人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters单元测试(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters单元测试(含答案)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-05 21:58:49


单元提升卷 05 Unit 4 Natural Disasters
1. n .&vt. 营救;救援→ n. 营救人员;救援人员
2. vi. 生存;存活 vt. 幸存;艰难度过→ n. 幸存者;生还者→
n. 幸存;生还
3. n. 死;死亡→ vi. 死;死亡→ adj. 死的;无生命的
→ adj. 垂死的;临终的
4. n. 震惊;令人震惊的事;休克 vt. (使)震惊→ adj. 震惊的→
adj. 令人震惊的
5. vi.&vt. 呼吸→ n .呼吸
6. vt.&vi. 复活; (使)苏醒→ n. 振兴;复苏
7. vt. 遭受;蒙受 vi. (因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦→ n. 痛苦;苦难
→ n. 受苦者
8. n. 智慧;才智→ adj. 明智的;有智慧的→ adv. 明智地;
9. vt.&vi. 打扫;清扫→(过去式) →(过去分词)
10. vi.&vt. 侵袭;突击;击打 n. 罢工;罢课;袭击→(过去式)
11. n. 电力供应;能量;力量;控制力→ adj. 强大的;强有力的
→ adj. 无力的;没有能力的;无权力的
12. vi.&vt. (火山)爆发; (岩浆、烟等)喷出→ n. 爆发
13. adj. 镇静的;沉着的 vt. 使平静;使镇静→ adv. 镇静地;沉着地
14. vt.&vi. 递送;传达 vt. 发表→ n. 递送;传达
15. n. 影响;结果;效果→ adj. 有效的
16. n. 长;长度→ adj. 长的→ vt. 加长
1. 指的是;,查阅;提到 8. 吹走;刮走
2. 过去常常 9. 结束
3. 建立 10. 倒塌
4. 至少 11. 穿过;贯穿;抄近路
5. 似乎;好像;仿佛 12. 和往常一样
6. 严重受损;破败不堪 13. 消灭;彻底消除
7. 震惊;吃惊 14. 露天;在户外
15. 现有(尤指帮助)
16. 保持平静
17. 远离
18. 确保
19. fight the fire
20. flood-hit area 21. rescue worker
22. hundreds of
23. nothing but
24. dig out
25. the number of
1 .With no rain for over a year, the city is suffering unusually hot weather.
2 .Given the fast pace of the job market now, 21st century employees are faced with challenges their
parents never experienced.
3 .On the hill were maple trees leaves had turned red.
4 .The crops died during the (dry).
5 .The earthquake should be responsible for the (dead) and loss.
6 .The south of the country (affect) by the flood last year.
7.Temperature and the (long) of day are traditionally accepted as the main factors in affecting when
leaves change colour and fall.
8 . summary, it is my opinion that the whole process of treatment was very successful.
9 .Many Lithuanians have expressed doubts about the (wise) of the decision.
10 .Below is a (summarize) of what we talked about.
11 .What he did had a bad (affect) on children’s behaviour.
12 .What (strike) her was that the beauty of the place was beyond description.
13 .It was really a terrifying experience. Afterwards everybody was very (shock).
14 .Although the polite British approach to (deliver) jokes means that sometimes it’s difficult to even
tell if it is a joke or not.
15 .Hold your (breathe) for a count of five, then slowly breathe out.
16 .Medical workers were asked to give up their holidays because of the national (emerge).
17 .Quite a few people used to believe (disaster) were sure to strike if a mirror was broken.
18 .The whole village (destroy) in the sudden flood last year, leaving nothing to the native people.
19 .My new white dress was totally (ruin) by the dirty water.
20 .She used an umbrella to take shelter the burning sun.
21 .He has great difficulty in catching (he) breath.
22 .She received many letters of support from fellow (suffer).
23 .The brain requires constant (supply) of oxygen.
24 .In the traffic accident, the (survive) were all badly injured.
25 .All things there gave him a feeling of security and (calm).
26 .Please evacuate the building (immediate).
27 .The criminal escaped helicopter.
28 .The officials (helicopter) aboard the ship.
29 .The farm came to him on his father’s death, but he was not (interest) in being a farmer.
30 .She was (deep) affected by the sad story.
31 .多年的战斗使这个村庄严重受损。
Years of fighting have left the village .
32 .仿佛世界末日即将来临。
It the world were coming to an end.
33 .你会获得你从未获得过的体验。
You’ll gain the experience .
34 .他们被困在燃烧着的楼房里。
They the burning building.
35 .我突然想到,我们应该制订一个新的方案。
that we should work out a new plan.
36 .Both students have made quite a few experiments on (电).
37 .It is said that a team of soldiers were sent to the area (影响) by the flood.
38 .His head (撞) the bottom when he dived into the 6-feet end of the pool.
39 .They had accidentally damaged a gas (管子) while drilling.
40 .The whole country is looking forward to the (营救) of the miners.
41 .A fisherman is trying to (幸存) a storm.
42 .He says it’s like a volcano ready to (喷发).
43 .We will (遭受) hardship in our life, but we should stick to our dream and work hard to realise it.
44 .As far as I’m concerned, our success is the fruit of everyone’s (智慧).
45 .Could you help me write a (概要) of this passage and send it to me on Monday
46 .After the big fire, the house lay in (废墟)
47 .Before I went off to university, my father gave me a few words of (智慧).
48 .The town was completely (毁灭) by a flood but was soon rebuilt in a year.
49 .Because of the (洪水), the number of homeless people has increased rapidly.
50 .They have received notice of an approaching (台风).
Here’s how the Pacific Northwest is preparing for “The Big One”. It’s the mother of all disaster drills for what could be the worst disaster in American history. California has spent years preparing for “The Big One”— the inevitable earthquake that will undoubtedly bring about all kinds of damage along the famous San Andreas fault. But what if the fault that runs along the Pacific Northwest delivers a gigantic earthquake of its own If the
people of the Cascadia region have anything to do with it, they won’t be caught unawares.
The region is engaged in a multi-day earthquake-and-tsunami drill involving around 20, 000 people. The Cascadia Rising drill gives area residents and emergency responders a chance to practice what to do in case of a 9.
0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami along one of the nation’s dangerous and underestimated faults.
The Cascadia Earthquake Zone is big enough to compete with San Andreas (it’s been called the most dangerous fault in America), but it’s much lesser known than its California cousin. Nearly 700 miles long, the earthquake zone is located by the North American Plate off the coast of Pacific British Columbia. Washington,
Oregon and Northern California.
Cascadia is what’s known as a “megathrust” fault. Megathrusts are created in subduction zones(俯冲带)— plate tectonic( 板块构造)boundaries where two plates converge( 相交). In the areas where one plate is beneath another, stress builds up over time. During a megathrust event, all of that stress releases and some of the world’s most powerful earthquake occur. Remember the 9. I earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean off Sumatra in
2004 It was caused by a megathrust event as the India plate moved beneath the Burma micro-plate.
The last time a major earthquake occurred along the Cascadia fault was in 1700, so officials worry that another event could occur any time. To prevent that event from becoming a severe disaster, first responders will join members of the public in rehearsals that involve communication, evacuation, search and rescue, and other
possible situations.
Thousands of casualties( 伤亡人员) are expected if a 9. 0 earthquake were to occur. First, the earthquake
would shake metropolitan areas including Seattle and Portland. This could cause a tsunami that would create
damage along the coast. Not all casualties can necessarily be prevented - but by coordinating across local, state, and even national borders, officials hope that the worst-case situation can be prevented. On the exercise’s website, officials explain that the report they prepare during this rehearsal will inform disaster management for years to
For hundreds of thousands of Cascadia residents, “The Big One” isn’t a question of if, only when. And it’s
never too early to get ready for the inevitable.
51 .What does “The Big One” refer to
A .A gigantic geological fault in America.
B .A large-scale drill to prepare for disasters.
C .A massive and destructive natural disaster.
D .Mass destruction caused by the earthquake.
52 .What is the purpose of the Cascadia Rising drill
A .To prepare people for a major earthquake and tsunami.
B .To increase residents’awareness of upcoming disasters.
C .To teach people now how adapt to post-disaster life.
D .To cope with the aftermath of a possible earthquake.
53 .What happens in case of a megathrust earthquake according to the passage
A .Two plates merge into one. B .A variety of forces converge.
C .Boundaries blur between plates. D .Enormous stress is released.
54 .What can we learn from the passage
A .A large-scale drill is supposed to prevent deaths in the earthquake.
B .San Andreas fault once delivered a 9. 1 earthquake in the Indian Ocean.
C .No massive earthquake is expected to strike Califomia in the near future.
D .Disaster-relief efforts at different levels may help reduce possible losses.
Lightning(闪电) strikes more than eight million times a day worldwide. That’s about 93 times per second.
What a phenomenon!
How hot is a lightning bolt About 50, 000°F-five times hotter than the surface of the sun. Yes, it really can rain frogs, fish, and other decidedly odd things. It’s a rare meteorological( 气象学 的) event, but scientists say strong winds from a tornado or from a storm can be powerful enough to drive animals and objects high into the
air, and they have to comedown eventually.
It is a bad idea to take a shower during a thunderstorm. If lightning hits your house, it can travel through your plumbing(管道设备) and shock anyone who comes into contact with water flowing through it. People have been shocked or killed while bathing, washing dishes and clothes. This is also why indoor pools often close during storms. Rubber tires are not what protect you from lightning when you’re in your car. You’re protected because when lightning hits a car, it travels around the outside of the metal structure to get to the ground. Just be careful
not to touch any metal areas inside.
Lightning can strike the same place twice—and it often does, especially objects that are tall, pointy, and
separated. The Empire State Building, for example, is hit almost 100 times a year, according to the CDC .
You can be struck by lightning even when it’s no training. About 10 percent of lightning strikes take place when there’s no rainfall. In the 1980s, NASA flew one airplane through 1.496 thunderstorms. It was struck by lightning more than 700 times. Today, a commercial airplane will be hit by lightning about once a year on average, typically with no ill effects. It has been decades since a U.S. airliner has crashed as a result of a lightning
To deal with such a frequent phenomenon, every day, twice a day, weather trackers, at the same time, launch giant balloons from almost 900 locations worldwide. The balloons measure above ground weather data such as temperature, humidity(湿气), and wind speed, and they provide vital information that meteorologists use to make
forecasts and predict lightning.
55 .What can lightning lead to according to the text
A .Burning everything. B .Raining animals.
C .Shocking everybody outdoors. D .Hitting an object for once.
56 .What is the right thing to do during a lightning strike
A .Take abath at home. B .Swim in a pool.
C .Avoid metal things. D .Stand under at all tree.
57 .What can be inferred from the text
A .No sign of rainfall means no lightning.
B .Efforts have been made to keep aircraft safe.
C .Commercial planes can escape lightning hits.
D .The Empire State Building faces most lightning strikes.
58 .What reduces the damage of a lightning strike
A .Lightning location. B .Measurement balloons.
C .Changing wind direction. D .Weather forecast and prediction.
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Floods are common and frequently destructive natural events that annually affect around 250 million people worldwide. Though the causes of floods — usually heavy rainfall or 59 (melt) show — are unavoidable,
knowledge of the correct procedures before, during and after a flood can make 60 difference.
Before a flood occurs, we must work to reduce the risk to people and their 61 (valuable). Firstly, you
should prepare disaster supplies 62 include a light source, sleeping bags, warm clothes, and most
importantly, at least three days of food and drinking water. Secondly, you should bring the most important objects
to the upper levels of your house, ensuring that they will be less likely 63 (ruin).
During a flood, it’s important to leave 64 you are immediately. The longer you stay, the more danger you’ll be in. Be sure to move to 65 (high) ground. If you’re already inside a building, move to the upper floor. Don’t walk or drive through the moving floodwater, since as little as 15 centimeters of moving water 66
(be) enough to knock down an adult, and 60 centimeters can wash most cars away.
67 a flood, be attentive enough to official news reports to find out when it’s safe to return to your home. As you return home, watch out for possible dangers. The flood may have damaged roads and power lines already.
Keep away from the 68 (pollute) flood water as it may be unsafe to touch.
69 .假设你是李华,这个周日你们学校将举行地震知识讲座,请你写一封邮件告知来自英国的交换生 Jim。
1. 时间、地点、主讲人及参加对象;
2. 讲座意义;
3. 注意事项。
注意:写作词数应在 80 词左右。
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
70 .阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
As Hurricane Lan bore down on Florida, many residents who stayed put found themselves unable to leave even if they tried. For hours they were forced to fight heavy winds and attempt to escape flooding inside long-loved homes that had become frightening, deadly traps. Within days, around 100 deaths in the state would be
attributed to the hurricane, many of them were older residents who drowned.
When the water slipped in under the door of their home, it was just a glimmer on the floor, a sign that it was time to go. It was Wednesday, Sept.28, around noon, and Bishop woke up her two brothers, who had been resting after lunch. She pulled the wheelchair up to the oldest, Russell, 67. Her other brother, Todd, 63, could manage
with a walker.
Both men had been born with cerebral palsy (脑瘫), and their mental development was like that of a young child. About 10 years ago, they started showing signs of Parkinson’s disease. But they found joy in their surroundings. Todd liked collecting cans at the beach. Russell loved riding the bus and going to parks. Bishop, 61,
was their lifeline, their little sister who had long felt an obligation to keep them safe.
“We’ve got to get going!” she shouted to them. She went to open the front door. It would not move. The weight of the water on the other side had made it shut. She rushed to try the door to the garage. It, too, was stuck. That’s when the house began to flood. It went from ankle-deep to knee-deep in less than five minutes. Bishop
knew that there was no way out.
Now Bishop and her brothers were trapped. At 12:34 p.m., she called 911 but couldn’t get through. There was no one she could get in touch with. To try her fortune, she texted a neighbor, Walters, who was always there
when neighbors were in need, “Water’s coming in.” Around her, she could hear the dining room hutch (餐具柜)
tipping and crashing, the china breaking, the refrigerator toppling over.
(1)续写词数应为 150 左右;
The only way to go was up, so Bishop guided her two bothers to the stairs.
Bishop sank into despair, but she noticed it seemed water stopped coming in.单元提升卷 05 Unit 4 Natural Disasters
1. rescue n .&vt. 营救;救援→rescuer n. 营救人员;救援人员
2. survive vi. 生存;存活 vt. 幸存;艰难度过→survivor n. 幸存者;生还者→survival n. 幸存;生还
3. death n. 死;死亡→die vi. 死;死亡→dead adj. 死的;无生命的→dying adj. 垂死的;临终的
4. shock n. 震惊;令人震惊的事;休克 vt. (使)震惊→shocked adj. 震惊的→shocking adj. 令人震惊的
5. breathe vi.&vt. 呼吸→breath n .呼吸
6. revive vt.&vi. 复活; (使)苏醒→revival n. 振兴;复苏
7. suffer vt. 遭受;蒙受 vi. (因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦→suffering n. 痛苦;苦难→sufferer n. 受苦者
8. wisdom n. 智慧;才智→wise adj. 明智的;有智慧的→wisely adv. 明智地;有智慧地
9. sweep vt.&vi. 打扫;清扫→(过去式)swept→(过去分词)swept
10. strike vi.&vt. 侵袭;突击;击打 n. 罢工;罢课;袭击→(过去式)struck→(过去分词)struck/stricken
11. power n. 电力供应;能量;力量;控制力→powerful adj. 强大的;强有力的→powerless adj. 无力的;
12. erupt vi.&vt. (火山)爆发; (岩浆、烟等)喷出→eruption n. 爆发
13. calm adj. 镇静的;沉着的 vt. 使平静;使镇静→calmly adv. 镇静地;沉着地
14. deliver vt.&vi. 递送;传达 vt. 发表→delivery n. 递送;传达
15. effect n. 影响;结果;效果→effective adj. 有效的
16. length n. 长;长度→long adj. 长的→lengthen vt. 加长
1. refer to 指的是;参考,查阅;提到 14. in the open air 露天;在户外
2. used to 过去常常 15. on hand 现有(尤指帮助)
3. set up 建立 16. stay/keep calm 保持平静
4. at least 至少 17. stay away from 远离
5. as if 似乎;好像;仿佛 18. make sure 确保
6. in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪 19. fight the fire 扑火
7. in shock 震惊;吃惊 20. flood-hit area 洪灾地区
8. blow away 吹走;刮走 21. rescue worker 营救人员
9. come to an end 结束 22. hundreds of 成百上千的
10. fall down 倒塌 23. nothing but 只有;仅仅
11. cut across 穿过;贯穿;抄近路 24. dig out 挖出
12. as usual 和往常一样 25. the number of …… 的数量
13. sweep away 消灭;彻底消除
1 .With no rain for over a year, the city is suffering unusually hot weather.
2 .Given the fast pace of the job market now, 21st century employees are faced with challenges their
parents never experienced.
3 .On the hill were maple trees leaves had turned red.
4 .The crops died during the (dry).
5 .The earthquake should be responsible for the (dead) and loss.
6 .The south of the country (affect) by the flood last year.
7 .Temperature and the (long) of day are traditionally accepted as the main factors in affecting when
leaves change colour and fall.
8 . summary, it is my opinion that the whole process of treatment was very successful.
9 .Many Lithuanians have expressed doubts about the (wise) of the decision.
10 .Below is a (summarize) of what we talked about.
11 .What he did had a bad (affect) on children’s behaviour.
12 .What (strike) her was that the beauty of the place was beyond description.
13 .It was really a terrifying experience. Afterwards everybody was very (shock).
14 .Although the polite British approach to (deliver) jokes means that sometimes it’s difficult to even
tell if it is a joke or not.
15 .Hold your (breathe) for a count of five, then slowly breathe out.
16 .Medical workers were asked to give up their holidays because of the national (emerge).
17 .Quite a few people used to believe (disaster) were sure to strike if a mirror was broken.
18 .The whole village (destroy) in the sudden flood last year, leaving nothing to the native people.
19 .My new white dress was totally (ruin) by the dirty water.
20 .She used an umbrella to take shelter the burning sun.
21 .He has great difficulty in catching (he) breath.
22 .She received many letters of support from fellow (suffer).
23 .The brain requires constant (supply) of oxygen.
24 .In the traffic accident, the (survive) were all badly injured.
25 .All things there gave him a feeling of security and (calm).
26 .Please evacuate the building (immediate).
27 .The criminal escaped helicopter.
28 .The officials (helicopter) aboard the ship.
29 .The farm came to him on his father’s death, but he was not (interest) in being a farmer.
30 .She was (deep) affected by the sad story.
31 .多年的战斗使这个村庄严重受损。
Years of fighting have left the village .
32 .仿佛世界末日即将来临。
It the world were coming to an end.
33 .你会获得你从未获得过的体验。
You’ll gain the experience .
34 .他们被困在燃烧着的楼房里。
They the burning building.
35 .我突然想到,我们应该制订一个新的方案。
that we should work out a new plan.
36 .Both students have made quite a few experiments on (电).
37 .It is said that a team of soldiers were sent to the area (影响) by the flood.
38 .His head (撞) the bottom when he dived into the 6-feet end of the pool.
39 .They had accidentally damaged a gas (管子) while drilling.
40 .The whole country is looking forward to the (营救) of the miners.
41 .A fisherman is trying to (幸存) a storm.
42 .He says it’s like a volcano ready to (喷发).
43 .We will (遭受) hardship in our life, but we should stick to our dream and work hard to realise it.
44 .As far as I’m concerned, our success is the fruit of everyone’s (智慧).
45 .Could you help me write a (概要) of this passage and send it to me on Monday
46 .After the big fire, the house lay in (废墟)
47 .Before I went off to university, my father gave me a few words of (智慧).
48 .The town was completely (毁灭) by a flood but was soon rebuilt in a year.
49 .Because of the (洪水), the number of homeless people has increased rapidly.
50 .They have received notice of an approaching (台风).
1 .from
【详解】考查介词。句意:由于一年多没有下雨, 这座城市正遭受着异常炎热的天气。分析句子结构可知,
此处应为固定短语 suffer from 意为“遭受”符合句意。故填 from。
2 .that/which
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:鉴于现在就业市场的快节奏, 21 世纪的员工面临着他们的父辈从未经历过 的挑战。此处为限制性定语从句修饰先行词 challenges,在从句中作宾语, 应用关系代词 that/which 引导句
子,故填 that/which。
3 .whose
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:山上有枫树,它们的叶子都变红了。分析句子结构,空处引导定语从句, 修饰先行词 maple trees,指物,且 maple trees 和 leaves 之间是所属关系, 表示“这些枫树的叶子”,应用 whose
引导从句,作定语。故填 whose。
4 .drought
【详解】考查名词。句意:庄稼在干旱期间枯死了。分析句子,设空处使用 dry 的名词 drought 作宾语,
意为“干旱” 。故填 drought。
5 .death
【详解】考查名词。句意:地震应该对死亡和损失负责。根据空前定冠词“the”及空后“and loss”可知,此处
用名词 death,与名词 loss 并列作介词 for 的宾语。故填 death。
6 .was affected
【详解】考查谓语动词。句意:去年该国南部受洪水影响。分析句子结构可知,此处应为谓语动词,根据 时间状语 last year 可知,此处应使用一般过去时态, affect 与句子主语 The south of the country 之间为被动
关系,所以此处应使用一般过去时的被动语态,句子主语为第三人称单数。故填 was affected。
7 .length
Temperature 并列,在句中作主语,故应填名词 length“长度” ,the length of“…… 的长度” 。故填 length。
8 .In
【详解】考查介词。句意:总之,我认为整个治疗过程是非常成功的。 in summary 总之,固定短语,首字
母应大写。故填 In。
9 .wisdom
【详解】考查名词。句意:许多立陶宛人对这一决定是否明智表示怀疑。结合空前的 the 可知,此处应填
名词形式作介词 about 的宾语, wisdom 智慧,不可数名词,故填 wisdom。
10 .summary
【详解】考查名词。句意:下面是我们讨论的摘要。a 后跟可数名词的单数形式,summarize 的名词是summary,
意为“摘要,总结” ,故填 summary。
11 .effect
里需要名词 effect,作宾语,前面有冠词 a ,名词用单数。故填 effect。
12 .struck
【详解】考查动词时态。句意:令她印象深刻的是,那地方美得难以形容。分析句子可知,设空处在 what 引导的主语从句中作谓语, 应用动词, 结合其他谓语动词时态可知, 此处应用一般过去时, 表示过去发生
的事。故填 struck。
13 .shocked
中作表语,结合句意可知,此处指每个人都“感到震惊” ,修饰人,应用-ed 结尾的形容词 shocked。故填
14 .delivering
短语 approach to 做…… 的方法, to 是介词,后跟名词或动名词作宾语。故填 delivering。
15 .breath
用名词, hold one’s breath 为固定短语,表示“屏住呼吸” 。故填 breath。
16 .emergency
【详解】考查名词。句意:由于国家处于紧急状态,医务人员被要求放弃休假。空处需填名词 emergency,
作宾语。故填 emergency。
17 .disasters
的主语,应用名词,根据谓语动词 were 可知,主语为复数。故填 disasters。
18 .was destroyed
【详解】考查时态, 语态和主谓一致。句意:整个村庄在去年突然的洪水中被毁了, 当地人什么也没留下。 村庄是被毁, 由last year 可知,句子描述过去的事情, 因此空格处是一般过去时的被动语态, 即was/were done,
主语 village 是单数,因此空格处是 was destroyed。故填 was destroyed。
19 .ruined
【详解】考查语态。句意:我的新白裙子完全被脏水给毁了。主语 My new white dress 与 ruin 之间为被动
关系,所以 was 后用动词的过去分词形式,构成一般过去时的被动语态。根据句意,故填 ruined。
20 .from
【详解】考查固定搭配。句意:她用一把伞挡住烈日。 shelter from 为固定搭配,表示“保护、防止” ,此处
指挡住烈日。故填 from。
21 .his
【详解】考查代词。句意:他很难屏住呼吸。此处为 catch one's breath“屏住呼吸” ,且主语为 he,故应用
形容词性物主代词 his,故填 his。
22 .sufferers
【详解】考查名词。句意:她收到了许多受害者的支持信。分析句子可知,空处放在介词 from 后,应用 名词作宾语, 结合句意可知, 她收到了来自受害者的支持信, sufferer 受害者, 此处不止一个, 用复数形式。
故填 sufferers。
23 .supplies
【详解】考查名词。句意:大脑需要持续的供氧。 supply 为可数名词,前文没有冠词故用复数形式。故填
24 .survivors
survivor,且根据下文 were 可知应用复数形式。故填 survivors。
25 .calmness
【详解】考查名词。句意:那里的一切都给了他一种安全和平静的感觉。在介词 of 后应用名词 calmness
表示“平静” ,抽象概念,不可数。故填 calmness。
26 .immediately
【详解】考查副词。句意:请立即撤离大楼。修饰动词 evacuate 应用副词 immediately,作状语。故填
27 .from
【详解】考查介词。句意:罪犯从直升机上逃走了。短语 escape from 表示“从……逃走” ,故填 from。
28 .were helicoptered
【详解】考查时态,语态和主谓一致。句意:官员们乘直升飞机上了船。官员们被用直升机送上船,句子 用被动语态, 句子描述过去的事情, 时态用一般过去时, 因此空格处是一般过去时的被动语态, 主语 officials
是复数,因此空格处是 were helicoptered。故填 were helicoptered。
29 .interested
可知,此处是固定搭配 be interested in“对……感兴趣” ,形容词作表语。故填 interested。
30 .deeply
句意可知,此处表示抽象意义的“深深地” ,所以使用 deeply。故填 deeply。
31 . in ruins
【详解】考查介词短语。根据句意及所给句子可知, 此处表示“严重受损” ,应用介词短语为 in ruins。故填
32 . seemed as if/though
【详解】考查固定句型。根据中文意思可知,空处表示的意思为“仿佛” ,应用固定句型 seem as if/though, as if/though 引导表语从句,根据从句时态可知,主句使用一般过去时,seem 应为 seemed。故填①seemed;
②as ;③if/though。
33 . you have never got
【详解】考查定语从句、时态和副词。分析句子可知, 句子为限制性定语从句, 先行词为“experience”,指 事物, “you”表示“你” ,作从句主语,从句应用现在完成时,表示到现在为止,从未获得过的体验, “you” 与“have”连用, “never”意为“从未” ,副词词性, “get”意为“获得” ,动词词性, 过去分词为“got”,从句中缺 少宾语, 故应用“that”或“which”引导从句, 可省略, “you have never got”表示“你从未获得过的”。故填 you;
have; never; got。
34 .were trapped in
【详解】考查一般过去时的被动语态。本句描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时。主谓一致,表示“被困” 用一般过去时的被动语态 were trapped,动词 trap 和主语是被动关系;表示“在……里面”用介词 in。故填 were
trapped in。
35 . It struck/hit me
【详解】考查固定句型和时态。根据汉语可知, 句子应该是在描述过去发生的事情, 时态宜用一般过去时。 空处表示“我突然想到” ,可用固定句型“it struck/hit sb. that+从句” ,“我”用 me ,且第一空位于句首,首字
母需大写。故依次可填 It 、struck/hit 、me。
36 .electricity
electricity“电力” ,作宾语。满足句意要求。故填 electricity。
37 .affected
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:据说一队士兵被派往受洪水影响的地区。 “影响”是 affect ,that 引导的主
语从句中谓语是 were sent ,空格处用非谓语动词, 作后置定语修饰名词 area ,与其逻辑主语 area 之间是被
动关系,用过去分词表被动,故填 affected。
38 .struck
【详解】考查动词。句意:当他跳入 6 英尺深的泳池时,头撞到池底。分析句子结构可知,本句缺少谓语 动词,所以空处填动词,根据所给中文提示词应是 strike 意为“撞” ,根据后文的 dived 可知用一般过去时。
故填 struck。
39 .pipe
pipe,可数名词,作宾语,由空前不定冠词 a 可知,空处名词需用单数。故填 pipe。
40 .rescue
【详解】考查名词。句意:全国人民都在盼望着营救矿工们。根据“of the miners”和汉语提示可知,空处应 用名词 rescue ,作 looking forward to 的宾语,和 of the miners 搭配,表示“营救矿工们” ,且此处特指对矿
工们的营救, rescue 用单数形式。故填 rescue。
41 .survive
【详解】考查动词。句意:一个渔夫在暴风雨中挣扎求生。分析句子结构可知, 空前的 to 是不定式的标志,
所以空处应填动词原形,根据所给中文提示词,应是 survive 意为“幸存” 。故填 survive。
42 .erupt
【详解】考查动词。句意:他说它就像一座即将喷发的火山。根据词义“喷发”可知, 应填动词 erupt,be ready
to do:准备做某事,故填 erupt。
43 .suffer
【详解】考查动词。句意:在我们的生活中, 我们会遭受苦难, 但我们应该坚持我们的梦想, 努力实现它。 根据“hardship”和汉语提示可知, 空处应用动词 suffer,表示“遭受苦难” ,且空前已有情态动词 will ,suffer
应用原形。故填 suffer。
44 .wisdom
【详解】考查名词。句意:在我看来,我们的成功是每个人智慧的结晶。分析句子可知, “智慧”为名词
wisdom,作介词 of 的宾语,为不可数名词。故填 wisdom。
45 .summary
【详解】考查名词。句意:你能帮我写一篇这篇文章的摘要并在星期一寄给我吗?根据空格前的冠词 a 可
知,空格处应填名词单数形式,根据汉语提示“概要”是 summary,为可数名词。故填 summary。
46 .ruins
【详解】考查名词。句意:大火过后,房子成了一片废墟。根据汉语意思提示可知,名词 ruin“废墟”符合
题意,此处为介词短语 in ruins“成为废墟” 。故填 ruins。
47 .wisdom
【详解】考查名词。句意:在我去上大学之前,我父亲给了我几句至理名言。分析句子结构可知,此处应 为名词作宾语, 根据提示的汉语, 表示“智慧”应为 wisdom,且为不可数名词, words of wisdom 意为“至理
名言” 。故填 wisdom。
48 .destroyed
【详解】考查动词和语态。句意:这个城镇被洪水完全摧毁了,但很快在一年内就重建了。 “毁灭”是句中 谓语, 用动词 destroy 表示, 与主语 The town之间是被动动词, 用过去分词 destroyed 与助动词 was 构成一
般过去时的被动语态。故填 destroyed。
49 .flood
填名词 flood,作介词宾语。故填 flood。
50 .typhoon
typhoon,作宾语。故填 typhoon。
Here’s how the Pacific Northwest is preparing for “The Big One”. It’s the mother of all disaster drills for what could be the worst disaster in American history. California has spent years preparing for “The Big One”— the inevitable earthquake that will undoubtedly bring about all kinds of damage along the famous San Andreas fault. But what if the fault that runs along the Pacific Northwest delivers a gigantic earthquake of its own If the
people of the Cascadia region have anything to do with it, they won’t be caught unawares.
The region is engaged in a multi-day earthquake-and-tsunami drill involving around 20, 000 people. The Cascadia Rising drill gives area residents and emergency responders a chance to practice what to do in case of a 9.
0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami along one of the nation’s dangerous and underestimated faults.
The Cascadia Earthquake Zone is big enough to compete with San Andreas (it’s been called the most dangerous fault in America), but it’s much lesser known than its California cousin. Nearly 700 miles long, the earthquake zone is located by the North American Plate off the coast of Pacific British Columbia. Washington,
Oregon and Northern California.
Cascadia is what’s known as a “megathrust” fault. Megathrusts are created in subduction zones(俯冲带)—
plate tectonic( 板块构造)boundaries where two plates converge( 相交). In the areas where one plate is beneath another, stress builds up over time. During a megathrust event, all of that stress releases and some of the world’s most powerful earthquake occur. Remember the 9. I earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean off Sumatra in
2004 It was caused by a megathrust event as the India plate moved beneath the Burma micro-plate.
The last time a major earthquake occurred along the Cascadia fault was in 1700, so officials worry that another event could occur any time. To prevent that event from becoming a severe disaster, first responders will join members of the public in rehearsals that involve communication, evacuation, search and rescue, and other
possible situations.
Thousands of casualties( 伤亡人员) are expected if a 9. 0 earthquake were to occur. First, the earthquake
would shake metropolitan areas including Seattle and Portland. This could cause a tsunami that would create
damage along the coast. Not all casualties can necessarily be prevented - but by coordinating across local, state, and even national borders, officials hope that the worst-case situation can be prevented. On the exercise’s website, officials explain that the report they prepare during this rehearsal will inform disaster management for years to
For hundreds of thousands of Cascadia residents, “The Big One” isn’t a question of if, only when. And it’s
never too early to get ready for the inevitable.
51 .What does “The Big One” refer to
A .A gigantic geological fault in America.
B .A large-scale drill to prepare for disasters.
C .A massive and destructive natural disaster.
D .Mass destruction caused by the earthquake.
52 .What is the purpose of the Cascadia Rising drill
A .To prepare people for a major earthquake and tsunami.
B .To increase residents’awareness of upcoming disasters.
C .To teach people now how adapt to post-disaster life.
D .To cope with the aftermath of a possible earthquake.
53 .What happens in case of a megathrust earthquake according to the passage
A .Two plates merge into one. B .A variety of forces converge.
C .Boundaries blur between plates. D .Enormous stress is released.
54 .What can we learn from the passage
A .A large-scale drill is supposed to prevent deaths in the earthquake.
B .San Andreas fault once delivered a 9. 1 earthquake in the Indian Ocean.
C .No massive earthquake is expected to strike Califomia in the near future.
D .Disaster-relief efforts at different levels may help reduce possible losses.
Lightning(闪电) strikes more than eight million times a day worldwide. That’s about 93 times per second.
What a phenomenon!
How hot is a lightning bolt About 50, 000°F-five times hotter than the surface of the sun. Yes, it really can rain frogs, fish, and other decidedly odd things. It’s a rare meteorological( 气象学 的) event, but scientists say strong winds from a tornado or from a storm can be powerful enough to drive animals and objects high into the
air, and they have to comedown eventually.
It is a bad idea to take a shower during a thunderstorm. If lightning hits your house, it can travel through your plumbing(管道设备) and shock anyone who comes into contact with water flowing through it. People have been shocked or killed while bathing, washing dishes and clothes. This is also why indoor pools often close during storms. Rubber tires are not what protect you from lightning when you’re in your car. You’re protected because when lightning hits a car, it travels around the outside of the metal structure to get to the ground. Just be careful
not to touch any metal areas inside.
Lightning can strike the same place twice—and it often does, especially objects that are tall, pointy, and
separated. The Empire State Building, for example, is hit almost 100 times a year, according to the CDC .
You can be struck by lightning even when it’s no training. About 10 percent of lightning strikes take place when there’s no rainfall. In the 1980s, NASA flew one airplane through 1.496 thunderstorms. It was struck by lightning more than 700 times. Today, a commercial airplane will be hit by lightning about once a year on average, typically with no ill effects. It has been decades since a U.S. airliner has crashed as a result of a lightning
To deal with such a frequent phenomenon, every day, twice a day, weather trackers, at the same time, launch giant balloons from almost 900 locations worldwide. The balloons measure above ground weather data such as temperature, humidity(湿气), and wind speed, and they provide vital information that meteorologists use to make
forecasts and predict lightning.
55 .What can lightning lead to according to the text
A .Burning everything. B .Raining animals.
C .Shocking everybody outdoors. D .Hitting an object for once.
56 .What is the right thing to do during a lightning strike
A .Take abath at home. B .Swim in a pool.
C .Avoid metal things. D .Stand under at all tree.
57 .What can be inferred from the text
A .No sign of rainfall means no lightning.
B .Efforts have been made to keep aircraft safe.
C .Commercial planes can escape lightning hits.
D .The Empire State Building faces most lightning strikes.
58 .What reduces the damage of a lightning strike
A .Lightning location. B .Measurement balloons.
C .Changing wind direction. D .Weather forecast and prediction.
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Floods are common and frequently destructive natural events that annually affect around 250 million people worldwide. Though the causes of floods — usually heavy rainfall or 59 (melt) show — are unavoidable,
knowledge of the correct procedures before, during and after a flood can make 60 difference.
Before a flood occurs, we must work to reduce the risk to people and their 61 (valuable). Firstly, you
should prepare disaster supplies 62 include a light source, sleeping bags, warm clothes, and most
importantly, at least three days of food and drinking water. Secondly, you should bring the most important objects
to the upper levels of your house, ensuring that they will be less likely 63 (ruin).
During a flood, it’s important to leave 64 you are immediately. The longer you stay, the more danger you’ll be in. Be sure to move to 65 (high) ground. If you’re already inside a building, move to the upper floor. Don’t walk or drive through the moving floodwater, since as little as 15 centimeters of moving water 66
(be) enough to knock down an adult, and 60 centimeters can wash most cars away.
67 a flood, be attentive enough to official news reports to find out when it’s safe to return to your home. As you return home, watch out for possible dangers. The flood may have damaged roads and power lines already.
Keep away from the 68 (pollute) flood water as it may be unsafe to touch.
69 .假设你是李华,这个周日你们学校将举行地震知识讲座,请你写一封邮件告知来自英国的交换生 Jim。
1. 时间、地点、主讲人及参加对象;
2. 讲座意义;
3. 注意事项。
注意:写作词数应在 80 词左右。
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
70 .阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
As Hurricane Lan bore down on Florida, many residents who stayed put found themselves unable to leave even if they tried. For hours they were forced to fight heavy winds and attempt to escape flooding inside long-loved homes that had become frightening, deadly traps. Within days, around 100 deaths in the state would be
attributed to the hurricane, many of them were older residents who drowned.
When the water slipped in under the door of their home, it was just a glimmer on the floor, a sign that it was time to go. It was Wednesday, Sept.28, around noon, and Bishop woke up her two brothers, who had been resting after lunch. She pulled the wheelchair up to the oldest, Russell, 67. Her other brother, Todd, 63, could manage
with a walker.
Both men had been born with cerebral palsy (脑瘫), and their mental development was like that of a young child. About 10 years ago, they started showing signs of Parkinson’s disease. But they found joy in their surroundings. Todd liked collecting cans at the beach. Russell loved riding the bus and going to parks. Bishop, 61,
was their lifeline, their little sister who had long felt an obligation to keep them safe.
“We’ve got to get going!” she shouted to them. She went to open the front door. It would not move. The weight of the water on the other side had made it shut. She rushed to try the door to the garage. It, too, was stuck. That’s when the house began to flood. It went from ankle-deep to knee-deep in less than five minutes. Bishop
knew that there was no way out.
Now Bishop and her brothers were trapped. At 12:34 p.m., she called 911 but couldn’t get through. There
was no one she could get in touch with. To try her fortune, she texted a neighbor, Walters, who was always there
when neighbors were in need, “Water’s coming in.” Around her, she could hear the dining room hutch ( 餐具柜)
tipping and crashing, the china breaking, the refrigerator toppling over.
(1)续写词数应为 150 左右;
The only way to go was up, so Bishop guided her two bothers to the stairs.
Bishop sank into despair, but she noticed it seemed water stopped coming in.
51 .C 52 .A 53 .D 54 .D
51 .推理判断题。根据第一段中“California has spent years preparing for “The Big One”— the inevitable
earthquake that will undoubtedly bring about all kinds of damage along the famous San Andreas fault. But what if
the fault that runs along the Pacific Northwest delivers a gigantic earthquake of its own If the people of the
Cascadia region have anything to do with it, they won’t be caught unawares.” (加州已经为“大地震”做了多年的 准备——这场不可避免的地震无疑会给著名的圣安德烈亚斯断层带来各种破坏。但如果沿太平洋西北方向 的断层本身也引发了一场大地震呢?如果卡斯卡迪亚地区的人与此事有关,他们不会措手不及的。)可推
知, “Big One”指的是一场大规模的破坏性自然灾害。故选 C 项。
52.细节理解题。根据第二段中“The Cascadia Rising drill gives area residents and emergency responders a chance to practice what to do in case of a 9. 0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami along one of the nation’s dangerous and underestimated faults.” (卡斯卡迪亚提升演练为当地居民和应急人员提供了一一次机会, 让他们练习如何应
对美国危险的断层带可能发生的 9.0 级地震和海啸)可知,卡斯卡迪亚提升演习的目的是什么让人们为大
地震和海啸做好准备。故选 A 项。
53.细节理解题。根据第四段中“Megathrusts are created in subduction zones— plate tectonic boundaries where
two plates converge(相交). In the areas where one plate is beneath another, stress builds up over time. During a
megathrust event, all of that stress releases and some of the world’s most powerful earthquake occur.” (巨型逆冲 构造形成于俯冲带——两个板块交汇的板块构造边界。在一个板块在另一个板块下面的区域, 压力会随着 时间的推移而增加。在一次大型逆冲活动中,所有的压力都会释放,世界上最强烈的地震就会发生。)可
知,根据文章,如果发生特大逆冲地震,巨大的压力将被释放。故选 D 项。
54.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Not all casualties can necessarily be prevented - but by coordinating across local, state, and even national borders, officials hope that the worst-case situation can be prevented.” (并不是所 有的伤亡都可以避免,但通过地方、州甚至国家边界的协调,官员们希望可以避免最坏的情况。)以及最 后一段“For hundreds of thousands of Cascadia residents, “The Big One” isn’t a question of if, only when. And it’s never too early to get ready for the inevitable.” (对于成千上万的卡斯卡迪亚居民来说, “大地震”不是会不会 发生的问题,而是何时发生的问题。为不可避免的事情做好准备永远不会太早。)可推知,不同层次的救
灾努力可能有助于减少可能的损失。故选 D 项。
55 .B 56 .C 57 .B 58 .D
【导语】这是一篇说明文。这篇文章讨论了闪电的各个方面。闪电是一种世界范围内的常见现象, 每天大 约发生 800 万次, 其温度可能比太阳表面还要高。这篇文章还强调了闪电的奇怪现象, 以及提到了安全问
55 .细节理解题。根据第二段中“Yes, it really can rain frogs, fish, and other decidedly odd things. (是的, 它真 的可以下青蛙、鱼和其他绝对奇怪的东西。 )”可知,它真的可以下青蛙、鱼和其他绝对奇怪的东西。故选
56 .细节理解题。根据第二段中“ Rubber tires are not what protect you from lightning when you're in your car. You're protected because when lightning hits a car, it travels around the outside of the metal structure to get to the ground. Just be careful not to touch any metal areas inside.(当你在车里的时候,橡胶轮胎并不能保护你免受雷 击。你受到了保护, 因为当闪电击中汽车时, 它会绕过金属结构的外部到达地面。只是要小心不要碰里面
的金属区域。 )”可知,闪电的时候,要避免触碰金属区域。故选 C。
57 .推理判断题。根据最后一段中“To deal with such a frequent phenomenon, every day, twice a day, weather
trackers, at the same time, launch giant balloons from almost 900 locations worldwide. The balloons measure
above ground weather data such as temperature, humidity(湿气), and wind speed, and they provide vital
information that meteorologists use to make forecasts and predict lightning.(为了应对这种频繁的现象,天气追
踪者每天, 每天两次, 同时从全球近 900 个地点发射巨大的气球。这些气球测量地面上的天气数据, 如温 度、湿度和风速,并为气象学家提供重要信息,用于预测和预测闪电。 )”可知,为了保证飞机的安全,已
经做出了努力。故选 B。
58 .推理判断题。根据最后一段中“To deal with such a frequent phenomenon, every day, twice a day, weather
trackers, at the same time, launch giant balloons from almost 900 locations worldwide. The balloons measure
above ground weather data such as temperature, humidity(湿气), and wind speed, and they provide vital
information that meteorologists use to make forecasts and predict lightning.(为了应对这种频繁的现象,天气追 踪者每天, 每天两次, 同时从全球近 900 个地点发射巨大的气球。这些气球测量地面上的天气数据, 如温 度、湿度和风速,并为气象学家提供重要信息,用于预测和预测闪电。 )”可知,天气预报和预测闪电能够
减少雷击造成的伤害。故选 D。
59 .melted 60 .a 61 .values 62 .that/which 63 .to be ruined 64 .where 65 .higher
66 .is 67 .After 68 .polluted
【导语】这是一篇说明文。洪水是一种常见且经常具有破坏性的自然事件,每年影响全球约 2.5 亿人。虽 然造成洪水的原因——通常是暴雨或冰雪融化——是不可避免的, 但了解洪水发生之前、期间和之后的正
59 .考查形容词。句意:虽然造成洪水的原因——通常是暴雨或融化的冰雪——是不可避免的,但了解洪 水发生之前、期间和之后的正确处理程序可以起到重要作用。修饰名词 snow 应用形容词 melted,作定语。
故填 melted。
60 .考查冠词。句意:虽然造成洪水的原因——通常是暴雨或融化的冰雪——是不可避免的,但了解洪水 发生之前、期间和之后的正确处理程序可以起到重要作用。表示“起到重要作用”短语为 make a difference。
故填 a。
61 .考查名词的数。句意:在洪水发生之前,我们必须努力减少对人民及其价值观的威胁。根据上文 their
可知应用复数形式。故填 values。
62 .考查定语从句。句意:首先,你应该准备救灾物资,包括光源、睡袋、保暖衣服,最重要的是,至少
三天的食物和饮用水。定语从句修饰先行词 supplies,关系词在从句中作主语,指物,故填 that/which。
63 .考查非谓语动词。句意:其次, 你应该把最重要的物品带到你房子的上层, 确保它们不太可能被破坏。
此处为短语 be likely to do sth.,且 they 与 ruin 构成被动关系,故用 to be done 形式。故填 to be ruined。
64 .考查宾语从句。句意:在洪水期间,立即离开你所在的地方是很重要的。引导宾语从句,从句中表示
“你所在的地方”应用 where 引导。故填 where。
65 .考查比较级。句意:一定要搬到地势较高的地方。此处表示“更高的”应用比较级 higher。故填 higher。 66 .考查主谓一致。句意:不要在移动的洪水中行走或开车,因为只要 15 厘米的移动水就足以击倒一个 成年人,而 60 厘米的移动水可以将大多数汽车冲走。陈述客观事实用一般现在时, 此处主语是 15 centimeters
of moving water ,谓语用单数。故填 is。
67 .考查介词。句意:洪水过后,要留意官方的新闻报道,看看什么时候回家是安全的。表示“在……之
后”应用介词 after,首字母大写。故填 After。
68 .考查形容词。句意:远离被污染的洪水,因为触摸它可能是不安全的。修饰后文 flood water应用形容
词 polluted,作定语。故填 polluted。
69 .Dear Jim,
How’s everything going I’m writing to tell you something about a lecture about earthquake. Our school has
invited Professor Zhang, an expert in earthquake, to give us a lecture in the school hall at 9 o’clock on Sunday
morning. All the teachers and students are welcome to attend it.
Professor Zhang will share with us some knowledge about earthquakes, such as the cause and damage of it. He will teach some important skills to protect ourselves during the earthquake. I strongly believe this lecture can
benefit us a lot as we can master the skills of survival in an earthquake.
By the way, you should wear a mask if you attend the lecture. And please arrive before 8:50.
Looking forward to meeting you this Sunday.
Li Hua 【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假设你是李华, 这个周日你们学校将举行地震知识讲座, 请你写一封
邮件告知来自英国的交换生 Jim。内容包括:时间、地点、主讲人及参加对象;讲座意义;注意事项。
【详解】 1.词汇积累
参加: attend→take part in
相信: believe→trust
对某人有好处: benefit sb.→be beneficial to sb.
掌握: master→grasp
原句: Our school has invited Professor Zhang, an expert in earthquake, to give us a lecture in the school hall at 9
o’clock on Sunday morning.
拓展句:Our school has invited Professor Zhang, who is an expert in earthquake, to give us a lecture in the school
hall at 9 o’clock on Sunday morning.
【点睛】[高分句型 1] He will teach some important skills to protect ourselves during the earthquake. (运用了不
[高分句型 2] I strongly believe this lecture can benefit us a lot as we can master the skills of survival in an
earthquake.(运用了省略 that 引导的宾语从句和 as 引导的原因状语从句)
70 .One possible version:
The only way to go was up, so Bishop guided her two bothers to the stairs. First she helped Todd pull himself
slowly up to the second floor, where he waited in a chair. But stairs were impossible for Russell, who could not
walk nor bend his stiff legs. Bishop tried hard to pull him up the stairs, but Russell was too heavy for her. She tried every possible position, switching from pushing to pulling, but Russel was yelling “I can’t, I can’t” all the
time and he was slipping and sliding.
Bishop sank into despair, but she noticed it seemed water stopped coming in. Looking outside, everywhere she saw it was water, and she could even see cars floating by. “Thank God, the wind and the rain stopped.” At
around 6:30 p.m, Bishop heard a familiar voice calling outside, “Hello ! Hello ! Anyone in ” It was Walters.
Standing in waist-deepwater, Walters instructed two of his friends to paddle the canoes near. Bishop held her
brothers tightly in her arms, crying “Thank God, Walters is coming to save us!”
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开, 讲述了飓风 Lan 袭击了佛罗里达州, 几天之内, 该州约有 100 人死于飓 风, 其中许多是溺水身亡的老年居民, Bishop 叫醒了两个哥哥, 她的两个哥哥出生时都患有脑瘫, 智力发 育就像一个小孩子, 大约 10 年前, 他们开始表现出帕金森病的迹象, 由于水太多, Bishop 打不开门, Bishop 和哥哥们被困住了, 她给邻居 Walters 发了一条短信说屋里进水了, Walters 在邻居有需要的时候总是在那
【详解】 1.段落续写:
①由第一段首句内容“ 唯一的出路就是上楼,所以 Bishop 带着她的两个哥哥上了楼梯。 ”可知,第一段可
描写 Bishop 如何尝试带哥哥上楼梯。
②由第二段首句内容“Bishop 陷入了绝望,但她注意到水不再进来了。 ”可知,第二段可描写 Bishop 和哥
2.续写线索:帮助 Todd 上楼——帮助拉 Russell 上楼——Russell 上不 了楼——风雨停了——Walters 赶到
——Walters 指示朋友救人——Bishop 和哥哥们得救
①帮助: help/assist
②拉: pull/draw
③指示: instruct/direct
①感谢: thank/be grateful
②紧紧拥抱: hold...tightly in one’s arms/hug...tightly
【点睛】[高分句型 1] First she helped Todd pull himself slowly up to the second floor, where he waited in a chair.
(由关系副词 where 引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型 2] But stairs were impossible for Russell, who could not walk nor bend his stiff legs. (由关系代词 who