单 元 整 体 教 学 设 计
学科 英语 年级 九年级下册
使用教材 沪教牛津版(深圳·广州·沈阳) 教材页数 P 65-80
单元名称 Unit 5 Sport
主题范畴: 人与社会 主题群:文学、艺术与体育 子主题:日常体育活动,重大体育赛事,体育精神 单元话题:运动 主题意义:了解世界上主要的体育运动和奥运会的相关知识,树立热爱运动、强身健体的理念。 以下是单元语篇内容分析图和基于单元主题和语篇内容分析形成的单元结构图: 表一:单元教学内容 语篇语篇类型语篇内容语篇主题意义一 Skiing: An unforgettable experience故事阅读一篇描述滑雪度假的文章体会滑雪运动给主人公带来的乐趣二 Table Tennis Club matches & Boys’ table tennis results对话&公告一段讨论撰写乒乓球俱乐部比赛告示的对话及一则宣布男子乒乓球半决赛及决赛结果的公告了解乒乓球运动的比赛细则三 Ask directions & My favorite sport对话学习问路和指路的常用表达;与同伴讨论自己最喜欢的体育运动了解各项体育运动项目四 My favorite sport说明文介绍自己最喜欢的一项体育运动了解自己最喜欢的运动项目并能陈述理由五 Faster, Higher, Stronger说明文介绍奥运会的相关情况引导学生正确看待比赛的意义六 Kong fu说明文介绍中国功夫了解中国传统运动
(一)自然情况 本单元围绕“运动”这一话题,以各类体育运动和体育比赛为主线,开展教学活动,了解体育运动。符合Module 3 Sport and health这个话题的内容探究,以及九年级学生对知识的汲取需求。 (二)已有基础 因为本单元话题贴近生活,学生有一定的背景知识,所以学生读起来会比较轻松。授课对象为初三级学生,在语言知识方面,初三的学生已经掌握一些与本话题相关的词汇。此外,学生也掌握了一些基本的语言点和语言技巧,能够获取文本的主要信息。 (三)存在问题
但文章中还是会有一些比较陌生的单词,对生词的学习,学生比较依赖教师或工具书。而且大多数学生缺乏阅读策略,对于分析和迁移能力还有待进一步提高。学生对于这个话题的英语深入表达,如:眼神交流动作所表达的含义以及文化差异的理解上可能会有一定的挑战。 (四)解决措施 鼓励学生在课堂上积极踊跃发言,尊重每个学生的想法,并给予客观公正的评价,而不是期待唯一的标准答案。 培养学生利用现代科学技术检索信息,查阅资料的能力。 在教学过程中,以学生为中心。创设让学生合作交流的学习情境,一起探讨、讨论,共同完成学习任务。并鼓励学生将所学内容与家长进行分享。 教学方式灵活多样,根据学生随堂掌握情况,及时做出调整和改进。 5. 从多角度多维度对学生进行多方位评价。
【单元课标要求】 1. 发展语言能力。能够积累与体育相关的表达;能运用恰当的表达方法问路和指路;能与他人谈论自己最喜欢的体育运动。 2. 培育文化意识。了解世界上主要的体育运动和奥运会的相关知识;了解中国功夫的相关知识;树立热爱运动、强身健体的理念。 3. 提升思维品质。从多角度观察和认识体育运动,有理有据、有条理地表达自己对某一体育运动的喜欢;辩证看待体育比赛的意义,深刻理解规则的意义。 4. 提高学习能力。能够树立正确的英语学习目标,保持学习兴趣,主动参与语言实践活动;在学习中注意倾听、乐于交流、大胆尝试;学会自主探究,合作互助;学会反思和评价学习进展,调整学习方式;学会自我管理,提高学习效率,做到乐学善学。 【单元学习目标】学习本单元后,能够: 语言能力:读懂有关描述滑雪度假的故事;听懂一段讨论撰写乒乓球俱乐部比赛告示的对话及一则宣布男子乒乓球半决赛及决赛结果的公告;掌握问路和指路的常用表达方式;与同伴谈论自己最喜爱的运动;根据问题和结构提示,描述自己最喜欢的一项体育运动。 学习能力:能主动复习并整理归纳时态和被动语态的相关知识;主动利用图书馆和其他资源进行拓展学习体育运动;积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 思维品质:理解故事中事件发生的先后顺序和人物的行为;了解主人公从滑雪中获得的乐趣;辩证看待比赛的意义。 文化意识:树立热爱运动、强身健体的理念;理解“更高、更快、更强”的奥运会格言所传递的奥运精神。
课时及教材板块 课型 课时对应的单元教学目标 评价的手段与方式
第一课时 Reading 阅读课 帮助学生理解阅读篇主旨大意和细节信息;帮助学生理解故事情节发展的顺序,并理解人物的行为;帮助学生学习阅读篇章中的核心词汇。 通过略读回答问题链,精读复述阅读篇章,评价学生能否理解文章的大意和细节信息;通过给图片排序,考查学生对文章中事件发生的顺序和人物行为的理解; 通过小组讨论和分享,评价学生能否体会运动给人们带来的乐趣;通过补全句子和短文填空,评价学生是否掌握本课目标词汇。
第二课时 Listening & Speaking 听力 口语课 训练学生巩固获取和记录价格、日期、时间、电话号码、比赛得分等数字信息的听力技能;帮助学生掌握问路和指路的表达方法;锻炼学生就特定的话题提供信息、表达简单的观点和意见、参与讨论的能力。 通过朗读对话以及编制对话,评价学生是否掌问路和指路的表达方法;通过仿照示例编制对话,评价学生是否能使用恰当的特殊疑问词以及正确的时态讨论自己最喜欢的运动,考查学生的口头表达能力。通过补全告示以及信息卡,评价学生是否掌握捕捉关键信息的听力技能。
第三课时 Grammar 语法课 帮助学生复习初中阶段所学的六种时态和被动语态的用法。 通过编制对话、选词填空等,评价学生能否掌握动名词作主语的用法;通过补全句子、编制对话等,考查学生是否掌握动名词作宾语的用法。
第四课时 Writing & Project 写作课 锻炼学生根据写作要求准备素材、独立起草短文的能力;理解标志的含义。 通过回答问题,评价学生是否按要求准备素材;通过仿写,评价学生是否能独立完成起草短文并掌握篇章结构。
第五课时 More practice & Culture corner 阅读拓展课 帮助学生奥运会的发展简史、比赛项目以及“更快、更高、更强”的奥运会格言及其内涵;帮助学生了解中国功夫。 通过回答问题,评价学生是否更好地掌握篇章的细节信息;通过小组讨论,考查学生对奥运比赛项目的熟悉程度。通过小组讨论和分享,检测学生对文化角板块内容的理解情况。
本单元内容不但贴近生活,具有很强的实用价值,而且能够使学生充分关注了解各类体育运动以及体育比赛。本单元课主要是基于主题意义进行单元整体教学的设计,以学生对于主题意义的理解和学习能力的发展为主线,设计体现关联性和递进性的学习活动,旨在让学生理解本单元的话题“运动”的重要性以及理解运动能给人带来乐趣。“运动”的话题贯穿了整个单元,通过对不同体育运动以及体育比赛的介绍,把本单元各板块的学习内容主题引出并串联起来,引起学生学习本单元的兴趣。 本单元教学紧密地跟语篇教学和文化意识教学结合在一起。在“听、说、读、写”的活动中,教师能引导学生逐步从导读、分析到理解文本的内容,并且根据文本内容进行深度思考,思考运动的重要性,树立热爱运动、强身健体的理念。
Unit 5 Sports课时教学设计
本单元第4课时 Writing 课型 写作课
What---语篇主题和主要内容 写作板块要求学生介绍自己喜欢的一项体育运动。 Why---语篇传递的主题意义 本课时旨在锻炼学生根据写作要求准备素材、独立起草短文的能力。 How---文体结构、语言特点及功能 学生先阅读一篇介绍自己最喜欢的一项体育运动的范文,然后再参照范文和写作提纲,独立撰写一篇短文介绍自己最喜欢的一项体育运动。文章分为三部分,第一部分:介绍自己最喜欢的运动;第二部分:关于这项运动的细节;第三部分:陈述喜欢的理由。该写作任务是主阅读篇章和口语板块所学知识和技能的综合运用。
【已知】写作任务牵涉到运动项目以及运动经历的介绍,这些内容学生已经在主阅读篇章和口语板块学习。因此,本课时写作任务的内容对于学生来说不陌生,学生已经有所积累。 【未知】学生在写作中的可能存在的主要困难:分析范文的写作结构并掌握该写作结构;分析自己对该项体育运动喜爱的原因,这对于学生来说也是一大难点,评价反思意识薄弱,相关词汇也积累较少。 【能知】在本节课中,学生将会学会仿写和掌握介绍文的写作特点和写作方法。
通过本课学习,学生能够: 1. 语言能力: 积累介绍喜欢的体育运动相关的表达;掌握介绍类文章的基本结构和写作方法。 2. 学习能力: 通过合作讨论准备写作素材。
3. 思维品质: 思考各写作素材之间的相关性,把握语篇的整体意义。 4. 文化意识: 介绍自己喜欢的体育运动并用正确的时态描述自己的运动经历。
教学重点: 积累介绍喜欢的体育运动相关的表达;掌握介绍类文章的基本结构和写作方法。 教学难点: 介绍自己喜欢的体育运动并用正确的时态描述自己的运动经历。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
学习理解:通过回顾主阅读篇章,引出本课时的写作话题介绍一位手工艺者。通过图片等,让学生初步了解捏面手工艺人以及其作品。 任务一: Review 回顾主阅读篇章:如何介绍运动经历。 任务二:Lead- in 1. 使用“蛛网图”分析介绍经历的要素。 2. 教师提问:What is your favourite sport Have you had some unforgettable experiences 学生小组讨论。 任务一: 观察学生互动表现,判断学生能否掌握“运动”这一主题的已学内容。 任务二: 观察学生参与课堂的表现,判断学生能否清晰理解课时任务,鼓励学生积极参与本节课。
设计意图 通过导入的内容,引导学生思考自己喜欢的体育运动,为后面的教学做铺垫,同时让学生能够对本堂课的教学感兴趣。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
应用实践:通过完成分步骤的写作任务,学生能够根据框架合理分析范文中的段落结构以及写作内容;通过独立起草短文,学生锻炼了根据写作要求准备素材并把素材组合成一篇语言通顺、逻辑合理的短文的能力。 创设情境:口语课上Vicky已经介绍了自己最喜欢的运动乒乓球,她写了一篇相关的短文。 任务三: Pre-writing 1. 学生阅读范文,并分析题目、时态和人称。 2. 教师提问:how to introduce your favourite sport 3. 教师指导学生结合范文,使用“蛛网图”罗列介绍自己最喜欢的体育运动时的写作内容。展示“蛛网图”。 4. 教师指导学生使用思维导图,归纳范文的段落结构。 5. 再次阅读范文,发现更多写作细节。 6. 结合Speaking 提供的参考表达,补充一些有用的表达。 7. 教师呈现评价标准,提醒学生注意检查事项。 任务四:Practice 1. 二人小组,根据提示问题,互相问答,以笔记的形式记录自己的回答。 2. 根据Pre-writing时归纳的框架结构,将自己的回答组合成一篇语言通顺、逻辑合理的短文。 任务三: 观察学生展示的“蛛网图”和“思维导图”,判断学生能否使用“蛛网图”和“思维导图”梳理写作框架,对学生表现给予及时反馈。 小组讨论分析范文,邀请每组学生口头汇报结果,判断学生能不能根据提纲分析范文并提炼具体的描述方法,对学生表现给予及时反馈。 任务四: 根据小组的问答以及笔记,判断学生能否能清楚知道自己的写作任务,对学生表现给予及时反馈。 根据学生的写作情况,判断学生是否能迁移本课时所学的写作知识。
设计意图 Writing中的一系列活动,逐步地向学生介绍本课时写作要求,学生能根据写作要求准备素材,并能根据自己分析总结的范文结构,独立撰写一篇介绍自己最喜欢的一项体育运动的短文。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
迁移创新:通过问答,为自己的写作题目提供素材,学生能够运用本课时所学的写作步骤,独立起草短文,并在教师的指导下进行互评及修改,同时内化拓展本单元的词汇、语法等语言知识。 任务五: Post-writing 1. 完成写作后,根据评价表,小组成员之间互评互改习作。 2. 教师呈现两篇文章,让学生评价哪一篇文章写得更好。 3. 教师提问:Why do you like it 分析两篇文章的区别,从而总结优秀文章的优秀之处。 4. 教师最后总结拓展一些好词好句帮助学生修改自己的文章。 do well in/ be skilled in hard/tough be interested in /be crazy about / be addicted to It is beneficial/wonderful/enjoyable/pleasant for us to do… for example / such as clauses: attributive clauses/ predicative clauses/ object clauses ... linking words: including/ in fact/ especially/ in short/ moreover/ in addition/ meanwhile ... 任务五: 综合运用本课时所学的知识。学生独立撰写一篇介绍自己喜欢的体育运动的短文。小组讨论互相批改写作,邀请每组学生进行展示。判断学生能否准确掌握本节课的写作结构以及基本的描述方式,对学生表现给予及时反馈。
设计意图 通过作文互评,学生巩固了介绍文的写作框架和内容。通过对比文章,学生了解更多写作方法让文章更优秀。
How to introduce your favourite sport Paragraph 1: Begin with a topic sentence. (My favourite sport is…/I like … best.) Paragraph 2: Give details about your favourite sport. Paragraph 3: Include your memory or experience of this sport, or your favourite sport stars/teams.
作业内容 作业目标 设计意图
基础题: 修改并誊抄自己的作文 对框架结构、内容、语法、标点和拼写等方面进行检查并修改 巩固本节课所学内容
提高题: 完成《英语(九年级下册)B》第90页的练习。 运用本节课所学,独立完成一篇短文 迁移所学的知识
拓展题: 与小组成员互相检查Book B P90的写作练习。 综合运用本节课所学知识 培养学生在实际生活中对英语的运用能力和创造力。
本节课作为本单元的写作课时,旨在通过循序渐进的方式让学生完成由简到繁的任务,帮助学生掌握介绍自己喜欢的体育运动的文章的写作方法。在这个过程中涉及语言知识方面的知识,各种学习策略的运用,积极情感的体验,特别是“蛛网图”的运用,简化总结的过程,让学生更乐意进行思考和总结。本课的设计遵循 3P 教学法的方法,通过呈现演示(presentation)→ 操练(practice)→ 成果(production)。呈现范文的示例,让学生观察、发现和归纳介绍类文章的写作结构以及每一段具体的写作内容。小组讨论的学习形式,让学生主动发现、主动学习,小组成员间的互相帮助,也让学生更容易接受本课时的写作任务。最后通过一个相似的情境任务,让学生操练本课时所学的写作结构以及表达。最后通过互相评价,呈现学习的效果。
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Unit 5 Sports
牛津深圳·广州版 九年级下
Learning objectives
Lead -in
Learning objects
3. understood the spirits of sports and raised the awareness of doing sports.
1. learnt to use the related words and expressions to describe the experiences/ memories of the sports.
2. write a short passage about the favourite sport based on the writing steps
After learning this lesson, you can:
Skiing: an unforgettable experience
1. They saw the thick snow on the trees as the bus climbed through the mountains.
2. When they reached the resort, they quickly jumped out of the bus and played with snow.
3. They checked in at the hotel and saw the ski slope opposite the hotel.
The first day:
She had a skiing lesson with a young
couple and fell over many times.
The second day:
The third day:
Vanessa could do a few rapid runs.
The following day:
Vanessa kept skiing and had a wonderful time.
expectant nervous pleased
Lead in
How can we describe an experience
What is your favourite sport Have you had some unforgettable experiences
Lead in
She is Vicky. Her favourite sport is table tennis. She wrote an short article to introduce her favourite sport in her school newspaper.
Lead in
My favorite sport
Table tennis is my favorite sport. When I was six years old, my parents often takes me to play table tennis with them. Now, I get used to playing it twice a week.
Firstly, I wasn’t good at playing table tennis. Then my father taught me some skills. He encouraged me to practice a lot. After a few years, I became familiar with playing table tennis and became more and more interest in it. That’s how I fell in love with table tennis.
Playing table tennis is very interesting. Playing table tennis makes me stronger than before. What’s more, I have a lot of happy memories of playing it, especially playing it with my parents.
Lead in
Analysis Title
the first & third person
My favourite sport
the simple present tense
the simple past tense
My favorite sport
Table tennis is my favorite sport. When I was six years old, my parents often takes me to play table tennis with them. Now, I get used to playing it twice a week.
Firstly, I wasn’t good at playing table tennis. Then my father taught me some skills. He encouraged me to practice a lot. After a few years, I became familiar with playing table tennis and became more and more interest in it. That’s how I fell in love with table tennis.
Xu Xin is my favourite sport star. I hope I can be a professional athlete like him in the future.
Playing table tennis is very interesting. Playing table tennis makes me stronger than before. What’s more, I have a lot of happy memories of playing it, especially playing it with my parents.
Think about how to introduce your favourite sport.
What is it
How often do you play/do it
Do you have any favourite sport stars/teams
Who do you play/do it with
What happy/special memory/experience do you have about playing/doing this sport
When do you usually play/do it
Step 1 Analyze the topic
Step 2 Organize the outline
Give details about your favourite sport
(when, how often, who)
Your favourite teams or stars
You may start like this:
My favourite sport is …/… is my favourite sport.
Topic sentence
Your memory or experience of this sport
Your feelings and wishes
My favorite sport
Table tennis is my favorite sport. When I was six years old, my parents often takes me to play table tennis with them. Now, I get used to playing it twice a week.
Firstly, I wasn’t good at playing table tennis. Then my father taught me some skills. He encouraged me to practice a lot. After a few years, I became familiar with playing table tennis and became more and more interest in it. That’s how I fell in love with table tennis.
Xu Xin is my favourite sport star. I hope I can be a professional athlete like him in the future.
Playing table tennis is very interesting. Playing table tennis makes me stronger than before. What’s more, I have a lot of happy memories of playing it, especially playing it with my parents.
Details of my favourite sport. (what, when, who, how often)
My experience of playing table tennis.
My favourite sport star.
The benefits of playing table tennis.
How often does she play table tennis
Who does she play table tennis with
When does she usually play table tennis
What is it
Does she have any favourite sport stars/teams
table tennis
twice a week
Her parents
Yes, Xu Xin is her favourite sport star.
My favorite sport
Table tennis is my favorite sport. When I was six years old, my parents often takes me to play table tennis with them. Now, I get used to playing it twice a week.
Firstly, I wasn’t good at playing table tennis. Then my father taught me some skills. He encouraged me to practice a lot. After a few years, I became familiar with playing table tennis and became more and more interest in it. That’s how I fell in love with table tennis.
Xu Xin is my favourite sport star. I hope I can be a professional athlete like him in the future.
Playing table tennis is very interesting. Playing table tennis makes me stronger than before. What’s more, I have a lot of happy memories of playing it, especially playing it with my parents.
Read again and find more details.
Step 3 Write a draft
Expressions you may use:
Famous sayings:
1. Practice makes perfect.
2. Where there is a will, there is a way.
3. Failure is the mother of success.
Step 4 Check and polish the writing
Write down all the content
Use proper words and expressions
Avoid these mistakes
Pair work
In pairs, talk about your favourite sport. Use the questions to help you and write down your own answers.
I like basketball best.
I play basketball every day.
I play basketball with friends.
Write an article about your favourite sport. Use the answers and the outline to help you.
My favourite sport
I like playing basketball.
I started to play basketball at the age of 11. I play basketball with my classmates. I like Yao Ming. He is a famous basketball star. I hope I can be a basketball player like him.
At first, I didn’t like to play basketball. I didn’t know how to play basketball. I thought it was very difficult. Then my coach taught me the skills. I made progress. I felt very happy when I won the first match. From then on, basketball became my favourite sport.
I like playing basketball very much. It can make me relaxed and help me make many friends. Let’s do it together!
In groups, check and polish the articles with each other.
I am fond of playing basketball.
I started to play basketball at the age of 11. Every day, I play basketball with my classmates after school. Sometimes we play it together until it is dark.
My favourite basketball star is Yao Ming, who is one of the best basketball players in China. I hope I can be as successful as he is in the future.
At first, I didn’t like to play basketball because I didn’t know how to play basketball. It was difficult for me to control the basketball. After the coach taught me the skills, I made great progress. I felt very happy when I won the first match with my classmates. Now, playing basketball has become my favourite sport.
Playing basketball not only makes me relaxed, but also helps me make many friends. Why not play basketball with me
I like playing basketball.
I started to play basketball at the age of 11. I play basketball with my classmates. I like Yao Ming. He is a famous basketball star. I hope I can be a basketball player like him.
At first, I didn’t like to play basketball. I didn’t know how to play basketball. I thought it was very difficult. Then my coach taught me the skills. I made progress. I felt very happy when I won the first match. From then on, basketball became my favourite sport.
I like playing basketball very much. It can make me relaxed and help me make many friends. Let’s do it together!
Which article is better
I am fond of playing basketball.
I started to play basketball at the age of 11. Every day, I play basketball with my classmates after school. Sometimes we play it together until it is dark.
My favourite basketball star is Yao Ming, who is one of the best basketball players in China. I hope I can be as successful as he is in the future.
At first, I didn’t like to play basketball because I didn’t know how to play basketball. It was difficult for me to control the basketball. After the coach taught me the skills, I made great progress. I felt very happy when I won the first match with my classmates. Now, playing basketball has become my favourite sport.
Playing basketball not only makes me relaxed, but also helps me make many friends. Why not play basketball with me
I like playing basketball.
I started to play basketball at the age of 11. I play basketball with my classmates. I like Yao Ming. He is a famous basketball star. I hope I can be a basketball player like him.
At first, I didn’t like to play basketball. I didn’t know how to play basketball. I thought it was very difficult. Then my coach taught me the skills. I made progress. I felt very happy when I won the first match. From then on, basketball became my favourite sport.
I like playing basketball very much. It can make me relaxed and help me make many friends. Let’s do it together!
describe things more vividly and add more details
advanced words and proper linking words
different and complex sentence patterns
(adverbial clauses of result/attributive clause/ …)
Why do you like it
do well in/ be skilled in
be interested in /be crazy about / be addicted to
It is beneficial/wonderful/enjoyable/pleasant for us to do…
for example / such as
clauses: attributive clauses/ predicative clauses/ object clauses ...
linking words: including/ in fact/ especially/ in short/ moreover/ in addition/ meanwhile ...
Learn some useful expressions
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Give details about your favourite sport.
Include your memory or experience of this sport, or your favourite sport stars/teams.
How to introduce your favourite sport
Paragraph 1
Begin with a topic sentence.
(My favourite sport is…/I like … best.)
How well do you know about this lesson Tick (√)the boxes.
I know the structure of a short article about my favourite sport. 口 口 口
I learn the steps of how to introduce my favourite sport. 口 口 口
I can write an article about my favourite sport. 口 口 口
Rewrite the final writing.
Finish the exercise on P90 Book B.
In groups, check and polish the writing with each other on P90 Book B.