人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music 词汇知识点讲义


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music 词汇知识点讲义
格式 docx
文件大小 29.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-07 10:48:35



必修二Unit 5 Music 词汇讲义
1.energy / en d i/ n.能源;能量;精力;
相关形式:energetic adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的(同义词:vigorous/ v ɡ r s/,active)energetically adv.精力充沛地
相关短语:1.full of energy 精力充沛2.save energy 节约能源3.supply/provide energy 提供能量4.generate/produce energy 发电5.solar energy 太阳能6.have the energy to do sth有精力做某事7.devote one's energy to (doing) sth把某人的精力花在(做)某事上
例:1.While sitting in the classroom and doing my papers,I felt confident and was full of energy.
2.The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes.
2.composition / k mp z ( )n/.n 成分,作品,作文,创作;
相关形式:compose v. 组成;撰写;作曲;创作(音乐) ,使...镇静作“使镇静”解时,强调有意识的努力、决心和坚毅,是及物动词。表示“自我镇定”时,须接反身代词作宾语,不用于被动结构:composer n. 作曲家composed adj.平静的,镇定的,由...组成的
相关短语:1.be composed of =be made up of 由……组成2.compose a letter/speech/poem 撰写(信函、讲稿、诗歌等) (compose = make up )
例:1.Life is composed of a series of well-orchestrated choices. 人生是由一系列精心的选择构成的。
2.She began to compose songs at an early age. 她年轻时就已开始创作歌曲。
3.perform /p f m/ vi.& vt.表演;履行;执行;
相关形式:performer n.执行者;表演者performance n.执行;表演;履
相关短语:1.perform the role of...扮演……角色2.perform a(n)...role in...在……中起……作用3.perform an operation/a play 进行手术/演一场戏4.perform one's duty/promise 尽某人的职责/履行某人的承诺5.put on/give a performance 进行表演6.perform well/badly 表现好/不好7.a live performance 现场演出8. give/put on a performance 表演节目
例:1.Thousands of people paid good money to watch the band perform.
2.The athlete performed well in the competition. 这位运动员在比赛中表现出色。
4.enable / ne b( )l/ vt.使能够;使可能;
相关形式:able adj.有能力的;能干的ability n.能力disability n.残疾;无能disabled adj.残疾的
相关短语:1.enable sb to do sth 使某人能够做某事2.be able to do sth有能力做某事
相关扩展:lessen , widen , broaden ,strengthen,enrich , endanger,enlarge,entitle,ensure,encourage,brighten,darken,deepen,harden,heighten,lengthen,lighten,quicken,sharpen,sweeten;
例:1.She risked her own life to help a disabled woman.
Good education enables people to develop their potential.
5.1>prove /pru v/ vt.证明;展现,显示(自己的)才干(或勇气);
相关词汇:certify/ s t fa /v证明,证实;certificate/s t f k t/n.证明,证书;文凭,成绩合格证书;certificationn.证明,资质证书;show,indicate,demonstrate)
相关短语:1.prove...to sb向某人证明……2.prove oneself to be...证明自己是……3.prove sth/sb right/wrong 证明某事/某人正确/错误4.It is proved that...据证明……
例:1. When I first started this job,I felt I had to prove myself to be capable.当我第一次开始这份工作时,我觉得必须证明自己是有能力的。
2>I need to prove my worth to my boss.他试图向警方证明自己的清白。
6.1>origin / r d n/n. 起源;出身;
相关形式:original adj 原来的 ,独创的originate vi. 起源,发源originally adv. 最初;起初
相关短语:1.originate in 起源于 2.the origins of life 生命的起源3.in origin”“在起源上;原来;起初
例: 1.The idea originated in a conversation with my friend.这个想法源于我和朋友的一次谈话。
2.The origins of the universe will probably never be explained.(region, regional ,religion ,)
relief /r li f/ n.(焦虑、痛苦的) 减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱;
相关形式:relieve vt.减轻;缓解(ease.n/v减轻,缓和,放松;)
相关短语:1.in/with relief 如释重负;松了口气2.to one's (much/great) relief 令某人(非常)欣慰的是3.It is a relief to do sth.做某事是件令人宽慰的事。4.breathe a sigh of relief松了口气5.relieve sb of...解除某人……方面的负担6.relieve poverty/traffic jams 缓解贫困/交通阻塞7.relieve one's pain/pressure 减轻/缓和某人的痛苦/压力8.a sense of relief 解脱感9.What a relief!真叫人宽慰!
例:1.To the relief of the patient,the doctor told him everything was fine.
2.The passengers all sighed in/with relief when the plane finally landed safely.
8.absorb / b z b/ v.吸收,吞并;承受(变革、影响等),;理解,掌握(信息);使全神贯注,使专心;
相关形式:absorbing adj.引人入胜的;十分有趣的 absorbed adj. adj.极感兴趣的,全神贯注的;
相关短语:1.be absorbed in sth/sb 被……吸引住;专心致志2.absorb...from...从……中吸收…3.absorb...into...把……吸入……4.absorb oneself in=be absorbed in 全神贯注于……;专心致志(be lost in...陷入…;专心致志于……be caught in...被困在……be buried in...埋头于……be devoted to...致力于……;专心于……)
例:1.Large companies sometimes absorb smaller ones. 大公司有时会吞并较小的公司。
2.She won't be able to absorb another heavy blow. 她无力承受再一次沉重的打击
9.aim /e m/ n.目的;目标 vi.& vt.力求达到;力争做到;瞄准 vt.目的是;旨在;
相关形式:aimless adj. 无目的的aimlessly adv. 无目的地
相关短语:1.aim to do sth 旨在做某事2.aim at doing sth=be aimed at 目的是;旨在
3.take aim at... 瞄准……4.with the aim of 以……为目标;意在……5.aim at/for 瞄准;力求达到
例:1>The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others blindly. 教育的目的是教会年轻人自我思索而不说盲目的跟从别人。
Twenty students want to attend the class aiming to teach how to read fast.
补充:purpose:指明确的意图、目标或目的。例句:The purpose of this meeting is to discuss our marketing strategy.(这次会议的目的是讨论我们的营销策略。)objective:强调具体的目标或任务。例句:Our objective is to complete the project within the given deadline.(我们的目标是在规定的期限内完成这个项目。)
intention:表示个人的意图、打算或计划。例句:His intention was to start his own business.(他的意图是创办自己的企业。)goal:常用于描述长期或特定的目标。例句:We need to set clear goals for our team.(我们需要为团队设定明确的目标。)target:可以指具体的目标或对象。例句:The company has achieved its sales target for the quarter.(公司完成了本季度的销售目标。)end:表示最终的目标或结果。例句:What is the end goal of this project (这个项目的最终目标是什么?)aim:如前面提到的,有目的、旨在的意思。例句:She aimed to finish the report by the end of the day.(她的目的是在当天完成报告。)
10.equip / kw p/ vt. 配备;装备;使有所准备;使有能力;
相关形式:equipment .n 装备,equipped adj.装备齐全的;使有准备,使有能力
相关短语:1.a piece of equipment 一件设备2.office equipment办公室设备3.equip... with... 用……装备……5.equip sb. for (doing) sth. 使某人为(做)某事做好准备 6.be poorly/well equipped 装备较差的/精良的
易错提醒 equipment为不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不能直接用不定冠词修饰。
例:1.Your education will equip you for your future life.
2.They equipped themselves with a pair of sharp axes and set off for the forest.
11.assume / sju m/ vt.以为;假设;
相关形式:assumption n.假定,假设assumingconj.假定,假设adj.<古>傲慢的,自以为是的
相关短语:1.assume...to be/as 假定……是……;认定……是……2.assume that...假定/认为……3.It is assumed that...人们认为……;据推测……4.assuming that假定……(引导条件状语从句,与if同义)5.make an assumption做出假设;认为6.a false/wrong/mistaken assumption错误的假设7.be based on an assumption以假设为基础(conj.假如,倘若(=providing that/provided))
例:1.It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.
2.Assuming that it rains this afternoon, what shall we do
11.satisfaction / s t s f k ( )n/ n.满足;满意;欣慰;
相关形式:satisfy v.满足;使满意satisfied adj.感到满意的 satisfactory/satisfying adj.令人满意的
相关短语:1.to one's satisfaction=to the satisfaction of sb令人满意的是2.with great satisfaction满意地3.satisfy one's needs 满足某人的需求4.be/feel satisfied with...对……感到满意5.gain satisfaction from sth. 从某事中得到满足感6.satisfy sb.'s curiosity 满足好奇心7.a satisfied expression/look/smile 满意的表情/微笑a look/smile of satisfaction 心满意足的表情/笑容8.a satisfactory explanation/solution令人满意的解释/解决办法9.far from satisfactory远不令人满意
例:1.To the satisfaction of the boss,the customers were satisfied with his products.
2.From his satisfied voice on the phone I know everything is going under way.
12.various / ve ri s/ adj.各种不同的;各种各样的
相关形式:variety n.多样性;种类vary v.使多样化
相关短语:1.vary with...随……而变化2.vary in...在……方面不同/有差异3.vary from...to...由……到……情况不等/不同4.a variety of=varieties of=various 各种各样的
补充:a variety of+名词,作主语时,动词原则上与它所修饰的名词的数保持一致;the variety of+复数名词,意为“……的品种”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。“varied”通常强调事物在性质、特征或形式上的多样性或变化。例如:“The landscape was varied with hills, valleys, and rivers.”(地形多样,有山丘、山谷和河流。)或者“Our team has a varied range of skills and talents.”(我们的团队拥有各种不同的技能和才能。)
“various”更侧重于表示多个不同的事物或种类。例如:“There are various options to choose from.”(有各种各样的选择可供挑选。)或者“He has various hobbies, including reading and painting
例:1.The city has various attractions for tourists.这座城市有各种各样吸引游客的景点。
2.There are various options available for you to choose from.(有各种各样的选项可供你选择。)
13.reaction/ri k n/ n.反应;回应;
相关形式:react v.回应;抗拒;发生反应
相关短语:1.in reaction to...针对……的反应2.react to...对……起反应3.react against 反抗;反对4.react with... 与……发生化学反应5.one's reaction to... 某人对……作出的反应
6.a chemical/nuclear reaction 化学/核反应
例:1.He was surprised that his question caused so many strong reactions.
2.Everyone makes mistakes,but the real test is how you react to them.
补充 :re开头的单词:react:反应,回应rebuild:重建recovery:恢复,复原recommend:推荐,建议record:记录,唱片redesign:重新设计reduce:减少,降低refuse:拒绝reflect:反映,反射rely:依赖,依靠revisit:再次访问reiterate:重申,重复replay:重播,重放restart:重新开始remarry:再婚rebuild:重建reconsider:重新考虑reopen:重新开放redo:重做refresh:更新,刷新