人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and scientists单元重点词汇讲练学案(英重难点词句语法基础 提升练)(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and scientists单元重点词汇讲练学案(英重难点词句语法基础 提升练)(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 24.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-08 15:57:04



选择性必修二 Unit 1 Science and scientists 单元重点词汇讲练
1. P2 As a young doctor, John Snow became frustrated because no one knew how to prevent or treat cholera.
frustrated adj. 懊恼的,沮丧的(形容人或人的表情、声音等);失意的;不得志的
frustrate vt. 使沮丧; 使懊恼 frustrating adj. 令人沮丧的; 令人懊恼的 frustration n. 懊恼;令人懊恼的事物
常见搭配:be/feel/get/become frustrated at/with sth. 因…感到沮丧/懊恼
1). 语境串记:What __________ me most was the _______________ news about the football match, whose result made everyone here _____________. (frustrate).
2). After a long and __________(tire) flight, Ritz was ___________(frustrate) at the news __________ his luggage had been sent to Hang Kong _________ mistake.
3). Mary failed in the exam and her father worried that she couldn’t stand the _____________(frustrate) of it.
4). 当我们没有做到我们自己的期望时,我们往往会感到沮丧。
2. P2 The other was that cholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water.
infection n. 感染;传染 infect vt. 使感染;传染 infected adj. 受感染的 infectious adj. 传染性的
be/become infected with 感染上…;传染上… infectious disease 传染病
1). In heavily ____________(infect) areas, half the population become blind.
2). When a person has an ___________(infect) disease, he is usually ______________(separate) from others.
3). 因为有效预防,很少有人感染这个病毒
3. P2 Snow subscribed to the second theory.
subscribe to 赞成,同意;定期订购;定期捐助
1). Ever since he entered university, he _____________(subscribe) to a monthly magazine about tennis.
2). All scientists subscribed _____ the view that the increase _______ the earth’s temperature is due to the ______________(burn) of fossil fuels.
3). 经理同意了Tim提出的我们订一些有用杂志的建议。
4. P2 Snow suspected that the water pump was to blame.
suspect v. 怀疑;认为 n. 嫌疑犯,可疑对象 suspect sb. of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人(做)某事
suspected adj. 有嫌疑的;被怀疑的 suspicious adj. 感觉可疑的;令人怀疑的 be suspicious of 对…怀疑
blame v. 指责;责备;谴责把…归咎于…; n. 责任;责备;指责
blame sb. for…因…责备某人 blame sth. on …把某事归咎于… be to blame for 因…责备/负责任
take /bear/shoulder the blame (for sth.) (对某事)承担责任 put/lay the blame on sb. (for sth) (因…)把责任推给某人
1). Older people tend ________(be) quite conservative and a bit ______________(suspect) of any possible advances.
2). The official is under ______________(investigate) by the police for _____________(suspect) of taking money from the bank.
3). ____________(blame) for the accident, the driver couldn’t get away __________ it.
4). Lots of people find ________ hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame ________ the alarm clock.
5). 警方怀疑他实施了两起袭击,尽管没有确凿的证据。
6). 不要总是把失败归咎于别人,有时候是你自己而不是别人该担责任。
5. P3 Moreover, Snow was later able to show a link between other cases of cholera and the different water companies in London.
link n. 联系;纽带 vt. 把…连接起来;相关联;挽住;钩住
There is a link between…and… …和…之间有联系 link…with…/be linked with 联系,连接在一起
拓展:表示“联系,有关系”的短语:be related to; be associated with; be involved in;
be connected with; have something to do with
1). The study further strengthens the evidence __________(link) smoking with early death.
2). 师生之间有紧密的联系。
3). 健康问题和不良的饮食习惯以及缺乏锻炼有关系。
6. P3 Through Snow’s tireless efforts, water companies began to sell clean water, and the threat of cholera around the world saw a substantial decrease.
through one’s tireless efforts 通过某人不懈的努力 through great/intense/joint efforts 通过巨大的/共同的努力
a substantial(dramatic/sharp/marked) decrease (in) (某方面)大幅的/明显的降低
decrease n. 减少,降低 v. (使大小、数量等)减少,降低
拓展:on the decrease 在减少 decrease to/by下降到/了…; decrease from…to…从…下降到…
在动词decrease/drop/fall/reduce (减少)和increase/rise(增加、上升)之后,介词by/to表幅度。
1). Population growth rate is decreasing _________ 1.4% each year.
2). The pries of coal are low as a result of over-supply and a ______________ (decrease) demand.
3). Any decrease ________ tourism could have a serious effect ________ the local economy.
4). 骑自行车穿红灯的人在减少。
5). 自从采取安全措施以后,我们已经看到事故数量明显下降。
7. P7 A non-Newtonian fluid is strange because you can pour it like a liquid, but if you put any pressure on it, it suddenly become hard as concrete.
pour vt. 倾泄;倒出;倾盆而下;斟(饮料); 倾诉
常见搭配:pour in 蜂拥而至;大量涌入; pour into/out of 大量涌入/涌出 pour down 倾盆而下
Pour cold water on/over 泼冷水,使(人)沮丧,让(人)扫兴 pour cats and dogs 倾盆大雨
It never rains, but it pours. 祸不单行。
1). All the passengers were pouring _________ of the train, but it was ___________(pour) cats and dogs outside. __________(see) so many people pour _______ the waiting hall, I felt this really poured cold water _________ my plan to attend my teacher’s birthday party on time.
2). I was standing in the ____________(pour) rain for an hour ___________(wait) for my bus.
3). 数千人涌入体育场观看这场足球比赛,尽管外面下着瓢泼大雨。
8. P7 However, after the Songhu Battle broke out in 1932, Qian made the decision to switch his major to aviation because he realized that China needed its own powerful air force to protect and defend the country.
break out 爆发;突然开始
break构成的其他短语:break in 强行闯入;打断,插画 break into 强行闯入;突然开始(笑、唱等)
break down 出故障;(身体)垮了;(谈判)失败; break up 解散;绝交;粉碎
break away from逃脱;脱离 break through 突破,有重大发现;
defend vt. 保卫;防守;辩解;防御 defence n. 保卫;辩护,辩解 defensive adj. 防御的;保卫的
defend against/from…抵御… in defence of…为了保卫… in one’s defence 为某人辩护
1). Don’t _____________ when we are talking. Wait for your turn.
2). How the big forest fire has ________________ remains to be a mystery.
3). Her parents’ quarreling with each other constantly led to her family ________________.
4). The football star ___________________ his former club and planned to join another.
5). After three days of continuous work, he ________________ once and for all.
6). The strong walls of the castle served as a good _____________(defend) against the attackers.
7). We should build up a powerful army _____________(defend) our motherland.
8). Speaking __________________(为…辩护) the proposal, he pointed out how much cheaper it would be.
9). 一旦感染HIV,身体不能抵御疾病。
9. P8 He received a hero’s welcome from his homeland and was put in charge of not only developing China’s rocket science but also its space and missile programme.
be put in charge of (被动)=put sb. in charge of (主动) 任命某人负责/掌管
常见搭配:in charge of 负责/掌管 in the charge of 由…负责/掌管 take charge of(强调动作) 负责/掌管
free of charge 免费 charge (sb.) sth. (for sth.) 收费;要价 charge sb. with…/accuse sb. of… 指控..做某事
1). 他负责那家公司。他因为收取顾客额外费用而被指控。
2). The general engineer left his secretary ______________ the project during his absence.
3). He ________________ murder but he was found innocent later.
4). We also have a swimming pool, which is open all day and ________________.
10. P8 Since he came down with a disease which caused him to lose the use of most of his muscles, his world became one of abstract thought.
come down with 患(病), 染上(病) come down 崩塌;落下;着陆;下降 come down to sb. 流传下来
come常见搭配:come about 发生; come across 偶然遇见/看到; come up 被提及;被提出
come up with 提出; come out 出版(vi);出来; come off 从…掉下 come into being 形成
1). Here comes the good news that house prices have ________________ recently.
2). While cleaning the attic yesterday, I ______________ an old photograph of my mother.
3). During the cold rainy weather last week, Mr. Bill suddenly _________________ a fever.
4). Can you explain how it _______________ that you were an hour late.
5). It is said that his new novel _______________________ in the near future.
Unit 1 单元重点词汇讲练参考答案:
1. 1) frustrated; frustrating; frustrated 2) tiring; frustrated; that; by 3) frustration
4). When we fail to live up to our own expectations, we often feel frustrated.
2. 1) infected 2) infectious; separated
3) Few people are infected with the virus owing to/due to/because of effective prevention.
3. 1) has subscribed 2) to; in; burning
3) The manager subscribed to the suggestion Tim put forward that we should subscribe to some useful magazines.
4. 1) to be; suspicious 2) investigation; being suspected 3). Blamed; with 4) it; on
5). The police suspect him of carrying out two attacks, though there’s no solid evidence.
6). Don’t always blame your own failure on others. Sometimes it is you yourself, not others, that are to blame for it/should take the blame for it.
5. 1) linking; 2). There’s a close link between teachers and students.
3). Health problem is closely linked with bad eating habits and a lack of exercise.
6. 1). by 2) decreasing 3) in; on 4) The number of cyclists running red lights is on the decrease.
5). We have seen a substantial(dramatic/sharp/marked) decrease in the number of accidents since these safety measures were introduced/taken.
7. 1). Out; pouring; Seeing; into; on/over 2) pouring
3). Thousands of people poured into the stadium to watch the football match, although it was pouring cats and dogs outside./it was pouring/pouring down outside.
8. 1) break in 2) broken out 3) breaking up 4) broke away from 5) broke down
6). defence 7). to defend 8). in defence of
9). Once infected with HIV, the body is unable to defend itself against diseases.
9. 1). The company was in the charge of him. He was charged with charging the customers extra fees.
2). in charge of 3) was charged with 4). Free of charge
10. 1) come down 2) came across 3) came down with 4) came about 5) will come out