人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Art 单词语言知识点课件(共34张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Art 单词语言知识点课件(共34张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 32.0MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-08 17:19:09



Unit 1 Art
Period 1 Words and expressions
precise adj. 准确的;精确的
at that precise moment 就在那个时候
to be precise 确切地讲
precisely adv. 准确地;精确地
realistic adj.现实的:通真的
in particular 尤其;特别
particularly,specially, especially
particular adj. 特定的;特别的;挑剔的
be particular about /over 对……讲究;挑剔
set ......apart from 使与众不同;使突出;使优于……
influential adj.有很大影响力的;有支配力的
influentially adv. 有影响地; 有力地
influence n.影响;势力 vt. 影响;改变 impact/effect
have an influence on/upon 对……有影响
under the influence of 在……的影响下=be influenced by
break + through → breakthrough n
break + down → breakdown n
break + in → break-in n
come + down → comedown n
make + over → makeover n
take + off → take-off n
非法闯入 / 入室偷窃
修饰 / 翻新
起飞 / 蓄势待发
近、现代英语中有大量的复合名词,其中有一类是通过短语动词(动词 + 小品词)转化而来的。这类复合名词的词义与其相对应的短语动词的词义相关,因此学习时要借助这些短语动词来帮助理解和记忆。
reputation n.名誉;名声

earn/establish/build a reputation 赢得╱确立╱树立声誉
have a good/bad reputation 有好╱坏名声
ruin one’s reputation 毁坏某人的名声
live up to one’s reputation 名副其实,名不虚传
be known/famous/distinguished for
rank n.地位/级别;行列[C]
①the first rank 一流的
②rank A as B 把A评为B
③rank high/first/second... 名列前茅/排名第一/第二...
1.He is not only a painter of the first rank but also a high-ranking government official
2.The report ranks Justin Bieber _______ the most influential singer in 2010.
3.Jason ranks high in the in the 800-metre race.
4.The boxes __________ (rank) tidily according to the size.
were ranked
purchase vt.购买;采购 n.购买;购买的东西
purchase sth. from sb. 向某人购买某物
make a purchase 采购
Tickets may be purchased in advance from the box office.
She likes comparing prices before she makes a purchase.
emerge vi. & vt.出现:浮现:暴露
emergent  adj.浮现的; 紧急的;
emergence n.出现,显露
emergency n. 紧急情况/事件
emerge from 从...显现/浮现出来
emerge as 作为...出现 (介词as后面一般跟表示身份的名词)
sunrise n.日出
sunset n.日落
at sunrise/sunset
convey vt.表达;传递(思想、感情等);传送
convey sth.to sb. 向某人表达/传递某物
convey...from A to B 把……从A处运到B处
convey one's feelings/meanings 表达..感情/意思
express, transfer, transmit, pass on
subject n.科目
subjective adj.主观的
object v.反对 + to & n.物体;宾语;目标
objective adj.客观的 & n.目标
outer adj.外围的,外部的
inner adj.内在的,里面的
consequent adj.随之发生的;作为结果的
sequence n.次序
subsequent adj.随后的;后来的;之后的
subsequently adv.随后;后来;之后
fond adj.喜欢的,喜爱的
①be fond of 喜爱
=like/love/enjoy doing sth.
the water-lily pond
pound n.英镑; 磅
pond n.池塘; 水池(人工建造)
pool n.水塘; 池塘 (自然形成)
lotus cn.莲/荷花
water lily cn.睡莲
invest vt. & vi. 投资;投入
investor n. 投资者;投资机构
make an investment in 对…投资
invest in (doing) sth. 投资(做)某事
word family
bride cn.新娘
bridegroom/groom cn.新郎
the best man 伴郎
bridesmaid n.伴娘
Let’s raise our glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom!
permanent /?p??m?n?nt/ adj.永久的,永恒的,长久的
lasting/ everlasting/ perpetual/ eternal
temporary 暂时的
the search for a permanent solution to the problem
固定工作/临时工 a permanent/temporary job
humble adj.谦逊的,卑微的,不起眼的
modest/ gentle/ courteous
word family
humility n. 谦卑
humbly adv. 谦逊地
Allison was humble enough to admit that others could probably do the job better than she could.
in one’s humble opinion
criticise/criticize vi. & vt. 批评/指责;评价;
① criticise sb for (doing) sth. 因 (做) 某事而批评某人
criticism un.批评
critical adj.批判的;关键的,至关重要的;严重的
② be critical to... 对...来说很关键
critical thinking 批判性思维
in a critical condition 病情危急
critic cn.批评家;评论员
1.The government _______(critisize) for not taking the problem seriously.
2. My __________(criticize) wasn't aimed at you.
3. It is ________(criticise) for Ukraine to figure out the
present situation.
was criticized
representative [?repr??zent?t?v] adj. 典型的;有代表性的n.代表
(1)be representative of  是……的代表
(2)represent vt. 代表
represent for 代表; 象征
(3)representation n. 代表; 描绘; 描述
a symphony Concert
a symphony orchestra

symphony n.交响乐; 交响曲
decline [d??kla?n] n.(数量、价格、质量等的)减少;下降;衰落 vi.& vt.减少;下降;衰落;谢绝;恶化
(1)on the decline   在走下坡路; 在衰退中
(2)decline by. . . 减少了……; 降低了……
decline (from. . . )to. . . (从……)降到……
decline to do sth. 拒绝做某事
decline n.下降; 衰落; (数量/价格/质量等的)减少
vi.& vt.减少/下降; 谢绝
decrease/reduce/fall/drop/go down v.减少
increase/ rise/climb/ go up v.增加
refuse/reject/turn down v.拒绝
decline the invitation
the economic decline
bronze medal
gold medal
silver medal
a bronze sculpture/ statue of Confucius
bronze un.青铜 & adj.青铜色的;
Chinese Ceramic Vase
vase cn.花瓶; 装饰瓶 china un.瓷器
ceramic adj.陶器的; & n.陶瓷制品[C]; 制陶艺术[U]

blue and white porcelain(un.瓷器)
face recognition
recognition un.承认; 认出; 认可/赞誉
recognize/se v.承认; 认出;(正式)认可、赞成;赏识;
recognizable/recognisable adj.可辨认的;
① beyond recognition 辨认不出
② recognize A as/to be B 承认A是B be recognized as/ to be
③It is generally/universally/widely recognized that 人们普遍认为...
bring ... to life 赋予……生命;使……鲜活起来
bring. . . back to life  使活泼, 使生动, 使苏醒
come to life 苏醒, 活跃起来; 开始
come back to life 苏醒过来; 复活
guarantee [?ɡ?r?n?ti?] vt.保证;确保;肯定……必然发生 n.保证;保修单;担保物
under guarantee     在保修期内
guarantee sb. sth. 保证某人某事
guarantee to do sth. 保证做某事
guarantee for 为……担保
worthy [?w???i] adj.值得的;有价值的
(1)be worthy of   值得……
be worthy of being done 某事值得被做
be worthy to be done 某事值得被做
(2)be well worth doing非常值得做
(3)It is worthwhile doing/to do sth做某事是值得的