

名称 河南省许昌市禹州市中学2023-2024学年高三上学期2月期末英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
格式 zip
文件大小 425.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-02 22:59:16


1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡指定位置,认真核对与准考证号条形码上的信息是否一致,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
2. 选择题的作答:选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答在试题卷上无效。
3. 非选择题的作答:用黑色墨水的签字笔直接答在答题卡上的每题所对应的答题区域内。答在试题卷上或答题卡指定区域外无效。
4. 考试结束,监考人员将答题卡收回,考生自己保管好试题卷,评讲时带来。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.15. C. 9.18.
1. How did the woman go to work
A. By taxi. B. By car. C. By bike.
2. What’s the weather like now
A. Windy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
3. What are they going to do later
A. Go jogging. B. Play basketball. C. Go swimming.
4. Where did the family spend one week in France
A. In Paris. B. In Marseille. C. In Lyon.
5. What’s the trouble with the woman
A. She was ill. B. She was upset. C. She got lost.
6. In which season did this conversation happen
A. In winter. B. In spring. C. In summer.
7. What is the woman’s favorite spot
A. Table tennis. B. Badminton. C. Swimming.
8. What is Mary doing
A. Doing housework. B. Preparing for a exam. C. Working with her boss.
9. Which subject will Mary help Bob with
A. Math. B. Chinese. C. Physics.
10. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A kind of fruit. B. A kind of cake. C. A new dish.
11. What upsets the man
A. Its terrible appearance. B. Its lack of nutrition. C. Its terrible smell.
12. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Boss and secretary. B. Father and daughter. C. Husband and wife.
13. What is the woman doing
A. Watching TV. B. Reading a newspaper. C. Surfing the internet.
14. What attitude does the man have towards students’ behaviors
A. Opposed. B. Supportive. C. Uncaring.
15. What might be a benefit of living in the school dorm
A. More freedom. B. Better living conditions. C. Greater convenience for classes.
16. What kind of person is the man
A. Reserved. B. Brave. C. Generous.
17. What might the speaker be
A. A musician. B. A teacher. C. A writer.
18. When did Beethoven die
A. In 1827. B. In 1770. C. In 1828.
19 Whose style influenced Beethoven greatly
A. Bach and Haydn’s. B. Mozart and Haydn’s. C. Bach and Mozart’s.
20. Which word can best describe Beethoven’s later life
A. Poverty-stricken. B. Fruitful. C. Peaceful.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
From hawk hikes to private sleepovers at the zoo, there is a great selection of animal-related experiences available to groups. Here are some top options to get closer to various wonderful wildlife.
Chester Zoo
The newest attractions here are the Madagascar Lemur Walkthrough experience, which gives visitors the opportunity to walk alongside ring-tailed and red-ruffed lemurs, and the interactive American Wetland Aviary, which is home to birds like scarlet ibises and flamingos. Group rates are available for parties of 15 or more and there are various catering options, including sit-down meals at the restaurant at the heart of the zoo.
ZSL Whipsnade Zoo
Until September 2022, it is offering groups of up to 60 the opportunity to experience a private Nature Night, on which they’ll get to explore the zoo privately after the public has left, take part in activities like quizzes, camp overnight, and get up early for a private tour along the green trail before it reopens to the public again.
West Midland Safari Park
The latest attraction at the park is the new African Walking Trail. Opened in May, the trail features three viewpoints that allow visitors to see the park’s African animals on foot. There’s also a four-mile drive-through safari area with red panda, penguin and lorikeet areas. Groups of ten plus, arriving in the same vehicle, can save more than 40%.
Knowsley Safari Park
The five-mile safari drive through the site takes you past free-roaming lions, rhinos and more than 100cheeky baboons. There’s a foot safari area, where the highlight is the Amur Tiger Trail with transparent walled viewing areas where you can get nose-to-nose with 450-pound tigers. Groups of 15 people and more, arriving in one vehicle, qualify for special ticket rates.
1. Who is the passage intended for
A. Animal-loving students.
B. Forest hiking fans.
C. Group tour organizers.
D Wildlife preservationists.
2. Visitors can experience private tours in ________.
A. Chester Zoo
B. ZSL Whipsnade Zoo
C. West Midland Safari Park
D. Knowsley Safari Park
3. From the passage, we know that ________.
A. delicious meals are offered to tourists in the four parks
B. private tours are available in the four parks
C. all the parks can provide driving-through services
D. visitors can have access to walking trails in the four parks
Super Typhoon Rai (known as “Odette” in the Philippines) made landfall on Siargao Island in southeastern Philippines at 1:30 pm local time on Thursday, December 16. The typhoon was the 15th storm to hit the country in 2021 and was the strongest storm of 2021. Almost 16 million Filipinos were facing threats including strong winds, heavy rains, flooding, landslides, displacement and risking loss of life, home, livelihood and agriculture. Around 700,000 of them were children.
UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) expressed deep concern for children and families at risk and announced its commitment to providing support to the Philippine government. Reyn Ambag was one of the children who were rescued during the typhoon.
12-year-old Reyn Ambag is a grade 7 student living on the island of Siargao. He goes to school in San Isidro National High School which is located in the Municipality of San Isidro. With Values Education as his favorite subject in school, Reyn is always ready to help others.
Reyn is raised by his mother who is a single parent and runs a retail store alone. Aside from his mother, his cousin has also been living with them to help out in the absence of Reyn’s father. Reyn’s mother provides for all three of them. She is able to support their daily needs and Reyn’s schooling by the income she gets from the small retail store.
During Typhoon Odette Reyn’s family stayed inside the comfort room of the school where they were evacuated (疏散) to. There, he witnessed through the window how the strong winds of the typhoon destroyed the area. They stayed there until the storm subsided and it was safe for them to go out. Upon returning to their home, they were astonished to find that their house was damaged due to the fallen trees.
After observing the delays in restoring the electricity in their community, Reyn wanted to pursue a related job in the future. “I want to be an electrician someday so that if a power cut would happen because of a typhoon, I would be able to help in restoring it for free,” said Reyn.
4. What is the first paragraph mainly about
A. Different types of natural disasters.
B. The introduction of a typhoon and its threats.
C. Historical data of the strongest typhoons.
D. The government’s reaction to Super Typhoon Rai.
5. Where does Reyn’s schooling fees come from
A. His father. B. His cousin. C. His family store. D. His part-time job.
6. What does the underlined word “subsided” in paragraph 5 probably mean
A. Broke into. B. Fell apart. C. Went over. D. Died down.
7. Why did Reyn intend to become an electrician
A. To make money to support his family.
B. To reward the community with his work.
C. To restore power in time after typhoons.
D. To meet his mother’s expectations of him.
Procrastination (拖延症) is the act of putting off or delaying an action to a later time. I find one of the most maddeningly illogical causes of procrastination is uncertainty about where to start when I have multiple tasks which all need to be done.
What I want to stress is that I don’t think that procrastination, at least among high achievers like you, is a product of laziness. Among high achieving people, procrastination can be strongly motivated by perfectionism. Because you have high standards for yourself, you cannot do anything unless it’s perfect.
So, what can someone like you, Danny, do Here are the things I would recommend you start doing immediately.
Understand that punishing yourself with negative messages will not help you but only discourage you. You need to accept that you are a well-meaning and talented person who has extremely normal psychological problems and deserves the care from yourself and from others that will help you succeed. Forgive yourself.
If you’re anything like me, you read any tales of successful people with heightened interest. Notice how many of them took detours(绕道)in their lives or suffered any number of failures on their way to success. You are younger than you feel and beyond your short-term tasks which feel at present like your entire career, there are a number of roads that will be open to you in the future. With a wide imagination and firm determination, you will have potentially a huge number of paths to happiness available to you in the future.
Finally, and most importantly, understand that your life is already happening, since you only have a limited number of years in life. Do not waste them thinking your happiness is some time off in the future. Resolve to live your life in the well-rounded happy ways that you want today. Enjoying life and doing what you find most fulfilling is not a reward scheduled for a decade from now. It is something for your whole life, starting day one.
8. What does the author think about procrastination
A. It contributes to stress. B. It results from laziness.
C. It originates from uncertainty. D. It leads to perfectionism.
9. Why does the author mention “successful people” in paragraph 5
A. To raise an issue to figure out. B. To suggest a career to work on.
C. To present role models to learn from. D. To advise an angle to think from.
10. What does the author suggest at last
A. Living in the moment. B. Learning from new resolutions.
C. Thinking about the future. D. Hoping for happiness all the time.
11. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A research paper. B. A personal letter.
C. A health brochure. D. A psychology textbook.
Who cares if people think wrongly that the Internet has had more important influences than the washing machine Why does it matter that people are more impressed by the most recent changes
It would not matter if these misjudgments were just a matter of people’s opinions. However, they have real impacts, as they result in misguided use of scarce resources.
The fascination with the ICT(Information and Communication Technology) revolution, represented by the Internet, has made some rich countries wrongly conclude that making things is so “yesterday” that they should try to live on ideas. This belief in “post-industrial society” has led those countries to neglect their manufacturing sector (制造业) with negative consequences for their economies.
Even more worryingly, the fascination with the Internet by people in rich countries has moved the international community to worry about the “digital divide” between the rich countries and the poor countries. This has led companies and individuals to donate money to developing countries to buy computer equipment and Internet facilities. The question, however, is whether this is what the developing countries need the most. Perhaps giving money for those less fashionable things such as digging wells, extending electricity networks and making more affordable washing machines would have improved people’s lives more than giving every child a laptop computer or setting up Internet centres in rural villages, I am not saying that those things are necessarily more important, but many donators have rushed into fancy programmes without carefully assessing the relative long-term costs and benefits of alternative uses of their money.
In yet another example, a fascination with the new has led people to believe that the recent changes in the technologies of communications and transportation are so revolutionary that now we live in a “borderless world”. As a result, in the last twenty years or so, many people have come to believe that whatever change is happening today is the result of great technological progress, going against which will be like trying to turn the clock back. Believing in such a world, many governments have put an end to some of the very necessary regulations on cross-border flows of capital, labour and goods, with poor results.
Understanding technological trends is very important for correctly designing economic policies, both at the national and the international levels, and for making the right career choices at the individual level. However, our fascination with the latest, and our under valuation of what has already become common, can, and has, led us in all sorts of wrong directions.
12. What are the effects of people’ misjudgments on the influences of new technology
A. It stimulates innovation. B. It affects their personal opinions.
C. It influences their use of resources. D. It leads to improved technology.
13. Why is the “digital divide” a concern related to the fascination with the Internet in rich countries
A. It leads to competition between rich and poor countries.
B. It results in a lack of access to technology in developing countries.
C. It increases the cost of computer equipment in rich countries.
D. It promotes global digital cooperation.
14. From Paragraph 4, we know that ________.
A. donating for technology is always the better option
B. the author does not provide opinions on this matter
C. donating for technology and basic needs should be balanced
D. donating for basic needs should be prioritized over technology
15. What is the passage mainly about
A. Significance of information and communication technology.
B. Serious consequences of over-emphasizing high technology.
C Technological trends guiding economic policy making.
D. How to use donation money in the new age.
There’s a Symphony Just Below the Surface — Can You Hear It
Imagine it’s your birthday, and your friends and family pool their money to get you the best gift you can imagine: tickets for fabulous seats to see your favorite musical act. But what if you got to the venue and something terrible had just happened to you ____16____. Even while facing the prospect of extreme difficulty in your life, you are so thrilled to see your favorite group that for a couple of hours, you can put all of that behind you.
____17____. That is the ability to suspend our fears and worries and focus on what we love. In the example of the concert we know that when the music ends, we may go back to our concerns, but while it’s playing, there is nothing we can do about them, so we might as well just give in.
Life always has its music, and we don’t need to be front-row center at a concert to hear it. Throughout our lives, no matter what else is going on, a melody is present. But we are often so focused on the present moment that we fail to hear the melody. ____18____.
We can become magnificent listeners to life, with enough practice. And let’s face it, this is something we were born to do, so the skill is there, waiting for us to employ it. We can tap into the music, and when we do find ourselves distracted from it, we can use consciousness to bring us right back. It is as simple as saying, “OK, I’m distracted again; I am going to start listening again.” ____19____.
Life is always playing music, but we have to listen, and we listen by being present. We can do this. ____20____. When we do this, we’ll discover that the symphony inside of us is magnificent.
A. As humans, we have been given a wonderful gift
B. These feelings may last several minutes or even last several hours
C. In a word, wisdom and patience are the things that listening to the music of life requires
D. Soon, we will find that we have to redirect ourselves less and less, and we hear the music more and more
E. You’d broken your knees, say, or you learned of a failure of exam
F. The noise of our worry drowns out all the other things we might otherwise hear and enjoy
G. We just need to realize and engage with the music of life that is always playing
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
It’s really easy to feel all alone in life, especially when going through hardship. But sometimes the ___21___ thing we can do is allow ourselves to ask for ___22___ , like Erin did.
Erin worked at a McDonald’s in Michigan. But her pay wasn’t enough to ___23___ rent and she and her twin girls ended up ___24___ . She wanted to sleep in her car which was ___25___ right outside of the girls’ school. However, she wasn’t sure what she was doing was ___26___ .
So, she asked police officer Heather Kolke if they could stay there. But the ___27___ didn’t stop there. Heather, also a mom, knew she had to ___28___ . She and her fellow officers found Erin and her daughters a temporary place to stay. That wasn’t all though: They even got her an ___29___ and went with her to offer moral ____30____ . Luckily, Erin got that job.
Heather also planned a birthday party for Erin’s daughters, with local businesses ____31____ balloons, cake, and pizza.
The whole community ultimately got ____32____ , raising $2,300 in cash, as well as clothes for the kids, items for their new ____33____ , gift cards to help them make ends meet.
“It ____34____ warms my heart to know that there are people out there who ____35____ . It is a reminder that there are good people in the world,” shared Erin.
21. A. last B. odd C. difficult D. best
22. A. help B. forgiveness C. permission D. leave
23. A. guarantee B. cover C. return D. balance
24. A. desperate B. fruitless C. homeless D. disappointed
25. A. repaired B. seen C. abandoned D. parked
26. A. worthwhile B. legal C. wise D. useful
27. A. question B. conversation C. vehicle D. demand
28. A. set out B. walk by C. step in D. look forward
29. A. interview B. innovation C. award D. arrangement
30. A. support B. guidance C. satisfaction D. standard
31. A. producing B. decorating C. designing D. donating
32. A. paid B. involved C. elected D. cleaned
33. A. car B. school C. office D. home
34. A. really B. eventually C. timely D. obviously
35. A. remain B. insist C. care D. share
World Population Day was founded by the United Nations, and this holiday is___36___(annual) observed on July 11th.
The idea of World Population Day started in the late 1960s,___37___world leaders openly declared that adults have the right___38___(choose) whether they wanted children or not. This idea was also viewed as a human right. During this era, leaders were more open about___39___(discuss)child-bearing and the right women had to time their children___40___they wished. While this was just one of the___41___(sign) to the feminist movement in the US, this idea was new to many developing nations at the time.
In 1989, the world population quickly increased to five billion. During this same year, the United Nations founded World Population Day. Both events___42___(occur) on July 11th of that year.
World Population Day is celebrated in many ways much of this depends on the region. For participants who live in countries where gender___43___(equal) is a law, the holiday is meant to be ___44___reflection and celebration of significant moments in history that helped society achieve this basic human right.
Every July 11th, the United Nations also has central celebrations in which all nations____45____(permit) to participate. In addition, the UN holds an annual theme.
第四部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
第一节(满分15 分)
46. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国朋友 Jim 想了解你心中的中国榜样人物,请你给他写一封回信, 内容包括:
1. 该榜样人物的介绍;
2. 成为榜样人物的原因。
注意:首尾已给出,词数为100词左右,可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Dmitry Bondarenko was a Toronto-based artist. One day he had an appointment with a friend for a painting session. So he put the objects including his sketchbook (速写本) in the back basket of his bike and then cycled to meet his friend. But when he arrived and turned to take his things, he was shocked to find his sketchbook was missing.
The 5×7 black sketchbook contained a decade of his works and had great emotional value to him. It included portraits of friends and family, and still life paintings of his great grandfather when he served in Red Army in Russia. The notebook became a visual account of the 40-year-old artist’s life and family history. His parents are Russian and Ukrainian, and he and his family moved to Canada when he was a child.
Dmitry shared that he felt a deep sense of loss when he first discovered his sketchbook missing. He thought that the book must have fallen out of his bicycle’s back basket. So he went back to look for it. First, he retraced his steps and posted dozens of flyers along the bike path through the park. He also checked with park services. Several days later, he still had no clue where his precious sketchbook was, making him extremely sad and anxious.
“I realized the weight of it when it was gone, how precious it is,” Bondarenko said sadly.
In a last-ditch effort to locate his treasured sketchbook, he decided to turn to social media. He shared a post to a neighborhood Facebook group, detailing his trouble. A few other community-oriented Facebook groups reshared the post. Word quickly spread within the local community for everyone to keep an eye out for the missing sketchbook.
In the meanwhile, a man named Chris found the sketchbook in the park. As he picked it up and skimmed through the pages, he found there was no name or address. The paintings in the book were so impressive that he couldn’t take his eyes off. Finally, he decided to leave the sketchbook where it was found, thinking the owner would return to look for it. He leafed through the sketchbook again before putting it down.
1. 续写词数为150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Suddenly, a dishonorable idea occurred to him.
Chris Elam contacted Dmitry at once, telling him that the sketchbook was in his house.
1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡指定位置,认真核对与准考证号条形码上的信息是否一致,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
2. 选择题的作答:选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答在试题卷上无效。
3. 非选择题的作答:用黑色墨水的签字笔直接答在答题卡上的每题所对应的答题区域内。答在试题卷上或答题卡指定区域外无效。
4. 考试结束,监考人员将答题卡收回,考生自己保管好试题卷,评讲时带来。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.15. C. 9.18.
1. How did the woman go to work
A. By taxi. B. By car. C. By bike.
2. What’s the weather like now
A. Windy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
3. What are they going to do later
A. Go jogging. B. Play basketball. C. Go swimming.
4. Where did the family spend one week in France
A. In Paris. B. In Marseille. C. In Lyon.
5. What’s the trouble with the woman
A. She was ill. B. She was upset. C. She got lost.
6. In which season did this conversation happen
A. In winter. B. In spring. C. In summer.
7. What is the woman’s favorite spot
A. Table tennis. B. Badminton. C. Swimming.
8. What is Mary doing
A. Doing housework. B. Preparing for a exam. C. Working with her boss.
9. Which subject will Mary help Bob with
A. Math. B. Chinese. C. Physics.
10. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A kind of fruit. B. A kind of cake. C. A new dish.
11. What upsets the man
A. Its terrible appearance. B. Its lack of nutrition. C. Its terrible smell.
12. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Boss and secretary. B. Father and daughter. C. Husband and wife.
13. What is the woman doing
A. Watching TV. B. Reading a newspaper. C. Surfing the internet.
14. What attitude does the man have towards students’ behaviors
A. Opposed. B. Supportive. C. Uncaring.
15. What might be a benefit of living in the school dorm
A. More freedom. B. Better living conditions. C. Greater convenience for classes.
16. What kind of person is the man
A. Reserved. B. Brave. C. Generous.
17. What might the speaker be
A. A musician. B. A teacher. C. A writer.
18. When did Beethoven die
A. In 1827. B. In 1770. C. In 1828.
19. Whose style influenced Beethoven greatly
A. Bach and Haydn’s. B. Mozart and Haydn’s. C. Bach and Mozart’s.
20. Which word can best describe Beethoven’s later life
A. Poverty-stricken. B. Fruitful. C. Peaceful.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
From hawk hikes to private sleepovers at the zoo, there is a great selection of animal-related experiences available to groups. Here are some top options to get closer to various wonderful wildlife.
Chester Zoo
The newest attractions here are the Madagascar Lemur Walkthrough experience, which gives visitors the opportunity to walk alongside ring-tailed and red-ruffed lemurs, and the interactive American Wetland Aviary, which is home to birds like scarlet ibises and flamingos. Group rates are available for parties of 15 or more and there are various catering options, including sit-down meals at the restaurant at the heart of the zoo.
ZSL Whipsnade Zoo
Until September 2022, it is offering groups of up to 60 the opportunity to experience a private Nature Night, on which they’ll get to explore the zoo privately after the public has left, take part in activities like quizzes, camp overnight, and get up early for a private tour along the green trail before it reopens to the public again.
West Midland Safari Park
The latest attraction at the park is the new African Walking Trail. Opened in May, the trail features three viewpoints that allow visitors to see the park’s African animals on foot. There’s also a four-mile drive-through safari area with red panda, penguin and lorikeet areas. Groups of ten plus, arriving in the same vehicle, can save more than 40%.
Knowsley Safari Park
The five-mile safari drive through the site takes you past free-roaming lions, rhinos and more than 100cheeky baboons. There’s a foot safari area, where the highlight is the Amur Tiger Trail with transparent walled viewing areas where you can get nose-to-nose with 450-pound tigers. Groups of 15 people and more, arriving in one vehicle, qualify for special ticket rates.
1. Who is the passage intended for
A Animal-loving students.
B. Forest hiking fans.
C. Group tour organizers.
D. Wildlife preservationists.
2. Visitors can experience private tours in ________.
A. Chester Zoo
B. ZSL Whipsnade Zoo
C. West Midland Safari Park
D. Knowsley Safari Park
3. From the passage, we know that ________.
A. delicious meals are offered to tourists in the four parks
B. private tours are available in the four parks
C. all the parks can provide driving-through services
D. visitors can have access to walking trails in the four parks
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
推理判断题。根据第一段的“From hawk hikes to private sleepovers at the zoo, there is a great selection of animal-related experiences available to groups. (从鹰式徒步旅行到动物园的私人过夜,有很多与动物相关的体验可供团体选择。)”可知,这篇文章是写给团体旅游组织者的。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第三段的“Until September 2022, it is offering groups of up to 60 the opportunity to experience a private Nature Night, on which they’ll get to explore the zoo privately after the public has left, take part in activities like quizzes, camp overnight, and get up early for a private tour along the green trail before it reopens to the public again.(直到2022年9月,它将为多达60人的团体提供体验私人自然之夜的机会,在公众离开后,他们可以私下探索动物园,参加测验,过夜露营等活动,并在绿色小径上早起进行私人游览,然后再次向公众开放。) ”可知,游客可以在ZSL Whipsnade Zoo体验私人旅游。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第二段的“The newest attractions here are the Madagascar Lemur Walkthrough experience, which gives visitors the opportunity to walk alongside ring-tailed and red-ruffed lemurs(这里最新的景点是马达加斯加狐猴漫步体验,让游客有机会与环尾狐猴和红颈狐猴一起散步。)”和第三段的“get up early for a private tour along the green trail(在绿色小径上早起进行私人游览)”和第四段的“The latest attraction at the park is the new African Walking Trail. Opened in May, the trail features three viewpoints that allow visitors to see the park’s African animals on foot. (公园里最吸引人的是新的非洲步道。这条步道于今年5月开放,设有三个观景台,游客可以步行观赏公园里的非洲动物。)”和第五段的“There’s a foot safari area, where the highlight is the Amur Tiger Trail with transparent walled viewing areas where you can get nose-to-nose with 450-pound tigers.(有一个徒步游猎区,那里的亮点是阿穆尔虎径,有透明的围墙观看区,在那里你可以与450磅重的老虎近距离接触。)”可知,游客可以在这四个公园里走步道进行游玩。故选D。
Super Typhoon Rai (known as “Odette” in the Philippines) made landfall on Siargao Island in southeastern Philippines at 1:30 pm local time on Thursday, December 16. The typhoon was the 15th storm to hit the country in 2021 and was the strongest storm of 2021. Almost 16 million Filipinos were facing threats including strong winds, heavy rains, flooding, landslides, displacement and risking loss of life, home, livelihood and agriculture. Around 700,000 of them were children.
UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) expressed deep concern for children and families at risk and announced its commitment to providing support to the Philippine government. Reyn Ambag was one of the children who were rescued during the typhoon.
12-year-old Reyn Ambag is a grade 7 student living on the island of Siargao. He goes to school in San Isidro National High School which is located in the Municipality of San Isidro. With Values Education as his favorite subject in school, Reyn is always ready to help others.
Reyn is raised by his mother who is a single parent and runs a retail store alone. Aside from his mother, his cousin has also been living with them to help out in the absence of Reyn’s father. Reyn’s mother provides for all three of them. She is able to support their daily needs and Reyn’s schooling by the income she gets from the small retail store.
During Typhoon Odette, Reyn’s family stayed inside the comfort room of the school where they were evacuated (疏散) to. There, he witnessed through the window how the strong winds of the typhoon destroyed the area. They stayed there until the storm subsided and it was safe for them to go out. Upon returning to their home, they were astonished to find that their house was damaged due to the fallen trees.
After observing the delays in restoring the electricity in their community, Reyn wanted to pursue a related job in the future. “I want to be an electrician someday so that if a power cut would happen because of a typhoon, I would be able to help in restoring it for free,” said Reyn.
4. What is the first paragraph mainly about
A. Different types of natural disasters.
B. The introduction of a typhoon and its threats.
C. Historical data of the strongest typhoons.
D. The government’s reaction to Super Typhoon Rai.
5. Where does Reyn’s schooling fees come from
A. His father. B. His cousin. C. His family store. D. His part-time job.
6. What does the underlined word “subsided” in paragraph 5 probably mean
A. Broke into. B. Fell apart. C. Went over. D. Died down.
7. Why did Reyn intend to become an electrician
A To make money to support his family.
B. To reward the community with his work.
C. To restore power in time after typhoons.
D. To meet his mother’s expectations of him.
【答案】4. B 5. C 6. D 7. C
【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了Reyn Ambag所在的Siargao岛遭到了台风的侵袭,他和他的家人们得到了联合国儿童基金会的帮助,以及他想要成为一名电工以便在因台风而停电时免费帮助恢复供电的故事。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“The typhoon was the 15th storm to hit the country in 2021 and was the strongest storm of 2021. Almost 16 million Filipinos were facing threats including strong winds, heavy rains, flooding, landslides, displacement and risking loss of life, home, livelihood and agriculture.(这是2021年袭击该国的第15次风暴,也是2021年最强的风暴。近1600万菲律宾人面临着包括强风、暴雨、洪水、山体滑坡、流离失所和生命、家园、生计和农业损失的威胁)”可知,第一段主要介绍了超强台风Rai及其威胁。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第四段“She is able to support their daily needs and Reyn’s schooling by the income she gets from the small retail store. (她从小零售店获得的收入能够支持他们的日常需求和Reyn的学校教育。)”可知,Reyn的学费来自他母亲经营小店的收入。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据划线词前“They stayed there (他们一直呆在那里)”及划线词后“and it was safe for them to go out. (他们可以安全出门了)”可推断,他们一直呆在那里,直到风暴平息才回家,划线词subsided为“平息”之意,和Died down意思相近。故选D。
细节理解题。根据最后一段““I want to be an electrician someday so that if a power cut would happen because of a typhoon, I would be able to help in restoring it for free,” said Reyn. (“我想有一天成为一名电工,这样如果因为台风而停电,我就可以免费帮助恢复供电,”Reyn说。)”可知,Reyn想成为电工的原因是为了能够在台风之后及时修好电力设施,恢复供电。故选C。
Procrastination (拖延症) is the act of putting off or delaying an action to a later time. I find one of the most maddeningly illogical causes of procrastination is uncertainty about where to start when I have multiple tasks which all need to be done.
What I want to stress is that I don’t think that procrastination, at least among high achievers like you, is a product of laziness. Among high achieving people, procrastination can be strongly motivated by perfectionism. Because you have high standards for yourself, you cannot do anything unless it’s perfect.
So, what can someone like you, Danny, do Here are the things I would recommend you start doing immediately.
Understand that punishing yourself with negative messages will not help you but only discourage you. You need to accept that you are a well-meaning and talented person who has extremely normal psychological problems and deserves the care from yourself and from others that will help you succeed. Forgive yourself.
If you’re anything like me, you read any tales of successful people with heightened interest. Notice how many of them took detours(绕道)in their lives or suffered any number of failures on their way to success. You are younger than you feel and beyond your short-term tasks which feel at present like your entire career, there are a number of roads that will be open to you in the future. With a wide imagination and firm determination, you will have potentially a huge number of paths to happiness available to you in the future.
Finally, and most importantly, understand that your life is already happening, since you only have a limited number of years in life. Do not waste them thinking your happiness is some time off in the future. Resolve to live your life in the well-rounded happy ways that you want today. Enjoying life and doing what you find most fulfilling is not a reward scheduled for a decade from now. It is something for your whole life, starting day one.
8. What does the author think about procrastination
A. It contributes to stress. B. It results from laziness.
C. It originates from uncertainty. D. It leads to perfectionism.
9. Why does the author mention “successful people” in paragraph 5
A. To raise an issue to figure out. B. To suggest a career to work on.
C. To present role models to learn from. D. To advise an angle to think from.
10. What does the author suggest at last
A. Living in the moment. B. Learning from new resolutions.
C. Thinking about the future. D. Hoping for happiness all the time.
11. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A research paper. B. A personal letter.
C. A health brochure. D. A psychology textbook.
【答案】8. C 9. D 10. A 11. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“I find one of the most maddeningly illogical causes of procrastination is uncertainty about where to start when I have multiple tasks which all need to be done.(我发现拖延症最令人抓狂的不合逻辑的原因之一是,当我有多项任务都需要完成时,不确定从哪里开始)”可知,作者认为在众多的任务中不确定从哪里开始导致了他的拖延。由此可知,是不确定性导致了拖延。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第五段“Notice how many of them took detours (绕道) in their lives or suffered any number of failures on their way to success.(请注意,他们中有多少人在人生中走了弯路,或者在通往成功的道路上经历了无数次失败)”以及“ With a wide imagination and firm determination, you will have potentially a huge number of paths to happiness available to you in the future.(有了广泛的想象力和坚定的决心,你未来可能会有很多通往幸福的道路)”可知,成功人士也走了很多的弯路或经历很多的失败,这可以让我们换种角度去思考我们自己的人生,这样就会有很多通往幸福的道路。由此可推知,在第五段提到成功人士,是为了提出一个思考的角度。故选D。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“Finally, and most importantly, understand that your life is already happening, since you only have a limited number of years in life. Do not waste them thinking your happiness is some time off in the future. Resolve to live your life in the well-rounded happy ways that you want today. (最后,也是最重要的一点,要明白你的生活已经发生了,因为你的生命只有有限的几年。不要浪费他们的时间去想你的幸福是在未来的一段时间。下定决心以你今天想要的全面幸福的方式生活)”可知,我们要活在当下是作者给出的最后一个建议。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第三段“So, what can someone like you, Danny, do Here are the things I would recommend you start doing immediately.(那么,像你这样的人,丹尼,能做什么呢?以下是我建议你立即开始做的事情)”可推知,这是作者写给丹尼的信,信中建议他如何克服拖延症。故选B。
Who cares if people think wrongly that the Internet has had more important influences than the washing machine Why does it matter that people are more impressed by the most recent changes
It would not matter if these misjudgments were just a matter of people’s opinions. However, they have real impacts, as they result in misguided use of scarce resources.
The fascination with the ICT(Information and Communication Technology) revolution, represented by the Internet, has made some rich countries wrongly conclude that making things is so “yesterday” that they should try to live on ideas. This belief in “post-industrial society” has led those countries to neglect their manufacturing sector (制造业) with negative consequences for their economies.
Even more worryingly, the fascination with the Internet by people in rich countries has moved the international community to worry about the “digital divide” between the rich countries and the poor countries. This has led companies and individuals to donate money to developing countries to buy computer equipment and Internet facilities. The question, however, is whether this is what the developing countries need the most. Perhaps giving money for those less fashionable things such as digging wells, extending electricity networks and making more affordable washing machines would have improved people’s lives more than giving every child a laptop computer or setting up Internet centres in rural villages, I am not saying that those things are necessarily more important, but many donators have rushed into fancy programmes without carefully assessing the relative long-term costs and benefits of alternative uses of their money.
In yet another example, a fascination with the new has led people to believe that the recent changes in the technologies of communications and transportation are so revolutionary that now we live in a “borderless world”. As a result, in the last twenty years or so, many people have come to believe that whatever change is happening today is the result of great technological progress, going against which will be like trying to turn the clock back. Believing in such a world, many governments have put an end to some of the very necessary regulations on cross-border flows of capital, labour and goods, with poor results.
Understanding technological trends is very important for correctly designing economic policies, both at the national and the international levels, and for making the right career choices at the individual level. However, our fascination with the latest, and our under valuation of what has already become common, can, and has, led us in all sorts of wrong directions.
12. What are the effects of people’ misjudgments on the influences of new technology
A. It stimulates innovation. B. It affects their personal opinions.
C. It influences their use of resources. D. It leads to improved technology.
13. Why is the “digital divide” a concern related to the fascination with the Internet in rich countries
A. It leads to competition between rich and poor countries.
B. It results in a lack of access to technology in developing countries.
C. It increases the cost of computer equipment in rich countries.
D. It promotes global digital cooperation.
14. From Paragraph 4, we know that ________.
A. donating for technology is always the better option
B. the author does not provide opinions on this matter
C. donating for technology and basic needs should be balanced
D. donating for basic needs should be prioritized over technology
15. What is the passage mainly about
A. Significance of information and communication technology.
B. Serious consequences of over-emphasizing high technology.
C Technological trends guiding economic policy making.
D. How to use donation money in the new age.
【答案】12. C 13. B 14. D 15. B
细节理解题。根据第二段“It would not matter if these misjudgments were just a matter of people’s opinions. However, they have real impacts, as they result in misguided use of scarce resources.(如果这些错误判断只是人们的观点问题,那也无关紧要。然而,它们有实际的影响,因为它们导致了对稀缺资源的错误使用)”可知,人们对新技术影响的错误判断会影响他们对资源的使用。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第四段“This has led companies and individuals to donate money to developing countries to buy computer equipment and Internet facilities. The question, however, is whether this is what the developing countries need the most.(这导致公司和个人向发展中国家捐款,购买计算机设备和互联网设施。然而,问题是,这是否是发展中国家最需要的。)”可知,“数字鸿沟”与富裕国家对互联网的迷恋有关是因为它使得公司或个人给发展中国家捐赠设备和设施,没有提供的相应的技术,导致发展中国家缺乏获得技术的机会。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第四段“Perhaps giving money for those less fashionable things such as digging wells, extending electricity networks and making more affordable washing machines would have improved people’s lives more than giving every child a laptop computer or setting up Internet centres in rural villages, I am not saying that those things are necessarily more important, but many donators have rushed into fancy programmes without carefully assessing the relative long-term costs and benefits of alternative uses of their money.(也许把钱花在那些不那么时髦的事情上,比如挖井、扩大电网和制造更便宜的洗衣机,比给每个孩子一台笔记本电脑或在农村建立互联网中心更能改善人们的生活,我并不是说这些事情一定更重要,但是,许多捐助者在没有仔细评估其资金替代用途的相对长期成本和收益的情况下,就匆忙投入了花哨的项目)”可知,捐助基本需求应该优先于技术。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据第二段“It would not matter if these misjudgments were just a matter of people’s opinions. However, they have real impacts, as they result in misguided use of scarce resources.(如果这些错误判断只是人们的观点问题,那也无关紧要。然而,它们有实际的影响,因为它们导致了对稀缺资源的错误使用)”结合文章讲述了对信息技术的过分迷恋会对国家、个人以及国际社会造成不利的影响可知,这篇文章主要讲的是过分强调高科技的严重后果。故选B。
There’s a Symphony Just Below the Surface — Can You Hear It
Imagine it’s your birthday, and your friends and family pool their money to get you the best gift you can imagine: tickets for fabulous seats to see your favorite musical act. But what if you got to the venue and something terrible had just happened to you ____16____. Even while facing the prospect of extreme difficulty in your life, you are so thrilled to see your favorite group that for a couple of hours, you can put all of that behind you.
____17____. That is the ability to suspend our fears and worries and focus on what we love. In the example of the concert, we know that when the music ends, we may go back to our concerns, but while it’s playing, there is nothing we can do about them, so we might as well just give in.
Life always has its music, and we don’t need to be front-row center at a concert to hear it. Throughout our lives, no matter what else is going on, a melody is present. But we are often so focused on the present moment that we fail to hear the melody. ____18____.
We can become magnificent listeners to life, with enough practice. And let’s face it, this is something we were born to do, so the skill is there, waiting for us to employ it. We can tap into the music, and when we do find ourselves distracted from it, we can use consciousness to bring us right back. It is as simple as saying, “OK, I’m distracted again; I am going to start listening again.” ____19____.
Life is always playing music, but we have to listen, and we listen by being present. We can do this. ____20____. When we do this, we’ll discover that the symphony inside of us is magnificent.
A. As humans, we have been given a wonderful gift
B. These feelings may last several minutes or even last several hours
C. In a word, wisdom and patience are the things that listening to the music of life requires
D. Soon, we will find that we have to redirect ourselves less and less, and we hear the music more and more
E. You’d broken your knees, say, or you learned of a failure of exam
F. The noise of our worry drowns out all the other things we might otherwise hear and enjoy
G. We just need to realize and engage with the music of life that is always playing
【答案】16. E 17. A 18. F 19. D 20. G
根据前文“But what if you got to the venue and something terrible had just happened to you (但如果你到了会场发现刚刚发生了可怕的事情呢?)”和后文“Even while facing the prospect of extreme difficulty in your life, you are so thrilled to see your favorite group that for a couple of hours, you can put all of that behind you.(即使面对生活中极端困难的前景,你也会非常兴奋地看到你最喜欢的团体,在几个小时内,你可以把所有这些都抛在脑后)”可知:E项You’d broken your knees, say, or you learned of a failure of exam(比如说,你摔断了膝盖,或者你得知考试不及格)能够承上启下,举例说明可怕的事情,下文说即便是这样的窘境发生了,交响乐依然能够让你开心,故选E项。
根据后文“That is the ability to suspend our fears and worries and focus on what we love. In the example of the concert, we know that when the music ends, we may go back to our concerns, but while it’s playing, there is nothing we can do about them, so we might as well just give in.(这是一种暂停我们的恐惧和担忧,专注于我们所爱的能力。在音乐会的例子中,我们知道当音乐结束时,我们可能会回到我们的关注点,但当它播放时,我们无能为力,所以我们不妨放弃)”可知,A项As humans, we have been given a wonderful gift(作为人类,我们被赋予了一份美妙的礼物)能够衔接下文,说明我们人类有能力去停止担忧。故选A项。
根据前文“Life always has its music, and we don’t need to be front-row center at a concert to hear it. Throughout our lives, no matter what else is going on, a melody is present. But we are often so focused on the present moment that we fail to hear the melody.(生活总是有它的音乐,我们不需要坐在音乐会的前排中心才能听到它。在我们的一生中,不管发生了什么,总有一种旋律存在。但我们常常太专注于当下,而听不到旋律)”可知,F项The noise of our worry drowns out all the other things we might otherwise hear and enjoy(我们担心的噪音淹没了我们可能听到和享受的所有其他事情)能够承接上文,说明了我们经常担心目前的状况从而影响了生活的美好。故选F项。
根据前文“We can become magnificent listeners to life, with enough practice. And let’s face it, this is something we were born to do, so the skill is there, waiting for us to employ it. We can tap into the music, and when we do find ourselves distracted from it, we can use consciousness to bring us right back. It is as simple as saying, “OK, I’m distracted again; I am going to start listening again.” (经过足够的练习,我们可以成为生活的伟大听众。让我们面对现实吧,这是我们生来就会做的事情,所以技能就在那里,等着我们去运用它。我们可以进入音乐,当我们发现自己分心时,我们可以用意识把我们带回来。这就像说:“好吧,我又分心了;我重新开始听了)”可知,D项Soon, we will find that we have to redirect ourselves less and less, and we hear the music more and more(很快,我们就会发现,我们必须越来越少地改变自己的方向,而我们听到的音乐越来越多)能够承接上文,说明我们及时调节自己的状态便可以重新欣赏音乐。故选D项。
根据前文“Life is always playing music, but we have to listen, and we listen by being present. We can do this. (生活总是在演奏音乐,但我们必须倾听,我们通过存在来倾听。我们能做到的)”和后文“When we do this, we’ll discover that the symphony inside of us is magnificent.(当我们这样做的时候,我们会发现我们内心的交响乐是壮丽的)”可知,G项We just need to realize and engage with the music of life that is always playing(我们只需要意识到并融入一直在播放着的生活的音乐)能够承接上文,说明我们应该如何做来享受生活,与下文衔接通顺。故选G项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
It’s really easy to feel all alone in life, especially when going through hardship. But sometimes the ___21___ thing we can do is allow ourselves to ask for ___22___ , like Erin did.
Erin worked at a McDonald’s in Michigan. But her pay wasn’t enough to ___23___ rent and she and her twin girls ended up ___24___ . She wanted to sleep in her car which was ___25___ right outside of the girls’ school. However, she wasn’t sure what she was doing was ___26___ .
So, she asked police officer Heather Kolke if they could stay there. But the ___27___ didn’t stop there. Heather, also a mom, knew she had to ___28___ . She and her fellow officers found Erin and her daughters a temporary place to stay. That wasn’t all though: They even got her an ___29___ and went with her to offer moral ____30____ . Luckily, Erin got that job.
Heather also planned a birthday party for Erin’s daughters, with local businesses ____31____ balloons, cake, and pizza.
The whole community ultimately got ____32____ , raising $2,300 in cash, as well as clothes for the kids, items for their new ____33____ , gift cards to help them make ends meet.
“It ____34____ warms my heart to know that there are people out there who ____35____ . It is a reminder that there are good people in the world,” shared Erin.
21. A. last B. odd C. difficult D. best
22. A. help B. forgiveness C. permission D. leave
23. A. guarantee B. cover C. return D. balance
24. A. desperate B. fruitless C. homeless D. disappointed
25. A. repaired B. seen C. abandoned D. parked
26. A. worthwhile B. legal C. wise D. useful
27. A. question B. conversation C. vehicle D. demand
28. A. set out B. walk by C. step in D. look forward
29. A. interview B. innovation C. award D. arrangement
30. A. support B. guidance C. satisfaction D. standard
31. A. producing B. decorating C. designing D. donating
32. A. paid B. involved C. elected D. cleaned
33. A. car B. school C. office D. home
34. A. really B. eventually C. timely D. obviously
35. A. remain B. insist C. care D. share
【答案】21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. B 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但有时候我们能做的最好的事情就是允许自己寻求帮助,就像艾琳那样。 A. last最后的;B. odd奇怪的;C. difficult困难的;D. best最好的。根据后文“allow ourselves to ask for ___2__”以及下文讲述的艾琳的故事可知,有时候,孤独时寻求帮助是最好的解决办法。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但有时候我们能做的最好的事情就是允许自己寻求帮助,就像艾琳那样。A. help帮助;B. forgiveness宽恕;C. permission允许;D. leave休假。根据后文“like Erin did”并结合后文艾琳接受大家的帮助可知,有时候我们要允许自己寻求帮助。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但她的工资不足以支付房租,她和她的双胞胎女儿最终无家可归。A. guarantee担保;B. cover涵盖,足够支付;C. return返回;D. balance平衡。根据前文“her pay wasn’t enough”及后文“rent ”可知,她的工作不足以支付租金。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但她的工资不足以支付房租,她和她的双胞胎女儿最终无家可归。A. desperate不顾一切的;B. fruitless无成效的;C. homeless无家可归的;D. disappointed失望的。根据前文“her pay wasn’t enough to ___3___ rent ”及后文“ She wanted to sleep in her car” 可知,她没钱支付房租,最终无家可归。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她想睡在她的车里,车就停在女儿学校外面。A. repaired修理;B. seen看见;C. abandoned遗弃;D. parked停车。根据后文“outside of the girls’ school”可知,她的车停在学校外面。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,她不确定自己所做的是否合法。A. worthwhile值得的;B. legal合法的;C. wise明智的;D. useful有用的。根据后文“she asked police officer Heather Kolke if they could stay there”可知,她向警察咨询这样做是否合法。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但谈话并没有就此结束。A. question问题;B. conversation交谈;C. vehicle车辆;D. demand需求。根据前文“she asked police officer Heather Kolke if they could stay there”及后文 “She and her fellow officers found Erin and her daughters a temporary place to stay. ”可知,两人的谈话并没有就此结束,警官决定去帮助她。故选B项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:希瑟也是一位母亲,她知道自己必须介入。A. set out动身;B. walk by经过;C. step in介入,插手;D. look forward期待。根据后文“She and her fellow officers found Erin and her daughters a temporary place to stay”可知,希瑟主动帮助艾琳找到住所,参与到这件事中。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们甚至为她安排了一次面试,并与她一起去以便提供精神上的支持。A. interview面试;B. innovation创新;C. award奖励;D. arrangement安排。根据后文“Erin got that job”可知,警察们为艾琳提供了一次面试机会。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们甚至为她安排了一次面试,并与她一起去以便提供精神上的支持。A. support支持;B. guidance指导;C. satisfaction满足;D. standard标准。根据前文“went with her to offer moral”可知,他们陪她一起去以便提供精神支持。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:希瑟还为艾琳的女儿们策划了一个生日派对,当地的企业捐赠了气球、蛋糕和披萨。A. producing生产;B. decorating装饰;C. designing设计;D. donating捐赠。根据前文可知,艾琳一家是贫困的,联系后文“balloons, cake, and pizza”可知,当地的企业为艾琳的生日派对捐赠了气球、蛋糕和披萨。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:整个社区最终都参与进来,筹集了2300美元的现金,以及孩子们的衣服,新家的物品,帮助他们维持生计的礼品卡。A. paid支付;B. involved加入;C. elected选举;D. cleaned清洁。根据前文“The whole community”及后文“raising $2,300 in cash, as well as clothes for the kids, items”可知,整个社区都参与进来帮助艾琳一家。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:整个社区最终都参与进来,筹集了2300美元的现金,以及孩子们的衣服,新家的物品,帮助他们维持生计的礼品卡。A. car汽车;B. school学校;C. office办公室;D. home家。根据前文“She and her fellow officers found Erin and her daughters a temporary place to stay”可知,希瑟为艾琳一家找到了新的住所,邻居们筹集了新家所需物品。故选D项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:知道有人充满爱心,我的心真的很温暖。A. really真地;B. eventually最终;C. timely及时;D. obviously显而易见。根据后文“there are people out there who ___15__”可知,大家善意的举动真的使艾琳感到温暖和感动。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:知道有人充满爱心,我的心真的很温暖。A. remain保持;B. insist坚持;C. care关心;D. share分享。根据后文“there are good people in the world”可知,世界上还是充满了善良的人,他们关心别人,乐于帮助他人度过苦难。故选C项。
World Population Day was founded by the United Nations, and this holiday is___36___(annual) observed on July 11th.
The idea of World Population Day started in the late 1960s,___37___world leaders openly declared that adults have the right___38___(choose) whether they wanted children or not. This idea was also viewed as a human right. During this era, leaders were more open about___39___(discuss)child-bearing and the right women had to time their children___40___they wished. While this was just one of the___41___(sign) to the feminist movement in the US, this idea was new to many developing nations at the time.
In 1989, the world population quickly increased to five billion. During this same year, the United Nations founded World Population Day. Both events___42___(occur) on July 11th of that year.
World Population Day is celebrated in many ways much of this depends on the region. For participants who live in countries where gender___43___(equal) is a law, the holiday is meant to be ___44___reflection and celebration of significant moments in history that helped society achieve this basic human right.
Every July 11th, the United Nations also has central celebrations in which all nations____45____(permit) to participate. In addition, the UN holds an annual theme.
【答案】36. annually
37. when 38. to choose
39. discussing
40. as 41. signs
42. occurred
43. equality
44. a 45. are permitted
考查定语从句。句意:世界人口日的想法始于20世纪60年代末,当时世界各国领导人公开宣布,成年人有权选择是否要孩子。分析句子可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词是the late 1960s,从句当中充当时间状语,应用关系副词where引导从句。故填when。
考查不定式。句意同上。作前面的the right的后置定语,应用不定式,故填to choose。
考查名词复数。句意:虽然这只是美国女权运动的标志之一,但这个想法在当时对许多发展中国家来说都是新的。one of后面跟名词复数,表示“……之一”,故填signs。
考查时态。句意:这两件事都发生在当年的7月11日。由时间状语In 1989可知要用过去时,故填occurred。
考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:每年的7月11日,联合国也有所有国家都可以参加的中心庆祝活动。根据Every July 11th可知,此处为一般现在时,in which引导定语从句,permit为从句谓语动词,与主语all nations是被动关系,且主语是复数,谓语动词用复数。故填are permitted。
第四部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
第一节(满分15 分)
46. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国朋友 Jim 想了解你心中的中国榜样人物,请你给他写一封回信, 内容包括:
1. 该榜样人物的介绍;
2. 成为榜样人物的原因。
注意:首尾已给出,词数为100词左右,可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Jim,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to share with you the Chinese model in my heart.
The person I respect most is Tu Youyou, a remarkable scientist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology. Tu Youyou and her team devoted a significant amount of time and energy to the discovery of Artemisinin, a drug that has saved lives of millions of malaria patients.
I admire her not only for the her achievements in Chinese medicine, but also for her mental strength. She displayed great determination and persistence throughout her research. Facing many challenges and failures, Tu Youyou and her team never admitted defeat and eventually succeeded. Besides, she was very responsible and committed. TuYouyou and her team even tested Artemisinin on themselves to make sure that it was safe. Their spirit inspires me to move forward and be a kind and selfless person.
I’d like to know about your role model. Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。英国朋友 Jim 想了解你心中的中国榜样人物,要求考生就此给他写一封回信。
成就:achievement → accomplishment
展示:display→ show
困难:challenge→ difficulty
原句:Facing many challenges and failures, Tu Youyou and her team never admitted defeat and eventually succeeded.
拓展句:When she faced many challenges and failures, Tu Youyou and her team never admitted defeat and eventually succeeded.
【点睛】【高分句型1】 Tu Youyou and her team devoted a significant amount of time and energy to the discovery of Artemisinin, a drug that has saved lives of millions of malaria patients.(运用了that引导的限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】TuYouyou and her team even tested Artemisinin on themselves to make sure that it was safe. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Dmitry Bondarenko was a Toronto-based artist. One day he had an appointment with a friend for a painting session. So he put the objects including his sketchbook (速写本) in the back basket of his bike and then cycled to meet his friend. But when he arrived and turned to take his things, he was shocked to find his sketchbook was missing.
The 5×7 black sketchbook contained a decade of his works and had great emotional value to him. It included portraits of friends and family, and still life paintings of his great grandfather when he served in Red Army in Russia. The notebook became a visual account of the 40-year-old artist’s life and family history. His parents are Russian and Ukrainian, and he and his family moved to Canada when he was a child.
Dmitry shared that he felt a deep sense of loss when he first discovered his sketchbook missing. He thought that the book must have fallen out of his bicycle’s back basket. So he went back to look for it. First, he retraced his steps and posted dozens of flyers along the bike path through the park. He also checked with park services. Several days later, he still had no clue where his precious sketchbook was, making him extremely sad and anxious.
“I realized the weight of it when it was gone, how precious it is,” Bondarenko said sadly.
In a last-ditch effort to locate his treasured sketchbook, he decided to turn to social media. He shared a post to a neighborhood Facebook group, detailing his trouble. A few other community-oriented Facebook groups reshared the post. Word quickly spread within the local community for everyone to keep an eye out for the missing sketchbook.
In the meanwhile, a man named Chris found the sketchbook in the park. As he picked it up and skimmed through the pages, he found there was no name or address. The paintings in the book were so impressive that he couldn’t take his eyes off. Finally, he decided to leave the sketchbook where it was found, thinking the owner would return to look for it. He leafed through the sketchbook again before putting it down.
1. 续写词数为150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Suddenly, a dishonorable idea occurred to him.
Chris Elam contacted Dmitry at once, telling him that the sketchbook was in his house.
Suddenly, a dishonorable idea occurred to him. “Why not keep it for myself ” Chris thought. Looking around, he found nobody was around. Then he quickly took off his coat, wrapped it and went home. The moment he got home, he sat down and went through the sketchbook once more. An hour had passed before he was interrupted by a phone call. He answered the phone and then went on to check his Facebook. Just then, he found a post in his neighborhood Facebook group. It was about a lost sketchbook. Chris lost in thought.
Chris Elam contacted Dmitry at once, telling him that the sketchbook was in his house. When hearing the news, Dmitry was really happy. Then he asked for Chris’ address and came over without delay. Dmitry appreciated that Chris had taken such care with the book, and tried to present Chris with a finder’s reward. But Chris refused, saying he was simply happy to complete an act of kindness for a neighbor. Seeing the smile on Dmitry’s face, Chris felt so relieved. He realized that a good deed could make a day for both the giver and the receiver.
②由第二段首句内容“Chris Elam立刻联系了Dmitry,告诉他速写本在他家里。”可知,第二段可描写Chris Elam物归原主及Dmitry对其表达的感谢。
②回家:go home/return home
②感激:appreciate/show his gratitude/be grateful
【点睛】[高分句型1]The moment he got home, he sat down and went through the sketchbook once more. (运用了the moment引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2]He realized that a good deed could make a day for both the giver and the receiver. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)