人教版(2019)必修 第二册 Unit 5 Music课时练(含答案 4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册 Unit 5 Music课时练(含答案 4份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-04 22:04:07


Unit 5 Music
1. opportunity n.机会;时机
2. ordinary adj.普通的;平凡的
3. award vt.授予n.奖品
4. stage n.(发展或进展的)时期;阶段;(多指剧场中的)舞台
5. altogether adv.(用以强调)全部;总共
6. thus adv.如此;因此
7. nowadays adv.现在;目前
8. cure vt.治愈;治好(疾病);解决(问题)n.药物;治疗;(解决问题、改善糟糕情况的)措施
9. previous adj.先前的;以往的
10. impact n.巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力
11. aim n.目的;目标vi.&vt.力求达到;力争做到;瞄准vt.目的是;旨在
12. talent n.天才;天资;天赋
13. disease n.(疾)病
14. ache vi.&n.疼痛
15. moreover adv.而且;此外
1. energy n.能源;能量;精力 → energetic adj.精力充沛的
2. compose vt.&vi.创作;作曲 → composition n.成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品 → composer n.作曲者;作曲家
3. perform vi.&vt.表演;履行;执行 → performance n.表演;演技;表现 → performer n.表演者;演员
4. able adj.有能力的;能干的 → enable vt.使能够;使可能 → disable vt.使丧失能力;使残疾 → disabled adj.无能力的;残疾的 → disability n.残疾 → ability n.能力;才能
5. prove vt.证明;展现 → proof n.证据
6. origin n.起源;出身 → originate vi.起源;发源 → original adj.原来的;独创的;原作的n.原件;原作 → originally adv.最初;原来
7. relief n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱 → relieve vt.减轻;缓解 → relieved adj.放心的;宽慰的
8. employ vt.雇用;利用 → employment n.就业;使用;雇用 → employer n.雇主 → employee n.雇员 → unemployed adj.失业的;待业的 → unemployment n.失业
9. equip vt.装备;配备 → equipment n.设备;装备
10. assume vt.以为;假设 → assumption n.假设;推断 → assuming conj.假设;假定
11. satisfy vt.使满意 → satisfaction n.满足;满意;欣慰 → satisfied adj.满意的 → satisfying adj.使某人满意的 → satisfactory adj.令人满意的;够好的;可以的
12. vary vi.变化;有不同vt.改变,使多样化 → various adj.各种不同的;各种各样的 → variety n.多样性
13. repeat vt.重复;复述;重做 → repetition n.重复;重做
1.classical adj.  古典的;经典的 
2.soul n.  灵魂;心灵 
3.conductor n.  (乐队、合唱团等的)指挥;(公共汽车的)售票员 
4.phenomenon n.  现象 
5.band n.  乐队;带子 
6.gradual adj.  逐渐的;渐进的 
7.capable adj.  有能力的;有才能的 
8.romantic adj.  浪漫的  n.  浪漫的人 
9.album n.  相册;集邮簿;音乐专辑 
10.addition n.  添加;加法;增加物 
11.treatment n.  治疗;对待;处理 
12.lean vi.  倚靠;倾斜 
13.outline n.&vt. 概述;概要 
14.reaction n.  反应;回应 
1. fall in love with 爱上
2. absorbed in sth./sb. 被……吸引住;专心致志
3. set sth. up 安装好(设备或机器)
4. try out 参加……选拔(或试演)
5. in addition(to sb./sth.) 除……以外(还)
6. from (then) on 从(那)时起
7. get through (设法)处理;完成
1.Imagine having the opportunity to sing together with hundreds of other people while you are at home alone . (while引导时间状语从句)
2. As one virtual choir member said , "Music helps me to...forget my problems. With music, I become someone else." (as引导非限制性定语从句)
3. Moved by this music , he said,"It was like seeing color for the first time." (过去分词短语作状语)
4.Two years ago, I was told I had a serious disease  which was difficult to cure .(主语+be+adj.+不定式)
5. Music is the medicine of the mind . (暗喻)
1.In their class there are  altogether (总共) 54 students, about 70% of whom passed this test.
2.Gradually AI finds its way into the  ordinary (普通的) homes, bringing fun as well as convenience to the people.
3.Despite the  previous (先前的) rounds of talks, no agreement has been reached so far by the two sides.
4.There has been positive reaction to the proposal to help the disabled, the  impact (巨大影响) of which will be lasting especially for the young.
5.The winning composer will get an  opportunity (机会) to perform at the next NATS National Conference.
6.The charming scenery of the lake attracts thousands of tourists every year.  Moreover (此外), it’s a place where many romantic stories happened in old Chinese folk tales.
7.Many bad habits can be especially difficult to  cure  because they are likely to have been formed at a very young age.
8.He was  awarded  the Nobel Prize for achievements in physiology.
9.Jill has a great  talent  for music and she is sure to be a distinguished musician.
10.The radio program was founded in 2016. It is  aimed  at providing a good platform for the students to share their school life.
1.All the athletes  performed  well in the Olympic Games and their  performance(s)  deserved our respect, no matter whether they won a gold medal or not. (perform)
2.As is known to all, education is a  gradual  process, and people are  gradually  aware of its importance. (gradual)
3.To keep  energetic , he sets aside two hours a day to take exercise.That’s why he is always full of  energy .(energy)
4.Our school offers such good  equipment  and you will be well  equipped  with knowledge and skills for your future job. (equip)
5.We don’t want any special  treatment . Just  treat  us like other visitors. (treat)
6.To the  satisfaction  of the manager, the customer was  satisfied  with the service provided, and commented it was a  satisfactory/satisfying  experience. (satisfy)
7.Finally, Cathy found  employment  in a small bakery. The owner,Mrs.White, was a very good  employer , who seldom, if ever, got angry with her  employees . (employ)
8.My friend Howard is a  talented  pianist. The first time I met him was on a  talent  show. (talent)
9.Penny used to have a lot of trouble with her life due to her  disability . However, this new equipment  enables  her to walk freely now. With it, she is even  able  to dance for a little. (able)
10. Originally , I had intended to go to the bookstore and buy TheThree-BodyProblem. The author is of Chinese origin . But the rain forced me to change my plan. (origin)
fall in love with absorbed in sth./sb. set up try out
in addition(to sb./sth.) from then on get through
1. Absorbed in  painting, John didn’t notice evening approaching.
2.A smile can help us  get through  a difficult situation and find friends in a world full of strangers.
3.After just a few months in China, Leon, an exchange student from Germany, says that he has  fallen in love with  Chinese culture.
4.At the age of 21, he had to live on a wheelchair. It was impossible for him to speak, read and write  from then  on .
5.It was he who first  set up  private schools and received students from every walk of life.
6.This album inspired me to travel around and  try out various exotic-flavoured(异国风味的) dishes!
7.Bicycling is good for health; in addition , it doesn’t pollute the environment.
My sister cleaned up the floor while I was preparing dinner .
You can’t judge a book by its cover, as the old saying goes .
 Bathed in the sunshine , we talked and laughed while picking apples.
The surrounding scenery of the farm was very wonderful, and  the air there was so good to breathe .
As is known to all, the eyes are the window of the mind .Unit 5 Music
It has been proved that certain classical music compositions have a positive impact on treatment for some diseases. Music is also a powerful medicine for the soul. There is clear evidence that music serves as a relief and cure for mood disorders. Music can help us getthrough difficult emotions. When we are absorbedin music, our worries seem to fade away. Inaddition, music enables us to turn an ordinary event into something more enjoyable. Moreover, learning to play musical instruments,performing in a band or singing in a choir on stage, can enhance learning performance, improve social skills and develop teamwork and persistence.
Music is also a source of entertainment. Nowadays,various music competitions provide capableperformers with an opportunity to compare with others. Although the efforts and energies of the participants who aim to win awards may end in vain somehow, they do display their talent and may succeed one day.
Altogether music has a unique power in remarkable and complex ways, and thus it’s reasonable to assume that we human beings are a musical species.
1 provevt.证明;展现 linkingv.证明是,结果是(turnout)
1.[人教必修①-4]Tangshan city has proved  to  China and the rest of the world that in times of disaster, people must unify and show the wisdom to stay positive and rebuild for a brighter future.
此句中含有prove sth. to sb.这一结构,只是sth.为一个较长的从句,因此后置,变成prove to sb. that...。
2.[外研必修③-3]In fact, more than one account suggests that while Newton was certainly inspired by a falling apple, there is no  proof  that it hit him on the head.
 To our excitement, this activity proved (to be) a great success. (prove linkingv.)
此处prove是系动词,表示"证明是",通常用于prove (to be)+n./adj.搭配中,可以与turn out互换。注意:prove作系动词时,无被动语态,用主动形式表示被动意义。
 It has been proved that keeping a good mood helps to protect you against illness. (it作形式主语)
★prove sth. to sb. 向某人证明某事 prove sb./oneself (to be )+n./adj.证明某人是…… It’s proved that...据证明……,据证实…… ★prove (to be)+n./adj.证明是…… ★proof n. [C, U]证据(pl. proofs)
2 awardvt.授予;判给;奖励 n.奖,奖品;助学金
1.Tu Youyou was awarded (award) the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine  for  her discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria.
2.The Nobel Prize is awarded  to those who make great contributions in their own fields every year.
 Learning that you have won/got the award for the best student , I’m writing to congratulate you.(分词短语作状语)
award vt.授予;判给;奖励。award sb. sth.=award sth. to sb.
reward vt.报答;酬谢。reward sb. for sth. 因某事报答某人。reward sb. with sth.用某物酬谢某人。
prize n.奖赏,奖品。win/take/get/receive first prize in...获得……一等奖。
★win/get/receive an award (for sth.)(因某事)赢得/获得/得到奖项 ★award sb. sth. (for...)=award sth. to sb. (for...)(因……)授予/奖励某人某物;把某物判给某人
3 curevt.治愈;治好(疾病);解决(问题) n.药物;治疗;(解决问题、改善糟糕情况的)措施
1.[外研必修③-3]Currently, there’s no cure  for  Alzheimer’s, but scientists are researching ways to improve the quality of life for people living with the disease.
I am very grateful to my uncle, who helped cure me of many unhealthy living habits . (定语从句)
"v.+sb.+of+sth." 形式的固定搭配还有:accuse sb. of sth.控告某人某事;convince sb. of sth.使某人相信某事;inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事;remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事;rob sb. of sth.抢劫某人某物;suspect sb. of sth.怀疑某人某事。
★a cure for... ……的治愈方法;解决……的措施 ★cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人的某种疾病;改正某人的某种不良行为
4 aimn.目的;目标 vi.&vt.力求达到;力争做到;瞄准 vt.目的是;旨在
1.[人教必修②-2]The organisation aims  to rescue (rescue) and raise orphan elephants, and then return them to the wild.
2.I will start doing my homework at 8 pm, and aim at  finishing (finish) it in two hours.
3.The school is going to hold a cross-country running. It is aimed  at  enriching our extra-curricular activities. (比赛通知)
→①The school is going to hold a cross-country running, which is aimed at enriching our extra-curricular activities . (定语从句)
→②The school is going to hold a cross-country running  aimed at enriching our extra-curricular activities . (分词短语作定语)
→③The school is going to hold a cross-country running, with the aim of enriching our extra-curricular activities . (aim n.)
★be aimed at (doing)sth.目的是做某事 aim to do... 力争做…… aim at 目的是;瞄准 ★with the aim of... 以……为目标
5 assumevt.以为;假设
1.We are working on the  assumption (assume) that everyone invited will turn up.
2.If everything goes well, the bridge will be completed and open to traffic next year.
→ Assuming (that) everything goes well , the bridge will be completed and open to traffic next year. (句式升级)
3.人们普遍认为,如果我们继续破坏生态系统,更多物种将会灭绝。 (倡议)
 It is generally assumed that more species will become extinct  if we continue to destroy the ecosystem. (it作形式主语)
★It is assumed that...人们认为…… ★assuming (that)... 假设…… ★assumption n.假定;假设 on the assumption that... 假设……
6 absorbedinsth./sb.被……吸引住;专心致志
1.Plants absorb carbon dioxide  from  the air and moisture from the soil.
2.Absorbed  in  the book, he didn’t notice his brother’s phone ringing.
be absorbed in去掉be动词后的过去分词短语通常在句中作状语,具有类似含义及用法的短语还有be lost in, be buried in等。
3.The student was absorbed  in  reading a book and didn’t notice his teacher behind him.
→The student, absorbed in reading a book , didn’t notice his teacher behind him. (过去分词短语作定语)
★absorb vt.吸收;吸引全部注意力,使全神贯注;理解,掌握 absorb one’s attention 吸引某人的注意 absorb... from... 从……中吸收……
7 getthrough(设法)处理;完成;打通(电话);通过;用完;耗尽;熬过(困难时期)
①[人教选必①-4]A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers.  熬过 
②I rang you up several times this morning but somehow could not get through.  打通(电话) 
③In spite of the difficulties, he managed to get through the work on time.  完成 
④Assuming that I get throughGaokao, my father will reward me with a latest laptop.  通过 
2.Having lived in China for months, I have got used to  having (have) an afternoon nap(午睡).
3.As an outgoing boy, I can  get along/on well with the rest of the team (与队里其他成员相处得很好). (申请信)
★get across 被理解;把……讲清楚 get over 克服 get on/along with进展;与……相处 get down to (doing)sth. 开始(做)某事 get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事
4.I tried to answer questions more often in class, attempting to  get over my shyness (克服我的羞怯).
本单元:per-(完全的)+-form-(形式)→呈现出完整的形式→perform vi.&vt.表演vt.履行;执行
1.[外研必修②-2]Traditionally, people send written invitations for  formal  events such as weddings. Similarly,these invitations are answered in writing.
2.[外研选必②-3]More than 40 years ago, China began to implement the  reform  and opening-up policy, starting out on a journey that would pave the way for China to become a fully-modernised socialist country.
3.[2020浙江]New power machinery and artificial fertilizers(化肥) have now totally  transformed  a way of life that started in the Stone Age.
4.Nowadays, the Internet enables us to make more  informed  choices about what major we should choose in university.
5.Each of the contestants put on a wonderful  performance — they all really wanted to win!
informed在此作形容词,意为"明智的"。Unit 5 Music
Pain and sadness are things most of us have experienced, or probably will. After all, they are part of human life and we need them at least one time to become fully adult. But there is no question that the experience can be disastrous.
But research shows there are pathways through the heartache. Listening to sad music is a major one. It can help you begin to feel joy and hopefulness again. That may sound conflicting. A recent study from Germany found listening to sad music could bring a feeling of empathy(同感) and a desire to connect with others. That, itself, is a psychological recovery. It draws you away from concentrating on your life, and possibly towards helping others in need of comfort.
Another study, from the University of Kent, found that when people were experiencing sadness, listening to music that was "beautiful but sad" could improve their moods. In fact, it did so when people first consciously embraced(欣然接受) their awareness of the situation causing their sadness, and then began listening to sad music. That is, when they believed that sad music might help, they found that it did.
These findings are linked with other studies that show embracing your sad situation — accepting reality as it is — quickens your recovery and growth. In short, acknowledging your negative experience brings you hope — another seeming paradox. For example, research from Cornell University, which was published in PsychologicalScience, found that embracing discomfort about a life experience or new situation and viewing it as a step towards growth and change provided motivation to find a pathway through it.
As Winston Churchill said, "If you’re going through hell, keep going." That discomfort points you towards creating a plan and taking new action. It fuels hope.
【词语积累】 disastrous adj.极糟糕的,灾难性的,完全失败的 pathway n.途径,行动路线 conflicting adj.冲突的,矛盾的 face up to sth.敢于面对,勇于正视(困难或不快之事)
【熟词生义】 fuel 常用义:n.燃料 文中义:v.助长,刺激,增加,加强
【长难句解读】 Another study,from the University of Kent,found
that(when people were experiencing sadness),listing to music (that was “beautiful but
sad”) could improve their moods.
1. What message is conveyed in paragraph 1?
A. Life is not all roses.
B. Misfortunes never come alone.
C. Every coin has two sides.
D. Enough is better than too much.
解析 C 推理判断题。由第一段中的"they are part of human life and we need them ...the experience can be disastrous"可知,痛苦和悲伤是人类生活的一部分,我们至少需要经历一次这些来成长,但是毫无疑问,这些经历可能会是毁灭性的。由此可知,痛苦和悲伤既有好的一面,也有不好的一面,故C项切题。
2. What did research find about listening to sad music?
A. It can relieve a broken heart.
B. It is likely to help people feel confident.
C. It reminds people of the sufferings.
D. It keeps people in the state of concentration.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第二段中的"But research shows ... feel joy and hopefulness again"可知,研究发现度过心痛期的方法有很多,听悲伤的音乐就是其中一个重要的方法,故选A项。
3. Which of the following best explains "paradox" in paragraph 4?
A. Barrier. B.Contradiction.
C. Prediction. D. Tendency.
解析 B 词义猜测题。由画线词前的"embracing your sad situation...acknowledging your negative experience brings you hope"可知,欣然接受现实可以加快你的恢复和成长。简而言之,承认你的负面经历会给你带来希望。再结合画线词前的"another"及第二段中的"That may sound conflicting"可知,画线词的含义与conflicting的同属一个范畴。由此可推断,paradox应表达"自相矛盾(的情况)"的意思,故选B。
4. Why does the author mention Churchill’s word?
A. To show the power of famous sayings.
B. To persuade people to wake up to reality.
C. To explain the necessity of motivation.
D. To encourage people to face up to difficulties.
解析 D 推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的"embracing discomfort about a life experience ... find a pathway through it"可知,欣然接受某种生活经历或新情况带来的不适,并将其视为迈向成长和改变的一步,会为你提供走出不适的动力。最后一段表明:这种不适会让你制订一个计划并采取新的行动。它能激发希望。再结合丘吉尔的话可知,此处提到丘吉尔的话应是为了鼓励人们要接受现实,直面困境,勇往直前。综上可知,本题选D。
Playing a rhythm-based(基于韵律的) game using musical instruments for eight weeks helps non-musicians become better at remembering recently seen faces; that is, their short-term memory for non-musical tasks improves.
There have been several studies showing that musicians tend to have better short-term memory than non-musicians when it comes to music-related tasks. It is less clear whether the benefit carries over to non-musical tasks or to non-musicians who are learning to play an instrument, and how the change might actually be seen in the brain.
Theodore Zanto at the University of California, San Francisco thinks the benefit will continue to exist. He and his colleagues randomly arranged for a group of 47 non-musicians to play either a tablet-based musical rhythm training game, which is similar to learning to hit a drum in time with a teacher, or a word search game for eight weeks. At the start and end of the eight weeks, participants took a short-term memory test to measure their ability to remember a face they saw seconds before. Only the group who played the rhythm training game showed an improvement on their initial scores.
Brainwave data recorded before and after the training showed an increase of activity in the right superior parietal lobe(上顶叶), a brain region associated with encoding visual information and attention. This suggests, says Zanto, that the rhythm training is improving the brain’s ability to focus attention on a task to get it ready for changing what you are doing into memory.
The ability to remember and recognise faces tends to decline as we age, so any possible way to change that is important, says Josh Davis at the University of Greenwich. However, the effect demonstrated in this study should be shown in real-world facial recognition situations as well as in lab-based tests to be completely convincing, says Davis.
【词语积累】 carry over(使)延伸,(使)继续下去 initial adj.最初的 convincing adj.令人信服的,有说服力的
1. Why did Theodore Zanto carry out the memory test?
A. To prove previous studies.
B. To make comparisons.
C. To confirm his prediction.
D. To explain a phenomenon.
解析 C 推理判断题。由第二段内容可知,有一些研究表明音乐人比其他人在与音乐相关的任务方面有更好的短期记忆,至于这一好处是否会延续到非音乐任务上或学习演奏乐器的非音乐人身上就不太清楚了。第三段提到Theodore Zanto认为这一好处会继续存在,他和他的同事组织47个非音乐人做游戏,并对他们进行了短期记忆测试。由此可推断,Theodore Zanto进行记忆力测试是为了证实他的预测。综上可知,本题选C。
2. What function is the right superior parietal lobe related to?
A. Training attention.
B. Recognising faces.
C. Visualizing memories.
D. Processing information.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第四段中的"the right superior parietal lobe(上顶叶), a brain region associated with encoding visual information and attention"可知,右侧上顶叶是一个与处理视觉信息和注意力有关的大脑区域,故选D。
3. How does Davis find the study?
A. It has limitations.
B. It’s fully convincing.
C. It lacks systematicness.
D. It’s indeed pioneering.
解析 A 推理判断题。由最后一段中的"However, the effect demonstrated in this study should be shown in...in lab-based tests to be completely convincing"可知,他认为该研究有一定的局限性,还有待完善。综上可知,本题选A。
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A. The Great Influence of Rhythm-based Games
B. The Practical Method of Preventing Memory Loss
C. Playing Instruments:a Way to Improve Short-term Memory
D. Rhythm Training:a Necessity for People with a Poor Memory
解析 C 标题归纳题。第一段是本文的主题段,再结合研究内容和结果可知,本文主要讲述的是演奏乐器可以提高人的短期记忆,故C项做文章的标题最佳。
【技巧点拨】 文章标题具有概括性、针对性的特点,要避免以偏概全、扩大范围或偷换概念等错误。做题时首先要快速浏览全文,找到主题段或主旨句。
Have you seen the home video of a Mexican boy’s emotional reaction to watching his favorite band, Coldplay, perform in Mexico? It has  1  the hearts of millions.
In the video,Huillo looks extremely  2  at first, fighting back tears. As the words "tears stream down your face" are sung,Huillo’s father begins to cry too, hugging his son and kissing his face. It’s a  3  meeting, made more pleasant and moving by the fact that Huillo has autism(自闭症).
Huillo’s parents tried various things to support their son with a  4 . However, everything worked in the short term, without any  5  and expected progress, until his gift for music was discovered — he not only loves singing but plays various musical  6  from guitar to piano well.
Huillo’s father posted the video online, which  7  enjoyed widespread popularity and a few weeks later, it was  8  by the band, who then relayed the video and commented: "This kind of thing makes it all  9 ." Six years later, when the British band  10  to Mexico,Huillo was invited to  11  the show and perform with them. He performed his self-composed song, "Different Is Okay", winning  12  and cheers from both the audience and the musicians themselves.
"Huillo has a great  13  for music and Coldplay is his favorite. For Huillo, music is the most important therapy(疗法). We can actually see how it affects him — becoming more social and  14  much better with others," Huillo’s father said. "For us, everything  15  that day at Coldplay’s concert."
【熟词生义】 1.stream常用义:n.小河,溪 文中义:v.流,流动,流出
2.sweet常用义:adj.甜的 文中义:adj.令人愉快的,惬意的,舒畅的
1. A. touched B. broken
C. opened D. comforted
解析 A 下文中的"made more pleasant and moving"和"enjoyed widespread popularity"表明视频很受欢迎且让人们感动,由此可知,本题选A。
2. A. astonished B. excited
C. awkward D. upset
解析 B 上文提到"emotional reaction",空后提到"fighting back tears",那么,Huillo一开始看起来很激动,故本题选B。astonished震惊的;excited激动的;awkward笨拙的,不舒适的;upset不快的,心烦意乱的。
3. A. chance B. public
C. casual D. sweet
解析 D 空后提到"made more pleasant and moving",那么,空处所填词的含义应与pleasant和moving的含义同属一个范畴,此处表示这是一次令人愉快的会面,故选D。chance偶然的;public公开的;casual临时的,不定期的;sweet令人愉快的,惬意的。
4. A. dream B. smile
C. disability D. panic
解析 C 上文提到Huillo患有自闭症,那么,此处指Huillo的父母尝试了各种各样的方法来帮助他们"身患残疾"的儿子,故选C,disability表示"缺陷,障碍"。
5. A. reasonable B.significant
C. technical D. reliable
解析 B 上文提到Huillo的父母尝试的方法都短期有效,那么,此处指没有任何显著的、预期的进展,故本题选B,significant表示"有重大意义的,显著的"。
6. A. instruments B. tunes
C. games D. toys
解析 A 下文提到"从吉他到钢琴",那么此处指Huillo会弹奏很多乐器,故选A,instrument表示"乐器,器械"。
7. A. accidentally B. immediately
C. eventually D. naturally
解析 B Huillo的父亲将视频发布在网上后,它立即受到了广泛欢迎。accidentally偶然,immediately立即,eventually最终,naturally自然地。B项符合语境。
8. A. downloaded B. delivered
C. recorded D.noticed
解析 D 下文提到他们转发了视频,那么,此处表示乐队看到了这个视频。download下载;deliver发布,转交;record录制;notice看到,注意到。D项符合语境。
9. A. interesting B. necessary
C. attractive D.worthwhile
解析 D 结合常识可知,当乐队成员了解到自己的作品对Huillo产生了积极的影响时,他们应是觉得自己所做的一切都是值得的(worthwhile)。interesting有趣的,necessary必要的,attractive有吸引力的。
10. A. returned B. moved
C. flew D. circled
解析 A 此处指六年后,Coldplay再次到墨西哥演出,故选A,return表示"回来,返回"。
11. A. make for B. go through
C. participate in D. take over
解析 C 下文提到"perform with them",由此可知,此处指乐队邀请Huillo参加演出。make for促成;go through仔细琢磨,经历;participate in参加;take over接收,接管。C项符合语境。
12. A. support B.applause
C. respect D. trust
解析 B 下文提到"and cheers",那么,空处所填词应与cheers感彩相同,此处说的是Huillo获得了掌声和喝彩声。support支持,帮助;applause掌声;respect尊重;trust相信。B项符合语境。
13. A. ambition B. desire
C. affection D. excuse
解析 C 上文提到Huillo喜欢唱歌,也会弹奏很多乐器,由此可知,此处指Huillo很喜欢音乐。ambition追求的目标,志向;desire欲望;affection喜爱,钟爱;excuse借口。C项符合语境。
14. A. performing B.communicating
C. cooperating D. corresponding
解析 B 空前提到"becoming more social",那么,此处指能与他人更好地交流,故选B,communicate表示"沟通,交流"。
15. A. happened B. remained
C. started D. worked
解析 C 综合全文内容可知,Huillo和父亲去观看了Coldplay的演出,他们的歌曲对患有自闭症的Huillo产生了很大的影响,然后才有了Huillo后面的一系列改变。由此可推断,此处说的是"对我们来说,所有的一切都从那天Coldplay的音乐会开始(started)"。
[2023江苏南京二模]China National Traditional Orchestra(管弦乐队) launched its youth theater group in Beijing on Sunday. At the opening, centered around "bringing Chinese stories to the world", the group’s new productions and touring plans for this year 1    (announce).
In January, the orchestra,QFun Theater and Guangzhou Opera House co-produced a children’s play BenCaoGangMu. From this cooperation, the orchestra and QFun Theater decided to create a youth theater group,2    (aim) to integrate Chinese traditional music with theater and tell Chinese stories 3     the angle of children and teenagers.
The young members of the newly 4    (establish) theater group performed BenCaoGangMu at the event, as well as the poetry recital ASpringMorning and choir singing LookingfortheMoon. "Art can help children open up their curiosity and 5    (imagine). I hope there will be a place where children’s creativity can be 6    ( true) inspired and exercised. That is 7     we decided to establish this youth theater group," said Zhao Cong, head of the orchestra.
This year, the theater group plans to launch8     international tour to bring BenCaoGangMu to the world. The group’s new 9    (origin) play TheBookofOdes, combining traditional Chinese music and magic tricks, will also be produced later this year. Now all the members 10    (prepare) hard for their play.
1.were announced 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。根据语境,尤其是上文中的"launched""on Sunday",此处描述过去的事情,应用一般过去时;主语"the group’s new productions and touring plans"与announce之间是被动关系,应用被动语态;且主语为复数,故填were announced。
2.aiming 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词应为非谓语动词。句子主语the orchestra and QFun Theater与aim之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,且此处表示伴随状况,所以用现在分词aiming。
3.from 考查介词。from the angle of...表示"从……的角度",为固定词组,故填from。
4.established 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词在句中作定语,修饰theater group。theater group与establish之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,再结合句中的newly可知,该剧团已经成立,故填过去分词established。
5.imagination 考查名词。此处并列连词and连接的两个并列名词作宾语,故填imagine的名词形式imagination。
6.truly 考查副词。在where引导的定语从句中,所填词修饰谓语动词,应用副词,故填truly。
7.why 考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词引导表语从句。由上文内容可推知,此处说的是"那就是我们决定建立该少年剧团的原因",故填why。
8.an 考查冠词。tour为可数名词,此处表示泛指,应填不定冠词;international的发音以元音音素开头,故填an。
9.original 考查形容词。所填词作定语修饰play,故填origin的形容词形式original。
10.are preparing 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。由时间状语Now可知,此处用现在进行时表示现在动作在进行,主语all the members与prepare为主谓关系,故填are preparing。Unit 5 Music
1.[2023全国甲]You should learn to say to yourself, "This is merely uncomfortable, not intolerable." You’ll then   gradually (gradual) become more patient.
2.[2022北京]Often due to  various (vary)pressures, we tend to ignore our health.
3.[2021新高考Ⅰ]I’m not a trained musician, but I’ve learnt to read music so I can help Maria in her  performance (perform).
4.[2021新高考Ⅱ]We will also discuss the origins of felt(毛毡), what  enables (able) wool fibres to become felt and how the processes we use work.
句意:我们还将讨论毛毡的起源,是什么使羊毛纤维成为毛毡,以及我们使用的工艺是如何产生作用的。根据句意及句子结构可知,该句中的"the origins of felt(毛毡)","what     (able) wool fibres to become felt"和"how the processes we use work"为discuss的三个宾语,其中后两个为宾语从句,且空处所在的宾语从句中缺少谓语,故空处应填动词形式;再根据其主语what可知,空处应用第三人称单数形式。
5.[2021天津]But what if we’re actually getting closer to a world where AI is capable  of  thinking and feeling?
6.[2021天津]The arts clearly have a pretty positive impact  on  physical and psychological health.
7.[全国Ⅰ]All the football players on the playground cheered loudly, saying that I had a talent  for  football.
8.[北京高考]All our projects aim  to promote (promote)the development of poor and remote communities.
9.[江苏高考]Try to understand what’s actually happening instead of acting on the  assumption (assume) you’ve made.
10.[天津高考]The gold medal will be awarded  to  whoever wins the first place in the bicycle race.
A. 表演,演出 B.表现
C. 有……功能,起……作用 D.做,执行
①[2023全国乙]Born to a Jewish family in Florence, she moved to Paris where she worked as a physician and performed surgery.   D 
②[2020全国Ⅰ]The engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) have taken it a step further — changing the actual composition of plants in order to get them to perform diverse,even unusual functions.  C 
③[2020全国Ⅱ]"The children who played with puzzles performed better than those who did not, on tasks that assessed their ability to rotate(旋转) and translate shapes," Levine said in a statement.  B 
④[2020江苏]This actor often has the first two tricks planned before performing, and then goes for whatever.  A 
A. adj.原创的,首创的 B. adj.原本的
C. n.原件
①[2021新高考Ⅰ]Popularization has in some cases changed the original meaning of emotional(情感的) intelligence.  B 
②[2020全国Ⅱ]The family called the Italian Culture Ministry; the official confirmed that the paintings were originals and worth as much as $50 million.  C 
③[陕西高考]Do you have an inspiring or life-changing story to tell? Your story must be true, unpublished,original and 800-1,000 words.  A 
A. v.吸收 B. adj.专心的 C. v.理解
①[2020新高考Ⅰ]In fact, most people only absorb about 20 percent of a speaker’s message.  C 
②[全国Ⅰ]It takes sunscreen about fifteen minutes to start working, and that’s plenty of time for your skin to absorb a day’s worth of Vitamin D.  A 
③[全国Ⅱ]These kids are so absorbed in their studies that I just sit back. I don’t teach.   B 
A. 处理 B.对待 C. 治疗
①[2020新高考Ⅱ]Your medical history is a list of your illnesses,treatments, what the doctors told you to do, and anything else you think your doctor should know.  C 
②[2020全国Ⅲ]In some cases, it’s not so much the treatment of the animals on set in the studio that has activists worried...  B 
③[江苏高考]The responsibility of e-waste treatment should be extended from governments to producers.  A 
写作一 基础写作——音乐节邀请
1.学生们将有各种各样的音乐表演。(various, performance)
 There will bevarious musical performances by students. 
2.此外,我们还邀请了一些著名歌手和乐队。(in addition, band)
 In addition, we have invited some famous singers and bands. 
3.这个节日旨在减轻学生的压力,并提供一个展示音乐才能的机会。(aim, opportunity, talent)
 The festival aims to relieve students of stress as well as provide them with an opportunity to show their musical talent. 
4.你愿意加入我们登台表演吗?(perform, stage)
 Would you like to join us and perform on stage? 
 Dear Allen, 
 How is everything going? I am writing to invite you to the music festival to be held shortly. 
 The festival will start on August 15th, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. There will be various musical performances by students such as singing songs, dancing, opera and drama. Students who perform well enough will receive an award. In addition, we have invited some famous singers and bands. 
 The festival aims to relieve students of stress as well as provide them with an opportunity to show their musical talent. Would you like to join us and perform on stage? 
 Let me know if you want more information. 
 Li Hua 
写作二 读后续写——情感描写之紧张与忐忑
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 tension; nervous, anxious, uneasy; nervously, anxiously 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.她试图掩饰自己的紧张,但颤抖的声音出卖了她。 She tried to  hide her nervousness , but the trembling voice gave her away. 2.他们如坐针毡般地等待足球比分。 They  waited on pins and needles  for the football scores. 3.这是我第一次登台表演。这么多人盯着我看,我感到很紧张。 This was my first time on stage. I  felt very nervous  with so many people staring at me. 4.丈夫在手术室外走来走去,焦急地等待结果。 The husband  paced up and down/paced back and forth  outside the operating room, waiting for the result anxiously. 5.乔治忐忑不安地走进工厂办公室求职。  With butterflies in his stomach , George walked into the factory office to ask for a job. (with复合结构) 6.吉娜的心在高度紧张下怦怦直跳,"我接下来要怎么做?" Gina’s heart was pounding  under high tension , "What should I do next?"
词 组 1.stress out紧张不安 2.overcome one’s nervousness 克服某人的紧张情绪 3.hide one’s nervousness 掩饰某人的紧张 4.pace up and down/pace back and forth踱来踱去 5.hold one’s hand tightly 紧紧握住某人的手 6.on pins and needles 如坐针毡 7.have butterflies in one’s stomach心慌,紧张 8.one’s heart is in one’s mouth提心吊胆
佳 句 1.He wassonervousthathefelthisthroattightened. 他非常紧张,以至于感到喉咙发紧。 2.As we walked toward the elevator, I feltanxiousandmypalmsbegantosweat. 当我们走向电梯的时候,我感到紧张,手心开始出汗。 3.His heartbeatsofast that he could hardlybreathe. 他的心怦怦直跳,他几乎不能呼吸。 4.I knew all my lines when practising, but mymindwentblank when I went before an audience. 排练时我记得所有的台词,但当我面对观众时,我的大脑一片空白。