人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 4 Adversity and Courage速记清单学案(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 4 Adversity and Courage速记清单学案(含解析)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-09 09:03:19


Unit4 Adversity and Courage【速记清单】
Unit4 话题 逆境与勇气
词汇 1.aboard 2.crush 3.sink 4.voyage 5.genuine 6.thorough 7.navigator n. 8.loyal adj. 9.motor n.10.candidate n.11.episode n.12.motive n.
短语 1.complete darkness2.join an expedition3.the Antarctic expedition4.full of vigour5.go aboard the ship6.personal belongings 7.from bad to worse 8.feel low9.genuine concern for others10.sink into the sea
句型 1.It so happened that one morning I bought a newspaper and read the advertisement about the Antarctic expedition. 2.Without Frank and Ernest,we’d all be dead by now. 1.Food was also a problem,as we did not find any vegetables or fruit on the island. 2.When we were finally rescued,we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears.
语法 现在完成进行时
写作 书评
考点1.aboard adv.& prep.上(船、飞机、公共汽车等);在(船、飞机、公共汽车)上
But I was so enthusiastic about the idea of going along with them that I secretly went aboard his ship,the Endurance,and hid in a small cupboard.但我非常想跟他们一起去,于是偷偷登上了他的船“耐力号”,藏在一个小柜子里。
(1)go aboard the bus/train/ship/plane上汽车/火车/轮船/飞机 
all aboard for... 去……的乘客请上船/车/飞机
Welcome aboard!   欢迎乘坐(车、船、飞机)!
(2)board n. 板 v. 登记;上船
on board 在船/火车/飞机上
(3)abroad adv. 在国外;到海外;adj. 往国外的
①As soon as the train arrived,all the waiting people went aboard.火车一到,所有等待的人都上车了。
②All the people on board were killed in the accident.
③All aboard for Beijing! The train is leaving.去北京的乘客请上车!列车就要出发了。
④In fact,documentaries about our country are plentiful both at home and abroad.
考点2.envy n.& vt.羡慕;妒忌
How everyone will envy me when I come back and tell them about the amazing places I have been to! 当我回来告诉他们我去过的那些神奇的地方时,大家会多么羡慕我啊!
(1)be the envy of 成为羡慕/嫉妒的对象
(2)envy sb (doing) sth 羡慕/嫉妒某人做某事
(3)envious adj. 羡慕的;妒忌的
be envious of 羡慕/嫉妒……
①He couldn’t hide his envy of me.他遮掩不住对我的妒忌。
②Her long hair is the envy of her colleagues.她的长发令同事好生羡慕。
③She is always envious (envy)of Indian’s big eyes.印度人的大眼睛一直让她羡慕不已。
④When I was very small,I felt so envious to see the children riding bicycles,and I thought they were so cool.
考点3.abandon vt.舍弃;抛弃;放弃;遗弃 n.放任;放纵
Before we abandoned the ship,Shackleton calmly called us together and told us to rescue our most essential supplies—the small boats,our food,the cook stove,candles,clothes,and blankets.在我们弃船之前,沙克尔顿平静地把我们叫到一起,告诉我们要抢救我们最基本的必需品——小船、食物、炉灶、蜡烛、衣服和毯子。
(1)abandon one’s hope/plan/idea放弃希望/计划/主意  
abandon oneself to... 沉溺于……;纵情于……
abandon doing sth 放弃做某事
(2)with abandon 放纵地;放任地
(3)abandoned adj. 被遗弃的;放纵的
①The father is trying his best to prevent his son from abandoning himself to the Internet.这位父亲正尽最大努力阻止他的儿子沉迷于网络。
②The people were so excited that they jumped and shouted with abandon.人们非常兴奋,以至于尽情地又跳又叫。
③They abandoned carrying (carry)out the plan for lack of money.由于缺乏资金,他们放弃了实施计划。
④At that time,I didn’t know how to deal with many new things.Feeling frustrated,I found myself abandoning myself to games.在那个时候,我不知道如何处理很多新事物。由于感到沮丧,我发现自己完全沉浸在游戏中。
考点4.panic vi.& vt.(panicked;panicked)惊慌n.惊慌;恐慌
This was no time to panic.现在不是恐慌的时候。
(1)panic sb into doing sth 使某人惊慌地做某事
panic over/about 因……而恐慌
(2)get into a panic 陷入恐慌
throw...into a panic 使……恐慌
in (a)panic 惊慌失措地;处在恐慌中
①The girl is in a state of panic.Try to help her cool down.这个女孩惊恐万分。努力帮她平静下来吧。
②The big fire panicked him into jumping from the third floor to the ground.大火吓得他从三楼跳到了地上。
③When the people heard the news,they fled the village in panic.人们听到这个消息后惊慌失措地离开了这个村子。
④His 14-year-old son,who was filming the rescue,yelled in panic,“Dad,jump out! Get out!”他14岁的儿子正在拍摄营救过程,惊恐地喊道:“爸爸,跳出来!快出来!”
考点5.belongings n.[pl.]财物;动产
We were not allowed to take most of our personal belongings,and Shackleton himself threw away all his gold.
belong vi.  属于;为……的一员(不可以用于进行时态和被动语态)
belong to 属于;是……的一员
①The taxi driver often reminds passengers to take their belongings when they leave the car.出租车司机常在乘客下车时提醒他们带好自己的物品。
②As is known to us,China is a country belonging (belong) to developing countries.众所周知,中国属于发展中国家。
③My favourite winter sport is skiing,and I belong to a ski club.我最爱的冬季运动是滑雪,我参加了一个滑雪俱乐部。
④As a science student,I’ve been reviewing Chinese,math,English,physics,chemistry and biology,which all belong to the college entrance examination subjects.作为一名理科生,我一直在复习语文、数学、英语、物理、化学和生物,这些都属于高考科目。
考点6.survive vi.幸免;幸存;生还 vt.幸免于……;比……活得久
We are now camped on the ice and we have been managing to survive,but spring is coming,and the ice will soon begin to melt.我们现在在冰上扎营,我们一直在设法生存,但是春天就要来了,冰很快就会融化。
(1)survive sth 幸免于某事
survive sb by+一段时间 比某人活得长……
survive on 依靠……生存下来
(2)survival n. 幸存;残存
survivor n. 幸存者
①He survived his friend by 10 years after the war.战后,他比他的朋友多活了十年。
②The survivors (survive) of the earthquake are fighting for survival.地震的幸存者们正在为生存而奋斗。
③Many of the peasants managed to survive on tiny plots of corn and beans.许多农民靠小块地种玉米和豆子维生。
④During the earthquake,the father died and the rest of the family survived.
考点7.unfortunately adv.不幸地;遗憾地
Unfortunately,his application was turned down because he was too young and not qualified enough.遗憾的是,他的申请被拒绝了,因为他年龄太小,不够资格。
(1)fortune n. 运气;大笔的钱
seek/try one’s fortune 碰运气;找出路
make a fortune 发财
(2)fortunate adj. 幸运的
be fortunate to do sth 有幸做某事
(3)fortunately adv. 幸运地
①Unfortunately,tonight’s concert has been cancelled because of weather conditions.遗憾的是,今晚的音乐会因为天气原因取消了。
②It is said that he made a fortune after quitting his job.据说他辞职后赚了一大笔钱。
③I was nearly drowned last night,but was fortunate (unfortunately) to be saved.昨晚我差点淹死,幸好有人救了我。
[名师提醒] fortune作名词且意为“机会;运气”时,是不可数名词;作“大笔的钱”时,是可数名词。
考点8.application n.申请;请求;应用;申请表
Unfortunately,his application was turned down because he was too young and not qualified enough.遗憾的是,他的申请被拒绝了,因为他太年轻,资格不够。
(1)make an application (to sb) for sth(向某人)申请某物      
(2)apply v. 应用;适用;申请;请求
apply sth to 把……涂到……;把……应用到……
apply to 适用于……;向……申请
apply oneself to... 致力于……;集中精力于……
apply for 申请/请求……
(3)applicant n. 申请人
①Have you filled in the application form for a new passport 你填写了领新护照的申请表没有?
②The new technology has been applied (apply) to farming.这项新技术已应用于农业。
③I have been out of work for half a year,so I want to apply for a job in this company.我已经失业半年了,所以想在这家公司申请一份工作。
④Having known that a traditional Chinese painting exhibition will be held at the gallery in London during the summer holiday,I’m extremely excited.And I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer there.得知伦敦美术馆将在暑假期间举办一场国画展览,我非常兴奋。我写信是想申请成为那里的一名志愿者。
考点9.turn down拒绝;关小
However,when I applied to join the expedition,Shackleton turned me down because he thought I was too young and wasn’t qualified.然而,当我申请加入探险队时,沙克尔顿拒绝了我,因为他认为我太年轻,没有资格。
turn to 求助于;致力于;翻到(书的某页);查阅;转向;从事于
turn in 上交
turn on 打开(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn off 关上(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn out 结果是;证明是;生产出
turn up 开大;出现
①I thanked him for the offer but turned it down.我感谢他的好意,但拒绝了他。
②Work finished,he turned off the light and went out to have a walk.工作做完之后,他关上灯,出去散步了。
③Before you finish your exercises,don’t turn to the key.在你完成这些练习之前,别看答案。
④So I’ve made up my mind to succeed their career and major in TCM to become a doctor.I believe it’ll turn out an excellent cause for me to pursue.所以我下定决心要继承他们的事业,专攻中医,成为一名医生。我相信这将成为我追求的一个极好的事业。
考点10.hold on 坚持;等一等;停住〈口〉别挂电话;抓紧不放
“Hold on now,Perce.Don’t you go turning into another Tom,” came the reply.“要坚持住啊,珀西。你可不要变成另一个汤姆。”对方答复道。
hold back   阻止;隐瞒
hold down 阻止上涨;压制;控制
hold off 推迟;拖延;阻止;阻挡
hold on to sth 保留某物;抓住某物
hold out 伸出;坚持
hold up 举起;延迟;(使)耽搁
①Hold on,please.I’ll get my brother Tom here.请别挂电话。我去叫我弟弟汤姆到这里来。
②No matter what happens tomorrow,hold on to today and you won’t regret.无论明天发生什么,抓住今天,你就不会后悔。
③Hearing her son’s success,she could not hold back tears of joy.听到儿子成功的消息,她禁不住喜极而泣。
[名师提醒] hold on为不及物动词短语,而hold on to为及物动词短语。
考点11.vary vt.& vi.改变;变化
As a chef,it was my duty to cook,so I tried to vary the meals in whatever way I could.作为一名厨师,做饭是我的职责,所以我试着用任何我能想到的方法来使食物多样化。
(1)vary from...to...  从……到……变化不等;在……到……之间变动
(2)variety n. 变化;多样性;种类
a variety of=varieties of=all kinds of种类繁多的;各种各样的
(3)various adj. 不同的;各种各样的
for various reasons 由于种种原因
①Prices vary according to the type of room you require.价格随所要求的户型而有所变化。
②There are various (vary)activities that suit the tastes of different people.有适合不同人爱好的各种各样的活动。
③The variety of his books is astonishing.他的书种类多得惊人。
④When we discuss something about class activities,opinions often vary from person to person.当我们讨论一些关于班级活动的事情时,观点常常因人而异。
考点12.relief n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱
When we were finally rescued,we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears.当我们终于获救时,我们感到如释重负,喜极而泣。
with relief  宽慰地
to one’s relief 令某人感到欣慰的是
It is/was a relief to do sth 做某事是一种解脱
①To her relief,her younger brother recovered quickly after operation.
②Hearing my son had been admitted by Tsinghua University,I smiled with relief.听说我的儿子被清华大学录取了,我如释重负地笑了。
③It is a great relief to know you are out of danger.知道你已脱离危险,真是一大宽慰。
④Every time I encounter whether classical music or jazz,a sense of entertainment and relief arises spontaneously,making my body refresh and offering the courage to keep on.
考点mitment n.承诺;保证;奉献
And he paid us back by his commitment to save us from a slow but painful death.他回报了我们,他承诺要把我们从缓慢而痛苦的死亡中拯救出来。
(1)make a commitment (to do sth)做出承诺(做某事)      
(2)commit vt. 犯罪;做错事;保证,承诺
commit an error/a crime/suicide做错事/犯罪/自杀
commit oneself to (doing) sth专心致志于;承诺/保证(做)某事
(3)committed adj. 尽心尽力的;尽责的;效忠的;坚定的
be committed to (doing) sth承诺/全身心地投入(做)某事
①He didn’t commit himself to anything on that matter.他没有对那件事做出任何承诺。
②I felt I did not have to make such a commitment to them.我觉得我没有必要对他们做出这样的承诺。
③The government is committed to greatly developing (develop)education in the country.政府决心要大力发展本国的教育事业。
④As for my major,I will choose Medicine,which,I know,is a long-term commitment and a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.至于我的专业,我将选择医学,我知道,这是一个长期的承诺,一个不应该轻易做出的决定。
考点14.give off发出(热、光、气味或气体)
This gave off oily,black smoke,but it stayed burning even in strong winds.这释放出油乎乎的黑烟,但即使在强风中它仍在燃烧。
give up  戒除;放弃;让出
give in(to...) (向……)屈服;投降;让步;提出;递交
give away 不小心透露;赠送,免费给予
give out 分配;分发;(食物、燃料、力气等)用光;精疲力竭
①The machine can give off light.这台机器会发光。
②The argument went on for hours because neither side would give in.因为双方都不肯让步,争论持续了几个小时。
③There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets.有人在入口处分发传单。
④I was afraid the kids would give the whole thing away.我恐怕孩子们会把这整件事说出去。
⑤I didn’t give up my opinion and convinced them to accept my suggestion,which turned out to be an effective one.我没有放弃我的意见,并说服他们接受了我的建议,结果是一个有效的建议。
考点15.Below are some of Blackborow’s diary entries.以下是一些Blackborow的日记。
(2)表示处所、方位等的副词或介词,如 here,there,now,then,up,down,in,out,off 等放在句首,而主语是名词,且谓语动词是 be,lie,sit,stand,come,go,exist,live,rush等不及物动词时,句子用完全倒装。
(3)there be句型也属于一种完全倒装句。该句型中的be可以替换成表示“存在”的动词,如live,exist,lie,stand,seem,rise,remain,happen,come,go等。句型结构为“there+存在类动词+主语”。
①Buried in the sands was (be) an ancient village.一个古老的村庄被埋在沙土之中。
②Present at the party were Mr.Green and many other guests.出席晚会的有格林先生,还有许多其他的宾客。
③Out rushed a cat from under the bed.从床底下跑出一只猫。
④Crowded (crowd)was the bus in the front of which were sitting quite a few children.公共汽车坐满了人,前面坐着许多孩子。
[名师提醒] 完全倒装结构的时态只限于一般现在时或一般过去时。
考点16.But I was so enthusiastic about the idea of going along with them that I secretly went aboard his ship,the Endurance,and hid in a small cupboard.(教材P38)但我非常想跟他们一起去,于是我偷偷上了他的船“坚忍号”,藏在一个小柜子里。
so...that... 如此……以至于……,在句中引导结果状语从句。
①My mother is so stubborn that I can never persuade her to give in.我的母亲很固执,我从来不能说服她让步。
②It is so good a film that I like to see it a second time.
→It is such a good film that I like to see it a second time.这部电影如此好,以至于我想再看一遍。
③We had so little time that we couldn’t finish the work on time.我们的时间那么少,以至于我们不能按时完成这项工作。
④There is also a labor knowledge competition which is so rewarding that we can’t afford to miss it.还有一场劳动知识竞赛,非常有意义,我们不能错过。
(1)当名词前有little,若little 意为“少”,表数量,则其前用so修饰;若little 意为“小”,则用such 修饰。
考点17....the voyage was too dangerous and difficult for all of us to make it in our small boats.(教材P39)这次航行太危险,太困难,我们所有人都无法乘坐小船抵达。
(1)too+adj./adv.(for sb)+to do sth表示否定的意义,意思是“太……而不能……”。
(3)can’t/can never...too...再怎么……也不过分。
①The sentence is too difficult for me to translate.这个句子太难,我不会翻译。
②When you cross the street,you cannot be too careful.当你过马路时,你无论怎么小心都不为过。
③The tradesman was too anxious to sell his pens.这位买卖人十分急于卖掉他的钢笔。
④In my class there are still some problems to solve,the most obvious of which is copying homework.Some students are too lazy to finish their homework independently.在我的课堂上仍然有一些问题需要解决,最明显的是抄袭作业。有些学生懒得独立完成作业。
考点18.What if they were delayed (教材P44)如果他们被耽搁了怎么办?
What if...?常用来提出假设、建议、邀请、要求等,意为“倘若……将会怎样?”“如果……将会怎样?”后面经常跟一般现在时,有时根据语境也可以跟虚拟语气。
How come?怎么会这样?怎么搞的?
What for?为了什么目的?为何目的?
So what?那又怎样?
What’s up?怎么了?发生什么事了?
①What if she finds out that you’ve lost her book 如果她发现你把她的书丢了怎么办?
②—Susan is absent from today’s writing class.
—How come As far as I know,she has never missed a class.
③—Tom missed the early bus this morning and missed the exam.
—So what He failed the exam anyway.
考点19.If it weren’t for sea animals,we would all starve.(教材P44)如果没有海洋动物,我们都会饿死。
虚拟情况 从句谓语动词 主句谓语动词
与现在事实相反 一般过去时(be用were) would/should/could/might+动词原形
与过去事实相反 过去完成时 would/should/could/might+have+过去分词
与将来事实相反 一般过去时(be用were)/should+动词原形/were to+动词原形 would/should/could/might+动词原形
[名师提醒] 在 if 引导的虚拟条件句中,如果谓语动词有were/should/had时,可以省略if,把它们提到主语前面,条件从句变为部分倒装句。
①If it should rain/were to rain/rained tomorrow,we would have to put off the sports meeting.
②If you had got up earlier,you would have caught (catch) the train.
③If my brother were (be) here,everything would be (be) all right.
④Were I at school again,I would study harder.如果我可以再上学,我会更努力地学习。
考点20.Our discipline and team spirit kept us optimistic and helped us deal with our fears in a positive and successful way.我们的纪律和团队精神使我们保持乐观,并帮助我们以积极和成功的方式处理我们的恐惧。
①She kept the children amused (amuse)for hours.她陪孩子们玩了好几个小时。
②He always keeps his books in good order.他总是把书放得整整齐齐。
③The question kept me wondering (wonder)for the rest of the night.这个问题让我整晚都在想。
④How to protect our eyes It’s not right to keep your eyes working for a long time.如何保护我们的眼睛?让你的眼睛长时间工作是不对的。
1.He has been watching television all day.
2.I am tired.I have been painting the living room all the morning.
3.We have been discussing the matter several times this year.
4.His eyes ache.He has been sitting in front of the computer all the afternoon.
5.They have been building the bridge for two months.
6.He has not been working since he was fired three months ago.
1.现在完成进行时态的构成:肯定形式:have/has+been+doing 。否定形式:have/has+not+been__doing。
现在完成进行时是由“have/has been+现在分词”构成的。
He is ill.He’s been lying in bed for three weeks.
Your eyes are red.Have you been crying
现在完成进行时常和all this time,this week,this month,all night,all the morning,recently等状语以及since和for引导的状语连用。
I have been reading Hemingway’s Farewell to Arms recently.
She has been reciting the words all the morning.
This is what I have been expecting since my childhood.
My clothes are all wet.I’ve been working in the rain.
He is dead drunk.He’s been drinking with his friends.
You’ve been saying that for five years.
He has been writing articles to the newspapers and magazines since he became a teacher.
What have you been doing to my dictionary
Time has been flying so quickly!
Too much has been happening today.
①The Chinese government (do) research into vaccine against EHF for months,and recently many have received the first doses.
②The dollar (climb) steadily all week.
③I (wait) for an hour and a half.
④Jim (phone) Jenny every night for the past week.
⑤—You are a great swimmer.
—Thanks.It’s because I (practise)a lot these days.
【答案】1.has been doing2.has been climbing3.have been waiting4.has been phoning5.have been practising
现在完成进行时 现在完成时
强调过去的动作对现在的影响或产生的结果 √
强调动作的延续性 √
强调动作重复 √
表达生动,含有感彩 √
说明一个事实、一种影响或结果 √
They have been widening the road.
They have widened the road.
Have you been meeting him recently
你最近一直见他吗? (强调动作重复)
Have you met him recently
Where have you been?We have been looking for you everywhere.
We have looked for him,but haven’t found him.
①Although many measures (take),the world’s economy is still going down.
②The number of medical schools reached 18 in the early 1990s and (remain)around that level since.
③He (listen) to English programs since he came to the US,
so he (make) great progress.
④Sorry,but Mr.Smith (leave) for Beijing.
⑤The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he (play) in the mud all morning.
⑥By the time he realizes he (walk) into a trap,it’ll be too late for him to do anything about it.
【答案】1.have been taken2.has remained3.has been listening4.has left 5.has been playing6.has walked
1.The telephone (ring) in the office all the morning.
2.In the past few years,he (deal) with a few international companies.
3.She is tired.She (type) letters all the afternoon.
4.Sheng Jinyun,born in 1935,a famous expert in pediatric asthma(儿科哮喘), (treat)about 30,000 children suffering asthma so far.
5.The paper boat (float) on the water for two hours.
6.The musician along with his band members (give) ten performances in the last three months.
7.I don’t see any reason to give up work.I love coming here and seeing my family and all the friends
I (make) over the years.
8.In recent years some Inuit people in Nunayut (report) increases in bear sightings around human settlements,leading to a belief that populations are increasing.
9.He hasn’t got much hair.He (lose) it since he was only thirty.
10.Now that Lucy is out of work,she (consider)going back to school,but she
(not decide) yet.
【答案】1.has been ringing2.has been dealing3.has been typing4.has treated5.has been floating6.has given 7.have made 8.have reported9.has been losing10.has been considering ,hasn’t decided
1.The two men .I really hope they’ll stop soon.
2.The workers in the past ten months.
3.Such will be my future life,one I .
4.I ,so I will never give up before I succeed.
5.As a science student, ,which all belong to the college entrance examination subjects.
6.We for the coming activities.
7.Please stop to have a rest.You the whole morning.
8.To start with,I Mandarin for about 17 years.
【答案】1.have been quarreling for nearly ten minutes2.have been building bridges3. have been dreaming of4.have been working on this project for so many years5.I’ve been reviewing Chinese,math,English,physics,chemistry and biology6.have made careful preparations7.have been repairing the washing machine8.have been learning and speaking
开头(the beginning)——引出书目;
主体(the middle)——详细介绍作品内容;
结尾(the ending)——阐述自己的观点看法。
一、 常用词汇
1.share a classic book    分享一本经典书籍
2.exchange our views 交换我们的意见
3.enrich our everyday life 丰富我们的日常生活
4.broaden our horizons 开阔我们的视野
5.share reading experience 分享阅读经验
6.gain a lot from the reading activity从阅读活动中收获很多
7.be touched by the plot 被情节感动
8.be worth reading 值得阅读
1.Published in...,the book is popular among teenagers.
2....is the work of the famous novelist...,which is worth reading.
3.It is a good choice to read...
1....was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies.
2.This story tells of...through his/her own efforts,overcame various difficulties and finally achieved success.
1.I think...is well worth reading as it carries the main idea that justice can always beat evil.
2.Maybe the book report should be objective but I have to say this book touches my heart deeply.
1.马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国作家,本名塞缪尔·兰霍恩·克莱门斯(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)(1835-1910),马克·吐温是其笔名。出生于密西西比河(the Mississippi River)畔小城。
2.代表作(masterpiece)之一是《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)。这部小说讲述了白人小孩Huckleberry Finn从家中逃走,和黑奴吉姆在密西西比河流浪的故事。
3.Huckleberry Finn遇见的人物涵盖了社会各个阶层(walk),因此这部小说生动地反映了当时的社会。
第一步 审题谋篇
体裁 书评 时态 一般现在时和一般过去时
主题 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》的评论 人称 第三人称
布局 第一部分:简要介绍马克·吐温 第二部分:概括介绍其代表作《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 第三部分:准确评价《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》
第二步 要点翻译
The novel tells Huckleberry Finn running away from home and the Mississippi River.
If he hadn’t met Jim,there such extraordinary things later on.
,considered in many aspects,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a classic novel in American literature.
【答案】1.wandering down2.could never have been3.Generally speaking
第三步 词句升级
Mark Twain’s real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910).He was an American writer.He was famous for his stories.
→Mark Twain, was Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910),was an American writer, .
【答案】whose real name ,famous for his stories
2.用whose 引导的非限制性定语从句合并句子。
He grew up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River.One of his brilliant masterpieces is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
→He grew up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River, is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
【答案】One of whose brilliant masterpieces
The people Huckleberry Finn meets cover all walks of the society.The novel vividly reflects the society at that time.
→With the people Huckleberry Finn meets ,the novel vividly reflects the society at that time.
【答案】With ,covering all walks of the society
第四步 连句成篇
Mark Twain,whose real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910),was an American writer,famous for his stories.
He grew up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River,one of whose brilliant masterpieces is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.The novel tells Huckleberry Finn running away from home and wandering down the Mississippi River.Soon he makes the acquaintance of a slave,Jim.If he hadn’t met Jim,there could never have been such extraordinary things later on.With the people Huckleberry Finn meets covering all walks of the society,the novel vividly reflects the society at that time.
Generally speaking,considered in many aspects,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a classic novel in American literature.
Ⅰ. Word building
1.loyal adj.→loyalty n.忠诚→loyalist n.忠诚的人
2.commit v.→committed adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的→commitment n.承诺;保证;奉献
3.motive n.动机→motivate v.成为……的动机;激励;促进→motivated adj.积极的;主动的)→motivation n.积极性;动机;激励
4.envy v.→envious adj.羡慕的
5.sink→sank/sunk, sunk(p.&p.p.)
6.belong→belongings n.所有物;财产
7.misery n.悲惨;痛苦的事→miserable adj.悲惨的→miserably adv.
9.persevere→perseverant adj.坚韧不拔的→perseverance n.毅力;坚持不
10.guide v.→guidance n.指导
11.rough adj.→roughly adv.粗略地;大约
12.panic n/v→panicked→panicked(p.&p.p.)
13.adverse adj.不利的;有害的→adversity n.逆境;困境
14.endure v.忍受;持久→enduring adj.耐久的→endurance n.忍耐力
15.vigour/vigor n.→vigorous adj.充满活力的
16.qualify v.→qualified adj.有资格的→qualification n.资格;资格证
17.enthusiastic adj 热情的→enthusiasm n.热心;热情→enthusiast n.爱好者;热心者
18.assign v.分派,布置→assignment n.任务;分派
19.resolve v.解决,决定;n. 决心,坚定的信念→resolution n.解决;决心;决议
20.cruel adj。→cruelly adv.残忍地 →cruelty n.残忍
21.furnish v.配备家具;配备→furniture n.家具→furnished adj. 有家具的
22.fortune n.→fortunate adj.幸运的→fortunately adv.幸运的是→unfortunately opp.
23.recreation n.→recreational adj.娱乐的;消遣的
Ⅱ. setence patterns
Below are some of Blackborow's diary entries.以下是一些Blackborow的日记。
So enthusiastic was I about the idea of going along with them that I secretly went aboard his ship, the Endurance, and hid in a small cupboard. 我非常想跟他们一起去,于是我偷偷地登上了他们的船“坚韧号”,藏在一个小柜子里。
Their genuine concern for others, their perseverance, and their resolve fill me with hope.他们对别人的真心关怀、他们的锲而不舍以及坚定的信念,让我充满希望。
If it were not for sea animals, we would all starve.要不是有海洋生物,我们都得挨饿。
This was an episode in my life that I would never forget.这是我一生中永远不会忘记的一段时光。
When we were finally rescued, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears. 最终获救时,我们感到如释重负,喜极而泣。
Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance.伟大的作品不是靠力量,而是靠坚持。
Without Frank and Ernest, we'd all be dead by now要是没有Frank 和Ernest, 我们现在早就死了。
Ⅲ. key chunks
1.碰巧 It happened that
2.指派某人做某事 assign sb to do sth
3.越来越糟 go from bad to worse
4.情绪低落 feel low
5.陷入恐慌get into a panic/in panic
6.突然袭来的冷空气 a sudden cold rush of air
7.坚持住hold on
8.抓住某物 hold on to sth
9.某人真诚的关心one’s genuine concern
10.表现出真正的兴趣demonstrate a genuine interest in sth
11.对某人残酷 be cruel to sb
12.过着悲惨的生活live a miserable life
13.专心致志于commit oneself to /be committed to
14.服从纪律 keep good discipline/ be highly disciplined
15.下定决心去做make a resolution to do sth
16.渴望,有志去做 aspire to do sth
17.勤奋的 be diligent in
18.对...满意be content with
19.提议做某事 propose doing sth
20.以优异的成绩/表现 with distinction
21.将...付诸实践 put sth into practice
22.申请 make an application to sb for sth= apply to sb for sth/ apply for
23.致力于apply oneself to
24.做出承诺 make a commit
15.陷入(沉溺于)绝望/悲痛 abandon oneself to despair/ grief
16.放弃做某事 abandon doing sth
17.放纵地,放任地with abandon
18.基本物质essential supplies
19.个人物品personal belongings
20.振奋我们的精神keep our spirits up
21.进行彻底的调查conduct a thorough investigation into sth
22.在某人指导下under one’s guidance
23.发起一项活动launch a campaign
24.碰运气seek one’s fortune
25.有幸做某事be fortunate to do sth
26.感到绝望feel desperate
27.充满活力full of vigour
28.对...有资格 be qualified for
29.对...热情的 be enthusiastic about
30.羡慕,嫉妒 be envious of
31.登上交通工具go aboard= on board
32.刺骨的寒冷/痛苦的失败 bitter cold/failure
33.困住,陷于 be stuck in
34.彻底被困住 be well and truly stuck
35.被冰压碎 be crushed by
36.心情沉重 one’s heart sink
37.弃船/放弃希望abandon the ship/one’s hopeUnit4 Adversity and Courage【速记清单】
Unit4 话题 逆境与勇气
词汇 1.aboard 2.crush 3.sink 4.voyage 5.genuine 6.thorough 7.navigator n. 8.loyal adj. 9.motor n.10.candidate n.11.episode n.12.motive n.
短语 1.complete darkness2.join an expedition3.the Antarctic expedition4.full of vigour5.go aboard the ship6.personal belongings 7.from bad to worse 8.feel low9.genuine concern for others10.sink into the sea
句型 1.It so happened that one morning I bought a newspaper and read the advertisement about the Antarctic expedition. 2.Without Frank and Ernest,we’d all be dead by now. 1.Food was also a problem,as we did not find any vegetables or fruit on the island. 2.When we were finally rescued,we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears.
语法 现在完成进行时
写作 书评
考点1.aboard adv.& prep.上(船、飞机、公共汽车等);在(船、飞机、公共汽车)上
But I was so enthusiastic about the idea of going along with them that I secretly went aboard his ship,the Endurance,and hid in a small cupboard.但我非常想跟他们一起去,于是偷偷登上了他的船“耐力号”,藏在一个小柜子里。
(1)go aboard the bus/train/ship/plane上汽车/火车/轮船/飞机 
all aboard for... 去……的乘客请上船/车/飞机
Welcome aboard!   欢迎乘坐(车、船、飞机)!
(2)board n. 板 v. 登记;上船
on board 在船/火车/飞机上
(3)abroad adv. 在国外;到海外;adj. 往国外的
①As soon as the train arrived,all the waiting people .火车一到,所有等待的人都上车了。
②All the people board were killed in the accident.
③ Beijing! The train is leaving.去北京的乘客请上车!列车就要出发了。
④In fact,documentaries about our country are plentiful .
考点2.envy n.& vt.羡慕;妒忌
How everyone will envy me when I come back and tell them about the amazing places I have been to! 当我回来告诉他们我去过的那些神奇的地方时,大家会多么羡慕我啊!
(1)be the envy of 成为羡慕/嫉妒的对象
(2)envy sb (doing) sth 羡慕/嫉妒某人做某事
(3)envious adj. 羡慕的;妒忌的
be envious of 羡慕/嫉妒……
①He couldn’t hide his envy me.他遮掩不住对我的妒忌。
②Her long hair is the of her colleagues.她的长发令同事好生羡慕。
③She is always (envy)of Indian’s big eyes.印度人的大眼睛一直让她羡慕不已。
④When I was very small,I felt ,and I thought they were so cool.
考点3.abandon vt.舍弃;抛弃;放弃;遗弃 n.放任;放纵
Before we abandoned the ship,Shackleton calmly called us together and told us to rescue our most essential supplies—the small boats,our food,the cook stove,candles,clothes,and blankets.在我们弃船之前,沙克尔顿平静地把我们叫到一起,告诉我们要抢救我们最基本的必需品——小船、食物、炉灶、蜡烛、衣服和毯子。
(1)abandon one’s hope/plan/idea放弃希望/计划/主意  
abandon oneself to... 沉溺于……;纵情于……
abandon doing sth 放弃做某事
(2)with abandon 放纵地;放任地
(3)abandoned adj. 被遗弃的;放纵的
①The father is trying his best to prevent his son from to the Internet.这位父亲正尽最大努力阻止他的儿子沉迷于网络。
②The people were so excited that they jumped and shouted abandon.人们非常兴奋,以至于尽情地又跳又叫。
③They abandoned (carry)out the plan for lack of money.由于缺乏资金,他们放弃了实施计划。
④At that time,I didn’t know how to deal with many new things.Feeling frustrated,I found myself .在那个时候,我不知道如何处理很多新事物。由于感到沮丧,我发现自己完全沉浸在游戏中。
考点4.panic vi.& vt.(panicked;panicked)惊慌n.惊慌;恐慌
This was no time to panic.现在不是恐慌的时候。
(1)panic sb into doing sth 使某人惊慌地做某事
panic over/about 因……而恐慌
(2)get into a panic 陷入恐慌
throw...into a panic 使……恐慌
in (a)panic 惊慌失措地;处在恐慌中
①The girl is in a state of .Try to help her cool down.这个女孩惊恐万分。努力帮她平静下来吧。
②The big fire panicked him jumping from the third floor to the ground.大火吓得他从三楼跳到了地上。
③When the people the news,they fled the village in panic.人们听到这个消息后惊慌失措地离开了这个村子。
④His 14-year-old son,who was filming the rescue,yelled ,“Dad,jump out! Get out!”他14岁的儿子正在拍摄营救过程,惊恐地喊道:“爸爸,跳出来!快出来!”
考点5.belongings n.[pl.]财物;动产
We were not allowed to take most of our personal belongings,and Shackleton himself threw away all his gold.
belong vi.  属于;为……的一员(不可以用于进行时态和被动语态)
belong to 属于;是……的一员
①The taxi driver often reminds passengers to take their when they leave the car.出租车司机常在乘客下车时提醒他们带好自己的物品。
②As is known to us,China is a country (belong) to developing countries.众所周知,中国属于发展中国家。
③My favourite winter sport is skiing,and I belong a ski club.我最爱的冬季运动是滑雪,我参加了一个滑雪俱乐部。
④As a science student,I’ve been reviewing Chinese,math,English,physics,chemistry and biology, .作为一名理科生,我一直在复习语文、数学、英语、物理、化学和生物,这些都属于高考科目。
考点6.survive vi.幸免;幸存;生还 vt.幸免于……;比……活得久
We are now camped on the ice and we have been managing to survive,but spring is coming,and the ice will soon begin to melt.我们现在在冰上扎营,我们一直在设法生存,但是春天就要来了,冰很快就会融化。
(1)survive sth 幸免于某事
survive sb by+一段时间 比某人活得长……
survive on 依靠……生存下来
(2)survival n. 幸存;残存
survivor n. 幸存者
①He survived his friend 10 years after the war.战后,他比他的朋友多活了十年。
②The (survive) of the earthquake are fighting for survival.地震的幸存者们正在为生存而奋斗。
③Many of the peasants managed to tiny plots of corn and beans.许多农民靠小块地种玉米和豆子维生。
④During the earthquake,the father died and .
考点7.unfortunately adv.不幸地;遗憾地
Unfortunately,his application was turned down because he was too young and not qualified enough.遗憾的是,他的申请被拒绝了,因为他年龄太小,不够资格。
(1)fortune n. 运气;大笔的钱
seek/try one’s fortune 碰运气;找出路
make a fortune 发财
(2)fortunate adj. 幸运的
be fortunate to do sth 有幸做某事
(3)fortunately adv. 幸运地
① ,tonight’s concert has been cancelled because of weather conditions.遗憾的是,今晚的音乐会因为天气原因取消了。
②It is said that he made fortune after quitting his job.据说他辞职后赚了一大笔钱。
③I was nearly drowned last night,but was (unfortunately) to be saved.昨晚我差点淹死,幸好有人救了我。
[名师提醒] fortune作名词且意为“机会;运气”时,是不可数名词;作“大笔的钱”时,是可数名词。
考点8.application n.申请;请求;应用;申请表
Unfortunately,his application was turned down because he was too young and not qualified enough.遗憾的是,他的申请被拒绝了,因为他太年轻,资格不够。
(1)make an application (to sb) for sth(向某人)申请某物      
(2)apply v. 应用;适用;申请;请求
apply sth to 把……涂到……;把……应用到……
apply to 适用于……;向……申请
apply oneself to... 致力于……;集中精力于……
apply for 申请/请求……
(3)applicant n. 申请人
①Have you filled in the form for a new passport 你填写了领新护照的申请表没有?
②The new technology (apply) to farming.这项新技术已应用于农业。
③I have been out of work for half a year,so I want to apply a job in this company.我已经失业半年了,所以想在这家公司申请一份工作。
④Having known that a traditional Chinese painting exhibition will be held at the gallery in London during the summer holiday,I’m extremely excited.And I’m writing there.得知伦敦美术馆将在暑假期间举办一场国画展览,我非常兴奋。我写信是想申请成为那里的一名志愿者。
考点9.turn down拒绝;关小
However,when I applied to join the expedition,Shackleton turned me down because he thought I was too young and wasn’t qualified.然而,当我申请加入探险队时,沙克尔顿拒绝了我,因为他认为我太年轻,没有资格。
turn to 求助于;致力于;翻到(书的某页);查阅;转向;从事于
turn in 上交
turn on 打开(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn off 关上(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn out 结果是;证明是;生产出
turn up 开大;出现
①I thanked him for the offer but .我感谢他的好意,但拒绝了他。
②Work finished,he turned the light and went out to have a walk.工作做完之后,他关上灯,出去散步了。
③Before you finish your exercises,don’t turn the key.在你完成这些练习之前,别看答案。
④So I’ve made up my mind to succeed their career and major in TCM to become a doctor.I believe it’ll .所以我下定决心要继承他们的事业,专攻中医,成为一名医生。我相信这将成为我追求的一个极好的事业。
考点10.hold on 坚持;等一等;停住〈口〉别挂电话;抓紧不放
“Hold on now,Perce.Don’t you go turning into another Tom,” came the reply.“要坚持住啊,珀西。你可不要变成另一个汤姆。”对方答复道。
hold back   阻止;隐瞒
hold down 阻止上涨;压制;控制
hold off 推迟;拖延;阻止;阻挡
hold on to sth 保留某物;抓住某物
hold out 伸出;坚持
hold up 举起;延迟;(使)耽搁
① ,please.I’ll get my brother Tom here.请别挂电话。我去叫我弟弟汤姆到这里来。
②No matter what happens tomorrow,hold on today and you won’t regret.无论明天发生什么,抓住今天,你就不会后悔。
③Hearing her son’s success,she could not hold tears of joy.听到儿子成功的消息,她禁不住喜极而泣。
[名师提醒] hold on为不及物动词短语,而hold on to为及物动词短语。
考点11.vary vt.& vi.改变;变化
As a chef,it was my duty to cook,so I tried to vary the meals in whatever way I could.作为一名厨师,做饭是我的职责,所以我试着用任何我能想到的方法来使食物多样化。
(1)vary from...to...  从……到……变化不等;在……到……之间变动
(2)variety n. 变化;多样性;种类
a variety of=varieties of=all kinds of种类繁多的;各种各样的
(3)various adj. 不同的;各种各样的
for various reasons 由于种种原因
①Prices according to the type of room you require.价格随所要求的户型而有所变化。
②There are (vary)activities that suit the tastes of different people.有适合不同人爱好的各种各样的活动。
③ variety of his books is astonishing.他的书种类多得惊人。
④When we discuss something about class activities,opinions often .当我们讨论一些关于班级活动的事情时,观点常常因人而异。
考点12.relief n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱
When we were finally rescued,we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears.当我们终于获救时,我们感到如释重负,喜极而泣。
with relief  宽慰地
to one’s relief 令某人感到欣慰的是
It is/was a relief to do sth 做某事是一种解脱
① ,her younger brother recovered quickly after operation.
②Hearing my son had been admitted by Tsinghua University,I smiled relief.听说我的儿子被清华大学录取了,我如释重负地笑了。
③ is a great relief to know you are out of danger.知道你已脱离危险,真是一大宽慰。
④Every time I encounter whether classical music or jazz, arises spontaneously,making my body refresh and offering the courage to keep on.
考点mitment n.承诺;保证;奉献
And he paid us back by his commitment to save us from a slow but painful death.他回报了我们,他承诺要把我们从缓慢而痛苦的死亡中拯救出来。
(1)make a commitment (to do sth)做出承诺(做某事)      
(2)commit vt. 犯罪;做错事;保证,承诺
commit an error/a crime/suicide做错事/犯罪/自杀
commit oneself to (doing) sth专心致志于;承诺/保证(做)某事
(3)committed adj. 尽心尽力的;尽责的;效忠的;坚定的
be committed to (doing) sth承诺/全身心地投入(做)某事
①He didn’t himself to anything on that matter.他没有对那件事做出任何承诺。
②I felt I did not have to make such commitment to them.我觉得我没有必要对他们做出这样的承诺。
③The government is committed to greatly (develop)education in the country.政府决心要大力发展本国的教育事业。
④As for my major,I will choose Medicine,which,I know,is and a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.至于我的专业,我将选择医学,我知道,这是一个长期的承诺,一个不应该轻易做出的决定。
考点14.give off发出(热、光、气味或气体)
This gave off oily,black smoke,but it stayed burning even in strong winds.这释放出油乎乎的黑烟,但即使在强风中它仍在燃烧。
give up  戒除;放弃;让出
give in(to...) (向……)屈服;投降;让步;提出;递交
give away 不小心透露;赠送,免费给予
give out 分配;分发;(食物、燃料、力气等)用光;精疲力竭
①The machine can light.这台机器会发光。
②The argument went on for hours because neither side would give .因为双方都不肯让步,争论持续了几个小时。
③There were people at the entrance giving leaflets.有人在入口处分发传单。
④I was afraid the kids would give the whole thing .我恐怕孩子们会把这整件事说出去。
⑤I didn’t give up my opinion and convinced them to accept my suggestion,which turned out to be an effective one.我没有放弃我的意见,并说服他们接受了我的建议,结果是一个有效的建议。
考点15.Below are some of Blackborow’s diary entries.以下是一些Blackborow的日记。
(2)表示处所、方位等的副词或介词,如 here,there,now,then,up,down,in,out,off 等放在句首,而主语是名词,且谓语动词是 be,lie,sit,stand,come,go,exist,live,rush等不及物动词时,句子用完全倒装。
(3)there be句型也属于一种完全倒装句。该句型中的be可以替换成表示“存在”的动词,如live,exist,lie,stand,seem,rise,remain,happen,come,go等。句型结构为“there+存在类动词+主语”。
①Buried in the sands (be) an ancient village.一个古老的村庄被埋在沙土之中。
②Present at the party Mr.Green and many other guests.出席晚会的有格林先生,还有许多其他的宾客。
③ rushed a cat from under the bed.从床底下跑出一只猫。
④ (crowd)was the bus in the front of which were sitting quite a few children.公共汽车坐满了人,前面坐着许多孩子。
[名师提醒] 完全倒装结构的时态只限于一般现在时或一般过去时。
考点16.But I was so enthusiastic about the idea of going along with them that I secretly went aboard his ship,the Endurance,and hid in a small cupboard.(教材P38)但我非常想跟他们一起去,于是我偷偷上了他的船“坚忍号”,藏在一个小柜子里。
so...that... 如此……以至于……,在句中引导结果状语从句。
①My mother is so stubborn I can never persuade her to give in.我的母亲很固执,我从来不能说服她让步。
②It is so good a film that I like to see it a second time.
→It is I like to see it a second time.这部电影如此好,以至于我想再看一遍。
③We had so little time that we couldn’t finish the work on time.我们的时间那么少,以至于我们不能按时完成这项工作。
④There is also a labor knowledge competition which is .还有一场劳动知识竞赛,非常有意义,我们不能错过。
(1)当名词前有little,若little 意为“少”,表数量,则其前用so修饰;若little 意为“小”,则用such 修饰。
考点17....the voyage was too dangerous and difficult for all of us to make it in our small boats.(教材P39)这次航行太危险,太困难,我们所有人都无法乘坐小船抵达。
(1)too+adj./adv.(for sb)+to do sth表示否定的意义,意思是“太……而不能……”。
(3)can’t/can never...too...再怎么……也不过分。
①The sentence is difficult for me translate.这个句子太难,我不会翻译。
②When you cross the street,you cannot be careful.当你过马路时,你无论怎么小心都不为过。
③The tradesman was anxious to sell his pens.这位买卖人十分急于卖掉他的钢笔。
④In my class there are still some problems to solve,the most obvious of which is copying homework.
考点18.What if they were delayed (教材P44)如果他们被耽搁了怎么办?
What if...?常用来提出假设、建议、邀请、要求等,意为“倘若……将会怎样?”“如果……将会怎样?”后面经常跟一般现在时,有时根据语境也可以跟虚拟语气。
How come?怎么会这样?怎么搞的?
What for?为了什么目的?为何目的?
So what?那又怎样?
What’s up?怎么了?发生什么事了?
① she finds out that you’ve lost her book 如果她发现你把她的书丢了怎么办?
②—Susan is absent from today’s writing class.
— As far as I know,she has never missed a class.
③—Tom missed the early bus this morning and missed the exam.
— He failed the exam anyway.
考点19.If it weren’t for sea animals,we would all starve.(教材P44)如果没有海洋动物,我们都会饿死。
虚拟情况 从句谓语动词 主句谓语动词
与现在事实相反 一般过去时(be用were) would/should/could/might+动词原形
与过去事实相反 过去完成时 would/should/could/might+have+过去分词
与将来事实相反 一般过去时(be用were)/should+动词原形/were to+动词原形 would/should/could/might+动词原形
[名师提醒] 在 if 引导的虚拟条件句中,如果谓语动词有were/should/had时,可以省略if,把它们提到主语前面,条件从句变为部分倒装句。
① tomorrow,we put off the sports meeting.
②If you had got up earlier,you (catch) the train.
③If my brother (be) here,everything (be) all right.
④ I at school again,I harder.如果我可以再上学,我会更努力地学习。
考点20.Our discipline and team spirit kept us optimistic and helped us deal with our fears in a positive and successful way.我们的纪律和团队精神使我们保持乐观,并帮助我们以积极和成功的方式处理我们的恐惧。
①She kept the children (amuse)for hours.她陪孩子们玩了好几个小时。
②He always keeps his books good order.他总是把书放得整整齐齐。
③The question kept me (wonder)for the rest of the night.这个问题让我整晚都在想。
④How to protect our eyes It’s not right to keep your eyes .如何保护我们的眼睛?让你的眼睛长时间工作是不对的。
1.He has been watching television all day.
2.I am tired.I have been painting the living room all the morning.
3.We have been discussing the matter several times this year.
4.His eyes ache.He has been sitting in front of the computer all the afternoon.
5.They have been building the bridge for two months.
6.He has not been working since he was fired three months ago.
1.现在完成进行时态的构成:肯定形式:have/has+been+doing 。否定形式:have/has+not+been__doing。
现在完成进行时是由“have/has been+现在分词”构成的。
He is ill.He’s been lying in bed for three weeks.
Your eyes are red.Have you been crying
现在完成进行时常和all this time,this week,this month,all night,all the morning,recently等状语以及since和for引导的状语连用。
I have been reading Hemingway’s Farewell to Arms recently.
She has been reciting the words all the morning.
This is what I have been expecting since my childhood.
My clothes are all wet.I’ve been working in the rain.
He is dead drunk.He’s been drinking with his friends.
You’ve been saying that for five years.
He has been writing articles to the newspapers and magazines since he became a teacher.
What have you been doing to my dictionary
Time has been flying so quickly!
Too much has been happening today.
①The Chinese government (do) research into vaccine against EHF for months,and recently many have received the first doses.
②The dollar (climb) steadily all week.
③I (wait) for an hour and a half.
④Jim (phone) Jenny every night for the past week.
⑤—You are a great swimmer.
—Thanks.It’s because I (practise)a lot these days.
现在完成进行时 现在完成时
强调过去的动作对现在的影响或产生的结果 √
强调动作的延续性 √
强调动作重复 √
表达生动,含有感彩 √
说明一个事实、一种影响或结果 √
They have been widening the road.
They have widened the road.
Have you been meeting him recently
你最近一直见他吗? (强调动作重复)
Have you met him recently
Where have you been?We have been looking for you everywhere.
We have looked for him,but haven’t found him.
①Although many measures (take),the world’s economy is still going down.
②The number of medical schools reached 18 in the early 1990s and (remain)around that level since.
③He (listen) to English programs since he came to the US,
so he (make) great progress.
④Sorry,but Mr.Smith (leave) for Beijing.
⑤The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he (play) in the mud all morning.
⑥By the time he realizes he (walk) into a trap,it’ll be too late for him to do anything about it.
1.The telephone (ring) in the office all the morning.
2.In the past few years,he (deal) with a few international companies.
3.She is tired.She (type) letters all the afternoon.
4.Sheng Jinyun,born in 1935,a famous expert in pediatric asthma(儿科哮喘), (treat)about 30,000 children suffering asthma so far.
5.The paper boat (float) on the water for two hours.
6.The musician along with his band members (give) ten performances in the last three months.
7.I don’t see any reason to give up work.I love coming here and seeing my family and all the friends
I (make) over the years.
8.In recent years some Inuit people in Nunayut (report) increases in bear sightings around human settlements,leading to a belief that populations are increasing.
9.He hasn’t got much hair.He (lose) it since he was only thirty.
10.Now that Lucy is out of work,she (consider)going back to school,but she
(not decide) yet.
1.The two men .I really hope they’ll stop soon.
2.The workers in the past ten months.
3.Such will be my future life,one I .
4.I ,so I will never give up before I succeed.
5.As a science student, ,which all belong to the college entrance examination subjects.
6.We for the coming activities.
7.Please stop to have a rest.You the whole morning.
8.To start with,I Mandarin for about 17 years.
开头(the beginning)——引出书目;
主体(the middle)——详细介绍作品内容;
结尾(the ending)——阐述自己的观点看法。
一、 常用词汇
1.share a classic book    分享一本经典书籍
2.exchange our views 交换我们的意见
3.enrich our everyday life 丰富我们的日常生活
4.broaden our horizons 开阔我们的视野
5.share reading experience 分享阅读经验
6.gain a lot from the reading activity从阅读活动中收获很多
7.be touched by the plot 被情节感动
8.be worth reading 值得阅读
1.Published in...,the book is popular among teenagers.
2....is the work of the famous novelist...,which is worth reading.
3.It is a good choice to read...
1....was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies.
2.This story tells of...through his/her own efforts,overcame various difficulties and finally achieved success.
1.I think...is well worth reading as it carries the main idea that justice can always beat evil.
2.Maybe the book report should be objective but I have to say this book touches my heart deeply.
1.马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国作家,本名塞缪尔·兰霍恩·克莱门斯(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)(1835-1910),马克·吐温是其笔名。出生于密西西比河(the Mississippi River)畔小城。
2.代表作(masterpiece)之一是《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)。这部小说讲述了白人小孩Huckleberry Finn从家中逃走,和黑奴吉姆在密西西比河流浪的故事。
3.Huckleberry Finn遇见的人物涵盖了社会各个阶层(walk),因此这部小说生动地反映了当时的社会。
第一步 审题谋篇
体裁 书评 时态 一般现在时和一般过去时
主题 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》的评论 人称 第三人称
布局 第一部分:简要介绍马克·吐温 第二部分:概括介绍其代表作《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 第三部分:准确评价《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》
第二步 要点翻译
The novel tells Huckleberry Finn running away from home and the Mississippi River.
If he hadn’t met Jim,there such extraordinary things later on.
,considered in many aspects,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a classic novel in American literature.
第三步 词句升级
Mark Twain’s real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910).He was an American writer.He was famous for his stories.
→Mark Twain, was Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910),was an American writer, .
2.用whose 引导的非限制性定语从句合并句子。
He grew up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River.One of his brilliant masterpieces is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
→He grew up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River, is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
The people Huckleberry Finn meets cover all walks of the society.The novel vividly reflects the society at that time.
→With the people Huckleberry Finn meets ,the novel vividly reflects the society at that time.
第四步 连句成篇
Mark Twain,whose real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910),was an American writer,famous for his stories.
He grew up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River,one of whose brilliant masterpieces is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.The novel tells Huckleberry Finn running away from home and wandering down the Mississippi River.Soon he makes the acquaintance of a slave,Jim.If he hadn’t met Jim,there could never have been such extraordinary things later on.With the people Huckleberry Finn meets covering all walks of the society,the novel vividly reflects the society at that time.
Generally speaking,considered in many aspects,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a classic novel in American literature.
Ⅰ. Word building
1.loyal adj.→loyalty n.忠诚→loyalist n.忠诚的人
2.commit v.→committed adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的→commitment n.承诺;保证;奉献
3.motive n.动机→motivate v.成为……的动机;激励;促进→motivated adj.积极的;主动的)→motivation n.积极性;动机;激励
4.envy v.→envious adj.羡慕的
5.sink→sank/sunk, sunk(p.&p.p.)
6.belong→belongings n.所有物;财产
7.misery n.悲惨;痛苦的事→miserable adj.悲惨的→miserably adv.
9.persevere→perseverant adj.坚韧不拔的→perseverance n.毅力;坚持不
10.guide v.→guidance n.指导
11.rough adj.→roughly adv.粗略地;大约
12.panic n/v→panicked→panicked(p.&p.p.)
13.adverse adj.不利的;有害的→adversity n.逆境;困境
14.endure v.忍受;持久→enduring adj.耐久的→endurance n.忍耐力
15.vigour/vigor n.→vigorous adj.充满活力的
16.qualify v.→qualified adj.有资格的→qualification n.资格;资格证
17.enthusiastic adj 热情的→enthusiasm n.热心;热情→enthusiast n.爱好者;热心者
18.assign v.分派,布置→assignment n.任务;分派
19.resolve v.解决,决定;n. 决心,坚定的信念→resolution n.解决;决心;决议
20.cruel adj。→cruelly adv.残忍地 →cruelty n.残忍
21.furnish v.配备家具;配备→furniture n.家具→furnished adj. 有家具的
22.fortune n.→fortunate adj.幸运的→fortunately adv.幸运的是→unfortunately opp.
23.recreation n.→recreational adj.娱乐的;消遣的
Ⅱ. setence patterns
Below are some of Blackborow's diary entries.以下是一些Blackborow的日记。
So enthusiastic was I about the idea of going along with them that I secretly went aboard his ship, the Endurance, and hid in a small cupboard. 我非常想跟他们一起去,于是我偷偷地登上了他们的船“坚韧号”,藏在一个小柜子里。
Their genuine concern for others, their perseverance, and their resolve fill me with hope.他们对别人的真心关怀、他们的锲而不舍以及坚定的信念,让我充满希望。
If it were not for sea animals, we would all starve.要不是有海洋生物,我们都得挨饿。
This was an episode in my life that I would never forget.这是我一生中永远不会忘记的一段时光。
When we were finally rescued, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears. 最终获救时,我们感到如释重负,喜极而泣。
Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance.伟大的作品不是靠力量,而是靠坚持。
Without Frank and Ernest, we'd all be dead by now要是没有Frank 和Ernest, 我们现在早就死了。
Ⅲ. key chunks
1.碰巧 It happened that
2.指派某人做某事 assign sb to do sth
3.越来越糟 go from bad to worse
4.情绪低落 feel low
5.陷入恐慌get into a panic/in panic
6.突然袭来的冷空气 a sudden cold rush of air
7.坚持住hold on
8.抓住某物 hold on to sth
9.某人真诚的关心one’s genuine concern
10.表现出真正的兴趣demonstrate a genuine interest in sth
11.对某人残酷 be cruel to sb
12.过着悲惨的生活live a miserable life
13.专心致志于commit oneself to /be committed to
14.服从纪律 keep good discipline/ be highly disciplined
15.下定决心去做make a resolution to do sth
16.渴望,有志去做 aspire to do sth
17.勤奋的 be diligent in
18.对...满意be content with
19.提议做某事 propose doing sth
20.以优异的成绩/表现 with distinction
21.将...付诸实践 put sth into practice
22.申请 make an application to sb for sth= apply to sb for sth/ apply for
23.致力于apply oneself to
24.做出承诺 make a commit
15.陷入(沉溺于)绝望/悲痛 abandon oneself to despair/ grief
16.放弃做某事 abandon doing sth
17.放纵地,放任地with abandon
18.基本物质essential supplies
19.个人物品personal belongings
20.振奋我们的精神keep our spirits up
21.进行彻底的调查conduct a thorough investigation into sth
22.在某人指导下under one’s guidance
23.发起一项活动launch a campaign
24.碰运气seek one’s fortune
25.有幸做某事be fortunate to do sth
26.感到绝望feel desperate
27.充满活力full of vigour
28.对...有资格 be qualified for
29.对...热情的 be enthusiastic about
30.羡慕,嫉妒 be envious of
31.登上交通工具go aboard= on board
32.刺骨的寒冷/痛苦的失败 bitter cold/failure
33.困住,陷于 be stuck in
34.彻底被困住 be well and truly stuck
35.被冰压碎 be crushed by
36.心情沉重 one’s heart sink
37.弃船/放弃希望abandon the ship/one’s hope