第一课时 Extended reading Smartphone: a smart choice
授课时长 40 分钟
1.教材分析 本单元的主题语境是“人与社会 ”,话题是“互联网与网络时代 ”。本单元的教学旨 在帮助学生认识互联网的发展和应用、辨析互联网的利弊, 进而培养学生正确的网络使 用观。本节课的语篇是一篇网页文章,详细分析如下: What:本文是一篇关于如何明智地处理智能手机和现实生活关系的博客文章, 作者 讲述了自己手机上瘾和停用手机后的不同经历, 认识到真实的生活、真实的人际关系才 是生活中不可或缺的, 做出了减少智能手机使用的时间、享受智能手机之外的精彩生活 的选择。 Why: 本课旨在帮助读者了解手机上瘾的消极影响,感受真实生活和人际关系的乐 趣,理性认识现实生活和智能手机的关系,做出关于智能手机的明智选择。 How: 本文是一篇博客文章,明线为按时间顺序展开的故事情节,简述了博文发帖 人 Alan 对待智能手机的态度如何发生转变以及背后的原因,经过和结果。暗线为作者 通过分享个人经历, 介绍了常见的三种处理智能手机和现实生活关系的做法, 着重凸显 了手机之外的生活的意义。
2.学情分析 What students have known:本节课授课对象为高一学生。首先, 由于网络和智能手 机的普及, 学生对本板块的话题内容“智能手机 ”及其功能具备很好的常识基础。其次, 作为高一年级的学生, 对于社交媒体如博客的应用具备良好的认知基础, 因此对本板块 的语篇类型——博客文章并不陌生。再者, 本单元前四个板块分别涉及了“互联网与网 络时代 ”的多个层面, 学生对互联网的广泛用途和存在的问题也有了一定程度上的认识。
What students want to know: 学生相当熟悉网络时代中最广泛应用的衍生产品:智 能手机, 但是对于过度使用智能手机导致成瘾及其危害的认知有待提高和加强。学生在 Reading 板块了解到互联网的巨大优势, 但是对其存在的问题浅尝辄止, 因此在本板块, 对互联网潜在问题之一——智能手机成瘾话题的延伸有所期待。 What students are expected to know: 学生有望在本节课充分了解过度使用智能手 机会导致上瘾、脱离现实生活和真实的人际关系,切实感悟适度使用智能手机的好处, 以此体会作者写下并发表这篇博文的用意:明智地处理智能手机和现实生活的关系。
3.教学目标 学完本课后,学生能够: 1.了解作者对智能手机态度的转变,以及背后的原因、经过和结果; 2.理解作者对智能手机和现实生活的选择和态度; 3.批判性思考智能手机和现实生活的关系; 4.利用自主学习以及合作学习的方式完成学习任务。
4.重点难点 1.了解作者对智能手机态度的转变, 以及背后的原因、经过和结果(通过让学生快速阅 读、仔细阅读并且回答问题来解决); 2.批判性思考智能手机和现实生活的关系(通过让学生分析总结作者的经历和选择, 小 组讨论形成自己的认知和态度来完成)。
5.教学资源 多媒体运用
教学目标 教学活动与步骤 评价要点 核心素养 提升点 设计意图
分析标题, Step 1 Lead-in 在与教师
结合体裁, 预测文本内 容。After greeting, T has Ss interviewed for their use of smartphones during this National Day holiday with a “Yes” or “No” questionnaire.的问卷互 动中分享 自己在假 期 中 使 用 智能手机 的情况。 分析标题 中 的 关 键 词和问号, 结合文章 类型预测 内容。语言能力: 听懂问卷 内容,表达 个人情况。 思维品质: 感知、注意 标 题 中 的 关键词和 问号,识别 文本类型。创设情景, 激活已有经 验,激发学 生的兴趣, 引出话题。Step 2 Prediction from the title T leads Ss to notice the keyword in the title and identify the text type so as to make predictions with the following questions: · What might the blog post be about · What might be Alan’s answer to the question asked in the title: “Is smartphone a smart choice” 快速阅读全 文,概括作 者从手机上 瘾到脱离上 瘾的经历。Step 3 Fast reading T asks Ss to read the whole text quickly and find out Alan’s experiences with his smartphone: · What did Alan experience with his smartphone 通过快速 阅读文章, 总结作者 的经历, 整 体理解文 本。 语言能力: 检索概括 主要信息, 把握文章 故事线。 思维品质: 快速理解 篇章大意。 梳理文本故 事情节,了 解作者对待 智能手机的 态度变化。分 段 落 细 读、梳理、 对比作者手 机上瘾和停 用手机时的 两种生活状 态。Step 4 Careful reading 1. T has Ss read Paras. 1-2 and answer the following question: . Why did Alan decide to make the change 处理细节 信息, 通过 对 Why 、 How、What 问题的解 决,层层递 进地深入 理解作者 态度变化 的原因、经语言能力: 检 索 关 键 内容,概括 细节信息。 思维品质: 分析、判断 问题产生 的原因和 解决方法。 梳理整合细 节信息,理 解作者发生 转 变 的 原 因、经过和 结果。
2. T has Ss read Paras. 3-5 and answer the following question: . How did Alan make the change 3. T has Ss read Para. 6 and answer the following question: . What did Alan learn from the change 过和结果。 学习能力: 自主学习, 合作学习。 文化意识: 感知生活 与科技之 间的关系。 基于文本分 析,推导出 作者最终对 智能手机做 出的选择。讨论作者对 智能手机和 现实生活的 态度,批判 性思考二者 之 间 的 关 系。依托课 文 分 析 ,理 性认识现实 生活和智能 手 机 的 关 系, 做出明 智的选择。Step 5 Post reading 1. Pair work T leads Ss to summarize three kinds of relationships between life and smartphones: life with the addiction to smartphones, life without smartphones and life beyond smartphones while thinking about Alan’s answer to the question he asked in the title。 . Is smartphone a smart choice for Alan 总结作者 的经历, 辨 析现实生 活和智能 手 机 的 关 系,并总结 作者对标 题 中 提 出 的 问 题 的 回答。 积极分享 对智能手 机和现实 生活的选语言能力: 整合运用 语言表达 个人观点 和选择。 思维品质: 批判性思 考现实生 活和智能 手机之间 的关系。 学习能力: 自主学习,深入分析文 章主题,把 握作者的态 度,辩证地 表达对智能 手机和现实 生 活 的 看 法。
2. Group work 1 T inspires Ss to discuss and argue for their choices between real life and smartphones. . What kind of life do you prefer . How are you going to put it into practice 3. Group work 2 T encourages Ss to design a public service slogan to call on more people to put down their smartphones. 择以及做 法,批判性 表达对待 智能手机 的 使 用 态 度。 运用简洁 的语言高 度概括观 点,设计宣 传口号。 合作学习。 文化意识: 感悟如何 正确处理 生 活 与 科 技之间的 关系。
巩固内化课 上所学, 深 入 话 题 内 容。 Step 6 Summary & Homework 1. Summary: T has Ss retell Alan’s story with his smartphone and conclude his intention of sharing this blog post with the help of the three emojis. 2. Homework: . Write a short passage to introduce your slogan to more people. . Finish the checklist on the handout. 概 括 本 节 课主要内 容,总结作 者 的 写 作 意图。 语言能力: 复述故事 大纲, 总结 作者写作 意图。 巩固课上所 学,加深对 话题内容的 理解。
9.作业布置 Assignment: write a short passage to introduce your slogan to more people (15mins). (写作 任务帮助学生更深层次地把握本节课的主题,批判性思考现实生活和智能手机的关系 并进一步巩固自己的认知和理解。)
10.教学反思 本节课话题主要围绕智能手机和现实生活的关系展开, 贴近学生的生活。教师在教 学过程中语言流畅自然, 语速适中, 对学生的回答能做出积极的反馈。教学设计思路清 晰, 重点突出。教学亮点在于巧用故事发展的顺序, 引导学生完整地梳理博主从手机上 瘾到脱离上瘾经历的改变,以及改变背后深层次的原因、经过以及结果。在此过程中, 教师巧用“life beyond smartphones ”这一概念, 对比“life with addiction to smartphones ” 和“life without smartphones ”,帮助学生准确、生动、形象地提炼现实生活和智能手机的 关系;最后教师引导学生回到标题,基于对作者的态度的分析,小组讨论表达个人对智 能手机和现实生活的选择, 形成正确的价值观。这节课仍有不足之处, 最后的小组活动 呈现时间有限,或可在课后给予学生更多展示的机会。
Unit 3 The online world
(Extended reading)
Smartphone: a smart choice
Distinguished judges, I am Zeng Wen from High School of Tong Ling. It’s a great honour to share my teaching plan for the extended reading of Unit 3 in
the required course, Book 3. And it will be presented in the following six parts.
Part 1 Teaching materials
Book 3 is composed under the themes of man and nature, and man and society. Unit 3 Theworld online is about “man and society”with the focus on the Internet and the network era, whose extended reading reaches one of the problems the Net has brought: smartphone addiction. Its text comes from a blog post written by Alan sharing his personal experiences and feelings to call on moderate use of smartphones by comparing his own life with and without using
his smartphone.
Part 2 Students
My students, senior one, have easy access to using smartphones in their daily life. Besides, they’ve learned about the general knowledge about the Net and the wide usage of mobile devices in the former sections of this unit, so they have the desire to know more about smartphones. However, their insight into the healthy relationship between real life and smartphones remains to be
Part 3 Teaching objectives
Based on the analysis above and the guidance of the General SeniorHigh School Curriculum Standards: English, my teaching objectives are set as
follows. By the end of the lesson, students are able to:
. find out what change Alan experienced, why & how he made it and what he
learned from the change;
. understand the writer’s attitude towards smartphones;
. critically think about relationships between real life and smartphones;
. work individually, work in pairs and work in groups to solve the above
And these two are key and difficult points.
Part 4 Teaching approaches
The above teaching objectives are tailored to promote the development of students’ English subject core competencies with the aid of situational teaching approach, communicative teaching approach and activity-based approach to English learning. Learning strategies, like cognitive and affective strategies are suggested to help achieve these objectives with the aid of the multimedia and
the blackboard. Now let me introduce more with my teaching procedures.
Part 5 Teaching procedures
This is the outline of my teaching procedures with theme-based activities
ranging from “learning and understanding” to “applying and practicing” to
“transferring and creating” .
Step1 Leading in
Now let me introduce them step by step. In the beginning, a “Yes” or “No” questionnaire is intended to lead the topic in, through which the whole class are interviewed for their use of smartphones during the National Day holiday. Such perceiving activity can help activate students’ prior experiences about using smartphones and arouse their desire to know more about the topic. In this way, students’ English subject core competencies, like language ability, thinking
capacity and learning ability can be stimulated at the same time.
Step2 Prediction
Before reading, students are guided to notice the keyword “smartphone” in the title and identify the text type. In this way, they come to predict: Alan wrote the blog post to share his experiences about smartphones. Besides, such a title in the questioning voice arouses students’ interest in guessing Alan’s possible answers. Thus,their ability to make proper predictions according to the title and
the text type gets naturally promoted.
Step 3 Fast reading
According to the previous predictions, students have already learned Alan shared his experiences about smartphones in this blog post. Then what did Alan exactly experience Through fast reading, they get the general idea that Alan experienced a huge change from being a smartphone addict to a normal person. The retrieving and summarizing activity contributes to training students’ ability of skimming for the main idea. To achieve this purpose, activity-based
approach to English learning has been employed.
Step 4 Careful reading
After knowing Alan experienced a huge change with his smartphone, students are eager to learn more about the reasons for his decision to make the change. After scanning the first two paragraphs for his sufferings and feelings, it’s not too difficult to make a conclusion that Alan’s life with too much time spent on his smartphone was full of troubles. Here I take advantage of this emoji to show Alan’s troublesome life with his smartphone. That can also lively illustrate why he decided to make a change. Then how did Alan make the change In general, he made it by spending a whole week without his smartphone. To know more details, students are guided to read from paragraph 3 to paragraph 5 and think about these two questions: what problems did he meet on the first day during the week what did he do next to solve these problems By careful scanning, students have no difficulty summarizing: Alan did meet some problems on the first day but later he managed to enjoy himself with activities beyond his smartphone just like the emoji shows.
Last but not least, Alan also learned a lot from the change. Reading the last paragraph can lead students to finding Alan realized the importance of life beyond smartphones and he finally made sure to spend more time on real life and real relationships while less time on his smartphone. As the last emoji finished, Alan’s experiences and feelings get actively presented in the three emojis. The first stands for his life with too much time spent on his smartphone. The second represents his life without using his smartphone and the last shows
his life with more time enjoying real life. Till now, careful reading is finished with
these what, why and how questions worked out under the support of cognitive and affective learning strategies and communicative teaching approach. Thus, purposes as follows are achieved and students’ abilities related to scanning,
logical thinking and individual work are cultivated to a higher level.
Step 5 Post reading
Next comes the post reading made up of three different levels of activities. Activity one is a pair work in which students have an overall account of Alan’s experiences and analyze his answer to the question in the title: “Is smartphone a smart choice ” Through previous learning and understanding, there is no challenge for students to grasp his answer. For Alan, life with too much time spent on his smartphone is not a smart choice because he suffered a lot from being a smartphone addict. Neither is life without his smartphone because he can’t escape from the modern world. So life beyond smartphones is the smart one, for he finds a way to enjoy real life without giving up his smartphone. This applying and practicing activity makes a difference to students’ deep
comprehension of the title and the writer’s attitude to smartphones.
Activity two, a group work, is for students to discuss and argue for their choices between real life and smartphones. During the discussion, students internalize and utilize Alan’s experiences to talk about their own choices. The last activity aims to fire students’ imagination and creativity by designing slogans to call on moderate use of smartphones. Here is a short video from my
students’ presentation. The transferring and creating activity further
strengthens students’ perception on the topic. Here situational teaching approach is appropriately used to facilitate the sustainable development of
students’ critical thinking and cooperative learning.
Step 6 Summary and homework
After efficient reading, learning, understanding and discussion, it’s time to summarize what has been learned. With the help of the three emojis, students do a good job in summary. Homework is an extension of class. To consolidate
students’ understanding of the text, I inspire them to put what they have learned
and discussed into writing.
Step 7 Blackboard design:
This is my blackboard design serving as a supplement to the emojis and
helping students focus on the key points.
Part 6 Reflections
My teaching on this extended reading is to help students find the balance between enjoying real life and using smartphones. The design of these emojis plays an essential role in providing a vivid mind map and establishing a close
connection with the former section, Welcometotheunit. More importantly, most
of my students got involved in the well-organized pair work and group work. To
sum up, teaching objectives are well achieved with students’ high participation.
However, time for the slogan presentation was limited while students
were quite active. So in the coming teaching, I’ll set aside more time for
students to express themselves more sufficiently if necessary. So much for
my teaching plan. Thanks for your attention.