人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Workbook课件(共19张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Workbook课件(共19张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.5MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-05 19:02:40



Unit 3 The Internet
Using Words and Expressions
1.Learn more about the benefits and drawbacks of the plete the conversations with the correct forms of the words below.
update, false, benefit, upset, theft, access, download, account,database
Conversation 1
A: What is your favourite way to get information
B: Through the Internet,of course.
A: But what about books
B: You're kidding, right The Internet is much more____________. My studies have really_____________a lot from it.
A: But the information on the Internet may be_________.You should be careful.
Conversation 2
A: Why do you look so_________.
B: All my money has been stolen from my bank_________. I never thought online identity _________could happen to me.
A: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that! Have you reported it to the police and the bank Maybe you can get all your money back if you're lucky enough.
B: Yes, I've done that already. Let's hope it's just a bank error!
Conversation 3
A: Do you have any bicycle rental apps
B: No, though I've heard about them. How do you use them
A: Just___________ an app on your smartphone. You can find the nearest bike
in the appJust enter the bike mumber in the appand then you can ride it.
B: That’s cool, isn’t it Ihey must have to constantly _____________their_____________ .
2 Make collocations and then complete the sentences with them.
of, with, by, on, to
A familiar______________________
B comment_____________________
C keep track____________________
D inspired______________________
E get discounts__________________
1 The Internet of Things (IoT) will make it possible for airplane engineers to________________ the condition of airplane parts.
2 They are _______________famous musicians,and share their projects on a charity website where artists find supporters and raise money.
3 An increasing number of people like shopping online because they can often____________________________many goods.
4 All the people invited to the meeting_____________________ the new bus app.
5 People are always more relaxed in places which are ____________ them.
keep track of
inspired by
get discounts on
commented on
familiar to
3 Translate the sentences into English using the words and phrases in brackets.
1用网络和朋友保持联系是很方便的。(convenient, keep in touch with)
2我想介绍两款你们两个都不熟悉的应用程序。(app, be familiar with)
3没有人陪伴,她开始在网上聊天来打发时间。(keep somebody company, chat online)
It's convenient to keep in touch with friends through the Internet.
I'd like to introduce two apps that neither of you are familiar with.
Since she had nobody to keep her company, she started chatting online (began to chat online) to kill time.
4在别人哭泣的时候永远不要嘲笑,因为你可能永远不能充分了解他们经历过多么艰难的时刻。(make fun of, go through,tough times)
5 要记住,你的个人信息一定要保密。(keep in mind, keep ... private)
6 坚持锻炼三个月后,他的状态更好了。(in good shape)
Keep in mind that you must keep your personal information private.
After three months'exercise, he got in better shape.
Never make fun of others when they're crying because you may never fully understand what tough times they've gone through.
4 Read and complete the passage about online communication using the discourse markers in the box.
although, then, rather,for example, to begin with, as long as, such as
Connect Online to Meet Offline
In our information technology society, we often have more communications online than offline._____________, just compare the number of people to whom you have sent online messages with that of the people you've actually met in the past two weeks.
___________,there are now mobile apps which allow you to connect with strangers online and then meet them in person, and I'm not talking about dating apps!_________, I'm referring to apps which help to connect people with similar interests who live in the same city.______________, get online and find a group
For example
To begin with
that interests you.__________, simply join the group.____________you’re in a group with like-minded people, you will be able to enjoy doing the same activities together. You can do this for free,__________some apps will ask you to pay if you want to create an interest group.
As long as
There is a wide variety of interest groups out there,____________those for hiking, football,photgaphy, board games, poetry,or dog owners. You name it, they've got it! This is relly a great way to netwowk, meet people if you’er new to a city, or simply to make new friends.
such as
Using Structures
1 Complete the sentences with the present perfect passive voice of the given verbs.
1 A: Why can't I access my account
B:________your personal information________________(update)
2 Both learning sites_____________________(visit) by over 10, 000 people since last year.
3 This keyboard_____________________(not use) for a long time.4 4 Can you tell me what_____________________(do) to bridge the digital divide
been updated
have been visited
has not been used
has been done
5 In the past year I_____________________(inspire) to buy e-books instead of paper books.
6 A:Where can Iread those comments
B: Online. They_____________________(post) already.
7 It seems that more health problems___________________ (cause) by mobile phones.
8 That app_____________________ (delete) from my smartphone alread
have been inspired
have been posted
have been caused
has been deleted
has been spent
2 Find and correct the mistake in each sentences.
Using Structures
This app was used several times sinnce I downloaded it.
has been
1 How much money has spent on the earthquake recovery
has been stolen
were built
has never been sent
2 The girl is really upset because her new bicycle has stolen.
3. These old houses have been built in the 18th century.
4.It’s a pity that the letter has never sent to his father.
5. Little had been seen of them since they moved into the house down the street.
3 Read the newwspaper headlines. Change them into complete sentences as the example.
E-library on School Website- - for Students
An e-library for students has been set up on the school website.
1 Boy's Video Streamed over Two MillionTimes
A boy's video has been streamed over two million times.
2 5 Records Broken Today
3 Intelligent Search Engine Designed forTeenagers
4 Theft of Large Amount of Cash from Small Bank
5 STUDENTS: 30% Discount on Smartphones
6 Government Done Much to Stop Cyberbullies
Five records have been broken today.
An intelligent search engine has been designed for teenagers.
A large amount of cash has been stolen from a small bank.
A 30% discount has been offered/ given on smartphones to students.
Much has been done by the government to stop cyberbullies.
4 Complete the forms of the verbs in brackets.
Notice to parents
Dear Parents,
We hope you will welcome this news. Almost 100 computers ________________ (give) to us by a local computer company since the end of last year. A decision ______________(make) to begin acomputer teaching experiment at our school. Our plan ___________________(support)with technical equipment and advice which _________________(provide) by the City Information Technology Centre. Every teacher________________ (provide) with a laptop since the beginning of this term.
More recently, most of our courses _________________(teach) using computers. We________________(help) in our teaching by a lot of information from the ntrnet Also,a new computer room ________________(set up)in our school. We hope you will be happy with this exciting new development in ourschool.
No.8 Senior High School
have been given
has been made
has been supported
has been provided
has been provided
have been taught
have been helped
has been set up
5 Think about what you have done this week. Write as many things as you can.Then share with a partner.
The dog has been walked.
The washing has been done.
The gift for my aunt has been bought.
My homework hasn't been finished.
The birthday card hasn't been posted.
The cake hasn't been made.
What has been finished
What has not been finished
My room has been cleaned.
THe flowers in my room have been watered
My learning diary has not been written.
The plan for this weekend has not been made
6 The present perfect passive voice is often used in formal situations such as articles or speeches. Below, a headmaster is making a speech. Help him complete it.
Name Prize for
Wang Xiaoding best in science
Wu Lei top scores all year
Li Li excellent class monitor
Zhang Hong most well-bahaved student in the class
The prizes this year have been awarded( 奖励 ) to four students for their outstanding work.It____________________ (decide) that the Best in Science prize will go to Wang Xiaoding. Wu Lei____________________(award) the prize for getting the highest scores in the tests all year. She deserves this prize for all her hard work. Li Li ____________________(name)...
Li Li has been named as the most excellent class monitor, and Zhang Hong has been given the title of most well-behaved student in the class. Well done everyone!
has been decided
has been awarded
has been named