人教版(2019)必修 第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures课时练( 4份打包,含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures课时练( 4份打包,含答案)
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文件大小 471.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-04 21:58:59


Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
1. downtown adv.在市中心;往市中心
2. mission n.传教(区);重要任务;使命
3. district n.地区;区域
4. afterwards/afterward adv.以后;后来
5. seek vt.&vi.寻找;寻求;争取;(向人)请求
6. journal n.日志;日记;报纸;刊物
7. claim vt.&n.夺取(生命);宣称;断言
8. series n.一系列;连续;接连
9. escape vi.&vt.逃走;避开n.逃跑;解脱
10. super adv.特别;格外adj.顶好的;超级的
11. percentage n.百分率;百分比
12. climate n.气候
13. mild adj.温和的;和善的;轻微的
14. material n.材料;布料;素材adj.物质的;实际的
15. item n.项目;一件商品(或物品);一条(新闻)
16. neat adj.极好的;整洁的;整齐的
1. diverse adj.不同的;多种多样的→  diversity n.差异(性);不同(点);多样性→diversify vi.&vt.(使)多样化
2. fortune n.机会;运气→ fortunate adj.幸运的;吉利的→ fortunately adv.幸运地→ unfortunately adv.不幸地
3. admit vi.&vt.承认vt.准许进入(或加入)→ admission n.准许进入;入场费;承认
4. definite adj.确定的;清楚的→ definitely adv.肯定;确实
5. occur vi.发生;出现→ occurrence n.发生;发生的事情
6. history n.历史→ historical adj.(有关)历史的→ historic adj.有历史意义的;历史上著名(或重要)的
7. earn vt.&vi.挣得;赚得;赢得;博得→ earnings n.收入;收益
8. select vt.选择;挑选;选拔→ selection n.选择→ selective adj.选择性的;有选择的
9. minor adj.次要的;较小的→ minority n.少数民族;少数派;少数人
10. finance n.财政;金融→ financial adj.财政的;财务的;金融的→ financially adv.金融上;财政上
11. poem n.诗→ poetry n.诗集;诗歌;诗作→ poet n.诗人
12. poison n.毒物;毒药;毒素vt.毒死;毒害→ poisonous adj.引起中毒的;有毒的;分泌毒素的
13. fold vt.包;裹;折叠vt.&vi.(可)折小;(可)叠平→ unfold vt.&vi.打开;展开
14. collect vt.搜集;收藏→ collection n.作品集;收集物;收藏品
15. settle vt.&vi.定居;结束(争论);解决(纠纷)→ settlement n.解决;定居→ settler n.殖民者;移民
16. construct vt.建造;修建→ construction n.建筑;建造;建造物;(句子、短语等的)结构
17. suit vt.适合;满足……需要;相配;合身n.西服;套装→ suitable adj.合适的→ suitably adv.合适地→ unsuitable adj.不合适的
18. contain vt.包含;含有;容纳→ container n.容器
1.chip n. (英)炸土豆条;(美)炸薯片;芯片;碎片 
2.cheese n. 干酪;奶酪 
3.spicy adj. 加有香料的;辛辣的 
4.ethnic adj. 具有民族特色的;异国风味的;民族的;种族的 
5.comic n. 连环画杂志;漫画杂志;喜剧演员  adj.  滑稽的;使人发笑的 
6.immigrant n. (外来)移民;外侨 
7.china n. 瓷;瓷器 
8.jazz n. 爵士乐 
9.bar n. 酒吧;小吃店;小馆子 
10.diagram n. 简图;图解;图表;示意图 
11.Atlantic adj. 大西洋的 
12.jeans n. 牛仔裤 
13.boot n. 靴子 
14.mushroom n. 蘑菇;蕈 
15.accessory n. 配饰;附件;配件 
16.souvenir n. 纪念物;纪念品 
17.clothing n. 衣服;服装 
18.herbal adj. 药草的;香草的 
1. head to (朝……)前进;(向……)去
2. seek one’s fortune 寻找成功致富之路;闯世界
3. earn a living 谋生
4. series of 一系列或一连串(事件)
5. apart from/aside from 除了……外(还);此外
6. bring about 导致;引起
7. all year round 一年到头
8. turn into 转变为;(使)成为
9. to name but a few 仅举几例
10. (at) first hand 第一手;亲自
11. be located in 位于……
1.However, some survived these terrible times, and today there are more Native Americans living in California than  in any other state of America.(there be sb./sth. doing sth.)
2.And  what a city — a city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that occurred in 1906.(疑问代词引导的感叹句)
3.There are so many beautiful old buildings — many sitting on top of big hills ...(独立主格结构)
4. What started as a residential area for Chinese immigrants  then turned into a centre for Chinese culture.(what引导的主语从句)
5.The majority of residents in Chinatown are still ethnic Chinese, many of whom do not speak English fluently .("不定代词+of+关系代词"引导的非限制性定语从句)
1.The company  claims (宣称) in an advertisement that its product can make you feel delighted.
2.There is no doubt that learning is a lifetime  mission (使命).
3.They  sought  out a shady spot where they could sit down and rest.
4.The children usually  earn  their allowance by doing housework.
5.It was impossible for this country to recover in such a short time from this  financial  crisis in which almost every industry was influenced.
6.The lawbreakers will never  escape  the punishment of the law.
7.Our English teacher handed out many reading  materials  to keep us exposed to the language.
8.Xu Xiake made great contributions to the ancient Chinese geography. His travel  journal TheTravelDiariesofXuXiake is of high scientific and literary value.
9.Tom came in for a cup of tea and he went out soon  afterward(s) .
10.The robbery  occurred  in broad daylight, in a crowded street last weekend.
1.Jim went to the south to seek his  fortune , given that he was always  fortunate .  Unfortunately , he even got penniless.(fortune)
2.The man was waiting anxiously, keeping  folding  and  unfolding  the paper over and over again.(fold)
3.In daily life, only a  minority  of people are able to notice such  minor  details. (minor)
4.The  container  appears to be large, but it  contains  nothing inside.(contain)
5.With  diverse  species living in this area, it has great biological  diversity .(diverse)
6.You can choose one from this  selection  of hotels  selected  by Luke, who is pretty  selective  about hotels.(select)
7.I love reading something to my kids. Here is a  poem  by my favorite  poet . (poem)
8.Your sweater  suits  you,but it is  unsuitable  for such a formal occasion, so you’d better replace it with a suit .(suit)
bring about head to earn a living
apart from (at) first hand
1.When visiting the country, I saw  (at) first hand  the efforts being made to bring communities together.
2.It goes without saying that the policy of reform and opening up  has brought about  an increasingly rich and powerful China these years.
3.They decided to  head to  the coast for a bit of rest and relaxation after the final exam.
4. Apart from  lowering ticket prices, tourist sites have also taken other measures to attract tourists.
5.What did you do to  earn a living  when you were living abroad? Part-time jobs?
1.只有一块指示牌在风中摇摆。(there be sb./sth. doing sth.)
 There is only one sign swinging in the wind. 
Not only did we enjoy ourselves, but also we had a chance to make friends with shared interests. What a wonderful time !
The boy rushed to the old man’s house, his face covered with sweat .
 What I want to know  are the ticket price and more detailed arrangements of this exhibition.
In and around Xi’an are various ancient palaces, royal parks, towers and temples, all of which are conveying colorful ancient Chinese culture .Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
After a seriesof activities, I am back in San Francisco. I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back again. The city rebuilt itself after the earthquake occurred in 1906, which claimed over 3,000 lives and destroyed most of the constructions. My hotel is near downtown in the Mission District, which used to be a poor area, but now it is a centre for art, music, and diverse food. First I walked along the neat streets appreciating the street art. Afterwards, I ate some ethnic dishes and spicy snacks. In the afternoon, I headedto a local museum where a collection of items showed the historical changes in California and bought some souvenirs there. In 1848, gold was discovered near San Francisco,bringingabout the gold rush. A large number of immigrants came to seektheirfortune in San Francisco. To earnaliving, some Chinese opened up restaurants and bars in Chinatown and settled in the city. In the evening, I selected a Cantonese restaurant in Chinatown for dinner. The moment I tasted the super meal, a sigh of satisfaction escaped my lips. What great food!
1 admit(admitted,admitted,admitting)vt.&vi.承认 vt.准许进入(或加入)
1.[人教选必③-1]No one will be admitted  into/to  the exhibition after 4:30 p.m.
2.I apply for  admission (admit) to your society because I am keen on historical novels like you. (申请信)
society此处意为"社团,协会",be keen on=be very interested in表示"对……很感兴趣"。
3.After a few seconds of silence, she admitted  being hurt (hurt)by what I had said.
4.得知你最终被心仪的大学录取,我写信向你表示热烈的祝贺。 (祝贺信)
 Knowing that you finally got admitted/admission into/to your ideal university , I’m writing to express my hearty congratulations to you.(分词短语作状语)
★admit (to) doing sth.承认做某事 admit (to sb.)(that)(向某人)承认…… be admitted to/into被录取;被接收 It is admitted that 人们认为…… ★admission n.加入权,进入权;入场费;(对过错等的)供认,承认
2 occur(occurred,occurred,occurring)vi.发生;出现
1.[北师选必①-3] And the fifth event, which  occurred (occur) 66 million years ago, caused the death of the dinosaurs.
2.[外研选必②-3] I was watching a superhero film the other day and a thought occurred  to  me: where does Superman get changed these days?
It  suddenly occurred to him that  the little boy could earn money by selling popcorn.
表示"某人想起某事"可以用sth. occurs to sb.。此处主语较长,用it作形式主语,变换成it occurs to sb. that...句式。"某人想起某事"的其他表达有:sb. thinks of sth.,es to sb./one’s mind,sth. strikes/hits sb.。主语较长时,也可用it作形式主语。
★occur没有被动语态,不用于进行时态;作谓语时,主语不能是人。 ★sth. occurs to sb.某人突然想起某事 It occurs to sb. that.../to do sth.某人想起……/做某事。 ★occurrence n.发生的事情;发生,出现
3 seek(sought,sought)vt.&vi.寻找;寻求;争取;(向人)请求 vi.试图
1.[译林选必④-2]Seek  to understand (understand) the other person’s emotions, by putting yourself in their shoes and looking at the situation from their perspective.
本句为祈使句。be in sb.’s shoes/put yourself in sb.’s shoes表示"处于某人的境地;设身处地"。
2.[外研选必④-4] Though she welcomes the new entrepreneurial spirit, she advises that people be realistic and seek guidance  from  expert consultants before rushing into things.
句意:尽管她欢迎这种新的创业精神,但她建议人们要现实一点,在仓促行事之前先寻求专家顾问的指导。seek的常见动宾搭配:seek jobs/employment寻找工作;seek help/assistance寻求帮助;seek advice征求建议;seek funding筹募资金。
3.In the pumpkin field, I competed with my brothers to  seek out the biggest pumpkin (挑选出最大的南瓜). (读后续写之情景描写)
4.[外研选必③-2]However, he (Qian Xuesen) sought no fame/didn’t seek fame (不求名望) and shunned the spotlight, returning to China with great resolution.
5.It was not long before they left their village to try their luck and  seek their fortune (寻找发财机会) in the south during the gold rush.
6.我在英语方面遇到了一些困难,因此我只得寻求你的帮助。 (求助信)
I meet with some difficulties with my English, so  I have no choice but to seek your help .
★seek (for)sth./sb.寻找某物/某人 seek to do试图做 seek...from sb.向某人寻求…… seek one’s fortune寻找发财机会;闯世界 seek out挑选出,物色;找到
4 claimvt.夺取(生命);声称;断言;索要;认领;获得 n.断言;所有权;索赔,索款
①[人教选必①-5]When people present important facts, they usually give some evidence to support their claims.  n.断言 
②Heavy snowfall within a short period of time destroyed buildings and forests, and claimed at least 256 lives.  v.夺取(生命) 
③She has finally claimed a place on the team after a series of practices.  v.获得 
④At this point, no one had called to claim the dog, so Ann decided to keep it.  v.认领 
⑤[外研选必①-6]Sitting back in my seat, I can’t quite believe that I’m about to travel along the railway that many foreign experts claimed was "impossible". v.声称 
2.由于货物损坏,我写信要求退款。 (投诉信)
I’m writing  to claim my money back  since the goods are damaged.
3.几天后,劳拉声称她已从膝盖受伤中恢复过来,想要参加比赛。 (读后续写之语言描写)
A few days later, Laura  claimed to have recovered from her knee injury  and wanted to participate in the race.
 It’s claimed that the old man knows  everything about birds.
★It is claimed that...据说…… claim to do sth.声称做某事 claim to have done sth.声称做过某事 claim sth. back要回某物
5 escapevt.&vi.逃走;摆脱;避开 vt.被忽视 vi.(气体、液体等)泄漏 n.逃跑;解脱,消遣
①[译林选必②-1]When something newsworthy comes about, it may escape the attention of ordinary people...  vt.被忽视 
newsworthy"有新闻价值的",come about"出现;发生"。句意:当有新闻价值的事情发生时,它可能会被普通人忽视……
②We should keep an eye on poisonous waste escaping into the sea.  vi.(气体、液体等)泄漏 
2.To escape  punishment/being punished (punish) is one of the most obvious reasons bringing about lies.
3.It seemed that no one knew how the dog escaped  from  the cage.
4.For me, travel is  an escape/to escape from the boredom of my everyday life (摆脱日常生活的无聊).
At last, we  had a narrow escape , fortunately  escaping being hurt  by the hungry polar bear.(escape n., escape v.)
6.愤怒的男孩逃进人群,挤上公交车,不见了。 (读后续写之动作描写)
The angry boy  escaped into the crowds , squeezed onto the bus, and disappeared.
★escape from...从……中逃离 escape doing sth.避免做某事 narrowly escape...侥幸逃脱…… escape death/have a narrow escape死里逃生 escape one’s attention/notice被某人忽视
6 settlevt.&vi.解决(纠纷);定居;(使)平静下来 vt.(最终)决定;安放
1.[外研必修③-1]Accepting sadness as part of life helps Riley deal with the emotional complexity of growing up, and settle  down  in her new life.
2. All problems were settled (一切问题都解决了). He  settled himself comfortably (舒服地坐下) in his usual chair after a whole day of hard work.
3.他们冲下车,搭起帐篷,舒适地坐在草地上,欣赏着周围令人惊叹的景象。 (读后续写之动作描写)
They dashed out of the car, put up the tent and  settled down on the grass , enjoying the surrounding breathtaking sights.
★settle down(在某地)定居下来;(使)平静下来;舒服地坐下(或躺下) settle down to (doing)sth.定下心来做某事 settle on选定/决定…… settle in/into习惯于/适应…… ★settler n.殖民者;移民 settlement n.(解决纷争的)协议;定居点;解决;处理;移民
7 bringabout导致;引起(cause,leadto,resultin,contributeto)
1.In a meeting last year, he brought  up  a practical idea that the company should bring  in  a collection of the latest facilities, which has brought  in  a lot more money.
2.A new policy to bring  down  the high prices brought  about  more purchases of diverse goods in that supermarket.
3.The renowned(著名的) writer’s poetry newly brought  out  brings  back  my happy memories of my childhood.
newly brought out为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰poetry,第一空后的brings为句子的谓语。
4.Whether we should wear uniforms on weekdays  brought about a heated discussion (引发了一场激烈的讨论) in our school last week. (正反观点)
He is totally dedicated and  brings out the best in students/brings out students’ full potential .
★bring up抚养;提出;呕吐 bring in 引进;获利,赚钱 bring out 出版;使显现 bring down 使倒下;减少,降低 bring sth. back 使某物恢复;使回想起某事 bring along把……带来
8 独立主格结构
1.No agreement  reached (reach), the representatives wanted another round of talks.
2.They were talking to the natives, the guide  acting (act) as an interpreter.
3.The exam  to be held (hold) tomorrow, I can’t go to the cinema tonight. (告知信)
4. Time permitting (如果时间允许), a Peking Opera performance will be given in the end. (活动介绍)
5.他专心地听王老师讲话,眼睛盯着她的脸。 (读后续写之神态描写)
He was listening attentively to Miss Wang, (with) his eyes fixed on her face .(fix)
★结构:n./pron.(主格)+现在分词/过去分词/动词不定式 n./pron.(主格)+(being)+adj./adv./n./prep. ★功能:在句中作状语,表示原因、条件、时间、方式、伴随等,可和with复合结构互换。 ★位置:可置于句首或句尾,常由逗号将其与句子其他成分分开。
1.[外研必修③-2]Most biographies are organised in the order in which events happened.  n.传记 
bio-=life,表示"生命,生物",比如biology生物学;-y是名词后缀,表示"性质,状态"。biography →书写关于人生的状态→传记。
2.A new telegraph line has been set up between the two cities.  n.电报 
3.The whole team has autographed a football at the fans meeting, which will be used as a prize. v.(在……上)签名 
auto-表示"自己",如automatic"自动的"。autograph→自己写的字→签名。autograph还可作名词,表示"亲笔签名"。Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
[2023山东枣庄一模]I still remember my father’s embarrassment the day when he was invited to have dinner at a colleague’s house. Freshly arriving in Brazil, and not being able to look up on the Internet, he offended his hosts by making a hand gesture — a circle with the thumb and index finger. He had always understood it to mean "OK", but in Brazil, it meant something different.
The episode was swiftly forgotten. My father’s colleague understood that he probably wasn’t yet aware of the local meaning of the gesture. He gently explained it meant something rude, and then it was filed away under "things not to be done in Rio".
I was reminded myself in China. After I replied to a friend’s WeChat message with a Van Gogh sticker that I thought meant "keep fighting", another friend told me I used it wrong.
"The Chinese version is a bit different," she said, taking out her phone and showing it to me. "See these characters? They mean ‘I will hit you!’"
Life is full of crossed meanings. In India, you sign to someone to come over with your palm down, not up. And in the Middle East, you never use your left hand for anything public.
As adults, we understand that even if it hurts, a mistake is only an insult(侮辱) when it is deliberate. Yet, many conflicts come from misunderstanding, and history is full of the unfortunate outcomes of cross-cultural communication.
My father’s pre-Internet Brazilian mistake was forgiven because of context — he had just arrived and he didn’t know its local meaning. But when context is absent or simply differently understood — especially in the social media — perhaps we all should think twice before typing or talking, especially when the consequences can be more severe than the misuse of a WeChat sticker.
1. What is the topic of the text?
A. Cultural difference.
B. Language and culture.
C. Sign language.
D. Good manners.
解析 A 文章主旨题。由第一段中的"He had always understood it to mean‘OK’, but in Brazil, it meant something different"和第三段中的"After I replied to a friend’s WeChat message with a Van Gogh sticker that I thought meant ‘keep fighting’, another friend told me I used it wrong"以及第五段中的"In India, you sign to someone to come over with your palm down, not up. And in the Middle East, you never use your left hand for anything public"可知,文章主要讲述文化差异,故选A。
2. What does the author want to show by telling his father’s story?
A. The OK sign means differently in Brazil.
B. Cross-cultural mistakes are common.
C. The Internet helps to avoid mistakes.
D. Misunderstandings lead to bad results.
解析 B 推理判断题。由第一段中的"He had always understood it to mean‘OK’, but in Brazil, it meant something different"及第二段中的"My father’s colleague understood that he probably wasn’t yet aware of the local meaning of the gesture"可推知,作者想通过讲述父亲的故事来表明跨文化错误是常见的,故选B。
3. What did the author mean to do by using the Van Gogh sticker?
A. To greet his friend.
B. To encourage his friend.
C. To threaten his friend.
D. To make fun of his friend.
解析 B 细节理解题。由第三段中的"After I replied to a friend’s WeChat message with a Van Gogh sticker that I thought meant ‘keep fighting’, another friend told me I used it wrong"可知,作者打算鼓励他的朋友,故选B。
4. What might happen if there is no context?
A. Cultural conflicts.
B. Forgiveness.
C. Cultural gaps.
D. Mutual respect.
解析 A 细节理解题。由最后一段中的"But when context is absent or simply differently understood — especially in the social media — perhaps we all should think twice before typing or talking, especially when the consequences can be more severe than the misuse of a WeChat sticker"可知,本题选A。
【易错点拨】 部分学生可能会辨别不清cultural conflicts和cultural gaps的区别而错选C项。cultural conflicts强调的是文化冲突,cultural gaps强调的是文化差异,而文中最后一句中的"the consequences can be more severe than the misuse of a WeChat sticker"表明,不知道事情的背景或来龙去脉,很容易引起文化冲突。
[2023内蒙古包头一模]The Chinese new year begins on 22 January, 2023 and lasts until 9 February, 2023. While most of Asia celebrates the year of the rabbit, Vietnam celebrates the year of the cat. In the Chinese zodiac(十二生肖), there are 12 animals, and the 4th animal is the rabbit, while in the Vietnamese zodiac, the 4th position is occupied by the cat. How the cat covered for the rabbit in Vietnam’s zodiac is still the subject of debate.
It was said that the Jade Emperor organized a race across a river for all the animals in the world. The first 12 to reach the other side would appear in the zodiac. In the Chinese version of the story, the cat and the rat were riding across a river on an ox when the rat pushed the cat into the water. The rat won the race, turning the two animals into enemies. That is why cats have been hunting rats ever since. However, in the Vietnamese version — which did not have a rabbit — the cat could swim and ended up arriving.
One possible explanation for replacing rabbit with cat might have to do with language. In old Chinese, there’s a word tied to the sign of the rabbit that is pronounced mao(卯). The pronunciation is similar to mèo, the Vietnamese word for cat.
Quyen Di, a lecturer at UCLA, said the custom has to do with the landscape of Vietnam. "Initially, the Chinese lived in the savanna(稀树草原) area, while the Vietnamese lived in the lowland area," he says. "The people of the savanna preferred a nomadic life, close to the wilderness, and they chose the rabbit as an animal that lived in the wild fields. In contrast, the lowland people of Vietnam considered rabbits as animals that were used for food and chose the cat because they believed cats were friends living in their houses."
This year, many Vietnamese are buying new cat-themed cases for their mobile phones. And one of the top online searches in Vietnam is "why there is no cat in the Chinese zodiac".
1. What does the underlined phrase "covered for" in paragraph 1 probably mean?
A. Took charge of. B. Fought for.
C. Took the place of. D. Depended on.
解析 C 词义猜测题。由第一段中的"In the Chinese zodiac(十二生肖), there are 12 animals, and the 4th animal is the rabbit, while in the Vietnamese zodiac, the 4th position is occupied by the cat"可知,与中国的十二生肖中的第四位是兔不同的是,在越南的十二生肖中,第四位是猫,即:兔的位置被猫代替了,由此可知,covered for应与took the place of意义相同,故选C。
2. What can we learn from the Vietnamese zodiac story?
A. The Jade Emperor showed favor to the cat.
B. The rabbit fell into the river in the zodiac race.
C. The cat finished fourth by swimming across the river.
D. The rat and the rabbit were enemies in ancient times.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第二段中的"In the Chinese version of the story, the cat and the rat were riding across a river on an ox when the rat pushed the cat into the water. The rat won the race, turning the two animals into enemies. That is why cats have been hunting rats ever since. However, in the Vietnamese version — which did not have a rabbit — the cat could swim and ended up arriving"可知,由于在越南的生肖中没有兔,所以猫游过河并获得了第四名,故选C。
3. According to Quyen Di, what made the Vietnamese choose the cat?
A. Their living environment.
B. Their language pronunciation.
C. Their lifestyle of raising cats as pets.
D. Their custom of hunting rabbits for food.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第四段中的"In contrast, the lowland people of Vietnam considered rabbits as animals that were used for food and chose the cat because they believed cats were friends living in their houses"可知,越南人在选择生肖的动物时,猫的选择受到了他们的生存环境的影响,生活在低地区的人认为兔子是可以用来作为食物的动物,而猫则是作为他们家里的朋友而存在的动物,故选A。
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A. The History of the Chinese Zodiac
B. Ways of Celebrating the Year of the Rabbit
C. The Popularity of Chinese Traditional Culture
D. The Origin of the Year of the Cat in Vietnam
解析 D 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了越南生肖与中国生肖的区别,重点介绍了猫和兔。文章提供了关于越南猫年的起源的信息,并探讨了可能的原因,因此D项做文章标题最佳。
Moving from one culture to another is exciting, but it is also a stressful experience. Transitioning(过渡) to a completely new culture almost always results in a culture shock for all people.  1  Some hardly notice its effect at all, while others can find it very difficult to adapt to their new environment.
I grew up in Kazakhstan, where most of the information I had about America came from its movies. The purpose of those movies was always to entertain viewers, while details of American life may not be accurately described. I had been dreaming about coming here for so long. 2 
Americans find it easy to make casual friends. They become friends first and build trust later if at all. Americans make friends and become relatively close in no time.  3  In my culture, we believe in building friendships and staying connected after the trust is built. Only after coming to America did I realize that my self-identification as a reserved person is part of my cultural identity with Kazakh culture.
 4  Americans find it uncomfortable if others stand too close. When friends or family greet, they give a short hug and step aside to have some distance for conversation. We Kazakh people like to speak sitting or standing close to each other. Also, it’s considered disrespectful to keep a large distance during the conversation.
Part of the excitement of living in a new culture is learning about how it differs from my own culture.  5  By learning to understand and navigate(正确处理) the culture of another country, I have become a more open-minded person. It has taught me to shape my own cultural identity.
A. But it’s easy for them to disappear from one another’s life.
B. Different people might experience culture shock differently.
C. It is therefore necessary to know how to handle culture shock.
D. But I had never expected that I would have a culture shock in America.
E. Another shocking observation for me was the informality of the Americans.
F. I always compare my values and customs with the values and customs in America.
G. American culture is also different from mine in terms of a sense of personal space.
1.B 空前提到对所有人来说,过渡到一个全新的文化几乎总会带来文化冲击,空后提到一些人几乎注意不到它的影响,而另外一些人发现适应新环境非常难。由此可知,B项(不同的人经历文化冲击的方式可能不同)与上下文联系紧密,故选B项。
2.D 由上文的"I had been dreaming about coming here for so long"及下文内容可知,空处内容应与作者经历文化冲击有关。D项(但是我从未想过我会在美国经历文化冲击)与上文构成转折关系,且能引出下文内容,故选D。
3.A 空前提到美国人很容易交上朋友并很快变得亲近,空后提到哈萨克斯坦人则是在信任建立后建立友谊并保持联系。由此可知,空处前后形成对比,故A项(但是他们很容易从彼此的生活中消失)符合语境,故选A。
4.G 由空后内容,尤其是"Americans find it uncomfortable if others stand too close"和"We Kazakh people like to speak sitting or standing close to each other"可知,本段主要介绍的是作者发现的美国文化和自己国家文化的另一个不同之处,且它与个人空间有关,G项与此相符,可充当段落的主题句,故选G。
5.F 由空前的"Part of the excitement...my own culture"和空后提到的了解和正确处理另一个国家的文化教会作者塑造自己的文化身份可知,空处应涉及两种文化的对比。F项(我总是对比我自己国家和美国的价值观和风俗)符合语境,故选F。
[2023辽宁葫芦岛二模]I was born in the Netherlands and lived there until I was 30 years old. In the Dutch context, I was emotionally intelligent, and I  1  expected that this could be any different.
When at the University of Michigan, I joined a discussion on  2 . I introduced myself in an understated (Dutch) way as "interested in culture and emotion". The professor, to fit American  3 , added that I was one of the world’s experts on culture and emotion. In response, I looked down in  4  and said in a low voice that "expert" was a big word.
I lived in North Carolina and had new friends coming over to dinner. Conversations were lively that evening. When my guests left, they  5  me for dinner. My heart sank, because in the Netherlands, "thanking for dinner" means the relationship is  6 .
The Netherlands and the US do not have massively different  7 . But emotional interactions between individuals from these different cultures are not  8 . The professor meant to make me feel good, but instead made me  9 . My friends meant to show gratitude, but they made me think they were distancing themselves from us instead. Where did it go wrong in these interactions?
I now think the answer is that we were interacting with different 10  in mind. In the US, it is important that people feel good about themselves: other people help you  11  and have self-esteem(自尊). You are an expert, and you made the special effort to cook us this delicious dinner.  12 , in the Netherlands, it is important to make true  13  with other people, and not to pretend you are better than anybody else. The daily dances of emotions are  14 : Americans dance to the music of making each other special, while the Dutch dance to the music of true connection. And when you  15  them up, people start stepping on each other’s toes.
1.A. never B. rarely
C. usually D. sometimes
解析 A 作者从未(never)想过情感表达上会有什么不同,故选A。
2.A. manners B. emotions
C. literature D. intelligence
解析 B 由"interested in culture and emotion"中的"emotion"可知,作者对情感感兴趣,由此可知,作者参加了一个关于情感(emotions)的讨论,故选B。
3.A. standards B. procedures
C. policies D. requirements
解析 A 由最后一段中的"In the US, it is important that people feel good about themselves"可知,在美国,人们自我感觉良好是很重要的。由此可知,教授是以美国的标准(standards)介绍作者是"世界上文化和情感方面的专家之一",故选A项。
4.A. anger B. delight
C. disappointment D. embarrassment
解析 D 由"‘expert’ was a big word"可知,作者认为用"专家"来形容过誉了,由此可知,作者尴尬地低下了头,故选D项。
5.A. asked B. praised
C. thanked D. blamed
解析 C 由"thanking for dinner"中的"thanking" 可知,客人们对作者的晚餐表示感谢,故选C项。
6.A. distant B. insincere
C. harmonious D. meaningful
解析 A 由"they made me think they were distancing themselves from us instead"中的"distancing"可知,在荷兰,"谢谢你的晚餐"意味着这段关系是疏远的,故选A。
7.A. origins B.cultures
C. environments D. languages
解析 B 荷兰和美国的文化没有太大的不同,但来自这两种不同文化的人之间的情感互动并不流畅,故选B。
8.A. complicated B. interesting
C. fluent D. regular
解析 C 由"My friends meant to show gratitude, but they made me think they were distancing themselves from us instead"可知,作者和朋友间的情感互动并不流畅,故选C。
9.A. annoyed B. anxious
C. humble D. uncomfortable
解析 D 由"In response, I looked down in  4  and said in a low voice that ‘expert’ was a big word"可知,作者认为用"专家"来形容过誉了,由此可知,教授的话让作者感到不舒服,故选D项。
10.A. methods B. purposes
C. expectations D. feelings
解析 B 由"In the US, it is important that people feel good about themselves"和"in the Netherlands, it is important to make true  13  with other people, and not to pretend you are better than anybody else"可知,美国人互动时的目的是夸赞,荷兰人互动时的目的是与他人坦诚相待,由此可知,美国人和荷兰人在互动时考虑到了不同的目的,故选B。
11.A. stand out B. show off
C. calm down D. cheer up
解析 A 由"You are an expert, and you made the special effort to cook us this delicious dinner"可知,美国人喜欢赞美别人,由此可知,他们会帮助你从人群中脱颖而出,故选A。
12.A. In turn B. Above all
C. After all D. By contrast
解析 D 由上文美国人重视夸赞,下文荷兰人重视坦诚相待可知,文中把美国和荷兰的交流方式进行了对比,"By contrast"意为"相比之下",符合语境,故选D。
13.A. promises B. contributions
C. connections D. comparisons
解析 C 由"while the Dutch dance to the music of true connection"中的"true connection"可知,荷兰人重视与他人建立真正的联系,故选C。
14.A. personal B. different
C. important D. widespread
解析 B 由"Americans dance to the music of making each other special, while the Dutch dance to the music of true connection"可知,美国和荷兰情感交流的方式不同,故本题选B。
15.A. build B. take
C. pick D. mix
解析 D 由上文可知,美国和荷兰情感交流的方式不同。那么,当两种文化相遇时,就会引起混乱和误解,故选D。build up"创建;增强";take up"开始从事";pick up"拿起,举起";mix up"弄混,弄乱"。Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
1.[2023新高考Ⅰ]Each chapter concludes with a  collection (collect) of practices, which are designed to help you act on the big ideas of the chapter.
2.[2023新高考Ⅱ] Seeking (seek) and accepting constructive feedback(反馈) is crucial to growth.
3.[2023全国甲]By the early 1970s, after centuries of cruel and continuous hunting by  settlers (settle), 600 to 800 grizzlies remained on a mere 2 percent of their former range in the Northern Rockies.
4.[2022新高考Ⅰ]There are now 700 elderly people looking after hens in 20 care homes in the North East, and the charity has been given  financial (finance) support to roll it out countrywide.
句意:现在,在东北部的20家养老院里有700名老人在照顾母鸡,该慈善机构得到了财政支持,以便在全国范围内推广。roll sth. out表示"正式推出(新产品);开展(新的政治运动)"。
5.[2022新高考Ⅱ] Fortunately (fortunate) for those in midlife, Levine is finding that even if you haven’t been an enthusiastic exerciser, getting in shape now may help improve your aging heart.
6.[2022新高考Ⅱ] High-intensity exercise is more  suitable (suit) for the young.
7.[2022北京]This does not  definitely (definite) mean that we are not healthy. It means the fitness level is not in accordance with our age and the climatic conditions we live in.
8.[2022浙江1月] One day I got word that he  was admitted (admit) to the hospital for a serious disease.
9.[2021新高考Ⅱ]He wants to help them earn  a  living.
earn a/one’s living表示"谋生"。
10.[江苏高考]Why is this  occurring (occur)? Nobody is quite sure, but poor diet and above all long-time alcoholism have much to do with it.
A. n.解脱,消遣
B. v.避开,避免(不愉快或危险的事物)
C. v.被忽视 D.v.逃跑
E. v.(气体、液体等)泄漏
①[2022全国乙]For them, there’s something highly exciting about escaping someone else’s glance and making oneself unable to be seen.  C 
②[2022浙江1月]In this book, he argues that as we seek to escape pain or sorrow, we’re weakening ourselves and may lose our adaptability to deal with pain in the future.   B 
③[2021新高考Ⅱ]As long as I get close enough, no criminal can escape from me.  D 
④[全国Ⅱ]A lunchtime escape allows her to keep a boss from tapping her on the shoulder.  A 
⑤[江苏高考]...the recycling process often is carried out in poor countries, in practically uncontrolled ways which allow many poisonous substances to escape into the environment.  E 
A. 定居 B.习惯于/适应
C. 解决 D.安放
①[2023新高考Ⅱ]It’s been an honor to watch the panda programme develop and to see the pandas settle into their new home.  A 
②[2022全国甲]The disagreement was so sharp that neither he nor I knew how to settle it.  C 
③[2021全国甲]Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me.   B 
④[天津3月高考]An unpleasant smell floated into my nose as the bowl of fried stinky tofu(臭豆腐)settled onto my grandmother’s dinner table.  D 
A. 小巧迷人的 B. 极好的 C. 整洁的
①[2022新高考Ⅱ]Make sure your handwriting is neat.  C 
②[全国Ⅰ]These pieces can be folded into a neat little pack and fastened on your belt.  A 
③[浙江高考]"It’s beautiful," my mother said when I pointed it out to her. "What a neat basket."  B 
4.[2020江苏] In looking into the stories of biological discovery, I also began to find something else, a collection of scientists, usually brilliant, occasionally half-mad, who made the discoveries.  n.一批(物品或人) 
写作一 基础写作——跨国文化节活动
1.我突然想到"中国—爱尔兰文化节"已经过去一个星期了,但我仍然记得我们在节日期间度过的愉快时光,那使我们从学校生活中解脱出来。(occur, escape)
 It suddenly occurs to me that a week has passed since the China-Ireland Cultural Festival, but I can still recall the enjoyable time we spent together during the festival, which is an escape from our school life. 
2.从中国书法到爱尔兰绘画,我们目睹了各种各样具有民族特色的杰作。(diverse, ethnic, at first hand)
 From Chinese calligraphy to Irish paintings, we got a glimpse of diverse ethnic masterpieces at first hand. 
3.除了艺术,文化节还通过一系列历史资料展现了两国深远的历史。(apart from, collection, historical)
 Apart from the art, the festival also unfolded the two countries’ profound history through a collection of historical materials. 
4.从这次经历中,我真正理解到,地理分隔不一定会带来文化冲突。(bring about)
 From this experience, I truly understand that geographical separation does not necessarily bring about cultural conflicts. 
5.无论未来我们在哪里定居,我都希望我们的友谊将永远持续下去。(settle down)
 I hope our friendship will last forever wherever we settle down in the future. 
 Dear Chris, 
 How is everything going? It suddenly occurs to me that a week has passed since the China-Ireland Cultural Festival, but I can still recall the enjoyable time we spent together during the festival, which is an escape from our school life. 
 From Chinese calligraphy to Irish paintings, we got a glimpse of diverse ethnic masterpieces at first hand. Apart from the art, the festival also unfolded the two countries’ profound history through a collection of historical materials. From this experience, I truly understand that geographical separation does not necessarily bring about cultural conflicts. 
 At last, I hope our friendship will last forever wherever we settle down in the future. Looking forward to your early reply. 
 Li Hua 
写作二 读后续写——情感描写之感动与感激
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 move, touch, appreciate; grateful, thankful, moved, touched; appreciation, thanks, gratitude 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.她的演讲深深地打动了我,我决心更加努力地学习。  Deeply moved/touched by her speech , I was determined to study harder. (过去分词作状语) 2.来自陌生人的温暖融化了他的心,让他觉得这个世界依然充满了爱和希望。 The warmth from a stranger  melted his heart , which made him feel the world was still filled with love and hope. 3.得知她的孩子已经获救,她流下了喜悦和感激的泪水。 Hearing that her child had been saved, she  shed tears of joy and gratitude . 4.我送了一大束花给这位护士,感谢她在疗养院对我爷爷无微不至的照顾。 I sent a big bunch of flowers to the nurse  to express my gratitude/thanks for  her taking good care of my grandpa in the nursing home. 5.得知他为她做了这么多事情,她感动得流下了眼泪。 Knowing that he had done so much for her, she  was moved to tears .
词 组 1.be deeply moved/touched被深深感动 2.touch one’s heart触动某人的心 3.melt one’s heart融化某人的心 4.be moved to tears感动得热泪盈眶 5.shed tears of gratitude流下感激的泪水 6.express thanks/gratitude to sb. for sth.因为某事感谢某人
佳 句 1.Awarmcurrentwelledupinhisheart the moment he realized how much his father had devoted to him. 当他意识到父亲为他付出了多少时,他心中涌起了一股暖流。 2.Her palms sweating, throat tightening and tears streaming down her face, she wastouchedbeyondwords. 她手心冒汗,喉咙发紧,泪流满面,感动得说不出话来。 3.She accepted the flowers,withhereyesfilledwithtearsofgratitude.她接过鲜花,眼里噙满了感激的泪水。