人教版(2019)必修 第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration课时练(4份打包,含答案 )


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration课时练(4份打包,含答案 )
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-04 21:59:55


Unit 4 Space Exploration
1. astronaut n.宇航员;太空人
2. vehicle n.交通工具;车辆
3. launch vt.&n.发射;发起;上市
4. giant adj.巨大的;伟大的n.巨人;巨兽;伟人
5. leap n.跳跃;剧增;剧变vi.&vt.跳过;跃过
6. mankind n.人类
7. data n.[pl.]资料;数据
8. signal vt.&vi.标志着;标明;发信号n.信号
9. recycle vt.回收利用;再利用
10. muscle n.肌肉;实力;影响力
11. float vi.浮动;漂流;漂浮vt.使浮动;使漂流
12. otherwise adv.否则;要不然
13. beyond prep.在更远处;超出
14. current adj.当前的;现在的n.水流;电流;思潮
15. sufficient adj.足够的;充足的
16. facility n.设施;设备
17. keen adj.热衷的;渴望的
18. shallow adj.肤浅的;浅的
19. pattern n.模式;图案;模范
20. monitor n.监视器;监测仪vt.监视;监测;监控
21. resource n.资源;财力;物力
1. mental adj.精神的;思想的→ mentally adv.精神上
2. intelligent adj.有智慧的;聪明的;有智力的→ intelligence n.智力;聪明;智能
3. determine vt.查明;确定;决定→ determined adj.有决心的;意志坚定的→ determination n.决心;决定
4. disappoint vt.&vi.使失望→ disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的→ disappointing adj.令人失望的→ disappointment n.失望
5. desire n.渴望;欲望vt.渴望;期望→ desired adj.渴望的,想要的→ desirable adj.可取的;值得做的
6. independent adj.独立的;自立的→ independently adv.自立地;独立地→ independence n.独立
7. lack vt.缺乏;没有n.缺乏;短缺→ lacking adj.缺乏的;不足的
8. globe n.地球;世界;地球仪→ global adj.全球的;全世界的→ globalize vi.&vt.(使)全球化
9. argue vt.&vi.论证;争辩;争论→ argument n.争论;争吵;论点
10. analysis n.(对事物的)分析;分析结果→ analyze/analyse vt.分析
11. regular adj.定期的;经常的;正常的→ regularly adv.经常;定期地
12. limit n.限制;极限;界限vt.限制→ limited adj.有限的→ limitless/unlimited adj.无限的
13. close vt.&vi.关闭adj.近的;亲密的→ closed adj.关闭的;不接受新思想的→ closely adv.仔细地;严密地→ closing adj.结尾的;结束的n.停业;关闭;倒闭
14. mystery n.神秘事物;谜→ mysterious adj.神秘的
15. attach vt.系;绑;贴→ attached adj.附属的;依恋的→ attachment n.附件;附属品;依恋
1.procedure n. 程序;步骤;手续 
2.rocket n. 火箭;火箭弹 
3.gravity n. 重力;引力 
4.frontier n. 边境;国界;边远地区 
5.universe n. 宇宙;天地万物 
6.satellite n. 人造卫星;卫星 
7.orbit n. (环绕地球、太阳等运行的)轨道;势力范围  vt.&vi. 沿轨道运行;环绕……运行 
8.agency n. (政府的)专门机构;服务机构;代理处 
9.transmit vt.&vi. 传输;发送 
10.ongoing adj. 持续存在的;仍在进行的;不断发展的 
11.spacecraft n. 航天器;宇宙飞船 
12.solar adj. 太阳的;太阳能的 
13.towel n. 毛巾;抹布 
14.tissue n. 纸巾;(人、动植物细胞的)组织 
15.fatal adj. 致命的;灾难性的 
16.high-end adj. 高端的 
17.pillow n.  枕头 
18.smartphone n.  智能手机 
1. carry on 继续做,坚持干
2. on board 在宇宙飞船上;在船(飞机)上
3. in the hope of doing sth. 抱着……的希望
4. so as to (do sth.) 为了;以便
5. figure out 弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白
6. result in 导致;造成
7. as a result 所以;结果(是)
8. provide for sb. 提供生活所需
9. in closing 最后
10. run out 用完;耗尽
1.Afterwards, the USSR focused on sending people into space, and on 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became  the first person in the world to go into space .(不定式作后置定语)
2.These disasters  made everyone sad and disappointed , but the desire to explore the universe never died. (make+宾语+宾补)
3.Astronauts have to use tape to stick everything down  while working in space  because everything would float off otherwise.(状语从句的省略)
4.Firstly, exploring space has already made a difference in  the fight against world hunger. (v-ing作主语)
5.While sleeping, they must attach themselves to something  so as to prevent floating around .(so as to do作目的状语)
1.Just now, he  leapt/leaped (跳跃) across the room to answer the door.
2.If trapped in a flooded building, move to the highest floor and try to  signal  for help like drawing "SOS" on the roof.
3.The basketball team has three-hour  regular  training every day.
4. Launched  in the Alipay app, Ant Forest plants real trees to encourage its users to live a low-carbon life.
5.Rather than going to the machine to check on whether the laundry is done, users can instead  monitor  it on their phones.
6.The shortage of water has become a  global  problem that needs to be solved urgently.
7.Chinese  astronauts  stepped out of the spacecraft into space, marking China’s space industry has a new beginning.
8.The objective of the plan would be to  recycle  98 per cent of domestic waste.
1.Since Linda graduated from the university and became  independent  in 2002, she has earned her living  independently .(independent)
2.A person’s life is  limited  but knowledge is  limitless/unlimited .(limit)
3.An  intelligent  person can often simplify the complex with his or her  intelligence .(intelligent)
4.She is a  determined  girl. Once she is  determined  to do something, she will make it with great  determination .(determine)
5.We have to pay attention to some  mental  problems so that we can stay  mentally  healthy.(mental)
6.To my  disappointment , I noticed a  disappointed  expression on his face because of his  disappointing  test score.(disappoint)
7.The job involves gathering and  analysing  data, and after that you should hand in an  analysis  report.(analyse)
8.They were so attached  to each other, and such  attachment  led to their marriage.(attach)
9.Generally speaking, the  lack  of investment lies in the fact that the company is  lacking  in an innovative product.(lack)
carry on run out provide for
in the hope of result in figure out
1.Even small changes in lifestyle and diet can  result in  significant weight loss.
2.The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to  carry on  with their discussion.
3.Though she is jobless,she has saved enough money to  provide for  her children.
4.Protecting the environment is very important as the world’s natural resources are  running out .
5.The police are trying to  figure out  the truth of the accident.
6.I will practise my English writing  in the hope of  making it better.
It is the elderly  who are usually the first to taste the food  served on the table.
I put some pine branches into the basket  to make this nest safe and comfortable .
 If given the job , I’m sure to be a good guide.
 Keeping a diary in English  can help us make rapid progress in English writing.
5.几天前,为了弄清楚高中生认为最有用的应用程序有哪些,人们做了一项调查。(so as to do作目的状语)
A few days ago, a survey was conducted  so as to find out  what apps senior high school students regard as the most useful.Unit 4 Space Exploration
For thousands of years,lack of sufficientdataresultsin the fact that space is still a mystery to us. Mankind keeps an ongoingdesire for space exploration, hoping to figureout how stars and planets operate, although some people argue that we should stop wasting money on it, which is a rather shallow belief. Intelligent people have always attached great importance to universe exploration inthehopeof discovering more resources, which on earth are limited and runningout.
Decades ago, many scientists were determined to make space flight come true with special vehicles. With the first satellitelaunched and orbiting around Earth successfully, Yuri Gagarin became the first astronaut to be sent into space. After that, Neil Armstrong succeeded in stepping onto the moon,signaling a giantleap for mankind. Despite some disappointing failures, human beings are still keen to carryon exploring universe soasto learn its secrets.
After sending humans into space independently in 2003, China has made great progress beyond expectations — Tiangong 2 docked with Tianzhou 1, Chang’e 4 landed on the moon, and so on.
1 determinevt.查明;确定;决定
1.She determines  to carry (carry) on with her education independently.
2.[外研必修③-2]This insight grew from the  determined (determine) attitude of a six-year-old boy who had the courage and perseverance to make his dream a reality.
3.[外研选必③-1]What impress me most are her courage, skill and  determination (determine)...
4.家庭教育对于一个人性格的形成起着重要作用。 (个人观点)
Family education plays an important part in  determining a person’s character .
5. Determined to reach the finish line (决心冲向终点线), he ignored the pain from his bleeding ankles and ran as fast as his legs could carry him. (读后续写之动作描写)
★determine to do sth.决定做某事(强调动作) ★determined adj.意志坚定的;有决心的 be determined to do sth.决心/决定做某事(强调状态) ★determination n.决心;坚定 ★"决定做某事"的表达还有decide to do sth., make up one’s mind to do sth.等。
2 desiren.渴望,欲望 vt.渴望;期望
1.[外研必修③-5]Research also suggests that our desire  to seek (seek) risks can be connected to how much we expect to benefit from the result.
2.[外研选必③-2]There is greater public interest in old stories and traditions, as well as a desire  for  high-quality products.
3.After a few months, her only desire is that her son  (should) recover (recover) from the serious illness.
→①If  you desire to communicate fluently with foreigners in English ,I appeal to you to join our Spoken English Corner right away. (desire v.,不定式)
→②If  you have a strong desire that you (should) communicate fluently with foreigners in English , I appeal to you to join our Spoken English Corner right away. (desire n.,that从句)
appeal to sb. for/to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事;appeal to sb.还可意为"对某人有吸引力",例如:The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups.设计得要雅俗共赏,老幼皆宜。
★have a (strong) desire for sth./that...(should) do sth.(强烈)渴望得到某物/……做某事 a desire to do sth.做某事的愿望 ★desire (sb.) to do sth.渴望(某人)做某事 desire that... (should) do sth.渴望……做某事 ★desirable adj.可取的,值得做的
3 signalvt.标志着,表明(indicate);表示,表达 vt.&vi.发信号 n.信号;标志(sign);信号灯
1.A police car drew abreast(并排) of us and signaled us  to stop (stop).
2. The moment the bell signal(l)ed (铃声一响起), Richard rose to his feet, seized his schoolbag and rushed out of the classroom like an arrow. (the moment引导的时间状语从句) (读后续写之动作描写)
注意signal可直接加-ed或-ing,也可以双写l后再加。signal(l)ed; signal(l)ing。
The driver carefully picked up the injured boy, settled him in the back of the car and rushed him to the hospital, ignoring the traffic signals along the road .(分词短语作状语)
★signal (to) sb. to do sth.示意某人做某事 signal (to sb.) that示意(某人)…… ★traffic signals/lights 红绿灯
4 lackn.缺乏;短缺 vt.没有;缺乏
1.[人教选必①-4]His lack  of  eye contact when talking with people shows that he lacks confidence.
2.They gave up carrying on the plan  for  lack of money.
3.Though Jack was lacking  in  experience, he made up for it by working extra hard.
→①Because of the leak of personal information and frequent high-tech fraud, it seems that we  lack a sense of security  in this information era. (lack v.)
→②Because of the leak of personal information and frequent high-tech fraud, it seems that we  are lacking in a sense of security  in this information era. (lacking)
→③The leak of personal information and frequent high-tech fraud seem to cause  a lack of a sense of security  in this information era. (lack n.)
★(a/the) lack of... 缺乏…… for lack of... 因缺乏…… no lack of... 不缺…… ★lacking adj.缺少的,不足的 be lacking in... 缺少……
5 arguevt.&vi.论证;争辩 vi.争吵
1.Recently the couple have argued  with  each other a great deal since they have different analysis on the mystery.
2.[人教选必②-3] Put more simply, while people continue to argue  about/over  whether or not fatty food is dangerous, we already know that sugar is a killer.
3.The workers managed to argue their boss  into  giving them a pay rise.
4.[北师选必③-7]You and your parents are having an  argument (argue) about you staying out late on Friday night.
5.Some students think that wearing uniforms saves a lot of time for them. (正反观点)
→ Some students argue that  wearing uniforms saves a lot of time for them.(词汇升级)
6.Currently, 60% respondents  argue for (支持) garbage classification and people who  argue against (反对) it are in the minority. (正反观点)
★argue with sb. about/over sth.就某事与某人争吵/争论 argue that主张/认为…… argue for/against (doing)sth.赞成/反对(做)某事 argue sb. into/out of doing sth.说服某人做/不做某事 ★argument n.争论,争吵;论点 have an argument with sb. about/over sth.就某事与某人发生争吵/争论
6 attachvt.系;绑;贴;附上
1.[北师必修①-3]Next, the Chinese character Fu was attached upside down  to  our front door.
2.[外研选必④-1]As stated in my  attached (attach) CV, I can speak both English and French fluently.
句意:如所附简历所述,我能流利地说英语和法语。 CV在此表示"简历",相当于resume。
3.Generally, children are more  attached (attach) to their mother than their father.
She found a box lying on the table  with a card attached to it ,saying "Happy Mother’s Day".
5.学校应该重视学生的全面发展,而不仅仅是他们的成绩。 (个人观点)
Schools should  attach significance/importance to students’ all-round development  rather than only their grades.
be attached to中to为介词,后跟动词时,需要用其-ing形式。
★attach...to把……系/绑/贴/附在……上 attach (great) importance/significance/value to认为……(极为)重要/有价值 ★attached adj.热爱……的;附属的 be attached to喜欢,依恋;附属于 ★attachment n.附件;附属物;拥护;爱慕
7 carryon继续做,坚持干(keep,continue,goon,stickto)
1.[外研选必①-3]...Stephen was thought...to be too short, too thin and too weak to follow in his father’s footsteps. But Stephen carried  on . Playing basketball was his dream.
2.Carry on  exercising (exercise) and you will be in good shape.
3.Lacking sufficient oxygen, the astronaut could not carry on  with  the mission.
4.If you continue working like that, you will break down sooner or later.
→If you carry on  working like that, you will break down sooner or later.(词汇升级)
★carry on with/doing sth.继续做某事 carry sth. on=carry on sth.继续某事
8 resultin导致,造成(cause,leadto,bringabout,contributeto,accountfor)(后跟结果)
1.[北师选必①-3]Reduced rainfall in Canada resulted  in  a huge forest fire in May 2016.
2.[译林选必②-1]There have been a number of changes to the Pulitzer Prizes over time. Some of these resulted  from  advances in technology.
3.Kids will feel that parents don’t care and, as a result (结果), may see no point in trying hard for their accomplishments.
常见的表示结果的衔接词语还有:so, therefore, consequently, as a consequence, thus, hence, accordingly等。
→①There is no doubt that human activities  result in the bad environment . (result v.)
→②There is no doubt that the bad environment  results from human activities . (result v.)
→③There is no doubt that the environment becomes worse  as a result of human activities . (result n.)
★result from由……造成(后跟原因) ★as a result结果 as a result of由于……
9 runout用完,耗尽(beusedup);(文件)过期,失效(物作主语,无被动语态)
1.Tom started to run  after  Jerry at the sight of him, so Jerry had to run  away . Jerry was so nervous that he ran  into  a tree accidentally after a few minutes’ chase. Finally, their strength ran  out .
2.I ran  through  the text message in a hurry, not understanding a word of it.
 We were running out of petrol /Our petrol was running out , so we had to stop at the filling station, where we  ran into/across the man again .
run out (of)常用进行时表示将来。run out为不及物动词,通常物作主语;而run out of后可跟宾语,通常人作主语。
★run out of (=use up)用完(人作主语) run away (from...)逃离;避开 run for 竞选 run after 追求;追逐 run into 撞上;偶然遇见;遇到(困难等);途中遭遇(恶劣天气) run across偶然遇到;穿过 run through 快速阅读;迅速传遍
10 动词不定式作后置定语
1.[人教必修②-3]She realised that one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability  to remove (remove) the distance that usually exists between people.
2.The first person  to arrive (arrive) was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.
3.There was no signal in that faraway village and all my attempts  to contact (contact) you failed.
4.我个人认为,我是从事这项工作的最佳人选。 (申请信)
Personally, I think  I am the best person to take up the job .
★当中心词是序数词或被序数词、形容词最高级、the next/only/last/very/right等修饰或限定时,常用不定式作后置定语。 ★动词不定式作后置定语常用来修饰抽象名词,常见的这类名词有:way, time, ability, chance, ambition, anxiety, belief, attempt等。
1.No one could have foreseen that things would turn out this way. It is so surprising!  v.预见 
2.[人教选必④-2]The Eiffel Tower...wasn’t always so popular. In fact, in 1886, just after its construction was first proposed, many were strongly against it.   v.提议 
-pos-"放置",词尾+e ,propose→提前摆放出来→提议,打算。
3.[2022全国乙]However, we all witness that preschool children are remarkably bad at hiding.They often cover only their eyes with their hands, leaving the rest of their bodies exposed. adj.学龄前的 
4.None of us can foretell what lies ahead, so what we can do is to value every moment of our lives. v.预言,预测,预知 
tell"说",foretell→预先说→预言。Unit 4 Space Exploration
[素材创新/]During space missions, astronauts can experience a loss of some of the inner structural support in their bones, reducing the density(密度) of them. For trips in space lasting at least 6 months, the bone loss is equal to about 20 years of aging. Fortunately, a new study finds a year back on earth rebuilds about half of strength lost in the affected bones.
"Our bones are always remodeling(重塑)," notes exercise scientist Leigh Gabel. "But they’ll lose some of their strength when in space."
Gabel was part of a team that tracked 17 astronauts. Each of these 14 men and 3 women had spent from 4 to 7 months in space. The team measured the 3-D structure of their bones. They focused on the structure of the tibia(胫骨) in the lower leg and the lower-arm bone. The researchers took images of the bones 4 times — before spaceflight, then when the astronauts returned from space, and again six months and one year later. From the pictures, they got to know an astronaut’s bone strength and density at each of those times.
Astronauts in space for less than six months recovered their preflight bone strength after a year back on earth. But those who stayed in space longer suffered permanent bone loss in their tibias. That loss was equal to a decade of aging. The lower-arm bones showed almost no loss. That was likely because these aren’t weight-bearing bones on earth, Gabel explains. In fact, those arms can get a bigger workout in space than on earth as astronauts use them to move around their craft by pushing off handles and doorways.
"Increasing weight-lifting exercises in space could help reduce bone loss in legs," says exercise scientist Steven Boyd.
"With longer spaceflight, we can expect bigger bone loss — and probably a bigger problem with recovery," says physiologist Laurence Vico. "Space agencies should also consider other bone heath measures to reduce bone loss and increase bone formation."
1. What may the author think of the new study’s discovery?
A. It shows bone loss in space can be ignored.
B. It’s really beyond the researchers’ expectations.
C. It shows people on earth don’t suffer bone loss.
D. It’s probably good news for astronauts back from space.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第一段中的"Fortunately, a new study finds a year back on earth rebuilds about half of strength lost in the affected bones"可知,研究的发现对于从太空归来的宇航员来说理应是好消息,故本题选D。
2. What does Para. 3 mainly talk about?
A. The focus of the researchers’ study.
B. How Gabel’s team carried out their research.
C. Why the researchers took pictures four times.
D. Changes of the astronauts’ bone strength and density.
解析 B 段落大意题。通读第三段可知,本段主要讲述的是Gabel的团队如何开展他们的研究,故本题选B。
3. What does the underlined word in Para. 4 probably mean?
A. Regular. B. Limited.
C. Everlasting. D. Typical.
解析 C 词义猜测题。结合第四段中的"Astronauts in space for less than six months recovered their preflight bone strength after a year back on earth"、画线词所在句中的关键词But以及最后一段中的"With longer spaceflight, we can expect bigger bone loss — and probably a bigger problem with recovery"不难推知,permanent应该与recovered在意义上相对立,再结合四个选项可知,在太空中待的时间更长的宇航员的胫骨遭受的骨质流失应该是永久性的,故本题选C。
4. Which of the following statements may Boyd agree with?
A. A spaceflight less than half a year does no harm to astronauts.
B. Astronauts can avoid bone loss through doing enough exercise.
C. Spaceflight should be limited as much as possible for astronauts’ safety.
D. Using some exercise devices for legs may help the astronauts in space.
解析 D 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中Boyd的话"Increasing weight-lifting exercises in space could help reduce bone loss in legs"可知,本题选D。
[科技创新/2024四川绵阳零诊]Nuclear bombs. That’s the go-to answer for incoming space objects like asteroids(小行星) and comets as far as Hollywood is concerned. Movies like DeepImpact and Armageddon rely on nuclear weapons, delivered by stars like Bruce Willis, to save the world and deliver the drama.
But planetary defense experts say in reality, if astronomers spotted a dangerous in-coming space rock, the safest and best answer might be something more subtle, like simply pushing it off course by crashing it with a small spacecraft.
That’s just what NASA did on Monday evening, when a spacecraft headed straight into an asteroid called Dimorphos, which is around 7 million miles away and poses no threat to Earth. It’s about 525 feet across and orbits another larger asteroid.
In images streamed(传输) as the crash neared, the egg-shaped asteroid grew in size from a little spot on screen to have its full rocky surface come quickly into focus before the signal went dead as the craft hit right on target.
Events happened exactly as engineers had planned, they said, with nothing going wrong. "As far as we can tell, our first planetary defense test was a success," said Elena Adams, the mission systems engineer, who added that scientists looked on with "both terror and joy" as the spacecraft neared its final destination.
The crash was the peak of NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), a 7-year and more than $300 million effort which launched a space vehicle in November of 2021 to perform humanity’s first-ever test of planetary defense technology. It will be about two months, scientists said, before they will be able to determine if the crash was enough to drive the asteroid slightly off course, probably shortening its original orbit.
NASA plans to launch an asteroid-hunting space telescope named NEO Surveyor in 2026. "We’ve tracked lots of space rocks, especially the larger ones that could cause extinction-level events. Thankfully, none currently threatens Earth. But many asteroids the size of Dimorphos haven’t yet been discovered, and those could potentially take out a city if they came crashing down," explains Lindley Johnson, NASA’s Planetary Defense Officer.
1. Why does the author mention the movies?
A. To make a prediction.
B. To introduce the topic.
C. To provide a possibility.
D. To make a comparison.
解析 B 推理判断题。由第一段中的"Movies like DeepImpact and Armageddon rely on nuclear weapons, delivered by stars like Bruce Willis, to save the world and deliver the drama"和第二段"But planetary defense experts say in reality, if astronomers spotted a dangerous in-coming space rock, the safest and best answer might be something more subtle, like simply pushing it off course by crashing it with a small spacecraft"可推知,作者提到电影是为了引出下文用小型航天器撞击危险的太空岩石,介绍文章的话题,故选B。
2. What can we infer from the passage?
A. NASA pushed Dimorphos by crashing.
B. The 7-year program has drawn a conclusion.
C. NEO Surveyor has tracked lots of space rocks.
D. Dimorphos could cause extinction-level events.
解析 A 推理判断题。由第二段"But planetary defense experts say in reality, if astronomers spotted a dangerous in-coming space rock, the safest and best answer might be something more subtle, like simply pushing it off course by crashing it with a small spacecraft"和第三段中的"That’s just what NASA did on Monday evening, when a spacecraft headed straight into an asteroid called Dimorphos"可推知,本题选A。
3. Which statement does Lindley Johnson most possibly agree with?
A. Larger asteroids will not be a threat to Earth.
B. NASA should shoulder the responsibility for the crash.
C. Asteroids like Dimorphos are more destructive than other larger ones.
D. NEO Surveyor is expected to discover asteroids the size of Dimorphos.
解析 D 推理判断题。由最后一段中的"NASA plans to launch an asteroid-hunting space telescope named NEO Surveyor in 2026"和Lindley Johnson的话"But many asteroids the size of Dimorphos haven’t yet been discovered, and those could potentially take out a city if they came crashing down"可推知,计划发射NEO Surveyor是为了发现像Dimorphos这样大小的小行星,从而帮助人类及时规避风险,Lindley Johnson作为美国国家航空航天局的行星防御官会同意这一观点,故选D。
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A. The impact of planetary defense technology
B. A threat to Earth from asteroids
C. The contribution to space safety
D. An intentional crash in space
解析 D 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了美国国家航空航天局的行星防御专家实施行星防御测试,利用小型航天器撞击一块即将到来的危险太空岩石,使太空岩石偏离轨道的事情。由此可知,D项最能概括文章大意,适合做文章标题。
Katya Echazarreta, 26, made history when she became the first Mexican-born woman to travel into space.
"It’s been my life’s goal to get into the space  1  and reach space," she said.
Born in Mexico, Katya moved with her family to San Diego at 7. At that young age, she asked her mother,"What do you think is the most  2  thing somebody can do?" Her mother  3 , "For you, I think maybe being a(n) 4 ."
At that time, Katya  5  to someday meet that challenge and travel to space.
As a child, she would look up to the stars and believe she would someday reach them. She worked so hard in order to make that big  6  come true.
When her parents’ marriage came to an end, she helped  7  her younger brothers and sisters and started a job at McDonald’s. Though she had to work long hours, she never lost sight of her dream.
After college, she accepted an internship(实习) at NASA, achieving her first  8  of working in the space industry. She did a great job and was  9  a full-time job later.
In 2019, Katya heard of a  10  opportunity offered by Space for Humanity. The organization looked for applications for its first Citizen Astronaut program, which would  11  one person to join a six-person space flight as part of a June 2022 mission.  12 , Katya was chosen from thousands of people.
"One of the most  13  things of this was getting to tell my mom," Katya shared. She always thinks it was her mother’s  14  that kept her working hard and dreaming big. "The  15  in space was absolutely wonderful," Katya added. "And I finally achieved my lifelong dream."
本文为记叙文,主要讲述了Katya Echazarreta实现飞向太空的梦想的故事。
1. A. wish B. information
C. industry D. organization
解析 C 投身太空行业(industry)和抵达太空一直是我的目标。
2. A. official B. popular
C. formal D.challenging
解析 D 你认为一个人所能做的最有挑战的(challenging)事情是什么?challenging与第5空所在句中的meet that challenge相吻合。
3. A. replied B. shouted
C. explained D. ordered
解析 A 结合上文的问题可知,此处说的应该是"母亲回答说……",故用replied。
4. A. engineer B. scientist
C. reporter D. astronaut
解析 D 结合下文内容可知,空格所填词表示的应是"航天员",故选D。
5. A. stopped B. refused
C. agreed D. determined
解析 D 此处说的是"那时,Katya决定(determined)将来迎接挑战,飞向太空"。
6.A. imagination B.dream
C. difficulty D. difference
解析 B 此处说的是"为了让远大的梦想(dream)变成现实,她学习非常努力",故选B。
7. A. care for B. turn around
C. pick out D. prepare for
解析 A 此处说的是Katya帮忙照看(care for)年幼的弟弟和妹妹,故选A。
8.A. discussion B. responsibility
C. mission D. education
解析 C 此处说的是"完成她的第一个任务(mission)——进入太空行业工作",故选C。
9.A. offered B. lent
C. prevented D. advised
解析 A Katya表现突出,之后获得了全职工作。offer在此表示"给予,提供"。
10.A. serious B. basic
C. precious D.various
解析 C 此处指Katya获悉了一个宝贵的(precious)机会,故选C。
11.A. warn B.allow
C. invite D. cause
解析 B 此处说的是该计划可以允许一个人加入一个六人的航空之旅。allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事。
12.A. Luckily B. Suddenly
C. Probably D. Generally
解析 A 幸运的是(Luckily),Katya从数千人中脱颖而出。
13.A. popular B. beautiful
C. careful D. surprising
解析 B 此处说的是"这一切之中最美好的(beautiful)事情之一是得以告诉妈妈",故选B。
14.A. doubt B. success
C. worry D. support
解析 D 她一直认为是妈妈的支持(support)让她努力工作和心怀远大梦想,故选D。
15.A. experience B. celebration
C. challenge D. imagination
解析 A 所填词指的应该是飞入太空的这一经历(experience),故选A。
[2023江西南昌一模]A small device, MOXIE, has produced oxygen on the surface of Mars,1    (bring) the chances of surviving on the red planet a step closer. Research published in 2     journal ScienceAdvances reported that MOXIE produced breathable oxygen in seven-hour-long tests conducted in various weather and atmospheric(大气的) conditions last year. The research also found that even in extreme 3    (temperature) and after a Martian dust storm, MOXIE 4    (continue) to produce high-purity oxygen.
"This is the first demonstration of actually using resources on the surface of Mars and transforming 5    (they) chemically into something useful for a human mission," Jeffrey Hoffman, a 6    (retire) astronaut, said.
"The thin atmosphere on Mars is 96 percent carbon dioxide and much more7    (change) than that on Earth and the temperature can vary by 100 degrees," Hoffman said. "One aim is to show we can run MOXIE in all seasons."
The device, MOXIE, uses some special pumps,8     suck in carbon dioxide. The gas 9    (heat) to 800 ℃ and pressed to separate the carbon and oxygen. Carbon monoxide is sent out as waste while the pure oxygen is left behind.
Despite the challenges, MOXIE has proved durable in the extreme conditions on Mars and scientists regard the test results 10     a great achievement.
1.bringing 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,本句的谓语动词是has produced,空处所填词为非谓语动词;结合语境可知,此处应用现在分词形式表示自然而然的结果,且此处表示主动关系,所以空处填bringing。
2.the 考查冠词。分析语境可知,此处表示特指,所以空处填定冠词the。
3.temperatures 考查名词的数。由空前的extreme可知,空处应用名词,此处表示各种极端温度,所以空处填名词复数temperatures。
4.continued 考查动词的时态和语态。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词在句中作宾语从句的谓语。结合主句的谓语found可知,此处时态也用一般过去时;主语MOXIE与continue之间是主动关系,所以空处填continued。
5.them 考查代词。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词作transforming的宾语,应用宾格形式,所以空处填them。
6.retired 考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词修饰空后的名词astronaut,应用形容词,所以空处填retired(已退休的)。
7.changeable 考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词在句中作表语,表示事物的特征,应用形容词,所以空处填changeable。
8.which 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词引导非限制性定语从句,先行词指物,关系词在从句中作主语,所以空处填which。
9.is heated 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词在句中作谓语。结合语境可知,时态用一般现在时;主语The gas与heat之间是被动关系;主语The gas表第三人称单数概念,所以空处填is heated。
10.as 考查介词。此处考查固定表达regard...as...(把……看作……)。Unit 4 Space Exploration
1.[2023新高考Ⅰ]Somehow, these  arguments (argue) and reasoning resulted in a global reduction in error.
2.[2023全国乙]Once we found the place, it was stressful getting lights and cameras set up in the  limited (limit) time.
3.[2022新高考Ⅰ]As a special education teacher at the school, I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was proud of his strong  determination (determine).
4. [2022全国乙] The more  regularly (regular) they can be inspected, the more railway safety, reliability and on-time performance will be improved.
5.[2022北京] Crystal set out to change that, and helped to create a  global (globe) movement.
6. [2022浙江1月]The project required each team to develop a hypothesis(假说), set up an experiment to test the hypothesis, do the statistical  analysis (analyse) and present the findings.
7.[2021新高考Ⅱ]For the first few days, Kynan was always a bit  disappointed (disappoint) that the cubs(幼兽) weren’t there.
注意a bit, a little, a little bit修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级;a bit of, a little of, a little bit of修饰名词。根据空前的a bit可知,空处应用形容词。
8.[2021浙江]The study showed the animals had figured  out  how to apply what they learned about human faces during training to new faces in the testing stage.
9.[2020新高考Ⅰ]His efforts have resulted  in  1,360 acres of naturally-grown land that has become home to many plants and animals.
10.[2020全国Ⅰ] While I tend to buy a lot of books, these three were given to me as gifts, which might add to the meaning I attach  to  them.
I attach to them为省略了关系词that/which的定语从句,修饰the meaning,关系词在定语从句中作宾语。句意:尽管我常常买很多书,但这三本是别人送给我的礼物,这一点也许增加了我赋予它们的意义。
11.[全国Ⅲ]For many older people...driving is important for preserving their  independence (independent), giving them the freedom to get out and about without having to rely on others.
A. v.示意 B. v.发信号 C. n.信号灯
①[2022全国乙]With their ability to see ahead, they could signal any problem, so that fast-moving trains would be able to react in time.  B 
②[2020浙江]The traffic signals along Factoria Boulevard in Bellevue, Washington, generally don’t flash the same length of green twice in a row, especially at rush hour.  C 
③[湖北高考]In order not to be heard, she pointed her finger upwards to signal that someone was moving about upstairs. A 
2.[2020天津]If you want to have a business of your own, your local library can become a launch space for it.   n.发起 
3.[北京高考]Because of the way light reflects off the organisms, these phytoplankton create colourfulpatterns at the ocean surface.  n.图案 
写作一 基础写作——最喜爱的小说
你班英语老师请大家以"My Favorite Novel"为题准备一份发言稿,以便在下次的口语课上分享,内容包括:
1.我很高兴向你们介绍我最喜欢的书《八十天环游地球》,它由法国杰出作家Jules Verne撰写,希望你们也会感兴趣。(in the hope that)
 I’m glad to introduce you to my favorite book AroundtheWorldinEightyDays written by Jules Verne, an outstanding French writer, in the hope that you will be also interested. 
2.这是一部科幻小说,讲述了一位英国绅士Phileas Fogg先生的故事,他决心在八十天内环游世界。(determined, globe)
 It is science fiction about an English gentleman, Mr. Phileas Fogg, who is determined to travel around the globe within eighty days. 
3.即使面临许多困难和挑战,他仍继续他的旅程,并最终实现了目标。(carry on)
 Even faced with lots of difficulties and challenges, he carries on with his journey and finally achieves his goal. 
4.作者生动的描述和Phileas Fogg先生对探索世界的强烈愿望给我留下了深刻印象。(desire n.)
 I am deeply impressed by the writer’s vivid description and Mr. Phileas Fogg’s strong desire for the exploration of the world. 
5.只有读了这本小说,我才完全明白是勇气和胆量让我们成功,并激励我们不断前进。(result in)
 Only by reading this novel have I fully understood it is bravery and courage that result in our success and inspire us to move forward constantly. 
 Hello,everyone. I’m glad to introduce you to my favorite book AroundtheWorldinEightyDays written by Jules Verne, an outstanding French writer, in the hope that you will be also interested. 
 It is science fiction about an English gentleman, Mr. Phileas Fogg, who is determined to travel around the globe within eighty days. Even faced with lots of difficulties and challenges, he carries on with his journey and finally achieves his goal. I am deeply impressed by the writer’s vivid description and Mr. Phileas Fogg’s strong desire for the exploration of the world. 
 Only by reading this novel have I fully understood it is bravery and courage that result in our success and inspire us to move forward constantly. 
写作二 读后续写——情感描写之宽慰与骄傲
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 relief, pride; relieved, proud 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.他高昂着头,把奖杯抱在胸前,站在队伍的前面。  Holding his head high , he held the cup against his breast and stood at the head of the line.(现在分词作状语) 2.得知孩子们安全后,她如释重负地松了一口气。 Knowing her children were safe, she  breathed a sigh of relief . 3.我自信且骄傲地走进体育馆,期待着为自己近期的胜利再添一冠。  Confident and proud , I walked into the stadium expecting to add another crown to my recent success.(形容词短语作状语) 4.我为自己感到骄傲,因为我从来没想到自己可以成为救援队的一分子并真正发挥作用。 I  was proud of/took pride in  myself, as I had never imagined I could be part of a rescue party and really make a difference. 5.我被震撼到了,为这个男孩的勇敢感到满腔自豪。 I was blown away and  swelled with pride  in the boy’s bravery. 6.他们看向彼此,心中一阵宽慰。在灾难中幸存让他们对这个世界深怀感恩。 They looked at each other, and felt  a wave of relief . Surviving the disaster, they had a deep gratitude towards the world.
词 组 1.smile with relief宽慰地笑 2.a wave of relief一阵宽慰 3.to one’s great relief使某人大为宽慰的是 4.breathe a sigh of relief如释重负地松了口气 5.a mixture of warmth and relief温暖和宽慰交织 6.a great sense of pride强烈的自豪感 7.be proud of/take pride in以……为骄傲 8.hold one’s head high高昂着头 9.be full of pride/burst with pride 充满了自豪 10.swell with pride满腔自豪
佳 句 1.Hiseyesshiningwithdelightandpride, he couldn’t say a word. 他眼里闪烁着喜悦与骄傲,一句话也说不出来。 2.We succeeded in climbing onto the helicopter,sighingwithrelief. 我们成功爬上了直升机,松了一口气。 3.Feeling arushofpride, she ran to her son and put her arms around him. 她突然感到一阵自豪,跑过去搂住了她的儿子。 4.I have never seen her cry before, but now I can see tearsofreliefwellingupinhereyes.我从没有见她哭过,但是现在我看到她眼中涌出了宽慰的泪水。