人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures教参


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures教参
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-06 08:28:34



选必1 Unit 2 READING 教参
Book 1 Unit 2 The universal language
Reading 1
Understanding culture through music
By the end of this section, students will be able to:
1. give a brief introduction to Butterfly Lovers and country music;
2. listen to a sample of Butterfly Lovers and express their understanding of it;
3. compare the writing techniques of the two emails.
1. To appreciate different types of music and understand the culture through music;
2. To learn about different techniques used in writing to describe one’s appreciation of music.
步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间/模式
Step 1 Start the class by asking students to answer the following questions.1. What information do you think the emails contain according to the subjects 2. Have you watched a music performance live or on TV What was it like 激活学生已有的关于音乐表演的认知和经验,引出主题,引导学生关注电子邮件的写作特征。 5’Individual Work
While reading
Step 2 Have students read the two emails and finish A1 on Page 18. 梳理两封邮件的段落大意,了解文章主要内容与框架。 8’Individual Work
Step 3 Have students scan the two emails to find out the answers to the following questions.(1) What is the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai like (2) What is unique about Butterfly Lovers (3) Why is Harry’s life in Nashville interesting (4) What are the features of country music (5) Who is John Denver 引导学生在问题的提示下,寻找语篇的重点细节,为之后的深度理解做好铺垫。 10’Individual Work
Step 4 Have students read Paragraph 2 carefully, listen to a certain part of Butterfly Lovers and then discuss the following questions.How do you feel when listening to this part What does this part describe Can you find any description in Paragraph 2 to match it 让学生在真实的音乐欣赏环境中体会音乐之美,文字之美,将音乐欣赏和文本理解相结合。 5’Pair work
Step 5 Have students read the emails again and then finish A2 on Page 18. 通过填空对文章内容和语言进行巩固。 5’Individual Work
Step 6 Have students work in pairs to discuss the first two questions in A3 on Page 18:(1) The violin concerto Butterfly Lovers is a combination of Chinese and Western musical elements. What do you think of this combination (2) What can you know about rural America from “Take Me Home, Country Roads” 通过讨论深化和内化学生对音乐的赏析能力,以及用英语对音乐进行描述的输出能力。 10’Group Work
Homework1. Finish B2 on Page 19.2. Prepare an oral report about “The combination of Chinese and Western musical elements”. 2’
Book 1 Unit 2 The universal language
Reading 2
Understanding culture through music
By the end of this section, students will be able to:
1. have a deeper understanding of the passage and the effective ways to describe music;
2. use personification to describe their favourite piece of music;
3. recommend a piece or a type of music which reflects part of a culture.
1. To apply what they have learned into practice when describing music;
2. To come up with their own introduction of a type of music that reflects part of a culture.
步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间/模式
Step 1 The teacher has students review the two emails and practise the use of new words and expressions by finishing B1 on Page 19. 回顾第一课时内容,提高学生使用与“音乐”这一主题语境相关词汇的能力。 5’Individual Work
Step 2 Have students answer the following questions.(1) How many different types of music are mentioned in this short passage (2) How much do you know about the Chinese musician Xian Xinghai 针对所做的语篇进行适当的信息查找与口语练习,为之后的活动做好铺垫。 5’Individual Work
Step 3 Have students pay attention to the title of Reading (Understanding culture through music) and that of the unit (The universal language) and then discuss the third question in A3 on Page18:Both Alice and Harry enjoyed their experiences of music from another culture. What do you think of Alice’s opinion that “music is indeed a universal language” 通过口语活动——讨论,帮助学生深化理解,升华主题。让学生用自己的语言表达对“音乐与交流”的理解。 10’Class Work
Step 4 Have students read Learn this in B3 on Page 19 to understand what personification is.(1) Find the sentence using personification in Alice’s email.(2) Describe your favourite piece of music using personification. 通过指导学生学习并使用拟人的修辞手法,提高他们的语言欣赏和语言表达能力;通过组织学生讨论,引导他们就文章的主题意义深入思考并表达观点。 10’Individual WorkGroup Work
Step 5 Have students work in groups of four and each member recommends a piece or a type of music that reflects part of a culture. 通过要求学生推荐反映文化的音乐作品和音乐类型来增强他们的文化意识。 13’Individual WorkGroup WorkClass Work
HomeworkListen to the whole piece of Butterfly Lovers after class and give a detailed description of the part that impresses them the most. 2’
Book 1 Unit 2 The universal language
Welcome to the unit
By the end of this section, students will be able to:
1. find out the key information from the two posters;
2. describe how they feel when listening to part of the pieces mentioned in the posters;
3. share with peers more information about musical instruments, famous pieces and well-known musicians.
1. To find out the key information from the posters;
2. To describe feelings and share information concerning music.
步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间/模式
Step 1 The teacher has students listen to two pieces of music, one played on the erhu (Horse Racing 《赛马》) and the other on the piano (For Elise 《献给爱丽丝》), and asks them the following question.What musical instruments are they played on 通过欣赏不同音乐片段导入本课学习,让学生在真实情境下感受音乐的魅力,自然过渡到本单元主题。 5’Individual Work
Step 2 The teacher has students read the two posters on Page 15 carefully, keep in mind as much information as they can and then retell the information they have acquired to their classmates with their books closed. The following words are given to help them. Erhu /Hua Yanjun/Liu Tianhua;Piano/Mozart/Chopin 设计复述活动,帮助学生巩固从海报中所读取的信息,并引导学生通过同伴合作,在真实情境中使用英语进行信息交流。 8’Group work
Free talk
Step 3 The teacher has students work in pairs to ask and answer the following questions.1. What else do you know about Hua Yanjun/Liu Tianhua /Mozart/Chopin 2. What other musical instruments and famous musical pieces or musicians do you know about Have some students to report information about famous musicians to the rest of the class. 通过问答与口头报告的形式,丰富、加深学生对所提到的音乐家的理解,同时提升学生口语表达能力。 15’Group WorkClass Work
Step 4 The teacher has students listen to part of the pieces of music mentioned in the posters and ask them to answer the following question.How do you feel when listening to them 通过品鉴与欣赏,让学生真正感受音乐之美。引导学生使用英语将感受外化为语言表达,进一步提高艺术品鉴能力。 15’Group WorkClass Work
HomeworkWrite a report about the feelings after appreciating a famous piece of music. 2’