to Barkam County in Sichuan Province”为之前名词“the expressway”的后置定语,动词“link”与其之间为主动关系,动词用现在分词形式。故填linking。
③考查不定冠词和固定短语。句意:这条高速公路全长219公里,高度超过3300米。分析可知,“at a height of…”,固定短语,意为“在……的高度”。故填a。
④考查时态。句意:自2020年开始施工以来,这种极端气候将工程限制在每年大约六个月。分析可知,所填动词作谓语,结合时间状语“Since the construction began in 2020”可知,应是现在完成时,主语“this extreme climate”为第三人称单数,用“has done”结构。故填has limited。
⑦考查动词不定式。句意:她花了一个多月的时间才从呕吐和呼吸困难中恢复过来。分析可知,“It took sb. +时间+to do sth”,固定句型,意为“花费某人多少时间做某事”,“It”为形式主语,动词不定式为真正主语。故填to recover。
33.答案:Dear Brian,
As for the upcoming field trip organized for our elective course, visiting the City Museum would be a fantastic choice in my opinion.
Firstly, the City Museum offers a rich cultural experience, allowing us to appreciate the local culture and traditions. Moreover, with a wide range of artworks, and interactive displays, the museum provrides a unique learning opportunity for us. Furthermore, the trip would be enjoyable, which will create lasting fond memories.
I am eagerly looking forward to this field trip and believe that visiting the City Museum will greatly enrich our understanding of our city.
Best regards,
Li Hua
在我看来:in my opinion→as fas as I’m concerned
此外:Moreover→In addition
原句:As for the upcoming field trip organized for our elective course, visiting the City Museum would be a fantastic choice in my opinion.
拓展句:As for the upcoming field trip which will be organized for our elective course, visiting the City Museum would be a fantastic choice in my opinion.
【高分句型1】Furthermore, the trip would be enjoyable, which will create lasting fond memories.(由which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】I am eagerly looking forward to this field trip and believe that visiting the City Museum will greatly enrich our understanding of our city. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
34.答案:It was our mother, standing there surprisingly. Her eyes widened as she saw the scene before her. For a moment, there was silence, only with the creaking sound still lingering in the air. Stammering, we tried to explain to her. We told her about how we found Shadow and our longing for a dog, hoping that somehow our mother would understand it. After a long pause, she finally spoke, “I can see how much you both care for Shadow, and maybe it’s time for us to give her a home.”
Mom decided to give us a chance to prove we could be responsible owners. From that day on, we poured our hearts into taking care of Shadow. We woke up early every morning to take her for walks and diligently cleaned up after her. Gradually, Shadow transformed before our eyes. Her coat became shiny and healthy, and she gained weight. She followed us everywhere like a second shadow. Not only had we achieved our dream of having a dog, we had also earned our mother’s trust and respect.
①照顾:care for / look after
②改变:transform / change
③实现:achieve / realize
①渴望:long for / yearn for
【高分句型1】 We told her about how we found Shadow and our longing for a dog, hoping that somehow our mother would understand it.(运用了现在分词作状语和that引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】 Not only had we achieved our dream of having a dog, we had also earned our mother’s trust and respect.(运用了部分倒装)