Book 3 Unit 1 Nature in the balance
The Amazon rainforest: a natural treasure
Reading (Period II)
单元第 3 课时 Reading
1.教材分析 What This is a documentary transcript, the topic of which is the Amazon rainforest: a natural treasure. It introduces the basic information about the Amazon rainforest, as well as the rich plant biodiversity and animal diversity in the area. Students will also get to know its importance to the whole world and the dangers facing the rainforest nowadays. Why By reading the documentary transcript, students will know the significant role the Amazon rainforest plays in maintaining the fine balance of the Earth’s ecosystem. In the second period, students will read another transcript, whose topic is deforestation. After reading the two materials, students will know more about the serious problems facing nature and it is time for them to raise awareness of environmental protection. How The documentary transcript is in the form of an exposition, which is clearly and logically organized. So it is necessary for the students to understand the features of an expository text. Several methods of developing an exposition are used in the script. For example, students will be guided to learn how to make comparisons.
2.学情分析 What students have known: Students are aware of the importance of nature. After the first period, students are familiar with the basic information of the Amazon rainforest and its significance for the environment. What students need to learn: They need to know about the writing techniques of a documentary transcript. As for evaluating their classmates’ s vocal recording, they can be able to give their own assessment under the guidance of the teacher. And they need to accumulate more input to express properly about environmental problems and solutions to them.
3.教学目标 By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. present figures by making comparisons with familiar places or objects; 2. think critically and evaluate the vocal recording of other groups properly; 3. know the importance of environmental protection and some approaches to preserving
4.教学重点 Students will be guided to analyse and summarize the structure of an exposition. It is important for the students to learn how to present figures effectively by making comparisons.
5.教学难点 How to help the students to think critically and express their opinions freely.
6.教学过程 教学目标 教学活动与步骤 评价要点 时间与互动模式
在评价表格的 指导下, 学生能 够通过小组讨 论有针对性地 进行互评, 指出 优缺点。 Step1 Sharing Students watch two video clips dubbed by their classmates, give their star rating and make brief comments. Share two dubbing works and guide students to make comments on their classmates’ works. Class work 14’
设计意图:分享两个学生的配音作品,简单对比语音语调,并引导学生从结构、 语法和用词三个方面进行分析,学会更加全面地批判性地进行点评。
学生了解说明 文中地一些写 作手法,如:作 比较。 Step2 Analysis of the script Teacher makes a brief evaluation and highlights one of the sentences in Stella’s article. Guide the students to learn how to present large figures by making comparisons with familiar places or objects. Students will know how to evaluate a passage after the teacher’s comments. Individual work 5’
设计意图:从学生创作的纪录片脚本入手,引导学生关注说明文的重要说明方法之一— —作比较,复习倍数表达法。
学生观看视频, 并从不同角度 分析视频文本 所抒发的情感 和表达的语气, 辩证思考人与 自然的关系。 Step3 Appreciation Watch the original version of the video and analyse the “feelings” of the rainforest from its tone. Introduce the topic of this unit---Nature in the balance. Students can think critically about the question ---Does Nature really regard human as clever beings Individual work 8’
通过拓展阅读, 学生了解更多 相关知识, 尤其 是关于森林砍 伐的话题, 了解 说明文的结构。 Step4 Further reading Students read an article about deforestation, and answer the following questions: Why does deforestation happen What are the consequences of deforestation According to the last sentence, what will be talked about in the following paragraph Students will learn that the transcript about deforestation is organized in the order of “causes-consequences- control” . Individual work & Pair work 10’
设计意图:联文阅读的文本也取自于纪录片。学生阅读文本回答相关问题,根据本文最 后一句预测接下来会讨论什么话题。并就相关话题进行讨论,给出建议。
激活第一课时 已有储备知识, 回归标题, 回归 单元话题。 Step5 Summary 1. Remind the students of what they have learned in the Reading part,and try to conclude why the Amazon rainforest is a natural treasure. Students pay special attention to the clear structure of the two expositions. 2. Teacher raises students’ awareness of protecting the rainforest as well as our mother nature. Students can have the chance to review what they have learned in the reading material, and realize the importance of protecting the Amazon rainforest as well as our mother nature. Individual work & Group work 3’
设计意图:回归阅读标题 The Amazon rainforest:a natural treasure, 思考为什么亚马孙热带 雨林是自然宝藏, 激活第一课时已有的知识储备。结合两篇阅读的内容, 关注说明文的结构。 总结所学,我们要保护被称为“地球之肺”的亚马孙热带雨林,也要保护大自然。
8.作业布置 Work in pairs to collect information about one of the environmental problems(air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution...)
9.教学反思 在阅读第一课时后,学生对于亚马孙热带雨林相关内容有了一定的了解。因此在上周末,我布 置了学生观看一个无字幕的视频,并根据上节课所学的知识给视频配音。学生的作品给了我很 大的惊喜, 也确实反应出他们进行了有效的团队合作。另外学生在本堂课上也进行了小组讨论, 对同学的作品进行评价,有效地培养了他们的批判性思维能力。从学生创作的文本中,我挑选 了个别句子,指导学生了解说明文当中可能用到的写作手法之一——作比较。后半节课也没有 按照传统去分析课文知识点,而是进行了课外的联文阅读。所选的课外文本也和课本一样来自 纪录片的脚本, 通过相关话题的拓展, 同为说明文体裁的文本解读, 带领学生了解说明文的结构, 更深刻地体会环境保护的重要性。个人认为, 这节课比较成功, 也完成了预先制定的教学目标, 当然学生还需要更多相关知识的输入才能更好地表达自己地观点以及对他人作品进行更全面更 细致的点评。