人教版(2019)必修 第三册 nit 1 Festivals and Celebrations课时练(4份打包,含答案 )


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册 nit 1 Festivals and Celebrations课时练(4份打包,含答案 )
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-04 21:57:44


Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations
1. march vi.&n.行进;前进;示威游行
2. ceremony n.典礼;仪式
3. range n.一系列;范围,界限vi.包括;(在一定范围内)变化
4. figure n.人物;数字;身材vt.认为;认定
5. harvest n.收获;收成vi.&vt.收割;捕猎
6. crop n.庄稼;作物;一季的收成
7. gather vi.聚集;集合vt.聚集;搜集;收割
8. feature vt.以……为特色n.特色;特征;特点
9. fade vi.&vt.逐渐消失;(使)褪色;(身体)变得虚弱
10. typical adj.典型的;有代表性的;平常的
11. medium n.媒介;手段;方法adj.中等的;中号的
12. atmosphere n.气氛;氛围;(地球的)大气(层)
13. envelope n.信封;塑料封套
14. frank adj.坦率的;直率的
15. inner adj.内部的;里面的;内心的
16. region n.地区;区域;地带
17. fancy adj.花哨的;精致的;昂贵的vt.想要;倾慕;自认为是
18. moment n.片刻;瞬间
19. tent n.帐篷
20. brief adj.简洁的;简单的;短暂的
21. branch n.树枝;分支;支流
22. clap vt.鼓掌;拍手;击掌n.鼓掌;拍手;掌声
1. congratulate vt.向(某人)道贺;(因某事)为自己感到自豪→ congratulation n.祝贺;恭喜
2. origin n.起源;起因;出身→ original adj.最初的;原创的;新颖的→ originally adv.本来;原来
3. religion n.宗教;宗教信仰→ religious adj.宗教的;笃信宗教的
4. charm n.魅力;迷人的特征;咒语→ charming adj.令人着迷的;迷人的
5. joy n.高兴;喜悦→ joyful adj.高兴的;快乐的
6. gratitude n.感激之情;感谢→ grateful adj.感激的;表示感谢的
7. decorate vt.装饰;装潢→ decoration n.装饰;装饰品
8. significance n.重要性;意义→ significant adj.有重大意义的;显著的→ significantly adv.显著地;意味深长地
9. reflect vt.显示;反映;反射→ reflection n.反映;反射;表达
10. believe vt.相信vi.信任→ belief n.信仰;信心;信任→ believable adj.可以相信的→ unbelievable adj.难以置信的
11. faith n.宗教信仰;信任;相信→ faithful adj.忠诚的;虔诚的→ faithfully adv.忠实地
12. occasion n.特别的事情(或仪式、庆典);(适当的)机会→ occasional adj.偶然的→ occasionally adv.偶然地;不时地
13. please vt.&vi.使满意;使愉快→ pleased adj.高兴的;满意的→ pleasant/pleasing adj.令人愉快的→ pleasure n.愉快;令人高兴的事
14. represent vt.象征;代表;相当于→ representative n.代表adj.有代表性的
15. grace n.优美;优雅;高雅→ graceful adj.优美的;高雅的
16. absolute adj.绝对的;完全的→ absolutely adv.绝对地;完全地
17. respect n.&vt.尊敬;尊重→ respectful adj.恭敬的;表示敬意的→ respectfully adv.尊敬地→ respectable adj.可敬的;体面的→ respected adj.受尊敬的
18. horrible adj.令人震惊的;恐怖的;极坏的→ horror n.畏惧;憎恶;震惊→ horribly adv.恐怖地
1.lantern n.  灯笼;提灯 
2.carnival n.  狂欢节;嘉年华 
3.costume n.  (某地或某历史时期的)服装;戏装 
4.riddle n.  谜语;神秘事件 
5.make-up n.  化妆品;性格;构成方式 
6.agriculture n.  农业;农艺 
7.church n.  (基督教的)教堂;礼拜堂 
8.evil adj.  邪恶的;有害的;罪恶的  n.  邪恶;罪恶;恶行 
9.commercial adj.  商业(化)的;以获利为目的的 
10.lunar adj.  阴历的;月球的;月亮的 
11.eve n.  前夕;前一天 
12.merry adj.  愉快的;高兴的 
13.pudding n.  布丁;(餐末的)甜食 
14.roast adj.  烤的;焙的  vi.&vt. 烘烤;焙 
15.turkey n.  火鸡;火鸡肉 
16.autonomous adj.  自治的;有自治权的 
17.wrestle vi.&vt. 摔跤;奋力对付 
18.robe n.  袍服;礼袍 
19.eagle n.  雕 
20.pot n.  罐;壶;锅 
21.wedding n.  婚礼;结婚庆典 
1. dress (sb.) up 穿上盛装;装扮
2. after all 毕竟;终究
3. range from ... to ... 包括从……到……之间
4. take place 发生
5. be grateful for 对……心存感激
6. get together 聚集
7. play a significant role in 在……中起重要作用
8. fade away 逐渐消失;(身体)变得虚弱
9. in spite of 不管;尽管
10. take advantage of 利用;欺骗;占……的便宜
11. have sth. in common (兴趣、想法等方面)相同;有相同的特征
12. to be frank 坦白说;坦率地说
13. go off 爆炸;走火;离开
14. except for 除……之外
15. set off 出发;动身;启程
1.However, no matter how different they may seem , all over the world,the spirit of sharing joy, gratitude, love, or peace is common in all festivals.(no matter how引导的让步状语从句)
2.Online shopping websites and social media apps  have made it much easier for the public to spend more on  gifts for their loved ones. (it作形式宾语)
3.Burin told me that Mongolians travel every year from near and far to attend the festival, just  as their ancestors had done for centuries .(as引导的方式状语从句)
4. I heard it is because  children are lighter and the horses can run faster and farther.(because引导的表语从句)
5.I’m finally back home now, feeling really tired , but celebrating Naadam with my friend was totally worth it.(现在分词作伴随状语)
1.It was a long journey and I was  grateful  for his company.
2.Which  feature  do you think is the most important when choosing a car?
3.The people  gathered  round in the square, curious to know what was happening.
4.Hoping for success without hard work is like trying to  harvest  where you haven’t planted seeds.
5.Use music and lighting to create a romantic  atmosphere  at a party.
6.During the Spring Festival in China, children often get lucky money in red  envelopes  from parents and relatives.
7.Jack is late again. It is  typical  of him to keep others waiting.
8.Our newspaper aims to  reflect  the views of the local community.
1.Being pregnant was both painful and  joyful  for her. Finally, the whole family  joyfully  welcomed the arrival of the new family member.(joy)
2.We ought to not only be  grateful  to our parents deep in our hearts but also show our  gratitude  to them at times. (gratitude)
3.The whole house was  decorated  with many  decorations  in Chinese style. (decorate)
4.Many people hold a strong  belief  that the cure for this disease will be found one day, even if it is  unbelievable  at present. (believe)
5.My  faithful  friend has  faith  in me and he can  faithfully  support me whenever I’m in need. (faith)
6.A  representative  system of government is one in which people vote for politicians to  represent  them. (represent)
7.The headmaster often  congratulated  her on her good performance when she was in high school and in turn the exciting  congratulations  encouraged her greatly.(congratulate)
8.The discovery of new gas fields is of great  significance (significant) to the country’s economy.
9.He thought it would be a  pleasure  if his girlfriend was pleased  with his presents — two tickets to fly to a place with a  pleasant/pleasing  climate.(please)
have...in common in spite of take advantage of
range from...to... take place play a significant role in
1.They tried their best to  take advantage of  the chance that their school offered to study hard.
2.Chatting for several hours, the two girls found that they  had  a lot  in common .
3. In spite of  her busy schedule, Ariel Lin attended an art exhibition on environmental protection.
4.The contest will  take place  on June 7 in the lecture hall.
5.We have various gifts to suit all tastes, ranging from  flowers  to jewellery.
6.Family culture has been  playing a significant role in  Chinese history.
1.每位学生,不管多么有天赋或者多么努力,在学习中总会遇到困难。(no matter how引导的让步状语从句)
Every student, no matter how talented or hard-working(he or she is) , will come across difficulties in his or her study.
I  consider it quite important to read English news  every day.
You must try to hold the tool  as I do .
 It is because you’re keeping comparing yourself with others , which leads to too much pressure.
He arrived at school breathlessly, sweating heavily .Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations
Festivals, generally representing cultural and ethnic diversity, are celebrated all around the world. They are occasions when people dressup in traditional costumes, attend ceremonies,decorate their houses, express or receive blessings, love,respect,gratitude, or congratulations and so on, usually in a joyfulatmosphere.
Festivals have a wide range of origins, such as the seasons of the year,religions, famous figures and important events. Of all the traditional festivals, the harvest festival can be found in almost every culture. This agricultural festival takes place after all the crops have been gathered in. People setoff to celebrate, showing they are grateful for the year’s supply of food.
Customs play a significant role in festivals but sometimes they can change over time. With the development of modern society and the spread of new ideas, some traditions may fadeaway and others may be established. However, festivals are becoming more and more commercial, with businesses takingadvantageof the celebrations.
In general, festivals reflect people’s wishes,beliefs,faiths and attitudes towards life. Studying festivals carefully, you may be surprised to realize that different cultures actually havealotincommonafterall.
1 congratulationn.祝贺;恭喜
1.[译林必修②-2] Congratulations (congratulate)!You have just taken your first step towards a new and improved you!
(1)congratulation表示抽象意义的"祝贺"时,为不可数名词,如a letter of congratulation;表示祝词、贺词时,为可数名词,常用复数形式。(2)注意本句中的"new"和"improved"分别为形容词和过去分词作前置定语,共同修饰核心词"you"。
2.[人教必修③-1]Miss, congratulations  on  becoming an adult!
3.我写信是为了祝贺你在英语演讲比赛中的出色表现。 (祝贺信)
→①I’m writing to  express/offer/send my congratulations to you for  your excellent performance in the English speech contest. (congratulation)
→②I’m writing to  congratulate you on  your excellent performance in the English speech contest.(congratulate)
★express/offer/send one’s congratulations to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人致以祝贺 a letter of congratulation 一封贺信 congratulations on sth.祝贺某事 ★congratulate vt.祝贺 congratulate sb. on (doing)sth. 祝贺某人(做了)某事
2 rangen.一系列;范围,界限 vi.包括;(在一定范围内)变化
1.With the help of the Internet, people can have quick and easy access to a huge amount of information, ranging from the weather to military affairs (从天气到军事事务).
2.Although her description sounded wonderful, the car  was beyond/outside/out of our price range (超出了我们的价格范围),so we declined.
3.在这个节日里,我参与了从戏剧表演到艺术作品展览等各种精彩活动。 (活动介绍)
At the festival,I got involved in  a wide range of amazing activities  from drama performance to art works exhibition.
★a whole/wide/broad/full range of各种各样的 in/within range (of sth.)在(……)可及的范围内;在视觉(或听觉)范围内 out of/outside/beyond range (of sth.)超出(……的)范围 ★range from...to.../range between...and...包括从……到……之间,在……到……之间变化
3 figuren.人物;人影;身材;雕像;数字;算术;图,表;图形 vt.认为(think/guess);计算 vi.出现,包括(在……中)
5.Only if you stick to a balanced diet and regular exercise  can you keep your figure (你才能保持体形). (建议信)
6.[译林选必②-3]We have to  figure out (弄明白) how to keep the technology from running wild.
★figure out弄清楚,弄明白;计算出 figure that...认为…… ★keep one’s figure保持体形
4 reflectvt.显示,表明(show);映出(影像);反射(声、光等) vt.&vi.沉思
4.[北师必修③-9]We need to train ourselves to be better learners — to actively take part in the learning process and to reflect  on/upon  what we have learnt.
5.[译林必修②-3]She looked at her  reflection (reflect) in the mirror carefully again.
6.你将主要学习唐诗,它反映了中文的美以及中国的传统文化。 (中国文化)
You will mainly learn Tang poems, which reflect the beauty of the Chinese language and traditional Chinese culture . (定语从句)
★reflect sb./sth. in sth.在……中映出……的影像 reflect on/upon认真思考;反省 ★reflection n.显示;映像;反射;沉思 self-reflection n.反省 ★reflective adj.反射的,反光的;反映……的,代表的;沉思的
5 representvt.象征,表示;代表(onbehalfof);相当于(beequalto);描述,描绘
①[人教选必②-2]They told me that in China, people won’t celebrate a birthday without these noodles, because long noodles represent the longevity of life.  表示,象征 
②All the nations of the world will be represented at the conference.  代表 
③These pictures represent the landscapes of my hometown at all seasons of the year.  描绘 
④This figure, which represents 40% of the company’s expenses, is rising rapidly.  相当于 
2.On Friday, representatives (represent) from all over the country attended the ceremony.
3.As we all know, classic literature is the  representation (represent) of our outstanding art.
第2题中的representative是名词,意为"代表",指人;在be representative of sth.结构中,representative是形容词,意为"有代表性的"。第3题中的representation也是名词,表示"代表",指"代表"这个动作或者事实,多为不可数名词。
4. Representing/On behalf of all the teachers and students in our school (代表我们全校的师生), I’d like to extend a warm welcome to our visitors. (演讲稿)
★representative adj.典型的;有代表性的 n.代表;典型人物 ★representation n.代表;描绘;抗议
6 respectn.尊敬;尊重;方面(aspect) vt.尊敬;尊重;遵守
①[人教选必④-5]I want to become a lawyer because I think fairness and justice is of great importance to society, and I hope I can make some contribution in that respect.  n.方面 
②It is about time that tour operators respected the law and their own code of conduct. v.遵守 
2.[外研选必③-2]Such objects are produced through a combination of skill, respect  for  materials, devotion to tradition, and focus on the task.
3.[人教选必③-1]The art competition gives young artists a chance to gain recognition from the most  respected (respect) art professionals.
4.我们的英语老师是我最尊敬的人之一。我因她渊博的知识和耐心而尊敬她。 (人物介绍)
Our English teacher is  one of the people I respect most . I  respect her for her wide knowledge and patience .
5.请代我向你的家人致意。 (信件结尾)
 Please give my respects to your family. 
★respect sb./sth. for sth.因某事而尊敬…… ★have/show respect for sb./sth.尊敬某人/某事 give/pay one’s respects to sb.向某人表示敬意 in this respect在这方面 in respect of/with respect to至于,关于 ★respected adj.受尊敬的 respectable adj.体面的,可敬的;可观的 respectful adj.表示敬意的,尊敬的
7 dress(sb.)up穿上盛装;装扮;装饰,掩饰
1.To her joy, the party is informal, so she doesn’t need to dress  up .
2.He dressed up  as  an eagle on this occasion to play tricks on other kids.
3.She is often wearing yellow, which makes her look more energetic.
→ She is often dressed in yellow, making her look more energetic. (dress,分词短语作状语)
4.[译林必修②-3]There were hundreds of guests, all  dressed up in formal,colourful clothes (穿着正式、多彩的衣服).
表示"穿……颜色"用be dressed in,不需要加up;而表示"穿(正装)",则要用be dressed up in,需要加up。表示穿正装还可直接用dress,如:Do they expect us to dress for dinner?他们希望我们穿正式服装赴宴吗?
★dress (sb./oneself) up as... (把某人/自己)装扮成…… be dressed up in 穿上(正装);穿上(特别的服装)装扮 ★dress sb./oneself (in +衣服)给某人/自己穿(上……)衣服 be/get dressed in +衣服/颜色穿着…… ★dress穿(宾语是人) put on 穿上,戴上(强调动作) wear穿着,戴着(强调状态,后可跟颜色、衣服、鞋袜、配饰、香水等) be in穿着……(强调状态,后可跟颜色)
8 takeadvantageof利用;欺骗;占……的便宜
1.You should  take full advantage of daytime或make good/full use of daytime或make the most of daytime (充分利用白天的时间) in order not to stay up late at night.
→①I’m confident that I  am at/have an advantage over others  because of my three-year voluntary experience at a local nursing home.
→②I’m confident that my three-year voluntary experience at a local nursing home  gives me an advantage over others .
3.在线学习有利也有弊。 (正反观点)
 Online learning has its advantages and disadvantages. 
★(近)make (good/full) use of(充分)利用 make the most of充分利用 ★advantages and disadvantages利与弊 be at/have an advantage over胜过,优于 sth. gives sb. an advantage 某事/物使某人有优势 be to one’s advantage对某人有利
9 setoff出发(setout);使(炸弹等)爆炸;拉响(警报);引发,激起
3.We gathered at the school gate at 8 a.m. and then set off  for  the camping spot by bus. The moment we arrived there, we set  up  camp, near which we set  aside  an area for playing in the evening. After that, we set  out  to fish. A silent competition began in the breeze(微风). The weight of fish each person caught in two hours was set  down . Simon won out at last, so what he needed to do was only set the table when we set  about  cooking dinner. That unforgettable day away from the city ended up when we set  off  some fireworks and danced joyfully beneath a starry sky.
"搭帐篷"用set up camp或put up a tent;搭建临时建筑用set up或put up均可,但set up 不用于搭建永久性的建筑。set out后跟to do,set about后跟doing,因为about为介词。
4.Her diligence(勤奋) is most impressive, and  sets an example to us all (为我们所有人树立了榜样). (人物描写)
★set off作"出发"讲时为不及物动词短语,其他义项均为及物动词短语,后可直接跟宾语。 set off for someplace动身去某地 ★set up建立;安排;开办;引发 set out (to do)/set about doing着手做 set aside留出,省出;置……于不顾 set down记下;制定(规则等) set an example to sb.为某人树立榜样
10 现在分词作伴随状语
1.During these years, he led a hard life, writing (write) poems about the events he witnessed.
"过着艰辛的生活"和"写诗"两个动作同时发生,该句可扩展为:During these years, he led a hard life and wrote poems about the events he witnessed.
2.The young man looked her straight in the eye, waiting for an answer (等待着答案). (读后续写之神态描写)
3.Wild with joy, he rose to his feet immediately, ran out of the room and hugged me tightly, shouting loudly/at the top of his voice (高声喊叫). (读后续写之动作描写)
★现在分词作伴随状语,表示伴随谓语动作发生的动作,通常相当于并列分句。 ★高考写作中常可使用现在分词作伴随状语对简单的并列句进行升级(若表示一连串的动作,则使用并列的动词更佳)。
本单元:re-(再,又)+-spect-(看)→一再注视→respect 尊敬
expect prospect suspect aspect perspective
1.[人教选必④-5]The  prospect  of welcoming exchange students to our country is very exciting, and I am keen to use my skills to give them a warm welcome and an experience they will always remember.
2.[人教必修①-4]Thousands of people are still missing, and the number of deaths  is expected  to grow even higher over the next few days.
3.[北师选必③-9]The DNA is stored in a database, where policemen can find the same or similar DNA to track down   suspects  and victims.
4.[北师选必②-6]From my  perspective , it seems that you are constantly checking your phone for notifications or messages.
5.[人教选必④-5]With my proficiency in Chinese calligraphy, I could also conduct classes for your visitors to help them learn more about this beautiful  aspect  of Chinese culture.Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations
[中华传统/2024云南开远开学考]Elaine Su shared her experience of asking her neighbors to put up Chinese Lunar New Year decorations to help her two-year-old son experience the festival as part of the large community. In a neighborhood mostly consisting of non-Chinese residents, more than half of the households observed the tradition as well.
Interviewing her about the story provoked my own memories of celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year. The holiday was a big deal for me as a kid growing up in Jiangsu.
Legend says the holiday originated with the fight against a mythical beast called Nian, who came down from the mountains to hunt people on New Year’s Eve. Villagers discovered that Nian feared the colour red, candle light and loud noise. So they began to decorate their houses in the vibrant hue, light their homes with lanterns and set off firecrackers to prevent its return.
On New Year’s Eve, my family would come together to celebrate with food prepared by my grandma. Moments before the countdown, the sound of firecrackers would fill every corner of our apartment and the celebrations continued into the next day.
For breakfast, we would eat yuanxiao, a kind of glutinous rice ball, which symbolizes the idea of reunion. Then, we set off to visit my grandparents, who were already awaiting us with lucky money and more traditional delicacies!
My favourite part of the holiday came when the adults were playing mahjong. My cousins and I were finally freed from our parents. With all the lucky money, we hit the streets and bought more snacks and firecrackers!
Having been in Canada for years, I further lost touch with my Chinese culture as I gradually dived into my new life in a new country. Maybe it’s time for me, like her, to reclaim Chinese Lunar New Year.
本文主要讲述了作者通过采访Elaine Su在另一个国家庆祝中国农历新年,回忆起了自己庆祝中国农历新年的事情。
1.What can we infer about Elaine Su from paragraph 1?
A. She missed her family in China very much.
B. She forced her son to accept Chinese customs.
C. She shared her happy memories with her neighbors.
D. She celebrated Chinese Lunar New Year in another country.
解析 D 推理判断题。由第一段"Elaine Su shared her experience of asking her neighbors to put up Chinese Lunar New Year decorations to help her two-year-old son experience the festival as part of the large community. In a neighborhood mostly consisting of non-Chinese residents, more than half of the households observed the tradition as well"可推知,Elaine Su在另一个国家庆祝中国农历新年,故选D。
2.What does the underlined word "provoked" in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A. Stirred up. B. Wiped out.
C. Took after. D. Set down.
解析 A 词义猜测题。结合画线词所在句以及下文作者对自己过年的经历的描述可知,Elaine Su的故事让作者忆起自己庆祝中国农历新年的经历。再结合四个选项不难推知,画线词的意思应该是"激起",故本题选A。
3.How does the author develop the text?
A. By analyzing studies.
B. By answering questions.
C. By explaining factors.
D. By sharing experiences.
解析 D 写作手法题。由第二段中的"Interviewing her about the story provoked my own memories of celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year"、第四段中的"On New Year’s Eve, my family would come together to celebrate with food prepared by my grandma"、第五段中的"For breakfast, we would eat yuanxiao, a kind of glutinous rice ball, which symbolizes the idea of reunion"以及第六段中的"My favourite part of the holiday came when the adults were playing mahjong"可推知,作者通过分享自己的经历来展开文章,故选D。
4.What can be the best title for the text?
A. The Origin of Chinese Lunar New Year
B. The Spring Festival Stored in My Memory
C. An Unforgettable Interview on New Year’s Eve
D. A Chinese Celebrating the Spring Festival Abroad
解析 B 标题归纳题。通读全文,尤其是第二段中的"Interviewing her about...my own memories of celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year"和最后一段中的"Maybe it’s time for me, like her, to reclaim Chinese Lunar New Year"可知,文章主要讲述了作者通过采访Elaine Su在另一个国家庆祝中国农历新年,回忆起了自己庆祝中国农历新年的事情。由此可知,B项(记忆中的春节)做文章标题最佳。
[2023陕西安康质量监测]Immersed(沉浸) in folk, tradition, culture, religion, and digital arts, the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown(DLR)Festival of World Cultures presented a various program of concerts & club nights, fairs & markets, performances, street events, workshops, and was Ireland’s first Global Carnival.
The Festival was committed to presenting a wide mix of world artists as well as offering a "passport to the world" program of events, many of which were free to all. Staged throughout the historic port town of Dún Laoghaire, the DLR Festival of World Cultures was an annual international arts festival celebrating cultural diversity.
New this year, are an exciting range of themed events, which include the anticipated Feast Americana that offers a banquet of live music and food in celebration of the typical American country fair. The new Health and Harmony fair offers a chance to regain control of your well-being, while Salon Culture offers traditional decoration techniques!
A definite highlight will be the spectacular audio-visual show Hotel Kiev, a night time visual montage(蒙太奇) projected onto the front wall of the Royal Marine Hotel. The show features a live performance by the fascinating Ukrainian quartet(四重奏乐团) DakhaBrakha,who last year received standing applause on the main stage.
The Festival would not be complete without the Global Village, in association with Oxfam Ireland, the World Dance Plaza and the Mela festival in celebration of South Asian Arts. Now in its 9th year, the Festival attracts over 250,000 people, making it Ireland’s largest intercultural celebration. With a diverse world music line-up, food fairs, art exhibitions, workshops and cultural demonstrations as well as a Festival newspaper and nightly Festival Club where Irish artists jam with world musicians, this family-friendly celebration is a round-trip ticket to a world of culture.
And, with over 90% of the events free of charge, the Festival is the top value-for-money event on the summer calendar, appealing to all the senses as well as to the wallet.
1. Which can best describe the DLR Festival of World Cultures?
A. Diverse. B. Free.
C. Crowded. D. Valuable.
解析 A 推理判断题。由第一段内容不难得知,DLR世界文化节是丰富多彩的,故本题选A。
【易错点拨】 一些学生可能会根据最后一段中的"the Festival is the top value-for-money event"而误选D项。D项valuable意为"有价值的",而此处指"90%的活动是免费的,但这个节日是最值得花钱的活动",通过这句话推断D项是断章取义了。
2. Which is probably the most eye-catching event?
A. The Feast Americana.
B. The Health and Harmony fair.
C. Salon Culture.
D. The Hotel Kiev show.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第四段中的"A definite highlight will be the spectacular audio-visual show Hotel Kiev, a night time visual montage(蒙太奇) projected onto the front wall of the Royal Marine Hotel"可知,本题选D。
3. What can we know about the Festival from the text?
A. It has a history of several decades.
B. Sports and health are involved in the carnival.
C. It is worthwhile to attend it.
D. The heavy traffic jam is part of the large celebration.
解析 C 推理判断题。由最后一段"And, with over 90% of the events free of charge, the Festival is the top value-for-money event on the summer calendar, appealing to all the senses as well as to the wallet"可推知,该节日值得参加,故本题选C。
【易错点拨】 一些学生可能会误选A项,忽略了原文第五段中的"Now in its 9th year",此处说明了该节日还不足十年,故A项"该节日有几十年的历史"是错误的。
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To introduce the Festival to the world.
B. To encourage artists to visit and stay in Ireland.
C. To attract live performances to the Royal Marine Hotel.
D. To promote the cultures of South Asian Arts.
解析 A 意图推断题。文章介绍了爱尔兰DLR世界文化节的举办地、特点、内容、影响以及今年的亮点等,这些都是对该文化节的介绍和宣传,所以文章的目的自然是介绍这个节日,故选A。
[2024重庆一中10月阶段考]Celebrations, after the pattern of Thomas Alva Edison’s famous quote, often appear to be one percent inspiration and 99 percent preparation.  1  Many of them are willing to go to great effort and expense to plan and attend public celebrations.
 2  Logic suggests the first public celebrations were related to the patterns of existence. In hunter-gatherer societies, success in the search for food and shelter must have triggered the need to celebrate together. The earliest parades may have been processions of successful hunters returning to a joyful welcome by their thankful families.  3  And they served a broader social purpose.
Parades and other public celebrations have also become important economic events worldwide. In some places, the commercial aspect has made us forget the original reason for the celebration.  4  It was a festival on the day before the solemn six-week religious period known as Lent. Now lots of visitors attend the celebrations in Venice. Most of the city’s inhabitants would leave the city’s public areas to the crowds of tourists. But their purchases of meals, accommodations, and Carnival masks bring great sums of money into the economy of the city. One cannot blame the tourists.  5 
Throughout history, the experience of a heartfelt celebration is always worth the time and money spent on planning, preparing, organizing, and carrying out an event. The priority given to celebrating seems to put it alongside food, shelter, love, and freedom as a fundamental need of humanity.
A. Take the Carnival celebrations in Venice for example.
B. People around the world take celebrating seriously.
C. Gradually, such celebrations became more regular and formal.
D. They are attracted by Venice’s unique and undeniable magic.
E. This does not mean modern celebrations are not socially conscious.
F. Exactly when and where humans began celebrating as a group is unknown.
G. There are records of religious parades and processions dating back to 3,000 BC.
1.B "Many of them are willing to go to great effort and expense to plan and attend public celebrations"是B项(People around the world take celebrating seriously)的具体表现。
【技巧点拨】 空后的"are willing to go to great effort and expense"表示"愿意花时间和精力",B项中的"take celebrating seriously"表示"严肃认真对待庆祝",这两者含义一致,为同义复现。
2.F 第二段空后的部分是针对"庆祝活动起源于何时、何地"展开的,所以F项填在此处符合语境。
3.C 空前的句子提及了最早的公开庆祝活动,而C项指出了庆祝活动变得越发频繁和正式,C项放在此处的话,前后句子之间能体现出"庆祝活动的发展";而空后的句子应是对C项的进一步说明。C项中的"such celebrations"指前面提到的家人感激猎人狩猎成功归来而举行的庆祝活动;空后的"they"指代C项中的"such celebrations"。
4.A A项放在此处能起到承上启下的作用,它承接"In some places, the commercial aspect has made us forget the original reason for the celebration"而来,是针对该句举的例子;而空后的内容是对A项的进一步说明。空后的"It"指代A 项中的"the Carnival celebrations"。
5.D "One can’t blame the tourists"与D项(They are attracted by Venice’s unique and undeniable magic)之间是因果关系。D项中的"They"指代空前的"tourists"。
【技巧点拨】 利用代词指代解题是做七选五常用的解题技巧之一。代词通常指代前面提及的名词、短语、句子等,根据代词的单复数形式、代词表意一致性和连贯性等可快速锁定答案。如上第3、4、5题都可通过代词指代来解题。
[2024黑龙江哈尔滨三中开学考]It’s said that Mother’s Day was first suggested in the United States by Julia Ward Howe in 1872 as a day dedicated to peace after the Franco Prussian War. The holiday gained its  1  mainly due to the efforts of Anna M. Jarvis.
Anna began a letter-writing  2  to gain support for a national Mother’s Day holiday when her mother passed away in 1905.  3  influential leaders, including William Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, and John Wanamaker, Anna poured out a stream of requests for support of the idea. She believed, mothers  4  their own special day and that it would help strengthen family bonds.
She  5  a religious organization in West Virginia to celebrate Mother’s Day on the second anniversary of her mother’s  6 , the 2nd Sunday of May. By 1911, Mother’s Day was celebrated in almost every state, and flowers quickly became a lasting  7  to express love on the occasion. In 1914, Congress  8  a law designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day, "a public  9  of love and respect for the mothers of our country". President Woodrow Wilson issued the statement, making it a(n) 10  US holiday.
But Anna’s accomplishment soon turned  11  for her. Annoyed by the  12  of the holiday, she filed a lawsuit(诉讼) to stop a 1923 Mother’s Day festival and was even arrested for  13  the peace at a war mothers’ conference where women sold white carnations(康乃馨)— Anna’s symbol for mothers — to raise money, "This is not what I  14 ," Jarvis said. "I wanted it to be a day of sentiment, not  15 !"
Today Mother’s Day has become a very popular holiday in the USA.
1. A. liberty B. freedom
C. independence D.popularity
解析 D 该节日的流行(popularity)主要是因为安娜的努力。liberty自由,freedom自由,independence独立。
2. A. plot B. campaign
C. attempt D. trip
解析 B 1905年,安娜的母亲去世后,安娜开始了一场写信运动(campaign),与下文中的"Anna poured out a stream of requests for support of the idea"衔接,说明安娜开始不断写信争取官方对母亲节这一想法的支持。plot情节,attempt尝试,trip旅行。
3. A. Reaching out to B. Giving in to
C. Coming up with D. Breaking away from
解析 A 安娜联系(Reaching out to)了包括威廉·塔夫脱、西奥多·罗斯福和约翰·奥纳梅克在内的有影响力的领导人,提出了一系列支持这一想法的请求。
4. A. observed B. marked
C. spent D.deserved
解析 D 她认为,母亲们值得(deserved)拥有她们自己的特殊节日,这有助于加强家庭纽带。observe观察,mark标记,spend花费。
5. A. expected B. persuaded
C. ordered D. begged
解析 B 她说服(persuaded)西弗吉尼亚州的一个宗教组织在她母亲去世两周年的纪念日,即5月的第二个星期天庆祝母亲节。expect期盼,预计;order命令;beg乞求。
6. A. illness B.death
C. recovery D. operation
解析 B 参见上题解析。death死亡。
7. A. habit B. manner
C. mode D.tradition
解析 D 到1911年,几乎每个州都庆祝母亲节,鲜花很快成了在这个场合表达爱的持久传统(tradition)。habit习惯,manner方式,mode模式。
8. A. passed B. declined
C. denied D. received
解析 A 1914年,国会通过(passed)了一项法律,将5月的第二个星期日定为母亲节,以"公开表达对母亲的爱和尊重"。decline拒绝,deny否认,receive收到。
9. A. impression B. expression
C. discussion D. conclusion
解析 B 参见上题解析。expression表达,表示。
10. A. natural B. physical
C. official D. racial
解析 C 伍德罗·威尔逊总统发表了这一声明,使其成为美国的官方(official)节日。natural自然的,physical身体的,racial种族的。
11. A. bitter B. sweet
C. ripe D. joyful
解析 A 但安娜的成就很快让她感到痛苦(bitter)。
12. A. globalization B. organization
C. civilization D. commercialization
解析 D 由于对这个节日的商业化(commercialization)感到不满,她提起诉讼,要求停止1923年的母亲节庆祝活动,甚至还因扰乱(disturbing)和平而被捕。
13. A. disturbing B. creating
C. making D. designing
解析 A 根据空前的"arrested for"可知,空处应填含有贬义色彩的词汇,选项中只有disturb"扰乱"符合语境。create创造,make制作,design设计。
14. A. purchased B. cherished
C. intended D. evaluated
解析 C 在那次会议上,妇女们出售白色康乃馨来筹集资金。贾维斯说:"这不是我的本意。"purchase购买,cherish珍视,intend想要,evaluate评估。C项符合语境。
15. A. profit B.victory
C. sadness D. labor
解析 A 我希望这是一个充满感情的日子,而不是赚钱的日子。profit利润,收益;victory胜利;sadness悲伤,难过;labor劳动。A项符合语境。Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations
1.[2023新高考Ⅰ]For instance, the average obtained from the estimates of four discussion groups of five was  significantly (significant) more accurate than the average obtained from 20 independent individuals.
2.[2023浙江1月]They need to be protectors of the land and contribute to the  agricultural (agriculture) economy.
3.[2022新高考Ⅱ]...and public service campaigns have tried  a  wide range of methods to persuade people to put down their phones when they are behind the wheel.
4.[2020天津]The dancer’s incredible performance had the audience on its feet  clapping (clap) for 10 minutes at the end of the show.
此处是have sb. doing sth.结构,表示"使某人一直做某事"。注意clap的现在分词形式要先双写p,再加-ing。
5.[2020北京]My faith  in  human nature has never been so great as it was last weekend after our family get-together in the town of Vail.
6.[2020江苏]Their lifestyles were typical  of  ordinary people.
A. n.身材 B.n.雕像
C. v.认为 D.n.数字
①[2022全国乙]Drinks now contain 45 million fewer kilos of sugar as a result of manufacturers’ efforts to avoid the charge, according to Treasury figures.  D 
②[2020天津] Vinnie’s face turned red. She realized she looked like a child, with her tiny figure.  A 
③[2020天津]Making a full-length clay(黏土)figure would not exhaust my strength — and that is what I intend to do!  B 
④[全国Ⅱ] I figured whoever lost the dog was probably just as close to it as I am to my dogs.  C 
A. 映出,反映 B.沉思
C. 显示,表达 D.反射(声、光等)
①[2022全国乙]Their responses to the questions reflected their true belief that "I can see you only if you can see me, too."   C 
②[2021北京]History is a mirror reflecting reality.  A 
③[全国Ⅱ]"I reflect on how my day’s gone and think about the rest of the week," he said.  B 
④[全国Ⅲ]But that changed when a system of high-tech mirrors was introduced to reflect sunlight from neighboring peaks(山峰) into the valley below.  D 
3.[2023新高考Ⅱ]Push through, give it time and put in the effort. You will harvest the rewards of an artistic life.  v.获取,收获 
(1)harvest除了可以表示农业意义上的"收割,收获(庄稼);捕猎(动物、鱼)",还可表示"获取"。(2)"push through"意为竭尽所能、排除困难做某事,"put in sth." 意为投入(时间、精力)。
4.[2023浙江1月]The large siheyuan of these high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen often featured beautifully carved and painted roof beams and pillars(柱子).  v.以……为特色 
feature还有"由……主演"之意。如:It’s a great movie and it features a Spanish actor who is going to be a world star within a year.这是一部精彩的影片,主演是一位西班牙演员,他不出一年就会成为国际巨星。
写作一 基础写作——成人礼活动
参考词汇:成人礼the coming-of-age ceremony
1.关于你提到的成人礼活动,我很高兴与你分享以下细节。(ceremony, pleased)
 On the coming-of-age ceremony you mentioned, I’m pleased to share the details with you as follows. 
2.成人礼活动于6月8日举行,所有高三学生都盛装汇集在我们学校的礼堂里。(gather, dress up)
 The coming-of-age ceremony was held on June 8, with all seniors gathering in our school hall, dressed up. 
3.首先,我们观看了许多视频,它们记录了我们成长中的悲欢时刻。(joyful, moment)
 First, we watched many videos recording the joyful and sorrowful moments of our growth. 
4.学生们借此机会向父母、老师和朋友表达感谢。(take advantage of, gratitude)
 Students took advantageof the opportunity to express gratitude to their parents, teachers and friends. 
 The video moved me so deeply that I was determined to be a reliable person like them, in which I have faith. 
6.从现在开始,不管前方有什么样的挑战,我都是一个即将踏上新征程的年轻的成年人了。(set off, in spite of)
 From now on, I am a young adult setting off for a new journey, in spite of the challenges ahead. 
Dear Chris,
I’m so glad to hear from you.  On the coming-of-age ceremony you mentioned, I’m pleased to share the details with you as follows. 
 The coming-of-age ceremony was held on June 8, with all seniors gathering in our school hall, dressed up. First, we watched many videos recording the joyful and sorrowful moments of our growth. At the end of this part, students took advantage of the opportunity to express gratitude to their parents, teachers and friends. Then, a video about former graduates’ contributions to society was shown to us. It moved me so deeply that I was determined to be a reliable person like them, in which I have faith. From now on, I am a young adult setting off for a new journey, in spite of the challenges ahead. 
 Thank you for your concern. Keep in touch! 
Li Jin
写作二 读后续写——情感描写之尴尬与羞愧
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 awkward, ashamed, shameful, embarrassed; shame, embarrassment 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.我为自己发了这么大的脾气而感到极为惭愧。 I  felt incredibly ashamed of myself  for getting so angry. 2.他被两个警察架着,羞愧地低着头,从人群中走过。 He was held by two policemen, lowering his head in shame , and walked through the crowd. (现在分词作状语) 3.他转过身去,假装看向窗外,希望没有人注意到他有多尴尬。 He turned around and pretended to look out of the window, hoping no one would notice  how embarrassed/awkward he was . 4.约翰为没有信守承诺向玛丽道歉,他脸上露出尴尬的表情。 John apologized to Mary for not keeping his promise, with an embarrassed look on his face .(with复合结构) 5.在全班同学面前被批评,他窘得满脸通红,感觉仿佛全世界都在注视着他。 Being criticized in front of the whole class, he felt his cheeks  burning/glowing/flushing/blushing with embarrassment , feeling as if the whole world were watching him. 6.妈妈的眼神似乎在说她已经知道了真相。我本应该对她诚实。我羞愧掩面,不敢直视她的眼睛。 Mom’s eyes seemed to say she had already known the truth.  I should have been honest  with her. I  covered my face in shame ,afraid to look her straight in the eye. (第一空should have done)
词 组 1.be ashamed of... 对……感到尴尬/羞愧 2.to one’s shame令某人羞愧的是 3.put sb. to shame使某人自愧不如 4.cover one’s face in shame羞愧掩面 5.hang/bow/lower/drop one’s head in shame羞愧地低下头 6.glow/blush/flush/burn with embarrassment/shame 窘得/羞愧得满脸通红 7.with an embarrassed look on one’s face脸上露出尴尬的表情 8.shame sb. into silence使某人羞愧到闭嘴
佳 句 1."Sorry, Mom, please forgive me," I whispered to her, with tears running down my face,ashamedofmyself."对不起,妈妈,请原谅我。"我低声对她说,泪水顺着我的脸颊流了下来。我为自己感到羞愧。 2.She suddenly realized everyone was watching her,embarrassmentwrittenalloverherredface.她突然意识到大家都在看着她,涨红的脸上写满了尴尬。 3.Anembarrassedsilencefellintheroom. It seemed all the people were holding their breath.房间里陷入一阵尴尬的沉默,似乎所有人都屏住了呼吸。