人教版(2019)必修 第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues课时练(含答案 4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues课时练(含答案 4份打包)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-04 21:59:06


Unit 2 Morals and Virtues
1. virtue n.高尚的道德;美德;优秀品质
2. faint vi.昏倒;晕厥adj.不清楚的;微弱的
3. precious adj.珍稀的;宝贵的
4. union n.协会;联合会;工会
5. hire vt.聘任;雇用;租用n.租借;租用
6. colleague n.同事;同僚
7. clinic n.诊所;门诊部
8. faraway adj.遥远的
9. decade n.十年;十年期
10. elsewhere adv.在别处;去别处
11. publish vt.发表(作品);出版
12. staff n.员工;全体职员
13. fee n.专业服务费;报酬
14. principle n.道德原则;法则;原则
15. passive adj.被动的;顺从的
16. replace vt.接替;取代;更换
17. whisper vi.&vt.悄声说;耳语;低语n.耳语(声)
18. midnight n.子夜;午夜
19. bite vt.&vi.咬;叮;蜇n.咬
20. lip n.嘴唇
21. chairman n.主席;主持人;董事长
22. waitress n.(餐馆的)女服务员;女侍者
23. spill vt.&vi.(使)洒出;(使)溢出
24. limp vi.跛行;一瘸一拐地走
25. tear n.眼泪;泪水
26. despair n.绝望vi.绝望;感到无望
27. court n.(网球等的)球场;法院;法庭
28. income n.收入;收益
29. per prep.每;每一
30. therefore adv.因此;所以
1. illustrate vt.(举例)说明;阐明;给(书或文章)加插图→ illustration n.插图;图解;图示→ illustrator n.插图画家
2. marriage n.结婚;婚姻→ marry vi.&vt.(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶
3. major adj.主要的;重要的→ majority n.大部分;大多数
4. complain vi.&vt.抱怨;发牢骚→ complaint n.抱怨
5. respond vt.回答;回复vi.做出反应;回应→ response n.反应;回答;回复
6. scholar n.学者→ scholarship n.奖学金
7. reject vt.拒绝接受;不录用→ rejection n.拒绝接受;否决
8. appoint vt.任命;委派→ appointment n.约会;任命→ appointed adj.约定的;指定的
9. elect vt.选举;推选→ election n.选举;推选;当选
10. tend vt.照顾;照料vi.倾向;趋于→ tendency n.趋势;趋向
11. retire vt.&vi.退休;退职;退出→ retired adj.退休的→ retirement n.退休
12. save vt.救vi.&vt.节省;储蓄→ saving n.节省物;节省;节约;[pl.]储蓄金;存款
13. scare vt.惊吓;使害怕vi.受惊吓→ scared adj.害怕的;对……感到惊慌或恐惧的→ scary adj.恐怖的;吓人的
14. sharp adj.(增长、下跌等)急剧的;锋利的;明显的→ sharply adv.急剧地;严厉地→ sharpen vt.削尖;磨快vi.&vt.(使)提高
15. energy n.精力;活力;能量→ energetic adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的
16. accident n.事故;车祸;失事→ accidental adj.意外的;偶然的→ accidentally adv.意外地;偶然地
17. operate vi.工作;运转;动手术vt.操作→ operation n.手术;企业;经营→ operator n.操作员
18. assist vt.帮助;援助→ assistance n.帮助;协助→ assistant n.助手;助理;售货员
19. memory n.记忆力;回忆→ memorize/memorise vt.记住;记忆
20. harm n.&vt.伤害;损害→ harmful adj.有害的→ harmless adj.无害的
21. flexible adj.灵活的;可变通的→ flexibly adv.灵活地→ flexibility n.灵活性
22. tense adj.紧张的;担心的;令人紧张的→ tension n.紧张关系;紧张;焦虑
1.moral adj.  道德的;道义上的  n.  品行;道德;寓意 
2.dilemma n.  进退两难的境地;困境 
3.entrust vt. 委托;交付 
4.physician n.  医师;(尤指)内科医生 
5.kindergarten n.  学前班;幼儿园 
6.insurance n.  保险;保险业 
7.import n.  进口;进口商品  vt. 进口;输入;引进 
8.export n.  出口;出口商品  vt. 出口;输出;传播 
9.pole n.  (行星的)极;地极 
10.lap n.  (坐着时的)大腿部;(跑道等的)一圈 
11.chain n.  一连串(人或事);链子;链条 
12.café n.  咖啡馆;小餐馆 
13.pregnant adj.  怀孕的;妊娠的 
14.disguise vt. 装扮;假扮;掩盖  n.  伪装;化装用具 
15.maple n.  枫树;槭树 
16.cart n.  手推车;运货马车 
17.might n.  力量;威力 
18.fable n.  寓言;寓言故事 
1. carry sb. through sth. 帮助某人渡过难关
2. tend to do sth. 易于做某事;往往会发生某事
3. play a key role 发挥关键作用
4. care for 关心
5. be responsible for 对……负责
6. be known as 作为……而出名
7. in one’s lifetime 在某人一生中
8. pass away 去世
9. in memory of 作为对……的纪念
10. trip over 被……绊倒
11. in tears 流着泪;含着泪
12. in despair 处于绝望中
13. a great deal (of) 大量
14. look into 调查;研究
15. complain about 抱怨
1.To a person  nothing is more precious than their life ...("否定词+比较级"表示最高级意义)
2.She responded," I’d rather stay single  to study all my life!"(would rather do )
3.The new People’s Republic of China  saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role  .(see意为"见证"的拟人用法)
4.Though Lin Qiaozhi never married,she was known as the "mother of ten thousand babies", having delivered over 50,000 babies  in her lifetime. (having done 作状语)
5.Dr Lin  did not retire until the day she died , 22 April 1983.(not...until)
1.As is known to us, it’s a  virtue (美德) to give a hand to those in need, especially in such a competitive and stressful society.
2.She won the  scholarship (奖学金) for her remarkable performance.
3.I can’t wait to seize this  precious (宝贵的) opportunity to improve myself.
4.He gave up the struggle with his shortcomings in  despair ; however, he found a brighter future later.
5.First of all, it’s easier to  replace  it than to spend time and money repairing it.
6.The young woman is operating a store of her own,so she has rather  flexible  working hours. She can come at any time.
7.In the past few  decades , great progress has been made in the field of space exploration.
8.We  elected  him as monitor of our class by voting.
1.He tried to join the army but  was rejected  because of his  rejection  of medical examinations. (reject)
2.Girls  majoring  in English Literature in our department are in the  majority .(major)
3.The boy is always  energetic . I’m curious to know where his  energy  comes from. (energy)
4.He  complained  to us that his  complaint  about the poor service of the restaurant had been ignored.(complain)
5.We were all  scared  to death when we found the ground was shaking. It’s so  scary !(scare)
6.The group has to  memorize  a poem in  memory  of the great leader by next Monday. (memory)
7.Doctors  operated  on the injured person immediately, and the  operation  was very successful. (operate)
8.When the manager needed someone  to assist  him, his assistant(s)  came to his  assistance . (assist)
in memory of tend to do trip over
carry sb. through a great deal of
1.Mrs Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful woman. She spent  a great deal of  time visiting the poor.
2.When people begin a new stage of life, they  tend to do  something different.
3.We will build a monument  in memory of  those who sacrificed their lives for our country.
4.It’s tough, and we’re relying on you to  carry us through .
5.He tried to follow Jack’s footsteps in the snow but  tripped over  a stone.
 Nothing gives me more pleasure than  listening to Mozart’s musical pieces when I’m exhausted.
2.他宁愿放弃这个机会也不愿意伤害别人。(would rather do )
 He would rather give up the opportunity than  hurt others.
This old and shabby stadium  has seen their sadness and joy  for twenty years since childhood.
4.把碎片粘在一起后,查尔斯表现得像平常一样,焦急地等待着他父亲的归来。(having done 作状语)
 Having glued the broken pieces together , Charles acted as normal, waiting for his father’s return anxiously.
 I didn’t realize the importance of forgiveness until then. Unit 2 Morals and Virtues
Life is precious to Lin Qiaozhi, who had delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime. When people entrusted her with their lives, it was her virtue that carriedherthroughdecades of hard choices. When she was 18, she chose to study medicine instead of entering into a marriage like the majority of girls. Unfortunately, her brother responded negatively to her choice,complaining about the high tuitionfees. However, nothing could scare her off. After graduation, Lin Qiaozhi won a scholarship and was appointed as a residentphysician in a famous hospital. After a few years, she was sent to study in Europe and then the US, where she greatly impressed her colleagues, who invited her to stay but were rejected, for she was determined to return to China. Then during the war, she opened her own clinic to shield the injured from harm. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, she was elected to many important positions, but this didn’t weaken her interest at all in tending patients and training the next generation of doctors who could replace her. Dr Lin didn’t retire until the day she passedaway.
During her whole life, Dr Lin publishedagreatdealof medical research, leaving massive wealth to the world, and her savings were used on children and medical development. Inmemoryof her contributions, a memorial park was built in 1984 on Kulangsu Island.
1 respondvt.&vi.回答,回复(reply) vi.作出反应,回应(react)
1.[外研选必②-6]Temperatures are rising, and nations are failing to respond  to  it.
2.[译林选必④-2]More importantly, whether you approve of the speaker’s words or not, you need to be honest in your  response (respond).
3.我写信是响应网站上发布的通知,申请一份城市篮球比赛的志愿工作。 (申请信)
I’m writing to apply for a voluntary job in the City Basketball Competition  in response to the notice posted on the website .
★respond to...(with...)(以……)回答/响应…… ★response n.回答,答复;反应;响应 in response to 作为对……的答复;响应
2 tendvt.&vi.照顾;照料(attendto,carefor,lookafter,takecareof) vi.往往会;倾向;趋于
1.[译林必修②-2]It has also been proven that active people tend  to have (have) better immune systems and are at lower risk of diseases.
2.There is a widespread  tendency (tend) that more and more young people choose online shopping rather than go to brick-and-mortar stores(实体店) to buy what they like.
3.Every time I get tired of studying, tending (to) the flowers (照料花儿) on the balcony makes me feel energetic again.
→①However, many people  tend to judge  a person by his/her success or failure. (tend)
→②However, many people  have a tendency to judge  a person by his/her success or failure. (tendency)
★tend (to) sb./sth.照料某人/某物 tend to do sth.往往会发生某事;易于做某事 tend to/towards...趋向于…… ★tendency n.倾向;趋势 have a tendency to do sth.有做某事的倾向 tendency to/towards...……的倾向 ★其他表示"趋势"的词: trend, current, tide
3 scarevt.惊吓;使害怕 vi.受惊吓
1.Some parents try to scare their naughty children  into  behaving themselves.
2.After watching a  scary  film, she was  scared  in the dark at midnight.(scare)
3.[外研选必①-1]Although she is clearly still in some pain, her  scared (scare) and anxious look has been replaced — first by a small smile, and then by loud laughter...
4.Scared  of  losing control of their life, some people tend to follow the path that others suggest because they are scared  to fail (fail).
5.When I realized that the bear was coming back to attack us, I  was nearly scared to death (几乎要吓死了). (读后续写之心理描写)
★scare sb. away/off把某人吓跑 scare sb. into doing sth.恐吓某人做某事 ★scared adj.害怕的 be scared of (doing)sth.害怕(做)某事 be scared to do sth.害怕做某事 be scared to death害怕得要死 ★scary adj.恐怖的,吓人的
4 replacevt.接替;取代;更换;把……放回原处
①You have to replace the books on the shelves before you leave.  把……放回原处 
②[译林必修②-2]In response to public interest,our aerobics class has been replaced with several fun options,including modern dance.  取代 
2.我强烈推荐我的朋友李明,他是最适合下周代替鲍勃的人。 (推荐信)
I strongly recommend my friend Li Ming, who is  the most suitable person to replace/take
the place of  Bob next week.
★replace A (with/by B)(用B)接替/取代A ★replacement n.[U]替换,更换;[C]替代品 replaceable adj.可替换的;可代替的 ★"代替,取代"的其他表达: in place of sb.=in one’s place take one’s place=take the place of sb.
5 harmn.&vt.伤害;损害
1.[北师选必①-3]High-tension power lines, as well as clear-cut corridors, pipelines, roads of rocks and painted lines on the ground do no harm  to  animals.
2.Not only continued Antarctic tourism but also the introduction of some  harmful (harm) foreign things could threaten the balance of the local ecosystem. (环境保护)
3.The experienced physician prescribed the pregnant woman some medicine  harmless (harm) to her baby.
4. There is no harm in turning off the light (关上灯没有害处) when you go out.
5.花太多时间上网会损害我们的视力。 (个人观点)
Spending too much time online can  harm /do harm to/be harmful to our eyesight .
★do sb. harm/do harm to sb.对某人有害 There is no harm in doing sth.做某事没有害处。 ★harmful adj.有害的 be harmful to...对……有害 ★harmless adj.无害的
6 carrysb.through(sth.)帮助某人渡过难关
①It’s a difficult job but she’s the person to carry it through.  成功完成(工作) 
②In the past tough years, his determination has carried him through.  帮助他渡过难关 
③He has proved he can carry through on his promises.  履行他的承诺 
2.[外研必修②-6]Carry  out  the survey and use the results to come up with ways to reduce carbon footprint.
3.[人教必修③-4]This is because people believe in the importance of carrying  on  space exploration despite the huge risks.
4.With her company and continual encouragement, I successfully went through those tough years.
→ It was her company and continual encouragement that carried me through those tough years. (强调句型)
go through在此处意为"经历,经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期)",除此之外,还可表示"检查;通读,查阅;(法律、协议、决定)获得通过"。
The smell of the sea  carried her back to her childhood .
★carry sth. through成功完成某事 carry through (on/with sth.)履行(承诺) ★carry on继续,坚持;继续移动 carry out sth.履行(诺言);执行/完成(计划、研究等) carry sb. back (to sth.)使某人回想起(某事);使某人回忆(某事)
7 inmemoryof作为对……的纪念
1.The text is so important that we should  memorize/memorise (memory) it.
2.We will hold a series of activities  in memory of those brave firefighters (纪念那些勇敢的消防队员).
类似的"in+n.+of "型短语还有:in praise of 称赞,歌颂;in celebration of 庆祝;in search of 寻找;in favour of支持,赞同;in charge of负责,管理;in support of支持;in terms of就……而言;in aid of为帮助;in honour of向……表示敬意;in need of 需要。
★memorise(NAmE memorize)vt.记住,熟记 memorable adj.值得纪念的,难忘的 memorial adj.纪念的,悼念的n.纪念碑;纪念物
8 agreatdeal(of)大量
1.A great deal of nervous tension before the performance often  leads (lead) to a total mess on stage.
2.This time he drove a good deal  faster (fast) so we didn’t arrive late like last Sunday.
本句中没有明显的比较级标志词than,但由句首的This time和so后的句子可知此处暗含比较意义,且空前有a good deal修饰,故填fast的比较级。常见的修饰比较级的词还有any, much, even, far, a lot等。
3.Your advice and guidance  mean a great/good deal to us (对我们意义重大) in the English Drama Festival. (感谢信)
4.我花了大量时间阅读您推荐的相关文献,从中学到了很多。 (感谢信)
I  spent a great/good deal of time (in) reading  relevant literature you recommended, from which I  have learned a great/good deal .
★a great/good deal of+n. [U]+v.(单数) a great/good many of+n. [C]+v.(复数) ★a great/good deal(副词短语)可修饰adj./adv.比较级,也可修饰v.。 a great/good deal(名词短语)意为"大量,许多",作主语或宾语。
9 "否定词+adj./adv.比较级"表示最高级意义
1.如果您能抽出一点时间给我一些指导,我将不胜感激。 (求助信)
I  couldn’t be more grateful  if you could spare some time to give me some guidance.
"不胜感激"还可以用"I can’t thank you enough"表达。
" I’ve never had a more delicious breakfast than this ! "Mom replied in a satisfied voice.
★此结构常译为"没有比……更……,再……不过了"。 ★常用的否定词有nothing, no, not, never, nobody等。
10 wouldratherdosth.宁愿做某事
1.It’s so hot outside! I would rather  stay (stay) at home doing housework.
2.[外研选必②-3]After all, how many of us today would rather send a message packed with emojis  than  make a telephone call?
→①Nowadays, people  would rather communicate and kill time  by using hi-tech products  than go out with friends and families .(would rather)
→②Nowadays, people  prefer to communicate and kill time  by using hi-tech products  rather than go out with friends and families .(prefer)
★would rather为情态动词短语,后接动词原形。 ★would rather do sth. than do sth. (=would do sth. rather than do sth.=prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.)宁愿做某事也不愿做某事
一对反义前缀:in-(im-)& ex-
本单元:im-(向内)+port(港口)→进入港口内→import 进口
ex-(向外)+port(港口)→到港口外→export 出口
inside include involve express expose exact
1.[人教必修②-4]An idiom is an  expression  which means something different from the meaning of the individual words.
2.[人教选必③-2]For example, some of them may become  involved  in tobacco or alcohol abuse, which can lead to physical and mental health problems.
be/become/get involved in...专心/沉迷于……。注意involve和include的区别:involve表示"包含;牵涉;(使)参加",而include表示"包含;使成为……的一部分"。
3.[北师必修③-9]Countries need to think about ways to inspire interest for boys in reading and ensure that they  are exposed  to a wide variety of different types of literature from a young age.
4.[人教必修①-1]Design an eye-catching logo for your club and make a poster  including  the club’s name, slogan, and logo.
5.[人教必修①-5]Chinese calligraphy has developed along with China’s civilisation. It is difficult to say when  exactly  calligraphy started.
6.[人教选必③-4]It took him a lot of energy to move all the items of furniture  inside  the house.Unit 2 Morals and Virtues
[2023江西南昌一模]Wangari Maathai, the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize winner, once told a story of a hummingbird. When a forest fire broke out, the hummingbird volunteered to do its best to fight the fire despite its small size and little impact, while larger animals like the elephants just sat by and watched. In many Kenyan people’s eyes, the youth group Komb Green Solutions is such a hummingbird.
Formed in 2017,Komb Green Solutions is a community-based organization in Nairobi. Though it started off with no support at all, it was armed with a passion to change the environment in their slum(贫民窟).
Fredrick Okinda, the group’s founder, said that before the group was formed, some young people in Korogocho were engaged in crime to earn a living. This always resulted in gang fights, with Okinda having lost many friends to crime.
During an upgrading project where a new bridge linking Dandora and Korogocho slums was being built,Okinda and his co-founders saw an opportunity. Having worked as casual laborers and security officers for the project, the youth decided to carry on by restoring the river under the bridge on a voluntary basis.
"When we started, our main focus was the dumpsite(垃圾场) under the bridge," Okinda said. "It was a hiding place for thieves and a place where criminals would go to conduct their illegal activities, so we wanted to create a green and safe place for children to play and for young people to relax."
With limited resources, insufficient funds and an enormous task,Komb Green Solutions has slowly but surely started turning the city’s Korogocho slum from an eyesore into a safe place where children can play and adults can live healthy lives.
本文主要讲述了一个肯尼亚青年组织Komb Green Solutions努力将贫民窟改变为一个宜居宜玩耍之地的故事。
【词语积累】upgrade v.提高(设施、服务等的)档次,改善;使升级 on a voluntary basis在自愿的基础上 eyesore n.碍眼的建筑,丑陋的东西,令人厌恶的东西
1. Why does the author mention the hummingbird in paragraph 1?
A. To introduce a Kenyan youth group.
B. To show Wangari Maathai’s theory.
C. To amuse readers with a funny story.
D. To stress the importance of hummingbirds.
解析 A 推理判断题。从第一段中的"When a forest fire broke out...little impact"和"the youth group...a hummingbird"可以看出,蜂鸟虽小却敢于承担责任,而Komb Green Solutions正是这样的组织。因此,作者提到蜂鸟的主要目的在于引出后面要讲的Komb Green Solutions,故A项正确。
2. What made Okinda start Komb Green Solutions?
A. Saving wild birds.
B. Making a living.
C. Solving the drug problem.
D. Changing the community.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第二段中的"it was armed with a passion to change the environment in their slum(贫民窟)"可知,Okinda成立Komb Green Solutions的目的是改变社区环境,故D项正确。
3. Which of the following best describes Okinda?
A. Reserved. B. Devoted.
C. Polite. D. Honest.
解析 B 推理判断题。由本文内容,尤其是最后一段中的"With limited resources, insufficient funds and an enormous task...from an eyesore into a safe place"可知,在资源有限、资金短缺、任务艰巨的情况下,Okinda还是设法改变了贫民窟的面貌。由此可以推测,Okinda是一个意志坚定、全身心投入的人,故B项正确。
4.What is a suitable title for the text?
A. Living a Healthy Life
B. A Dream Come True
C. Transforming the City Slum
D. Volunteering in Communities
解析 C 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了Komb Green Solutions这一青年组织努力将贫民窟改变为一个宜居宜玩耍之地的故事,故C项适合做本文的标题。
[品德修养/2024重庆育才中学、西南大学附中联考]Jose Alberto Gutierrez’s life would never be the same again after finding a copy of AnnaKarenina by Leo Tolstoy in the garbage 20 years ago. It happened when he was driving his garbage truck through wealthier neighborhoods at night and saw deserted books. It sparked his desire to start rescuing books from the garbage. He took home between 50 and 60 books every morning after his nine-hour shift. Eventually, he turned his book collection into a community library.
Colombia’s capital city of Bogota has 13 million residents and 19 public libraries. However, these libraries tend to be far away from where rural and poorer communities live. The option of buying new books is non-existent for families struggling to make ends meet. Having access to a library of books and being taken away to another world while absorbed in a book is a luxury for the kids who visit Gutierrez’s library.
Gutierrez grew up poor, and his family could not afford to educate him beyond primary school. Nevertheless, his mother was a keen reader and read stories to him every night. Her love for books left a deep impression on Gutierrez, who never let a lack of formal education stop him from reading classics by the likes of Victor Hugo, Mario Vargas Llosa and Gabriel García Márquez.
Today, his community library, called "The Strength of Words", occupies most of his home and is piled from floor to ceiling with fiction and non-fiction titles. Everything from school textbooks to story books can be found in his collection of more than 20,000 books!
The Strength of Words library opens every weekend. It is not just school-going children who are enjoying the benefits of The Strength of Words library. Adults are also welcome to expand their horizons and develop new skills to build a better life for themselves.
Despite having done so much for his community, Gutierrez is not yet content to call it a day. He continues to search through bins for reading material and has even travelled to book fairs in Mexico and Chile to sell his idea of building libraries from unwanted books.
1. What inspired Gutierrez to build the community library?
A. The dilemma he faced on the night shift.
B. The hobby he has started since childhood.
C. Famous novelists he liked very much.
D. Abandoned books he came across at work.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第一段中的"It happened when he was driving his garbage truck through wealthier neighborhoods at night and saw deserted books. It sparked his desire to start rescuing books from the garbage. He took home between 50 and 60 books every morning after his nine-hour shift. Eventually, he turned his book collection into a community library"可知,Gutierrez在工作中偶然发现的废弃书籍启发了他创建社区图书馆,故选D项。
2. What can we learn about Gutierrez’s mother?
A. She was born into a poor family.
B. She bought Gutierrez many books.
C. She influenced Gutierrez greatly.
D. She enjoyed reading Hugo’s works.
解析 C 推理判断题。由第三段中的"Nevertheless, his mother was a keen reader and read stories to him every night. Her love for books left a deep impression on Gutierrez, who never let a lack of formal education stop him from reading classics by the likes of Victor Hugo, Mario Vargas Llosa and Gabriel García M rquez"可知,Gutierrez的母亲对书籍的热爱让Gutierrez即使贫困也坚持阅读。由此可知,她对Gutierrez的影响很大,故选C项。
3. What does the underlined phrase "call it a day" in the last paragraph mean?
A. Take the time.
B. Stop the work.
C. Make a change.
D. Receive a reward.
解析 B 词义猜测题。由"Despite having done so much for his community"及"He continues to search through bins for reading material and has even travelled to book fairs in Mexico and Chile to sell his idea of building libraries from unwanted books"可知,Gutierrez并没有停下从垃圾箱里找书籍的目标,甚至还想推广自己的想法,因此,call it a day与stop the work意思相近,故选B项。
4. What does Gutierrez’s story tell us?
A. A book holds a house of gold.
B. The early bird catches the worm.
C. Good things come to those who wait.
D. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
解析 D 推理判断题。结合全文内容,尤其是第一段中的"It sparked his desire to start rescuing books from the garbage. He took home between 50 and 60 books every morning after his nine-hour shift. Eventually, he turned his book collection into a community library"可知,本文讲述了Gutierrez将废弃书籍收集起来,创建社区图书馆,为低收入家庭提供阅读机会的故事,故D项切题。A项"书中自有黄金屋";B项"早起的鸟儿有虫吃";C项"好事总是青睐有准备的人"。
In a local Goodwill store in Gilbert, Rose was to find a costume for her daughter. However, her trip took a(n) 1  turn when she decided to search the book section.
An older lady beside her picked up a book and out  2  a note. It read, "Believe, Trent — Believe you’re loved! Let’s get going. The ride may not be  3  but we’ll get there. When you  4  yourself as much as I do, you’ll be there. Dad." Rose could feel the love and hope  5  the lines. She bought the book  6 . But her journey with this note had just begun.
 7  to return it to its owner, Rose turned to the power of community. She posted the message in a social media group, hoping someone might  8  the name. Hundreds shared the post and offered  9 . One group member commented, "I feel like maybe all moved by the  10  are indeed a Trent. Thanks for sharing the love note."
The community’s  11  was obvious. And lots of people  12  Rose. She said, "Sometimes it takes a stranger to lift you up and say,‘I believe in you. You can  13  any difficulty.’"
As days turned into weeks, Rose’s  14  became a journey of hope for many in the community. The story behind the note remains a(n) 15 . However, Rose’s efforts serve as a proof of the power of community and the lengths we’ll go to for love and connection.
1. A. fortunate B.unexpected
C. confusing D. intelligent
解析 B 然而当她决定去图书区域逛逛的时候,她的这趟慈善商店之行发生了意想不到的(unexpected)转变。
2. A. escaped B. remained
C. dropped D. hidden
解析 C 她旁边一位比她年长的女士拿起一本书,一张便签从书中掉落(dropped)。
3. A. interesting B. challenging
C.independent D. smooth
解析 D 此行或许不会一片坦途,可我们终会到达。smooth平稳的,顺利的。
4. A. deal with B. believe in
C. set up D. care for
解析 B 当你像我一样信任(believe in)你的时候,你终会做到的。
5. A. between B. above
C. beyond D. beside
解析 A Rose可以感受到字里行间的爱与希望。between the lines在此意为"字里行间"。
6. A. suddenly B.immediately
C. surprisedly D. sufficiently
解析 B 她立即(immediately)把这本书买了下来。
7. A. Surprised B. Curious
C.Determined D. Nervous
解析 C Rose决心(Determined)将这一便签交还到主人手中,于是她求助于社区的力量。
8. A. doubt B. compare
C. recognize D. investigate
解析 C 她将便签内容发布到了一个社交媒体群中,希望有人能认出(recognize)这个名字。
9. A. clues B. desires
C. examples D. memories
解析 A 数百人分享了帖子并提供了线索(clues)。
10.A.opportunity B. research
C. accident D. note
解析 D 我觉得所有被便签(note)感动的人或许都是Trent。
11. A. benefit B.support
C. argument D. analysis
解析 B 社区的支持(support)显而易见。
12. A. cheered on B. picked out
C. turned to D. depended on
解析 A 并且有许多人为Rose加油鼓劲(cheered on)。
13. A. cause B. discover
C. experience D.overcome
解析 D 你能克服(overcome)任何困难。
14. A. business B. program
C. mission D. adventure
解析 C 随着数日变成了数周,Rose的任务(mission)变成了社区中许多人的希望之旅。
15. A. wonder B.mystery
C. honor D. resource
解析 B 便签背后的故事仍然是未解之谜(mystery)。
[2023甘肃酒泉一模]Herman Travis, 55, lives in Holly Courts, a low-income neighborhood in San Francisco and he doesn’t have so many 1    (possess). Every Tuesday, Travis fills a shopping cart(购物车) with groceries from a local food bank. Then he makes home deliveries to his elderly and disabled neighbors. He began doing it in 2007 and when he first started, people were doubtful. They didn’t welcome it as he had expected. "At first people were 2    (caution). They didn’t let me in."
"However, only after they 3    (get) to really know me were they pleased to see me eventually. But I wish that I had started doing it earlier." Travis once told me. I am one of Travis’ neighbors 4     receive deliveries from him. To some degree, I depend on him to live my life. Like everyone else, on the one hand, I sincerely appreciate his help, and on the other hand, I expect 5    (see) the joy Travis gets out of making 6    (he) rounds. If he didn’t come to see me, I should miss him very much now. When we meet with each other on the way, he may stop to chat with me for some time so I know much about him. He often says it is not so stressful a job. Having kept doing such a thing for about fifteen years already, he is admired and respected by everybody.
Some people once asked him, "Do you think it is worthwhile doing such kinds of things?" He nodded his head, saying, "I think so." He’s so kind and warm, always 7    (smile), as if he were doing 8    favor for his own family.
What he does always appeals 9     other people in nearby neighborhoods that have been trying to poach(挖走)Travis for years. They suggest paying him to go and deliver food for them when they run out of food. But he simply wouldn’t do it for money.
It might be a small thing that Travis is doing so, but he does that with big love. It’s 10    (spiritual) rewarding for him.
1.possessions 考查名词复数。空处应使用possess的名词复数形式possessions,意为"财产"。
2.cautious 考查形容词。空处应使用形容词cautious(谨慎的)作表语。
3.got 考查时态和语态。所填词作谓语,主语与get为主谓关系,且此处表示过去的动作,故填got。
4.that/who 考查定语从句。空处所填词引导限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,先行词指人,故填that或who。
5.to see 考查不定式。expect to do sth.为固定短语,故填to see。
6.his 考查代词。空后的"rounds"作名词,在此表示"递送路线"。所以空处应使用形容词性物主代词作定语,故填his。
7.smiling 考查非谓语动词。He与smile之间为主谓关系,且此处表示伴随状况,故填smiling。
8.a 考查冠词。do a favor for sb.为固定短语,意为"帮助某人",故填a。
9.to 考查介词。appeal to为固定短语,意为"吸引",故填to。
10.spiritually 考查副词。空处应使用spiritual的副词形式spiritually作状语,spiritually意为"精神上"。Unit 2 Morals and Virtues
1.[2023全国乙]There is also research showing that pot plants can clean the air around them by removing  harmful (harm) gases, such as carbon dioxide.
2.[2023浙江1月]Most trains  operate (operation) just once a day and some run only three times a week, so missing yours can be a disaster.
3.[2022新高考Ⅰ] I  bit (bite) back my frustration(懊恼). I knew the coach meant well — he thought he was doing the right thing.
bite back sth.表示"忍住不说出某事,不流露情感"。
4.[2022新高考Ⅱ] We offer  scholarships (scholar) to low-income schools and youth organizations, subject to availability.
scholarship作"奖学金"讲时为可数名词,空前没有限定词,故要用其复数形式。be subject to表示"视……而定;服从于;可能受……影响的",subject to availability表示"视情况而定"。
5.[2022新高考Ⅱ]Road accidents, which had fallen for years, are now rising  sharply (sharp).
6.[2022全国甲]And then in late November, Tilly had an operation  on  her leg.
have an operation+on+人或身体部位,表示给某人或身体部位做手术。表示"轻拍(pat)或打(hit)某身体部位"时也用介词on,如:
His father patted him on his shoulder.他父亲轻轻地拍了他的肩膀。
She hit me on my head with an umbrella.她用雨伞打我的头。
7.[2022北京]My perfectionist  tendencies (tend) were the main root of this: I wanted to be perfect at whatever I did, which obviously in life is not possible, but it consumed me.
8.[2020新高考Ⅰ]Judges will choose up to 50 honorable mention winners, who will each receive a T-shirt  in  memory of Earhart’s final flight.
9.[2020新高考Ⅱ]To remember all the questions you have when you are not in the doctor’s office, write them down and bring the list with you to your  appointment (appoint).
10.[2020江苏]Some people — and I was one of them — believe that humorous  complaints (complain) about the little problems of life make humor, and sometimes that is the case.
11.[全国Ⅱ]There’s  tension (tense) and anxiety from the beginning as Nick and Amy battle for your trust.
12.[全国Ⅱ]His presence meant that I had an unexpected teaching  assistant (assist) in class whose creativity would infect(感染) other students.
A. 锋利的 B.敏锐的
C. (人或语言)尖锐的 D.急剧的
①[2023全国甲]TheSocratesExpress is a fun,sharp book that draws readers in with its apparent simplicity and gradually pulls them in deeper thoughts on desire, loneliness, and aging. C 
②[2021北京]I got a seat opposite a middle-aged man with sharp eyes,who kept watching a young woman in a window seat with a little boy on her lap.   B 
③[2020浙江]...while smart lights can be particularly beneficial for some cities, others are so jammed that only a sharp reduction in the number of cars on the road will make a meaningful difference.   D 
④[江苏高考]Thus humans who lived a million years ago, despite their big brains and sharp stone tools, lived in constant fear of meat-eating animals.  A 
2.[2020浙江]The lamb had become separated from its mother, so I jumped out of the tractor to tend to it while Don stayed in his seat.   v.照顾,照看 
Prices have tended upwards over recent years.近年来物价趋于上升。
3.[全国Ⅲ]I wish to have a chain of cafes in many different cities. Each of my cafes will have a different theme and a unique style.  n.连锁商店 
a chain of cafes表示"连锁咖啡店",也可以用a cafe chain来表示。
4.[浙江高考]So she hired a truck to bring all the books to the houses of friends in the suburbs(郊区).  v.租用 
写作一 基础写作——值得尊敬和爱戴的人
 The most respected person around me is Ms Li, a moral woman with rich teaching experience. 
2.为了解释她的观点,她往往尝试各种新方法,使她的课堂生动有趣。(illustrate, tend)
 To illustrate her points, she tends to try various new ways, making her classes lively and interesting. 
3.她内心深处有一个原则,即任何一个学生都不应被忽视,尤其是当他/她对学习表现出消极态度时。(principle, passive)
 There is a principle deep in her heart that not a single student should be ignored, especially when he/she shows a passive attitude towards study. 
4.她总是及时回应我们,并以极大的耐心帮助我们找到解决方法。(respond, assist, a great deal of)
 She always responds to us in time and assists us to find a solution with a great deal of patience. 
5.正是李老师带领我们度过了三年紧张的时光,这三年也见证了我们成绩的大幅提高。(carry sb. through, sharp)
 It is Ms Li who has carried usthrough those three stressful years, which have witnessed a sharp rise in our grades as well. 
We have a lot of respectable people around us.  The most respected person around me is Ms Li, a moral woman with rich teaching experience. First of all, though she has been teaching English for twenty years, she is still passionate about teaching. To illustrate her points, she tends to try various new ways, making her classes lively and interesting. In addition, there is a principle deep in her heart that not a single student should be ignored, especially when he/she shows a passive attitude towards study. When faced with a problem, we are never scared to turn to her for help. She always responds to us in time and assists us to find a solution with a great deal of patience. It is Ms Li who has carried us through those three stressful years, which have witnessed a sharp rise in our grades as well. All in all, she deserves our respect. 
写作二 读后续写——情感描写之后悔与内疚
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 guilt, regret; guilty, regretful 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.他非常遗憾地叹了口气,说道:"你来得太晚了,安妮已经离开了。" He  sighed with deep regret  and said, "You are too late. Anne has already left." 2.当我听到这个坏消息时,我不由自主地感到一阵悔恨。 Uncontrollably, a wave of regret  washed over me as I heard the bad news. 3.但与此同时,内疚感涌上了我的心头。 But at the same time, a sense of guilt  came over me. 4.我在窗边坐了很久,眼含后悔的泪水。要是我没有骗他该多好。 I sat at the window for a long time, with regretful tears in my eyes .  If only I hadn’t  lied to him.(with复合结构;if only) 5.他想到自己是如何对待父亲的,感到非常愧疚。 He  felt extremely guilty/was full of guilt  when thinking about how he had treated his father.
词 组 1.be overwhelmed by feelings of guilt愧疚难当 2.a sense of guilt内疚感 3.feel guilty about对……感到内疚 4.a wave of regret一阵悔恨 5.much to one’s regret令某人深感遗憾的是 6.with deep/great regret非常遗憾地 7.a regretful goodbye/glance/smile遗憾的告别/怅然的一瞥/充满歉意的微笑 8.with regretful tears in one’s eyes眼含后悔的泪水
佳 句 1.It was at that moment that arippleofregretwelledup inside me. How I wished I hadn’t said those words!就在那时,我的心中涌起了一阵阵懊悔。我真希望我没有说那些话! 2.Hearing what I said, he stormed out of the room,leavingmedumbwithdeepregret.听到我说的话,他愤怒地冲出了房间,留下我哑口无言,后悔不已。