人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music单元测试(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music单元测试(含解析)
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文件大小 63.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-05 22:09:48


单元提升卷 11 Unit 5 Music
1 .energy n .能源;能量;精力→ adj.精力充沛的
2 .composition n .成分; (音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品→ v .作曲,谱写→
n .作曲家
3 .perform vi.& vt.表演;履行;执行→ n .表演;演技;表现→ n .表演者;演员 4 .enable vt.使能够;使可能→ adj.有能力的→ n .能力→ vt.使
不能; 使残疾→ n .残疾;缺陷→ adj.不能的;没有能力的
5 .prove vt.证明;展现→ n .证据
6 .original adj.原来的;独创的;原作的 n.原件;原作→ adv.最初;起先
→ n .起源
7 .relief n .(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱→ vt.使减轻;缓解→
8 .cure vt.治愈;解决(问题);治好(疾病) n .药物;治疗;(解决问题的)措施→ adj.可治愈的→
9 .unemployed adj.失业的;待业的→ vt.雇用;利用→ n .使用;工作
→ n .雇主→ n .雇员
10 .equipment n .设备;装备→ vt.装备;配备
11 .talent n .天才;天资;天赋→ adj.有天赋的;天才的
12 .assume vt. 以为;假设→ n .假设;推断
13 .treatment n .治疗;对待;处理→ vt.治疗;对待;招待 n .请客
14 .satisfaction n .满足;满意;欣慰→ vt.使满意→ adj.满意的
→ adj.令人满意的
15 .various adj.各种不同的;各种各样的→ n .多样性→ v .变化
1 .How did she react the news that the massive earthquake happened in Japan
2 .This book finally explodes some of the myths about the origin the universe.
3 .His good performance in the game was (satisfy).
4 . his satisfaction, his son passed the exam at his first attempt.
5 .It took me a very long time to get the shock of her death.
6 .She proves that even a person who has an average look can shine stage.
7 .The (origin)plan was to fly to New York, but finally we changed the route.
8 . (original) it was a bedroom, but we turned it into a study.
9 .He has won several (award)for the best actor.
10 .The promotion proved (be)a turning point in his career.
11 .Have you got any (prove)that you own this bike
12 .The is good at comedies. He gave two today. I wonder when he plans
another one. (perform)
13 .Our country offers equal (opportunity)of jobs for both men and women.
14 .You should devote some of your (energy) to voluntary work.
15 .Around twenty years ago, I was going through hard times. I couldn’t find a (satisfy) job.
16 .It is relief that nobody was killed or seriously injured in the accident.
17 .Anyone else can reduce symptoms with these natural (cure) for colds and flu.
18 .What he has done is really (disappoint). Now his parents are (disappoint) with him.
19 .He is an extremely (talent)actor, who has a huge army of fans.
20 .Make sure all equipment (be)properly labelled.
21 .In my opinion, learning is endless and the more knowledge you get, the better (equip)for life you are.
22 .When something did interest me, I could become (absorb)in it.
23 . (motivate) by the Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger”, many well-known athletes, both male and
female, have devoted themselves to achieving sporting.
24 .As an interview program ,we often invite special guests to share opinions on (vary) topics.
25 .In the classic novel, many (classic) architectures are described.
26 .These (phenomenon) are supposed to be valued as they may affect the weather and radio
27 .This new test might (able) doctors to detect the disease early.
28 .They set a rough shelter from old pieces of wood.
29 .The orchestra will give two more (perform) this week.
30 . is generally believed that stress is caused by too much work and little rest.
31 .The doctor said it was only a slight wound. What a (宽慰)!
32 . (成立) in 1988, Huawei has risen astonishingly fast.
33 .After a long discussion, the land was returned to its (原来的) owner.
34 .His parents are trying to pull him out of the (虚拟的) world these days.
35 .I put a lot of (精力) into everything that I am doing now.
36 .Being exposed to English frequently (使可能) us to have a good knowledge of this language.
37 .The computer had made a great (影响) on modern life.
38 .He speaks English fluently. And he showed a great (天赋) for language at an early age.
39 .Readers of the magazine said they wanted more stories about (普通的) people and fewer stories about
the rich and famous.
40 .I don’t believe what you said, but if you can (证明) it, I’ll consider your method.
41 .The three-year pandemic resulted in the global (现象) of rising unemployment rate.
42 .Tents come in (各种各样的) shapes.
43 .His eyes (疼痛) from lack of sleep, as he was busy working on his essay.
44 .I like flying in spring. (此外),the weather is warm.
45 .It is obvious that his (天赋) are greatly appreciated by the boss.
46 .我刚要上床睡觉,这时电话响了。
I go to bed the telephone rang.
47 .这么多人盯着她看,她感到很紧张。(with 的复合结构)
so many people , she felt very nervous.
48 .这个问题很难回答。(be+adj. +不定式)
The question .
49 .从山顶看,这个城市显得更漂亮。(过去分词短语作状语)
of the hill, the city looks more beautiful.
50 .坐在后面的人请安静,好吗? (现在分词短语作定语)
Will the people keep quiet, please
51 . , the school looks like a big garden.
从山顶上看, 这所学校像一个大花园。 (see)
52 . , the fire could have been avoided.
53 . , the girl was very happy.
54 . , Jenny didn’t feel afraid at all.
55 . , the teacher went into the lab.
56 . , you should keep calm.
57 . , the city looks more beautiful to us.
58 .He stood there silently, .
59 . , he asked his good friend for help.
60 . , the flowers could have grown better.
Frederic Chopin was born in March 1810 near Warsaw in Poland and was one of the greatest musicians in the world. He composed twenty-four short 61 (piece) for the piano called preludes. The longest one, Prelude
No.15, is better 62 (know) by its nickname, the “Raindrop” Prelude. How did it get its nickname
One day in 1838, when Chopin’s lover George Sand went out in a rainstorm, Chopin became worried. While he
63 (wait) for Sand, he wrote Prelude No.15.
When Sand came back, Chopin played 64 (she) the music. Sand thought the notes sounded like
raindrops. She let Chopin listen to the raindrops 65 (fall) on the roof. This made Chopin 66 (happy).
He insisted that he never paid attention to those sounds or 67 (copy) them.
However, like Sand, many people hear raindrops in this prelude. Some notes repeating throughout the piece sound like raindrops. The flow of the music is like rain, too. The piece starts 68 (soft), but it gets louder, like
rain getting 69 (heavy). Then the music gets quiet and finally 70 (end), like rain when it stops.单元提升卷 11 Unit 5 Music
1 .energy n .能源;能量;精力→energetic adj.精力充沛的
2 .composition n .成分; (音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品→compose v .作曲,谱写→composer n .作曲家
3 .perform vi.& vt.表演;履行;执行→performance n .表演;演技;表现→performer n .表演者;演员
4 .enable vt.使能够;使可能→able adj.有能力的→ability n .能力→disable vt.使不能; 使残疾→disability
n .残疾;缺陷→unable adj.不能的;没有能力的
5 .prove vt.证明;展现→proof n .证据
6 .original adj.原来的;独创的;原作的 n.原件;原作→originally adv.最初;起先→origin n .起源
7 .relief n .(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱→relieve vt.使减轻;缓解→relieved
8 .cure vt.治愈;解决(问题);治好(疾病) n .药物;治疗;(解决问题的)措施→curable adj.可治愈的→incurable
9 .unemployed adj.失业的;待业的→employ vt.雇用;利用→employment n .使用;工作→employer n .雇主
→employee n .雇员
10 .equipment n .设备;装备→equip vt.装备;配备
11 .talent n .天才;天资;天赋→talented adj.有天赋的;天才的
12 .assume vt. 以为;假设→assumption n .假设;推断
13 .treatment n .治疗;对待;处理→treat vt.治疗;对待;招待 n .请客
14 .satisfaction n .满足;满意;欣慰→satisfy vt.使满意→satisfied adj.满意的→satisfactory adj.令人满意的
15 .various adj.各种不同的;各种各样的→variety n .多样性→vary v .变化
1 .How did she react the news that the massive earthquake happened in Japan
2 .This book finally explodes some of the myths about the origin the universe.
3 .His good performance in the game was (satisfy).
4 . his satisfaction, his son passed the exam at his first attempt.
5 .It took me a very long time to get the shock of her death.
6 .She proves that even a person who has an average look can shine stage.
7 .The (origin)plan was to fly to New York, but finally we changed the route.
8 . (original) it was a bedroom, but we turned it into a study.
9 .He has won several (award)for the best actor.
10 .The promotion proved (be)a turning point in his career.
11 .Have you got any (prove)that you own this bike
12 .The is good at comedies. He gave two today. I wonder when he plans
another one. (perform)
13 .Our country offers equal (opportunity)of jobs for both men and women.
14 .You should devote some of your (energy) to voluntary work.
15 .Around twenty years ago, I was going through hard times. I couldn’t find a (satisfy) job.
16 .It is relief that nobody was killed or seriously injured in the accident.
17 .Anyone else can reduce symptoms with these natural (cure) for colds and flu.
18 .What he has done is really (disappoint). Now his parents are (disappoint) with him.
19 .He is an extremely (talent)actor, who has a huge army of fans.
20 .Make sure all equipment (be)properly labelled.
21 .In my opinion, learning is endless and the more knowledge you get, the better (equip)for life you are.
22 .When something did interest me, I could become (absorb)in it.
23 . (motivate) by the Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger”, many well-known athletes, both male and
female, have devoted themselves to achieving sporting.
24 .As an interview program ,we often invite special guests to share opinions on (vary) topics.
25 .In the classic novel, many (classic) architectures are described.
26 .These (phenomenon) are supposed to be valued as they may affect the weather and radio
27 .This new test might (able) doctors to detect the disease early.
28 .They set a rough shelter from old pieces of wood.
29 .The orchestra will give two more (perform) this week.
30 . is generally believed that stress is caused by too much work and little rest.
31 .The doctor said it was only a slight wound. What a (宽慰)!
32 . (成立) in 1988, Huawei has risen astonishingly fast.
33 .After a long discussion, the land was returned to its (原来的) owner.
34 .His parents are trying to pull him out of the (虚拟的) world these days.
35 .I put a lot of (精力) into everything that I am doing now.
36 .Being exposed to English frequently (使可能) us to have a good knowledge of this language.
37 .The computer had made a great (影响) on modern life.
38 .He speaks English fluently. And he showed a great (天赋) for language at an early age.
39 .Readers of the magazine said they wanted more stories about (普通的) people and fewer stories about
the rich and famous.
40 .I don’t believe what you said, but if you can (证明) it, I’ll consider your method.
41 .The three-year pandemic resulted in the global (现象) of rising unemployment rate.
42 .Tents come in (各种各样的) shapes.
43 .His eyes (疼痛) from lack of sleep, as he was busy working on his essay.
44 .I like flying in spring. (此外),the weather is warm.
45 .It is obvious that his (天赋) are greatly appreciated by the boss.
46 .我刚要上床睡觉,这时电话响了。
I go to bed the telephone rang.
47 .这么多人盯着她看,她感到很紧张。(with 的复合结构)
so many people , she felt very nervous.
48 .这个问题很难回答。(be+adj. +不定式)
The question .
49 .从山顶看,这个城市显得更漂亮。(过去分词短语作状语)
of the hill, the city looks more beautiful.
50 .坐在后面的人请安静,好吗? (现在分词短语作定语)
Will the people keep quiet, please
51 . , the school looks like a big garden.
从山顶上看, 这所学校像一个大花园。 (see)
52 . , the fire could have been avoided.
53 . , the girl was very happy.
54 . , Jenny didn’t feel afraid at all.
55 . , the teacher went into the lab.
56 . , you should keep calm.
57 . , the city looks more beautiful to us.
58 .He stood there silently, .
59 . , he asked his good friend for help.
60 . , the flowers could have grown better.
1 .to
【详解】考查介词。句意:她对日本发生大地震的消息有何反应?短语 react to 表示“对……作出反应” 。故填
2 .of
【详解】考查介词。句意:这本书最终揭开了关于宇宙起源的一些谜团。分析句子可知,这里考查 the origin
of 表“ …… 的起源”,为固定搭配。故填 of。
3 .satisfying/satisfactory
【详解】考查形容词。句意:他在比赛中的出色表现令人满意。分析句子结构可知, 空处可使用形容词 satisfying
(令人满意的)或 satisfactory(令人满意的)在句中作表语,故填 satisfying/satisfactory。
4 .To
【详解】考查介词。句意:令他满意的是,他儿子第一次就通过了考试。 to one’s satisfaction 为固定搭配,意
为“使某人满意的是” 。首字母大写。故填 To。
5 .over
【详解】考查介词。句意:我花了很长时间才从她去世的震惊中恢复过来。结合句意“恢复”可知短语为 get
over ,故填 over。
6 .on
【详解】考查介词短语。句意:她证明了即使是相貌平平的人也可以在舞台上闪闪发光。on stage 固定搭配,
意为“在舞台上” ,故填 on。
7 .original
【详解】考查形容词。句意:原本的计划是飞往纽约,但最后我们改变了路线。设空处修饰名词 plan,应用
形容词 original,作定语。故填 original。
8 .Originally
状语,修饰第一个分句。 “original”,形容词,意为“原来的,起初的” ,其副词形式为“originally(起初,原
来)”,置于句首,首字母大写。故填 Originally。
9 .awards
【详解】考查名词的数。句意:他曾多次获得最佳男演员奖。设空处前有 several 修饰,应用可数名词复数。
故填 awards。
10 .to be
【详解】考查非谓语。句意为:这次晋升结果证明是他职业生涯的一个转折点。分析句子结构可知, prove
作“证明是,结果是”解时,用作连系动词,后接动词不定式。故填 to be。
11 .proof
【详解】考查名词。句意为:你有什么证据证明这辆自行车是你的?分析句子结构可知, 空处可使用名词 proof
(证明)在句中作宾语, any(任何)后接名词单数形式。故填 proof。
12 . performer performing performances to perform
【详解】考查名词、非谓语和名词复数。句意为:这位表演者擅长表演喜剧,他今天演出了两场。我想知道 他打算什么时候再表演一场。结合 is,第一个空处可使用单数名词 performer (表演者)在句中作主语;第二个 空处应使用动名词 performing (表演)在句中作介词 at 的宾语;第三个空处由数词 two 修饰时,应使用其复数 形式 performances (表演)作宾语;第四个空处是固定短语 plan to do sth.,意为“计划做某事” ,不定式在句中作
宾语。故填①performer;②performing;③performances;④to perform。
13 .opportunities
空处应使用名词在句中作宾语,此处表示复数的概念,因此需使用其复数形式 opportunities(机会)。故填
14 .energies
【详解】考查名词。句意:你应该把你的一部分精力投人到志愿工作中。根据上文 some of 可知 energy 应用
复数形式。故填 energies。
15 .satisfying/satisfactory
饰物的-ing 形容词 satisfying 或 satisfactory“令人满意的”作定语,修饰名词job。故填 satisfying/satisfactory。
16 .a
【详解】考查冠词。句意:在这次事故中没有人死亡或受重伤,这是令人宽慰的。句中 relief 意为“ 宽慰”,
为可数名词,此处表示泛指,设空处应该使用不定冠词。 relief 的首字母为辅音音素。故填 a。
17 .cures
【详解】考查名词。句意:任何人都可以通过这些治疗感冒和流感的天然疗法来减轻症状。由 these 修饰,
用可数名词 cure (疗法)的复数形式,作宾语。故填 cures。
18 . disappointing disappointed
【详解】考查形容词。句意:他的所作所为真是令人失望。现在他的父母对他很失望。第一空修饰事物“What he has done”,作表语,表示“令人失望的”用-ing 形容词 disappointing;第二空修饰人 his parents,作表语,表
示“感到失望的” ,用-ed 形容词 disappointed。故填①disappointing;②disappointed。
19 .talented
【详解】考查形容词。句意:他是一位极有才华的演员,拥有一大群影迷。修饰后文名词 actor 应用形容词
talented,作定语。故填 talented。
20 .is
【详解】考查时态。句意:确保所有设备都有适当的标签。all equipment (be)properly labelled 是宾语从句,
句子描述一般性事实,应用一般现在时,主语是不可数名词, be 动词应用 is,故填 is。
21 .equipped
中 be equipped for 为固定短语,意为“准备好,对……有准备” ,形容词 equipped“准备好的”作表语。故填
22 .absorbed
【详解】考查形容词。句意:当某件事确实让我感兴趣的时候, 我就能全神贯注于这件事。become absorbed in
为固定短语,意为“全神贯注于某事” ,形容词 absorbed“全神关注的”作表语。故填 absorbed。
23 .motivated
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意: 在奥林匹克格言“更快、更高、更强” 的激励下,许多著名的男女运动员都 投身于体育事业。句中已有谓语动词, 所以用非谓语动词形式。逻辑主语 many well-known athletes 与 motivate
之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词作状语。根据句意,故填 motivated。
24 .various
名词 topic 用形容词 various“各种各样的”作定语,故填 various。
25 .classical
architectures 应用形容词。classic 和 classical 都是形容词, 前者表示“经典、典型的”,常常修饰 example/ music/
case/ ballet/ novel;后者表示“古典的” ,常常修饰 architecture/ work/ scholar,故填 classical。
26 .phenomena
【详解】考查名词复数。句意:这些现象应该受到重视,因为它们可能影响天气和无线电通信。设空处在句 中作主语, phenomenon“现象”为可数名词;由空前的 These 以及空后的 are 可知, 设空处应填名词 phenomenon
的复数形式 phenomena。故填 phenomena。
27 .enable
【详解】考查动词。句意:这项新测试可能使医生能够及早发现这种疾病。 enable sb. to do sth.使某人能够做
某事。情态动词 might 后接动词原形。根据句意,故填 enable。
28 .up
【详解】考查介词。句意:他们用旧木头搭建了一个简陋的避难所。根据空后的“a rough shelter from old pieces
of wood”,这里表示用旧木头搭建避难所。 set up 意为“设置,建立”符合句意。故填 set。
29 .performances
【详解】考查名词。句意:这个乐团本周将再演出两场。设空处为名词作宾语,前面有 two 修饰,应用名词
复数形式, perform 的名词 performance,故填 performances。
30 .It
【详解】考查 it 形式主语。句意:人们普遍认为,压力是由于工作太多,休息太少造成的。 it is believed that 固定句型,意为“人们认为” ,其中 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是 that 引导的从句,句首单词首字母大写,故
填 It。
31 .relief
【详解】考查名词。句意:医生说这只是一个轻微的伤口。真是松了一口气!结合汉语提示和不定冠词 a,
名词 relief 符合题意,此处为抽象名词 relief 具体化,用其单数形式。故填 relief。
32 .Founded
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:成立于 1988 年的华为公司,这几年快速发展。根据所给汉语提示可知,
此处应用动词“found”,且此处作状语,found 与主语 Huawei 之间为被动关系,故此处应用过去分词作状语,
故填 Founded。
33 .original
【详解】考查形容词。句意:经过长时间的讨论, 这块土地被归还给原来的主人。根据句意及汉语提示可知,
此处使用形容词 original,修饰名词 owner ,作定语。故填 original。
34 .virtual
用形容词 virtual,修饰名词 world,作定语。故填 virtual。
35 .energy
【详解】考查名词。句意:我现在做的每件事都投入了很多精力。根据汉语提示可知, 此处用不可数名词 energy
作宾语表示“精力” 。故填 energy。
36 .enables
【详解】考查时态。句意:经常接触英语使我们对这种语言有很好的了解。结合汉语提示, enable 作谓语动
词,讲述一般性事实,时态用一般现在时,动名词短语作主语,谓语单数形式。故填 enables。
37 .impact
impact,冠词 a 提示用该名词的单数形式。故填 impact。
38 .talent
【详解】考查名词。句意:他英语说得很流利。他在很小的时候就表现出了很强的语言天赋。 “天赋”表达为
名词 talent,空前有 a ,设空处为可数名词的单数形式,作 show 的宾语。故填 talent。
39 .ordinary
【详解】考查形容词。句意:该杂志的读者表示,他们想要更多关于普通人的故事,而更少关于富人和名人 的故事。根据汉语提示可知,空处应用形容词 ordinary,表示“普通的” ,作定语修饰名词 people,符合题意。
故填 ordinary。
40 .prove
处应用动词 prove,表示“证明” ,情态动词 can 后接动词原形形式。故填 prove。
41 .phenomenon
【详解】考查名词。句意:这场持续了三年的疫情造成了全球失业率上升的现象。设空处在句中作 resulted in 的宾语, phenomenon“现象”为可数名词,符合句意;由空后的“of rising unemployment rate”可知此处指失业率
上升这一现象,设空处应填名词 phenomenon 的单数形式。故填 phenomenon。
42 .various
【详解】考查形容词。句意:帐篷有各种各样的形状。修饰名词 shapes 应用形容词 various,意为“各种各样
的” ,作前置定语。故填 various。
43 .ached
【详解】考查动词、时态。句意: 由于他忙于写论文,他的眼睛因睡眠不足而疼痛。设空处为谓语动词,根 据 as 引导的从句中的时态, 此处也用一般过去时, “疼痛”表达为动词 ache,与逻辑主语 His eyes 为主谓关系,
应用一般过去时的主动语态,设空处用动词的过去式。故填 ached。
44 .Moreover
“此外”用 moreover 。该空置于句首,首字母大写。故填 Moreover。
45 .talents
【详解】考查名词。句意:很明显,老板非常欣赏他的才能。形容词性物主代词 his 后接名词,作主语。名
词“天赋” 的英文为 talent,根据谓语动词 are 可知,用名词的复数形式。故填 talents。
46 . was about to when
【详解】考查固定句型。根据句意可知,应为 be about to do sth. when...“刚要做…… ,这时 ……” 。照应从句
谓语动词“rang”,主语也应为过去的时态。故填 was about to ;when。
47 . With staring at her
【详解】考查非谓语动词。根据句意以及提示要求可知,应为 with 的复合结构: “with+n./pron.+doing/to
do/done” 。“ 盯着”为固定搭配 stare at ,且和宾语“so many people”构成主谓关系,故用现在分词作宾补,句首
单词首字母大写。故填 With;staring at her。
48 . is difficult to answer
【详解】考查“be 动词+形容词+不定式”结构。根据要求本句要使用“be+adj. +不定式” 的句式,结合句意可知,
形容词后的不定式作状语,不定式与主语是动宾结构,要使用 be+adj. +不定式结构的主动表被动意义。
difficult“困难的” ,answer“回答” 。主语 the question 为单数,谓语动词 be 也要用单数。本句用一般现在时即
可。故答案为①is②difficult ③to④answer。
49 .Seen from the top
【详解】考查非谓语动词。根据句意及题干要求可知, “看”译为 see ,“从山顶”译为 from the top of the hill,
动词 see 与主语“the city”为动宾关系,故应为过去分词作状语。故填 Seen from the top。
50 .sitting at the back
【详解】考查固定短语和非谓语动词。根据句意,空格处缺少“坐在后面的” 。sit 坐; at the back 在后面;分 析句子结构,已有谓语动词 will keep,需用 sit 的非谓语动词形式作后置定语, people 和 sit 为逻辑上的主谓
关系,需用现在分词形式。故填 sitting at the back。
51 .Seen from the top of the hill
【详解】考查非谓语动词作状语。根据句意及句子结构可知,设空处作状语,因此所给动词 see 应用非谓语
形式,see 与其逻辑主语 the school 之间是被动关系, 故用过去分词形式 seen,“从山顶上”可译为 from the top of
the hill,故填 Seen from the top of the hill。
52 .Given more attention
【详解】考查非谓语动词。根据句子成分分析,此句为简单句,主语为 the fire,谓语为 could have been
avoided,所以“如果多注意一些”用作状语, “fire”与 give“给”之间是被动关系, 所以用过去分词作状语, more
attention“更多的主意”作 give 的宾语,故填 Given more attention。
53 .Encouraged by the teacher
【详解】考查非谓语动词和名词。根据句子成分分析,此句为简单句,主语为 the girl,谓语为 was very
happy,所以“ 由于被老师鼓励”用非谓语动词作状语,“ 女孩”与“鼓励”之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词+by,
宾语是 the+名词 teacher ,encourage 位于句首首字母大写,故填 Encouraged by the teacher。
54 .Left alone at home
【详解】考查过去分词。该空是状语成分, leave sb. alone (把某人独自留下)用作非谓语动词短语,和逻辑主 语 Jenny 是被动关系, 该空用过去分词短语作状语, at home (在家里),首字母大写。故填 Left alone at home。
55 .Surrounded by his students
【详解】考查过去分词。该空是状语成分, be surrounded by (被……包围),用过去分词短语 surrounded by 表
被动,作状语, his students (他的学生们),首字母大写。故填 Surrounded by his students。
56 .When given a physical examination
【详解】考查状语从句的省略。根据句子成分分析,此句为简单句,主语为 you,谓语为 should keep calm ,
所以“做体检的时候”作状语, when 引导时间状语从句,主从句主语一致,从句省略主语, give a physical
examination“做体检” ,与主语 you 是被动关系,所以用过去分词形式。故填 When given a physical
57 .Seen from the top of the hill
【详解】考查过去分词作状语。表示“从……看”用短语 see from,表示“ 山顶”用 the top of the hill,空处在句 中为状语, 句子主语 the city 与动词 see 为动宾关系, 因此 see 用过去分词表示被动, 故填 Seen from the top of
the hill。
58 .moved to tears
【详解】考查过去分词。表示“被感动得热泪盈眶”应用 be moved to tears,空格处和谓语之间没有连词, 所以
应用过去分词形式作状语。故填 moved to tears。
59 .Not knowing what to do
【详解】考查非谓语动词和疑问词+不定式。根据句子成分分析,此句为简单句,主语为 he,谓语为 asked,
所以“ 由于不知道要做什么”用作状语, know“知道”与逻辑主语 he 之间是主动关系, 所以用现在分词, 否定式
其前加 not ,宾语用 “疑问词+不定式”结构,故填 Not knowing what to do。
60 .Given more attention
【详解】考查过去分词。根据句子成分分析,此句为简单句,主语为 the flowers,谓语为 could have grown, 所以“如果给予更多关注”用作状语, “the flowers”与“给予关注”之间是被动关系, 所以用过去分词 given,more
attention“更多关注”作宾语。故填 Given more attention。
Frederic Chopin was born in March 1810 near Warsaw in Poland and was one of the greatest musicians in the world. He composed twenty-four short 61 (piece) for the piano called preludes. The longest one, Prelude
No.15, is better 62 (know) by its nickname, the “Raindrop” Prelude. How did it get its nickname
One day in 1838, when Chopin’s lover George Sand went out in a rainstorm, Chopin became worried. While he
63 (wait) for Sand, he wrote Prelude No.15.
When Sand came back, Chopin played 64 (she) the music. Sand thought the notes sounded like
raindrops. She let Chopin listen to the raindrops 65 (fall) on the roof. This made Chopin 66 (happy).
He insisted that he never paid attention to those sounds or 67 (copy) them.
However, like Sand, many people hear raindrops in this prelude. Some notes repeating throughout the piece sound like raindrops. The flow of the music is like rain, too. The piece starts 68 (soft), but it gets louder, like
rain getting 69 (heavy). Then the music gets quiet and finally 70 (end), like rain when it stops.
61 .pieces 62 .known 63 .was waiting 64 .her 65 .falling 66 .unhappy 67 .copied
68 .softly 69 .heavier 70 .ends
【导语】本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述肖邦创作的音乐之一——第 15 前奏曲《雨滴》。
61 .考查名词的数。句意:他为钢琴创作了二十四首名为前奏曲的短曲。分析句子结构和意思可知,空格前
面有 twenty-four 修饰,名词用复数形式。故填 pieces。
62 .考查非谓语动词。句意:最长的一首,第 15 前奏曲,更为人所知的是它的昵称, “ 雨滴”前奏曲。分析句 子结构和意思可知,动词 know 和句子主语 The longest one 是逻辑上的被动关系,用过去分词形式,表示被
动,作表语。故填 known。
63 .考查谓语动词。句意:在等待 Sand 的时候,他写了第 15 前奏曲。分析句子结构和意思可知,这句话描
述的是过去正在进行的动作,谓语用过去进行时,主语是 he ,be 动词用 was 。故填 was waiting。
64 .考查代词。句意:当 Sand 回来后,肖邦给她演奏了那首音乐。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里需要代
词宾格,作宾语。故填 her。
65 .考查非谓语动词。句意:她让肖邦倾听雨点从屋顶上落下的声音。分析句子结构和意思可知,动词 fall
是被修饰的名词 raindrops 主动发出的动作,用现在分词形式,表示主动,作补语。故填 falling。
66 .考查形容词。句意:这使肖邦很不高兴。分析句子结构和下文意思可知, 肖邦认为他的音乐是自创的,
不是模仿的雨滴的声音,所以 Sand 的做法让他很不高兴, unhappy 做宾语补足语。故填 unhappy。
67 .考查谓语动词。句意:他坚持说,他从来没有注意过这些声音,也没有模仿过它们。分析句子结构和意
思可知,这句话描述的是过去的事情,谓语用一般过去时。故填 copied。
68 .考查副词。句意:这首曲子开始时很轻柔,但声音越来越大,就像雨下得越来越大一样。分析句子结构
和意思可知,这里需要副词,修饰谓语动词 starts 。故填 softly。
69 .考查形容词比较级。句意:见第 8 题详解。分析句子结构和上文的 louder 可知,这里指随着音乐开始,
声音变得越来越大,就像雨下得越来越大一样,所以用比较级。故填 heavier。
70.考查谓语动词。句意:然后音乐变得安静, 最后结束, 就像雨停了一样。根据“ the music gets quiet ”可知,
谓语用一般现在时,主语是 the music,谓语用第三人称单数形式。故填 ends。