-2024届高三英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists 一轮复习导学案(含答案)


名称 -2024届高三英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists 一轮复习导学案(含答案)
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文件大小 67.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-05 20:32:00


Section 1:
1.cholera / k l r / n. 霍乱
2.severe /s v (r)/ adj. 极为恶劣的; 十分严重的; 严厉的
3.diarrhoea / da r / n. 腹写
4.dehydration / di ha dre n/ n. 脱水
5.frustrated /fr stre t d/ adj. 懊恼的; 泪丧的; 失意的
6.once and for all 最终地; 彻底地
7.contradictory / k ntr d kt ri/ adj. 相互矛盾的; 对立的; 不一致的
8.infection / n fek n/ n. 感染; 传染
9.infect / n fekt/ vt. 使感染; 传染
10.germ /d m/ n. 微生物; 细菌; 病菌
11.subscribe /s b skra b/ vi. 认购(股份); 定期订购; 定期交纳(会费)
12.subscribe to 同意; 赞同
13.proof /pru f/ n. 证据; 证明; 检验
14.multiple / m lt pl/ adj. 数量多的; 多种多样的
15.pump /p mp/ n. 泵; 抽水机; 打气简
16.water pump 水泵
17.household / ha sh ld/ n. 一家人; 家庭; 同住一所(套)房子的人
18.suspect /s spekt/ vt. & vi. 怀疑; 疑有; 不信任.
/ s spekt/ n. 犯罪嫌疑人; 可疑对象
19.blame /ble m/ vt. 把……归咎于; 责怪; 指责. n. 责备; 指责
20.handle / h ndl/ n. 把手; 拉手; 柄. vt. 处理; 搬动; 操纵(车辆、动物、工具等)
21.intervention / nt ven n/ n. 介入; 出面; 干涉
22.link /l k/ n. 联系; 纽带. vt. 把……连接起来; 相关联
23.raw /r / adj. 未煮的; 生的; 未经处理的; 原始的
24.pure /pj (r)/ adj. 干净的; 纯的; 纯粹的
25.substantial /s b st n l/ adj. 大量的; 价值巨大的; 重大的
Section 2:
26.decrease / di kri s/ n. 减少; 降低; 减少量.
/d kri s/ vt. & vi. (使大小、数量等)减少; 减小; 降低
27.thanks to 辛亏; 由于
28.statistic /st t st k/ n. [pl.] 统计数字; 统计资料; 统计学
29.transform /tr ns f m/ vt. 使改观; 使改变形态. vi. 改变; 转变
30.epidemiology / ep di mi l d i/ n. 流行病学
31.microscope / ma kr sk p/ n. 显微镜
32.thinking / θ k / n. 思想; 思维; 见解
33.protein / pr ti n/ n. 蛋白质
34.cell /sel/ n. 细胞; 小房间; 单间牢房
35.virus / va r s/ n. 病毒
36.finding / fa nd / n. 发现; 调查结果; (法律)判决
37.initial / n l/ adj. 最初的; 开始的; 第一的
38.vaccine / v ksi n/ n. 疫苗
39.framework / fre mw k/ n. 框架; 结构
40.theoretical framework 理论框架
41.solid / s l d/ adj. 可靠的; 固体的; 坚实的. n. 固体
42.cast /kɑ st/ vt. (cast, cast)投射; 向……投以(视线、笑容等); 投掷
43.shadow / d / n. 阴影; 影子; 背光处
44.rainbow / re nb / n. 彩虹
45.pour /p (r)/ vt. 倒出; 倾泻; 斟(饮料)
46.concrete / k kri t/ n. 混凝土. adj. 混凝土制的; 确实的; 具体的
47.plasma / pl zm / n. 血浆
48.aerospace / e r spe s/ n. 航空航天工业
49.patriotic / p tri t k/ adj. 爱国的
50.mechanical /m k n kl/ adj. 机械的; 发动机的; 机器的
Section 3:
51.mechanic /m k n k/ n. 机械师; 机械修理工
52.break out (战争, 打斗等不愉快的事情)突然开始; 爆发
53.aviation / e vi e n/ n. 航空制造业; 航空; 飞行
54.defend /d fend/ vt. 保卫; 防守; 辩解
55.jet /d et/ n. 喷气式飞机
56.assistant / s st nt/ n. 助理; 助手
57.in charge of 主管; 掌管
58.missile / m sa l/ n. 导弹
59.leadership / li d p/ n. 领导; 领导地位; 领导才能
60.trace /tre s/ vt. 追溯; 追踪; 查出. n. 痕迹; 遗迹; 踪迹
61.outstanding /a t st nd / adj. 优秀的; 杰出的; 明显的
62.gifted / ɡ ft d/ adj. 有天赋的; 有天才的; 天资聪慧的
e down 患(病); 染上(小病)
64.abstract / bstr kt/ adj. 抽象的; 理性的. n. (文献等的)摘要
65.steady / stedi/ adj. 稳定的; 平稳的; 稳步的
66.concept / k nsept/ n. 概念; 观念
67.astronomer / str n m (r)/ n. 天文学家
68.astronomy / str n mi/ n. 天文学
69.telescope / tel sk p/ n. 望远镜
70.besides /b sa dz/ prep. 除……之外(还). adv. 而且; 此外
71.brilliant / br li nt/ adj. 聪颖的; 绝妙的; 明亮的
72.furthermore / f m (r)/ adv. 此外; 再者
73.above all 最重要的是; 尤其是
74.fault /f lt/ n. 弱点; 过错
75.shift / ft/ n. 改变; 转换; 轮班. vi. & vt. 转移; 挪动; 转向
76.vivid / v v d/ adj. 生动的; 鲜明的; 丰富的
1. severe adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的→ severely adv.严重地;严厉地;苛刻地
2. subscribe vi.定期订购(或订阅等);定期交纳(会员费)→ subscription n.订阅;订购
→ subscriber n.订阅者
3. finding n.调查发现;调研结果→ find vt.发现→ found (过去式)→ found (过去分词)
4. decrease vt.&vi.(使大小、数量等)减少;减小;降低n.减少;降低;减少量→ decreasing adj.逐渐减少的
→ decreasingly adv.逐渐减少地;渐减地
→ increase vt.&.vi.增加;增多→ increasing adj.增加的
→ increasingly adv.越来越多地,不断增加地
5.infectious adj.传染性的;患有传染病;有传染力的→ infect vt.使感染;传染
→ infection n.感染;传染→ infected adj.被感染了的
6.defense n.防护;防卫→ defend vt.防御;保卫;辩解→ defensive adj.防御的;保卫的
7. assist vt.帮助;协助→ assistant n.助手;助理→ assistance n.帮助;援助
8.frustrate(v.)使沮丧→ frustration (n.)懊恼;沮丧
9.initial(adj.)起初的;最初的→ initially (adv.)起初
10.brilliant(adj.)聪颖的→ brilliance (n.)才华;聪慧
1.The severe drought has severely affected this area,causing great loss to the local residents. ( severe)
2.These viruses are highly infectious and affect senior citizens severely. (virus)
3. I am a regular subscriber of China Daily. My first subscription dates back to 27 years ago. That is to say, I have subscribed to it for so many years. (subscribe)
4. Researchers found that people's mental health conditions are related to their jobs, family life, surroundings as well as their childhood experiences. These findings will be published on Medical World next month.( finding)
5. When winter comes, with the decreasing temperature day by day, the flu virus increases its infectiousness, causing _ increasingly high infected cases all over the world. People hope when spring comes, with the temperature increasing day by day, there will be decreasing infected patients. (decrease)
6. He believes in doing careful thinking before taking action. In other words, it's impossible that he had never thought it over before he quit to start his own business.(thinking)
7.Cholera(霍乱)is a highly infectious disease. If people are infected and cannot be treated properly, they might die, (infect)
8. I am a mechanic in a company which undertakes mechanical work on all types of cars. I work creatively rather than mechanically .(mechanical)
9.When asked about the crisis, she became defensive and defended that she had taken timely measures, but her defense didn't make sense. (defense)
10.My assistant Miss Lin is very helpful. She does all she can to assist me. She comes to my ___assistance _ whenever I need a helping hand, even on weekends. (assist)
A severe outbreak of cholera(霍乱) cast a shadow over Londoners' life. Faced with two apparently contradictory theories about the possible cause,John Snow, a brilliant1 scientist, was determined to 2 the disease once and for all.
Instead of using a microscope to study the3, he marked on a map where the victims4 . He noticed that multiple deaths were near the water pump(水泵) in Broad Street 5 some households who drank free beer given by the pub they worked in. John Snow6that the pump water was to blame but still he needed concrete 7. He had the handle of the pump 8 so that it could not be used. Through this9 ,the disease was immediately under control.
John Snow subscribed to the view that there was a link between the10and the Broad Street outbreak. He continued to discover that the water had been11by raw waste. He announced his findings and urged that people drink12or boiled water. Soon, there was a substantial13in cholera cases.14his solid work, people were able to defeat cholera. Furthermore(此外),his use of maps and statistics transformed the thinking of the scientific world towards 15diseases. That is why he is considered “Father of Modern Epidemiology(流行病学)”.
( C )1. A. chemical B. technical C. medical D.agricultural
( D )2.A. affect B. cause C.damage D. defeat
( B )3.A.crisis B. virus C. assumption D. cancer
( C )4. A. attacked B. concerned C. lived D. headed
( A )5. A. except B. besides C. including D.from
( A )6. A. suspected B. convinced C. estimated D. wondered
( D )7. A. solutions B. methods C. proposal D. proof
( C )8. A. turned B. switched C. removed D. bent
( C )9. A. innovation B. evaluation C. intervention D. persuasion
( B)10.A.map B. pump C. beer D. handle
( D )11.A. tackled B. comprised C. examined D. polluted
( A )12.A. pure B. nutritional C.raw D.salty
( B )13. A. change B. decrease C. development D.increase
( A )14. A. Thanks to B. Apart from C. In spite of D.Rather than
( D )15. A. conventional B.incredible C.relevant D.infectious
People may admire a mechanical engineer who can make great inventions or an outstanding writer 1 who/that can give a vivid description of a beautiful rainbow after a pouring rain. For me, the most respectable people are scientists Qian Xuesen and Stephen Hawking,to name a few.
After the Songhu Battle 2 broke ( break) out, Qian Xuesen linked his career choice to the defense of the country, 3 so oil he shifted his major to aviation(航空学). Having graduated 4 from the California Institute of Technology, he returned to China and 5 was put (put) in charge of China's rocket and missile program.Regardless of(不顾)the difficulties at the initial stage of his research, he managed to turn abstract 6concepts (concept) into reality. Under his leadership,China 7 successfully (successful) developed its own rockets and missiles.
Stephen Hawking was a gifted physicist whose Big Bang theory was later proved by as- tronomers with telescopes. Even though he came down with a disease that caused gradual loss of muscle movement, he carried on his research. His talent, determination,and above all, 8 his (he) bravery to point out the faults in former theories, are what made him an out- standing physicist.
9 Inspired (inspire) by the great scientists, I am studying hard to be a medical scien- tist, 10 hoping (hope) to find a way to defeat bird flu by blocking a key protein in the cells that assists the spread of the virus.
(1) What impresses people most is his love towards his grandfather.让人们印象最深刻的是他对他爷爷的爱。
(2)Years later,what concerned him most was his aging grandfather.几年过去了,最让他担心的是他日渐年迈的爷爷。
(3)It's estimated that he has attained millions of fans.据估计,他已经获得了几百万粉丝。
[解析]一个句子的主语是一个完整的句子,这个句子叫含主语从句的复合句,其中充当主语的那个句子叫主语从句。在本组句子中,画线部分都是句子的主语。在句(1)句(2)两个主语从句中what 既引导主语从句又充当主语从句的主语。句(3)是It作形式主语,真正的主语是由 that 引导的主语从句。
What made him sad was his classmates’ attitude to/toward him.
[模仿 2]让他不安的是没人买他的花。
What upset him was that no on bought his flowers.
[模仿 3]据报道在这场洪水中有9个人失踪。
It is reported that nine people got lost in the flood.
[模仿 4]建议你花更多的时间学习英语。
It is suggested that you should spend more time learning English.
- 1 -一、课堂限时练
Section 1:
1.cholera / k l r / n.
2./s v (r)/ adj. 极为恶劣的; 十分严重的; 严厉的
3.diarrhoea / da r / n. 4.dehydration / di ha dre n/ n.
5./fr stre t d/ adj. 懊恼的; 泪丧的; 失意的 6.once and for all
7.contradictory / k ntr d kt ri/ adj. 8.infection/ n fek n/n.
9.infect / n fekt/ vt. 10.germ /d m/ n.
11.subscribe /s b skra b/ vi. 12.subscribe to
13.proof /pru f/ n. 14.multiple / m lt pl/ adj.
15.pump /p mp/ n. 16.water pump
17.household / ha sh ld/ n.
18./s spekt/ vt. & vi. 怀疑; 疑有; 不信任./ s spekt/n. 犯罪嫌疑人; 可疑对象
19./ble m/ vt. 把……归咎于; 责怪; 指责. n. 责备; 指责
20./ h ndl/ n. 把手; 拉手; 柄. vt. 处理; 搬动; 操纵(车辆、动物、工具等)
21.intervention / nt ven n/ n.
22.link /l k/ n. 联系; 纽带. vt. 23.raw /r / adj.
24.pure /pj (r)/ adj. 25.substantial /s b st n l/ adj.
Section 2:
26. / di kri s/ n. 减少; 降低;./d kri s/ vt. & vi.减少; 减小; 降低
27.辛亏; 由于 (词组)
28.statistic /st t st k/ n. [pl.] 29.transform /tr ns f m/ vt.
30.epidemiology / ep di mi l d i/ n.
31.microscope / ma kr sk p/ n.
32.thinkin / θ k / n. 33.protein / pr ti n/ n.
34.cell /sel/ n. 35.virus / va r s/ n.
36.finding / fa nd / n.
37./ n l/ adj. 最初的; 开始的; 第一的
38.vaccine / v ksi n/ n. 39.framework / fre mw k/ n.
40.theoretical framework
41.solid / s l d/ adj. n.
42.cast /kɑ st/ vt. (cast, cast) 43.shadow / d / n.
44.rainbow / re nb / n. 45.pour /p (r)/ vt.
46.concrete / k kri t/ n. . adj.
47.plasma / pl zm / n. 48.aerospace / e r spe s/ n.
49. / p tri t k/ adj. 爱国的
50.mechanical /m k n kl/ adj.
Section 3:
51.mechanic /m k n k/ n.
52.(战争, 打斗等不愉快的事情)突然开始; 爆发 (词组)
53.aviation / e vi e n/ n. 54./d fend/ vt. 保卫; 防守; 辩解
55.jet /d et/ n. 56./ s st nt/ n. 助理; 助手
57.主管; 掌管 (词组)
58.missile / m sa l/ n. 59./ li d p/ n. 领导; 领导地位; 领导才能
60.trace /tre s/ vt. . n.
61./a t st nd / adj. 优秀的; 杰出的; 明显的
62./ ɡ ft d/ adj. 有天赋的; 有天才的; 天资聪慧的
63.患(病); 染上(小病)
64.abstract / bstr kt/ adj. . n.
65.steady / stedi/ adj.
66.concept / k nsept/ n.
67.astronomer / str n m (r)/ n. 68.astronomy / str n mi/ n.
69.telescope / tel sk p/ n.
70.besides /b sa dz/
71. / br li nt/ adj. 聪颖的; 绝妙的; 明亮的
72.furthermore / f m (r)/ adv.
73.最重要的是; 尤其是 74.fault /f lt/ n.
75.shift / ft/ n. . vi. & vt.
76.vivid / v v d/ adj.
1. severe adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的→ adv.严重地;严厉地;苛刻地
2. subscribe vi.定期订购(或订阅等);定期交纳(会员费)→ n.订阅;订购 → n.订阅者
3. finding n.调查发现;调研结果→ vt.发现→ (过去式)→ (过去分词)
4. decrease vt.&vi.(使大小、数量等)减少;减小;降低n.减少;降低;减少量→ adj.逐渐减少的
→ adv.逐渐减少地;渐减地
→ vt.&.vi.增加;增多→ adj.增加的
→ adv.越来越多地,不断增加地
5.infectious adj.传染性的;患有传染病;有传染力的→ vt.使感染;传染
→ n.感染;传染→ adj.被感染了的
6.defense n.防护;防卫→ vt.防御;保卫;辩解→ adj.防御的;保卫的
7. assist vt.帮助;协助→ n.助手;助理→ n.帮助;援助
8.frustrate(v.)使沮丧→ (n.)懊恼;沮丧
9.initial(adj.)起初的;最初的→ (adv.)起初
10.brilliant(adj.)聪颖的→ (n.)才华;聪慧
1.The drought has affected this area,causing great loss to the local residents. ( severe)
2.These are highly infectious and affect senior citizens severely. (virus)
3. I am a regular of China Daily. My first dates back to 27 years ago. That is to say, I have to it for so many years. (subscribe)
4. Researchers that people's mental health conditions are related to their jobs, family life, surroundings as well as their childhood experiences. These will be published on Medical World next month.( finding)
5. When winter comes, with the temperature day by day, the flu virus its infectiousness, causing _high infected cases all over the world. People hope when spring comes, with the temperature day by day, there will be infected patients. (decrease)
6. He believes in doing careful before taking action. In other words, it's impossible that he had never it over before he quit to start his own business.(thinking)
7.Cholera(霍乱)is a highly disease. If people are and cannot be treated properly, they might die, (infect)
8. I am a in a company which undertakes work on all types of cars. I work creatively rather than .(mechanical)
9.When asked about the crisis, she became and that she had taken timely measures, but her didn't make sense. (defense)
10.My Miss Lin is very helpful. She does all she can to me. She comes to my ___ _ whenever I need a helping hand, even on weekends. (assist)
A severe outbreak of cholera(霍乱) cast a shadow over Londoners' life. Faced with two apparently contradictory theories about the possible cause,John Snow, a brilliant1 scientist, was determined to 2 the disease once and for all.
Instead of using a microscope to study the3, he marked on a map where the victims4 . He noticed that multiple deaths were near the water pump(水泵) in Broad Street 5 some households who drank free beer given by the pub they worked in. John Snow6that the pump water was to blame but still he needed concrete 7. He had the handle of the pump 8 so that it could not be used. Through this9 ,the disease was immediately under control.
John Snow subscribed to the view that there was a link between the10and the Broad Street outbreak. He continued to discover that the water had been11by raw waste. He announced his findings and urged that people drink12or boiled water. Soon, there was a substantial13in cholera cases.14his solid work, people were able to defeat cholera. Furthermore(此外),his use of maps and statistics transformed the thinking of the scientific world towards 15diseases. That is why he is considered “Father of Modern Epidemiology(流行病学)”.
( )1. A. chemical B. technical C. medical D.agricultural
( )2.A. affect B. cause C.damage D. defeat
( )3.A.crisis B. virus C. assumption D. cancer
( )4. A. attacked B. concerned C. lived D. headed
( )5. A. except B. besides C. including D.from
( )6. A. suspected B. convinced C. estimated D. wondered
( )7. A. solutions B. methods C. proposal D. proof
( )8. A. turned B. switched C. removed D. bent
( )9. A. innovation B. evaluation C. intervention D. persuasion
( )10.A.map B. pump C. beer D. handle
( )11.A. tackled B. comprised C. examined D. polluted
( )12.A. pure B. nutritional C.raw D.salty
( )13. A. change B. decrease C. development D.increase
( )14. A. Thanks to B. Apart from C. In spite of D.Rather than
( )15. A. conventional B.incredible C.relevant D.infectious
People may admire a mechanical engineer who can make great inventions or an outstanding writer 1 can give a vivid description of a beautiful rainbow after a pouring rain. For me, the most respectable people are scientists Qian Xuesen and Stephen Hawking,to name a few.
After the Songhu Battle 2 ( break) out, Qian Xuesen linked his career choice to the defense of the country, 3 oil he shifted his major to aviation(航空学). Having graduated 4 the California Institute of Technology, he returned to China and 5 (put) in charge of China's rocket and missile program.Regardless of(不顾)the difficulties at the initial stage of his research, he managed to turn abstract 6 (concept) into reality. Under his leadership,China 7 (successful) developed its own rockets and missiles.
Stephen Hawking was a gifted physicist whose Big Bang theory was later proved by as- tronomers with telescopes. Even though he came down with a disease that caused gradual loss of muscle movement, he carried on his research. His talent, determination,and above all, 8 (he) bravery to point out the faults in former theories, are what made him an out- standing physicist.
9 (inspire) by the great scientists, I am studying hard to be a medical scien- tist, 10 (hope) to find a way to defeat bird flu by blocking a key protein in the cells that assists the spread of the virus.
(1) What impresses people most is his love towards his grandfather.让人们印象最深刻的是他对他爷爷的爱。
(2)Years later,what concerned him most was his aging grandfather.几年过去了,最让他担心的是他日渐年迈的爷爷。
(3)It's estimated that he has attained millions of fans.据估计,他已经获得了几百万粉丝。
[解析]一个句子的主语是一个完整的句子,这个句子叫含主语从句的复合句,其中充当主语的那个句子叫主语从句。在本组句子中,画线部分都是句子的主语。在句(1)句(2)两个主语从句中what 既引导主语从句又充当主语从句的主语。句(3)是It作形式主语,真正的主语是由 that 引导的主语从句。
[模仿 2]让他不安的是没人买他的花。
[模仿 3]据报道在这场洪水中有9个人失踪。
[模仿 4]建议你花更多的时间学习英语。
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