人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement课时练(含答案 4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement课时练(含答案 4份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-04 21:53:44


Unit 1 People of Achievement
1. vital adj.必不可少的;充满生机的
2. boil vt.&vi. (使)沸腾;烧开;煮开n.沸腾;沸点
3. obtain vt.(尤指经努力)获得vi.(规章、习俗等)存在;流行
4. defeat n.失败;挫败vt.击败;战胜
5. mostly adv.主要地;一般地
6. circumstance n.条件;环境;状况
7. found vt.创建;建立;把……建立在
8. theory n.理论;学说
9. extraordinary adj.不一般的;非凡的;意想不到的
10. encounter vt.偶然碰到;遇到n.邂逅;遭遇
11. professor n.教授
12. remarkable adj.非凡的;显著的
13. sum vi.总结;概括n.金额;款项;总数;总和
1.crucial adj.至关重要的;关键性的 → crucially adv.关键地;至关重要地
2. commit vt.承诺;保证vi.全心全意投入(工作、活动等) → committed adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的 → commitment n.承诺;保证;投入
3. academy n.研究院;学会;专科院校 → academic adj.学业的;学术的
4.evaluate vt.评价;评估 → evaluation n.评估;评价
5.distinct adj.清晰的;有区别的 → distinction n.区别;特点
6. acknowledge vt.承认;(公开)感谢 → acknowledgement n.承认;感谢
7. analyse vt.分析 → analysis n.分析;分析结果
8. apparent adj.明显的;显而易见的 → apparently adv.显而易见;看来;显然
9. science n.科学 → scientific adj.科学(上)的;关于科学的 → scientist n.科学家
10. conclude vt.推断出vt.&vi.结束;终止 → conclusion n.结论;推论
11. novel n.(长篇)小说 → novelist n.小说家
12. relative adj.相对的n.亲属 → relatively adv.相对地 → relativity n.相对论;相对性
13. gentle adj.温柔的;文静的 → gently adv.轻柔地;温柔地
14. gradual adj.逐渐的;逐步的 → gradually adv.逐渐地;逐步地
15. consequence n.结果;后果 → consequent adj.随之发生的 → consequently adv.因此,所以
1.physiology n. 生理学;生理机能 
2.objective n. 目标;目的  adj. 客观的 
3.botanical adj. 植物学的 
4.property n. 性质;特性;财产 
5.liquid n. 液体  adj. 液体的;液态的 
6.infer vt. 推断;推定 
7.politician n. 从政者;政治家;政客 
8.numerous adj. 众多的;许多的 
9.genius n. 天才;天资;天赋 
10.patent n. 专利;专利证书  adj. 受专利保护的;有专利的 
11.passion n. 酷爱;激情 
12.institution n. 社会公共机构;制度;习俗 
13.institute n. 机构;机构建筑 
14.device n. 方法;装置;仪器 
15.draft n. 草稿;草案  vt. 起草;草拟 
1. commit oneself to (doing) sth. 承诺;保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等)
2. insist on 坚决要求
3. come to power (开始)掌权;上台
4. take up a position 担任;任职
5. sum up 总结;概括
6.flow chart流程图 
1.Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and has led to  improved health  for millions of people. (过去分词作前置定语)
2. Upon hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize , she said, "The honour is not just mine. There is a team behind me, and all the people of my country..." (upon+doing/n.)
3.He made numerous contributions to the world, the most well-known being the general theory of relativity  and the famous formula E=mc2.(独立主格结构)
4. It is indeed an honour  for China’s scientific research and Chinese medicine to be spread around the world. (it作形式主语)
5. While working there , out of a strong passion for knowledge, he continued to study, earning a doctorate in physics in 1905.(while doing...)
1.Remember that goals are flexible. They can change according to  circumstances (状况).
2. Founded (创建) in 1996, Museum of Latin American Art is the only art museum in the United States devoted to modern and contemporary Latin Americanart.
3.This popular psychology course highlights the different  theories (理论) of creativity.
4.It means we have the chance to  obtain (获得) information about how the moon is constructed.
5. Professors (教授), for the most part, are firmly committed to teaching, not research.
6.The delicate Changxin Palace Lamp displayed the wisdom of ancient Chinese craftsmen, as well as China’s  remarkable  achievements in science and technology 2,000 years ago.
7.Understanding history is  vital  to understanding ourselves as a people and as a nation.
8.I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were  defeated .
9.The roar of applause from the audience indicated that the performance was  extraordinary .
10.We  encountered  every kind of difficulty when we first devoted ourselves to scientific research.
1.My mother is a  gentle  woman. Every time I am down, she pats my back  gently , comforting me. (gentle)
2.Zhang Guimei, a  committed  educator, commits  herself to education. Her  commitment  is praised by people. (commit)
3.Losing weight is a slow and  gradual  process. Keep exercising and you will  gradually  achieve your objective. (gradual)
4.The magazine  acknowledged  Joseph as the best writer of the year and he was awarded a big prize in  acknowledgement  of his contribution. (acknowledge)
5.As a child, he showed great interest in  science  and wanted to be a  scientist . Now his dream has come true and he has made great achievements in  scientific  research. (science)
6.They  concluded  from the data that the new virus was more dangerous. Scientists from other countries also agreed with this  conclusion . (conclude)
7.As a  consequence  of global warming, the sea level is rising and many species are dying out. To prevent the  consequent  damage to the earth, people should take action quickly. (consequence)
8.I’m reading the  novel Brothers these days, written by the famous  novelist , Yu Hua. (novel)
commit oneself to insist on sum up
take up a position come to power
1. To sum up , no matter what kind of challenges I encounter, I will bravely embrace the future.
2.Since he  came to power  in 2000, links between the two countries have been tightened.
3.We  insisted on  a refund of the full amount for the breakdown of the machine, but the seller refused.
4.Pearl S. Buck  committed herself to  bringing Chinese culture to the Western world and was honoured as the human bridge that connects the Chinese and Western cultures.
5.He left his career in teaching and  took up a position  in the local government.
The road was blocked by  a fallen tree , so we had to turn back.
 Upon hearing that a traditional Chinese painting exhibition will be held , I am very glad.
 It is an honor to speak at the meeting  on behalf of our class.
I will show you around another tourist attraction, time permitting .
5.在读大学期间,他在学校图书馆做兼职。(while doing...)
 While studying in university , he did part-time work in the school library.Unit 1 People of Achievement
Yuan Longping is widelyacknowledgedas China’s "father of hybrid rice".
Upon graduation, Yuan took up a position as a teacher in a college. Heinsisted on studying agriculture while teaching.
In 1960, Professor Yuan unexpectedly found an "outstanding" rice plant with excellent properties. He carefully analysed it and came to the conclusion that this extraordinary rice was a natural hybrid rice. This crucial finding fueled his enthusiasm for the study of hybrid rice. Despite encountering numerous difficulties, he continued his scientific research under hard circumstances with great passion. As a consequence, Yuan and his team obtained remarkable success, significantly improving China’s rice output. Tosum up, Yuan committed all his life to defeating hunger.
Yuan passed away in 2021, aged 91, and the whole nation mourned his death. He will be forever remembered by Chinese people and the world.
1 commit(committed;committed;committing)vt. 做出(错或非法的事);犯(罪或错等);花(钱或时间);承诺;保证 vi.忠于(某个人、机构等);全心全意投入(工作、活动等)
1.[人教选必①-5]He is a very good actor and he commits himself  to  every role that he takes on.
2.[外研选必③-3]Driven by a sense of  commitment (commit), a great many joined the army to resist the Japanese invaders and defend the honour of the nation.
3.Though journalists are committed to  presenting (present) the truth, it is better to use our own judgement than rely entirely on the news reports.
4.Mr Li is a  committed (commit) teacher, who is very popular among students.
5.Zhong Nanshan commits himself to medical research, and was awarded the Medal of the Republic. (人物介绍)
→① Committing himself to medical research , Zhong Nanshan was awarded the Medal of the Republic. (现在分词短语作状语)
→②Zhong Nanshan, committed to medical research , was awarded the Medal of the Republic. (过去分词短语作定语)
6.直到那时我才意识到我犯了个巨大的错误,窘得满脸通红。 (读后续写之心理描写)
 Only then did I realise that I had committed a big mistake . My face glowed with embarrassment.("only+状语"位于句首的倒装)
★commit oneself to (doing) sth.承诺/保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等) commit... to... 投入……于…… commit sth.犯(错)等 ★commitment n.承诺;投入;奉献 make a commitment to do sth. 保证/承诺做某事 ★committed adj.尽心尽力的,坚定的 be committed to (doing) sth.致力于(做)某事
2 acknowledgevt.承认(属实、权威等);(公开)感谢
1.Traditional Chinese medicine is widely acknowledged  to be (be) effective in the fight against the severe disease.
2.I was sent a free copy in  acknowledgement (acknowledge) of my contribution.
3.I greatly thank you for the help you have given me.
→I greatly  acknowledge  the help you have given me.(词语升级)
表示"感谢,感激"的词或短语,除了thank sb. for sth.外,还有acknowledge/appreciate sth.和be grateful to sb. for sth.。
 It’s universally/widely acknowledged that reading good books can enrich our minds  and teach us to distinguish between right and wrong.
"明辨是非"的其他表达:tell/distinguish right from wrong,tell the difference between right and wrong
★acknowledge doing/having done sth.承认做过某事 acknowledge... as/to be... 认为……是…… It’s universally/widely acknowledged that...普遍认为…… ★acknowledgement n.承认 in acknowledgement of... 以回答……;以感谢……
3 insistvt.&vi.坚持;坚决要求
1.[人教选必②-3]For example, scientists have insisted for years that a big enemy of health  is (be) fatty food.
2.[北师必修③-9]I kept telling him that I knew the way myself, but he insisted on  taking (take) me there.
→① My mother insisted that I should not give up, but try my best. (insist that)
→② My mother insisted on my trying my best instead of giving up. (insist on, instead of)
★insist on/upon (sb./sb.’s) doing sth. 坚决要求(某人)做某事 ★insist that... ①表示"坚持/坚决要求……"时,从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用"(should+)动词原形"。 ②表示"坚持说/坚持认为……"时,从句用陈述语气。
4 conclusionn.结论;推论;最后
1.When Chris brought his speech to a nice  conclusion (conclude), Whaley, his teacher, invited the rest of the class to applaud him.
2.He concluded  from  their remarks that they were not in favour of the plan.
3.So I  come to/arrive at/reach/draw a conclusion (得出结论) that if you want a great career, you need to commit yourself to something meaningful. (conclusion)
4.总之,急需共同努力来抢救我们的传统文化瑰宝。 (传统文化)
 In conclusion , joint efforts are urgently needed to  rescue our traditional cultural treasures .
☆[2022北京]Crystal knew that visions alone don’t produce results, but concluded that "we’ll never produce results that we can’t envision".
☆[2020北京]In conclusion, positive thinking is a powerful and effective tool for dealing with hard times and improving the quality of one’s life.
★in conclusion 最后;总而言之 come to/arrive at/reach/draw a conclusion得出结论 jump to conclusions匆忙下结论 bring... to a conclusion使……结束 ★conclude vt.推断出vt.&vi.结束,终止 conclude sth.(from sth.)(从……中)推断出/断定……
5 circumstancen.(usually pl.)条件;环境;状况
1.[北师选必②-5]Sometimes we need to be flexible and adapt to changing  circumstances (circumstance).
2. If circumstances permit/allow (如果情况允许的话), the work will begin on Monday.
3.在任何情况下,我们都不能在互联网上将我们的个人信息泄露给陌生人。 (建议信)
 Under/In no circumstances should we give away our personal information to strangers on the Internet. (倒装结构)
表示"绝不"的其他短语:in no way; on no account; by no means。这些短语置于句首时,句子都需要用部分倒装结构。
★under/in the circumstances 在这种情况下,既然如此 under/in no circumstances 在任何情况下决不,无论如何不(放在句首时句子要用部分倒装结构) ★if circumstances permit/allow 如果情况允许的话
6 consequencen.结果;后果
1.I didn’t keep my promise.  In  consequence, he got very angry at me.
2.John was committed to his study. Consequently (consequent), he gained admission to Zhejiang University.
The past years have witnessed large amounts of waste dumped into the oceans.  As a consequence/In consequence, many marine species are under threat of extinction .(consequence)
★as a consequence/in consequence(=as a result)结果 as a consequence of/in consequence of(=as a result of)由于 ★consequent adj.随之发生的 consequently adv.因此;结果
7 takeupaposition担任;任职
①[外研必修①-1]After-school activities also play a part when students apply to college. However, they can take up a lot of time, so students have to learn to organise their busy schedules. 占用 
②Mr Smith last year took up a position as a designer in the newcompany.  开始从事 
③Lang Ping became a star in China because of her success, her positive attitude and her ability to take up challenges.  接受 
2.Take  down  the important points in class so that you can go over them after class.
3.I’m going to  take a week off (休一周假) and Briggs will  take over the business (接管业务) when I’m away.
★take up 拿起;占用;开始从事;接受 take off 脱下;起飞;事业腾飞;休假 take in 吸收;理解;收留;欺骗 take over 接管;接任 take on 呈现;雇用;承担 take down写下,记下;拆除 take apart 拆开,拆卸
8 sumup总结,概括
1.[北师选必①-3] To sum (sum)up, despite producing cheap food, factory farming is bad for the planet and for the animals themselves.
表示"总之,总而言之"的归纳总结性短语除了to sum up和in sum外还有in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, all in all等。
The young man risked his own life to save people from the fire.  He was rewarded with a large sum of money for his bravery .
3.总之,他对教育的奉献为他赢得了当地人的尊重。 (人物介绍)
 In sum, his commitment to education earns him the local people’s respect. 
★to sum up 总之 a large sum of money 一大笔钱 in sum总而言之
9 upon/on+doing/n.一……就……
1.[外研必修③-2]On  leaving (leave) school, Winton worked in banks in Germany and France.
2.Upon her  retirement (retire) from the university, the professor took up a position in charity.
3.一到海滩,我们就开始清理冲到岸边的垃圾。 (环境保护)
→① Upon arrival/arriving at the beach , we started to clean up the litter washed ashore. (upon+n./doing)
→② The moment we arrived at the beach , we started to clean up the litter washed ashore. (the moment)
→③ Immediately we arrived at the beach , we started to clean up the litter washed ashore. (immediately)
★表示"一……就……"的其他表达: as soon as+从句 the moment/minute/instant+从句 immediately/directly/instantly+从句
10 it作形式主语
1.[人教选必①-2]It is possible  that  this technological fantasy will come true in the distant future.
2. It  suddenly occurred to me that I could ask my teacher to go over my composition.
3.很荣幸能与大家分享我对在线学习的看法。 (发言稿)
 It’s a great honour to share my opinion on online learning with you. 
4.人们普遍认为吃绿色蔬菜有助于增强体质。 (健康饮食)
 It’s widely acknowledged that eating green vegetables contributes to building up strength. 
5.很遗憾我不能和你一起去北京。 (道歉信)
 It’s such a pity that I couldn’t go to Beijing with you. 
★it作形式主语的常用句式: ·It be+adj./n.+(for sb.)to do sth. ·It be+过去分词(said, reported...)+that从句 ·It be+形容词(vital, obvious, possible...)+that从句 ·It be+名词短语(a pity, no wonder...)+that从句 ·It+不及物动词(occur, happen...)+to sb.+that从句Unit 1 People of Achievement
[2024浙江名校协作体联考]Gladys West, the mathematician, was born in 1930 in Virginia and had to help harvest crops on her family’s farm. The hard work started before daybreak and lasted well into the blistering heat of the afternoon. To get out of there, she was going to get an education.
Her parents tried to save some money to send her to college, but unexpected bills kept hitting the fund. Then a teacher announced that the state was going to give a college scholarship to the two top students from her grade. Finally, West got the scholarship, allowing her to attend Virginia State College (now Virginia State University), a historically black university.
West decided to major in mathematics because it was a well-respected subject. It was largely studied by men, but she didn’t take much notice of it as she knew deep in her heart that nothing was getting in her way. After graduating, she became a teacher. A few years later, she returned to the university and earned a master’s degree in mathematics. Then she was offered a job at a naval base in Dahlgren,Virginia. This made her only the second black woman to be hired to work as a programmer at the base.
Despite her intellectual abilities and career success, West felt she was inferior. It was this feeling, deeply rooted and felt by many African Americans, that drove her to work as hard as she could. West determined to commit herself to her work, hoping that by doing it to the best of her ability, she could get recognition for her work.
West did just that. In 1978, she became project manager for the Seasat project, the first satellite that could monitor the oceans. She programmed an IBM 7030 "Stretch" computer, providing faster calculations for an accurate Earth model. This detailed mathematical model of the shape of the Earth was a building block for what would become the GPS orbit. In 1998, aged 68, she intended to focus on her PhD after retirement. She eventually finished her graduation thesis and gained her PhD in public administration and policy affairs in 2000 at the age of 70.
本文主要介绍了非裔美国数学家Gladys West的故事。她幼年家境贫困,上大学时主修数学,毕业后担任教师,后又成为海军基地的程序员。由于工作努力,她成为项目经理,70岁时获得了博士学位。
【词语积累】 programmer n.(计算机)程序员
intellectual adj.智力的;有才智的
commit oneself to致力于
accurate adj.准确的,精确的
1.What was the decisive factor to enable Gladys West to go to the university?
A. Her teacher’s aiding her.
B. Her parents’ paying the expenses.
C. Her family background.
D. The scholarship from the government.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第二段的"Then a teacher announced that...from her grade"可知,政府将给她那个年级的两名优等生提供大学奖学金。结合该段下文内容可知,她获得了奖学金,进入了大学。据此可知,是政府提供的奖学金促成了她读大学,故D项正确。
2.What can we infer from the text?
A. West got all her degrees after retirement.
B. Men dominated the maths field in West’s days.
C. Black women scientists’ talent was fully appreciated.
D. When she began to work, West felt she was superior to others.
解析 B 推理判断题。由第三段的"It was largely studied by men"可知,在那个年代,数学主要是由男性研究的;据此可以推知,在West那个年代,男性在数学领域占主导地位,故选B项。
3.What does the underlined phrase "a building block" in paragraph 5 mean?
A. A basic part. B. A detailed map.
C. A building material. D. A major obstacle.
解析 A 词义猜测题。由语境可知,画线短语所在句表示"这个详细的地球形状数学模型是GPS轨道的基础",故画线短语的意思应为"基础组成部分,构成要素",所以A项切题。
4.What kind of person was Gladys West?
A. Helpful and serious.
B. Honest and hardworking.
C. Ambitious and committed.
D. Considerate and devoted.
解析 C 推理判断题。由第一段描述可知,Gladys West自小在家从事艰苦劳动,为了离开家,她决定上学;由第三段内容可知,她决定学数学,虽然该领域内男性居多,但她深知没有什么可以阻挡她。据此可以推知,她是一位有抱负的人。由第四段的"It was this feeling...work as hard as she could"可知,她是一位对工作尽心尽力的人。综上可知,C项正确。
[2023河南郑州一测]French writer Annie Ernaux won the 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature in 2022. She is the first French female writer to have won the prize. In the words of the Nobel committee, Ernaux was given the award "for the courage and clinical acuity(敏锐度)" of her writing.
Having spent over 5 decades as a writer, the 83-year-old winner has published more than 20 books to her name,including CleanedOut(1974),Shame(1997),a 2008 memoir(回忆录) called TheYearsandAGirl’sStory(2020).
Rather than consider herself a writer of fiction, Ernaux has used the term "an ethnologist(社会人类学家) of herself" to describe herself.
Born in 1940 in a rural village in Normandy, France, Ernaux grew up in a working-class environment as her parents ran a combined grocery store and café. She worked as a teacher before becoming a full-time writer.
Two books by other French writers inspired her to be a writer:TheSecondSex by Simone de Beauvoir and Distinction by Pierre Bourdieu. The former led her to write about feminism(女权主义), and the latter raised her awareness of the huge gap between her and the environment she grew up in. Besides her reading influences, her "upbringing and experiences navigating adolescence and adulthood"also inspire many of her works, noted the social media. For example, the book Shame explores the theme of childhood trauma(精神创伤) while AGirl’sStory follows a young woman’s coming of age in the 1950s.
Though the matters Ernaux describes in her books are serious and even sometimes heavy, they are always written in plain language. Ernaux described her style as"flat writing"through which she aims to tell her stories objectively. "Her style is unshaped by florid(过多修饰的) description or overwhelming emotions," noted Fox News.
"She writes about things that no one else writes about, for instance her jealousy(嫉妒), her experiences as an abandoned lover and so on, I mean, really hard experiences," Anders Olsson, chairman of the Nobel literature committee, said after the award announcement in Stockholm. He went on to say, "She gives words for these experiences that are very simple and striking. They are short books, but they are really moving."
2022年诺贝尔文学奖颁给了Annie Ernaux,她是第一位赢得这个奖项的法国女作家。
【词语积累】 inspire v. 激励,鼓舞;赋予灵感,启发思考
objectively adv.客观地
description n. 描写(文字),形容,说明
1. What can be learned about Annie Ernaux from the passage?
A. She described herself as a science fiction writer.
B. She started with a full-time writer before being a teacher.
C. She is considered to be the first French person to have won the prize.
D. She was awarded for the bravery and observation shown in her writing.
解析 D 细节理解题。由文章第一段中的"In the words...‘for the courage and clinical acuity(敏锐度)’ of her writing"可知,D项正确。
2. What inspired Annie Ernaux to write her works?
A. Her hardships of life.
B. Her teaching career.
C. Her personal experiences.
D. Her working-class background.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第五段中的"Two books by other French writers inspired her to be a writer"和"Besides her reading influences, her ‘upbringing and experiences navigating adolescence and adulthood’...works"可知,Annie Ernaux写作主要受到两个方面的影响:一是她读过的书,二是她的教养和个人经历,故C项正确。
3. Which words best describe Annie Ernaux’s writing style?
A. Serious and sharp.
B. Plain and objective.
C. Light and humorous.
D. Elegant and descriptive.
解析 B 细节理解题。由文章第六段中的"Ernaux described her style as ‘flat writing’ ...objectively"可知,B项正确。
4. What can be the best title for this passage?
A. A Woman Telling Her Own Stories
B. A Teacher Becoming a Full-time Writer
C. A Female Writer Winning Many Awards
D. A French Female Fighting for Women’s Rights
解析 A 标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了Annie Ernaux通过平淡地、客观地、勇敢地在作品中讲述自己的经历从而获得诺贝尔文学奖的事情。故A项(一个讲述她自己故事的女士)最适合做本文的标题。
[2023江苏四校期中联考]In memory of Marie Curie on her birthday on Saturday, the official website of the Nobel Prize posted a photograph of her notebook saying. "Marie Curie died of aplastic anaemia(再生障碍性贫血) on 4 July, 1934, a result of years of exposure to radiation through her work. Even today her laboratory notebook from 1899 to 1902, is  1  and will be for 1,500 years."
The tales of Marie and other scientists of her time are in some sense very 2 .
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered X-ray in 1895. A year later, Antoine Henri Becquerel found that some natural substances  3  rays, too. Later, Marie and her physicist husband, Pierre Curie, gave it a(n) 4 , radioactivity.
However, the 5  effects of radioactivity were not discovered until decades later. Marie and her  6  scientists dealt with radioactive substances for decades using little or no protection. Marie’s death is a reminder of the risks pioneers in science  7  . It was only after people handling radioactive substances began to get similar  8  that medical experts asked people to use protection. Today, medical health workers and patients wear heavy protective  9  during X-rays.
It is almost  10  that those exploring new frontiers for science are exposing themselves to unknown dangers. There is a(n) 11  for better protection for the pioneers, but that is not possible until the dangers are fully known. For example, the space suits astronauts wear  12  them against radiation. However, only  13  will tell if there are some other unknown dangers.
The contributions and sacrifices by such pioneers to the field of science are 14  and deserving of our respect. Because the pioneers not only  15  new frontiers, but also help us better protect ourselves from unknown surroundings.
1. A. extraordinary B. radioactive
C. protective D. creative
解析 B 由"Marie Curie died of aplastic anaemia(再生障碍性贫血) on 4 July, 1934, a result of years of exposure to radiation through her work"可知,即使在今天,她的实验室笔记本仍具有放射性,故选B。extraordinary非凡的,radioactive放射性的,protective保护性的,creative有创意的。
2. A. tragic B. inspirational
C. romantic D. meaningful
解析 A 由"Marie Curie died of aplastic anaemia(再生障碍性贫血) on 4 July, 1934, a result of years of exposure to radiation through her work"可知,玛丽和她同时代的其他科学家虽然为科学做出了巨大贡献,但是结局却很悲惨(tragic),故选A。inspirational鼓舞人心的, romantic浪漫的,meaningful有意义的。
3. A. blocked B. absorbed
C. reflected D.emitted
解析 D 一年后,安托万·亨利·贝克勒尔发现,一些天然物质也会发出(emitted)射线,故选D。block阻塞,absorb吸收,reflect反射。
4. A. privilege B.name
C. notice D. identity
解析 B 后来,玛丽和她的物理学家丈夫皮埃尔·居里给它起了个名字——放射性。 privilege特权,name名字,notice注意,identity身份。B项符合语境。
5. A. scientific B. novel
C. sensitive D. harmful
解析 D 由"Marie Curie died of aplastic anaemia(再生障碍性贫血) on 4 July, 1934, a result of years of exposure to radiation through her work"可知,此处指的是有害的(harmful)影响,故选D。scientific科学的,novel新奇的,sensitive敏感的。
6. A. contemporary B. conservative
C. curious D. cautious
解析 A 几十年中,玛丽和她同时代的(contemporary)科学家在处理放射性物质时几乎或完全没有防护措施,故选A。conservative保守的,curious好奇的,cautious谨慎的。
7. A. deliver B. relieve
C. undertake D. generate
解析 C 玛丽的死提醒人们科学先驱所承担(undertake)的风险,故选C。deliver交付,relieve缓解,generate产生。
8. A. rewards B. warnings
C. diseases D. titles
解析 C 由空前的"get similar"及空后的"that medical experts asked people to use protection"可知,接触放射性物质的人开始患上类似居里夫人所患的疾病(diseases)。
9. A. glasses B. gloves
C. shoes D.covers
解析 D 由常识可知,医护人员和病人在做X光检查时都要戴上厚厚的防护罩(covers)。
10. A. odd B. inevitable
C. critical D. intimidating
解析 B 探索科学前沿时,将自己暴露在未知的危险中是几乎不可避免的(inevitable)。
11. A. focus B. evolution
C. demand D. breakthrough
解析 C 先驱们需要更好的保护,但在完全了解危险之前,这是不可能的,故选C。
12.A. protect B. fight
C. warn D. forbid
解析 A 例如,宇航员穿的宇航服可以保护(protect)他们免受辐射。
13. A. space B.time
C. technology D. history
解析 B 由"However, the  5  effects of radioactivity were not discovered until decades later"可知,只有时间(time)才能证明是否还有其他未知的危险。
14.A. unmatched B. uplifting
C. glorious D. concrete
解析 A 由上文中的"It is almost  10  that those exploring new frontiers for science are exposing themselves to unknown dangers"可知,这些先驱对科学领域的贡献和牺牲是无与伦比的(unmatched)。
15. A. extend B. proceed
C. mount D. explore
解析 D 由上文中的"It is almost  10  that those exploring new frontiers for science are exposing themselves to unknown dangers"及空后的"new frontiers"可知,此处指探索(explore)新的前沿领域。
[中国情怀/2024江苏海安三校联考]Perhaps no other scientist has had a greater impact on China’s aerospace science 1     Qian Xuesen has. Born in Hangzhou in 1911, Qian went to the United States for further studies in 1935. Soon as a pioneer in American jet and rocket technology, he and his colleagues 2    (found) the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the 1940s, now one of NASA’s leading space-exploration centres.
3    (overcome) many difficulties in the US, Qian eventually returned to China in 1955. He received a 4    (hero) welcome from his homeland. At that time, in poor China, its rocket science was undeveloped: No majors in rocket science. No talents. No experts. Nevertheless, the "No"s didn’t discourage him from taking 5     challenges. His reply to "Can we Chinese possibly make missiles?" was a 6    (determine) "Why not? We Chinese are able to make the same things 7     other people make".
Under Qian’s leadership, China developed the Dongfeng missiles and launched its first man-made satellite. Even much of the technology behind the Shenzhou rockets can also8    (trace) back to Qian’s research, so he earned the name of "the father of China’ aerospace".
Qian was 9    (extreme) knowledgeable, especially in the area of frontier science research. However, what might have made him such an outstanding and creative scientist was probably his strong interest in other things, such as music and drawing. His deep appreciation for art often gave him 10    (inspire) in his scientific research.
On October 31, 2009, the whole country was saddened by Qian’s death, and people honoured and remembered him in different ways.
1.than 考查连词。由前边的比较级greater可知,此处用连词than。
2.founded 考查动词的时态和语态。由时间状语in the 1940s可知,此处应用一般过去时,而且主语与found之间为主谓关系,故填founded。
3.Having overcome 考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,此处应用非谓语动词。Qian与overcome之间是主谓关系,且非谓语所表示动作发生在谓语动作之前,所以填Having overcome。
4.hero’s 考查名词所有格。结合句意和后边的名词可知,空格处应填名词所有格hero’s。
5.on 考查介词。take on为固定搭配,意为"接受"。
6.determined 考查形容词。此处应该用形容词determined(坚定的,坚决的)作定语。
7.that 考查定语从句。分析句子可知,所填词引导限制性定语从句,在从句中作宾语,指代事物,再结合前边的the same可知,此处用that。
8.be traced 考查语态。much of the technology behind the Shenzhou rockets与trace之间为动宾关系,再结合前边的can可知,此处填be traced。
9.extremely 考查副词。所填词修饰形容词knowledgeable,作状语,故用副词extremely。
10.inspiration 考查名词。分析句子可知,此处应用名词作宾语。所填词表示"灵感",故应用不可数名词inspiration。Unit 1 People of Achievement
1.[2023浙江1月]I parked my car outside the farm and walked past a milking house which had  apparently (apparent) not been used in many years.
2.[2021浙江]He showed us that even a single desire, never given up on, can make for a  remarkable (remark) life.
3.[2021天津]It was not until I followed this feeling to its source that I discovered I had a passion  for  writing.
4.[2021天津]Vital  to/for  human life, art is celebrated and used by nations across the world for various purposes.
5.[2021天津3月]Society pushes us to specialize, to become experts. This requires commitment  to  a particular occupation, branch of study or research.
6.[2020全国Ⅱ]As a  novelist (novel), I’ve found a new relationship with libraries. I encourage readers to go to their local library when they can’t afford to purchase a book.
7.[2020全国Ⅲ]I tell my mom that if we’re forced to eat things, we may become ill. But she insists on us  eating (eat) healthy food.
8.[2020天津]This led Jones to the  conclusion (conclude) that there are too many extremely lonely people in his community, who are easy targets of cheating.
9.[全国Ⅲ]Over 300 years its population grew  gradually (gradual) from 800 people to 8 million. But not all cities develop slowly over a long period of time.
10.[江苏高考]Diners at bad tables — next to the kitchen door, say — spent nearly as much as others but soon  fled (flee).
1.A. n.流畅 B. v.流动 C.n.流量
①[2023新高考Ⅰ]A dirty stream, for example, often became clear after flowing through plants and along rocks where tiny creatures lived.  B 
②[2021新高考Ⅰ]His job is to sit beside the pianist and turn the pages of the score so the musician doesn’t have to break the flow of sound by doing it themselves. A 
③[2021北京]We’re now building a clock at the Anchorage Museum that reflects the total flow of several major Alaskan rivers, which are sensitive to local and global environmental changes.  C 
2.[2022北京]This shows that we have some way to travel before achieving the first objective of systems thinking — which, in this example, is to identify more constituent parts of the nutrition system.  n.目标 
objective常作形容词,表示"客观的",出现在观点态度题的选项中。其他常见选项有:supportive(支持的);positive (积极的);disapproving (反对的);neutral (中立的);complicated (复杂的);doubtful/skeptical (怀疑的);tolerant (宽容的);conservative(保守的)。
3.[2021浙江]The result was ProjectWildThing, a film which charts the birth of the Wild Network, a group of organisations with the common goal of getting children out into nature. v.记录 
4.[天津高考]The most awkward email mistake is usually committed in anger.  v.犯(错) 
写作一 基础写作——中国历史人物
1.在我看来,在众多公认的中国历史人物中,范仲淹是最有影响力的。(numerous, acknowledged)
 Among numerous Chinese historical figures that are widely acknowledged, Fan Zhongyan is the most influential in my opinion. 
2.范仲淹是宋代著名的文学家和政治家,因其对社会的卓越贡献而受到人们的高度赞赏。(politician, remarkable)
 Known as a famous writer and politician in the Song Dynasty, Fan Zhongyan was highly appreciated because of his remarkable contributions to society. 
 He proposed the foundation of a national school system, which had a far-reaching influence on the Chinese educational system. 
 In conclusion, Fan Zhongyan always inspires me to be a man of noble character. 
The Historical Figure in China
 Among numerous Chinese historical figures that are widely acknowledged, Fan Zhongyan is the most influential in my opinion. 
 Known as a famous writer and politician in the Song Dynasty, Fan Zhongyan was highly appreciated because of his remarkable contributions to society. He committed himself to carrying out a series of reforms to make his country prosperous. Besides, he proposed the foundation of a national school system, which had a far-reaching influence on the Chinese educational system. 
 What impresses me most is his famous philosophy of life: "Be the first to worry about the troubles across the land, the last to enjoy universal happiness." In conclusion, Fan Zhongyan is such a role model that he always inspires me to be a man of noble character. 
写作二 读后续写——情感描写之困惑与迷茫
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 confused, confusing, puzzled, puzzling, lost; confusion, puzzlement 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.尽管吉米既困惑又生气,他还是听妈妈的话离开了房间。  Puzzled and angry , Jimmy obeyed his mother and left the room. (形容词作状语) 2.他疑惑地看着帕特说:"但你早晨为什么这么早就出来了?" He  looked at Pat in confusion/puzzlement  and asked, "But why are you out so early in the morning?" 3.其中有一个标志把我弄糊涂了,于是我把售货员叫过来问道:"那个标志是什么意思?"  One of the signs got me puzzled/confused , so I called over the salesman and asked, "What does that sign mean?"(get+宾语+宾补) 4.她转过身来,看见母亲脸上困惑的表情。 As she turned back she caught  the puzzled look on her mother’s face . 5.我弟弟一直在哭,我不知道该如何应对。 My little brother kept crying and I was  at a loss  how to react.
词 组 1.at a loss 迷茫的 2.in confusion/puzzlement 困惑地,迷茫地 3.a puzzled/confused look 困惑的表情 4.scratch one’s head (困惑、为难等时)挠头 5.be lost for words 不知说什么才好
佳 句 1.After my explanation, Mandy still had a puzzled expression on her face. 我解释之后,曼迪仍然一脸困惑。 2.Facing the question, Luke scratched his head, looking puzzled. 面对这个问题,卢克挠了挠头,看起来很困惑。 3.Silence filled the room and puzzlement was written all over everyone’s face. 房间里一片寂静,每个人的脸上都写满了困惑。 4.I read the note twice, but I was still in a fog. 我把纸条读了两遍,但还是一头雾水。