人教版(2019)必修 第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money课时练( 4份打包,含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money课时练( 4份打包,含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-04 21:52:09


Unit 5 The Value of Money
1. plastic n.塑料adj.塑料制的;塑料的
2. scene n.(戏剧或歌剧的)场;现场;场面
3. bet n.打赌;赌注vi.&vt.下赌注vt.敢说
4. sail vi.&vt.(船)航行;(人)乘船航行
5. spot vt.看见;注意到n.地点;斑点;污迹
6. dare vi.&modalv.胆敢;敢于
7. sort n.种类;类别
8. beneath adv.&prep.在(或往)……下面;在……的表面之下
9. postpone vt.延迟;延期;延缓
10. nowhere adv.无处;哪里都不
11. extent n.程度;限度;大小;范围
12. hug vt.&vi.拥抱;抱紧
13. duty n.责任;义务;职责;值班
14. manner n.举止;方法;[pl.]礼貌;礼仪
15. downstairs adv.顺楼梯而下;在楼下;往楼下
16. stair n.楼梯;梯级
17. aside adv.到旁边;在旁边;留;存
18. option n.可选择的事物;选择;选择权
19. indeed adv.其实;实际上;当然;确实
20. element n.要素;基本部分
21. plot n.故事情节;布局;阴谋
22. upper adj.上面的;上层的;靠上部的
23. maintain vt.维持;保持;维修;保养
24. saying n.谚语;格言;警句
25. external adj.外部的;外面的;外来的
1. apologise/apologize vi.道歉;谢罪→ apology n.道歉
2. ignore vt.忽视;对……不予理会→ ignorant adj.无知的;愚昧的→ ignorance n.愚昧;无知
3. judge vt.&vi.评价;评判;判断n.法官;审判员;裁判员→ judgement/judgment n.看法;判决;判断
4. serve vt.&vi.服务→ servant n.仆人;用人→ service n.服务
5. patience n.耐心;忍耐力;毅力→ patient adj.有耐心的;能忍耐的n.病人→ patiently adv. 有耐心地→ impatiently adv.不耐烦地
6. indicate vt.&vi.表明;显示vt.象征;暗示→ indication n.迹象;表明;显示→ indicator n.指示物
7. intend vt.&vi.打算;想要→ intention n.打算;计划;意图;目的
8. music n.音乐→ musical n.音乐剧adj.音乐的→ musician n.音乐家
9. pursue vt.追求;致力于→ pursuit n.追求;追逐
10. hesitate vi.犹豫;迟疑;顾虑→ hesitation n.犹豫;踌躇→ hesitant adj.犹豫的;踌躇的
11. eventual adj.最后的;最终的→ eventually adv.最后;终于
12. broad adj.宽阔的;广阔的;广泛的→ broaden vt.&vi.(使)变宽;(使)扩大→ broadly adv.大体上;广泛地
13. normal adj.典型的;正常的;一般的;精神正常的n.常态;通常标准;一般水平→ abnormal adj.不正常的;反常的
14. willing adj.愿意;乐意→ willingly adv.乐意地→ unwilling adj.不愿意的;勉强的→ willingness n.乐意;心甘情愿
15. permit vt.&vi.允许;准许;使有可能n.许可证→ permission n.准许;许可;批准;许可证
1.loan n. 贷款;借款 
2.narrator n. (书、戏剧或电影中的)叙述者;讲述者;(电视节目中的)幕后解说员 
3.narration n. 叙述;讲述;解说 
4.mining n. 采矿;采矿业 
5.odd adj. 奇怪的;怪异的;反常的 
6.obligation n. 义务;职责;责任 
7.opera n. 歌剧 
8.dinosaur n. 恐龙 
9.sequence vt. 按顺序排列  n. 顺序;一系列 
10.tailor n. (男装)裁缝  vt. 专门制作;定做 
11.clerk n. 职员;文书;店员 
12.frown n.&vi. 皱眉 
13.ambassador n. 大使;使节;代表 
14.upper-class adj. 上流社会的;上等阶层的 
1. on the basis of 在某事的基础上;根据某事
2. in return 作为回报;作为回应
3. make a bet 打个赌
4. as a matter of fact 事实上;其实;说真的
5. by accident 偶然地;意外地
6. to be honest 说实话;坦率地说
7. ought to 应该;应当
8. be about to do sth. 即将或正要(做某事)
9. in case 以防;以防万一
10. to...extent 在……程度上;到……程度
11. on duty 值班;值勤
12. in a...manner 以一种……的方式
13. in that case 既然那样;假使那样的话
14. be willing to do sth. 愿意或乐意做某事
1. It was the first time (that)  Chen Liyan’s story was reported.[it+be+the first time (+that)]
2. That is why we’ve given you the letter. (that is why )
3.I remember thinking that  never would I hold such a note  as this...(否定副词置于句首引起的倒装)
4. In case it happens to you  on a trip abroad, what should you do?(in case)
1.It is bad  manners  to talk with your mouth full.
2.I’ve just  spotted  a mistake on the front cover. It’s so obvious!
3.It’s  normal  to feel tired after such a long trip.
4.The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser  extent , wildlife.
5. Beneath  this amazing sky, we see a sleeping village and a dark, lonely tree.
6.On receiving the call, the police rushed to the  scene , where the accident happened.
7.They have to  postpone  holding the conference because the heavy storm has damaged the city.
8.After he graduated,he started to  pursue  a medical career.
1.She is so kind that she always does the cleaning  willingly  even when others are  unwilling . Such  willingness  makes her popular.(willing)
2. Based  on the  basic  marketing research, they  based  the new company in a big city, and asked their employees to present sales reports on a weekly   basis . (base)
3.I must  apologise  to you for the inaccurate data I provided. I hope you can accept my  apology .(apologise)
4.Children often behave badly out of  ignorance , which, however, is always  ignored  by their parents. (ignore)
5.When I was  hesitating/hesitant  to take the offer, another applicant took it without  hesitation . (hesitate)
6.A  broad  range of paintings in the exhibition the other day broadened  our horizons. (broad)
7.After a second thought, he  intended  to inform the whole family of his  intention .(intend)
8.Caring for  patients  with special needs requires  patience  and understanding.  Impatient  people can’t do that. (patience)
on duty in return by accident
on the basis of as a matter of fact
1.The teacher glanced at the dirty floor and asked who was  on duty  that day.
2.We oughtn’t to choose friends  on the basis of  how much money they have.
3.My uncle is always ready to give a hand to others; in return , he is liked by everyone here.
4.It is said that the invention that has had a big impact on plastic was created completely  by accident .
5. As a matter of fact , he would have attended the party if nothing had happened.
1.见字如见人。这就是为什么我认为改善你的书写对你来说很重要。(that is why )
A person’s handwriting shows his or her personality.  That is why I think it is important for you  to improve your handwriting.
2.这是他出生以来第一次独自乘坐火车到一个很远的地方。[it+be+ the first time(+that)]
 It is the first time (that) he has taken the train  to a quite distant place on his own since he was born.
While he was rescuing survivors in the ruins, little did he care about his own safety .
4.医生把他的手机号码给了病人,以防他们需要医疗援助。(in case)
The doctor shares his phone number with the patients in case they need medical assistance .Unit 5 The Value of Money
Wearing old blue jeans and a loose T-shirt, Gary walked by a tailor’s shop byaccident when he wasaboutto go home. After spotting a business suit in the window, he had the intention to go in to have a look. However, the shop assistant frowned at Gary inan extremely unpleasant manner and told him they didn’t make the sort of suit any more. Asamatteroffact, he felt a little uncomfortable then. Hesitating for a while, he asked to try another suit, but was just ignored. Then he knew he was judged by what he was wearing. The next day he went straight to the shop, dressed more properly. This time, the assistant was perfectly willing to receive him, introducing a broad range of suits with great patience. However, Gary said, "I bet you didn’t recognize me. Tobehonest, I’m the guy you treated badly yesterday. You indeed hurt me to some extent." The assistant blushed with shame,apologising for his neglect of duty. Eventually, the shop owner said, "To make up for your unpleasant experience, please permit me to offer you a permanent discount. Our best tailor will serve you here for free incase you want to have your suit maintained." Inreturn, Gary said he accepted the apology and would make a suit there. What would you do if you were inthatcase?
1 apologise(apologize)vi.道歉;谢罪
1.We ought to apologise to  our customers  for  the poor quality of the toy dinosaurs they bought.
2.[北师选必③-8]Even though I forgive you personally,for the sake of the honour of my family I cannot accept your  apology (apologise).
3.I am terribly sorry for the fact that I cannot go out with you this weekend. (告知信)
→①I  owe you an apology for  the fact that I cannot go out with you this weekend.(apology)
→②I  apologise to you for  the fact that I cannot go out with you this weekend.(apologise)
Anyway, I  apologise again for any inconvenience caused by my fault , and I do hope you can understand my situation and forgive me.
★apologise(to sb.) for (doing)sth. 因(做)某事(向某人)道歉 ★apology n.道歉 make an apology to sb. for sth.因某事向某人道歉 owe sb. an apology应向某人道歉
2 judgevt.&vi.评价(尤指批评);裁判;判断 vt.审判 n.法官;裁判员
1. Judging (judge) by the rate of the development of lunar exploration, it is certain that China will successfully complete the three stages of the program.
judging by/from...放在句首作状语时,其逻辑主语与句子的主语可以不一致,且动词-ing形式不受主语影响,为独立成分。类似的表达还有:generally speaking一般来说,frankly speaking坦率地说,considering...考虑到……,等等。
2.As the saying goes, "Don’t judge a book by its cover." Our  judg(e)ment(s) (judge) should be based on facts.
3.如果您能作为裁判出席周五的比赛,我将不胜感激。 (邀请信)
 I would appreciate it if you could attend the contest as a judge on Friday. 
★judge...by/from/on...根据……评判…… as far as I can judge据我判断 judging from/by...根据……判断 ★judg(e)mentn.看法;判决;判断力
3 spot(spotted,spotted,spotting)vt.看见;注意到 n.地点;斑点;污迹;一点
1.Neighbours spotted smoke  coming (come) out of the house.
2.James was called to see the producer and got the job  on  the spot.
3.I bet another person will slip at the spot  where  I did downstairs.
4.He showed me the exact spot  that/which  he thought was the best place to play the scene of the opera.
5.The climate here is mild and pleasant, which  makes it one of the most popular tourist/scenic spots (使它成为最受欢迎的旅游景点之一). (景点介绍)
6.We lay on the grass, staring at the night sky spotted with (凝望着布满……的夜空) twinkling stars. (读后续写之景色描写)
★spot sth./sb. doing sth.看到某物/某人正在做某事 be spotted with...布满…… ★on the spot/scene当场;在现场 tourist spots/scenic spots旅游景点
4 patiencen.耐心;忍耐力;毅力
1.People have lost patience  with  the slow pace of the construction of the skyscraper, which keeps making loud noises even in the evening.
2.The father is so  patient  that whenever his children make mistakes, he is willing to tell them with  patience  and never shouts at them  impatiently . (patience)
3.我们的英语老师不仅知识渊博,对我们也很有耐心。每当我们遇到不会的问题,她总是耐心地给我们讲解。 (人物描写)
Our English teacher is not only knowledgeable, but also patient with us — she always explains patiently/with patience  every time we come across problems. (not only...but also...)
★with patience耐心地 have the patience to do sth.有耐心做某事 be/run out of patience with...不耐烦…… lose patience with...对……失去耐心 ★patient adj.有耐心的;能忍耐的n.病人 be patient with sb./sth.对……有耐心 ★patiently (=with patience)adv.耐心地 impatiently adv.没有耐心地
5 hesitatevi.犹豫;迟疑;顾虑
1.[外研必修③-2]She’s usually very shy, but she’s generous and never hesitates  to help (help).
2.[译林选必①-4] People with the impression that poetry is difficult to understand often hesitate  about/over  reading poetry.
3.如果你需要更多的信息或帮助,请尽管与我联系。 (告知信)
→①If you require further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me . (hesitate)
→②If you require further information or assistance, please contact me without hesitation . (hesitation)
★hesitate to do sth.不愿意做某事,迟疑做某事 hesitate about/over (doing)sth.对(做)某事犹豫不决 ★hesitation n.犹豫,疑虑 without hesitation毫不犹豫
6 permitvt.&vi.(permitted,permitted,permitting)允许,准许(allow);使有可能 n.许可证
1.[人教选必①-4]For example, in many Middle Eastern countries, men and women are not socially permitted  to make (make) eye contact.
2.[北师必修③-7]Some think it is a crime if done without a property owner’s  permission (permit), while others see this as a rich form of non-traditional cultural expression.
3.The library doesn’t permit  carrying (carry) food in case it leaves spots on books.
4.If weather permits, the competition to be held in our school stadium will begin at 2 pm and last for roughly 3 hours. (通知)
 Weather permitting , the competition to be held in our school stadium will begin at 2 pm and last for roughly 3 hours.(独立主格)
★permit doing sth.允许做某事 permit sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 ★a residence/parking permit居住/停车许可证 ★permission n.准许,批准;许可证 with one’s permission经某人许可 without permission未经许可
7 inreturn作为回报;作为回应
1.[人教选必④-3]African royal families sent gifts such as giraffes as gestures of friendship in return  for  gold, silk, and spices.
2.Unlike printed books, which must be checked out and returned  to  a physical library miles from where you live, book files can be downloaded at home.
3.[人教选必①-5]This affects the crops grown on the land and, in  turn, the animals and humans who digest them.
4.During the summer vacation, teachers in our school were on duty  by  turns.
5.[人教选必④-3]Henry Norman Bethune devoted his life and profession to  helping people without expecting anything in return (帮助人们,不期望任何回报).
devote sth. to (doing)sth.把……用于(做)某事,其中to是介词,其后的动词要用-ing形式。
★in return for sth.作为对……的回报/回应 return to...from...从……返回到…… return sth. to sb.把某物还给某人 return to...恢复/重新开始做…… ★in turn转而,相应地;依次,轮流 by turns轮流;交替 take turns to do sth.轮流做某事
8 byaccident偶然地;意外地(bychance)
1.[外研必修③-4]His[Han Gan’s] artistic talent was discovered  by  accident when he was sent to the poet Wang Wei’s house to collect payment for some wine.
2.Indeed, I did it  on  purpose to some extent. He needed to know his fault.
They  broke the vase by accident/by chance/accidentally , which was their mother’s favorite one.
★"偶然,意外"的其他表达: by chance; accidentally ★"故意,有意"的常用表达: by design; on purpose; deliberately
9 incase以防;以防万一
1.[北师必修①-2]Wear gloves and mouth guards  in case something happens (以防有事发生).
2. In case of emergency (如遇紧急情况), break the glass and press the button.
in case和in case of都表示"以防,万一"。不同的是,in case作连词,其后跟句子;而in case of为介词短语,其后跟名词。
3.I know you are occupied with your schoolwork, but  you have to have a rest in any case (无论如何你都必须休息一下).
4.I could never have got the prize without your timely help with my spoken English. (感谢信)
→ In no case could I have got the prize  without your timely help with my spoken English.(in no case,倒装)
5.根据天气预报,明天多云,我们最好带上雨伞,以防万一。 (告知信)
According to the weather forecast, it should be cloudy tomorrow, and  we’d better take umbrellas with us just in case .
in case除了作连词,引导状语从句外,还可以作副词,单独使用。
★in case of (n./v-ing)如果;以防 in some cases某些情况下 in any case无论如何;不管怎样 in that case既然那样 in no case决不(位于句首时,句子需要用部分倒装语序) as is often the case 这是常有的事
10 否定副词/词组+部分倒装
1. Nowhere else can you find (别处你找不到) such an ancient building with such delicate design and so long a history.
2.我们不仅放松了,还对劳动有了更好的了解。 (活动感想)
 Not only are we relaxed , but we have gained a better understanding of labor. (not only,倒装)
→① Hardly had we reached the top of the mountain when  the snow began to come down. (hardly...when...倒装句)
→② No sooner had we reached the top of the mountain than  the snow began to come down. (no sooner...than... 倒装句)
注意在not only...but (also)..., hardly...when..., no sooner...than...结构中,表示否定的not only, hardly, no sooner置于句首时,其后的句子要倒装,但but(also),when,than后的句子要用正常语序。
★当具有否定意义的词语位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装语序:否定词+助动词/情态动词+主语+动词原形+其他。 ★表示否定意义的词语 全部否定意义副词:not,never,neither,nor, nowhere 部分否定意义副词:seldom, hardly, rarely, little, scarcely 表示"绝不"的短语:in no way, by no means, at no time, on no condition, under no circumstances, on no account等
本单元:ex-(向外)+-tent-(延伸)→伸展到的结果→extent 程度;限度;大小;范围
in-(向内)+-tent-(延伸)+-ion(动作、状态或结果)→向内延伸的结果→intention 意图;打算;计划;目的
1.[译林选必②-1]Fire engines and ambulances, called at 9:30 p.m., reached the scene within 15 minutes. By this time, the fire  had extended  to the 15th floor.
2.[人教必修①-3]In sports, there is no use  pretending  to fall down or be hurt, because in the end, the audience will see through it.
there/it is no use doing sth.做某事没有用处。
3.[人教必修①-2]I want to experience some Chinese culture and see the natural beauty there,but my main goal is to find out which university is the best for me to  attend .
4.[外研选必①-1]I walk through the doors into the waiting area, where there’s a familiar atmosphere of boredom and   tension .
5.[北师必修②-6]It is important to understand the emotions,behaviours and  intentions  of characters in a story.
根据空前and可知,空处与emotions和behaviours并列,故也应用名词。intention表示"打算,意图,目的"。Unit 5 The Value of Money
Brian Chevalier was in bed at his Rhode Island home, worrying his pipes might freeze and burst. It was Dec.19 of last year. The outside temperature was expected to drop to -7℃. Finally, he gave in: He turned on the heat. The data marked a new personal record for an annual challenge — one he hopes to beat this year. Every year, Chevalier, who works in digital marketing in the automotive industry, avoids turning on his heat for as long as he can.
Chevalier started the challenge when he was in his 20s, living in a poorly equipped house and working as a part-time waiter. "Heating the structure was useless — the heat was just going out the window. It made me think: How warm do I really need to be to survive? Just layer up," Chevalier says. Two years ago Chevalier made it to Dec.3 without the heat. Last year, he went further, with the help of layers and layers of clothes.
Chevalier has about 28,000 followers on the social media platform who are now cheering him on and sharing their own attempts to keep the heat off. Since heating oil and electric rates have increased over the years, and are expected to continue edging up this winter, more and more people participate in this year’s challenge.
It isn’t necessary to have all that much heat, insists Mr. Tabor, 40, who makes videos online and lives in his old house built in the 1880s. "If your pipes don’t freeze and you can sleep and work, that’s enough — the rest is luxury(奢侈的享受)," he says. "Normal electrical equipment and lights give off a surprising amount of heat."
When asked if he has the confidence to break the record this year, Chevalier says that the threshold(临界点) differs from person to person. "I’m not sure actually. Mine is obviously very low. But the forecast might not be in my favor," he adds.
本文是记叙文。由于取暖油的价格和电费逐年上涨,越来越多的人加入Brian Chevalier,挑战在冬天尽可能晚开暖气,以节约生活成本。
【词语积累】 burst v.(使)爆裂,(使)胀破 layer up多穿几层 cheer sb. on为……鼓气,为……加油 forecast n.预测,预报 in sb.’s favor 有利于某人,有助于某人
【熟词生义】 1.rate常用义:n.速度,进度;比率 文中义:n.价格,费用
2.edge常用义:n.边,边缘 文中义:v.略为增加(或减少)
1. What is Chevalier’s annual challenge?
A. Delaying using the heating.
B. Preventing his pipes from freezing.
C. Observing temperature changes.
D. Breaking the record for digital marketing.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第一段中的"It was Dec.19 of last year... turned on the heat"和"Every year, Chevalier... avoids turning on his heat for as long as he can"可知,去年12月19日,Brian Chevalier打开了暖气,这一数据刷新了个人年度挑战纪录,他每年都会尽可能长时间地避免打开暖气,故选A。
2. How did Chevalier complete last year’s challenge?
A. By wearing more clothes.
B. By equipping his house well.
C. By finding a warmer home.
D. By strengthening the windows.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第二段中的"Just layer up"和"Last year, he went further, with the help of layers and layers of clothes"可知,他是通过穿很多层衣服来完成去年的挑战的,故选A。
3. Why do more and more people join Chevalier this year?
A. To give him moral support.
B. To reduce their energy bills.
C. To promote a new lifestyle.
D. To protect the environment.
解析 B 推理判断题。由第三段中的"Since heating oil and electric rates have increased over the years, and are expected to continue edging up this winter, more and more people participate in this year’s challenge"可知,由于取暖油的价格和电费逐年上涨,预计今年冬天还会继续上涨,越来越多的人参与到今年的挑战中来。由此可推断,越来越多的人加入是为了减少能源支出。综上可知,本题选B。
4. What’s Mr. Tabor’s attitude to the challenge?
A. Skeptical. B. Objective.
C. Concerned. D. Supportive.
解析 D 态度推断题。由题干中的"Mr. Tabor"可将解题信息定位至倒数第二段。由倒数第二段可知,Mr. Tabor认为,没有必要使用那么多的热量。如果你的管道不结冰,你可以睡觉和工作,这就足够了——其余的都是奢侈的享受。普通的电器和灯会散发出惊人的热量。由此可知,Mr. Tabor对这一挑战持支持的态度,故选D。
Hody Childress, a farmer from Geraldine, Alabama, lived the last 10 years of his life with a little secret that was doing a lot of good.
In the small town where he lived his entire life, Childress wanted to help his community. He knew there were families in his hometown who were struggling financially. So one day he asked his local pharmacist(药剂师), Brooke Walker, a question that would lead to supporting a lot of people.
"He pulled me to the side and said,‘Do you ever have anybody that can’t pay for their medicine?’and I said,‘Well, yeah, unfortunately, that happens a good bit.’" Walker shared with the BBC.
So Childress donated $100 to the local pharmacy(药房) for anyone who couldn’t afford to pay for a prescription, saying, "Next time that happens, will you use this? Don’t tell where it came from, and don’t tell me who needed it."
This act of generosity continued for nearly 10 years, until his death in January 2023. And his story only came to light at his funeral, when his daughter, Tania Nix, wanted to show what kind of man her father was.
In fact, the 80-year-old only revealed his generosity to his daughter when he was unable to get to the pharmacy himself. He asked his daughter to take a $100 bill to the drugstore at the first of the month.
Nix continued to drop off the money to the pharmacy and didn’t tell anybody about what her dad was doing.
With her brother Doug, Nix shared, "We had a really hard time whether to allow this story out to the public, but I feel like a small deed can turn into a big deed — or it can turn into something that gives people hope. If it can encourage anyone to be a better person and want to help others — it’s worth it."
According to the BBC, since the story was first published by the Washington Post, the pharmacy has received donations from all over the country.
1. According to Walker,    .
A. Childress often fell ill
B. Childress made a good fortune from farming
C. most people in Geraldine lead a hard life
D. many people can’t pay for their medicine
解析 D 细节理解题。由第三段中的"Do you ever have anybody that can’t pay for their medicine?"和"Well, yeah, unfortunately, that happens a good bit"可知,本题选D项。
2. Which words best describe Childress?
A. Honest and generous.
B. Generous and noble.
C. Kindhearted and open-minded.
D. Kindhearted and easygoing.
解析 B 推理判断题。结合Childress捐钱为生活困难的人付药费可知,他是一个善良大方的人,而他做好事不留名的做法表明他是一个高尚的人,故本题选B项。
3. What can we infer about Nix from the passage?
A. She wanted to make her father famous.
B. She followed her father’s example and also donated some money.
C. She held different opinions about their father’s deed from Doug.
D. She hesitated about the decision to spread out her father’s secret.
解析 D 推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的"We had a really hard time whether to allow this story out to the public"可推知,对于是否将父亲的善行义举公之于众,Nix犹豫不决,故本题选D项。
4. What lesson can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A. Actions speak louder than words.
B. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
C. What goes around comes around.
D. One good deed may probably lead to another.
解析 D 推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的"I feel like a small deed can turn into a big deed"和最后一段中的"since the story was first published by the Washington Post, the pharmacy has received donations from all over the country"可推知,本题选D项。
[2023河南郑州一测]Have you ever had such an experience — going shopping and buying more than you need when you feel upset? 1 
According to a study by University of Michigan researchers, shopping to relieve stress was up to 40 times more effective at giving people a sense of control and shoppers were 3 times less sad compared to those who only went window-shopping. More than half of the 1,000 consumers interviewed by Credit Karma said they had shopped to deal with feelings of stress or anxiety.  2 
In fact, shopping to reduce stress can actually help you live a healthier life by making sure that your blood pressure is lowered. Shopping to relieve stress is also jokingly called "retail therapy(购物疗法)" as a form of regulating stress.  3  And that feeling following those purchases was long-lasting.
However, the side effect of retail therapy, for many, can be relatively harmless at first but in the long term it could possibly use up savings and cause conflicts, thus adding a significant amount of stress to a person’s life.
Preparing a list before shopping is the best way to avoid the side effect of retail therapy. Whether you’re purchasing presents or buying groceries, having the items you need written down will make you quite clear and sensible while you’re shopping.  4  That way you’ll be more likely to commit to it. You can buy a cup of coffee while shopping or plan a fun activity when you return home.
 5  Everyone’s financial situation is parison usually leads to debt and dissatisfaction with what you already have. Appreciate what you currently have by practicing gratitude.
A. Reward yourself for sticking to your list.
B. Why do people tend to shop to reduce stress?
C. Does overspending really make you feel happier?
D. Think about what you struggle with most financially.
E. Give up the needs to keep up with your neighbors and friends.
F. The study also found 82% had a positive feeling about their purchases.
G. 23% of them said they had used up their credit cards in the past year.
1.C 由空前的"going shopping and buying more than you need when you feel upset"可推知,空处内容应与过度消费相关;结合下文提到的"一项研究表明购物可以让人们不那么悲伤"可知,此处应该与过度购物是否会让人们开心有关以引出下文,故选C。
2.G 由空前的"More than half of the 1,000...said they had shopped"可知,空处内容应与被采访的消费者有关,G项符合语境,且G选项中的"them"与空前一句中的"consumers"相对应。
3.F 空格所在段主要在讲购物疗法的好处,再由空后的"And that feeling following those purchases was long-lasting"可推知,空处内容应与某种情感相关,F项中的"a positive feeling"与空后的that feeling相呼应,故选F。
4.A 由语境可推知,空处内容应与让自己更加忠于购物清单的方法有关;结合空后第二句可知,该方法是奖励自己,故A项(对自己坚持按清单购买商品给予奖励)符合语境。
5.E 由空后内容可知,每个人的财务状况不同,比较通常会带来不利后果,所以本段主要在讲不要比较,故E项"放弃与你的邻居和朋友们攀比的欲望"符合语境。
[2024湖南长沙雅礼中学开学考]Amy Taylor had weathered some tough years. Her husband suffered a lot from kidney failure and in 2020, the poor mother  1  her job in the economic depression.
During the spring break, her 14-year-old daughter, Emily Moore, took a part-time job, and  2  minimum wage. But before she could spend the money, Emily had an idea. The news in Kansas City that week had been filled with stories about a police officer, Jimmy Moss, who was badly hurt in a car accident in the line of duty. He was in  3  condition. Emily and her unemployed mother had never forgotten how  4  the police had been when Taylor was robbed in the street one day. Emily decided to  5  the money to Officer Moss’s family. Her mom  6  agreed.
Taylor called the police and made an anonymous(匿名的) donation. Moved by her  7  expression of thanks, the officers did what they do best — they  8  Taylor. When she explained the family’s  9 , the officers could hardly believe it. "With her current financial  10 , we encouraged her to keep the money," the department later explained. "She  11 , saying the officer’s family needed it and the police needed to know they were  12  ."
By then, that feeling of support was mutual. The police set up a GoFundMe page for Taylor, whom they named "The Woman with the Heart of Gold". As of January 11, 2023, they had  13  $165,405. Even better: Officer Moss, who had a 1 percent chance of  14 , is out of the hospital and  15 .
本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了 Amy Taylor 一家和警察相互支持的故事。
1. A. changed B. lost
C. quit D. finished
解析 B 由"Emily and her unemployed mother"可知,Amy Taylor失业了,故选B。
2. A. offered B. suggested
C. set D.earned
解析 D 在春假期间,她 14 岁的女儿兼职挣(earned)了一点钱,故选D。
3. A. critical B. rare
C. stable D. fair
解析 A 由上文中的"Jimmy Moss, who was badly hurt in a car accident in the line of duty"可推知,此处指这位警察伤情很严重,情况很危急,故选A。
4. A. annoyed B. nice
C. disappointed D. wise
解析 B 由"the police had been when Taylor was robbed in the street one day"可推知,此处指警察非常好(nice),帮助了她们,故选B。
5. A. lend B. pass
C. donate D. show
解析 C 由"made an anonymous(匿名的) donation"可知, Emily 决定将她挣的钱捐(donated)给Moss警官一家,故选C。
6. A. temporarily B. hesitantly
C. readily D. cautiously
解析 C 由"Taylor called the police and made an anonymous(匿名的) donation"可知,妈妈欣然同意她捐款,故选C。
7. A. generous B. distant
C. written D. public
解析 A 由" made an anonymous(匿名的) donation"可知,Taylor捐了钱,这说明她表达感谢的方式很慷慨(generous),故选A。
8. A. came across B. tracked down
C. turned to D. calmed down
解析 B 由"When she explained the family’s  9 , the officers could hardly believe it"可知,警察找到(tracked down)了Taylor,故选B。
9. A. motivation B. faith
C. tradition D. principle
解析 A 由"the officers could hardly believe it"可知,Taylor解释了一家人的捐赠动机(motivation),警官不敢相信,故选A。
10. A. credit B. security
C. service D. hardship
解析 D 由"Her husband suffered a lot from kidney failure and in 2020, the poor mother  1  her job in the economic depression"可推知,她目前经济困难,故选D。
11. A. agreed B. complained
C. refused D. guessed
解析 C 由"saying the officer’s family needed it"可推知,她拒绝(refused)了警察的建议,故选C。
12. A. supported B. promised
C. treated D. defeated
解析 A Taylor拒绝拿回捐赠的钱,说警察需要这些钱,也需要知道她们都支持(supported)他们,故选A。
13. A. kept B. added
C. taken D.raised
解析 D 由"The police set up a GoFundMe page"可推知,他们建立了基金会,筹集(raised)资金,已经筹集了165405 美元,故选D。
14. A. promotion B. survival
C. freedom D. growth
解析 B 由"is out of the hospital"可知,这里指存活机会,故选B。
15. A. regretting B. collapsing
C. recovering D. escaping
解析 C 由"is out of the hospital and"可知,尽管只有 1%的存活机会,Moss警官现在已经出院了,在恢复中(recovering),故选C。Unit 5 The Value of Money
1.[2023全国甲]So many of us have the belief that being comfortable is the only state we will tolerate, and when we experience something outside of our comfort zone, we get  impatient (patient) about the circumstances.
2.[2022浙江1月] Stop trying to balance time between them all. Find ways to enjoy them  in  a combined manner.
3.[2021新高考Ⅰ]I’m not a trained  musician (music), but I’ve learnt to read music so I can help Maria in her performance.
4.[2021北京]Their faces were so powerful in sending a message of their despair(绝望) and need that I joined this project without  hesitation (hesitate).
5.[2020浙江]The curtains are about  to open (open), and in a few minutes the action and dialogue will tell you the story.
about在此处为形容词,而非介词,be about to do为固定用法,表示"即将,正要做"。
6.[2020天津]Before Vinnie could say yes, the President hurried on, a shade of  aplolgy (apologise) in his voice.
7.[全国Ⅰ]But my connection with pandas goes back to...when I was the first Western TV reporter  permitted (permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.
8.[全国Ⅱ]If we go on a trip abroad, we can  broaden (broad) our view and gain knowledge we cannot get from books.
A. 活动领域,界,坛,圈子 B. 事件,场面,情景
C. 地点,现场 D.景色,风光
①[2023全国乙]After we found a crazy-looking road that hung over a bunch of rocks, we decided to photograph the scene at sunset. D 
②[2022新高考Ⅱ] It would work like this: An officer arriving at the scene of a crash could ask for the phones of the drivers and use the Textalyzer to check in the operating system for recent activity.  C 
③[2020全国Ⅲ] If you do, you won’t be able to handle it and the whole thing develops into an unpleasant scene and that ruins everyone’s day.  B 
④[浙江高考] They became the hottest thing on the pop music scene in England.  A 
scene还可表示"(戏剧或歌剧的)场;镜头"。behind the scene意为"在后台,在幕后;秘密地,背地里"。
A. v.发现 B.n.斑点,小圆点
C. n.地点,场所
①[2023全国乙]We managed to leave this spot to climb higher because of the spare time until sunset.  C 
②[2022新高考Ⅰ]I looked around and finally spotted David, who was standing by himself off to the side by a fence.  A 
③[全国Ⅰ] They’re the little spots of color like throw pillows, mirrors and baskets that most of us use to add visual interest to our rooms.  B 
A. 估计,猜测(大小、数量等)
B. 批评,指责 C. 判断,评价
①[2023全国甲]What we discovered is that it’s unwise to judge what you eat only by its appearance.  C 
②[全国Ⅱ]You also need to judge the quality and depth of your motivation.  A 
③[福建高考]Very quickly, she learned to appreciate life rather than to judge everything so harshly(刻薄).  B 
4.[2023浙江1月]All camp sessions are created with age-appropriate activities that are tailored to the multiple ways that kids learn.  v.专门制作,定做 
5.[2022北京]If we keep our body fit, we can enjoy life in a better manner.  n.方式 
6.[全国Ⅰ] Mitch Prinstein, a professor of clinical psychology sorts the popular into two categories: the likable and the status seekers.  v.把……分类 
写作一 基础写作——图书捐赠
参考词汇:学生会 the Student Union
1.我是晨光中学学生会主席,我校将向你们的中文班捐赠一些书。(be about to do sth.)
 I’m chairman of the Student Union in Chenguang High School, which is about to donate some books to your Chinese class. 
2.我们将捐赠不同种类的图书,包括语言学习、中国历史、中国诗歌、中国戏剧等。(sort, opera)
 We will give away different sorts of books, including language learning, Chinese history, Chinese poetry and Chinese operas. 
3.每本书中都会有一个惊喜——手写的一句话,我敢肯定只要你们看到就会喜欢,这是为了表达我们最美好的祝愿。(bet, spot, intention)
 There is a surprise in every book I bet you will like once you spot it — a hand-written sentence with the intention of sending our best wishes. 
4.我愿意在今年7月去你们学校参加夏令营时带上这些书。(be willing to do sth.)
 I am willing to take the books along when I go to your school for the summer camp in July this year. 
 If there is something else we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 
Dear Chris,
 How are you doing? I’m chairman of the Student Union in Chenguang High School, which is about to donate some books to your Chinese class. We will give away different sorts of books, including language learning, Chinese history, Chinese poetry and Chinese operas. There are, in total, about 300 books. By the way, there is a surprise in every book I bet you will like once you spot it — a hand-written sentence with the intention of sending our best wishes. Hopefully, these books will help the students to know and learn Chinese better. 
 I am willing to take the books along when I go to your school for the summer camp in July this year. If there is anything else we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 
Li Jin
写作二 读后续写——情感描写之担忧与焦虑
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 anxious, worried, restless, nervous, uneasy, concerned; worry, concern, anxiety 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.比赛结束,老师要宣读分数的时候,我非常紧张,心提到了嗓子眼。 When the match finished and the teacher was going to announce the score, I was extremely nervous  with my heart in my mouth .(with复合结构) 2.父亲焦虑地朝他的儿子皱眉头,他的儿子已经病了两周了。 The father  frowned at his son anxiously , who had been sick for two weeks. 3.因为担心这次旅行,头几天我心里总是不踏实。  Concerned/Worried about  the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. (形容词作状语) 4.她坐立不安,脸色苍白,手心冒汗,心脏狂跳。 She  was restless with anxiety , with her face turning pale, her palms sweating and her heart beating wildly. 5.她忧虑地看了他一眼,犹豫要不要告诉他真相。 She  gave him a worried look , hesitating over whether to tell him the truth.
词 组 1.be concerned/worried about/that...担心…… 2.be restless with anxiety坐立不安 3.give sb. a worried look忧虑地看某人一眼 4.be filled with/full of anxiety and concern满是焦虑和担忧 5.frown at sb. anxiously焦虑地朝某人皱眉头 6.glance worriedly at sb.忧心忡忡地瞥某人一眼 7.with one’s heart in one’s mouth提心吊胆
佳 句 1.As the sky gradually darkened, he grewincreasinglyworried/concerned, pacing nervously up and down in the room. 天逐渐暗了下来,他越来越担心,紧张不安地在房间里踱来踱去。 2.With my paper in hand,nervousnessfilledmyheart and my mind went wholly blank so that I couldn’t think of anything I had learned. 我手里拿着试卷,心里满是焦虑,大脑一片空白,以至于想不起我学过的任何东西。