【新课标.原创精优课件】Unit 2 What time is it? 第7课时 Part C Story time 课件 整体课堂教学设计 素材(共22张PPT)


名称 【新课标.原创精优课件】Unit 2 What time is it? 第7课时 Part C Story time 课件 整体课堂教学设计 素材(共22张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 30.5MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-08 11:54:50


Unit 2 What time is it
第7课时 Part C Story time
Story time 学生能够在图片的帮助下,理解故事内容,复习巩固有关时间的词汇和句型。学生能够在教师的帮助下,表演故事。
2. 学生能够在情境中理解和运用词汇和句子。
3. 学生能够根据正确的语音、语调来朗读句子。
4. 学生能够模仿其对话的语音、语调来进行分角色扮演朗读。
1. 学生能够快速地从故事中提取有用的关键信息。
2. 学生能够能够根据图片等提示,做出逻辑推理。
1. 学生能够通过本课的学习,达到乐于听、说英语。
2. 学生能够通过学习,乐于模仿,积极参与,养成合作精神。
1. 利用不同的语境,增强文化素养和与他人交往的能力。
Step 1: Warm up
1. Greetings.
2. Warm up
T: Let’s sing the song “It’s twelve o’clock.” together.
Step 2: Review
T: Look at the time, and say it out quickly and loudly. Ready Let’s go.
参考时间:6:00, 12:08, 8:10, 9:30, 7:15, 10:20, 3:12, 5:25
It’s time for ...
T: Look at John’s timetable, let’s talk about it.
S1: It’s six ten. It’s time for breakfast. (6:10-breakfast)
S2: It’s ten o’clock. It’s time for music class. (10:00-music class)
S3: It’s 12 o’clock. It’s time for lunch. (12:00-lunch)
S4: It’s two ten. It’s time for English class. (2:10-English class)
S5: It’s seven p.m.. It’s time for dinner. (7:00 p.m.-dinner)
T: You all did a good job.
(通过学生来描述John的一天时间表,快速地帮助学生复习有关于时间的表达方式,以及核心句型It’s time for ...)
It's time to ...
T: Now let’s look at Mike’s timetable. Talk about his activities.
S1: It’s six thirty. It’s time to get up. (6:30-get up)
S2: It’s seven thirty. It’s time to go to school. (7:30-go to school)
S3: It’s nine o’clock. It’s time to have English class. (9:00-have English class)
(如果学生说成It’s time for English class也是可以的,灵活变通一下)
S4: It's four o’clock. It’s time to go home. (4:00-go home)
(根据Mike一天的活动安排图片,再次复习时间的表达方式,以及句型It’s time to do ...)
Step 3: Story time
Let’s talk
T: Now let’s read today’s story.
T: First let’s look at the picture, who are they in the picture
Ss: Zip and Zoom.
T: Now let’s have a guess, where are they
T: Are they in Zip’s home or Zoom’s home
Ss: Zoom’s home.
T: What are they doing there
T: Let’s read the dialogue in this picture, and answer these two questions.
Question 1: What does Zip want to do A. Wake up Zoom. B. Play with Zoom.
Question 2: What does Zoom want to do A. Wake up. B. Sleep.
T: Look at this picture, look carefully about the time.
Question 3: What time is it on the alarm clock (It's eight o’clock.)
Question 4: What time is it on the clock on the wall (It’s seven o’clock.)
T: Why are they different
(图片中有一个时钟一个闹钟,学生观察时间,并回答对应的问题,最后抛出一个问题:Why are they different )
Let’s read
T: The time for the clocks are different. Why Let’s watch the video and try to find out the answers.
T: Because Zip wants to fool Zoom. Today is April 1st. It is April Fool’s Day.
T: Do you know April Fool’s Day Let’s learn something about this day.
T: Now let’s read this story and read it loudly.
Picture 1Zip: Wake up, Zoom. It’s time to get up.Zoom: Mmm. I want to sleep.
Picture 2Zip: It’s time to get up now.
Picture 3Zip: Look! What time is it
Picture 4Zoom: It’s eight o’clock. Oh, dear! I’m late for school.
Picture 5Zip: Wait! Wait! Zoom, look at that clock.
Picture 6Zoom: It’s seven o’clock Zip: April Fool!
(课文的对话内容还是办简单的,可以在读的过程中,稍微带一下这些词的意思wake up, sleep, oh dear, April Fool)
Role play
T: Now let’s act it out this story. One reads as Zip, and the other as Zoom.
Step 4: Homework
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Part C
Story time
PEP. 四年级下册
Unit 2
What time is it
Warm up
6:10 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
2:10 p.m.
It’s ...
It’s time for ...
6:10 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
2:10 p.m.
It’s ...
It’s time for ...
6:10 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
2:10 p.m.
It’s ... It’s time for ...
6:10 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
2:10 p.m.
It’s ... It’s time for ...
6:10 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
2:10 p.m.
It’s ...
It’s time for ...
have English class
go to bed
go to school
get up
go home
It’s ... It’s time to ...
Let’s read the story.
Who are they
Where are they
A. Zip’s home.
B. Zoom’s home.
Read and answer
What does Zip want to do
A. Wake up Zoom.
B. Play with Zoom.
What does Zoom want to do
A. Wake up (醒).
B. Sleep (睡).
Look and say
What time is it on the alarm clock (闹钟)?
What time is it on the clock (时钟)?
It's eight o’clock.
It's seven o’clock.
Why are they different(不同的)
Follow the video.
Why the time is different(不同的)
Zip wants to fool(愚弄) Zoom.
Today is April 1st.
It's April Fool’s Day(愚人节).
April Fool’s Day
每年的四月一日,是西方的民间传统节日——愚人节(April Fool's Day)。在这一天,人们之间可以相互开玩笑,被开玩笑者被称为April Fool,而被告知是愚人节时,才恍然大悟,所以这一天总是能够引出许多笑话。愚人节这天玩笑只能开到中午12点之前,这是约定俗成的严格规矩。
Wake up, Zoom.
It’s time to get up.
I want to sleep.
It’s time to get up now.
Look! What time is it
It’s eight o’clock.
Oh, dear!
I’m late for school.
dear 天啊
Wait! Wait! Zoom, look at that clock.
It’s seven o’clock
April Fool!
Role play
Two in a group.
One reads as Zip, and the other as Zoom.
Act it out.
1. 熟读Story time 对话。