人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Reading and Thinking导学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Reading and Thinking导学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 32.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-07 11:34:21



选修二 Unit 2 Reading and thinking
Teaching Objectives:
1. Enable the Ss to read about Xie Lei’s experience on an exchange program in London.
2. Enable the Ss to understand the structure and the writing style of the passage well.
3. Let the Ss learn some reading strategies by scanning and skimming.
4.To learn from Xie Lei’s experiences and spirits.
Step1: Lead in
1.Think about what it might be like if you study in a place where you've never been.
2.What challenges do you think student studying abroad might face
Who is Xie Lei
Where does she go
Who is saying it
What kind of genre(体裁) is this text
5.Where can you read the passage
Read the whole text quickly and then fill in the blanks.
Para.1: Leaving China for ____________________.
Para2: Her ________________ to set out a business in China.
Para3-4: Her ___________________ to the new culture.
Para5-6: _________________ requirements in the new school.
Para7: Feeling much more _________________.
Para8: Best ______________ from the newspaper.
According to task 4, please match every part with its main idea.
Para. 1-2 The challenges that Xie Lei faced and how she handled them
Para. 3-7 Best wishes to Xie Lei
Para. 8 Brief introduction of Xie Lei and the reason why she went abroad to study
Step 3: Detailed Reading.
Why did Xie Lei choose the exchange programme (read Para.1-2)

Para.1-2: Xie Lei left China for London.
Age: ________________
Why: ___________________________
Scan Para. 3-6 and fill in the table.
①What challenges did Xie Lei face during her stay in the UK
②What helped Xie Lei adapt to the life abroad
(read Para.3-6 and finish the table on P15) 填表
Challenges What Xie Lei did
Daily life adaptation to a whole new life learnt to _________________; learnt to ____________________; asked for ___________________
loneliness lived with ___________________
Academic requirements writing an essay got help from _______________; ____________ a lot to prepare
participating in ________ and giving _____________ gave a presentation on ________________________
As well as studying hard, Xie Lei ____________________________________. She is also acting as a
Read Para.7, and answer the following questions.
How did Xie Lei make herself feel much more at home
How has Xie Lei helped to build bridges between China and the UK
Scan the article and underline the words that show Xie Lei’s feelings and work out the reasons.(找出表示感受的词并找出原因)
six months ago at first academic challenge after a few weeks halfway through
(She felt ... because ...)
6.How has Xie Lei helped to build bridges between China and the UK
Where How
in the host family
in class
in social activity
7.What is Xie Lei’s character and find the supporting details.
The article is about how a Chinese girl, Xie Lei manages to adapt to ________ in the UK and meet the _________ requirements as an exchange student. Besides, the article also talks about how Xie Lei acts as a ________ messenger building a _______between China and the UK.
Step 4: Post-Reading
What are the benefits and difficulties of studying abroad
Advantage Disadvantage
作文 出国学习利与弊
________________________ 告辞,告别
_____________________ 登上飞机
___________________________ 这是某人第一次做某事
__________________ 会发生什么
studying for a business q____________ 攻读商科学位
______________________________ 一年的交流项目
___________ business 全球商务
_________________________. 我的志向是
____________ a business 创办一家企业
after g_______________ 毕业后
_____________ life _____ a different country 适应异国他乡的生活
______________ a whole new life 习惯一种全新的生活
_____________ 迷路
_________________ 熟悉
__________________________________ 住在学校宿舍
________________ 寄宿家庭
adaptation to the new culture ______________
_________________________ 感到安慰
_____________________ 渴望做某事
_______________________ 轮流做某事;
stir-fry[v]_______; stir-fried tomatoes and eggs _________
academic _____________(require) 要求
_____________________ (连词,引导时间状语从句) “第一次...的时侯”
write an essay _____________
___________________ 引用观点
advise sb to do sth ______________________
__________________________ of her own 形成自己睿智的观点
generate ideas _________________
apply concepts __________________
raise questions 提出问题
as well as __________; ___________
__________________________ 做展示
speak up __________; ____________
presentation on[____; _____] traditional Chinese art 关于中国传统艺术的展示
______________________ 提升自信心
halfway through [adv] _____________
_____________ 舒服自在;不拘束
engage (oneself/sb ) in sth. = be engeged in..._____________
get _____________ 参与,卷入,与…有关联
be fascinated by ...._____________
be _____________sth. 渴望做某事
share…with …_____________
_____________ a cultural messenger 扮演着文化使者的角色
build a bridge between..._____________
in later edition _____________
wish her all the best. _____________
第一段1.say goodbye to 告辞,告别
2.boarded a plane 登上飞机
3.It was the first time that sb+had done 这是某人第一次做某事
4.what to expect 会发生什么
5.studying for a business qualification 攻读商科学位
6.a year-long exchange programme 一年的交流项目
7.global business 全球商务
8.My ambition is to do sth. 我的志向是
9.set up a business 创办一家企业
10.after graduation 毕业后
adapt to life in a different country 适应异国他乡的生活
get used to a whole new life 习惯一种全新的生活
get lost 迷路
ask passers-by for help 向路人求助
be familiar with 熟悉
live in campus accommodation 住在学校宿舍
a host family 寄宿家庭
adaptation to the new culture 适应新文化
feel comforted to 感到安慰
be keen to do sth. 渴望做某事
take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事;
stir-fry[v]翻炒; stir-fried tomatoes and eggs 番茄炒蛋
academic requirements 学业要求
the first time that (连词,引导时间状语从句) “第一次...的时侯”
write an essay 写论文
cited ideas 引用观点
advise sb to do sth 建议某人做.....
form a wise opinion of her own 形成自己睿智的观点
generate ideas 形成观点
apply concepts 运用概念
raise questions 提出问题
as well as 也;和…一样;
give presentations 做展示
speak up大声点说;明确表态
presentation on[介词,关于] traditional Chinese art 关于中国传统艺术的展示
boost my confidence 提升自信心
halfway through [adv] 在…中间/途
feel at home 舒服自在;不拘束
engage (oneself/sb ) in sth. = be engeged in...从事...忙于...
get involved in 参与,卷入,与…有关联
be fascinated by ....着迷于......
be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事
share…with …同…分享…
acting as a cultural messenger 扮演着文化使者的角色
build a bridge between...在...之间架起一座桥梁
in later edition 在下一期中
wish her all the best. 祝她一切顺利