专题02 完型填空之记叙文(讲义)
一 复习目标 掌握目标及备考方向
二 考情分析 中考完型填空记叙文考情分析
四 完型记叙文的考向 完型填空的考点分析和考查内容 掌握词汇基本用法 掌握答题技巧,明确答题步骤 完型填空的解题原则 提升必考题型归纳
五 真题感悟 中考完型填空记叙文经典考题精选
1. 试题以名词,动词,形容词和副词等信息词汇为考查重点,淡化对介词,连词,冠词等结构的考察,测试学生在具体情境中灵活运用所学知识的能力。
2. 降低对单词考查的要求,突出对文章整体内容理解能力的考查以及同义词与近义词的比较分辨。需要具备的学习素质和能力:词汇,语法,长难句分析。
1. 牢固、扎实、熟练的英语语法知识和丰富的英语词汇知识。
2. 英语阅读理解能力,良好的阅读习惯,熟练的阅读技巧。
3. 分析认识文章结构,理解领会文章各部分、各层次之间逻辑关系的能力。
4. 逻辑思维能力。特别是总结概括、推理判断和分析归纳的能力。包括情景推理判断、常识推理判断、逆向推理判断及比较推理判断等。
5. 完型填空的能力目标要求牢固、扎实、熟练的英语语法知识和丰富的英语词汇知识。
6. 扎实的英语词汇、短语、惯用法等英语固定搭配的知识。特别是英语词汇意义和用法的辨析能力。在阅读中捕捉记忆相关信息的能力。
一 完型填空的考点分析和考查内容
1. 句内层次题:解题信息分布在本句内部,瞻前顾后,左顾右盼,边读边填。
2. 句组层次题:解题信息分布在设空处前后的一组句子中,瞻前顾后寻找暗示。
3. 语篇层次题:解题信息分布在语篇的某一处甚至全篇,需要综合推断。
1. 速度全文知主旨:根据首句给出的提示,快速通读全文,借助文中的关键词,简要了解文章大意,,理清脉络,把握中心。写作要素都紧紧围绕这一中心进行。抓住中心主旨大意有助于明确做题方向,提高针对性。
2. 先易后难加连贯:记叙文的最终目的是借助叙事来阐明一个道理,给人以启迪或教益。因此,在阅读时根据题型特点解答出较容易的题后,应当结合上下文,分析具体情节,认真体会文字背后的东西,才能洞悉作者的态度和观点,推断出更难一些的态度判断题。
3. 复读全文验答案:填空全部完成后,将选项代入原文,通读一遍,看读文是否流畅、语意是否连贯,对感到很不通顺的地方,可以从语法、词文、习惯用法、固定搭配、背景知识等方面进一步验证和确定答案。
二 完型填空的解题技巧
完形填空的首句一般不设空。首句往往开宗明义,是文章的主题。通过首句往往能确定文章的体裁、背景、写作意图或中心思想。从2023年河南中考英语完形填空的首句“It was a rainy, windy October afternoon. Garth stood outside his house with a wide smile.”可知,本文是一篇讲述与主人公Garth相关的故事的记叙文。
例如:(2023 河南) “Maybe Todd was 46 … in reality, who would ever need his invention ” He lowered his head and thought to himself. Suddenly he 47 and saw a lady looking at him. “I was just leaving my house 48 I saw you and those boys. Are you okay?”
由空前的“lowered his head”和后面的“saw a lady”可知,47题说的是他抬起头看见一位女士。故选C。此题运用了反义复现。
逻辑关系包括并列、原因、结果、让步、转折、时间顺序、目的、条件、选择等,依靠不同的连词来表达,如and,but,so,however,since,because,first of all,then,finally,for example,or等,它们在文章中起着“篇章纽带”的作用,可以作为做完形填空题的路标。
例如:(2023 河南) … for testing his new invention—Umbrella Hat. He could hardly wait to see whether it could keep the rain off. He carefully 42 the hat on his head and started walking…
42.A. raised B.placed C.dropped D.repaired
【解析】 考查动词。由空后的“the hat on his head” 可知,他把雨伞帽戴到头上了。raise “举起;饲养”;place “放置”;drop “掉落”;repair“修理,修补”。故选B。
(2023 河南) “I will display (展示) three best inventions in my shop. I’m sure you will have a(n) 54 of winning a prize.”
54.A.choice B.chance C.excuse D.experience
【解析】 考查名词。由“winning a prize”和常识可知,得奖是需要机会的。故选B。
三 完型填空的解题步骤和原则
1. 通读全文,掌握大意把握短文内容
2. 弄清短文体裁仔细推敲,初定答案
文章体裁通常分为四种: 论述文、记叙文、说明文和应用文。中考选文以记叙文文章为主。根据短文的内容和要求,结合短文的主题思想, 对空缺句子作合乎逻辑的推理。每一个空白的四个选项进行认真分析,反复推敲,符合文章内容对空缺句子作合乎逻辑的推理。弄清空缺词句的确切含义,空缺词句与其前后句的意义衔接必须自然、合理,不可出现意义断层或说东道西的情况,从空缺句的内部结构入手,从语法、词语固定搭配、词形变化等角度考虑。
3. 再次通读全文,锁定最佳答案
检查是确信自己所选择的答案准确性的一次检阅。实际上是对短文和答案的又一次快速浏览。本次阅读的目的是调整、修改和完善自己做题的过程。因为在原来紧张的答题过程中, 会有一些我们无法确定的选项。或者粗心造成的错误,在这次重新阅读中被发现、被修改。最后一次阅读全文也是检查所选择的答案是否能够保证短文的意思完整、语义合理、语法正确的关键步骤。
4. 反复推敲,攻克难关(难点)
如果做不出来的话,可能要改变一下思路。如实词(名词、代词、形容词、副词、动词和 数词)多与文章的内容直接相关,虚词(介词,连词,冠词和感叹词)多与文章的连贯性 或句子结构直接相关,如果从内容上实在看不出要填哪个单词的话,应考虑是否需要填介词、连词等。
5. 验证答案,修正错误
做完后再通读一遍全文,从整体把握文章的意思,修正与全文不相称的选项。着重注意这一点: 1) 文章是否顺畅; 2) 所填单词是否是最佳选项; 3) 所填单词是否有拼写错误。
(1) 总体把握
通读完形填空的短文时, 跳过空格快速阅读,了解全篇的主要内容。选择答案时要从全文主旨大意和短文情景出发, 不能只根据某一句子来选择, 因为有时如果不考虑上下文时, 四个选项有时都可以填入空中。
The 14-year-old girl says that she knows 2 about cooking.
A. Many B. Much C. little
只有根据上文叙述, 才知道这个女孩对于做饭了解很少, 正确答案是C。如果没有上文推断, 只从备选项看, B和C在语法上都可以说的通。
(2) 弄清体裁
中考选文以叙事性文章为主,如: 幽默故事、科普知识、童话、简短新闻、名人轶事、社会热点问题等。读这类文章, 要大体了解故事所涉及的时间、地点、人物、事件及前因后果。不同的体裁可能使用不同的语气和说法, 也就需要选用不同的选项了。
(3) 重视主题句
完形填空所用的短文一般不给标题, 但短文的主题句, 往往在每段文章的首句, 有时也出现在文章的中间或结束处。主题句提供全篇的性质、大意等, 这是深入了解全文的“窗口”, 甚至能以主题句为立足点, 从该句的时态、语气推测全文的主要内容。
(4) 语境联想
利用上下文的提示, 用学过的知识和已有的生活经验, 扫清部分词汇理解上的障碍。联想并推测故事所发生的情景和人物在那种情景下的心态和感觉, 这样才能更好的把握全局, 选对答案, 从而避免理解错误而大量出错。
(5) 择优法和排除法
择优法是把各选项代入短文中, 选出在词义上符合要求, 且在语法上又没有语病的答案。排除法是在代入选项时如发现选项单词意义不对, 或词与词搭配不妥,或存在语法错误, 或与上下文有矛盾, 则迅速排除不合适的选项, 剩下的就是正确答案。
(6) 语言知识的判定
1)词语搭配: 从语法角度来说, 句子不是词的序列, 而是词组的序列。所以要注意区别外形相近而意义不同的搭配。如: look for, look over, look out, look after, look up等。区别形不相似而意义相近的搭配。如:
I paid 12 pounds for the dictionary. The book cost me a lot. I spent 10 pounds on the box。
It was New Year’s Eve. A couple were decorating their room when the man said to his wife, “I’m glad this year finishes in a few 1 . What a terrible year we’ve had!”
His wife asked him, “Why I don’t understand!” The man was very 2 and replied, “You don’t understand Think about what has happened this year. First of all, I had a(n) 3 to remove my kidney (肾脏). Remember Last month, I turned 4 and I was told to make room for someone younger. Huh! What am I going to do now And you surely haven’t forgotten the 5 , which made our son stay in hospital for three weeks, have you And that mean he 6 take his exams to get into medical school. And we had to buy a new car. 7 year! I’m so glad it’s over.”
His wife didn’t say much. She 8 the room. A few minutes later, she came back in and said, “OK, I heard what you said, but this is 9 I see things. Your kidney had been 10 you for years and you won’t have that pain ever again. Now that you don’t have to go to work, you can spend more time in the 11 , taking better care of your flowers. And that is the 12 you’ve always wanted. Although the car was destroyed, our son stayed 13 . He’ll do even better in his exams next year since he’s got more time to 14 . So I think it’s a good year, and the new one will start in a few hours. I’m sure it’ll be another good year.”
We can’t control the things that happen to us, but we can 15 how we look at them. Whatever happens, you can be optimistic or not—it’s up to you.
1.A.months B.weeks C.days D.hours
2.A.interested B.stressed C.surprised D.touched
3.A.ability B.right C.chance D.operation
4.A.leave B.change C.continue D.start
5.A.car B.exam C.accident D.medicine
6.A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t C.mustn’t D.needn’t
7.A.Wonderful B.Terrible C.Strange D.Common
8.A.went back into B.looked back into C.looked out of D.went out of
9.A.how B.why C.when D.where
10.A.protecting B.satisfying C.worrying D.relaxing
11.A.garden B.kitchen C.hospital D.school
12.A.work B.life C.trip D.gift
13.A.calm B.silent C.alive D.alone
14.A.play B.study C.sleep D.exercise
15.A.copy B.control C.explain D.express
I noticed a dad and his son at the park. His son wasn’t able to communicate, but he seemed 16 siting in the sand. The dad explained to me that his son could only make some sounds. The boy had been in speech therapy(言语治疗)for years. After so much time in therapy, the boy was able to make eye contact(接触)for a few seconds and the father was happy by the 17 ! He told me how expensive the therapies for his son were and what a pleasure it was to see all of the years of hard work 18 . The father and son connected, and those few seconds of eye contact 19 everything to that dad!
As we talked about therapy, the dad shared with me that his 20 for his boy was to someday be able to go for ice cream together. He said his father used to take him out for ice cream and he hoped he could do the same with his child. 21 , the son stopped putting his fingers in the sand, looked at his father and said, “Hi.” Seconds later the boy went back into his own world. The dad wanted to say something, 22 he couldn’t. His love for this boy was so great that the words would not come. What did come were 23 . Those tears expressed how proud he was of his son. A father loves his child more than words are able to express.
This event 24 me deeply and made me consider my relationship with my own father. I hope that as they communicate further, more and more memories will be created for them to 25 , I believe the feelings held by all fathers—their hard work, their love, their pride, and their tears of love—are all the same.
16.A.pleased B.angry C.sad D.sorry
17.A.words B.achievement C.suggestions D.promise
18.A.go off B.show up C.pay off D.stay up
19.A.took B.meant C.won D.found
20.A.goal B.advice C.task D.order
21.A.Unluckily B.Strangely C.Suddenly D.Carefully
22.A.so B.while C.or D.but
23.A.tears B.dreams C.memories D.sounds
24.A.punished B.touched C.reminded D.harmed
25.A.forget B.imagine C.notice D.share
One day, a crow (乌鸦) saw a swan (天鹅) on the beach. The crow laughed at him and said, “Can you 26 as fast as I do Do you have as many flying skills as I do 27 stupid you are!”
Hearing this, the swan thought the crow needed to be taught a lesson. He had an idea.
He asked the crow. “Do you dare to 28 with me The competition will take place in 29 stages (阶段). In the first stage, you can show your flying skills, and I will do the same. In the second stage, you should copy what I will do.”
The crow said proudly, “It’s too easy!”
The competition started. 30 the crow showed different ways of flying. But the swan could do nothing. Next, the second stage began. The swan flew to the 31 . The crow followed him. “Is this all you can do ” the crow asked. The swan just flew silently. He flew slowly, but didn’t stop. After flying a long distance (距离), the crow was so 32 that he could hardly fly and almost fell into the sea.
Seeing this, the swan said to the crow. “You have flying skills, 33 I have good endurance (耐力). Everyone has his own strong and weak points. One should never think that he is perfect while others are all good for nothing.” After the crow 34 the swan’s words, his 35 turned red and hung his head. He regretted having laughed at the swan.
26.A.run B.jump C.fly
27.A.What B.How C.What a
28.A.compete B.talk C.argue
29.A.one B.two C.three
30.A.In the end B.At last C.At first
31.A.road B.mountain C.sea
32.A.tired B.strong C.successful
33.A.or B.and C.but
34.A.heard B.watched C.saw
35.A.hand B.face C.leg
Long long ago, there was a young man called Karim. He 36 caps to make a living around several villages. One day, he was passing through a forest. He felt 37 and wanted to have a rest. He saw a tall mango tree and put his bag of caps beside him and slept under the tree. When he woke up, he 38 there weren’t any caps in his bag!
“Oh,” he said to himself, “Did 39 steal all my caps ” But then he noticed that the mango tree was full 40 cute monkeys wearing colorful caps! He shouted at the monkeys and they shouted back. He made faces at 41 and then the monkeys made faces, too.
He 42 his own cap angrily and put it on the ground. The stupid monkeys threw their caps, too! Karim didn’t waste a second, collected the caps and was on his way.
Fifty years later, young Abdul, grandson of Karim, who also sold caps, was going through the same 43 . The same thing happened to him——the monkeys took all of his caps when he was asleep under the tree. Abdul didn’t know 44 he should do, and suddenly he remembered the story his grandfather told him. Then Abdul waved at the monkeys, danced ... 45 , he threw his cap on the ground.
Just then, one monkey, walked up to Abdul, laughed and said, “Do you think only you have a grandfather ”
36.A.bought B.washed C.borrowed D.sold
37.A.tired B.busy C.happy D.thirsty
38.A.asked B.thought C.found D.heard
39.A.somebody B.everybody C.nobody D.anybody
40.A.with B.of C.at D.in
41.A.him B.her C.them D.it
42.A.took off B.took away C.took up D.took out
43.A.sand B.forest C.pool D.river
44.A.where B.when C.who D.what
45.A.At least B.In fact C.At last D.In short
When I was in middle school, I was bullied(欺负)a lot. There was one boy, let’s call him C, who was the main person 61 . Every day, for many years, he would say mean things to me and 62 me with his words. It was 63 time in my life, and I felt like there was no way of running away from it.
Years passed, and I left 64 . I had no idea what happened to C, and I didn’t 65 . I just wanted to move on with my life and forget about what happened.
One day, when I was twenty-six years old, I was walking to the supermarket. Suddenly, I saw C. I couldn’t believe it. He 66 at me, trying to find out who I was. Then, he asked me if I was who he thought I was. I told him that I was 67 who he thought I was.
To my surprise, C 68 . It was the most honest and heartfelt apology I had ever heard. He didn’t have to say anything. He could have just behaved in a way that he didn’t 69 me and walked away. But he stopped me and apologized. I could hear the 70 in his voice for what he had done to me in the past. At that moment, I 71 him right away. All the hatred(憎恨)and 72 I had carried for years was gone in a 73 . I was a completely 74 and life-changing moment for me. That experience gave me a 75 in the goodness of people and made the rest of my day truly amazing.
61.A.responsible B.magical C.impossible D.valuable
62.A.comfort B.satisfy C.praise D.scare
63.A.happy B.pleasant C.difficult D.moving
64.A.home B.school C.work D.supermarket
65.A.help B.relax C.care D.calm
66.A.looked B.shouted C.laughed D.knocked
67.A.nearly B.almost C.exactly D.simply
68.A.apologized B.cried C.forgot D.communicated
69.A.influence B.notice C.bully D.hate
70.A.loneliness B.joy C.meaning D.shame
71.A.left B.excused C.remembered D.punished
72.A.luck B.regret C.happiness D.anger
73.A.year B.month C.second D.hour
74.A.unclear B.unfriendly C.uncertain D.unexpected
75.A.lesson B.hope C.gift D.love
阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Lisa works in the dining hall of a primary school. Her job is to serve breakfast and lunch to teachers and 76 .
Because Lisa has a hearing problem, the students weren’t able to 77 with her effectively (有效地). They just pointed to the 78 they wanted. This year, however, things have changed a lot. It all started with Betty, a new teacher at the school.
Betty has learned sign language (手语) 79 three years. One day, she started a conversation in sign language with Lisa in the dining hall. The students there stopped eating and 80 the sign language conversation with interest.
The next day, Betty asked 81 students, “Would you like to learn how to 82 your hands to ‘talk’ to Lisa ” Everyone in the class said yes. She then began teaching the students some 83 ways to say hello and how to order food.
The head teacher of the school heard about this. 84 he decided that the whole school should learn some sign language. Now, all the people at the school are learning sign language 85 . And Lisa is feeling so loved at work!
76.A.students B.parents C.cooks
77.A.work B.check C.communicate
78.A.chalk B.food C.money
79.A.after B.of C.for
80.A.watched B.guided C.finished
81.A.my B.your C.her
82.A.pull B.use C.wash
83.A.easy B.noisy C.sweet
84.A.Or B.And C.But
85.A.early B.angrily C.actively
Martin is my youngest son. He likes staying alone and he seldom laughs. As the boy’s mother, I was 86 about him. I took him to see the 87 in many hospitals, but it didn’t work well.
Nothing could make him happy except the recycling truck(垃圾回收车)passing by my house. Every afternoon, he raced to the front of the house, waiting 88 the truck.
When we were late and 89 the truck, Martin would be very disappointed. One day, I stopped the truck and introduced 90 .
“Nice to meet you, too. I’m Vince.” The driver greeted me in a happy 91 .
“Your coming is the most exciting moment for my son.” I smiled.
After knowing our story, he said, “ 92 you please give me your phone number Maybe I can send you a message 93 I arrive.”
Then began our friendship with Vince.
Recently, I said to him, “It’s my little boy’s birthday tomorrow. Can you do 94 special for him ”
The next day, as I was standing by the driveway with Martin, we saw the 95 truck running down the street with a loud beep(嘟嘟声). Like a superman in a movie, Vince stopped and walked towards us with a box in his hand.
“Today is your birthday, Martin, and here’s a gift.”
He handed the box to my son. Inside, there was a green model truck like his. My son, surprised, looked up 96 and thanked him.
After chatting for several 97 , he was about to leave for work. I tried to give him some 98 for his help. He kept shaking his head and 99 my money, saying, “Today you, tomorrow me.”
I was deeply moved(感动)by these 100 words. And I have been ready to help others whenever I can. You will never know when you’re going to be the one that needs help.
86.A.angry B.glad C.worried D.excited
87.A.teachers B.farmers C.workers D.doctors
88.A.on B.for C.in D.to
89.A.caught B.missed C.changed D.noticed
90.A.herself B.himself C.myself D.yourself
91.A.voice B.shout C.noise D.sound
92.A.Must B.May C.Could D.Should
93.A.after B.before C.and D.or
94.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something
95.A.red B.green C.yellow D.pink
96.A.heavily B.happily C.sadly D.seriously
97.A.minutes B.hours C.days D.years
98.A.food B.money C.trucks D.gifts
99.A.received B.accepted C.refused D.prevented
100.A.simple B.similar C.long D.difficult
In 2007, Jim and his friend Dylan moved into their new apartment on 22nd Street in Manhattan. The previous tenant (之前的租户) told them something 101 . “Every year over Christmas, many letters to Santa come here,” he said. “No one knows the reason.”
For the first two years, only a few letters came from kids 102 Santa for gifts. But in the weeks before Christmas in 2010, Jim and Dylan were 103 crazy. Every morning, they opened their mailbox and 104 was full of letters to Santa. They replied to as many as they could, writing notes and even buying gifts. But they could only do so much.
One evening, Jim and Dylan had a Christmas party in their apartment. Their guests 105 the hundreds of letters in the room and asked about them. Jim told them the 106 . Many guests offered to help without thinking twice.
107 was born Miracle on 22nd Street, a volunteer organization. Then Jim, Dylan and their friends replied to children’s letters to Santa with gifts. One child wrote that his back hurt because his parents couldn’t afford a 108 and he had to sleep on the floor. 109 agreement from the boy’s parents, they bought him one.
Every year, Jim, Dylan and Miracle on 22nd Street help hundreds of families. They no longer wonder 110 the letters come to the apartment. It has become part of Christmas for them to try to help families in need.
101.A.normal B.silent C.strange D.clear
102.A.telling B.asking C.paying D.throwing
103.A.driven B.shown C.woken D.known
104.A.they B.he C.we D.it
105.A.stole B.wrote C.noticed D.carried
106.A.report B.story C.rule D.excuse
107.A.So B.Until C.Nor D.Either
108.A.quilt B.table C.car D.bed
109.A.To B.About C.Of D.With
110.A.what B.why C.when D.who
A long time ago, a group of people lived together on an island. They were Love, Vanity (虚荣), Sadness and so on. One day, the island would sink (沉没). All the people 111 their boats and started to leave. Love didn’t have a boat, so Love decided to ask others for 112 .
Love saw that Vanity had a beautiful boat. “Vanity, could you please take me 113 you ” Love asked. “I can’t help you.” Vanity answered. “You are wet all over with water. You will 114 my beautiful boat.”
Love then turned to Sadness and asked. “Sadness, please let me get on your boat!” “Sorry. I am too sad and I need to be 115 ,” Sadness replied. And when Love saw Happiness pass by, Love also tried to ask her for help. 116 she was so happy that she didn’t even stop to listen to what Love was saying.
Suddenly, Love heard an old man’s voice saying. “Come on, Love, I’ll take you away.” The old man used his boat to take love to a 117 place. Love thanked him and said. “May I have your name, please And why were you willing (乐意的) to help me ” “My name is Time,” the old man replied. “I helped you because I understood how 118 you were—You made the world full of peace and pleasure.”
111.A.got on B.put on C.tried on D.turned on
112.A.advice B.water C.money D.help
113.A.towards B.above C.with D.past
114.A.clean B.fix C.mess D.hide
115.A.away B.alone C.abroad D.around
116.A.But B.Though C.Because D.Whenever
117.A.dangerous B.poor C.quiet D.safe
118.A.valuable B.expensive C.successful D.interested
It was New Year’s Eve. A couple were decorating their room when the man said to his wife, “I’m glad this year finishes in a few 1 . What a terrible year we’ve had!”
His wife asked him, “Why I don’t understand!” The man was very 2 and replied, “You don’t understand Think about what has happened this year. First of all, I had a(n) 3 to remove my kidney (肾脏). Remember Last month, I turned 4 and I was told to make room for someone younger. Huh! What am I going to do now And you surely haven’t forgotten the 5 , which made our son stay in hospital for three weeks, have you And that mean he 6 take his exams to get into medical school. And we had to buy a new car. 7 year! I’m so glad it’s over.”
His wife didn’t say much. She 8 the room. A few minutes later, she came back in and said, “OK, I heard what you said, but this is 9 I see things. Your kidney had been 10 you for years and you won’t have that pain ever again. Now that you don’t have to go to work, you can spend more time in the 11 , taking better care of your flowers. And that is the 12 you’ve always wanted. Although the car was destroyed, our son stayed 13 . He’ll do even better in his exams next year since he’s got more time to 14 . So I think it’s a good year, and the new one will start in a few hours. I’m sure it’ll be another good year.”
We can’t control the things that happen to us, but we can 15 how we look at them. Whatever happens, you can be optimistic or not—it’s up to you.
1.A.months B.weeks C.days D.hours
2.A.interested B.stressed C.surprised D.touched
3.A.ability B.right C.chance D.operation
4.A.leave B.change C.continue D.start
5.A.car B.exam C.accident D.medicine
6.A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t C.mustn’t D.needn’t
7.A.Wonderful B.Terrible C.Strange D.Common
8.A.went back into B.looked back into C.looked out of D.went out of
9.A.how B.why C.when D.where
10.A.protecting B.satisfying C.worrying D.relaxing
11.A.garden B.kitchen C.hospital D.school
12.A.work B.life C.trip D.gift
13.A.calm B.silent C.alive D.alone
14.A.play B.study C.sleep D.exercise
15.A.copy B.control C.explain D.express
1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.D
months月份;weeks周;days天;hours小时。根据“It was New Year’s Eve. A couple were decorating their room”以及“and the new one will start in a few hours”可知,在除夕夜应该是还有几个小时就过新年了,过去的一年就要结束了,故选D。
interested感兴趣的;stressed紧张的,焦虑的;surprised惊讶的;touched感动的。根据“You don’t understand Think about what has happened this year.”可知,妻子不懂丈夫说的话,丈夫感到惊讶,故选C。
ability能力;right权力;chance机会;operation手术。根据“to remove my kidney (肾脏)”可知,男子做了手术,故选D。
leave离开;change改变;continue继续;start开始。根据“I was told to make room for someone younger.”可知,此处是说“离开了工作岗位”,故选A。
car汽车;exam考试;accident事故;medicine药。根据“which made our son stay in hospital for three weeks”可知,此处指的是“事故”,故选C。
couldn’t不能;shouldn’t不应该;mustn’t禁止;needn’t不需要。根据“And that mean he ... take his exams to get into medical school.”可知,住院了不能参加考试,故选A。
went back into重新进入;looked back into回顾,回忆过去;looked out of从……朝外看;went out of走出。根据“A few minutes later, she came back in and said”可知,妻子走出了房间,故选D。
how怎样;why为什么;when何时;where哪里。根据“Your kidney had been ... you for years and you won’t have that pain ever again ...”及“how we look at them”后文的解释可知,此处是妻子说明自己是如何看待这些事情的,故选A。
protecting保护;satisfying满意;worrying担心;relaxing放松。根据“you won’t have that pain ever again.”可知,男子的肾脏多年来一直让他担忧,故选C。
garden花园;kitchen厨房;hospital医院;school学校。根据“taking better care of your flowers”可知,花应该是长在花园里,故选A。
work工作;life生活;trip旅行;gift礼物。根据“you don’t have to go to work, you can spend more time in the ... taking better care of your flowers”可知,这是丈夫想要的生活,故选B。
calm镇静的;silent沉默的;alive活着的;alone独自。根据“ Although the car was destroyed, our son stayed ...”可知,事故导致汽车毁了,但是儿子还活着,故选C。
play玩;study学习;sleep睡觉;exercise锻炼。根据“He’ll do even better in his exams next year since he’s got more time to ...”可知,有更多的时间学习,所以明年会考得更好,故选B。
copy复制;control控制;explain解释;express表达。根据“We can’t control the things that happen to us, but we can ... how we look at them.”可知,不能控制一些事情的发生,但是可以表达看待它的方式,故选D。
I noticed a dad and his son at the park. His son wasn’t able to communicate, but he seemed 16 siting in the sand. The dad explained to me that his son could only make some sounds. The boy had been in speech therapy(言语治疗)for years. After so much time in therapy, the boy was able to make eye contact(接触)for a few seconds and the father was happy by the 17 ! He told me how expensive the therapies for his son were and what a pleasure it was to see all of the years of hard work 18 . The father and son connected, and those few seconds of eye contact 19 everything to that dad!
As we talked about therapy, the dad shared with me that his 20 for his boy was to someday be able to go for ice cream together. He said his father used to take him out for ice cream and he hoped he could do the same with his child. 21 , the son stopped putting his fingers in the sand, looked at his father and said, “Hi.” Seconds later the boy went back into his own world. The dad wanted to say something, 22 he couldn’t. His love for this boy was so great that the words would not come. What did come were 23 . Those tears expressed how proud he was of his son. A father loves his child more than words are able to express.
This event 24 me deeply and made me consider my relationship with my own father. I hope that as they communicate further, more and more memories will be created for them to 25 , I believe the feelings held by all fathers—their hard work, their love, their pride, and their tears of love—are all the same.
16.A.pleased B.angry C.sad D.sorry
17.A.words B.achievement C.suggestions D.promise
18.A.go off B.show up C.pay off D.stay up
19.A.took B.meant C.won D.found
20.A.goal B.advice C.task D.order
21.A.Unluckily B.Strangely C.Suddenly D.Carefully
22.A.so B.while C.or D.but
23.A.tears B.dreams C.memories D.sounds
24.A.punished B.touched C.reminded D.harmed
25.A.forget B.imagine C.notice D.share
16.A 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.A 21.C 22.D 23.A 24.B 25.D
pleased高兴的;angry生气的;sad悲伤的;sorry抱歉的。根据“siting in the sand”可知转折词后表示,他坐在沙子里玩,很开心。故选A。
words话;achievement成就;suggestions建议;promise承诺。根据“After so much time in therapy, the boy was able to make eye contact(接触)for a few seconds and the father was happy by the”可知在治疗之后,他儿子可以进行几秒钟的眼神接触,他为这个成就感到高兴。故选B。
go off铃响;show up现身;pay off得到回报;stay up熬夜。根据“what a pleasure it was to see all of the years of hard work”可知是很高兴多年的努力得到了回报。故选C。
took带走;meant意义;won赢;found发现。根据“everything to that dad!”可知只有几秒钟的交流对那个父亲来说意义重大。故选B。
goal目标;advice建议;task任务;order订单。根据“for his boy was to someday be able to go for ice cream together”可知是目标是一起吃冰淇淋。故选A。
Unluckily不幸地;Strangely奇怪地;Suddenly突然;Carefully认真地。根据“the son stopped putting his fingers in the sand”可知是突然停止了玩沙子。故选C。
tears眼泪;dreams梦想;memories记忆;sounds声音。根据“Those tears”可知是他哭了。故选A。
punished惩罚;touched感动;reminded提醒;harmed伤害。根据“This event ... me deeply”可知这个事情感动了作者。故选B。
forget忘记;imagine想象;notice注意到;share分享。根据“more and more memories will be created for them to”可知有很多记忆可以分享。故选D。
One day, a crow (乌鸦) saw a swan (天鹅) on the beach. The crow laughed at him and said, “Can you 26 as fast as I do Do you have as many flying skills as I do 27 stupid you are!”
Hearing this, the swan thought the crow needed to be taught a lesson. He had an idea.
He asked the crow. “Do you dare to 28 with me The competition will take place in 29 stages (阶段). In the first stage, you can show your flying skills, and I will do the same. In the second stage, you should copy what I will do.”
The crow said proudly, “It’s too easy!”
The competition started. 30 the crow showed different ways of flying. But the swan could do nothing. Next, the second stage began. The swan flew to the 31 . The crow followed him. “Is this all you can do ” the crow asked. The swan just flew silently. He flew slowly, but didn’t stop. After flying a long distance (距离), the crow was so 32 that he could hardly fly and almost fell into the sea.
Seeing this, the swan said to the crow. “You have flying skills, 33 I have good endurance (耐力). Everyone has his own strong and weak points. One should never think that he is perfect while others are all good for nothing.” After the crow 34 the swan’s words, his 35 turned red and hung his head. He regretted having laughed at the swan.
26.A.run B.jump C.fly
27.A.What B.How C.What a
28.A.compete B.talk C.argue
29.A.one B.two C.three
30.A.In the end B.At last C.At first
31.A.road B.mountain C.sea
32.A.tired B.strong C.successful
33.A.or B.and C.but
34.A.heard B.watched C.saw
35.A.hand B.face C.leg
26.C 27.B 28.A 29.B 30.C 31.C 32.A 33.C 34.A 35.B
run跑;jump跳;fly飞。根据“Do you have as many flying skills as I do ”可知,二人要比飞行,故选C。
What强调的中心词是可数名词复数或不可数名词;How强调的中心词是形容词/副词;What a强调的中心词是可数名词单数。本句强调的中心词是形容词“stupid”,故选B。
compete比赛;talk谈论;argue争论。根据“The competition”可知,二人要比赛,故选A。
one一;two二;three三。根据“In the first stage, ... In the second stage, ...”可知,比赛分为两个阶段,故选B。
In the end最后;At last最后;At first起初。根据“... the crow showed different ways of flying.”可知,起初乌鸦展示了不同的飞行方式。故选C。
road道路;mountain山;sea海。根据“almost fell into the sea”可知,飞向大海,故选C。
tired累的;strong强壮的;successful成功的。根据“the crow was so ... that he could hardly fly and almost fell into the sea”可知,乌鸦很累,差点掉进海里,故选A。
or或者;and和;but但是。分析“You have flying skills, ... I have good endurance (耐力).”可知,前后构成转折关系,用but连接,故选C。
heard听到;watched观看;saw看见。根据“the swan’s words”可知,听了天鹅的话,故选A。
hand手;face脸;leg腿。根据“his ... turned red and hung his head”可知,乌鸦很羞愧,所以脸红了。故选B。
Long long ago, there was a young man called Karim. He 36 caps to make a living around several villages. One day, he was passing through a forest. He felt 37 and wanted to have a rest. He saw a tall mango tree and put his bag of caps beside him and slept under the tree. When he woke up, he 38 there weren’t any caps in his bag!
“Oh,” he said to himself, “Did 39 steal all my caps ” But then he noticed that the mango tree was full 40 cute monkeys wearing colorful caps! He shouted at the monkeys and they shouted back. He made faces at 41 and then the monkeys made faces, too.
He 42 his own cap angrily and put it on the ground. The stupid monkeys threw their caps, too! Karim didn’t waste a second, collected the caps and was on his way.
Fifty years later, young Abdul, grandson of Karim, who also sold caps, was going through the same 43 . The same thing happened to him——the monkeys took all of his caps when he was asleep under the tree. Abdul didn’t know 44 he should do, and suddenly he remembered the story his grandfather told him. Then Abdul waved at the monkeys, danced ... 45 , he threw his cap on the ground.
Just then, one monkey, walked up to Abdul, laughed and said, “Do you think only you have a grandfather ”
36.A.bought B.washed C.borrowed D.sold
37.A.tired B.busy C.happy D.thirsty
38.A.asked B.thought C.found D.heard
39.A.somebody B.everybody C.nobody D.anybody
40.A.with B.of C.at D.in
41.A.him B.her C.them D.it
42.A.took off B.took away C.took up D.took out
43.A.sand B.forest C.pool D.river
44.A.where B.when C.who D.what
45.A.At least B.In fact C.At last D.In short
36.D 37.A 38.C 39.D 40.B 41.C 42.A 43.B 44.D 45.C
bought买;washed洗;borrowed借;sold卖。根据“young Abdul, grandson of Karim, who also sold caps”可知,祖孙俩都以卖帽子为生。故选D。
tired劳累的;busy忙碌的;happy开心的;thirsty口渴的。根据“and wanted to have a rest”可知,他感到累了,所以想休息一下。故选A。
asked询问;thought认为;found发现;heard听见。根据“he … there weren’t any caps in his bag!”可知,他醒来后发现包里的帽子没了。故选C。
somebody某人;everybody所有人;nobody没有人;anybody任何人。根据“Did … steal all my caps ”可知,此处是一般疑问句,应用anybody,指有人偷走他的帽子吗。故选D。
with和;of……的;at在;in在……里面。be full of“满是……,充满……”,固定短语。故选B。
him他;her她;them它们;it它。根据“He shouted at the monkeys and they shouted back. He made faces at … and then the monkeys made faces”可知,此处指他对猴子做鬼脸,monkeys是复数,故用them指代。故选C。
took off脱掉;took away拿走;took up占据;took out拿出。根据“He … his own cap angrily and put it on the ground.”可知,他把自己的帽子脱掉放在地上。故选A。
43.句意:五十年后,年轻的阿卜杜勒,卡里姆的孙子,也卖帽子,正在穿过同样的森林。sand沙子;forest森林;pool池塘;river河流。根据“One day, he was passing through a forest.”可知,祖孙俩都穿过一片森林。故选B。
where哪里;when什么时候;who谁;what什么。根据“Abdul didn’t know … he should do”可知,此处应用what引导宾语从句,作从句中动词do的宾语。故选D。
At least至少;In fact实际上;At last最终;In short简而言之。根据“Then Abdul waved at the monkeys, danced ..., he threw his cap on the ground.”可知,他先是朝猴子挥手,然后跳舞,最后把帽子扔到了地上。故选C。
When I was in middle school, I was bullied(欺负)a lot. There was one boy, let’s call him C, who was the main person 61 . Every day, for many years, he would say mean things to me and 62 me with his words. It was 63 time in my life, and I felt like there was no way of running away from it.
Years passed, and I left 64 . I had no idea what happened to C, and I didn’t 65 . I just wanted to move on with my life and forget about what happened.
One day, when I was twenty-six years old, I was walking to the supermarket. Suddenly, I saw C. I couldn’t believe it. He 66 at me, trying to find out who I was. Then, he asked me if I was who he thought I was. I told him that I was 67 who he thought I was.
To my surprise, C 68 . It was the most honest and heartfelt apology I had ever heard. He didn’t have to say anything. He could have just behaved in a way that he didn’t 69 me and walked away. But he stopped me and apologized. I could hear the 70 in his voice for what he had done to me in the past. At that moment, I 71 him right away. All the hatred(憎恨)and 72 I had carried for years was gone in a 73 . I was a completely 74 and life-changing moment for me. That experience gave me a 75 in the goodness of people and made the rest of my day truly amazing.
61.A.responsible B.magical C.impossible D.valuable
62.A.comfort B.satisfy C.praise D.scare
63.A.happy B.pleasant C.difficult D.moving
64.A.home B.school C.work D.supermarket
65.A.help B.relax C.care D.calm
66.A.looked B.shouted C.laughed D.knocked
67.A.nearly B.almost C.exactly D.simply
68.A.apologized B.cried C.forgot D.communicated
69.A.influence B.notice C.bully D.hate
70.A.loneliness B.joy C.meaning D.shame
71.A.left B.excused C.remembered D.punished
72.A.luck B.regret C.happiness D.anger
73.A.year B.month C.second D.hour
74.A.unclear B.unfriendly C.uncertain D.unexpected
75.A.lesson B.hope C.gift D.love
61.A 62.D 63.C 64.B 65.C 66.A 67.C 68.A 69.B 70.D 71.B 72.D 73.C 74.D 75.A
responsible负责任的;magical神奇的;impossible不可能的;valuable有价值的。根据“When I was in middle school, I was bullied(欺负)a lot.”和“who was the main person”可知C是主要欺负我的人。故选A。
comfort舒服;satisfy满足;praise赞美;scare害怕。根据“When I was in middle school, I was bullied(欺负)a lot.”可知C欺负作者,所以会说话恐吓他。故选D。
happy高兴的;pleasant愉快的;difficult困难的;moving感动的。根据“When I was in middle school, I was bullied (欺负)a lot.”可知被欺负的日子应该很艰难。故选C。
home家;school学校;work工作;supermarket超市。根据“Years passed,”可知多年后,作者毕业了,离开了学校。故选B。
help帮助;relax放松;care关心;calm冷静。根据“I just wanted to move on with my life and forget about what happened.”可知作者不关心C发生了什么,就想继续自己的生活。故选C。
looked看;shouted喊;laughed嘲笑;knocked敲。根据“Suddenly, I saw C. I couldn’t believe it.”可知两人见面了,互相看对方。故选A。
nearly差不多;almost几乎;exactly准确地;simply简单地;仅仅。根据“Then, he asked me if I was who he thought I was.”可知作者告诉C,他就是他想的人。故选C。
apologized道歉;cried哭;forgot忘记;communicated沟通。根据“It was the most honest and heartfelt apology I had ever heard.”可知作者听到了C的道歉。故选A。
influence影响;notice注意;bully欺负;hate恨。根据“He didn’t have to say anything.”可知作者认为C本可以不跟他说话,就当没注意到他。故选B。
loneliness孤单;joy高兴;meaning意义;shame羞耻。根据“But he stopped me and apologized.”可知C道歉了,因此可推测他对过去的事,感到抱歉和羞耻。故选D。
left离开;excused原谅;remembered记住;punished惩罚。根据“All the hatred (憎恨)and ... I had carried for years was gone in a ”可知作者原谅了C,所有憎恨都消散了。故选B。
year年;month月;second秒;hour小时。根据“ At that moment, I ... him right away. ”可知作者听到道歉的时候,就原谅了C,因此也就是一瞬间,C选项符合。故选C。
unclear不清楚的;不友好的;uncertain不确定的;unexpected意想不到的。根据“He could have just behaved in a way that he didn’t ... me and walked away. ”可知C的道歉是作者没想到的。故选D。
lesson课程;hope希望;gift礼物;love爱。根据“in the goodness of people and made the rest of my day truly amazing.”可知这是作者的感悟,因此是学到了一课。故选A。
阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Lisa works in the dining hall of a primary school. Her job is to serve breakfast and lunch to teachers and 76 .
Because Lisa has a hearing problem, the students weren’t able to 77 with her effectively (有效地). They just pointed to the 78 they wanted. This year, however, things have changed a lot. It all started with Betty, a new teacher at the school.
Betty has learned sign language (手语) 79 three years. One day, she started a conversation in sign language with Lisa in the dining hall. The students there stopped eating and 80 the sign language conversation with interest.
The next day, Betty asked 81 students, “Would you like to learn how to 82 your hands to ‘talk’ to Lisa ” Everyone in the class said yes. She then began teaching the students some 83 ways to say hello and how to order food.
The head teacher of the school heard about this. 84 he decided that the whole school should learn some sign language. Now, all the people at the school are learning sign language 85 . And Lisa is feeling so loved at work!
76.A.students B.parents C.cooks
77.A.work B.check C.communicate
78.A.chalk B.food C.money
79.A.after B.of C.for
80.A.watched B.guided C.finished
81.A.my B.your C.her
82.A.pull B.use C.wash
83.A.easy B.noisy C.sweet
84.A.Or B.And C.But
85.A.early B.angrily C.actively
76.A 77.C 78.B 79.C 80.A 81.C 82.B 83.A 84.B 85.C
students学生;parents家长;cooks厨师。根据“Lisa works in the dining hall of a primary school.”可知,在学校餐厅工作,应是给老师和学生服务的,故选A。
work工作;check检查;communicate沟通。根据“has a hearing problem”可知,有听力问题,所以学生和她沟通有困难,故选C。
chalk粉笔;food食物;money钱。 根据“Her job is to serve breakfast and lunch”可知,应是要食物,故选B。
after在……之后;of……的;for长达。根据“three years”可知,此处用for+时间段,表示“长达……”。故选C。
watched观看;guided引导;finished完成。根据“stopped eating and ... the sign language conversation with interest.”可知,应是看她们用手语对话,故选A。
easy简单的;noisy嘈杂的;sweet甜的。 根据“some ... ways to say hello”可知,是教一些简单的打招呼方式,故选A。
Or或者;And和;But但是。根据“The head teacher of the school heard about this … he decided that the whole school should learn some sign language.”可知校长听说了这件事后决定让全校都学点手语,前后之间是顺承关系,所以用and连接,故选B。
early早期的;angrily生气地;actively积极地。根据“all the people at the school are learning sign language”和“And Lisa is feeling so loved at work!”可知,应是大家都在积极学习手语,故选C。
Martin is my youngest son. He likes staying alone and he seldom laughs. As the boy’s mother, I was 86 about him. I took him to see the 87 in many hospitals, but it didn’t work well.
Nothing could make him happy except the recycling truck(垃圾回收车)passing by my house. Every afternoon, he raced to the front of the house, waiting 88 the truck.
When we were late and 89 the truck, Martin would be very disappointed. One day, I stopped the truck and introduced 90 .
“Nice to meet you, too. I’m Vince.” The driver greeted me in a happy 91 .
“Your coming is the most exciting moment for my son.” I smiled.
After knowing our story, he said, “ 92 you please give me your phone number Maybe I can send you a message 93 I arrive.”
Then began our friendship with Vince.
Recently, I said to him, “It’s my little boy’s birthday tomorrow. Can you do 94 special for him ”
The next day, as I was standing by the driveway with Martin, we saw the 95 truck running down the street with a loud beep(嘟嘟声). Like a superman in a movie, Vince stopped and walked towards us with a box in his hand.
“Today is your birthday, Martin, and here’s a gift.”
He handed the box to my son. Inside, there was a green model truck like his. My son, surprised, looked up 96 and thanked him.
After chatting for several 97 , he was about to leave for work. I tried to give him some 98 for his help. He kept shaking his head and 99 my money, saying, “Today you, tomorrow me.”
I was deeply moved(感动)by these 100 words. And I have been ready to help others whenever I can. You will never know when you’re going to be the one that needs help.
86.A.angry B.glad C.worried D.excited
87.A.teachers B.farmers C.workers D.doctors
88.A.on B.for C.in D.to
89.A.caught B.missed C.changed D.noticed
90.A.herself B.himself C.myself D.yourself
91.A.voice B.shout C.noise D.sound
92.A.Must B.May C.Could D.Should
93.A.after B.before C.and D.or
94.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something
95.A.red B.green C.yellow D.pink
96.A.heavily B.happily C.sadly D.seriously
97.A.minutes B.hours C.days D.years
98.A.food B.money C.trucks D.gifts
99.A.received B.accepted C.refused D.prevented
100.A.simple B.similar C.long D.difficult
86.C 87.D 88.B 89.B 90.C 91.A 92.C 93.B 94.D 95.B 96.B 97.A 98.B 99.C 100.A
angry生气的;glad高兴的;worried担心的;excited兴奋的。根据上文“He likes staying alone and he seldom laughs.”可知,男孩喜欢一个人待着,很少笑,因此妈妈很担心他。故选C。
teachers老师;farmers农民;workers工人;doctors医生。根据“in many hospitals”可知是去医院看医生。故选D。
on在……上;for为了;in在……里面;to到。根据“waiting”可知此处用动词短语wait for表示“等待”。故选B。
caught抓住;missed错过;changed改变;noticed注意。根据“we were late”可知迟到就会错过垃圾车的到来。故选B。
voice声音,嗓音;shout叫喊声;noise噪音;sound声音。根据“in a happy”可知表示人的说话声,应用名词voice来表示。故选A。
Must必须;May可以;Could可以;Should应该。根据“give me your phone number”可知此处表示请求许可,应用情态动词could表示委婉的请求。故选C。
after在……之后;before在……之前;and并且;or或者。根据“I arrive”可知此处应用before引导时间状语从句,表示“在到达之前”。故选B。
everything一切;anything任何东西;nothing没有东西;something某些东西。根据“Can you”可知此处是在请求对方,希望得到对方肯定的回复,应用something来表示“某些东西”。故选D。
red红色的;green绿色的;yellow黄色的;pink粉色的。根据上文“the recycling truck(垃圾回收车)”和常识可以垃圾车是绿色的。故选B。
heavily沉重地;happily高兴地;sadly悲伤地;seriously严肃地。根据“thanked him”可知感谢垃圾车司机,因此应是高兴的。故选B。
minutes分钟;hours小时;days天;years年。根据“After chatting for several”可知应是聊天聊了几分钟。故选A。
food食物;money钱;trucks卡车;gifts礼物。根据下文“my money”可知此处应是要给司机一点钱。故选B。
received接收;accepted接受;refused拒绝;prevented防止。根据“He kept shaking his head”可知,他不断摇头,说明是表明拒绝的态度。故选C。
simple简单的;similar相似的;long冗长的;difficult困难的。根据上文“Today you, tomorrow me.”可知这句话很简单。故选A。
In 2007, Jim and his friend Dylan moved into their new apartment on 22nd Street in Manhattan. The previous tenant (之前的租户) told them something 101 . “Every year over Christmas, many letters to Santa come here,” he said. “No one knows the reason.”
For the first two years, only a few letters came from kids 102 Santa for gifts. But in the weeks before Christmas in 2010, Jim and Dylan were 103 crazy. Every morning, they opened their mailbox and 104 was full of letters to Santa. They replied to as many as they could, writing notes and even buying gifts. But they could only do so much.
One evening, Jim and Dylan had a Christmas party in their apartment. Their guests 105 the hundreds of letters in the room and asked about them. Jim told them the 106 . Many guests offered to help without thinking twice.
107 was born Miracle on 22nd Street, a volunteer organization. Then Jim, Dylan and their friends replied to children’s letters to Santa with gifts. One child wrote that his back hurt because his parents couldn’t afford a 108 and he had to sleep on the floor. 109 agreement from the boy’s parents, they bought him one.
Every year, Jim, Dylan and Miracle on 22nd Street help hundreds of families. They no longer wonder 110 the letters come to the apartment. It has become part of Christmas for them to try to help families in need.
101.A.normal B.silent C.strange D.clear
102.A.telling B.asking C.paying D.throwing
103.A.driven B.shown C.woken D.known
104.A.they B.he C.we D.it
105.A.stole B.wrote C.noticed D.carried
106.A.report B.story C.rule D.excuse
107.A.So B.Until C.Nor D.Either
108.A.quilt B.table C.car D.bed
109.A.To B.About C.Of D.With
110.A.what B.why C.when D.who
101.C 102.B 103.A 104.D 105.C 106.B 107.A 108.D 109.D 110.B
normal正常的;silent沉默的;strange奇怪的;clear清晰的。根据“Every year over Christmas, many letters to Santa come here ... No one knows the reason”可知每年圣诞节,很多写给圣诞老人的信都寄到了这里,这是很奇怪的事情。故选C。
telling告诉;asking问;paying支付;throwing扔。根据“Santa for gifts”可知是向圣诞老人要礼物,ask sb. for ...“向某人要”。故选B。
driven开车,迫使;shown展示;woken唤醒;known知道。根据“Jim and Dylan were ... crazy”可知是被逼疯了,drive sb. crazy“把某人逼疯”。故选A。
they他们;he他;we我们;it它。根据“they opened their mailbox”可知是信箱里都是信,用代词it。故选D。
stole偷;wrote写;noticed注意到;carried携带。根据“the hundreds of letters in the room”可知是客人注意到了房间里有很多信。故选C。
report报道;story故事;rule规则;excuse借口。根据“the hundreds of letters in the room”可知是把这个故事告诉了客人们。故选B。
quilt被子;table桌子;car汽车;bed床。根据“he had to sleep on the floor”可知睡在地板上,因为买不起床。故选D。
to到;about关于;of……的;with和。根据“agreement from the boy’s parents”可知是在他父母的同意下,用介词with。故选D。
what什么;why为什么;when什么时候;who谁。根据“No one knows the reason”可知刚开始他们想知道原因,但是现在他们不再想知道这些信件为什么会来这里。故选B。
A long time ago, a group of people lived together on an island. They were Love, Vanity (虚荣), Sadness and so on. One day, the island would sink (沉没). All the people 111 their boats and started to leave. Love didn’t have a boat, so Love decided to ask others for 112 .
Love saw that Vanity had a beautiful boat. “Vanity, could you please take me 113 you ” Love asked. “I can’t help you.” Vanity answered. “You are wet all over with water. You will 114 my beautiful boat.”
Love then turned to Sadness and asked. “Sadness, please let me get on your boat!” “Sorry. I am too sad and I need to be 115 ,” Sadness replied. And when Love saw Happiness pass by, Love also tried to ask her for help. 116 she was so happy that she didn’t even stop to listen to what Love was saying.
Suddenly, Love heard an old man’s voice saying. “Come on, Love, I’ll take you away.” The old man used his boat to take love to a 117 place. Love thanked him and said. “May I have your name, please And why were you willing (乐意的) to help me ” “My name is Time,” the old man replied. “I helped you because I understood how 118 you were—You made the world full of peace and pleasure.”
111.A.got on B.put on C.tried on D.turned on
112.A.advice B.water C.money D.help
113.A.towards B.above C.with D.past
114.A.clean B.fix C.mess D.hide
115.A.away B.alone C.abroad D.around
116.A.But B.Though C.Because D.Whenever
117.A.dangerous B.poor C.quiet D.safe
118.A.valuable B.expensive C.successful D.interested
【答案】111.A 112.D 113.C 114.C 115.B 116.A 117.D 118.A
got on上车;put on穿上;tried on试穿;turned on打开。根据“started to leave.”可知大家都上船离开了,故选A。
advice建议;water水;money钱;help帮助。根据下文“I can’t help you.”可知爱在向别人求助,故选D。
towards朝着;above在……上;with和;past经过。根据“Vanity, could you please take me ... you”可知爱求助虚荣,让虚荣带上自己,take sb with sb“把某人带走”,故选C。
clean清理;fix修理;mess弄脏;hide隐藏。根据“You are wet all over with water. You will ... my beautiful boat.”可知虚荣认为爱会把自己的船弄脏,故选C。
away远离;alone独自;abroad在国外;around四周。根据“Sorry. I am too sad”可知伤心很悲伤,需要独自一人静一静,故选B。
dangerous危险的;poor贫穷的;quiet安静的;safe安全的。根据上文“One day, the island would sink (沉没)”可知老人应该是把爱带到一个安全的地方,故选D。