人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture课时练(含答案 4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture课时练(含答案 4份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-04 21:44:34


Unit 3 Food and Culture
1. prior adj.先前的;优先的
2. stuff vt.填满n.东西;物品
3. exceptional adj.特别的,罕见的
4. somewhat adv.有点;稍微
5. regardless adv.不顾;不加理会
6. category n.类别;种类
7. quantity n.数量;数额
8. ideal adj.完美的n.理想;完美的人(或事物)
9. fundamental adj.根本的;基础的n.基本规律
10. overall adv.总体上adj.全面的
1. prior adj.先前的;优先的→ priority n.优先事项;优先权
2. elegant adj.精美的;讲究的;文雅的→ elegance n.优美;高雅
3. except prep.除……之外→ exception n.例外→ exceptional adj.特别的;罕见的→ exceptionally adv.特别;非常
4. minimum adj.最低(限度)的;最小的n.最小值;最少量→ minimal adj.极小的,极少的,最小的→ minimize vt.使减少到最低限度;贬低
5. consume vt.吃;喝;消耗→ consumer n.消费者→ consumption n.消费;消耗
6. stable adj.稳定的;稳重的→ stably adv.稳定地→ stability n.稳定(性);稳固(性)
7. associate vt.联系;联想→ association n.协会;关联
8. modest adj.些许的;谦虚的;朴素的→ modesty n.谦逊
9. trick n.诀窍;把戏→ tricky adj.狡猾的;棘手的
1.bold adj. 大胆自信的;敢于冒险的 
2.chef n. 厨师;主厨 
3.garlic n.  蒜 
4.brand n.  品牌 
5.ingredient n. (尤指烹饪)材料;成分 
6.dessert n. (饭后)甜点 
7.canteen n. 食堂;餐厅 
8.cafeteria n.  自助餐厅;自助食堂 
9.fibre n. 纤维;纤维制品 
10.consistent adj. 一致的;连续的 
1. prior to 在……之前的
2. on the other hand 另一方面
3. regardless of 不管;不顾
4. in other words 换句话说
5.consist of  由……组成(或构成) 
6.slice...off  切下 
7.go hand in hand  息息相关;密切相关 
8.set off  动身;出发;引发;爆炸 
9.cut down on  削减;节省 
10.cut out  删去;剪下;戒除 
1. Tell me  what you eat, and I will  tell you what you are. (祈使句+and/or+陈述句)
2. Tired, hungry , and not knowing a word of Chinese, we had no idea how to order, so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten.(形容词短语作状语)
3.Everywhere, the food was  as varied as  the people. (as...as)
4.And in America, people who receive 25% of their daily calories or more through sugar are  twice as likely to die from heart disease than  people who receive less than 10% a day.(倍数表达法)
1.How is Hunan cuisine  somewhat (有点,稍微) different from Sichuan cuisine?
2.The company has shown  exceptional  growth over the past two years.
3.When travelling around, people like to enjoy different  categories  of local foods.
4.Experts say that the quality of praise is more important than the  quantity .
5.In an  ideal  world there would be no poverty and disease.
6.The advertising industry started with the  fundamental  purpose of promoting and selling goods to people who might need them.
7.We need to take an  overall view of the problem. Don’t look at things one-sidedly.
8.Our club is open to everyone  regardless  of age, gender or educational background.
1.She is such an  elegant  woman that her natural  elegance  strikes me.(elegant)
2.We are facing a  tricky  situation, so don’t play  tricks .(trick)
3.The electricity  consumption  is so great in our city that I strongly suggest all of us consumers  should never leave our lights on when we go out.(consume)
4.People want to live a  stable  life, so the government tries its best to develop economy  stably .(stable)
5.People often  associate  the development of football with the football  association .(associate)
6.The famous professor is  modest . His  modesty  is highly thought of by all his students.(modest)
7.The welcome party was exceptionally  successful. All the exchange students had a great time enjoying  exceptional Chinese dishes and I was no  exception . (exception)
consist of prior to go hand in hand
regardless of cut down on
1.In order to keep healthy, he cut down on  coffee and cigarettes, and took exercise regularly.
2.Some traditional Chinese dishes  prior to  the Ming Dynasty are still popular today.
3.My grandpa’s breakfast mainly consists of  wholegrain biscuits and a glass of milk.
4.We’ve fixed the date for the outing and we’ll go  regardless of  wind or rain.
5.We must keep our room clean, for dirt and disease  go hand in hand , you know.
With all the work done, we went home, tired but happy .
Jessica devoted three times as much time and energy as she did before , so I believe she will succeed this time.
Although Tomb Sweeping Day is not as interesting and exciting as other festivals , it is definitely the most special one.
 Be prepared in advance, and we can  avoid many unnecessary troubles.Unit 3 Food and Culture
Scientists have found that poor health has a closeassociationwith sugar rather than fatty food. This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of your diet might be. High-calorie food,which is usually junk food with a large amount of sugar, like desserts, should be cut out of your diet if you want to keep healthy. Beyond this, you’re supposed to consume different categories of foods, like fruit and vegetables, meat, beans, rice, and dairy products, since theyconsist of a quantity of fundamental nutrients. After all, the ideal diet is a balanced one. Finally, to have a healthy eating habit, you’d better chew slowly and eat a modest amount of food each time. Overall, there is no trickto healthy eating. You need to be careful with your recipe and your health will somewhat get improved.
1 associationn.协会;关联
1.[北师必修③-9]A closer look at the reading tests, shows the interesting fact that girls are outperforming boys in reading and that this  is associated (associate) with girls’ greater enjoyment of reading.
(1)本句中两个that均引导同位语从句,解释说明the interesting fact的具体内容。空前的this指的是第一个that引导的从句所说的内容。
(2)注意本句中的outperforming。outperform为复合动词,表示"胜过,超过"。2021年全国乙阅读D篇对该词进行了考查:...however, the participants in the 70 decibels group — those exposed to a level of noise similar to background chatter in a coffee shop — significantly outperformed the other groups.
2.We are working in  association (associate) with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless.
3.Generally speaking, people tend to associate famous brands  with  good quality.
4.下周六我们班将联合其他班级组织一次中国文化展。 (活动介绍)
→①We’re going to organize an exhibition on Chinese culture next Saturday  in association with other classes .(association)
→②We’re going to organize an exhibition  associated with Chinese culture  next Saturday together with other classes. (associate)
★in association with与……合作;与……有关联 ★associate vt.联想;联系 associate...with...把……和……联系在一起 be associated with和……有关
2 quantityn.数量;数额
1.[译林选必②-4]When passenger drones are flying above our cities  in  large quantities, the sky will get more and more crowded.
2.Until now,large quantities of money  have been spent (spend) on bringing up the three children.
 Large quantities of food are being wasted/A large quantity of food is being wasted  every day, which has caused the whole society’s concern.
★in quantity/in large quantities大量地 ★a large quantity of...大量的……(作主语时,谓语同of后的名词保持数的一致) large quantities of...大量的……(作主语时,谓语用复数)
3 trickn.诀窍;计谋;把戏 vt.欺骗;欺诈
①[外研选必①-1]While the doctor concentrates on examining Lara’s ankle, I get her attention by doing a magic trick.  n.把戏 
②[译林必修①-3]When I found out that I was tricked by him, I was really hurt and let go of our friendship.  vt.欺骗 
③[外研必修②-1]Sometimes there are so many knives and forks that you dare not pick them up in case you get it wrong.The trick is to start with the ones on the outside.  n.诀窍 
2.[外研选必①-1]Even newspapers, radio and TV stations play tricks  on  their readers and audiences.
3.That man tricked me into  lending (lend) him 200 dollars, and I have lost touch with him ever since.
★play a trick/tricks on sb.捉弄某人 ★trick sb. out of sth.(=cheat sb. out of sth.)骗取某人某物 trick sb. into doing sth.骗某人做某事
4 consistof由……组成(或构成)
1.[人教选必②-3]For example, America’s most popular Chinese dish is General Tso’s chicken, which  consists (consist) of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce,flavoured with hot red peppers.
本题中,所填词在which引导的非限制性定语从句中作谓语,其数应与先行词General Tso’s chicken(一道菜名)保持一致,故填单数consists。
2.The beauty of air travel consists  in  its speed and ease.
Raising a child  consists of  not only happiness, but also anxiety and depression.
(1)本题除了可以填consists of外,还可以填is made up of,is composed of,is comprised of。
(2)使用表示"由……组成(或构成)"的几个短语时应注意:consist of没有进行时态和被动语态,这是它与其他几个短语的主要区别。consisting of作状语或后置定语时,可替换为made up of/composed of/comprised of。
★表示"由……组成(或构成)"的短语还有:be made up of, be composed of, be comprised of。 ★consist in在于,存在于(=lie in)
5 regardlessof不管;不顾
1.The plan for a new office building went ahead regardless  of  local opposition.
Life  consists of  not only sunshine but also storms. But we should be optimistic  regardless of  what happens. (consist; regardless)
3.尽管雨下得很大,我们仍然决定按计划举行食品文化节。 (通知)
→① Regardless of the heavy rain/Regardless of the fact that it rains heavily ,we still decide to hold the Food Culture Festival as scheduled.(regardless of)
→② Despite the heavy rain/Despite the fact that it rains heavily , we still decide to hold the Food Culture Festival as scheduled.(despite)
despite和in spite of后不可以直接跟从句。若接从句,常在其后加the fact that,即despite/in spite of the fact that。
★regardless of后既可跟名词、动名词,也可跟whether,what,how引导的从句。 ★regardless of=despite=in spite of
6 形容词(短语)作状语
1. Surprised (surprise), Tony stood up and accepted the prize.
☆Surprised,Tony stood up and accepted the prize.(Surprised描述Tony的状态,即Tony自己感到惊讶)
☆Surprisingly, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.(Surprisingly修饰整个句子,即"Tony站起来去领奖"这件事让人很意外)
 Absorbed in reading , I didn’t notice that it was already midnight. (absorbed)
3.既兴奋又感动,他们泪流满面。 (读后续写之情绪描写)
 Excited and moved, they were in tears. 
4.Because I was unable to afford the time, I had to give up the plan.
→ Unable to afford the time , I had to give up the plan. (句式升级)
形容词(短语)作状语: ★说明谓语动词表示的动作发生时,主语所处的状态;表示行为方式、伴随状况、原因、时间或条件等。 ★有些由动词的过去分词转化而来的形容词作状语时,表示状态而非被动,这样的词有lost,occupied,absorbed,involved等。
7 倍数表达法
1.[北师选必①-3]They found that human activity is causing species to die out 1,000 times  faster (fast) than normal.
2.The number of the students in our school is four times what  it was ten years ago.
→①Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past ten years.  People’s income is several times higher than before .(倍数+adj.比较级+than)
→②Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past ten years. People’s income is several times as high as before .(倍数+as+adj.原级+as)
→③Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past ten years. People’s income is several times what it was before . (倍数+what从句)
★A+be+倍数+as+adj./adv.原级+as B ★A+be+倍数+adj./adv.比较级+than B ★A+be+倍数+the+名词(size/weight/height/length...)+of B ★A+be+倍数+what从句
1.I wonder (that) he didn’t hurt himself when overleaping that wall.  v.跳过 
2.An overbridge is standing over there, making it convenient for people to cross the road, especially in the rush hour.  n.天桥 
3.Permission has not yet been given for the airline to overfly Tanzania.  v.飞过;飞越 
4.As the urban districts are overcrowded, you can hardly find a parking lot.  adj.过度拥挤的 Unit 3 Food and Culture
Roughly one-third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year — approximately 1.3 billion tonnes— gets lost or wasted. And in Singapore 665,000 tonnes of food waste was produced in 2020, amounting to $342 million, only 19% of which was recycled. Chua Kai-Ning and her partner, Phua Jun Wei, founded Insectta in 2017. They are battling Singapore’s food waste with the help of the black soldier fly larva — the immature form of a fly.
"The idea behind Insectta is that nothing goes to waste," said Chua. "Waste can be reimagined as a resource if we change how we think about our production methods, and how we deal with waste."
The worms of black soldier flies consume up to eight tons of food waste per month. Insectta can then flash dry the worms into animal feed, and use the insects’ excrement(粪便)for agriculture. According to Chua,Insectta is extracting more than agriculture-related products from black soldier flies.
"During the research and development, we realized that a lot of precious biomaterials that have already got market value can be gained from these flies," Chua said. Insectta has developed technology to get biomaterials from the exoskeleton(外骨骼) they leave behind.
One of these biomaterials is chitosan, an antimicrobial(抗菌的) material sometimes used in makeup and medicine. Insectta aims to eventually produce 500 kilograms of chitosan a day. Insectta is now working with Singapore-based Spa Esprit Group for the use of the chitosan in its skin care products. It also joins hands with the face mask brand Vi-Mask, which hopes to use the chitosan to make an antimicrobial layer within its products.
【词语积累】 amount to总计,共计;等同于,相当于
join hands携手合作,联合,合伙
【长难句解读】 "During the research and development, we realized that a lot of precious
biomaterials (that have already got market value) can be gained from these flies,"Chua said.
1. What do the figures in paragraph 1 show?
A. The difficulty in recycling food waste.
B. The seriousness of food waste.
C. The urgency of reducing food consumption.
D. The effort at battling food waste.
解析 B 推理判断题。由第一段内容可知,全世界每年有大约13亿公吨的食物被浪费,2020年新加坡产生了665 000公吨食品废弃物,其中只有19%得到了回收。由此可知,作者通过列数字的方式来表明食物浪费的严重性,故选B项。
2.What does the underlined word "extracting" in paragraph 3 mean?
A. Protecting. B.Obtaining.
C. Learning. D. Recycling.
解析 B 词义猜测题。由第三段中的"use the insects’ excrement(粪便) for agriculture"可知,该公司把黑水虻的粪便应用于农业,再结合下文可知,该公司还从黑水虻的外骨骼中获取了抗菌生物材料。由此可推知,该公司从黑水虻身上获取的不只是与农业相关的产品,故画线词的含义应是"获取",B项切题。
3.What can be inferred about chitosan?
A. It has a wide range of uses.
B. It brings few profits to Insectta.
C. It has been applied to masks.
D. It is found in the fly’s excrement.
解析 A 推理判断题。由最后一段中的"used in makeup and medicine""for the use of the chitosan in its skin care products... to make an antimicrobial layer within its products"可知,这种抗菌材料可用于化妆品和药物中,也可用于护肤产品中,还可用于口罩的抗菌层。由此可知,这种抗菌材料用途广泛,故选A。
4.Which is the best title for the text?
A. Insects provide a way to recycle food waste
B. New technology is developed to fight food waste
C. Insectta is using insects to turn waste into treasure
D. Singapore is benefiting from the insect-based industry
解析 C 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章的主要内容是:世界上每年都有大量的食物被浪费,新加坡的一家名为Insectta的公司利用黑水虻解决食品废弃物,把黑水虻的粪便应用于农业,还从黑水虻的外骨骼中提取出了可用于化妆品和药品等的材料。C项做标题最佳。
[科技创新/]Diners in Japan may soon be able to cut their salt intake without needing to sacrifice(牺牲) flavor. Researchers recently announced they developed electric chopsticks that increase saltiness of foods.
Co-developed by Meiji University professor Homei Miyashita and drink producer Kirin Holdings Company, Limited, the chopsticks improve tastes using electrical stimulation and a mini-computer attached to a wrist. "The device uses a weak electrical current to send sodium ions(钠离子) from food, through the chopsticks, to the mouth where they create a sense of saltiness," said Miyashita. "As a result, the salty taste increases by 1.5 times."
The taste-improving chopsticks may have particular relevance to the traditional diet in Japan, which tends to be high in salt. The average Japanese adult eats about 10 grams of salt each day. That is almost two times the amount suggested by the World Health Organization. High sodium intake is linked to increased cases of high blood pressure, strokes and other conditions. "To prevent these diseases, we need to reduce the amount of salt we take," said Kirin researcher Ai Sato. Sato added that if Japanese people try to reduce salt intake in the usual ways, they will need to cut many of their favorite foods from their diet. Otherwise, they would have to eat flavorless food.
"I want to overturn the idea that low salt means no flavor," Miyashita declared. "The chopsticks make it possible to keep enjoying the foods we love, and in a healthier way." He was confident that the chopsticks can help people make better decisions about their diet and hoped to have them ready to sell as early as next year.
Miyashita and his research team have explored different ways that technology can interact with human senses. He has also developed a television screen that a person can lick(舔) to taste different food flavors. Meanwhile, research is also underway to develop other eating tools with special functions like electric spoons and forks using technology.
【词语积累】 intake n.(食物、饮料等的)摄取量,吸入量
relevance n.关联,有关 overturn v.推翻
underway adj.在进行中的
【熟词生义】 1.current常用义:adj.当前的,现在的 文中义:n.电流
2.condition常用义:n.状况,状态 文中义:n.(因不可能治愈而长期患有的)疾病
1.Who would probably be interested in the electric chopsticks?
A. Those sticking to a balanced diet.
B. Those having eating disorders.
C. Those preferring homemade food.
D. Those wanting to take in less salt.
解析 D 细节理解题。由文章第一段中的"Diners in Japan may soon be able to cut their salt intake"可知,这种电动筷子对想要减少盐摄入量的人有吸引力,故D项正确。
2.Why is traditional Japanese diet mentioned?
A. To introduce what Japanese diet is like.
B. To stress how important chopsticks are for it.
C. To show what influence it has on the Japanese.
D. To explain why electric chopsticks are invented.
解析 D 推理判断题。由题干中的"traditional Japanese diet"可将解题信息定位至第三段。由本段对日本传统饮食的介绍可知,日本的传统饮食盐味较重。普通的日本成年人每天摄入的盐量几乎是世界卫生组织建议的两倍。高钠摄入量与高血压、中风和其他疾病病例的增加有关。如果日本人以平常的方式减少盐的摄入,他们将需要舍弃许多他们喜欢的食物。否则,他们将不得不吃寡淡无味的食物。再结合上文中提到的电动筷子可以增加食物的咸味可推知,文中提及日本传统饮食是为了解释研究人员发明电动筷子的原因。综上可知,本题选D。
3.What does Miyashita expect of the electric chopsticks?
A. They’ll reach consumers in the near future.
B. They’ll help change people’s eating habits.
C. They’ll be developed into various versions.
D. They’ll inspire a whole new line of research.
解析 A 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的"the chopsticks can help people ... hoped to have them ready to sell as early as next year"可知,本题选A。
4.What is the text mainly about?
A. Benefits of low-sodium diets.
B. Improvements to the Japanese diet.
C. Electric chopsticks increasing salty taste.
D. An invention making food more delicious.
解析 C 主旨大意题。结合全文内容,尤其是第一段中的"Researchers recently announced they developed electric chopsticks that increase saltiness of foods"可知,本文主要介绍的是研究者发明的一种能够增加食物咸味的电动筷子,故C项正确。
On our second day in China, we’d already been asked to join the school for supper. Nervous and unsure of the food and table manners, we politely agreed.  1  And now my first dining experience would be with the school staff.
Compared with the restaurants in my hometown, Chinese ones are loud and busy.  2  The atmosphere is warm and chaotic; people are happy. The tables are big and round. In Chinese culture the most important person sits facing the door. Plates of food soon started arriving. And then I wished I’d worked on my chopstick skills before.
 3  This means ordering lots of food and encouraging you to keep eating. It also means drinking and drinking. You’ll never have an empty glass.
It’s polite to try everything, but if you know me, you would know I don’t eat everything. Fresh fish? Sure, an entire fish on the plate staring at you while you pick at it. Not for me.  4  No, thanks! The lung of a pig? I’ll pass. It seems that the Chinese really eat everything!
Every day I’m pushed out of my comfort zone.  5  The experience itself is quite amazing. I’ve learned a lot, yet there’s still so much to learn. It sure is different from my culture and way of living, but being in their shoes and seeing life through their eyes have really helped me to understand. And I look forward to discovering more!
A. I gradually got used to the life here.
B. The Chinese are so friendly and hospitable.
C. Snails with their shell crushed and cooked into a meal?
D. But for the most part, I discover something I really enjoy.
E. People rinse(冲洗) their bowls and chopsticks first with hot water.
F. Coming to China, the thing I was most nervous about was the food.
G. People are shouting, laughing, drinking and kids are running around freely.
1.F F项中的the thing I was most nervous about was the food与空前句子中的unsure of the food以及空后句子中的my first dining experience相照应。
2.G G项所说的情况是对"Chinese ones are loud and busy"的具体说明。
3.B B项指明了第三段的主旨大意,"ordering lots of food and encouraging you to keep eating"以及"drinking and drinking"皆诠释了中国人的友善与好客。
4.C C项与"Fresh fish?"和"The lung of a pig?"吻合。
5.D D项与"Every day I’m pushed out of my comfort zone"之间为转折关系,且空后的句子是对D项中something的具体说明。
One day, Baltimore restaurant owner Steve Chu learned one of his longtime customers, an old lady, was losing her battle with cancer. Chu  1  to drive six hours to Vermont to cook her favorite dish for her rather than share his recipe at her son-in-law Brandon’s request.
Her daughter Rina knows how much the dish from Chu’s restaurant  2  to her. "She always told us,‘When I’m on my death bed, I want to have that broccoli,’" Rina said. "Actually, when I was packing on Friday to drive to Vermont, I called her in  3  to see if she wanted us to bring anything special and she  4  said,‘Tempura broccoli!’"
After confirming his plans with Rina and Brandon, Chu, together with his two colleagues, made the  5  to Vermont. The next morning, they set up a makeshift(临时代替的) kitchen in the bed of their truck at the lady’s house. When the dish was  6 , the team rang the doorbell.
When the old lady opened her door and saw Chu’s familiar  7  with the dish, she could hardly believe her eyes. "I don’t understand! You drove all the way up here to cook for me?" she cried with a(n) 8  expression on her face.
Chu immediately recognized her the moment he saw her. "We’ve seen many  9  come and go. However, she always  10 , not only in the way she enjoys my cooking but in always making sure to  11  the dishes to my restaurant staff," Chu said.
Their mission accomplished, Chu and his colleagues turned down an offer to stay for dinner, also refusing to take any  12 . Rina Jones reported Chu’s generosity left her and her mom with tears of  13 .
"She’s a lovely lady, who has showered us with love at our restaurant for years," Chu said, adding it was an honor to help  14  the family’s wish. "It was a meaningful  15 , and I’m happy that we could make it happen," he said.
1.A. hesitated B. continued
C. competed D.offered
解析 D 厨师主动提出开六个小时的车,亲自去给老人做菜。offer to do (sth.)表示"主动做某事"。
2.A. means B. owes
C. devotes D. sends
解析 A 老人的女儿知道这道菜对母亲的意义有多重大。mean在此表示"意味着"。
3.A. secret B. surprise
C. advance D. anger
解析 C 老太太的女儿提前给母亲打电话看她想不想让带什么特别的东西。in advance表示"提前,事先"。
4.A. luckily B. nervously
C. confusedly D. jokingly
解析 D 老太太开玩笑地说让女儿带她特别喜欢的菜。jokingly表示"开玩笑地"。
5.A. agreement B.trip
C. requirement D. order
解析 B 确认了计划之后,Chu就和两名同事一起踏上了去佛蒙特州的旅途。make the trip to...表示"踏上去……的旅途,前往……"。
6.A. delicious B. fresh
C. ready D. popular
解析 C 菜肴做好后,厨师一行人按响了老太太家的门铃。ready表示"准备好的"。
7.A. figure B. performance
C. behavior D. character
解析 A 老太太开门后便看到了Chu熟悉的身影。figure表示"身影"。
8.A. embarrassed B. scared
C. peaceful D.surprised
解析 D 结合"she could hardly believe her eyes"和"I don’t understand!"可知,看到Chu,老太太应该很吃惊,故本题选D项,surprised表示"惊奇的,吃惊的"。
9.A. volunteers B.customers
C. visitors D. foreigners
解析 B Chu是开饭馆的,自然是见多了顾客的来来往往。customer表示"顾客"。
10.A. helps out B. watches out
C. stands out D. works out
解析 C 虽然见多了顾客,可这位老太太总是那么显眼。stand out表示"突出,显眼"。
11.A. raise B. return
C. serve D. praise
解析 D 老太太给Chu印象深刻的不仅仅是她享受他做的菜肴的样子,还有就是她总不忘向餐馆的工作人员夸赞一下这些菜肴。praise表示"夸奖,称赞"。
12.A. consideration B. risk
C. payment D. blame
解析 C Chu他们也拒绝收钱。payment表示"款额,款项"。
13.A. regret B. gratitude
C. pride D. pity
解析 B 对于Chu开了六个小时的车前来做菜这件事,老太太一家自然会心存感激,故本题选B项,gratitude表示"感激,感谢"。
14.A. fulfill B. express
C. understand D. discover
解析 A Chu觉得帮助老太太一家实现愿望是一件很荣幸的事情,故本题选A项,fulfill表示"实现,达成"。
15.A. invention B. change
C. campaign D. experience
解析 D 在Chu看来,开了六个小时的车去给这位老太太做菜是一次非常有意义的经历。experience表示"经历,体验"。Unit 3 Food and Culture
1.[2023全国乙]Many of these species(物种) are not  ideally (ideal) suited to growing outside in the UK, especially in the winter.
2.[2022北京]However, a strong smell is added so that we can raise the alarm when we detect the smell  associated (associate) with danger.
3.[2022北京]Tom, a 15-year-old inventor and entrepreneur(创业者), witnessed at his own school the widespread  consumption (consume) of sugary drinks by kids.
4.[2021北京]Many people enjoy relaxing music in the evening prior  to  going to bed.
5.[2021浙江1月]Grocery stores try to have enough employees at checkout to get all their customers through with  minimum (minimize) delay.
6.[2020全国Ⅲ]We will wander in traditional small towns and end our tour with an exceptional (exception) museum in Shanghai.
7.[北京高考]This means, for example, that a scammer could call you from what looks to be a familiar number and talk to you using a voice that sounds exactly like your bank teller’s, tricking you  into "confirming" your address, mother’s name, and card number.
8.[天津高考]Most are also equipped with automatic fire alarm systems consisting  of  heat detectors, smoke detectors and sprinklers.
1.[2022全国乙]It is believed that today’s children and teenagers are consuming three times the recommended level of sugar, putting them at a higher risk of the disease.  v.吃,喝,饮 
consume除了表示"吃,喝,饮;消耗",还可表示"使充满(强烈的感情)"。如:Tom was consumed with anger after hearing the bad news.
2.[2021北京]Discussing your issues and resolving them instead of stuffing them down can improve your emotional health.  v.塞满 
3.[江苏高考]—Can you tell us your recipe for happiness and a long life?
—Living every day to the full, definitely.  n.秘诀 
写作一 基础写作——健康饮食
1.我注意到有些学生在就餐时间吃垃圾食品,不管它有多不健康。(junk food,regardless of)
 I notice some students eat junk food at mealtimes regardlessof how unhealthy it is. 
2.我认为我们应该拒绝垃圾食品,因为它含有大量的有害成分。(consist of,quantity)
 I think we should say no to junk food since it consists of quantities of harmful ingredients. 
 In order to keep fit, we’d better consume different categories of fruit and vegetables,chew carefully and swallow slowly. 
 Healthy eating is necessary for us to keep an ideal figure as well as live a high-quality life. 
 Every one of us is required to make some fundamental changes, and let’s begin from now on! 
Dear students,
 I am Li Hua. I notice some students eat junk food at mealtimes regardless of how unhealthy it is. I think we should say no to it since it consists of quantities of harmful ingredients. Instead, in order to keep fit, we’d better consume different categories of fruit and vegetables, chew carefully and swallow slowly. After all, healthy eating is necessary for us to keep an ideal figure as well as live a high-quality life. 
 Every one of us is required to make some fundamental changes, and let’s begin from now on! 
Li Hua
写作二 读后续写——动作描写之"肩部"动作
积累背诵 仿写运用
词 组 1.carry sth. on one’s shoulder把某物扛在肩上 2.shoulder to shoulder并肩地;齐心协力地 3.give/show/turn the cold shoulder to sb.冷落某人,不理睬某人 4.pat/clap/tap sb. on the shoulder 拍某人的肩膀 5.shrug one’s shoulders耸肩,不在乎 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.他正要开门,突然有人从后面拍了拍他的肩膀,吓得他跳了起来。 He was just about to open the door when suddenly someone  patted/clapped/tapped him on the shoulder  from behind, which made him jump. 2.错过了最后一趟公交车,他把沉重的箱子扛在肩上,沿着无人的街道一路走回了家。 Having missed the last bus, he  carried the heavy box on his shoulder  along the empty street all the way home. 3.当我问他为什么要这么做时,他只是耸了耸肩,什么都没说。 When I asked him why he had done it, he just  shrugged his shoulders and said nothing . 4.他们迈着一致的步伐并肩而行,低着头躲避雨水。 They fell into step, walking shoulder to shoulder  with their heads bent against the rain.(现在分词短语作状语)
佳 句 1.As he watched the sunset over the ocean,resting his head on his friend’s shoulder, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace and contentment wash over him. 当他看着海洋上的日落,把头靠在朋友肩膀上时,他不禁感到一种平静和满足的感觉涌上心头。 2.Seeing the critical situation before him, he lifted the child onto his shoulder. 看到眼前危急的情况,他一把把孩子扛在肩上。 3.He shouldered his way to the front of the crowd to get a better look.他用肩膀开路挤到人群前面,以便看得更清楚。