人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Working the Land课时练(含答案 4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Working the Land课时练(含答案 4份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-04 21:48:55


Unit 5 Working the Land
1. attain vt.(通常经过努力)获得;得到
2. overcome vt.克服;解决;战胜
3. estimate vt.估计;估价n.估计;估算
4. comprise vt.包括;包含;由……组成
5. soil n.泥土;土壤;领土
6. vision n.想象;视力;视野;影像
7. essential adj.完全必要的;极其重要的
8. alternative n.可供选择的事物adj.可供替代的
9. instance n.例子;实例;事例
10. aspect n.方面;层面
1. devote vt.把……献(给);专心于 → devoted adj.忠诚的;挚爱的 → devotion n.献身;忠诚
2. short adj.短的;矮的;缺乏的 → shorten vt.&vi.(使)变短;缩短 → shortage n.不足;缺少
3. convince vt.使相信;说服 → convincing adj.令人信服的 → convinced adj.确信的;信服的
4. convention n.习俗;常规 → conventional adj.传统的;习惯的
5. assume vt.假定;认为 → assumption n.假定;设定
6. expand vt.&vi.扩大;增加vt.扩展;发展(业务) → expansion n.扩张;扩展
7. consume vt.消耗;耗费;消费 → consumption n.消耗;消费 → consumer n.消费者
8. generate vt.产生;引起 → generation n.代;一代人;(尤指电、热等的)产生
9. real adj.真实的 → reality n.现实;事实 → realise vt.实现vt.&vi.意识到 → really adv.真正地
10. nutrition n.营养;滋养 → nutritious adj.有营养的;营养丰富的 → nutritional adj.营养(物)的
11. deepen vt.&vi.加深;(使)变深→ deep adj.深的adv.深深地;在深处 → depth n.深(度)
12. entire adj.整个的;全部的 → entirely adv.全部地;完整地
1.tackle vt. 解决(难题);应付(局面);处理 
2.crisis n. 危机;危急关头 
3.boost vt. 使增长;使兴旺  n. 增长;提高;激励 
4.characteristic n. 特征;品质  adj. 典型的;独特的 
5.intense adj. 热切的;十分强烈的 
6.domestic adj. 本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的 
7.leisure n. 闲暇;休闲;空闲 
8.celebrity n. 名望;名誉;名人 
9.grain n. 谷物;谷粒 
10.urban adj. 城市的;城镇的 
11.tunnel n. 地下通道;隧道 
12.fertiliser n. 肥料 
13.poverty n. 贫穷;贫困 
14.widespread adj. 分布广的;广泛的 
15.digest vt.&vi. 消化  vt. 领会;领悟  n. 摘要;文摘 
16.mineral n. 矿物;矿物质 
17.root n. 根;根茎;根源 
1. devote...to 把……用于;献身;致力;专心
2. be comprised of 包括;由……组成(或构成)
3. deep down 在内心深处;本质上;实际上
4. in turn 相应地;转而;依次;轮流
5. for instance 例如;比如
1.Indeed, his slim but strong body was just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he had devoted his life . ("介词+关系代词"引导的非限制性定语从句)
2.However, what concerned him most was  that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat . (that引导的表语从句)
3. How this could be done  was a challenging question at the time. (how引导的主语从句)
4. Given that Yuan’s hybrids made him quite wealthy , one might think he would have retired to a life of leisure. (given that ...)
5.For example, pesticides can damage the land by killing   not only harmful bacteria and insects, but also helpful ones . (not only...but also...)
1.The construction of China Space Station shows our country has  attained (获得) great success in space science.
2.Some analysts  estimate (估计) that food production efficiency will need to be raised by 50 percent to maintain current levels.
3.Had it not been for the support of the teachers, the student could not have  overcome  her difficulty.
4.You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two  alternatives .
5.Determining where we are in relation to our surroundings remains an  essential  skill for our survival.
6.Technological change is everywhere and affects every  aspect  of life, mostly for the better.
7.The university, which is well-known at home and abroad, comprises  twelve departments.
8.What is known to us all is that the bacteria that live in the  soil  help to break down our wastes.
1.The  consumption  of our eating companions can influence our food intake. For instance, seeing a thin person eat a lot, we are more likely to  consume  a large portion.(consume)
2.His speech was so  convincing  that everyone present entirely believed what he said. I was entirely  convinced  of his fitness for the task. (convince)
3.A student’s vocabulary  expands  through reading. In turn, the  expansion  of vocabulary contributes to digesting the reading materials better. (expand)
4.The teacher  devotes  all his life to teaching. He is so  devoted  to this cause that everyone admires him for his  devotion . (devote)
5.He had been  short  of exercise for a long time. The  shortage  of exercise led to his weakness.So he  shortened  his time of playing computer games to take exercise. (short)
6.You shouldn’t look into the case on the  assumption  that he is a criminal. Without firm evidence, he should be  assumed  to be innocent. (assume)
7.The lake’s exact  depth  remains unmeasurable. However, experts think that it is still  deepening  gradually. (deep)
8. I  entirely  agree with you that children should go outdoors more frequently. It really upsets me when I see them spending an  entire  morning in front of screens. (entire)
9.Suddenly I  realised  that I never got accustomed to living there. In  reality , I was  really  missing my hometown.(real)
10.The new dam, designed to  generate  electricity by water, is expected to provide electricity for future  generations . (generate)
devote oneself to be comprised of
deep down in turn for instance
1.Life  is comprised of  not only sunshine but also storms and we must be brave in front of difficulties.
2.We all believe  deep down  that hard work and virtue will lead to success while laziness and evil will lead to ruin.
3.Words have a powerful effect on your brain, and  in turn  it influences your action greatly.
4.Space travel can be so delightful but at the same time invisibly dangerous. For instance , astronauts lose bone mass.
5.Lu Xun changed his mind to  devote himself to literature with the purpose of saving his motherland from falling behind.
Moreover, there are various kinds of delicious food in Chengdu, of which Sichuan Hot Pot is the most famous .
The core of your friendship is  that you will always be ready to help each other .
 How we spend our leisure time  is important for our overall development.
4.考虑到他们缺乏经验,他们的工作已经做得不错了。(given that ...)
 Given that they’re short of experience , they’ve done a good job.
5.这是一项很有意义的活动,我不仅能有一些新的发现,还能体验劳动的乐趣,丰富我的知识。(not only ...but also...)
It was a very meaningful activity and  not only could I have some new discoveries but also I could experience the joy of labor and enrich my knowledge .Unit 5 Working the Land
There existed a common assumption that chemicals were the best way to attain higher yields in conventional agriculture. But these chemicals tend to accumulate in the soil and underground water, and affect the crops and,in turn, the animals and humans who digest them.
How to tackle this issue? Scientists are convinced that the answer lies in agricultural technology. Theydevote themselves to generating seeds with superb characteristics, which can reduce risks of pest and boost output greatly. In the meantime, more farmers have turned to organic farming. They entirely avoid the use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers so that the products have betterflavour and comprise richer nutrition, for instance, essential minerals. We hope that with scientists’ intense efforts and the widespread application of agricultural technology, farmers can have more alternatives.
1 devotevt.把……献(给);把……专用于;专心于
1.[外研选必④-1] After Sherlock Holmes made him a household name, Doyle gave up medicine and devoted himself entirely to  writing (write).
句意:在福尔摩斯使道尔变得家喻户晓之后,道尔放弃了行医,全身心投入写作。a household name 家喻户晓的人(或物)。
2.Sun Jiadong’s devotion (devote) to China’s space industry is wonderfully inspiring.
In 2008, Zhang Guimei set up an all-girls high school, to which she devoted all her time and energy . ("介词+which"引导的非限制性定语从句)
4.我最崇拜的人是袁隆平,他一生致力于水稻生产。 (人物介绍)
The person I admire most is Yuan Longping, who devoted all his life to rice production .(定语从句)
★devote ... to ... 把……用于;献身;致力;专心 devote oneself to (doing)sth. 致力于(做)某事 ★devoted adj.挚爱的;忠诚的;全心全意的 be devoted to (doing)sth. 专心于(做)某事;致力于(做)某事 ★devotion n.关爱;奉献;专心
2 convincevt.使相信;使确信;说服
1.[外研选必①-5]But Darwin’s scientific studies were so  convincing (convince) that more and more people started to believe his theory.
2.[外研选必④-3]Great to hear you’re coming to the US! I hope I can convince you  to stop (stop) by and visit us in New York.
3.Given his experience, I am convinced  of  his ability to tackle the problem.
 I am fully convinced that with our joint efforts we can overcome these difficulties. 
在写作中,用I am convinced that... 代替I believe/think that... 可为文章增色不少。
★convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 ★convinced adj.坚信的;深信的;确信的 be convinced of... 坚信……;确信…… be convinced that+从句相信……;确信…… ★convincing adj.令人信服的
3 alternativen.可供选择的事物 adj.可供替代的;非传统的
1.Facial recognition technology is a quick and cool alternative  to  traditional passwords, and you cannot forget your own face!
2.You can turn to a travel agency. Alternatively (alternative), you can organise your own trip.
Faced with such a severe situation, human beings  have no alternative but to cooperate with each other  to tackle the ocean crisis.
★an alternative to... ……的替代品 have no alternative/choice but to do sth. 除了做某事之外别无选择 ★alternatively adv.要不;或者
4 inturn相应地;转而;依次;轮流
We offer an excellent education to our students.  In turn, we expect students to study hard. 
Soon, it was my turn to speak . Facing the crowd, I was so nervous that I forgot some parts of the story.
→①Both my husband and I want a healthy diet, so  we take turns to cook each evening . (take turns to do sth.)
→②Both my husband and I want a healthy diet, so  we cook each evening in turn . (in turn)
★take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事 ★It’s sb.’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事。
5 giventhat引导的原因状语从句
 Given that you are alone at school during the winter vacation , I invite you to my home for the Spring Festival.
→① Given your interest in children , teaching seems the right job for you. (given)
→② Given that you like children , teaching seems the right job for you. (given that)
★given that 引导原因状语从句,表示"考虑到;鉴于……"。 ★given prep.考虑到;鉴于
本单元:out-(向外)+put(放)→向外放东西→output 输出
1.[2023新高考Ⅱ]Jaramillo’s students live in neighborhoods where fresh food and green space are not easy to find and fast food restaurants outnumber grocery stores.  v.多于 
2.[2023新高考Ⅱ]Continued developments in communication technologies were once believed to make the printed page outdated.  adj.过时的 
3.[2023浙江1月]A machine can now not only beat you at chess, it can also outperform you in debate.  v.胜过;超过 
4.The man, who passed away in 2005,outlived his wife by three years.  v.比……活得久 
5.Little Bryan has a good appetite and exercises often, thus he has already outgrown his older brother.  v.比……长得高/快/大 
1.out-(超出)+number(数量)→数量上超出→outnumber v.多于
2.out-(超出)+date(日期)+-ed→超出日期的→outdated adj.过时的
3.out-(超出)+perform(表现)→在表现上超越→outperform v.胜过;超过
4.out-(超出)+live(活着)→outlive v.比……活得久
5.out-(超出)+grow(成长)→outgrow v.比……长得高/快/大Unit 5 Working the Land
At 6 years old, Kendall Rae Johnson has become not only the youngest certified farmer in Georgia but also the youngest Black farmer in the state.
Kendall began her green thumb(种植技能) journey at the age of 3 while helping her late great-grandmother Laura "Kate" Williams tend to her garden. She was attracted by the process that once-tiny seeds grew into colorful fruits and vegetables ready to be eaten by the family. That might be when it all started.
Kendall started out in a patio(露台) garden. By the time her fourth birthday came, her parents built a garden in their backyard, allowing her to develop her green thumb by planting carrots, potatoes and strawberries. Then they moved, and now she has a farm.
Kendall’s developing vegetable garden led to the start of her farming business called aGROWKulture. And eventually she became a certified farmer in the state. However, her journey to becoming a certified farmer was really a Gordian knot. The lengthy process started with an application, followed by an inspection of a company’s production practices and sales, according to the Georgia Department of Agriculture. There are more than 42,000 farms operating in the state.
Now, Kendall has become a symbol of young farmers. Last week, the city of South Fulton, where she lives, declared Sept. 28 "Kendall Rae Appreciation Day" for her work in her garden. But these achievements aren’t slowing the 6-year-old down. She also wants to teach kids where food actually comes from. She started out with a monthly gardening club, where her family help her plant vegetables, harvest and produce subscription food boxes. She hopes one day soon, more people will join her in gardening and help to support her efforts to change the way kids look at food and food insecurity.
Kendall Rae Johnson在3岁时就喜欢上了种植,现在,6岁的她不仅是佐治亚州最年轻的持证农民,也是该州最年轻的黑人农民。
【词语积累】 certified adj.合格的,持有证书的 green thumb 园艺技能,种植技能 lengthy adj.漫长的,长时间的 inspection n.视察,检查
1. What can we know about Kendall?
A. She planted her first garden at age 4.
B. She was born with a talent for farming.
C. She was curious about plants’ growth.
D. She tried to build a garden similar to Laura’s.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第二段中的"She was attracted ... be eaten by the family"可知,Kendall被小种子长成五颜六色的水果和蔬菜这一过程所吸引。由此可知,她对植物生长很好奇。
2. Which is closest in meaning to "a Gordian knot" in paragraph 4?
A. A difficult task.
B. A constant effort.
C. A pure entertainment.
D. A personal experience.
解析 A 词义猜测题。由画线部分后的"The lengthy process started with an application...practices and sales"可推知,成为持证农民是一件难事。画线部分的含义应是"难办的事",A项切题。
3. Why did Kendall start the gardening club?
A. To attract kids to her garden.
B. To share facts about food safety.
C. To help with her farming business.
D. To spread knowledge about farming.
解析 D 推理判断题。由最后一段中的"She also wants to teach kids where food actually comes from... produce subscription food boxes"可知,她还想让孩子们了解食物的真正来源。为此,她成立了园艺俱乐部,每月组织一次活动。由此可知,Kendall创办俱乐部是为了传播农业知识,故选D。
4. What does Kendall’s story tell us?
A. Where there is life, there is hope.
B. Interest is the seed; action is the fruit.
C. A good beginning makes a good ending.
D. The hobby is the first step to acquire knowledge.
解析 B 推理判断题。Kendall 3岁时就对种植产生了兴趣,后来她有了自己的菜园和农场,并发展了自己的农业事业,而且6岁的她还成了佐治亚州最年轻的持证农民。由此可知,Kendall的故事告诉我们,兴趣是种子,行动是果实,故选B。
[2023山东济南学情检测]Lam Hon-ming, director of the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, is a top expert in soybean(大豆) research. Since 1998, Lam’s team has been cooperating with scientists in the Chinese mainland. In 2010, he came across Zhang Guohong, an agricultural expert from Gansu, China, at a national soybean conference. With the same major, they hit it off and decided to improve farmers’ lives and promote local agriculture.
Farmers in Gansu depend largely on the weather for their livelihood, mainly on rainfall, which is also a cause of severe poorness in the area. In 2016, they developed three new soybean varieties suited to salty soil and rare rainfall of Northwest China. All received official government approval.
As the land in Northwest China is not suitable for the growth of common varieties of soybeans, local farmers never planted soybeans, and it became a major problem for spreading new soybeans. Lam and Zhang communicated with farmers in various ways. To ensure farmers’ income, Lam struck a partnership with a Hong Kong food company that will purchase all soybeans at market price when they are harvested.
By 2020, the planting area of the three approved soybeans in Gansu had gone beyond 2.4 million square kilometers, covering 46 of the province’s 80-plus counties, and the output had reached 7.71 million kilograms, adding about 30 million yuan to local farmers’ income.
Zhang said that Professor Lam’s contribution has greatly pushed the poorness relief and agricultural research in Northwest China. "It is hard to keep doing agricultural research with less funding. And it is more difficult to travel from Hong Kong to the poor areas to do agricultural research," he added. In the future, Lam will continue to work with mainland scientists and lead more "Hong Kong power" to the development of the country’s Northwest.
【词语积累】 come across偶遇 agricultural adj. 农业的
conference n.(大型、正式的)会议,研讨会
approval n.同意,赞成;批准 varieties of各种各样的
output n.产量,输出
1. What can we know about the two scientists from Paragraph 1?
A. They have been friends since 1998.
B. They both major in agriculture.
C. They once served in the same lab.
D. They met by chance in Hong Kong.
解析 B 细节理解题。由第一段中的"Lam Hon-ming...soybean(大豆)research""In 2010...With the same major, they hit it off and decided to improve farmers’ lives and promote local agriculture"可知,林汉明是大豆研究的顶级专家。2010年,他在一次全国大豆会议上偶遇了来自甘肃的农业专家张国宏,他们两位专业相同,故本题选B。
2. What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A. Rainfall is not enough.
B. The locals lived a poor life.
C. Little land is rich in nutrition.
D. The farmers never planted soybeans.
解析 D 代词指代题。由第三段画线词所在句"As the land...spreading new soybeans"可知,由于西北地区的土地不适合种植普通大豆品种,当地农民从不种植大豆,这成为推广新大豆的一大难题。it指代上文的当地农民从不种植大豆这种情况,故选D。
3. What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?
A. More work needs to be done.
B. All farmers have become better-off.
C. The two scientists are successful.
D. Soybeans grow throughout Gansu.
解析 C 段落大意题。通读第四段的内容可知,本段主要告诉我们两位科学家成功了。
4. Which of the following can best describe Lam Hon-ming?
A. Dependent. B. Honest.
C. Open-minded. D.Devoted.
解析 D 推理判断题。由最后一段可知,林教授的贡献极大地推动了中国西北地区的扶贫和农业研究。尽管资金减少、研究困难,但是林教授将继续与内地科学家合作,带领更多的"香港力量"参与中国西北地区的开发。据此可推知,林汉明具有奉献精神。
[2023福建福州质量检测]When Kim Ji-un lived in Seoul, she worried about finding a good job. Now, she is worried that drought may ruin her crop. The 23-year-old and her sister started a farm last year. Her first harvest was a success; she was surprised that her black beans did better than her strawberries.
Ms. Kim is part of a phenomenon called kwichon, or returning to rural life. Coined a millennium ago, the term crops up during periods of economic hardship. This time, in the wake of the pandemic, many new farmers have never lived in the countryside before. By planting young farmers in rural areas, the government hopes to enjoy big rewards in the future.
The plan is working. In 2021 nearly 380, 000 people moved to the countryside. "Comfort with digital technology gives young farmers a leg up," said Cho Kyung-ik, the director of the Beginning Farmer’s Centre, an institution educating those who wish to kwichon at its downtown offices. They sell fresh produce on Naver, South Korea’s largest search engine.
The centre teaches techniques like how to use a tractor(拖拉机) or select the best crops. It arranges a trial period, during which ambitious farmers work under the guidance of an old hand, learning what it means to do back-breaking labor from dawn to dusk.
The most important lesson is how to get on with the locals. The villagers are also offered tips on how to act towards the newcomers. That part is not yet a total success. Ms. Kim said, "My neighbors have a bad temper. The old people come in here and give me unwanted advice, or say I will never be able to grow anything." Her black beans beg to differ. She and the South Korean government will be hoping that her crops put the argument to rest for good.
【词语积累】 drought n.久旱,旱灾 millennium n.一千年,千年期
crop up意外出现,突然发生
in the wake of随着……而来,作为……的后果
beg to differ恕不同意 put...to rest平息 for good永久,永远
【熟词生义】 plant常见义:n.植物 文中义:v.安插,安放
1. Why does the writer tell Ms. Kim’s story?
A. To start a discussion.
B. To introduce a topic.
C. To explain a solution.
D. To make a comparison.
解析 B 意图推断题。由第二段中的"Ms. Kim is part of a phenomenon called kwichon, or returning to rural life"可知,作者讲述Ms. Kim的故事旨在介绍韩国出现的一种社会现象,即年轻人返乡务农。据此可以推断,讲该故事是为了引出话题,故B项正确。
2. What does the underlined part "a leg up" in Paragraph 3 mean?
A. A new identity. B.A helping hand.
C. A big reward. D. A different idea.
解析 B 词义猜测题。结合语境可知,下文中的"They sell fresh produce on Naver, South Korea’s largest search engine"便是年轻人使用"digital technology"的具体案例,由实际情况可知,电子技术助了年轻人一臂之力,故B项与画线部分的意义最接近。
3. What is the challenge for the young farmers?
A. Farming techniques.
B. Hard work.
C. Communicative skills.
D. Unwanted advice.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第五段中的"The most important lesson is how to get on with the locals...That part is not yet a total success"可知,对于这些新来者来说,最大的挑战在于如何与当地人相处,故C项正确。
4. What can we infer from kwichon in South Korea?
A. Farming makes huge profits.
B. The locals need technical training.
C. It helps to revive rural areas.
D. The government should help farmers.
解析 C 推理判断题。由第二段中的"By planting young farmers in rural areas, the government hopes to enjoy big rewards in the future"以及第三段中的"The plan is working"可知,政府希望通过在农村培养年轻的农民在未来获得巨大的回报。计划也生效了,据此可以推断,年轻人返乡务农有助于振兴乡村,故C项正确。
[2023广西南宁一模]Farmland is overtaking much of the planet. A new global map 1    (make) from satellite data shows that the fields of corn,rice and other crops 2    (eat) up more than 1 million additional square kilometers of land in the past two decades.
"The rough march of the human footprint is rather3    (violence),"says researcher Matt Hansen. The food needs of a fast-growing population in Africa are driving the expansion. But the study also highlights how Earth’s land is becoming 4     global farm, with wealthier countries outsourcing crop production to poorer 5    (region). New fields have replaced forests and other natural ecosystems that stored large amounts of carbon,6    (threaten) the efforts to conserve biodiversity and stop climate change.
However, the study does tell some hopeful trends. Over the study period, the total quantity of plants increased by 25%. The study also highlights the need to improve cropland productivity in Africa,7     has the world’s lowest crop output, meaning that more land 8    (need) to grow a given amount of food. "If the world wants to solve climate change,"Hansen says, "from a 9    (pure) self-interested viewpoint, it needs to support Africa 10     solving its land use challenge."
1.made 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词为非谓语动词。A new global map与make是逻辑上的动宾关系,且非谓语动作已完成,所以空处填made。
2.have eaten 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词作谓语。结合时间状语in the past two decades可知,时态用现在完成时;从句主语the fields...与eat之间是主动关系,且主语为复数,所以空处填have eaten。
3.violent 考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词作表语,形容The rough march of the human footprint的性质,故应用形容词,所以空处填violent。
4.a 考查冠词。此处表示泛指,且global的发音以辅音音素开头,所以空处填a。
5.regions 考查名词的数。此处表示复数概念,所以空处填regions。
6.threatening 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,所填词应为非谓语动词。此处表示自然而然的结果和主动关系,所以空处填现在分词形式threatening。
7.which 考查定语从句。空处所填词引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为表示物的名词Africa,从句中缺少主语,所以空处填which。
8.is needed 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。空处所填词作宾语从句的谓语。结合语境可知,时态应用一般现在时;主语more land与need之间是被动关系;主语more land为第三人称单数,所以空处填is needed。
9.purely 考查副词。空处所填词修饰空后的形容词self-interested,应用副词,所以空处填purely。
10.in/by 考查介词。support...in/by doing something意为"在做……方面/通过……支持……"。Unit 5 Working the Land
1.[2022全国乙]There are alternatives  to  constant written communication, such as leaving voice messages or having a group chat.
2.[2022北京]A systems approach to creating change is also built on the  assumption (assume) that everyone in the system has equal power.
3.[2022北京]There are some activities which everyone should do in our life. For  instance, we must exercise daily regardless of our age and working style.
4.[2021新高考Ⅱ]However, he is more devoted  to  his "role" than any real actor.
5.[2021天津]Participating in the arts is essential  for/to  child development...
6.[2020天津]He convinced the police department  to allow (allow) him to set up a couple of "chat benches" in two of their local parks.
7.[2020北京] In  reality it has more to do with the way an individual talks to himself.
8.[江苏高考]It can be concluded that restaurant keepers need not "be overly concerned about ‘bad’ tables", given (give) that they’re profitable.
Ⅱ. 阅读理解——一词多义、熟词生义
1.A. 视力  B.视野  C. 展望,想象
①[2022北京]More researchers, policymakers and representatives from the food industry must learn to look beyond their direct lines of responsibility and adopt a systems approach. Crystal knew that visions alone don’t produce results, but concluded that "we’ll never produce results that we can’t envision".  C 
②[江苏高考]Humankind paid for its broadvision and skillful hands with backaches and painful necks.  B 
③[全国Ⅲ]These include custom-made navigation(导航) tools, night vision systems and intelligent speed adaptations.  A 
2.①[2022全国乙]Long-lasting friendships share the characteristic that both sides equally contact(联系) and share with one another.  n.特点 
②[2020浙江1月]A key skill set for success is persistence(毅力), a characteristic that researchers say is heavily influenced by fathers.  n.品质 
3.[2022北京]My perfectionist tendencies were the main root of this: I wanted to be perfect at whatever I did, which obviously in life is not possible, but it consumed me.  n.根源 
写作一 基础写作——有机农业
80%赞成 1.有机食品味道更好,营养更充足; 2.有机农业保护土壤。
20%反对 目前有机食物不能满足市场需求
我的观点 ……
1.他们认为有机食品不使用化肥,味道更好,营养更丰富。(flavour, nutrition, chemical,fertiliser)
 They think that organic food has better flavour and more nutrition without chemical fertiliser. 
2.有机农业也使土壤富含矿物质。(soil, mineral)
 Organic farming also keeps the soil rich in minerals. 
3.我们面临的现实是,有机食品的产量无法满足市场需求,尤其是当我们仍在努力消除贫困时。(reality, yield, poverty)
 We are facing the reality that the yield of organic food can’t meet the market’s demands, especially when we are still struggling to remove poverty. 
 In recent years, organic farming is very welcome. However, opinions differ on whether to develop organic farming further. 
 80% of students are in favor of it. Firstly, they think that organic food has better flavour and more nutrition without chemical fertiliser. Organic farming also keeps the soil rich in minerals. However, 20% of them are against it. In their view, we are facing the reality that the yield of organic food can’t meet the market’s demands, especially when we are still struggling to remove poverty. 
 In my opinion, we should adopt a positive attitude towards organic farming, and I am convinced that we will find a win-win solution. 
写作二 读后续写——动作描写之"嘴部"动作
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 eat, drink, yawn打哈欠, swallow咽, chew嚼, bite, lick, blow, water流口水 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.泪水从她的脸颊流下来,她难以置信地捂住嘴巴。 With tears streaming down her face, she  covered her mouth in disbelief . 2.她张大嘴巴,无法相信眼前的景象。  With her mouth wide open , she couldn’t believe what she was seeing in front of her. (with复合结构) 3.爸爸和妈妈在厨房准备年夜饭,里面的香味馋得我们直流口水。 The smells from the kitchen, where Dad and Mom were preparing the New Year’s Eve dinner, made our mouths water .(make+宾语+宾补) 4.小男孩站在那里,尴尬地咬着嘴唇。 The little boy stood there, biting his lip with embarrassment . (现在分词短语作状语) 5.海浪拍打着我的脸,我咽下了海水。因为呼吸困难,我的胸口火辣辣地痛。 A wave slapped my face and I  swallowed sea water . My chest was already burning as I struggled to breathe.
词 组 1.cover one’s mouth捂住嘴 2.open one’s mouth 张开嘴 3.shut up 闭嘴 4.stick one’s tongue out 吐舌头 5.bite one’s lip (因尴尬、悲伤、生气或不愿开口而)紧咬嘴唇
佳 句 1.The woman with a wide smile on her face is definitely the happiest person in the room. 那个露出灿烂笑容的女人无疑是房间里最开心的人。 2.Danny rubbed his arms and blew on his fingers to warm them. 丹尼搓着胳膊,并向他的手指上哈气来暖手。 3.When the report was finally finished, she stretched her arms out and gave a great yawn. 报告终于写完了,她伸了个懒腰,打了个大大的哈欠。