人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions词汇学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions词汇学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 47.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-04 09:29:58



Unit 4 词汇学案
Understanding ideas部分
1. opera:歌剧诞生于16世纪末的意大利。最初,意大利人用短语opera in musica (works in music 音乐作品) 来表示歌剧,后来缩写为单词opera。
2. movement:move + -ment
隐喻:具体的身体部位的“活动” → 抽象的政治、社会等方面的“运动”
3. aspect: aspect (方面) 原本是一个天文学术语,表示“星体的相对位置”。它由“a- (to) + spect (to look 看) ”构成,字面意思就是“(星体相互) 观看对方”。后来衍生出“看待事物的方式”“事物呈现出来的外观”。
4. prince:拓展 princess, king, queen
5. version:隐喻:具体的书籍等的“版本” → 抽象的人描述某一事件的“版本、说法”
6. string:细绳,联系rope (粗绳)
7. get across:get across sth / get sth across (to sb) (向某人) 解释清楚某物
8. female:正式用语 (对应 woman);拓展male (对应man)
9. technique:来自词根techno- (art, skill 技术);
10. transform:trans- (into another state 成为另一状态) + form (形成) → 使形成另一种状态 → 使改变形态
词块:transform sth / sb from sth into sth
11. universe:uni- (one 一) + vers- (to turn 转) → 转为一体的 → 宇宙
incredible:同义词 unbelievable,意为“极好的;极大的”是非正式用语;
派生词:incredibly (必修二U1)
13. energetic:energy (必修一U6) + -etic;词源义:active, full of energy
14. clap:拟声词,模仿鼓掌的声音
词块:clap one’s hands, clap sb / sth
15. edge:隐喻:具体的物体“边缘”→ 抽象的“优势”
词块:on the edge of, have / gain an edge on / over
16. emotion:精准的汉语释义“强烈的情感 (a strong feeling)”
词块:in anger
18. grief:尤指因某人去世而引起的“悲伤”,近义词sadness
bine:com- (together 一起) + -bini (two by two 二);基本义是“使两者合在一起”
20. poetry:词族:poem, poet, poetry
21. explosive:词族:explode, explosion, explosive
22. tick all the right boxes:词源:在填写表格时,通常需要在相对应符合条件的方框里打勾 (tick the box)。tick all the boxes由此衍生,用来描述一个人或事物符合所有条件,故 “在所有的框里都打了勾”
23. applaud:具体的 “鼓掌” → 抽象的“称赞”;
24. grateful:近义词:thankful
核心句式:be grateful to sb for sth, I’d be grateful if you could …
25. extremely:extreme (adj 极端的) + -ly,相当于口语中very
26. overcome:词块:overcome the problem / difficulty, be overcome with grief
27. ballet:音译词“芭蕾”
词源: ballet 来自意大利语 balletto (ball 舞会+ let 小形式),最初指的是15世纪时流行于意大利宫廷中的一种舞蹈表演。ballet后兴盛于法国,经由法语进入英语,所以发音也具有法语特点,最后一个t不发音。
28. absorbed:absorb (v 吸收)+ -ed (分词形容词)
词块:be absorbed in
romantic:音译词“罗曼蒂克 (浪漫的)”
词族:romance (n 浪漫)
30. documentary:document (n 文件) + -ary (构成形容词和名词后缀)
31. absolutely:absolute (adj 绝对的) + -ly
32. episode:常用义:(电视剧中的)一集;美剧中的season(季)和episode(集)
33. put on:一词多义:基本义“把……放在……上”(由小品词on决定)
34. appealing:appeal (v 有吸引力) + -ing
appeal:ap- (= ad, to 去) + -pel (to drive 驱动、推进) → 将某人赶到、驱使到某事物上,后衍生出“呼吁”等词义
词块:appeal (to sb) for sth, appeal to sb to do sth, appeal to sb
35. definitely:definite (adj 确定的,肯定的) + -ly;
近义词 certainly;句子副词
36. plot:阴谋、密谋 → 小说的故事情节
37. rude:近义词impolite,反义词polite
核心句式:it’s rude (of sb) to do sth, be rude to sb
38. transport:trans- (into another place) + -port- (to carry 运输、携带)
词块:public transport
熟词生义:使进入特定境地:Humor transports your mind away from your daily troubles. 39. arrangement:arrange + -ment (arrange基本义“排列”)
词块:make arrangements for, flower arrangement (插花)
transform v.
Water can transform a desert into a garden.
使改变 (desert → garden)
The book has been translated into thirty languages since it came on the market in 1973.
翻译 (one language → another language)
At present, lots of food, water, tents, and medicine are being transported to the earthquake-stricken areas.
运输 (one place → another place)
The transatlantic flights fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
横渡大西洋的 (across the Atlantic Ocean)
This local company has been taken over by a transnational company.
跨国的 (across the nations)
由上面的句子可以发现,前缀trans-加在单词前构成动词,意思是 “进入(另一地方)”或“成为(另一状态)(into another place or state)”;构成形容词,意思是“横穿;超越 (across; beyond)”。
1. Doctors transplanted a dead person’s heart into a two-year-old child. 移植
2. We were transferred from one bus into another. 换乘
3. You are not planning to transfer to a different university next year, are you 转校
edge 词源解读
词源义:“角、边缘、尖 ” (corner, edge, point),基本义是“边缘”。
edge n [C]
① 边;边缘:
Billy sat on the edge of the desk, swinging his legs.
He stood at the water’s edge staring across the lake.
Yu Min is a leading scientist at the cutting edge of nuclear technology.
② 刀口;刃;利刃:
The knife has no / a sharp edge.
③ 优势
have / gain an edge on / over 比……占优势;胜过:
I can’t beat you at tennis, but I have / gain an edge on you in ping-pong.
on the edge of 在……边缘;……快要发生 (尤指不好的事):
People seemed to be living on the edge of their nerves.
on the edge of one’s seat 极为激动;异常兴奋:
The game had the crowd on the edge of their seats.
■ vi & vt (使) 徐徐移动;给……加边:
She edged a little closer to me.
combine由com- (together) + -bini (two by two)构成。词源同two。基本义是“使两者合在一起”。
combine v
① vi & vt (使) 结合;(使) 组合:
Theory must be combined with practice.
The idea of garden city was to combine the best of town and country in a new kind of settlement.
② vi & vt (使) 化合;(使) 混合:
Steel is produced by combining iron with carbon.
③ vt 兼备;兼顾:
The hotel combines comfort and convenience.
Like her mother Marie Curie, Irene combined family and career.
combination n 结合 (体);联合 (体);混合
overcome (overcame, overcome) vt
① 战胜;克服:
overcome the enemy / the difficulties
If you work hard, you will overcome this problem.
② [常用于被动语态] 受到……的极大影响:
Overcome by curiosity, the boy looked out the window.
Her parents were overcome with grief at the funeral.
absorb 词源解读
absorb的词源义及基本义是“suck in”,意为“吸吮、吸收”
absorb vt
① 吸收 to take in and hold sth (a liquid, heat, etc.):
A transparent object doesn’t absorb light.
One hectare of forest can absorb 23 tons of carbon dioxide per year.
② 吸纳 to take sth into sth larger, so that it becomes part of it:
Service work absorbed a great number of women who arrived in the cities from the country.
③ 理解;掌握 to take sth into the mind and learn or understand it (take in):
absorb new knowledge / information
I’ve just been so busy studying and trying to absorb all the new things around me.
④ 吸引;使专心 to interest sb so much that they don’t pay attention to other things:
This work has absorbed him for years.
⑤ 缓冲:
Well-designed sports shoes should absorb the impact on your feet.
absorbed adj 专心致志的;全神贯注的:
When something did interest me, I could become absorbed.
(be) absorbed in:
When deeply absorbed in work, he always forgets all about eating or sleeping.
put on
put on clothes 穿上 put on a performance 上演
put a tax on 征收 (税金等) put on a lot of weight 增加

put on
① 穿上;戴上 反 take off ;抹:
Remember to put on more clothes to keep warm.
Protect your skin — put on sunscreen right as you head outside.
② 使运转;播放:
I put on the car flashlights and drove on at a really low speed.
I didn’t see him but I heard him put on his favourite CD.
③ 增加 (gain):
He’s put on a lot of weight.
④ 上演 (戏剧等):
We once put on a performance of Hamlet.
⑤ 征收 (税金等);施加 (压力);将……归咎:
put a tax on
They put pressure on her to resign.
He put the blame for his failure on me.
ap- (= ad, to 去) + -pel (to drive 驱动、推进) ,将某人赶到、驱使到某事物上,即要“呼喊”“呼叫”(to call),基本义为“呼喊”“呼叫”。
■ v
① vi 呼吁;恳请:
appeal (to sb) (for sth):
The police are appealing to the public for any information about the missing girl.
appeal to sb to do sth:
The government is appealing to everyone to save water.
② vi 有吸引力;有感染力:
Sport has become an important form of entertainment, appealing to both men and women.
③ vi & vt 上诉;申诉:
She’s not happy with the decision and plans to appeal.
④ vi 启发;激发:
They needed to appeal to his sense of justice.
appeal ■ n
① [C] & [U] 呼吁;恳请:
make / launch an appeal for money and clothes
The organization has made / launched an appeal to the public to raise 150,000 for the sick kid.
② [U] 吸引力;魅力:
Small cars are economical of fuel,so they have / hold wide / popular / more appeal for consumers.
③ [C] & [U] 上诉;申诉;上诉权:
The sentence was reduced to three years on appeal.
appealing adj 有吸引力的;恳求的:
Harry Potter stories are so appealing that they encourage children to read more.
The pet dog looked at her master with an appealing and frightened look.
appealing attractive charming eye-catching fascinating inviting breath-taking absorbing
arrange v
① vt 排列;整理 to put sth in a particular order:
You can arrange things from beginning to end, small to large or by some other order.
② vt & vi 安排;筹划:
My dad arranged some swimming lessons to surprise me.
arrange (for sb / sth) to do sth:(重点词块)
Dave arranged for someone to drive him home.
③ vt 编写 / 改编 (乐曲) to write or change a piece of music:
write and arrange musical compositions
arrangement n
① [C] [常用复数] 安排;筹备 a plan or preparation:
travel arrangements
Our college is to make arrangements for the meeting.
② [C] [常用复数] 安排方式 the way things are done or organized:
The airport is currently reviewing its new security arrangements.
③ [C] & [U] 排列;布置 a group of things that are put in a particular way:
the seating arrangements
④ [C] & [U] 商定;约定 sth that has been organized or agreed on (agreement):
We have come to an arrangement — she gives me a ride to school and I help her with her English.
1. Theory must be combined with practice.
2. If you work hard, you will overcome this problem.
3. When deeply absorbed in work, he always forgets all about eating or sleeping.
4. He’s put on a lot of weight.
5. The government is appealing to everyone to save water.
6. Sport has become an important form of entertainment, appealing to both men and women.
7. Harry Potter stories are so appealing that they encourage children to read more.
8. Our college is to make arrangements for the meeting.
transform & transport
1. The car transformed America from a farm-based society into an industrial power. ____________
2. The car is a convenient means of transport. _____________ 3. Fourteen wolves were caught in Canada and transported to the park. _____________
4. The film transports you back to China in the 1980s. _____________
5. It is easy to go anywhere from the hotel by public transport. _____________
1. Don’t put that glass so near the edge of the table. _____________
2. He handed me a knife with a sharp edge. _____________
3. Having spent a year in New York, she hoped she would have the edge over the other language students. _____________
4. He edged closer to the telephone, ready to grab it. _____________
5. The game had the crowd on the edge of their seats. _____________
6. Developments in computer chip (芯片) design are at the cutting edge of the technological revolution (革命). _____________
1. — In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.
— I can’t agree more. It’s great to have the two __________.
2. In recent years an English word “infosphere” has appeared, ____________ the sense of “information” and “atmosphere”.
3. The ____________ weight of the earth’s bacteria is 400 billion tons.
4. I know how I achieved my success. It came from good planning and better doing ___________.
5. The _____________ of Fox and Disney will lead to billions of dollars in “synergies” (合并).
1. 把工作和娱乐结合起来对你来说是件好事。(it作形式主语, business)
2. 我们仍在寻找兼具所有必要品质的人选。(定语从句) _______________________________________________________________________________________
1. 要不是老师们的支持,我无法克服这个困难。
Were it not for the support of the teachers, _____________________________________________.
2. 她终于克服了上课时的羞怯。(manage)
3. 她激动得难以自持,有好几分钟说不出话来。(emotion)
_____________________________, she found herself unable to speak for a few minutes.
1. 由于专注于他的工作,他都没听到人们进来。
2. 她坐在椅子上专注地看书。
承担 b. 消耗 c. 并入
__________ 1. Defence spending absorbs almost 20% of the country’s wealth.
__________ 2. The company is unable to absorb such huge losses.
__________ 3. The surrounding (周围的) small towns have been absorbed into the city.
put on
1. I put on hand cream whenever my hands get dry. __________
2. Firstly, please do remember to put on some comfortable shoes. ___________
3. The local drama club is putting on Macbeth. ___________
4. She put on some music while they ate. ___________
1. Besides, businesses seek to appeal to customers’ senses. ______________
2. Reality TV seems to appeal much more to the younger audience. ______________
3. In 1887, she appealed to the Manitoba Legislature (立法机关) to issue a licence (执照) to her but they, too, refused. ______________
4. What I am eager to do is to raise people’s awareness of animal protection and appeal to more people to care for our earth companies. ______________
1. Lisa See has written several best-selling novels about Chinese-related subjects. She says those themes have special appeal _________ her.
2. The food especially appeals ________ health-conscious eaters because each dish is very healthy, made with limited fat and oil and served straight off the grill (烤肉架).
3. They have appealed __________ the international community __________ assistance, as more storms are expected to hit soon.
4. Today, WHO has launched an appeal, through the United Nations, ___________ funding to support the emergency response to this outbreak.
arrange & arrangement
1. The secretary arranged a convenient time and place for the applicants to have an interview. __________
2. The children were arranged in lines according to height. __________
3. He arranged traditional folk songs for the piano. __________
1. I’ve ________________________ (安排和一个朋友一起去) to a new Chinese restaurant downtown.
2. Beth _________________ (安排了一个会议) with the marketing director.
3. If you are interested, please sign up at the office before 5:00 pm next Thursday so that we will ____________________________ (做出必要的安排).
4. The school _____________________ (与……有协议) local businesses.
5. There are __________________ (特殊的安排) for people working overseas.
6. The house was always decorated with imaginative __________________ (插花).
Developing ideas部分
1. brief:词块:in brief = in short
2. turkey:15、16世纪的土耳其(Turkey)首都君士坦丁堡是连接欧亚的重要贸易枢纽,很多商人在那里销售来自非洲的商品。有一种产自非洲的大型鸟类 “珍珠鸡”,在土耳其被商人改称为“土耳其鸡”(Turkey cock) 销往英国,这种鸟后来被英国人简称为 turkey。当英国人来到美洲大陆殖民时,将当地的一种体型巨大的鸟类误认为是珍珠鸡的一种,便将这种鸟称为turkey。其实,这种鸟并不是非洲珍珠鸡的同类,而是北美特有的火鸡,后来成为了北美感恩节的常见佳肴。
3. storytelling:story + tell + -ing,联系tell a story
4. wonderland:wonder (n 奇迹) + land
5. escape:词源:在古代欧洲的战场上,被击败的战士为了保命,
往往会使出“金蝉脱壳”的招数,在被敌人抓住斗篷时脱掉斗篷而摆脱敌人,或在被敌人追赶时主动脱掉斗篷,趁敌人去捡斗篷时赶紧逃掉。因为在古代,一件斗篷算是价值不菲的财产,有钱人才穿得起。escape (逃脱) 就与古人脱掉斗篷保命的做法有关。它来自拉丁语 excappare,由 ex- (out of 脱掉) + cappa (cape 斗篷) 构成,字面意思就是“脱掉斗篷”。
词块:escape from, escape doing sth, narrowly escape
6. disappointed:disappoint (v 使失望) + -ed (分词形容词)
词族:disappoint, disappointed, disappointing, disappointment
7. live up to:词块:(fail to) live up to one’s expectation / promise / reputation
8. extent:来自extend (伸出、延伸)
词块:to some extent
9. original:词源:来自origin (起源、发源) ,引申义“原创的”
词块:original creations 原创;
同族词:origin, original, originally
10. fictional:fiction (n 小说) + -al
11. awkward:同义词 ① embarrassing ② difficult ③ inconvenient
12. behave:词块:behave as if / though, behave oneself;
13. normal:norm- (正规 、常规) + -al (形容词词尾) → 有规范的 → 正常的
派生词:normally, abnormal (ab- 否定前缀)
词块:it is normal (for sb) to do sth, above / below normal, go back / return to normal
14. responsibility:responsible + -ity
词块:take / have responsibility for = be responsible for, accept / shoulder responsibility, it’s one’s responsibility to do sth
15. absence:ab- (away 分离) + -sence- 存在 → 不在
词块:absence from school, in / during sb’s absence, absence of mind
escape v
① vi 逃走;逃跑:
The hunter tried to escape from the forest, but he lost his way.
② vt & vi 逃避;摆脱:
escape sb’s attention / notice
He narrowly escaped death in an earthquake.
The southern part of Yunnan is the best district of
China to escape the cold winter.
escape doing sth:
You are lucky to escape being punished.
③ vt [不用于被动语态] 被忘掉:
She looks familiar, but her name escapes me (= I can’t remember her name).
④ vi (气体、液体等) 泄漏:
A small hole allowed smoke to escape from the top.
escape n
① [C] & [U] 逃跑;逃脱;逃避:
make one’s escape
He had a narrow escape.
For her, travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life.
② [C] 泄漏;出口:
Can you smell an escape of gas
a fire escape
disappoint vt 使失望:
disappoint sb’s expectations
I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I can’t come after all.
disappointed adj 失望的;沮丧的:
One by one, the applicants left the interviewer’s office with disappointed looks on their faces.
① (be) disappointed at / about / with sth:
She left the restaurant, disappointed with the bad service.
② (be) disappointed with / in sb:
I’m disappointed in you — I really thought I could trust you!
③ (be) disappointed to do sth:
We were deeply / terribly disappointed to find the museum was closed.
④ (be) disappointed + (that) 从句:
My mother said it was a great day, but she was just a little disappointed that it didn’t last a tiny bit longer.
disappointing adj 令人失望的;令人扫兴的:
a disappointing exam result
disappointment n
① [U] 失望;沮丧:
She couldn’t hide her disappointment when he didn’t turn up.
I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated.
② [C] 令人失望的人;令人扫兴的事情:
The performance was a big disappointment to us.
original 词源解读
词源义:“first in time, earliest”(最初的;最早的),来自origin(起源、发源),引申义“原创的”。基本义是“最初的”。
original adj
① [只用于名词前] 最初的;原先的 first; earliest (before any changes or developments):
Sadly the library had moved from its original place into another building.
② [只用于名词前] 原创的;原作的:
In a word, to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it.
③ 新颖的;创新的;独特的 new and interesting; different from others of its type:
That’s not a very original suggestion.
n [C] 原文;原作;原稿:
the book in the original
originality n [U] 独创性;创造力
originally adv 起初;原来:
The store was originally quite small.
Originally, we had planned a tour of Scotland, but we didn’t go in the end.
awkward adj
① 令人尴尬的;别扭的 embarrassing:
an awkward silence
② 使用不便的;难以应付的 (difficult):
an awkward machine
ask an awkward question
③ 不方便的 (inconvenient):
Please arrange the next meeting at a less awkward time.
④ 紧张的;不舒适的 not relaxed or comfortable:
She liked to dance but felt awkward if someone was watching her.
awkwardly adv 尴尬地
awkward 语境活译大挑战
an awkward gesture 笨拙的姿势
an awkward peasant 笨手笨脚的乡下人
an awkward instrument 不好用的仪器
an awkward situation 棘手的情况
an awkward customer 不好对付的顾客
an awkward moment 尴尬的时刻
behave v
① vi 表现 to act in a particular way (act):
He was a little boy, but he behaved as if he was / were an adult.
② vi & vt (使) 举止规矩;(使) 表现得体to act in a correct or appropriate way:
badly- / well-behaved children
behave oneself:
Students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves.
① [U] 行为;举止:
I think all of us should mind our behavior in public places.
② [C] & [U] (物体等) 反应;性能;行为方式;习性:
Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behaviour.
normal adj
① 正常的;平常的 typical, usual or expected:
normal working hours / a normal life
it is normal (for sb) to do sth:
It’s normal for students to feel nervous before an exam.
② 智力正常的;精神健全的 反 abnormal:
normal n
[U] 正常状态 / 水平 / 数量等:
above / below normal
go back / return to normal :
The crisis has passed and life will go back to normal soon.
同族词:normal, abnormal, abnormally, normally
normally adv
① 通常;平常 usually:
We do not normally look into someone’s eyes for long.
② 正常地 反 abnormally:
When we’re happy, our body works normally and we feel relaxed and positive.
responsibility n
① [U] & [C] 责任;职责:
shoulder (a) responsibility
The media has a moral responsibility to report news truthfully.
It is our responsibility / We have a responsibility to protect the environment.
— OK, I’ve had enough of it. I give up.
— You can’t run away from / escape your responsibilities.
② [U] (对不良事件所负的) 责任:
Taking responsibility for something that went wrong is a mark of great maturity.
No one is willing to accept responsibility for the accident.
She lashed(抽打)the horses with her long whip. 鞭子(名词)
He whipped the horse into a canter(慢跑). 鞭打(动词)
My dad bought a new bike yesterday. Today he bikes to work. 自行车(名词)骑自行车(动词)
How do you make the wheels go around 轮子(名词)
She wheeled her bicycle across the road. 推有轮之物(动词)
She turned the handle and opened the door. 把手(名词)
The label on the box said: “Fragile. Handle with care. (用手)拿(动词)
Stick them on using a small amount of glue. 胶水(名词)
Glue the two pieces of cardboard together.(用胶水)粘(动词)
We now have a much better understanding of the disease. 更好的(形容词)
The organisation was founded to better conditions for the disabled. 改善(动词)
There was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall. 狭窄的(形容词)
We need to try and narrow the health divide between rich and poor. 缩小(动词)
You were right to do what you did. 对的(形容词)
We’ve made progress in righting the wrongs of the past. 改正(动词)
Try not to get your shoes wet. 湿的(形容词)
Wet your hair and apply the shampoo. 把……打湿(动词)
The car was travelling at a very slow speed. 慢的(形容词)
Her breathing slowed and she fell asleep. 慢下来(动词)
1. You are lucky to escape being punished.
2. He had a narrow escape.
3. I’m disappointed in you — I really thought I could trust you!
4. He was a little boy, but he behaved as if he was / were an adult.
5. Students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves.
6. It’s normal for students to feel nervous before an exam.
7. It is our responsibility / We have a responsibility to protect the environment.
1. The air keeping the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming down. ___________
2. As a child he would often escape into a dream world of his own. ________
3. Escape from this window and return to the main menu. _________
4. The lids (盖子) prevents the escape of poisonous gases. ___________
5. They went to Chengde to escape the summer heat. ___________
1. Time is something __________ which we can’t escape.
2. Compared with the __________ (escape) driver, I am proud of what I did.
3. He was lucky to escape __________ (be) killed.
1. He __________________________ (逃脱) by climbing through the window and down the fire escape.
2. Although he thought he could _____________________ (逃过注意)
by sitting at the back, he was wrong. (2012 广东)
3. It was reported that two journalists __________________________ (死里逃生) in the air attack.
1. The next day, we got a _______________ message that another buyer had offered a much higher price.
2. Our facial expressions convey (表达) our emotions, such as anger, joy, or _______________.
3. She was very _______________ when she found that all the windows were plain and rather dirty.
1. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but ____________________ (让我失望的是) we were defeated.
2. The people felt lonely and _________________________ (对……失望) their new life in the city.
1. The new rate is $199 per night, instead of the original $179. _________________
2. The moral of the original story is that a wicked (邪恶的) person cannot escape punishment. _________________
3. She’s a highly original young designer. _________________
1. 原画作现收藏于这家博物馆。
2. 我更喜欢读它的原著。(original n)
_______________ 1. She liked to dance but felt awkward if someone was watching her.
_______________ 2. Just stop being so awkward and help me push the car, will you!
_______________ 3. I felt awkward, so I smiled at the guy.
1. We live in a global village, but this doesn’t mean that we all behave in the same way. ______________
2. She always behaves well when her aunts come to visit. ______________
3. For animals their size, ants have been astonishingly successful, largely due to their wonderful social behavior. ______________
4. I want you both to be on your best behaviour at Grandad’s. ______________
1. He was praised for his _______________ (良好举止).
2. We promise to _________________ (守规矩) tomorrow.
3. A(n) __________________ (守规矩的孩子) earns a great reward.
4. He ___________________ (他表现得好像) nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
5. Whenever there was a full moon he would start ________________ (表现奇怪).
common, normal, usual, ordinary
1. “Smith” is a very _____________ name in Britain.
2. The temperature was below ___________ for the time of year.
3. The library is open for business as ___________ despite the snowstorm.
4. With her parents’ help, Moore is generally able to live a _______ teenage life.
5. Readers of the magazine said they wanted more stories about ___________ people and fewer stories about the rich and famous.
1. 运动会终于结束了,一切似乎恢复了正常。
The sports meeting finally ended and things seemed to ____________________________.
2. 小孩子有时调皮捣蛋是正常的。(it’s normal for sb to do sth, misbehave)
3. 我通常早上7点钟出门。(normally)
1. 她负责安排座位。(seating)
2. 她的责任感很强。
3. 保护环境是每个人的责任。