黑龙江省哈尔滨市六校2023-2024学年高三上学期期末联考英语试题(无答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)


名称 黑龙江省哈尔滨市六校2023-2024学年高三上学期期末联考英语试题(无答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)
格式 docx
文件大小 80.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-08 23:21:51



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What will the woman do
A.Meet some patients. B.Fill out a form. C.Call Dr. Smith.
2.What do we know about the woman
A.She can’t hand in her report in time.
B.She will give a speech about New York.
C.She teaches at New York University.
3.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A dress. B.The woman’s mother. C.The man’s grandma.
4.Where are the speakers
A.At home. B.In a store. C.In a restaurant.
5.Why did the man go to bed late last night
A.To watch The Bad Kids. B.To finish his book report. C.To play computer games.
6.What is the man’s suggestion for the woman
A.Playing games with her roommates.
B.Hosting the game with her friends.
C.Depending on a stranger to have fun.
7.What does the woman say about Amy
A.She is a trouble maker. B.She is sensitive. C.She is easy-going.
8.What troubles the man
A.His poor memory. B.His bad habit. C.His awful health.
9.What is Habit List
A.An app. B.A clock. C.An electronic calendar.
10.How soon will the man probably see the change
A.In a day. B.In 4 days. C.In 7 days.
11.When does the early flight leave
A.At 6:00 am. B.At 6:30 am. C.At 9:00 am.
12.What will the woman do on Monday afternoon
A.Meet Dr. Gucci. B.Have two meetings. C.See the sales representative.
13.What is probably the man
A.A secretary. B.A customer. C.A boss.
14.Why does the woman call the man
A.To say sorry. B.To cancel a party. C.To make an invitation.
15.Whose birthday is on Saturday
A.The man’s mother’s. B.Mr. Black’s. C.Mr. Johnson’s.
16.What is the relationship between Mr. Brown and the woman
A.Colleagues. B.Husband and wife. C.Neighbors.
17.How long will the party probably last
A.Two hours. B.Two and a half hours. C.Three hours.
18.How many types of generations are mentioned by the speaker
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.
19.What is Generation Z thought of to be
A.The loneliest. B.The happiest. C.The strangest.
20.What does the speaker think of the model of 100 to 0 split
A.It helps the passive waiting cycle grow.
B.It allows distance to appear in friendships.
C.It is good for developing lasting friendships.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
A huge number of exchange programs and summer school programs are offered to international students around foreign universities worldwide. Today we explain the top student exchange programs and summer programs offered to foreign students.
SUSI Student Leaders Program
Bachelor-level students in Pakistan who are interested in the topic of public, local, state and federal policy-making are invited to study in the USA through the short-term SUSI student program 2023.This is an exchange program for Pakistani students. All expenses and accommodation costs at the University of Massachusetts will be covered by SUSI. So the application period is very short.
Vienna Summer School
Vienna Summer School provides an incredible opportunity for 30 bachelor-level students to research side by side with world top researchers in the field of bioengineering. This paid summer program aims to attract international students and create an excellent research environment. This is a perfect opportunity for those students who are interested in the field of life science. The duration of Vienna Summer School is from Saturday, July 1 to August 28, 2023.
Hansen Leadership Exchange Program
The Hansen Summer Institute for Leadership is now open for the summer exchange program 2023. The Hansen summer program offers the opportunity to the USA and international students to build better leadership skills and a cultural understanding environment for the future. This 3-week summer exchange program is open for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students with any academic background.
IWP Summer Exchange Program
IWP Summer Exchange Program 2023 is a two-week writing and culture exchange program for Pakistani and Indian students in Iowa City, USA. The applicant from 18 to 22 from these countries with a background in art humanities is welcome to apply. This program will focus on creativity and is free for the selected applicants. The selected candidates will work together on the creation of paintings and sculptures.
21.What can we learn from SUSI Student Leaders Program
A.It is fully funded. B.It is limited to postgraduates.
C.It is a long-term program. D.It is supported by the government.
22.Which program suits students who like biology
A.SUSI Student Leaders Program. B.Hansen Leadership Exchange Program.
C.Vienna Summer School. D.IWP Summer Exchange Program.
23.What will students in IWP Summer Exchange Program do
A.Offer policy advice. B.Create artworks.
C.Conduct scientific research. D.Write academic papers.
Think of the Mississippi Delta. Maybe you imagine cotton fields and blues music. It has been all that. But for more than a century, the Delta has also been a popular destination for immigrants. Recently, I was assigned to learn more about one immigrant group in particular: the Chinese in Greenville, a small city along the Mississippi River. There I met Raymond Wong, whose family has long been part of the community.
The first wave of Chinese immigrants came to the Mississippi Delta soon after the Civil War, and the pa ce picked up by the early 1900s. The Chinese originally came to pick cotton, but they quickly started opening grocery stores, mostly in the African-American communities where they lived. The stores sold meat, fresh vegetables, canned goods, anything you might need. Nothing Chinese about them, except the owners.
“On my street alone, there were at least four grocery stores. I’m talking about a small street,” Wong recalls. “I was raised in a grocery store. All my family—six of us—lived in a couple of rooms at the back of our store. As soon as I could count money I had to work in the store.”
In 1968, Wong’s father opened a Chinese restaurant called How Joy in Greenville, one of the first in the town. At the time, nobody knew what Chinese food was. “But the restaurant existed for 40 years. I worked there, too,” Wong says.
Wong remembers a time of big excitement when he was young: The family finally could afford to buy a house in a white neighborhood. Then suddenly, that conversation stopped.
“When people found out that we were moving in, they started throwing bottles in the driveway,” Wong says. “We ended up building a house directly behind the grocery.”
And the future It’s probably not in the Delta. Wong remembers the question his son asked when he was still in high school: “Dad, do you want me to take over the store when you retire ” Wong’s response was immediate: “No. I want you to do better than me.” That’s the story of the typical Delta Chinese.
24.What did the Delta Chinese originally do shortly after the Civil War
A.Working in cotton fields. B.Running restaurants.
C.Importing Chinese food. D.Opening grocery stores.
25.What can we learn from paragraph 3
A.Raymond Wong had a fun and carefree childhood.
B.The store owners’ children were very talented in math.
C.There was intense competition among the grocery stores.
D.The Wongs was the most successful family in Greenville.
26.The Wongs stopped buying the house because ______.
A.the house owner raised the price B.their business failed unexpectedly
C.they did not have enough money D.the white people did not accept them
27.How do the typical Chinese feel about their life in the Delta
A.Excited. B.Insecure. C.Unconcerned. D.Optimistic.
A Japanese company tried to land the first M1 private space vehicle on Moon. However, on 25 April, 2023, the M1 spacecraft became the latest in a long line of Moon missions that didn’t quite make it. Until now, only three government-funded space agencies have soft-landed on Moon and only China is successful in its first attempt.
Why is it so hard to touch down safely on Moon
Getting a mission to Moon, around 384,000 kilometres from Earth, is much more challenging than sending a satellite into low-Earth orbit—and failures can occur early on, even for missions that don’t plan to land. This happened with NASA’s Lunar Flashlight mission, a small spacecraft that was launched in December, 2022 and was supposed to map Moon’s ice. Its engines stopped working soon after launch.
Even if a lander makes it to the neighborhood of Moon, it still has to find its way down to the surface with no global-positioning satellites for guidance and virtually no atmosphere to help to slow it down. Once it gets within the critical last few kilometres, its software has to deal quickly and autonomously with any last-minute challenges, such as its sensors potentially becoming confused by large amounts of dust kicked up by the engines.
To pull off a successful landing in such a challenging environment, the government-funded space agencies have spent huge amount of money on repeated tests and have learned a lot from each failed and successful attempt.
“In the 1960s, when the United States and the Soviet Union were racing to land there, they crashed spacecraft after spacecraft before each finally succeeded in 1966,” says Stephen Indyk, director of space systems at Honeybee Robotics in Greenbelt, Maryland. “Without lessons learned from the setbacks and successes, it’s a lot to ask of a private company to get it right in the first attempt.”
28.What can be learned about M1 spacecraft
A.It became the latest unsuccessful Mars mission. B.It was launched by a Chinese private company.
C.It was Japan’s first public -funded space vehicle. D.It failed to soft-land on the surface of Moon.
29.What led to the failure of the Lunar Flashlight mission
A.The computers. B.The engines. C.The sensors. D.The satellites.
30.What is paragraph 4 of the text mainly about
A.The landing challenges. B.The necessity of cooperation.
C.The steps to land on Moon. D.The costs of space exploration.
31.What does the underlined word “setbacks” in the last paragraph mean
A.Difficulties. B.Benefits. C.Failures. D.Attempts.
The green revolution in the 1960s was one of the greatest achievements in human history. By promoting more productive varieties of w heat and, especially, rice, scientists in India, Mexico, China and the Philippines doubled Asia’s rice yields from 1965 to 1995.
But the world has reached a crossroad again. By one estimate, the world will need to produce almost a third more rice by 2050.Yet rice production has increased by less than 1% a year over the past decade.
This has many explanations. Urbanization and industrialization have made labour and farmland scarcer(稀缺的). Overuse of chemicals and irrigation have poisoned soils and dried up groundwater. But the biggest reason may be global warming that often leads to extreme conditions. Heavy rains and droughts last year in India, the world’s biggest rice exporter, led to a reduced harvest and an export ban. Floods in Pakistan, the fourth-biggest exporter, wiped out 15% of its rice harvest. Rising sea-levels are causing salt to enter the Mekong Delta, Vietnam’s “rice bowl”.
It is getting worse. Rice is not just a victim of climate change, but also a contributor to it. It is a bigger source of greenhouse gas than any foodstuff except beef. If you count the destruction of forestland for rice fields, that footprint is even bigger.
Therefore, governments need to attract producers and consumers away from rice. India and Indonesia are promoting millet, which is more nutritious and uses much less water. Canceling subsidies(补贴) that favour rice over other crops would make such efforts more effective. India, for example, purchases rice from farmers, often at above-market rates, then distributes it as food aid to the poor. It should make its interventions more rice-unfriendly, by replacing subsidies and free rice with income support for farmers and the poor. That would encourage farmers to choose the best crop for their local conditions—much of India’s agricultural north-west would switch from rice to wheat overnight. Poor Indians would be free to choose a more balanced diet. As a result, it would correct a market unfavorable to environment and health.
32.What can we know about the green revolution in Asia
A.It has remarkably reduced the use of water and chemicals.
B.It once increased rice production by more than 3% a year.
C.It has popularized more productive crops, especially wheat.
D.It has been mainly led by scientists from America and Europe.
33.What is the most serious threat to rice production according to the text
A.Worsening global warming. B.Unnecessary bans on rice export.
C.Lowering prices for the crop. D.Urbanization and industrialization.
34.What does the author suggest the Indian government do
A.Expand the planting of rice. B.Give rice farmers more subsidies.
C.Replace rice with better local crops. D.Distribute rice as food aid to the poor.
35.Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A.Achievements of the Green Revolution B.Efforts to Promote More Suitable Crops
C.Consequences of the Green Revolution D.Ideas to Fix the Current Global Rice Crisis
Vegetables are filled with nutrients. However, kids usually hate eating them. Here are five of the most common reasons why most kids don’t really enjoy them.
Kids lack in exposure. The best way to get kids to eat their vegetables is to ensure that they are exposed to them early on. 36 . Therefore, if you want your kids to love vegetables, start exposing them early.
The vegetables taste bitter. Kids are super into the sweet and salt y flavors, but sometimes vegetables have a bitter taste. The good news is that the more you eat vegetables, the less unpleasant they’ll taste. If your kids just won’t eat them, you can mix them with other food or cook them differently. 37 .
Kids are allergic(过敏的). Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals. 38 . Some kids are allergic to certain vegetables, making it hard to eat them. So it’s best to find out if your kids are allergic to any vegetables before you try to get them to eat.
Kids are forced to consume. If you have no idea why they don’t eat them, try giving them a snack with some vegetables. 39 . Instead, praise your kids for eating them. Then they’re more likely to try and eat.
40 . Sometimes kids go with the flow and do what others do. They tend to copy the behavior of their parents. So if you’re not eating your vegetables, your kids won’t either. The bottom line is that if your kids are picky eaters, it’s probably because of you.
A.Just keep trying
B.Family hate vegetables
C.However, this doesn’t mean they’re for everyone
D.Don’t try too hard to get your kids to eat vegetables
E.Some vegetables are not fresh and don’t look appealing
F.Most kids don’t start eating vegetables until about age 2 or 3
G.What they hear about vegetables affects their thoughts about them
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分 15 分)
Kristin Schell turned a delivery mistake into a way to connect with neighbors. Ten years ago, her family 41 to a new home in Texas. One day, Kristin 42 a few picnic tables online for a party in her backyard. The deliveryman set one table down in her front yard 43 , and Kristin couldn’t get the 44 out of her head. “After the party, I painted the table turquoise(青绿色)—my favorite color—and put it in the front yard, just a few feet from the sidewalk,” she said.
That turquoise table became the place where Kristin and her kids 45 . They used to do activities at the kitchen table, but they now did them out front at the picnic table. “We got 46 about where we spent our time,” Kristin said.
Neighbors began to stop by to introduce themselves and sit down for a chat. Kristin asked people to 47 her at the table for coffee. “It was a simple 48 to slow down and connect with others,” she said. The turquoise table was 49 and had a shared feeling.
People often 50 to invite others into their homes. They think their house is not spacious, or they don’t have enough time. Kristin’s picnic table takes away the pressure and the excuse. 51 by the act, neighbors put a picnic table in their front yard too. A movement was 52 .
A decade after their Texas beginnings, thousands of Turquoise Tables 53 in the country. Not all of them are actually turquoise. Texas Christian University in Fort Worth has several purple tables to 54 their team color. “No matter what 55 it is, it’s a friendship table,” Kristin said.
41.A.admitted B.related C.moved D.applied
42.A.changed B.bought C.missed D.held
43.A.by choice B.by luck C.by heart D.by mistake
44.A.image B.driver C.truck D.voice
45.A.ran out B.calmed down C.hung out D.slid down
46.A.careful B.worried C.curious D.happy
47.A.join B.call C.thank D.save
48.A.word B.way C.mind D.ability
49.A.terrible B.endless C.familiar D.inviting
50.A.expect B.learn C.hesitate D.offer
51.A.Inspired B.Qualified C.Forced D.Trusted
52.A.recorded B.registered C.born D.paid
53.A.exist B.fall C.matter D.agree
54.A.ignore B.mix C.hide D.match
55.A.grade B.color C.honor D.model
Gan De was an ancient Chinese astronomer born in the State of Qi. Along with Shi Shen, he is believed to be the first 56 history known by name to produce a star catalogue(星表). He made 57 (extreme)detailed observations of the five major planets during the 58 (four)century.
Gan De may have been the first to describe one of the 59 (satellite) of Jupiter(木星), usually invisible without the aid of telescopes. He gave the following 60 (describe)of Jupiter’s journey: Every 12 years Jupiter return s to 61 same position in the sky; every 370 days it disappears in the fire of the Sun in the evening to the west, 30 days later it reappears in the morning to the east... In 1981, Gan’s work 62 (identify)by Xi Zezong as describing a naked-eye observation of either of the two 63 (large)and brightest satellites in summer 365 BC.
Gan was one of the earliest practitioners of Chinese astronomy. As the earliest attempt 64 (document)the sky during the Warring States period, Gan De’s work possesses high scientific value. He wrote two books, the Suixing Jing and the Tianwen Xingzhan, 65 sadly both texts have been lost. Some of his works’ titles and fragments(片段) quoted from them are known from later texts.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
你校下月将举办以“A Respectable Teacher”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:
Good morning, everyone. _____________________________________________________________________
“Mary! Come and see what I have brought home!” My father opened the door and shouted cheerfully.
“Is it a dog ” I asked when I saw him hugging a huge creature in his arms.
My father nodded and put the dog on the floor. When it ran toward me, I pressed my hands tightly over my mouth to hold back a scream. I turned around and rushed back to my room. I locked up the door as soon as I could.
Since I was attacked by a wild dog two months ago, I had been living in constant fear of dogs. I was confused why my father was so happy to bring home such a scary thing. So I decided to stay in my room until the dog was gone. After what seemed like ages, I heard the door open and shut.
“Finally!” I breathed in relief and opened the door cautiously.
To my shock, I felt something wet touching my foot. It was the dog! I froze there, as if my feet were rooted to the ground. When I regained my senses, I screamed, “Daddy! It is the dog! Help! It wants to bite me! Get it away from me!”
My father was standing by the other side of the door, folding his arms, and encouraged me, “It is not going to eat you! Mary, don’t be so scared. Go on! Touch it!”
I tried my best to control my fear and bent down to touch the dog. But I could not do it due to my constant and uncontrollable shaking.
“Never! I will never touch that dirty thing! Take it away!” I shouted.
My father turned a deaf ear to my request. In despair, I picked up a tennis ball that happened to be on the floor and threw it at the dog.
The ball missed the target. _____________________________________________________________________
But the next moment I was reminded of the awful experience. _________________________________________