

名称 2023届常州高三上学期期末调研卷试卷讲评课件(共20张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 2.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-07 14:40:58



Text 1M: Jane, do you have a map of Manchester I want to find a good place to eat.W: Why not try Chinatown There are plenty of good Chinese restaurants, and it's near here.
Text 5M: Mary, I posted my singing video on the Internet. Look! It got 20,000 likes.W: Wow, really It's incredible. It may be a big hit in the future.
Why does the man need a map
Why does the woman recommend Chinatown
What are the speakers talking about
What does “It” refer to
Text 8
M: That's why I work for myself, so I can set my own schedule. You can always come to work for me selling cars. W: I should have become a doctor like my father. They're much more respected than lawyers.
Why does the man like to work for himself
What does the man suggest the woman doing
What did the woman’s father do
What does the woman probably do
Text 10
When it comes to 39℃ to 41℃, sea water will drown most of the island countries, people will have to choose to grow sunflowers which can survive in salty soil, and oceans will be crowded with dead bodies of sea creatures.
What countries will the sea water drown
Why will people have to choose to grow sun flowers
What will happen to the sea creatures
19. What will happen if the average temperature reaches 39℃ to 41℃?A. Sunflowers won't survive anymore.B. Most countries will be drowned.C. Sea animals will die massively.
Please note that Finnair flight gift cards are currently not available for purchase. If you have an expiring flight gift card with some balance left, its validity(有效期) is extended until 31 December 2022 due to the situation caused by COVID 19.
Finnair gift card is valid for one year. Please buy your ticket before the expiration date marked on the gift card. Travel date can be later (max 360 days from the day of the purchase).
(  )23. Which of the following tickets can a person buy with a gift card A. A ticket for 1 July 2023. B. A ticket for 31 December 2024.C. An award ticket for himself. D. An award ticket for his friend.
It is not possible to use the Finnair gift card for award bookings or bookings paid with money and points; purchasing travel extras such as seats, meals or extra bags; purchases onboard the flight.
The peony has gained extraordinary support in an online vote to be chosen as China's national flower. The final result of the poll, initiated by the China Flower Association, will be unveiled on Friday.
The five days of voting began on Monday, and an official from the association revealed that the peony has collected more than 90 percent of the votes to date among 10 options.
“We are stepping into the new era and the country is witnessing social prosperity,” the official said. “People also have better living conditions. It is time to have an official national flower that can represent our state image and the nation's spirit.”
(  )27. What is the best title for the text A. Peony leads national flower voting. B. New era calls for new national flower.C. Peony changes national flower standards.D. Peony represents nation's image and spirit.
What is the news mainly about
The peony has gained extraordinary support
The final result
will be unveiled
(  )26. What is the author's attitude towards peony being chosen as China's national flower A. Negative. B. Supportive. C. Unclear. D. Intolerant.
5)“The peony was the national flower in the Tang Dynasty (618907). Apart from ornamental(观赏的) value, it also has been used as a food and a traditional Chinese herb, for which it has strong economic value,” Dong said. “It is widely known by Chinese people. Even my 10 year old son and his classmates in primary school have voted for it.”
7)Among several colors being considered, the red peony has gained the greatest support from the public with nearly 30,000 votes on Sina Weibo, followed by white and yellow.
8)Many netizens said they didn't realize that China has no national flower. In fact, many people said they had already accepted the peony as the national flower years before they saw the vote.
Who hold a supportive attitude towrds the peony
4) According to the association, China's national flower should meet four standards: It should originate in China and have a long history in many regions; it should be beautiful in shape and color, to represent the Chinese culture and personality; it should have a profound historical culture and be widely known to the public; and it should be extensively used in many fields with a competitive ecological and economic value that could benefit the public.
“The peony was the national flower in the Tang Dynasty (618907). Apart from ornamental(观赏的) value, it also has been used as a food and a traditional Chinese herb, for which it has strong economic value,” Dong said. “It is widely known by Chinese people. Even my 10 year old son and his classmates in primary school have voted for it.”
(  )25. What part of the voting is paragraph 4 and 5 mainly about A. The procedure. B. The standard. C. The reason. D. The result.
What is the relation of Para 4 and Para 5 (Why does the writer list the standards in paragraph 4)
1)4 out of 10 parents and carers are thinking of leaving their careers in classical music due to challenging working practices, according to a new study by Parents and Carers in Performing Arts (PiPA) and Birkbeck, University of London.
2)The new report, titled A Bittersweet Symphony, surveyed 410 participants from the music industry and conducted focus groups and in depth interviews.
3)Its findings highlight the struggle that those in the classical music sector face when having to balance work and supporting children, elderly or sick family members.
What is the topic
(  )30. What makes it harder for women to stick with classical music careers A. Their inborn gender disadvantages.B. High challenges on their performance.C. The lack of support mechanisms in the industry.D. The lack of flexibility in their career scheduling.
5) Women with caring responsibilities were also found to be twice as likely to turn down work due to highly gendered work and caregiving structures in classical music.
6) “There is greater impact on women, who are likely to work and earn less, and those without social capital,” the report says.
7) Also highlighted, are the logistics(后勤) and financial demands arising from touring and working away from home, the lack of affordable,flexible, ad hoc childcare for working musicians, and the lack of support mechanisms(机制) within the classical industry.
What is the problem
What is cause of the problem
highly gendered work and caregiving structures
other causes
(  )31. What is the key factor in solving the problem A. A working group and a charter. B. A gender balanced structure of the industry.C. Sticking to the established working practice.D. Reforming the current working mechanism.
8) The report calls on industry leaders to create a classical music sector that works for everyone. It highlights flexible working, more advanced scheduling, and sharing best practice within the industry as key next steps. 9) PiPA will be bringing together a working group comprising of Black Lives in Music, Help Musicians, Independent Society of Musicians, Liverpool Philharmonic, Musicians' Union, Phonographic Performance Limited, Royal Opera House and Scottish Opera to develop a best practice charter(章程) to address the challenges raised by “Bittersweet Symphony”. 10)“Only by re evaluating established working practices, can we begin to deal with wellbeing impacts, inclusion and diversity, and potential loss of talent,” the report says.11)“We need to jointly adopt sustainable, considered and flexible practices, HR policies and processes, to address the problem.”
What is the solution
got 20,000 likes
be a big hit
set my own schedule
when it comes to
drown most of the island countries
survive in salty soil
be crowded with
are currently not available for purchase
a card with some balance left
the validity is extended until
be valid for one year
gain extraordinary support
be unveiled
to date
witness social prosperity
apart from
have strong economic value
accept the peony as the national flower
meet four standards
originate in China
be beautiful in shape and color
have a profound historical culture
titled A Bittersweet Symphony
Its findings highlight the struggle
be twice as likely to turn down work
financial demands arising from touring and working away from home
the lack of support mechanisms within the industry
call on industry leaders to
rules working for everyone
address the challenges
re evaluate established working practices
jointly adopt new practices
We ourselves, as products of an educational system, are sufficiently perfect evidence against it. If we think of what we happily might have been, and then of what we are, we cannot but admit the total failure or the helpless insufficiency of our education.
32. What is the purpose of this article A. To complain about the educational system.B. To encourage readers to get educated in school.C. To discuss about how to get good education in school.D. To talk about the relationship between school and society.
Looking back on those years upon years which we spent in school, we know that something was wrong. If we will remember, we did not, at the time, exactly approve of the school system. Many of us, in fact, went in for sabotages. Our favorite brand of sabotage was the “withdrawal of efficiency”—in our case a kind of unconscious passive resistance. Good natured onlookers, such as our parents or the board of education, might have thought that we were learning something all the while; but that's just where we fooled them! There were, of course, a few of us who really learned and remembered everything—who could state off hand, right now, if anybody asked us, in what year Norman the Conqueror landed in England. But__the__trouble__is__that__so__few__people__ask__us!
33. What does the underlined word “sabotage” in 2nd paragraph most probably mean A. An unconscious act of destruction. B. The low ability to be efficient.C. A deliberate strategy of disrespect. D. The active resistance to success.
about what
Falling asleep or coming down from anxiety might never be as easy as 1 2 3, but some experts believe a different set of numbers—4 7 8—comes much closer to doing the trick.“What a lot of sleep difficulties are all about is people who struggle to fall asleep because their mind is buzzing,” said Rebecca Robbins, an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School.“__36__ And that's exactly what we need to do before we go to bed.”
What is 4-7-8
F. But exercises like the 4 7 8 technique give you the opportunity to practice being at peace.
What can’t people fall asleep
The 4 7 8 method doesn't require any equipment or specific setting, but when you're initially learning the exercise, you should sit with your back straight, according to Weil. Practicing in a calm, quiet place could help, said Robbins. __37__
During the entire practice......
B. It can put the body in a state easier for restful sleep, he added. C. Once you get the hang of it, you can use the technique while lying in bed.
What is B about
the benefit
the process
When you're stressed out, your sympathetic nervous system(交感神经系统)—responsible for your fight or flight response—is overly active. This makes you feel overstimulated and not ready to relax and transition into sleep, Rebecca said. “An active sympathetic nervous system can cause a fast heart rate as well as rapid and shallow breathing.”The 4 7 8 breathing practice can help activate your parasympathetic nervous system—responsible for resting and digesting—which reduces sympathetic activity. __40__
What results can an overly active nervous system cause
What benefits can the 4-7-8 practice bring
B. It can put the body in a state easier for restful sleep, he added.
第一节(满分15分)假定你是李华,上周日你参加了学校组织的一场志愿者活动。请写一篇文章向校英文报投稿,内容包括:1. 活动内容; 2. 参与动因;3. 参与感受。注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
投稿信? 新闻稿?
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
+ 主题
A witnessed B
Last Sunday witnessed my involvement in...titled “ ”
In order to improve our sense of responsibility, our school organized a voluntary activity to help the elderly in the local nursing home. Inspired by the selflessness demonstrated by the volunteers in the pandemic prevention, I took an active part in it, talking with the lonely old people, helping them with their housework and trying my best to amuse them. By the time we left there, I had made friends with some of them. Looking at their smiling faces, I really felt happy and proud. I think I will continue to be a volunteer whenever I am needed.
Sample writing