北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Relationships Lesson 1 Teachers 教学设计 (表格式)


名称 北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Relationships Lesson 1 Teachers 教学设计 (表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 90.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-03 19:43:08



第 2 课时 Lesson 1 Teachers (Period 1)
1.教材分析 本单元的主题是 Relationships,本节课主要介绍人际关系之师生关系。 【What】本节课是本单元第一课第一课时, 包含两篇记叙文的阅读。分别从 教师和学生的视角讲述了他们对彼此的印象,回忆了两个人之间的故事。第 一篇是学生 Graham 介绍了自己初识教师时的学习状况——lazy, boring, lack confidence, didn’t want to know,生动描述了 Mr. Jenkins 独特的教学风格—— interesting, let me pour, ask me to give a presentation, 使他发生了巨大的变 化,最终成为成功人士的故事。第二篇是 Mr. Jenkins 回忆了对学生 Graham 的初始印象和与其相处的点点滴滴,并阐述了自己对教育事业的认识——教 师职业虽有压力却值得用心付出的事业。 【Why】语篇旨在让学生通过阅读两篇文章,对比 Graham 前后的变化,由 之前的懒惰,不爱学习,对科学毫无兴趣,到后来的充满自信,热爱科学, 通过分析推断学生成功的原因源于教师,让学生能够认识到教师对学生的重 要影响,体会到对教师的感恩,并形成对良好师生关系重要意义的认识,从 而提高学生对人际交往的认识,形成正确的人生观、价值观。 【How】本文从一师一生两个视角记叙了一段过往师生情,采用了对比的手 法呈现了一位好教师和好的教育方法对一名学生的重要性。两篇文章均配有 说明性的图片,并以第一人称进行叙述,增加了语言的真实性,让学生有很 强的带入感。第一篇以学生视角叙述, 语言简单, 为学生所熟悉, 易于理解; 第二篇以教师视角叙述,谈及教育理念语言相对较难理解。但本篇记叙文的 文体,情节生动,选词地道,逻辑性强,总体上适合高二学生的水平。
2.学情分析 本阶段的学生大多数学习热情较高,已基本具备获取细节信息的能力, 并对略读、扫读及猜词悟义能力的培养有一定的渗透。学生对记叙文文体比 较熟悉,且通过 Topic Talk 的学习,对描述人的品质方面的词汇和句式有所 涉猎,这为他们表达对教师的评价提供了一定的语言支撑。但学生在知识整 合、逻辑推理、观点论证方面的能力比较薄弱,在师生关系对个人人生影响 的认知方面不够深刻。因此,学习活动的开展要循序渐进,学习内容的理解 要围绕着主题层层深入。在培养提升学生阅读能力的同时要注重思维品质的 发展。
3.教学目标 1.学生能够提炼人物性格,梳理记叙文的文体特征和写作目的; 2.描述学生的前后变化和教师对学生的印象及其对教育的看法 3.推理论证学生成功的原因和 Mr Jenkins 成为好教师的原因,唤起学生感恩 教师和努力学习的愿望。
4.教学重难 点 1.描述学生的前后变化和教师对学生的印象及其对教育的看法。 2.推理论证学生成功的原因和 Mr Jenkins 成为好教师的原因,唤起学生感恩 教师和努力学习的愿望。
课时目标 教学活动与步骤 设计意图 评价要点 时间+互 动模式
创设情境 引入主题 Step 1 Lead-in Activity 1 Brainstorming Be an active speaker. 1.Share photos and talk about the teacher’s personalities. 2. Ask students what kind of teacher their favorite teacher is. 利用老照片引 出主题。激活 学 生 背 景 知 识,做好语言 铺垫。 学生能够基 于已知,对教 师品质进行 头脑风暴, 展 开想象,活跃 课堂氛围。 CW 4’
获取文章基 本信息 ,梳 理并概括总 结人物变化 的原因 ;总 结归纳 ,分 析推断文章 的 深 层 含 义。 Step 2 Pre-reading Activity 2 Predicting Be a smart presumer. 1.What kind of teacher is the man 2.Go through the passage quickly and check the prediction. 根据标题、图 片,预测文章 大意。 学生能够通 过预测掌握 阅读技巧, 猜 出文章大意 IW/CW 3’
Step 3 While-reading Activity 3 Skimming Be a fast reader. Skim the passage and find out what’s the type of the article . 了解文章体 裁,把握主旨 大意,建立信 息链。 学生能够利 用速读技巧 快速确定人 物关系。 IW/CW 6’
整体呈现记 叙文六要素 挖掘记叙文 写作目的 Activity 4 Scanning Be a careful reader. Based on the 6 elements of a narration, read the story carefully and complete the table to get more information about the character. 1. Read for information about Graham’s change before&after15. 2. Read for the process of Graham’s change. 顺藤摸瓜,获 取事实性信息 细节,通过对 比手法凸显人 物变化过程, 加深人物印象 描 写 ,表 现 人 物 思 想 和 感 情。 学生能够根 据对比找到 事实性信息。 理解文章大 意。 IW/CW 4’
Activity 5 Detailed-reading Be an intensive reader. Read the story carefully and explore the reasons why Graham changed and how Graham became successful. 进一步获取并 整理事实性信 息,深度理解 文本;培养学 生推理判断的 思维能力。 学生能够理 解文本,分析 判断变化原 因,理解教学 理念提高教 育意识。 IW/CW 9’
Step 4 Post-reading Activity 6 Summarizing Be a deep thinker. Based on this passage, students summarize the features of a narration and infer the purpose of writing a narration . What are Graham and Mr Jenkins’ feelings of each other Share pictures and feel the love between teachers and students. 小组合作 自主探究 总结归纳 情感升华 把握记叙文的 写作目的 学生能够根 据课堂所学, 总结出记叙 文的特征及 写作目的。 GW/CW 6’
Activity7 Speaking (Time permitted) Be a good storyteller. Share a story of your beloved teacher and express your respect. (You can draw a picture , sing a song or write apoem.) Activity8 Viewing Be a wise appreciator. Share some impressive pictures of teachers and students. Students can feel and realize the importance of respecting teachers and valuing education as well as keeping a good and harmonious teacher-student relationship. 巩 固 内 化 所 学,迁移应用, 加强情感渗透 ---懂师恩,感 师情。 学生能运用 所学,迁移创 新。 PW/CW 8’
小组评价 Group Evaluation
Items Tick(√)
1. Have a good pronunciation. (10’) 80-100 Excellent ( ) 60-80 Good ( ) Below 60 Average ( )
1. Express themselves clearly. (20’)
2. Introduce the teacher’s quality. (20’)
3. 6 elements are included. (10’)
4. Show their feelings or thoughts. (20’)
5. Mention the teacher's teaching methods, beliefs. (20’)
7.作业布置 Be a skilled writer. 1. (Required) Imagine Graham meets Mr.Jenkins at a class reunion 20 years later and make a dialogue between them recalling their story. 2. (Optional) Tell the story of your beloved teacher to your parents. 该作业的设置旨在对学生课堂所学的知识进行迁移创新,着重提升学生口 头表达能力, 同时为下一课时做铺垫。学生通过回忆故事,感悟师生情谊, 感叹时光流逝,珍惜眼前。唤起学生自己努力学习感恩教师的愿望。预计 学生完成此项任务的时间约 15 分钟。
8.教学反思 1.本节课话题是跟学生息息相关的师生关系话题,课堂上师生易产生共鸣, 课堂氛围比较热烈,学生学习热情高涨; 2.整节课教师始终以学生为主体,以文本为依托,设计了概括整合、分析与 判断、内化与运用一系列层次逐渐深入的活动。通过活动的实施,学生通 过对比 Graham 前后的变化, 反思自己学习态度并对教师产生崇敬之情, 较 好地达成了本课时的教学目标。 存在的不足: 本节课对于文本深度理解可待加强, 教师可以进一步思考高效可行的文 本解读方式。
Teaching Presentation for
Lesson 1 Unit 1 Teachers
望江中学 方玲
Ⅰ. Greetings and introduction:
1.Guiding theory
2.general introduction
3.teaching procedures
4.teaching reflection
Ⅱ. Explanations
1. Guiding theory: New English Curriculum standard, the English key
competence and Bloom’s taxonomy.
2. General introduction: analysis of teaching material and students,
teaching objectives, teaching focus and difficulties, teaching
approaches and learning methods.
Ш. The analysis of the teaching material
1.The thematic context:human and society.
2.The big idea: interpersonal relationship.
3.The small idea: teacher-student relationship.
4. Features: interlinked, conneted to people’s life and informative.
5. Purpose:Students will gain the ability to build a good relationship with
people after learning it.
The analysis of the text
What--The topic is the relationship between teacher and student.
Passage1 aims to emphasize Mr. Jenkins’ great influence on
Passage 2 mainly talks about Mr. Jenkins’ beliefs in teaching.
Why-- to understand the importance of a good teacher-student relationship and improve the awareness of interpersonal
How--This text is narration which shows the importance of a good
teacher and good teaching methods to a student by contrasting and
Analysis of the students
1. Students have the ability to acquire detailed information by skimming
and scanning. They also have mastered some vocabulary.
2. Students are weak in knowledge integration and logical
reasoning;students lack profound cognition of the influence of
teacher-student relationship on individuals.
Analysis of the teaching objectives
Theoretical base: the core competences of English subject
1.Language ability: to summarize the reading details about the Graham’s change and Mr Jenkins’ impression of Graham as well as
his beliefs in teaching.
2.Thinking capacity: students’ logical reasoning, summarizing ability
and critical thinking ability will be improved.
3.Cultural awareness: to understand teachers’ great influence on student
and the importance of building a harmonious and comfortable
relationship with their teachers.
4.Learning ability: autonomous learning ability, cooperative learning
ability and inquiry- based learning ability
Teaching focus and difficulties
Among the four teaching objectives, No.1 and No.2 are teaching focus;
No.3 and No.4 are teaching difficulties.
Teaching approaches and learning methods
The teaching approaches: PWP approach, Activity-based approach and
Communicative language approach.
The learning methods: Activity-learning, Cooperative learning and
inquiry language learning.
Teaching procedures
In order to achieve the teaching objectives mentioned above, the
teaching procedure is divided into 5 steps.
Step 1 Lead-in
1.play a guessing game with students to introduce the topic
2.show students some photos to describe a good teacher’s personalities.
The purpose is to activate students’ background knowledge and make
connections between existing and new knowledge.
Step 2 Pre-reading
Followed by the question in the lead-in part, the same question is given to students to predict the text. “What kind of teacher do you think Mr Jenkins is ”
Purpose:To develop students’ predictive skills and arouse students’ great interest in reading the passages.
Step 3 While-reading
Activity3 Skim & check
Students skim the passages, check their prediction and figure out the genre of the passage as well as the 6 elements of a narrative.
Purpose:Get to know the genre of the article and students’ ability of fast reading could be enhanced.
Activity4 Scan & acquire
Students are divided into 2 groups and one group read one passage to acquire the detailed information about what was Graham like before and after attending Mr Jenkins’ class ; students exchange to read the other passage and add more information for each other.
Purpose: To acquire detailed information and cultivate students cooperative learning.
Activity 5 Explore & understand
Explore why and how Graham has changed and conclude that Mr.Jenkins’ teaching methods, teaching beliefs and teaching attitudes mainly contribute to Graham’s success.
Purpose: To deeply understand the text ; students’ logical reasoning and summarizing ability could be enhanced.
Step 4 Post-reading
Activity 6 Explore & Think
Students learn to summarize the main features of a narrative and think about one more question: what’s the purpose of writing a narrative. Students discuss with each other and figure out the answer-to express a character’s feeling and personality. And then I follow up on the question: what feelings have been expressed in the text
Purpose: To get to know the purpose of writing a narrative and get closer to the theme of the story.
Activity 7 Express & Talk
Students have a group work to share a story about their beloved teacher and express their love for the teacher. the other students to make a group evaluation for the storyteller to evaluate what they learned in class.
Purpose: students can consolidate and internalize what they learned in class and transfer reading to speaking and talking. Students’ speaking ability can be improved and moral value can be enhanced.
Activity 8 Appreciate & Feel
Show students some impressive pictures to realize the great importance of respecting teachers and valuing education. Besides, make a short video with the photos of all students to show love. Then students can feel love and recognize love is what keeps a bidirectional relationship going.
Purpose: In order to better understand the theme of this lesson, and to cultivate the students’ good quality.
Step 5 Assignment
The assignment includes two parts. One is required, which is to pave way for next period and the other is optional but meaningful.
Purpose: To transfer and innovate the knowledge learned in class. Students can feel the friendship and cherish the time with teachers. Also, the assignment can arouse students’ desire to study hard and gratitude to teachers.
Blackboard design
The blackboard design is the production of whole lesson. It looks like a pyramid, which shows what makes a student’s success and what makes a good teacher . It also shows a good relationship is the foundation of a person’s success .
Purpose: Students can deeply and vividly understand the theme of the
passage .
Teaching reflection
1.The topic of this lesson is the teacher-student relationship that is closely related to students. In class, students and teachers can easily empathize with each other.
2.The objectives have been attained and students are fully involved. But one period is not enough to read the text more intensively. How to improve the deep understanding of the text in a more effective and feasible way of teaching will be explored.