人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1-Unit 5 单词练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1-Unit 5 单词练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 31.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-07 09:13:59



Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
The man in his 40s finally tracked down his cousin and uncle. The f___________ worked as a doctor while the latter was seriously ill then.
You had better be very careful when you d____________ some information or documents from the Internet.
Everyone in trouble can turn to Jack in our class who is a ___________ (create) boy and always comes up with various and fresh ideas.
As is advertised in the newspaper, you had better fill in the ____________ (apply) form if you are willing to get the well-paid job.
Mike Tyson, who played boxing ______________ (profession), won a lot of titles in the 1980s and was considered to a great athlete.
Over the past 10 years, Mr Smith together with his colleagues ______________ (donate) thousands of pounds to the Hope Project for the distant rural students.
The study of a modern language has a unique ______________(贡献)to the development of culture.
It was not until I suffered hair__________(损失)that I realized the harm of staying up.
Writers of history books always make an ___________(尝试)to connect the past with the present.
I try to find what it is that ____________(阻止)so many people taking part in the programme.
The research team will make a further ____________(调查)to get a conclusion.
The ____________(消失)of some animals changed the ecosystem of this area.
It is interesting to ____________(对比)the British legal system with the American one.
The Eastern and Western dietary cultures deserve deeper ____________(比较)and discussion.
It is _____________(值得的) to include really high-quality illustrations.
Just 32% knew that eating ____________(加工)meat is a potential health risk.
He begged _____________(宽恕)for what he had done.
Police have already ___________ (确认)10 murder suspects.
Two artists, ________ acting skills were wonderful, came to our school as planned.
You should meet wonderful new people, with ________ you can share positive attitudes.
Self-driving is an area __________ China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line.
This is an age _________ dreams have the best chance of coming true.
参与,参加 _____________________
让步,屈服 _____________________
保持平衡 _____________________
导致 _____________________
提出建议 _____________________
向...求助 _____________________
阻止,不准 _____________________
向...捐赠... _____________________
确保 _____________________
在世界各地 _____________________
某人/物可能做某事 _____________________
为(做)某事作出贡献 _____________________
尝试做某事 _____________________
值得做某事 _____________________
Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
1. This place is so heavily polluted. It is time for us to take ___________ (措施) to protect the environment.
2. I firmly believe people should try to live in h____________ with the animals.
3. Look! A Tibetan antelope _____________ (attack) by a pack of wolves.
4. Nowadays people are more ___________ (concern) about the environment where they live.
5. We should know that during the patients’ ___________ (recover) period, they need to have a good rest and eat some light (清淡的) food.
6. Mothers are often the ones who provide ____________ (emotion) support for the family.
7. We have organized various activities to raise people’s ___________ (aware) of the protection.
8. When you know that your friend is in trouble, you should reach out a helping hand ___________ (立刻).
9. At present, some people are making a _________ (利润) by releasing videos on social media. Some of them are useful for our life.
10. The Lantern Festival often reminds us __________ the delicious sweet dumplings, the beautiful lanterns and so on.
11. I knew my parents intended __________ (buy) a new truck.
12. Just before the flood came, some furniture in his house was _________ (移开) to a higher place.
13. Many __________ (物种) are facing extinction due to the destruction of their ___________ (栖息地).
14. With good treatment, Professor Smith unbelievably recovered _________ a heart attack within a week.
15. Li Hua is such a great student that he only spent one day a__________ himself to the study in his new school and now he gets along with with his classmates.
16. Mom, I have already r____________ a table for three at 6 o`clock for the family meal this Saturday.
17. As is taught at school, the dinosaur became e____________ due to a big earthquake and extreme climate change.
18. Yangtze River Dolphin and Koala are an endangered s___________ and we must do something to help our friends.
19. The old man who had a car accident last week made a full ___________(recover) from the operation in hospital.
20. The book “A Dream of Red Mansion”__________ (intend) for students who learn to analyze different characters and the relationship among them.
21. James loves basketball and he put up a picture of Michael Jordan on the wall in his bedroom to keep him ___________ (remind) of his own dream.
22. The guideline asks the local education ____________(权威) to create a good environment for teachers at primary and secondary schools.
23. Public worries about accidents are ___________(威胁) the very existence of the nuclear power industry.
24. The school has taken active measures to promote mental health ____________(意识) among students.
25. We all need to ___________(减少), reuse and recycle, so that we produce less waste.
26. As we are running out of non-renewable resources, how to meet energy needs in the future is a major ____________ (担心) for scientists.
27. Many species are in danger of e______________ because of our destruction of their natural habitat.
28. We are now living in a h____________ community where teachers are devoted and students are hard-working.
究竟 _____________________
灭亡 _____________________
意识到 _____________________
平均 _____________________
对......关切的 _____________________
适应 _____________________
看清,听清,分清 _____________________
由于,因为 _____________________
搜索,查找 _____________________
承受压力 _____________________
保护,照管,监督 _____________________
日日夜夜 _____________________
激起 _____________________
取得进步 _____________________
Unit 3 The Internet
In this tourist attraction you can enjoy all the comfort and c____________ of modern tourism.
He talked of other cultures as if they were more f______________ to him than his own.
Ted was very _______________ (挑剔) about the color he used.
To tell the truth, I am ready to make a c____________ to those who are badly off or in difficult situations.
I cast a glance on him ---- I just had no idea who he was though his face was f___________.
Everyone can b____________ from new opportunities brought about by China’s economic growth.
All residents in poor areas are expected to have a___________ to basic healthcare services provided by professional doctors.
The teacher did all he could to i_____________ his students to think creatively, expecting that they could come up with some novel ideas for the project.
We all know how the Internet has changed the way people a___________ information and communicate.
An engine has many parts, each performing a different f____________.
Traffic is bad outside the school gate, p___________ at 7:15 am, when the students are rushing in from every direction.
At the age of six she started reading the daily financial newspapers and opened her own bank a____________.
While a moderate amount of stress can be _____________ (有益的), too much pressure can exhaust you.
Marta looked ________ (沮丧) after hearing the exam results.
Steven is not a legal r____________ (居民) yet.
When the sunshine s____________ (流动) into the classroom, we all burst into laughter.
It has been c___________ (确认) that the final exam will be put off.
As for me, one of my t___________ (目标) this year is to hold an art exhibition in our school.
Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved f__________. (错误的)
The poor weather may have a___________ (是...的原因) for the small crowd.
陪伴某人 _____________________
既然,由于 _____________________
经历,度过,通读 _____________________
状况良好 _____________________
掌握...的最新消息 _____________________
取笑,戏弄 _____________________
牢记 _____________________
熟悉某人/某物 _____________________
受益于 _____________________
有使用...的机会 _____________________
是...的原因 _____________________
陷入,困住 _____________________
对...讲究/挑剔 _____________________
对...严厉/强硬 _____________________
Unit 4 History and Traditions
The magazine suggested that he was planning to _______________ (宣布) his retirement.
Her _______________ (哲学) of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself.
Each i_____________ (个人) should be treated with the same respect and kindness.
Due to the TV programme, there is a s__________ (显著的) change in the attitude towards traditional Chinese costumes.
The hair dryer can be c__________ (充电) up and used when travelling so it’s very convenient.
Jane and her colleagues looked at 3200-year-old fossil bones b__________ (属于) to a single individual of an extinct cattle species.
L_________ (位于) in one of city’s prettiest squares, the house is rather expensive.
These charities depend on the compassionate feelings and g___________ (慷慨) of the general public.
Recently, China has made remarkable _____________ (achieve) in spreading traditional Chinese culture to the world.
The conductor ____________ (surround) by a crowd of people was eager to make a good impression on them.
The school has decided to adopt a different a____________ to language teaching.
It is i___________ (非法的) to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
There is e__________ (证据) that runners live 3 years longer than non-runners.
The school has a policy to e__________ (确保) the safety of students during field trips.
The immune system is our body’s d__________ against infection and disease.
Not wanting to spend too much time taking buses to work, she rented a house n________.
The school health department will take _________ (负责) of the physical examination fee.
The sports meeting can develop team spirit, bringing students together, giving them a sense of b_____________ (归属感) and reducing loneliness.
He was sent to prison because his drinking a large a_________ of alcohol caused a traffic accident.
As the Spring Festival was approaching, the children were looking forward ________ (eager) to meeting their grandparents in the hometown.
把...和...连接/联结起来 _____________________
脱离,背叛,逃脱 _____________________
属于 _____________________
同 (一样也) ,和,还_____________________
留心,留意 _____________________
位于某处 _____________________
挤满了 _____________________
被...包围 _____________________
负责,掌管 _____________________
大量的 _____________________
随着...的临近 _____________________
渴望做某事 _____________________
Unit 5 Music
When you are older, I think you will be better e___________ (装备好了的) mentally to cope with whatever happens.
The results may p________ (证明) that regulation of the salmon farming industry is inadequate.
News of their safety came as a great r_________ (宽慰) and their parents could finally have a good sleep.
Look! Those students from Chongqing No.1 Secondary School are extraordinarily e____________ (精力充沛的) even in this English exam.
O__________ are quite rare when I can settle down and finish reading a book.
A series of _____________ (assume) about why people became homeless and what they need have been made.
Being a teacher is a demanding job which often involves v__________ (各种各样的) student problems.
Sometimes people tend to be misled by their p___________ experience and make no progress.
Moonlight Sonata is one of Beethoven’s finest c_____________ (作品).
N__________ (如今), we can use Alipay or WeChat Pay instead of cash in most places buying things.
Paradise Walk was o__________ (起初,原先) a university location.
He apologized, “Sorry. I was so deeply a__________ (全神贯注) in my work that I didn’t hear you.”
Jenny has been a_________ a scholarship at the University of Chicago.
So convenient is mobile payment that it saves people the trouble of carrying cash. In __________ (此外) , it greatly reduces the possibility of losing money.
It’s an honor to share the story of how music had had an i________ on my life with you.
Technologies represented by AI and big data have a great influence, and they are closely related to __________ (普通的) people’s life.
The poetry competition was held by our school with the a_______ of encouraging young poets.
The girl believes that she is c_________ of becoming a successful musician.
Although this medicine can c_______ you of your illness, it has a bad effect on you.
Her parents’ _________ (react) to the news was surprisingly calm.
爱上 _____________________
被...吸引住,专心致志 _____________________
安装好 (设备或机器) _____________________
参加...选拔 _____________________
从(那)时起 _____________________
(设法)处理,完成 _____________________
使某人能够做某事 _____________________
对...有影响 _____________________
能够,有能力 _____________________
令某人欣慰的是 _____________________
力争做到某事 _____________________
必修二 单词复习题答案:
Unit 1
一.1. former 2. download 3. creative 4. application 5. professionally 6. has donated 7. contribution 8. loss 9. attempt 10. prevents 11. investigation 12. disappearance 13. contrast parison 15. worthwhile 16. processed 17. forgiveness 18. identified 19. whose 20. whom 21. where 22. when
二.1. take part in 2. give way to 3. keep balance 4. lead to 5. make a proposal 6. turn to 7. prevent...from... 8. donate...to... 9. make sure 10. all over the world 11. sb/sth be likely to do sth 12. make (a) contribution(s) to (doing sth) 13. attempt to do sth 14. be worthwhile doing sth
Unit 2
一.1. measures 2. harmony 3. is being attacked 4. concerned 5. recovery 6. emotional 7. awareness 8. immediately 9. profit 10. of 11. to buy 12. removed 13. species;habitats 14. from 15. adapting 16. reserved 17. extinct 18. specie 19. recovery 20. is intended 21. reminding 22. authority 23. threatening 24. awareness 25. reduce 26. concern 27. extinction 28. harmonious
二.1. on earth 2. die out 3. be aware of 4. on average 5. be concerned about 6. adapt to 7. make out 8. due to 9. search for 10. under pressure 11. watch over 12. day and night 13. stir up 14. make progress
Unit 3
一.1. convenience 2. familiar 3. particular 4. charity 5. familiar 6. benefit 7. access 8. inspire 9. access 10. function 11. particularly 12. account 13. beneficial 14. upset 15. resident 16. streamed 17. confirmed 18. targets 19. false 20. accounted
二.1. keep sb company 2. now that 3. go through 4. in shape 5. keep track of 6. make fun of 7. keep (...) in mind 8. be familiar with 9. benefit from 10. have access to 11. account for 12. get stuck in 13. be particular about 14. be tough on/with
Unit 4
一.1. announce 2. philosophy 3. individual 4. striking 5. charged 6. belonging 7. Located 8. generosity 9. achievement 10. surrounded 11. approach 12. illegal 13. evidence 14. ensure 15. defence 16. nearby 17. charge 18. belongingness 19. amount 20. eagerly
二.1. join...to 2. break away (from sb/sth) 3. belong to 4. as well as 5. keep your eyes open (for...) 6. be located in 7. be crowded with 8. be surrounded by 9. take charge of 10. a large amount of 11. with... approaching 12. be eager to do sth
Unit 5
一.1. equipped 2. prove 3. relief 4. energetic 5. Opportunities 6. assumptions 7. various 8. previous 9. compositions 10. Nowadays 11. originally 12. absorbed 13. awarded 14. addition 15. impact 16. ordinary 17. aim 18. capable 19. cure 20. reaction
二.1. fall in love with 2. absorbed in sth/sb 3. set sth up 4. try out 5. in addition (to sb/sth) 6. from (then) on 7. get through 8. enable sb to do sth 9. have an impact on 10. be capable of 11. to one’s relief 12. aim to do sth